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  1. #301
    Citation Envoyé par OuiOui Voir le message
    Je ne sais pas si c'est passé :
    Un dev qui explique que le w/r des dernières parties influence le MM. Ca ressemble à un premier pas pour revoir le MM non ?
    Citation Envoyé par Big Bear Voir le message
    Si, on t'as mal renseigné (propagande de Poutine depuis les années 90s via Greenpeace, pour inciter les européens à acheter du gaz russe pour les jours sans vent/ sans soleil)

  2. #302

  3. #303
    Grosse tartine aujourd'hui:

    - next CW update will apparently bring gold transactions log for clans
    - according to Tanitha (SEA server), there will be a transfer possibility to SEA in the future
    - the Chinese Type 34 with 57mm gun is not the Soviet T-34/57 exported to China, the Chinese mounted the gun themselves
    - maps bigger than 1000x1000m are not made, because “a) it needs client optimization so that the majority of players could play them b) it needs somewhat different gameplay”
    - Standard (old) graphic will not be removed in 0.9.0 (SS: some guy feared they would be removed, Storm stated he doesn’t know of any such plans)
    - Storm confirms that the “arty HE shell kills no more than half or 3/5 of your crew” rule applies only when the shell doesn’t penetrate
    - Jagdmaus is not planned for now

    - according to SerB, the best cooperation between WG and an archive/museum was with Saumur in France, Bovington is not bad either, but SerB states that since the WG EU office is in Paris, it was easier for geographic reasons
    - SerB also stated that when looking for info on planes, the archives and museums were much more forthcoming because of the previous WoT communication, he also states that the bigger problem with collecting info is not money, but the fact some are classified
    - SerB states that the windows in walls on teh Abbey map are not bugged, a guy was complaining that he shot thru the window but it registered like a hit on the wall, SerB replied that he most likely missed
    - no sequels to the Wargaming game “Operation Bagration” are planned, it won’t be turned to MMO, the is simply frozen
    - SerB doesn’t consider 800×800 maps too small for tier 10 battles
    - the option to disable maps you don’t want to play won’t be implemented for now
    - currently the camo system works fine according to SerB: “within its limits”
    - if you hit the tip (end) of the gun barrel, the gun won’t get damaged
    - the perk Deadeye has nothing to do with gun accuracy apparently: “There is no corellation between where the shell will go within the aim circle and the probability of a crit this perk”
    - HE shell mechanism rework is not planned
    - the Jagdpanzer IV size in game is correct and historical
    - the arty hardcap is still active
    - there have been no experiments with fixed amounts of classes in battles (SS: as in 4 meds, 4 heavies etc.), because “it’s considered not necessery”
    - the type of shell fired mostly from vehicles is taken into account when considering buffs and nerfs, SerB confirms that the fact some tanks are competitive only with gold shells is taken into account when considering buffs/nerfs
    - it was considered to nerf the Foch 155 and T1 Heavy gold shells, but this option was declined for “various reasons”
    - no global buff for vehicles relying on accuracy is planned (SS: a player was whining that before the increased gun accuracy buff, only accurate vehicles could work on long distances, but now even previously inaccurate vehicles can slug it out with snipers at long distances)
    - Storm doesn’t think that the gun accuracy buff led to some vehicles being seriously OP
    - accurate guns themselves won’t be recieving a buff (to differentiate them from less accurate guns)
    - the red line map edge barrier won’t be removed, Storm doesn’t like this solution (when arties are for example standing with the back to this arbitrary line and light tanks can’t circle around them), but they don’t consider any other solution viable. The El-Halluf type borders (where the map is bordered by sea/rocks) was not possible everywhere, as it wouldn’t look natural – a player suggested “quicksand” or terrain with 0 passability, SerB states it would look artificial
    - removing the arty hardcap would not improve the battle waiting times according to Storm
    - the separation of random and company/CW statistics has “normal” priority: “it’s done when it’s done”
    - spotting damage in player statistics will be implemented
    - SerB states that the lowlevel light tank branches without high tier vehicles are not interesting for players, “we checked”
    - SerB states that when the optional hull modules are implemented, they will be tied to the suspension modules (as in, you unlock another suspension = you unlock hull), elite vehicles will remain elite even if new modules are implemented
    - T-34-2 has more shells of the same type than Type 59 despite being smaller, because “the internal space left was smaller” (SS: as in, the tank was more cramped)
    - according to SerB and Veider, French tree second heavy branch is ready, but won’t be added now, because “there are other trees to have tanks added to them”
    - historical Lorraine 40t with 100mm or 120mm guns planned? “We know nothing about that”
    - there will be no hardcore mode: not so long ago, the developers tested it again and it’s unplayable
    - completely flat map is not planned
    - yellow (damaged) tracks do NOT reduce tank speed – SerB: “We spent especially half an hour with testers to check it out, tried with various tanks – no speed reductions”. Storm goes even further:

