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  1. #9691
    Oui je suis d'accord, je trouve ça un peu naze quand on sait que le renault Ft est plus "avancé" technologiquement que le st Chamond.

  2. #9692
    WG fume juste rien du tout, hein, c'est une proposition de joueurs pour ceusse qui ont du mal à lire

  3. #9693
    Citation Envoyé par Silentstalker

    - it looks like the T92 will not be the tier 8 American light tank after all
    - SerB wasn’t the WG vice-president in the beginning, he got promoted from the position of lead game designer
    - after the chat is reworked, the clanmembers will apparently recieve the status of a “friend”, when it comes to the question, whether you can recieve a whisper (PM) from them or not
    - after 8.7 the MM is working fine, according to SerB
    - SerB on historical battles: “Correctly made historical mode is somewhat complicated. We are working on that. Wait for announcements, there will be tests of some of its elements (including those, that will not be most likely implemented in the end, but most of the players want them, because they don’t know how will they look in the game)”
    - the chance to set the already burning tank on fire again is technically the same, of course it’s a bit different with destroyed fueltanks (it’s easier to do that once they are damaged), but that’s not a process based on probability
    - Object 416 will be balanced “as usual”
    - the tier 9 new Soviet med branch problem is caused by general lack of data, not only the drawings
    - it’s possible that the Israeli centurion (Sho’t Kal) did fire HESH rounds in real life (SS: this is not related to WoT, player asked because of some movie)
    - Nuclear-powered tanks (such as the TV-8) will not be implemented into the game
    - FV4202 is doing fine statistically
    - Germans did experiment with uranium penetrators in real life (SS: but not depleted uranium, simply uranium, it was a program to compensate for the lack of tungsten)
    - when a gun damages a module (with the “damage to modules” being a hidden stat), this damage is also subjected to +/-25 RNG (SS: in other words, damage to modules is known to be roughly equal to gun caliber, so a 100mm gun does 100 damage to module HP, but this 100 damage in reality is 75-125)
    - it’s possible that the WoWp tier 1 airplanes will also come with 100 percent crew in the future
    - WG has a special deparment, that tracks the economy situation in the game (for example the game being too overflooded with silver due to too generous awards)
    - the aforementioned department also makes sure that there is no inflation in the game at all
    - there will be some training room filter re-work (to make looking for training rooms easier), “it’s done when it’s done”
    - E-100 150mm gun uses HEAT shells and not subcaliber ones, because the barrel is not long enough for subcaliber shells (SS: subcaliber penetrators, being smaller from definition, are easier to influence by outside environment need longer barrel to reach higher velocities to be accurate enough, otherwise they fly all over the place)
    - the crew member uniform pictures will not be changed (SS: as in, Bundeswehr uniforms looked different than Wehrmacht ones)
    - LTP means “Legkij Tank Provornova – Provornov’s light tank” – it’s named after its designer
    - IS-7 is not underpowered according to SerB
    - the reason the SU-85B has worse depression than SU-76 despite the chassis being the same is the gun (SS: the breech, being larger, often interferes with that)
    - there might be special rewards (“high level content”) also for players not playing CW’s, but it won’t be “for free” (as in, easy to get)
    - SerB states it’s virtually impossible to create a game where planes and tanks fight each other on one map, he states that even War Thunder developers, who initially promised such a thing, are slowly and silently backing down from that concept (SS: actually, the question was about WoT players being able to play against War Thunder players, but I think SerB got confused and answered something else)
    - Separate server for training, with everything for free and 0 costs of repairs? “And what’s in it for us? ” (SS: Storm answered, not Ser

    Actually, it was said earlier by SerB that Storm got so pissed with whiners that he started appearing less and less in the Q&A thread, which is true – he didn’t answer stuff in ages.

    Long story short, it has been confirmed that the LTP will be a gift tank for Wargaming 15th anniversary. It will be given to ALL players on 12th of August.

    Citation Envoyé par multiplex66 Voir le message
    bande de naze

  4. #9694
    Citation Envoyé par Wannamama Voir le message
    - after 8.7 the MM is working fine, according to SerB
    Mouais bof, je suis pas super convaincu. J'ai noté une grosse tendance à balancer les platoons en low tier (0 parties high tier ce soir en platoon, fréquence normale en solo).

