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  1. #2311
    Hôla les membres du groupe 2 : quand êtes vous généralement dispo pour la topang ?
    psn/steam/gog: chameaufou/ Hearthstone: chameaufou#2336/ Switch: chameaufou 8061-6627-4614

  2. #2312
    Monsieur Loyal à la retraite Avatar de von_yaourt
    Nuffle City
    Citation Envoyé par LeChameauFou Voir le message
    Hôla les membres du groupe 2 : quand êtes vous généralement dispo pour la topang ?
    Quand tu veux, en ce qui me concerne.

  3. #2313
    Citation Envoyé par LeChameauFou Voir le message
    Hôla les membres du groupe 2 : quand êtes vous généralement dispo pour la topang ?
    Je te cherchais justement...

    Dispo quasi tous les soirs

    Steam : Minouche
    SFV : Elios74

  4. #2314
    À partir de vendredi pour moi

  5. #2315
    Moi j'attends Parpaingue aussi ! Hige on peut se faire ça vendredi si nos créneaux concordent Kami si tu veux me démolir c'est possible aussi.
    No brain, no headache.

  6. #2316
    Ok si je vous vois en ligne quand je suis co je vous pingerai

  7. #2317
    Ouais bah esperons que ça lag pas... Parce que depuis cet aprem c'est pas la joie...
    No brain, no headache.

  8. #2318
    J'ai eu le droit à un bug magnifique : mon dhalsim s'est mis à clipper pendant deux secondes, visiblement il était en stance yogi parce que les deux boules de Gouki sont passées au travers. Ça doit être ça le nouveau moove.
    Sinon pour info lorsque le yoga fire touche un adversaire en l'air ça le met en état de juggle ce qui permet, entre autre, de balancer deux hits combos avec deux yoga fire.

    Je peux être dispo pour un match de coin ce soir et demain (19-21h) ou dimanche. Avis à Vorsh et Dahu !

  9. #2319
    Monsieur Loyal à la retraite Avatar de von_yaourt
    Nuffle City
    Patch en vue, les changements détaillés sur le site de ComboFiend :

    C'est très long, presque tous les persos ont des changements de mineurs à majeurs, mais il y a aussi deux changements dans les mécaniques :
    - Retour de l'invulnérabilité des DP meterless pour Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Cammy et Juri, mais une invulnérabilité spécifique en fonction du niveau de l'attaque : les lights sont invulnérables aux choppes, les mid invulnérables aux coups aériens, les high aux projectiles et aux attaques.
    - On ne peut plus déchopper en maintenant la direction haute enfoncée, afin de neutraliser la technique qui consistait à faire 7+LP+LK.

    Et plein de changements sur les persos, disais-je. J'annonce, Vega sera top tier, il a des moves qui passent de négatifs à très positifs, avec 8 frames de blockstun en plus pour le c.HP, par exemple. Et Zangief gagne un contre, parce qu'il en avait besoin... Cammy buffée, parce que pourquoi pas.

    Pour Urien, il a les changements dont on avait parlé sur ce topic :

    Reduced from 1025 to 1000

    Crouching MK
    Advantage on block changed from +2F to -2F

    Jumping LK
    Expanded the hitbox downwards

    EX Dangerous Headbutt
    Increased the recovery on whiff from 15F to 25F

    EX Chariot Tackle
    Increased the disadvantage on block from 0F to -2F
    Reduced the pushback distance on block
    Des changements que je trouve logiques. Je continue à le jouer.

  10. #2320
    EX Chariot Tackle
    Increased the disadvantage on block from 0F to -2F
    Reduced the pushback distance on block
    ça reste safe en fait ?!
    "J'aime la nuit, j'ai les idées plus claires dans le noir"

  11. #2321
    Le problème cest que Vega est deja top tier cest juste qu aucun joueur na poussé le perso assez loin.

  12. #2322
    Tout les changement sont prévus fin Avril :

    Spoiler Alert!

    System changes


    V-Reversal input delay on crouching block has been shortened by 1F. Developer Comments: When the V-Reversal command was input from a crouch block, it took one frame longer to activate than when standing. This change makes it so that once a V-Reversal is input, whether a character is standing or crouching, it activates at the same time.