    “Someone here asked rudely to doublecheck the alleged reduction of speed with “yellow” tracks on Indien Panzer (top suspension). We checked. The speed is not reduced. I want to kill somebody…”

    (at this point, SerB got apparently pissed too and asked for a permaban for the guy who was rude)

    - apparently, the missions window is bugged in the sense that “battles remaining until the mission is completed” are not working, same goes for XP and damage counts, it will be fixed (RU server only?)
    - apparently, the sticking of the aim reticle to terrain feature won’t be fixed, as it is basically a feature of the engine (SS: at least that’s how I understand it)
    - Maus is doing fine statistically
    - not all tanks with increased credit gain coefficient are premium vehicles
    - roaming will come “when it’s done”, it’s possible (“will be considered”) that in connection with roaming there will be an option to permanently migrate for example to EU server
    - while its too early to tell anything about the roaming mechanism yet, it’s possible “crowds of noobs” will be prevented from using it by a winrate limit and by limiting the roaming to players, who haven’t been punished for spamming and profanity in chat (only recent punishments will be considered apparently)
    - when a premium tank gold price gets lowered, there will be no compensations to those who bought it for the old price
    - Q: “Will the Chieftain be implemented as tier 10 medium tank instead of FV4202?” A: “No, because in game terms, Chieftain is a heavy”
    - it’s possible that when tank tipping over is implemented, the ramming mechanism will be changed too
    - WG chose the E-100 chassis for tier 10 German TD WT E-100 and not the Waffenträger one, because “the light chassis cannot carry a gun heavy enough” (SS: bullshit, there were 128mm/150mm WT’s planned)
    - WT E-100 gun will have the same penetration as the E-100 one? “Tests will show” (SS: well, “some say” that currently the guns are identical on supertest)
    - if you want to report someone for insulting nickname, use the ingame report for “profanity/insult” (SS: not sure how it is in english client, haven’t reported anyone in ages)

  4. #304
    “No, because in game terms, Chieftain is a heavy”
    Sachant que la dernière fois il avait dit que le status IG dépendait de comment le char était classifié par ses constructeurs.
    Citation Envoyé par Keulz
    Je ne cautionne vraiment pas les tirs sur les ambulances

  5. #305
    - yellow (damaged) tracks do NOT reduce tank speed – SerB: “We spent especially half an hour with testers to check it out, tried with various tanks – no speed reductions”. Storm goes even further:

    “Someone here asked rudely to doublecheck the alleged reduction of speed with “yellow” tracks on Indien Panzer (top suspension). We checked. The speed is not reduced. I want to kill somebody…”
    A chaque fois que je le dis, j'ai toujours des gens pour m'assurer, que "sisisi ça réduit ta vitesse et tout" bah maintenant j'ai SerB et Storm de mon côté

  6. #306
    C'est pas lui aussi qui disait qu'on pouvait pas perdre tout son équipage en 1 coup sans pénétrante ?
    Citation Envoyé par Keulz
    Je ne cautionne vraiment pas les tirs sur les ambulances

  7. #307
    - the red line map edge barrier won’t be removed, Storm doesn’t like this solution (when arties are for example standing with the back to this arbitrary line and light tanks can’t circle around them), but they don’t consider any other solution viable. The El-Halluf type borders (where the map is bordered by sea/rocks) was not possible everywhere, as it wouldn’t look natural – a player suggested “quicksand” or terrain with 0 passability, SerB states it would look artificial
    Mouais, c'est pas franchement pire que si elle se collait à une montagne

  8. #308
    Citation Envoyé par Infernux Voir le message
    Sachant que la dernière fois il avait dit que le status IG dépendait de comment le char était classifié par ses constructeurs.
    Du genre comme le Panther?

  9. #309
    Non, ils ont dit ça pour le E50 il me semble.

    Mais en même temps, faut arrêter de faire les enculeurs de mouche pour un jeu comme ça et considérer qu'un choix se fait sur un seul critère.