  5. #9695
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Citation Envoyé par OuiOui Voir le message
    Mouais bof, je suis pas super convaincu. J'ai noté une grosse tendance à balancer les platoons en low tier (0 parties high tier ce soir en platoon, fréquence normale en solo).

    Aux dernières nouvelles ça n'a aucun impact... Donc t'as juste pas de chance.

  6. #9696
    Je me suis posé la question si c'était lié au fait que je platoonais en tier 5, tier qui était surpeuplé ces derniers jours. Je poursuivrai mon étude irréfutable puisque basée sur l'ensemble de mes parties de ces derniers jours.

  7. #9697
    Tu oublis tes fameux graphiques excel pour appuyer ta thèse.
    Knack them all!

  8. #9698
    Chuis en vacances, Excel n'est pas prévu

  9. #9699
    N'empêche qu'une thèse qui n'et pas étayée par des graphes excel et une présentation powerpoint est invalide, épicétou !!
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  10. #9700
    Une fuite concernant un des light de la future branche japonaise. Visiblement rapide, meilleur qu'un T-50-2 mais le rayon de braquage semble un poil long...
    Knack them all!

  11. #9701
    Une mise à jour majeure, attendue de pied ferme par toute la communauté CPC :

    L'exactitude historique des véhicules, emblèmes et inscriptions est un aspect essentiel de tous les titres actuels de Wargaming. Ils contribuent principalement à recréer une atmosphère authentique des affrontements de blindés du milieu du 20ème siècle.
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  12. #9702

  13. #9703
    Pour le coup, drolerie commerciale mise à part, je trouve leur discours parfaitement normal vis à vis des inscriptions.

    Pour ceux qui n'ont pas lu le reste du texte, en gros, il est question de réintroduire les inscriptions de type "pour staline !" et autre truc du genre qui avaient du être virée par ce que jugée offensantes par certains. Wargaming décide de les remettre par ce qu'elles contribuent à l'aspect historique du jeu.

  14. #9704
    Qu'il soit dans le bon camp ou non ce salaud est quand même responsable de crimes contre l'humanité et crimes de guerre.

  15. #9705
    Citation Envoyé par Valmon Voir le message
    Qu'il soit dans le bon camp ou non ce salaud est quand même responsable de crimes contre l'humanité et crimes de guerre.
    Troll spotted.
    Ca n'a rien à voir dans la conversation, personne ne conteste ce point.

    On va éviter de partir direct live.

  16. #9706
    Citation Envoyé par Carpette Voir le message
    Pour le coup, drolerie commerciale mise à part, je trouve leur discours parfaitement normal vis à vis des inscriptions.

    Pour ceux qui n'ont pas lu le reste du texte, en gros, il est question de réintroduire les inscriptions de type "pour staline !" et autre truc du genre qui avaient du être virée par ce que jugée offensantes par certains. Wargaming décide de les remettre par ce qu'elles contribuent à l'aspect historique du jeu.
    Cet argument n'a pas vraiment court dans leur cas, puisqu'il est complétement arbitraire dans la mesure où l'on réintroduit les slogans sovietiques d'époque, mais pas ceux des allemands...
    Si c'est l'aspect historique qui est privilégié, il ne devrait pas y avoir de parti pris de leur part ; or ici c'est le cas.

    Après, certes c'est compréhensible pour éviter les abus qui suivraient forcément et pour éviter de flatter les vils instincts de certains joueurs qui ne demandent que ça, mais justifier la réinsertion des "Pour Staline" en justifiant d'un "c'est historique" (pour un jeu qui ne l'est pas du tout, ou alors seulement quand ça arrange les devs), c'est un peu con à mon sens. D'autant plus que si WG se posent en "anti-fasciste" dans l'article, ils ne se posent pas vraiment en "anti-extrême", vu leur choix concernant l'autre camp...
    Après, je comprend bien la démarche et bon, ça ne me choque absolument pas de voir des slogans pro-Staline (contribution à la victoire, camp des "gentils", tout ça tout ça) apparaitre, mais c'est surtout la justification apportée derrière qui me parait plutôt ridicule (était-elle d'ailleurs nécessaire ?)
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  17. #9707
    Citation Envoyé par Carpette Voir le message
    Troll spotted.
    Ca n'a rien à voir dans la conversation, personne ne conteste ce point.