    Throw Escape

    It is no longer possible to escape throws while inputting up during the throw escape.
    Developer Comments: Correctly guessing an opponent's next move is one of the hallmarks of Street Fighter. Option selects, which allow multiple options to be covered with overlapping commands, directly conflict with this idea, as the guesswork is removed, leading to a positive result quite frequently. This low risk, high reward scenario can be frustrating to fight as it seems that the opponent is always guessing right.

    One such option select in Street Fighter V is the "jump back, throw select" in which the back jump command is input simultaneously with the throw input. This allows a player to cover two options on wake-up. If the opponent attempts a throw, they’ll tech it. If not, the player will jump away and reset the spacing between characters, all with very minimal risk.

    With the new change introduced here, players will now have to make the proper read against their opponent to get the desired result, resulting in much more interesting matches.

    Hold frames for charge moves

    The number of frames necessary to complete a charge has been increased from 6F to 10F.
    Developer Comments: The initial change, where we reduced the total number of frames needed to perform a charge move, was made to keep unintentional attacks from coming out. Unfortunately this has made those same charge moves all that much harder to pull off.

    To fix this, we’ve increased the number of frames needed to perform a charge move, but have still kept that number of frames lower than Season 1. We think that this will ensure that the charge moves will come out much more reliably, while feeling that much easier to perform.

    Invincible “Shoryuken” Attacks

    Shoryuken type attacks have seen a change across the board. The changes are as follows below.
    L Shoryuken attacks – maintain throw invincibility
    M Shoryuken attacks – added airborne invincibility
    H Shoryuken attacks – added attack and projectile invincibility
    This change affects Ryu, Ken, Akuma, Cammy, and Juri. Please refer to each character’s individual adjustment list for specifics. Developer Comments: Invincibility on Shoryuken attacks has been a polarizing topic. For players who learned how to use these attacks in Season 1 as an anti-air or counter attack, this change has severely affected their success with their favorite character. Conversely, those who have had to fight against these attacks, completely praise the changes as they felt meterless reversals were far too strong.

    After analyzing player data, we felt that the change to invincible Shoryuken attacks resulted in a risk/reward ratio that has become risk intensive, yet yields little reward. Additionally, as Shoryuken attacks now occasionally trade with jump-in attacks, players who use characters with Shoryuken attacks are no longer confident in using this attack as an anti-air as intended.

    We feel that with the changes made to Shoryuken attacks, the attack now yields the right risk versus reward. Players who utilize these attacks will still have to exercise proper timing and a bit more decision making to be effective, but now they will be rewarded accordingly. For the opponent fighting against these Shoryuken attacks, they will have to exercise a little more caution, but shouldn’t feel as frustrated as they did in Season 1.


    Akuma has very high potential. That potential however, comes with low health. What we noticed is that due to his low health, Akuma players were playing much more conservatively than anticipated and not really exploring his options as much as they could be.

    We hope that with the change to his vitality, Akuma players will be able to approach matches more confidently and fully explore new strategies with him without the fear of losing the round quickly.

    Increased from 875 to 900

    M Goshoryuken
    Added a hurtbox for frames 3-6F
    Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 6F
    Increased the knockback distance for the first hit
    Slightly expanded the forward hitbox during rising animation

    H Goshoryuken
    Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3-6FVitality

    Increased from 875 to 900

    M Goshoryuken
    Added a hurtbox for frames 3-6F
    Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 6F
    Increased the knockback distance for the first hit
    Slightly expanded the forward hitbox during rising animation

    H Goshoryuken
    Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3-6F


    In Season 2, the start up on some of Alex's longer range attacks were modified as we believed moves with relatively fast startup and reach would be strong. Unfortunately, these changes lessened his overall effectiveness against some of the cast as his attacks were now taking that much longer to connect.

    With the increase in speed to the start-up of his key ranged attacks, Alex should be able to fight against the entire cast that much better. Additionally, as Alex has to take considerable risks closing in on the opponent to really land damage, his vitality has been slightly increased.

    Fixed an issue where Alex's collision boxes would shrink in the reverse direction of other characters if Alex turned around while crouching. This led to characters being able to cross him up with certain moves after he landed from mid-air recovery, when they were not supposed to.