  10. #310
    Ah mais qu'on soit d'accord je m'en tape. C'est juste que si c'est pour se contredire, autant rien dire ou alors simplement dire que c'est arbitraire.
    Citation Envoyé par Keulz
    Je ne cautionne vraiment pas les tirs sur les ambulances

  11. #311

    P'tain merde je vais la placer partout cette image à force...
    T'a du sable dans ton vagin en ce moment Infer ?
    Émargement défécation !

  12. #312
    Je parlais de serb hein. Je trouve juste ça bête de leur part. Autant simplement dire, on choisit.

    Je vois pas pourquoi tu crois que j'agresse qui que ce soit
    Citation Envoyé par Keulz
    Je ne cautionne vraiment pas les tirs sur les ambulances

  13. #313
    En fait, y'a pas grand chose de neuf pour la 8.9...ou c'est moi ?
    Citation Envoyé par GdabZ Voir le message
    On ne marche pas avec ses oreilles, on n'entend pas avec sa bite.

  14. #314
    Le truc des HE c'est valable qu'à partir de plus de trois membres d'équipage il me semble !

  15. #315
    Uniquement pour les artys ?
    Citation Envoyé par Keulz
    Je ne cautionne vraiment pas les tirs sur les ambulances

  16. #316
    Hello everyone,

    as you probably noticed, 7/42 companies are coming to World of Tanks as predicted in patch 8.9. For details, check the linked post, but I think that the really interesting part is the – so much desired – skill MM.

    What is not mentioned however is that the 7/42 mode will run on following maps: Lakesville, Abbey, Prokhorovka, Mines, Ruinberg, Steppes, Himmelsdorf , Ensk and Cliff. The mode of these maps will be only standard for now (no assaults or encounters). As for XP and credit gains, it will work just like in random for now (eg. no company bonuses).

    Furthermore, in 8.9 a new “North-West” American coal-mine-themed map will come and the Erlenberg map will get an Encounter mode.

    - Storm states in comments that the 7/42 companies will be recruited both manually and automatically – the commander of the company will be able to assign a part of the company slots manually, the rest gets filled automatically. A player can either enter manually in such a team (SS: like in current companies), or simply be assigned automatically.
    - both teams will be balanced based on their members’ skill
    - skill will NOT be rated based on the new WG “personal rating”, but on separate (hidden and secret) “cybersports rating”, based only on this type of battle mode
    - it’s possible that regular companies will too get automatic player search
    - there will be separate statistic page in the Achievements tab for 7/42 stats only
    - it will be possible to actually appoint a commander, commanders will also get some sort of commander rating
    - you will be able to use the same crews as for random battles
    - Q: “7/42 companies are reaction on competition” A: “Don’t write bullshit”
    - 8.9 test will come soon
    - the 7/42 companies will be possible to enter via updated battle selection button/
    Edit: nouvelle map style mine de charbon américaine:

  17. #317
    Juste comme ça, c'est quoi un hardcap d'arty ? Parce que j'ai rien pigé

  18. #318
    La limite du nombre d'arty par côté et par partie:
    Pas plus de 3 SPGs par team.
    Citation Envoyé par Lt Anderson Voir le message
    je te piquerais bien ton avatar, mais mon sens moral me l'interdit.

  19. #319
    Citation Envoyé par Bobby-du-desert Voir le message
    La limite du nombre d'arty par côté et par partie:
    Pas plus de 3 SPGs par team.
    Euuuh.... 5 par équipe.

    3 c'était la demande la plus répandue des joueurs refusée par WG, non ?
    Tout est dans le pseudo - Vivre

  20. #320
    Non, c'est 5.

    Sinon, Il y a une différence qui peut avoir joué entre le chiefchose et le E50. Le Chieftruc n'a pas un grand frère E75 défini comme heavy par ses concepteurs et un autre nommé E100 qualifié de superheavy.

    Je ne suis pas certain qu'avoir les E50 et E75 tous les deux en heavy sur le même tiers aurait plus de sens.

  21. #321
    Arf... J'en vois jamais plus de 3, c'est pour ça
    Citation Envoyé par Lt Anderson Voir le message
    je te piquerais bien ton avatar, mais mon sens moral me l'interdit.