    On va éviter de partir direct live.
    Ah ben zut alors ça aurait été drôle ....

    Donc on va pouvoir avoir un "historique" "Das Reich" sur son tigre ou encore un "3.SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf" pour être raccord avec la réalité ?

    Ah grillé par Major_Vinz... mer d'alors dirait SanA.
    Tout est dans le pseudo - Vivre

  18. #9708
    Pour moi ils ré-intégraient tous les dessins, y compris ceux nazis.

    Il est mentionné qu'ils ne réintègrent que les soviétiques, ou ils ne font état que d'exemple soviétiques ?

  19. #9709

    ---------- Post added at 17h31 ---------- Previous post was at 17h26 ----------

    Citation Envoyé par Carpette Voir le message
    Pour moi ils ré-intégraient tous les dessins, y compris ceux nazis.

    Il est mentionné qu'ils ne réintègrent que les soviétiques, ou ils ne font état que d'exemple soviétiques ?
    Non (ce qui est logique hein, imagine le shitstorm). Retour uniquement des "Pour Staline !" et autres.
    Ils le disent bien à la fin de la news (même si c'est contradictoire avec l'intro) : "On recherche la vérité historique exhaustive et précise... mais bon, on aime pas trop les fascistes alors on va la rechercher que du coté russe."
    En gros :P

    Notez que l'article russe n'emploi pas du tout le même ton et la même justification (l'article s'apelle "Les Symboles de la victoire" et se clot sur "Nous nous rappelons de notre Histoire et nous en sommes fiers")
    C'est la liesse dans les commentaires coté russe.

    Ce qui est rigolo, c'est l'argument invoqué par les CM coté européen "Oui, on ne met pas de slogans ni de symboles du mec à moustache parce que beaucoup de pays l'interdisent". Sauf que... les slogans et symboles communistes de la même période sont AUSSI interdits dans pas mal de pays (les polonais et les tchèques, par exemple) :P
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  20. #9710
    Et les autres ils comptent pour du beurre ?

    Les US était inventifs (pin-up ?) ou encore les rats du désert, sans parler de la division Leclerc ...
    Tout est dans le pseudo - Vivre

  21. #9711
    Citation Envoyé par Erreur Voir le message
    Et les autres ils comptent pour du beurre ?

    Les US était inventifs (pin-up ?) ou encore les rats du désert, sans parler de la division Leclerc ...
    Les autres ils avaient qu'a être russes ! :P
    Mes figurines sur Instagram | Le blog pour les gens qui aiment la peinture et les petits bonhommes en plastique : tutos, guides, tips... | Pseudo WoT : Major_VinZ

  22. #9712
    Citation Envoyé par Djezousse Voir le message
    Les autres ils avaient qu'a être russes ! :P
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!! Excellent !
    Tout est dans le pseudo - Vivre

  23. #9713
    Citation Envoyé par Djezousse Voir le message

    ---------- Post added at 17h31 ---------- Previous post was at 17h26 ----------

    Non (ce qui est logique hein, imagine le shitstorm). Retour uniquement des "Pour Staline !" et autres.
    Ils le disent bien à la fin de la news (même si c'est contradictoire avec l'intro) : "On recherche la vérité historique exhaustive et précise... mais bon, on aime pas trop les fascistes alors on va la rechercher que du coté russe."
    En gros :P

    Notez que l'article russe n'emploi pas du tout le même ton et la même justification (l'article s'apelle "Les Symboles de la victoire" et se clot sur "Nous nous rappelons de notre Histoire et nous en sommes fiers")
    C'est la liesse dans les commentaires coté russe.