    Increased from 1000 to 1025

    Standing MP
    Move recovery changed from 14F to 12F
    Note: No changes to advantage/disadvantage

    Standing MK
    Startup reduced from 9F to 8F
    Note: The entire move has been reduced by 1F

    Crouching MK
    Startup reduced from 10F to 9F
    Note: The entire move has been reduced by 1F

    V-Skill – Overhaul
    The entire move has been reduced from 55F to 52F

    EX Air Knee Smash
    Timing of the hurtbox activation has been restored to the Season 1 version

    L Slash Elbow
    Disadvantage on block has been reduced from -4F to -2F


    Initially, Balrog's vitality was increased as we viewed him to be a very straight forward character who has to take risks to get in and do damage. After reviewing his other adjustments granted in Season 2, which have increased his options and in effect made him that much stronger , we feel that his increased vitality is unnecessary.

    Even with bringing his vitality back to the 1000, we feel that Balrog will still be a force to be reckoned with in the hands of the right players.

    Fixed an issue where Balrog's collision boxes would shrink in the reverse direction of other characters if Balrog turned around while crouching. This lead to characters being able to cross him up with certain moves after he landed from mid-air recovery, when they were not supposed to.

    Reduced from 1025 to 1000


    The initial design concept for Birdie is that he is supposed to be quite powerful in neutral, which he deviated away from in Season 2. The changes made to Birdie in Season 2 left him in a slightly less optimal place in both his neutral and defense game, but much stronger place in the offensive game.

    Although the adjustments made were beneficial in their own right, his core design is still that of a strong neutral character. To bring him more in line with that vision, we've reverted some changes, allowing Birdie to establish and compete at neutral a bit better.

    Crouching MP
    Expanded the hitbox upwards for active frames 4-5F

    Crouching MK
    Startup reduced from 11F to 10F

    EX Bull Head (Normal/V-Trigger)
    Disadvatange on block increased from -2F to -5F

    EX Bull Horn
    Armor startup and duration changed from 3F-20F, to 1F-20F


    Overall, we think Cammy is faring quite well against the cast in Season 2. That said, we did notice that Cammy’s EX Canon Spike sometimes missed in combos, thereby causing frustration for Cammy players. With this adjustment, players will now be able to use it more confidently in combos.

    The addition of Cammy’s airthrow was made as we felt her move set was not quite complete. With the changes to her Canon Spike an addition of an airthrow, she should now feel a bit more robust.

    L Cannon Spike
    Added a hurtbox for frames 3-6F
    Added throw invincibility for frames 1F to 6F
    Limited the follow-up attacks after a hit at the base

    M Cannon Spike
    Added a hurtbox for frames 3-6F
    Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 6F
    Limited the follow-up attacks after a hit at the base

    H Cannon Spike
    Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3-6F

    EX Cannon Spike
    Expanded the downwards hitbox

    Neck Spiral
    Added an air throw (press LP+LK during a jump)


    The initial change to Hyakuretsukyaku was made so that both legacy players and new players could input the command for this attack as they saw fit. Unfortunately, for some players who press buttons repeatedly either in block stun, hit stun or during combos, this sometimes led to accidental inputs. To alleviate this issue, the number of K inputs has been increased.

    Hyakuretsukyaku (Normal/V-Trigger)
    Changed the number of necessary inputs when rapidly pressing K from 4 to 5


    In Season 2, Dhalsim is in a much stronger place overall. For all his improvements however, he was still lacking a low attack that did not leave him severely disadvantaged. With the addition of this attack, we feel Dhalsim now has the complete set of tools to do well in the right hands.

    Thrust Kick
    Added a new normal move (down-forward + MK)


    Although the changes made to the start-up of F.A.N.G's attacks were done to keep him in line with the rest of the cast, these changes made it quite difficult for F.A.N.G to land combos or punishes of substantial damage and also keep faster opponents at bay.

    With the reduction to the startup of a few key attacks contained in this list, in addition to the other improvements given to F.A.N.G in Season 2, it should result in F.A.N.G feeling that much stronger and competitive overall.

    Standing LP
    Reduced the advantage on hit from +6F to +5F
    Reduced the advantage on block from +3F to +2F<
    br/> Increased the hitbox on the second active frame Increased the hit hold from the second and third active frames by 1F

    Standing MK
    Reduced the startup from 6F to 5F

    Standing HP
    Reduced the startup from 8F to 7F
    Reduced the hitbox
    Slightly increased the hurtbox

    Standing HK
    Reduced the startup from 14F to 12F
    Note: The entire movement is reduced by 2F
    Advantage on hit reduced from +7F to +6F

    Crouching MP
    Reduced the startup from 7F to 6F

    Reduced the pushback on hit for the first hit


    Guile's initial concept has him as the opposite of Nash, in that he has all the tools to be strong defensively. That said, the adjustments made to Guile in Season 2 have also left him extremely strong offensively as well, deviating a bit from his concept.

