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  1. #4801
    Citation Envoyé par Gobbopathe Voir le message
    Pas de différence, donc go large shield !

    super merci !

  2. #4802
    Ouais Troll sans bouclier c'est + fragile, en plus c'est une espèce imposante donc il suffit de 15 pts pour le large shield .

  3. #4803
    Citation Envoyé par Le Canard fou Voir le message
    Je viens de remonter mon premier barachi ! Ne manquent plus que l'octopode et le demigod.
    Le demi-god je sais meme pas comment c'est gagnable. L'octopode, c'est un de ceux ou j'ai fait 15 runes (en caster), j'imagine qu'il peut aussi se jouer en melee, mais sans armure ca m'a toujours paru suicidaire.
    "A game is a series of interesting choices" S.M.

  4. #4804
    La dernière fois que j'ai win un demigod c'était en 0.8 donc j'ai pas vraiment d'avis utile, mais à l'époque Transmuter c'était pas mal pour profiter de leurs excellentes stats, je pense que c'est toujours le cas.

  5. #4805
    Bon du coup j'ai retesté un peu demigod pour voir. Transmuter l'early est peut être un peu trop dur, parce qu'on doit diviser l'xp en plein de skills qui sont toutes à -1, si on survit jusqu'au midgame c'est pas mal je pense. Par contre caster pur type conjurer ça passe plutôt bien. Avec le stat gain absurde, on atteint rapidement des hauts niveaux d'intel, et avec en plus de la force pour porter des troll/dragon armour et de la dex pour l'EV, et plein d'hp raciaux, ça fait un caster qui tank bien. Le fait de pas avoir moyen de récuperer de la mana (pas de Sif Muna ou Vehumet) sans Sublimation of Blood ou une crystal ball of energy est pas mal handicapant par contre et oblige a être vachement prudent sur le lancer de sorts.

    Au final c'est pas si dur que ça, mon premier essai de DgCj je suis mort comme un idiot dans Swamp (après avoir récupéré la rune de Snake) mais il avait largement le potentiel de gagner.

  6. #4806
    Citation Envoyé par Dodo Voir le message
    Le demi-god je sais meme pas comment c'est gagnable. L'octopode, c'est un de ceux ou j'ai fait 15 runes (en caster), j'imagine qu'il peut aussi se jouer en melee, mais sans armure ca m'a toujours paru suicidaire.
    Demigod, je pense effectivement que le plus simple, c'est conjurer pur, mais je pense tenter un skald plutôt, avec la possibilité d'aller chercher une armure plus ou moins lourde. Octopode, j'aimerais bien tenter d'aller le chercher en transmuter. Ou alors, en invoquant mon Nattefrost intérieur, un berserk dodge. Ça peut pas être pire qu'un félid et il y a plus de slots pour des rings AC. (bon en fait probablement si, un félid, ça court vite)

    Citation Envoyé par Gobbopathe Voir le message
    Pas de différence, donc go large shield !
    Techniquement, tu perds l'offhand attack qui très vite ne vaut pas l'absence de bouclier.

  7. #4807
    Citation Envoyé par Le Canard fou Voir le message
    Demigod, je pense effectivement que le plus simple, c'est conjurer pur, mais je pense tenter un skald plutôt, avec la possibilité d'aller chercher une armure plus ou moins lourde. Octopode, j'aimerais bien tenter d'aller le chercher en transmuter. Ou alors, en invoquant mon Nattefrost intérieur, un berserk dodge. Ça peut pas être pire qu'un félid et il y a plus de slots pour des rings AC. (bon en fait probablement si, un félid, ça court vite)

    Techniquement, tu perds l'offhand attack qui très vite ne vaut pas l'absence de bouclier.
    Oublie pas de monter throwing à 27 ! 'Canard the Octopod Ballista'

  8. #4808
    Petite question sur les armes, je monte un Troll shield, claws et throwing, mais je viens de tomber sur ça : +12 mace Annivokh {holy, rPois, Str+2}. Je suis juste lvl10 avec 6.6 en unarmed combat. Je lache le "unarmed" et je monte mace ?

  9. #4809
    base damage pourri j'imagine une mace non ? Ne te laisse pas tenter
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  10. #4810
    Citation Envoyé par Patate Voir le message
    Petite question sur les armes, je monte un Troll shield, claws et throwing, mais je viens de tomber sur ça : +12 mace Annivokh {holy, rPois, Str+2}. Je suis juste lvl10 avec 6.6 en unarmed combat. Je lache le "unarmed" et je monte mace ?
    Nope. Éventuellement tu peux t'en servir si tu te retrouve acculé par une hydre sans plus rien à throw et sans parchemin de teleportation ni wand puissante.