    Ce qui est rigolo, c'est l'argument invoqué par les CM coté européen "Oui, on ne met pas de slogans ni de symboles du mec à moustache parce que beaucoup de pays l'interdisent". Sauf que... les slogans et symboles communistes de la même période sont AUSSI interdits dans pas mal de pays (les polonais et les tchèques, par exemple) :P
    Franchement, ce prendre la tête comme ça pour un jeu vidéo, c'est pathétique.

  24. #9714
    Citation Envoyé par Panurge6 Voir le message
    Franchement, ce prendre la tête comme ça pour un jeu vidéo, c'est pathétique.
    Moi je trouve que tu as bien raison.

    Pourquoi s'énerver pour un jeu, ça n'a AUCUN impact.

    Tiens si tu veux il y a même de jeux pour gérer des camps de concentrations, optimiser les flux, le rendement des chambres à gaz et des fours (ça n'a pas existé, hein, ne te trompes pas ...), ça te tente ? C'est vraiment inoffensif, et puis, bon, être le meilleurs c'est chouette, non ?

    C'est comme les grammar-nazi... pourquoi donc s'en offusquer, c'est juste ... intelligent ?
    Tout est dans le pseudo - Vivre

  25. #9715
    Citation Envoyé par Silentstalker
    Hello everyone,

    here is a translation (or more like, summary) of the official Russian developer FAQ. This info is official, it’s not my summary of developer post. This FAQ was created by developers themselves. Why EU server has no such thing, I have no idea, but I will be replacing my FTR FAQ with this. Please keep in mind, that this is NOT a regular Q&A, more like a sum of info, but there is some new/less known stuff, so you’d do well to go thru it.

    I will regularily check for updates too.



    - Japanese tier 10 medium will be of the same concept as the Leopard 1
    - there are few pieces of info on Japanese TD’s, but there’s a chance of such a branch appearing
    - second Soviet medium branch will have Object 430 as tier 10, it will most likely not appear in 8.8, because there are still issues with tier 9 vehicle
    - KV-1S rebalance is not planned for anytime soon – later, it’s possible
    - SuperPershing’s properties (armor) will be changed in one of the upcoming patches, after which it will be possible to sell it for gold, there will be a deadline, after which it will be possible to sell it only for credits once again
    - 112 is being balanced now, planned for 8.8
    - 2nd German TD line will consist of open-topped Waffentragers with 128mm and 150mm guns on E-100 hull with autoloaders on tier 10, the autoloaders will have 3-6 rounds, the Nashorn will be a part of the branch
    - Chinese TD branch is being researched by Chinese WG partners, both Chinese arty and TD branch will appear in 2014, as there are few pieces of data on it
    - there will be at least (!) one more US medium branch
    - alternative French heavy and medium branches are planned
    - destroyed tank models are planned for rework
    - premium Soviet medium tank will be tier 7 T-44 with 85mm gun, every nation will have a premium medium tank
    - other nations than Germany will have superheavy tanks
    - Sturmtiger is planned, but won’t come in 2013

    Not planned

    - second Chinese medium branch is not planned
    - Type 59 will not return to shops, but it might appear as special prize in contests
    - developers considered the possibility to convert any tank into a premium tank, but it was decided not to do it, because such a feature could seriously break ingame economy, premium tanks should also have obvious flaws, which normal tanks don’t have
    - it’s not planned for players to be able to buy two identical tanks at the same time
    - at this time, it is not planned to introduce various types of new vehicles and features: repair vehicles, tow trucks, engineering tanks, armored cars and other wheeled vehicles, grenadiers, infantry, anti-tank guns, Katyushas, minefields, mining vehicles, fuel (consumed by moving the tank), modern tanks, flamethrowing tanks and amphibious tanks
    - there will be no tier 9/10 premiums and tier 11+ tanks