    We feel that with these new adjustments, Guile will move closer to his initial concept, while still leaving players feeling quite strong.

    Forward Throw
    Recovery after a successful throw increased by 3F

    Reverse Spin Kick
    Advantage on hit reduced from +6F to +4F

    M Somersault Kick
    Added a hurtbox to the attack/projectile invincibility for frames 3 to 8F
    Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 8F

    V-Trigger – Solid Puncher
    Number of V-Gauge blocks increased from 2 to 3

    Sonic Breaker
    V-Timer gauge consumption restored to Season 1

    EX Sonic Break
    V-Timer gauge consumption restored to Season 1


    In the heat of battle, we noticed that Ibuki players sometimes performed Kunai Hoju when they meant to perform Kazekiri. This happened either when performed against a cross up or if the command wasn't precisely input.

    Unfortunately, this resulted in not only missed damage, but it also left Ibuki open to counter attack as well. With this change, Ibuki players should now get Kazekiri much more consistently.

    Kunai Hoju
    Placed lower in the command priority than Kazekiri


    The change to Juri's light punch was made to bring her more in line with the general philosophy of reducing the over effectiveness of light attack anti-airs introduced in Season 2.

    Standing LP
    Decreased the size of the upwards hitbox
    Increased the horizontal knockback distance on mid-air hit

    L Tensenrin
    Added throw invincibility for frames 1F to 8F

    M Tensenrin
    Added a hurtbox for frames 3 to 6F
    Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 6F

    H Tensenrin
    Changed the 1F to 8F throw invincibility frames to attack/projectile invincibility from 3F to 7F


    Ken's Season 2 Thunder Kick change added a layer to Ken's offensive options that we feel is quite interesting. That said, the reward for it is extremely high, while the risk is rather low. The change made to this attack will give the attack a more balanced mix of risk versus reward.

    Thunder Kick
    Changed the recovery on block from -2F to -4F

    M Shoryuken
    Added a hurtbox for frames 3-6F
    Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 6F
    Increased the knockback distance for the first hit

    H Shoryuken
    Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3-6F


    Laura is a character who has seen quite a bit of a climb since the introduction of the Season 2 update. We are quite happy with her current performance and don't think much needs to be changed.

    That said, we did notice that she can feel a bit overwhelming once her offense gets started. We think that by ever so slightly reducing the effectiveness of a few of her attacks, which are used in her continuous pressure strings, players will now have more chances to move around, rather than feel overwhelmed. This also has the benefit of encouraging Laura players to develop even newer strategies against what counters may develop.

    L Bolt Charge (Normal/V-Trigger)
    Reduced the active frames from 4F to 3F

    Crouching LK
    Reduced the advantage on block from +1 to 0


    The initial concept behind Nash's Season 2 adjustments were to encourage players to explore his large array of attacks to begin offense, rather than the same few that were always used, stifling strategy. Additionally the adjustments to his defensive options were made so that there would be a clear distinction between Nash, who is more offensive, and Guile, who is more defensive.

    Unfortunately, the adjustments to some of his attacks resulted in his offense becoming a bit weaker, leaving Nash in a place where he didn't feel strong on offense, defense nor in neutral. With the adjustments made here, we believe that Nash will end up with a slightly stronger neutral game and stronger offensive game, leaving him in an overall better position amongst the cast.

    Forward Dash
    Total movement frames changed from 19F to 18F

    Standing HP
    Increased the forward hitbox for the first active frame
    Expanded the hitbox downward for frames 2F to 3F, and reduced the upwards hitbox

    Crouching MK
    Quickened the timing for V-Trigger cancel by 1F
    Note: After the change, Nash will go from +4F to +5F advantage from cancelling into V-Trigger (Sonic Move - Hide)

    M Sonic Scythe
    Increased the pushback distance on block

    EX Sonic Scythe
    Added throw invincibility for frames 1F to 6F
    Expanded the upwards hitbox for the first and second active frames


    Overall, we believe Necalli is in a good place in Season 2. We did notice however that the pushback on Necalli's L Disc's Guidance was quite far while in V-Trigger, which in effect, made it extremely hard to punish by most of the cast.