  22. #322

    - the situation when a teammate runs into your shot (that is already flying) will still count as teamdamage, won’t be changed
    - SerB states that the assumption premium tanks should have lower average winrate than regular tanks of the same class is correct
    - SerB considers too high winrate for premium tanks a problem: “We don’t sell pwnage for money”

    - HE shells actually work better against destructable objects, buildings/objects have their own hitpoints and HE shells damage them more than AP shells
    - SerB states that the HESH effect on sloped surfaces is taken into account in their parameters
    - in the 7/42 battles, both the manually and automatically collected teams will play with each other
    - 7/42 battles: as written earlier, the skill will be measured by special skill rating. This rating will based only on 7/42 battles, everyone will start with 0 rating (“first few weeks will be funny”)
    - the maximum speed of vehicles in game is usually the nominal vehicle speed (SS: from documentation)
    - if tracks and spaced armor are hit by ramming, they reduce the damage the vehicle takes by ramming
    - it’s possible that weather effects will be implemented at some point, same goes for realistic shooting effects from bushes (“flashes”), day/night battles and ammorack explosion shockwaves
    - apparently the terrain destruction and effects like in SpinTires demo won’t be implemented
    - both premium arty and premium light tank of tier higher than 6 won’t be implemented
    - at first, the 7/42 battles you won’t be able to select a team setup for the respective map, but this option will be implemented afterwards
    - maps in team battles will be selected automatically
    - the killed crewmember XP (90 percent of a live one) will stay as it is now
    - you won’t be able to troll with useless tanks in 7/42 battles, the team commander will approve which tanks and players will enter the battle
    - minimum number of players for 7/42 will be 5. You can either pick the entire team manually, or you can pick only a few and the rest will be added automatically
    - in 8.9 old companies will keep the old interface for now, but 7/42 will have a brand new one
    - devs haven’t decided yet whether to buff the “113″ tank, data is being collected
    - apparently the 3 caliber rule will be cancelled for HEAT shells in 8.9
    - player stats from 7/42 will be kept separate
    - ingame tournaments will be implemented after the 7/42 mode is live
    - there will be something like “7/42″ mode for tier 10′s too (smaller teams), it will be separate from Clanwars

    Edit: Nouvel ASAP 8.9. On y voit la nouvelle map, les nouveaux TD allemands et le système des batailles en 7/42. On y voit également quelques tanks japonnais et le T44 85.

    Le WFE100 au 128 à l'air de balancer ses prunes aussi vite qu'un T57 heavy.

    Ah et sinon:

    Qui saura trouver le truc sur cette image?
    Dernière modification par Psychocouac ; 03/10/2013 à 20h13.

  23. #323
    Citation Envoyé par Psychocouac Voir le message
    Qui saura trouver le truc sur cette image?
    Nouveau medium russe ? C'est quoi ce T-5 tier 7 ?
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  24. #324
    Panther capturé par les russes.

  25. #325
    Citation Envoyé par banzai Voir le message
    Panther capturé par les russes.
    Ha ? Un premium alors, j'imagine.
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  26. #326
    Citation Envoyé par Psychocouac Voir le message

    Le WFE100 au 128 à l'air de balancer ses prunes aussi vite qu'un T57 heavy.
    Si j'ai bien compris, il aura un barillet, de 6 coups en 128mm et de 4 en 150mm.
    Donc c'est bien violent.

    EDIT :

    WT E-100 will have an autoloader and both the 128mm (6 rounds) and 150mm guns (4 rounds), it will be a “glass cannon” (a lot of DPS, easy to destroy).

    Et pour les TD Allemands :

  27. #327
    Oui ce sera ça. La mobilité on dirait un peu celle d'un FV183 sur la vidéo donc c'est correct (et sans doute à peu prêt la même résistance). Moi ce que j'attend de savoir c'est la précision du truc, la pénétration de ses deux guns, son reload de barillet entier et le nombre d'obus qu'il emporte.

  28. #328
    Il aura une bonne valeur de pénétration imo vu que c'est un TD. Niveau précision, je sais pas trop par contre et en temps de reload je prévois du 45-50 sec

  29. #329
    Ben si c'est exactement le même gun que le E100 -> 235, ce qui est bien merdique pour un TD. Donc il se jouerait énormement à la gold. (moins pour le 128)

  30. #330
    WT E-100 will have an autoloader and both the 128mm (6 rounds) and 150mm guns (4 rounds), it will be a “glass cannon” (a lot of DPS, easy to destroy).
    C'est ultra violent
    Citation Envoyé par kenshironeo, enterrant le métier de game designer le 11/08/2011 à 12:35 Voir le message
    Tu avances, tu tires, tu contemples les effets spéciaux générés par tes pouvoirs.C'est ça le gameplay moderne.

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