    Clans and Clanwars


    - current tanks, appearing in various campaign modes and also tier 1 vehicles will be used for second Campaign
    - WoT and other WG project interaction thru CW is planned (for example, “air strike” command consumable, tied to WoWp)
    - new clan functions will be available within the client
    - mine fields will work as clan consumables for clanwars
    - clan chat messages, showing a player entering/leaving clan, notifications from clan leadership, common clan voicechat channel and many other clan improvements will most likely be implemented
    - CW will move to a new engine, there will be a complete rework in visuals and interface (the map will for example be one piece, it will not be necessery to switch between regions)
    - it’s planned to tie CW primetime groups to each server (this is an issue for multi-timezone servers), this will minimize problems and ping for the players from various regions
    - the CW primetime breaking will be made in preparation for CW globalization, Russian, US and European clans will play CW together on one map
    - a “sabotage” clan consumable is planned, eg. the possibility to use this consumable on enemy province and cause all sorts of problems, including destruction of enemy chips, disabling the borders (SS: sorry, not sure what that means), destroying enemy income from the province, inciting a revolt. It’s possible the revolt will be inciteable even on territories not neighboring with your own
    - portal CW interface will have a number of new tools for better clan management, there will be new clan statistics, clan HQ for planning the actions for the next day (in which it will be possible to distribute players by companies and assign various tech to each player) and much else
    - separate CW statistics might be implemented
    - mercenaries (CW without playing a clan) are being worked on
    - CW interface within the game client is planned
    - for every capital city, a new special map is planned (only for CW)

    Not planned

    - buying gold for clan for real money is not planned
    - player contributions (for example a part of silver after each battle) to clan treasury is not planned

    New Modes


    - there will be a new company-making mechanism, at first for the 7×7 companies (7/42 format), after that it might be introduced to 15×15 companies. 7/42 format will have a system of progressive rating, where skill of each player will be essential for the battle outcome and a single mistake might mean the defeat of the team
    - the platoon/company search will be heavily modified in order to be more convenient (semi-automatic company/platoon selection). Chat role in this will be eliminated, or at least minimized
    - garage battles are being worked on, they will come in 2014
    - the ratio of battle mode drop chance is following: normal battle – 50 percent, meeting engagement – 25 percent, assault – 25 percent. If you turn one of the modes off, the chances change roughly to 62,5 percent – normal battle, 37,5 percent – mode battle
    - historical battles are being developed, the battles will be for example USSR vs Germany, USA vs Germany
    - 3vs3 and 1vs1 special tournament battles are planned within the client
    - 30vs30 battles might appear in the future as one of the modes

    Not planned

    - player separation by statistics (“skill MM”) is not planned
    - bigger platoons are not planned
    - hardcore mode (without interface, hitpoints etc.) was scrapped
    - battles without specific vehicles (arty for example) or with battle-specific hardcaps are not planned
    - one-man training rooms and shells for free in training rooms are not planned



    - system for “thanking” players is planned, but won’t be implemented for now
    - dynamic tank stats in hangar (for example based on crew skill) will be implemented
    - it is planned to introduce armor schematics for each tank into the hangar, including effective armor based on camera angle for every point on the tank
    - potential damage statistic consists of the damage the tank could recieve or did recieve from being hit (+/-25 RNG is disregarded, average damage is used)
    - there will be a new scout (detecting) interface, which might include info about lighting up the target
    - there will be a complete rework of the hangar tank selection (“carousel”)
    - for replays, free camera, the possibility to view the battle from any tank participating, zoom out (without using mods), client replay interface and battle results after replay will most likely be implemented
    - screenshots with time stamp and title might be implemented
    - there will be a language icon on login screen

    Not planned

    - at this moment, “pause” is not planned
    - first person camera after the destruction of your tank is not planned
    - at this moment, the amount of slots for equipment and consumables is not going to increase



    - complete chat rework is being worked on
    - ingame whisper after doubleclicking player’s icon will be implemented
    - the chat window flashing (when the chat window is minimized) will be possible to turn off
    - it will be possible to inter platoon by clicking in the chat, including in combat
    - status (“in combat” / “in hangar”) is planned

    Not planned

    - private messages to battle non-participants is not planned (in order not to screw the battle concentration)
    - it’s not planned to prevent destroyed players from chatting