    As this attack leads to great positioning and continued offense for Necalli, with minimal risk, the disadvantage on block was increased to more evenly balance the risk versus reward.

    The Disc’s Guidance (V-Trigger)
    Disadvantage on block increased from -4F to -6F


    The change to Rashid's light kick was made to bring him more in line with the general philosophy of reducing the over effectiveness of light attack anti-airs introduced in Season 2.

    Fixed an issue where Rashid's collision boxes would shrink in the reverse direction of other characters if Rashid turned around while crouching. This lead to characters being able to cross him up with certain moves after he landed from mid-air recovery, when they were not supposed to.

    Standing LK
    Reduced the upwards hitbox
    Increased the horizontal knockback distance on mid-air hit

    EX Eagle Spike (V-Skill)
    If Rashid KO's the opponent with EX Airborne Eagle Spike during his V-Skill, he will get the EX flashing screen finish


    The concept behind Ryu's initial Season 2 adjustments were that we wanted to encourage players to engage in closer combat by giving Ryu stronger in close tools, while in return, his midrange was weakened a little. Although his tools in close were strengthened, due to the shrinkage of a few hitboxes and increased attack startup, he now had a bit more trouble than anticipated fighting from the midrange. This, in turn, made it harder to get in close, making it more difficult for Ryu players to experience his Season 2 adjustments.

    We hope with the additional adjustments made, Ryu will be more well-rounded than he was in Season 1, while also feeling that much stronger.

    Standing LK
    Expanded the forward hitbox

    Standing MP (Normal/V-Trigger)
    Expanded the forward hitbox

    M Shoryuken
    Added a hurtbox for frames 3-6F
    Added invincibility for airborne attacks for frames 1 to 6F

    H Shoryuken
    Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3 - 6F

    Crouching HP
    Changed the move animation


    Urien has seen a significant climb in the ranks since the Season 2 update went into effect. That said, we noticed a few key attacks that have very minimal risk, yet high reward associated with them being used more than his other attacks, reducing his overall strategy.

    We think with these new adjustments, players will be motivated to use his other attacks and figure out newer strategies to defeat the competition. However, the increased risk on a few of these attacks will require players to properly weigh the risk versus reward of using said attack, especially with Urien’s vitality returning to the former value that is was in Season 1.

    Reduced from 1025 to 1000

    Crouching MK
    Advantage on block changed from +2F to -2F

    Jumping LK
    Expanded the hitbox downwards

    EX Dangerous Headbutt
    Increased the recovery on whiff from 15F to 25F

    EX Chariot Tackle
    Increased the disadvantage on block from 0F to -2F
    Reduced the pushback distance on block


    Vega is an interesting character in that he has two distinctive styles. What we noticed, however, was that due to the damage output that's possible with the non-claw version, players had less incentive to use his claw form.

    With the adjustments made to Vega's claw form, Vega players can now alternate between the two styles and develop different strategies for both, while not having to worry about a substantial damage differential between the two.

    Additionally, the changes to his V-Trigger and EX Crimson Terror will ensure that Vega players will consistently get their damage without fear of the opponent dropping out of their combos.

    Standing HP (claw)
    Advantage on hit increased from +6F to +7F
    Pushback on hit slightly decreased
    Pushback on block slightly decreased

    Crouching HP (claw)
    Advantage on hit changed from -2F to +5F
    Advantage on block changed from -5F to +3F

    V-Trigger: Bloody Kiss – Azul
    Changed so that Vega will be fully invincible from the first frame after hit

    Flying Barcelona Attack (claw)
    Damage increased from 90 to 120.
    Advantage on block increased from 0F to 3F
    Relaxed the restrictions on mid-air juggles after hit
    Note: Increased follow-up options

    Flying Barcelona Attack (no claw)
    Damage increased from 60-80

    EX Crimson Terror
    Increased the movement distance
    Note: Is now between Season 1 and original Season 2 changes


    Zangief is one of the characters who has seen a big jump in the rankings since the beginning of Season 2. Although we are quite happy with his progression, we have noticed that his lariat is a large source of frustration for his opponents in that it's extremely hard to punish.

    We feel that with the adjustment made to Zangief's lariat, he will still maintain his strength, yet players will have to utilize a bit more strategy to be effective with him.

    Lastly, we felt that Zangief's moveset could use more options. To that effect, we have added a few more moves to his arsenal, which should make him a bit more entertaining for those who play him.