    - the decision to rework a map is based on the analysis of average battle time and team winrate. The map is reworked if the winrate difference for both bases is bigger than 5 percent
    - a new map takes cca 3 months to develop
    - Komarin, Swamp and Serene Coast will return, they will be seriously changed
    - 2013 should bring 11 new maps altogether
    - it’s possible that in the future, every tank (!) will be able to de-select 1-3 maps, which it won’t get into
    - all maps have the same chance to drop, except for the new maps, which, for a certain period after release, have a bigger chance to drop
    - there is a developer idea of making summer/winter versions of maps, low priority
    - minimap information value will be improved

    Not planned

    - the ability of players to directly select a map won’t be implemented
    - Arizona and Savannah won’t be implemented

    Game mechanics


    - vertical manual aiming (without automatic distance compensator) is planned
    - it’s possible HESH shells will have a separate simple mechanism in the future
    - destruction of easily destructable objects will be implemented so that when the shell destroys for example wooden fence, it will continue to fly without any penetration penalty
    - for every shell, a penetration at 100m and at 500m is set and the penetration between them lowers linearily
    - you can have a maximum of 3 battles on the bottom of your team, after that, the MM puts you either on top, or in the middle
    - a newly researched tank has preferential MM for a while – it drops more often to the top of the team
    - in order to allow the tanks to turn over, the models of destroyed tanks would have to be reworked (at least the suspension), currently, there is a special mechanism preventing tanks from turning over, this limitation will be removed after the introduction of realistic track interaction with ground
    - there will be dynamic (moving) objects on maps
    - realistic track/wheel/terrain interaction (“independent suspension”) will be implemented
    - HAVOK engine will be implemented
    - the tank camo factor depends visually on the vehicle dimensions, but the official data won’t be disclosed
    - camo factor is improved by more bushes in a row
    - in the future, when the ammo rack explodes, the turret will fly off, it’s not yet sure whether the turret will count as an obstacle
    - every tank capping a base, located within the circle, collects cap points, one point per second. If 4 tanks are capping, each gets 3/4 points per second, if 5 tanks are capping, each gets 3/5 points per second
    - after a base is captured, there is a limit of 5 seconds till the end of the battle, if within these 5 seconds any tank gets destroyed, the counter will automatically reset, so if tanks are getting killed continuously, it’s possible to prolong this limit significantly
    - the 30 second limit before battle starts, when 2/3 of each team are in the battle
    - some respawn slots are reserved for certain tank classes, but the rest of the slots is distributed randomly
    - repair costs are calculated as: (HP lost * repair cost of 1 HP) + (module HP lost * repair cost of 1 HP of that respective module)
    - the hull turn rate is not defined only by the turnrate stat itself, but also by the suspension quality and the power of the engine, that’s why real hull turnrate can be different from the nominal one
    - HE shell splash passes thru solit obstacles, as it is impossible to calculate the shockwave flow in real time
    - how steep the shell ballistic curve is depends on the shell velocity and gravity acceleration
    - shell object is not material (SS: as in, cannot be knocked down by another shell in mid flight for example)
    - module damage does not equal gun damage, bigger guns do more module damage however (damage to modules roughly equals the caliber of the gun), module damage is subjected to 25 percent RNG
    - engine fire does not kill crewmembers, it’s planned to automatically extinguish the fire when the tank drives into water, the way fire extinguishers work will be reworked
    - pulling/pushing uses rather complex physical model, it includes engine power, suspension quality, tank weight and terrain slope, from all these data the motion vector is calculated
    - there will be weather effects implemented into the game

    Not planned

    - tank render range increase is difficult to implement, won’t be anytime soon
    - tank horn was scrapped
    - collision damage during collisions with objects (such as stones, houses) won’t be implemented
    - view from inside the tank (thru the slits) is not planned, because without some significant changes it would be unplayable
    - at this moment it’s not planned to make the tank available immediately after it is destroyed
    - solid barrels are not planned, as it would complicate the game in forests and cities too much

    Crew, Characteristics and Equipment


    - the tank nominal characteristics are valid when it has a 100 percent crew equipped. When the crew is 0 percent, the characteristics are roughly 2/3 of the nominal. The transition between these is linear – and that goes for over 100 percent crews too, it’s possible for a tank to have better than nominal characteristics, if the crew skill is over 100 percent
    - when a crewman is killed, that position’s skill drops to 50 percent of the crewman’s skill (SS: eg. a 88 percent skill gunner gets killed, tank gunner skill drops to 44 percent) – the penalties for non-trained crew are the exception, they are applied AFTER this calculation takes place
    - a reason to rebalance a tank is roughly a 3-4 percent winrate difference from the tier average
    - tracks module does have armor (from 10 to 50mm), the collision model roughly corresponds to the visual one, eg. when there are big gaps between wheels, there will be gaps in the collision model too. When hitting a track, the shell can’t ricochet and normalisation is not applied, the track HP is also uneven, in the central part it’s higher than on the edges
    - additional spaced armor modules/equipment will be implemented, but not anytime soon, it’s difficult to implement visually
    - there is a rule that the NON-penetrating HE shell hit can kill only half of the crew (3 of 5 mostly)

    Not planned

    - moving the crew from one nation to another is not planned



    - official mod portal is being worked on
    - roaming (the ability to play on another server with your old account, for example RU account on EU server) will come late 2013, or early 2014
    - test server capacity will be increased
    - in the future, if you have a phone tied to the account, the password change will require SMS confirmation
    - it will be possible soon to restore a crew, that was sold during theft account, but it will NOT be possible to retroactively return the crew that was dismissed before this feature is implemented, because the crew data are not stored
    - in future, there will be other improvements made to ensure account security
    - premium account does increase the penalties for teamkills (you earn more, you pay more), more teamkill system data will not be disclosed in order for people not to make up ways to bypass it
    - account transfer to EU will not be implemented, because for that, you’ll be able to use roaming

    Not planned

    - Steam support is not planned
    - Xbox and PC WoT won’t be unified
    - changes in current test server system (having to download a new client) are not planned
    - player statistics reset is not planned anytime soon
    - ingame player-player trade is not planned and never was
    - temporary premium tanks won’t be implemented


    - tank being hit shell sounds will be completely replaced in the future, it’s possible the crews will have national voices (SS: as in, the French crews speaking French)
    - there will be a reward for “tanking” (SS: as in MMO sense: putting your tank in harm’s way to shield your weaker teammates), it’s being developed
    - sound engine is being re-worked, 5.1 and 7.1 sounds are planned
    - new music is slowly added
    - in the future, clan battles, company battles and random battles statistics will be separated
    - no tank in game has individual XP coefficient
    - the amount of XP, needed for mastery badges, is updated every day, last 7 days’ results are taken into account
    - the possibility to loan credits (by temporarily selling your tank) is not planned
    - multicore support is beign worked on, client physics will use other cores

    Not planned

    - the possibility to use decals from one nation for another nation’s tank will not be implemented
    - copyrighted inscriptions will not be implemented
    - the game won’t switch to another engine
    Citation Envoyé par multiplex66 Voir le message
    bande de naze

  26. #9716
    Les formulations sont déroutantes ...
    Non planifié
    - Le jeu ne sera pas porté sur un autre moteur ...

    Donc il n'est pas planifié que le jeu ne soit pas porté par un autre moteur ???

    Et la pause (non planifiée) c'est quoi ? Du bullet time ? Ce serait drôle, non ?
    Tout est dans le pseudo - Vivre

  27. #9717
    Je pense plutôt qu'ils veulent dire qu'ils ne changeront pas de moteur de jeu (moteur graphique/physique) mais qu'ils feront évoluer celui existant.
    Pour la pause, peut être un système de pause en jeu, mais je vois pas trop l'utilité.

  28. #9718
    Komarin, Serene Coast et Swamp.... les avaient oubliés ces 3 là

  29. #9719
    Cool un bon pavé à lire pour commencer doucement la journée de taf
    Knack them all!

  30. #9720
    Citation Envoyé par Mud mover Voir le message
    Cool un bon pavé à lire pour commencer doucement la journée de taf
    Ceci devrait être une signature conforme nette lisse et propre comme un cul de bébé. Elle fait trois lignes en hauteur et j'ose l’espérer moins de 100 par 40... ou alors 200? Meeeeerde Je sais plus......!!!!!!

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