    Head Butt
    Reduced the amount of CA meter gain upon use to cancel a projectile attack
    Note: From 50 to 30

    Double Lariat
    Reduced the downwards hitbox on his arms while spinning (1st revolution)
    Changed so that the hitbox on his arms while spinning (2nd and 3rd revolutions) will not hit crouching opponents
    Expanded the hurtbox to the same position as his hitbox

    Harasho Choke Slam
    New neutral/forward normal throw (LP+LK) that is triggered against crouching opponents

    Flying Head Butt
    New move: press up + HK during a neutral jump

    Tundra Storm
    New move: F, D, DF + P - perform a counter (only works against horizontally-angled kick attacks)
    "J'aime la nuit, j'ai les idées plus claires dans le noir"

  13. #2323
    Monsieur Loyal à la retraite Avatar de von_yaourt
    Nuffle City
    En même temps, à part Guile, c'est dur de dire qui est top dans ce jeu. Y a bien dix persos qui ont des outils forts et peu de faiblesses, et Vega va gagner en pressing et surtout en dégâts, où il semblait assez moyen.

    Citation Envoyé par Yoggsothoth Voir le message
    ça reste safe en fait ?!
    Oui, mais tu n'as plus l'avantage derrière, n'importe quel coup de 5 frames ou moins permet à l'adversaire de reprendre la priorité.

  14. #2324
    Mouais ya pas masse de changement. Impatient de voir les news moves

  15. #2325
    Citation Envoyé par von_yaourt Voir le message
    En même temps, à part Guile, c'est dur de dire qui est top dans ce jeu. Y a bien dix persos qui ont des outils forts et peu de faiblesses, et Vega va gagner en pressing et surtout en dégâts, où il semblait assez moyen.

    Oui, mais tu n'as plus l'avantage derrière, n'importe quel coup de 5 frames ou moins permet à l'adversaire de reprendre la priorité.
    bah oui suis con ...Merci de me remettre dans le droit chemin de la logique .
    "J'aime la nuit, j'ai les idées plus claires dans le noir"

  16. #2326
    Urien n'a pas de 3frame donc ex tackle na jamais été fort. Cest un coup qui peut enerver entre debutant mais cest tout franchement. Balrog il a pareil mais cest positif, ya un mixup et ca peut toucher low.

  17. #2327
    Monsieur Loyal à la retraite Avatar de von_yaourt
    Nuffle City
    Par contre, pourquoi l'invulnérabilité des DP H ne commence qu'à la 3e frame ? Les DPs ne fonctionnent toujours pas contre les meatys si c'est bien le cas !

  18. #2328
    Tu vois ca ou? Dans le truc que tas posté de combofiend je vois HP DP attack invu, donc bat les meatys

  19. #2329
    Monsieur Loyal à la retraite Avatar de von_yaourt
    Nuffle City
    Citation Envoyé par Kamikaze Voir le message
    Tu vois ca ou? Dans le truc que tas posté de combofiend je vois HP DP attack invu, donc bat les meatys
    C'est précisé pour chaque personnage :

    H Goshoryuken
    Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3 - 6F

    H Shoryuken
    Added attack and projectile invincibility for frames 3 - 6F

    Par exemple.

    En tout cas si ça perd contre les choppes meaty, ça reste une option assez merdique.

  20. #2330
    Ah ok merci. Bah cest une tres bonne chose je trouve. Ca permettra de calmer certains pressing quand meme et les setups pur meaty sont pas non plus legion dans le jeu. La majorité du temps tu te releves en neutral.

    Cest un bon compromis ce leger buff.

  21. #2331
    Monsieur Loyal à la retraite Avatar de von_yaourt
    Nuffle City
    Corrige-moi si je me trompe, mais c'est pas quasi exactement les propriétés du DP H actuel ? Personne ne l'utilise plus dans les pressings ?

  22. #2332
    Je pense que tu pourras plus facilement punir certains truc peut etre. Genre des cancel de normaux en projo que tu interrupt avec un dp hp. Le stomp de necalli est un projo (qcf k) donc yaura ptet des truc a faire. De meme ya des pressing que tu peux pas interrompre avec ton 3f du fait des hitbox, la si tu lis un trou de 3f cest garanti.

    Mais bon à voir. Ca va ptet pas changer grand chose, je connais meme pas les frames dinvu actuelles. Par exemple dp en reaction dans dash straight de rog je sais pas si ca marche actuellement. La cest sur que ca passera. Enfin à voir les propriétés exactes du truc.

    Perso le systeme actuel de dp ex full invu me va et ce léger buff donne un peu plus doptions donc content.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Ca permettra aussi ptet de conter les vreversal en reaction parfois. Comme je lai montré dans ma vid ou jutilise linvu des supers pour ça

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Enfin faudra faire les labs monster quoi. Ca se trouve tu pourras trade sur des gap de 2f etc.

  23. #2333
    Mais, mais et Bison? Fuck Bison je vois

    Mouais, ça me va en fait...
    Hige™: Fuck Bison © - 2016 -

  24. #2334
    Je suis bien hypé. Un nouveau coup pour Sim qui promet plein de choses et surtout d'affronter Kolin sans ramasser contre sur contre.
    Globalement les changements m'ont l'air cools. Pour Zangief notamment, le push back du Lariat qui tappait bas c'etait un peu moche et le fait qu'il ait de nouveaux outils ça compense sa faiblesse en déplacement : le retour du headbut sauté !
    Pour d'autres ça permet le up de persos relativement délaissés : Vega, Fang, Juri, etc. Et le nouveau DP a l'air plutôt cool, ça oblige à réfléchir tout en faisant que le pif revienne parce que ça avait complètement disparu et c'était un peu triste quand même : on pouvait plus mettre la max... Idem pour la supression du vieux saut dechoppe de crasseux.
    Dans l'ensemble tout ça accentue le mind au détriment des combines, moi ça me va.

  25. #2335
    Laura is a character who has seen quite a bit of a climb since the introduction of the Season 2 update. We are quite happy with her current performance and don't think much needs to be changed.
    Mais oui

  26. #2336
    Déception pour les changements de Juri. Je veux de l'overhead sur qcf mk et que son st mp relève l'adversaire moi

  27. #2337
    J'ai pas bien compris le up de Vega pour être franc, des coups safe tous simplement ? il n'avait que deux coups normaux unsafe a vrai dire, et pis pas sur que ça change grand chose au pressing mis a part quelques setup un peu plus sale (je crache pas de dessus hein !)
    Vega once entered a beauty contest and got first, second AND third place. Then he killed the judges for giving him second and third.

  28. #2338
    Zangief : Tundra Storm

    New move: F, D, DF + P - perform a counter (only works against horizontally-angled kick attacks)
    Bonjour, Gief-Karin c'est 9-1.

  29. #2339
    Citation Envoyé par von_yaourt Voir le message
    Corrige-moi si je me trompe, mais c'est pas quasi exactement les propriétés du DP H actuel ? Personne ne l'utilise plus dans les pressings ?
    Ah oui j'ai un exemple précis, genre Necalli, une grosse base du pressing c'est cr.MK qcf MK, en théorie y'a un gap de 3f, sauf qu'en pratique ça trade sur jab.

    Trade qui lead sur max damage pour necalli avec cr.HP, là y'aura p'têt moyen de remplacer le jab par dragon et necalli devra se contenter de qcf lk qui est négatif, c'est assez violent comme impact dans certains matchup où les Necalli abusaient au point de mettre qcf HK à la place du mk en jouant sur l'ambiguité et pour pouvoir presser à l'infini. Mais bon bref à voir quoi.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Citation Envoyé par KyouLeMalpropre Voir le message
    J'ai pas bien compris le up de Vega pour être franc, des coups safe tous simplement ? il n'avait que deux coups normaux unsafe a vrai dire, et pis pas sur que ça change grand chose au pressing mis a part quelques setup un peu plus sale (je crache pas de dessus hein !)
    Ouais y'a pas grand chose qui change. cr HP en pressing sera cependant très fort vu la portée. Le v-trigger ne trade plus sur les projos et certains coups, il fait légèrement plus mal et l'air de rien on verra p'têt plus de jeu de flying air barcelona claw normal vu qu'au moindre hit y'a l'air de pouvoir juggle. Un peu à la 2X, pour l'instant le move est pas super utilisé mais il a du potentiel, espèce de footsies aérien le truc, et les trade font pas trop mal à Vega, c'est surtout les whiffs qui font mal sur ce move.

  30. #2340
    Alioune‏Compte certifié @Alioune85 2 hil y a 2 heures

    Dp changes is basicaly bunch of text hoping players are too stupid to understand nothing changed.

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