  11. #4811
    Bon ok merci ! C'est vrai que c'était tentant et le skin était classe

  12. #4812
    Il en sort tous les matins, mais je traine sur Discord et on a le nouveau record de speedrun de powermode

    318. P0WERM0DE the Executioner (L22 DDFi of Makhleb), escaped with the Orb and 3 runes on 2019-05-12 11:17:20, with 4057375 points after 16689 turns and 0:21:31.
    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  13. #4813

  14. #4814
    Ah oui quand même
    Je suis comme Jacquouille devant une voiture : "comment est ce possible? C'est diablerie"...

    Edit :c'est qui ce mec ça fait longtemps qu'il joue ?

    Re Edit : maté sa chaîne youtube. Ok le gars fait un 15 runes en 1h15 (avec changement de dieu). [voix de Denis Brogniard] "AH!"

  15. #4815
    Nan mais Deep Dwarf Fighter aussi, pfff! cheaté!

  16. #4816
    Citation Envoyé par Guy De Fluk Voir le message
    Edit :c'est qui ce mec ça fait longtemps qu'il joue ?
    Ah oui faut pas se comparer à lui, c'est le recordman multiple, aussi bien en temps réel qu'au nombre de tours. Un grand malade comme le dit Nattefrost (et avec qui on a plaisir à papoter durant les tournois)
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  17. #4817
    Ah ok merci Gobbopathe, j'm'en doutais mais ça fait du bien de l'entendre.

    C'est pour lui que les devs devraient sortir la race Ragondin borgne unijambiste, avec la classe objecteur de conscience pacifiste. Lui faut du challenge lui lol.

    Sinon rien à voir mais quelqu'un sait comment faire une macro où on utilise la touche ctrl? J'ai lu deux ou trois initiations mais j'arrive pas à créer la macro "Ctrl+x a v"

    (trois runes mais chez slime quoi...avec une main dans le dos aussi?lol)

  18. #4818
    Tout à fait, ne pas se comparer à lui sinon tu vas déprimer . Perso j'ai réalisé a quel point il était fort quand j'ai fait mon run le plus rapide en ~2h20 (je me pensais rapide, lol ! ) et comme il venait discuter dans mes parties de temps en temps je suis allé le voir dans les siennes... et là j'ai vu des choses...

  19. #4819
    Citation Envoyé par Guy De Fluk Voir le message
    Sinon rien à voir mais quelqu'un sait comment faire une macro où on utilise la touche ctrl? J'ai lu deux ou trois initiations mais j'arrive pas à créer la macro "Ctrl+x a v"
    Oui ça se paramètre bien les macros, mais j'ai pas le raccourci en tête. Mais au vu de ton smiley je crois qu'une blague m'échappe

    (trois runes mais chez slime quoi...avec une main dans le dos aussi?lol)
    Justement je regardais attentivement comment il allait s'y prendre avec la Royal Jelly, et je ne sais pas si tu as remarqué mais il prend bien soin de lui balancer d'abord un filet pour l'immobiliser avant de la découper en rondelles. Très bonne leçon, il ne le fera à aucun autre moment je crois.

    Par ailleurs il a eu une chance insolente (dont il convient tout à fait) : tombé dans un shaft pour arriver devant un trove qui le laisse rentrer uniquement en échange de sa (modeste) piété (3* à ce moment là) pour lui donner un loot incroyable. Mais bien évidemment on voit cette chance sur cette partie précise car il nous présente le run qui bat le record, on ne voit pas la quantité de runs qu'il a du faire avant. Il y a bien sûr un biais.
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  20. #4820
    Oui j'imagine bien la situation.
    Il va pas non plus se la raconter quand il vient parler sur tes parties, normal.
    Toi tu commences à te dire (à juste titre) "bon bon j'suis pas trop dégueu on va voir ce que font les autres joueurs... Alors chez qui on va voir... Ah oui le gars de l'autre fois qui venait causer tiens..."
    Et là oui j'veux bien croire que t'as fait la gueule de ton gif !

    J'espère qu'après t'as capté rapidement que le mec est exceptionnel, que les autres sont pas tous comme ça, sinon bonjour les ambiances =0_0=

  21. #4821
    @ Gobbopathe
    Oui je me doute bien pour les milliers de runs perdues. Je suis d'accord avec toi. Mais justement : plus que la run, c'est le taf qu'il a fourni pour en arriver là, même s'il a des prédispositions. Avec les mêmes coups de chances on ferait tous de bons scores mais peut être pas celui là, en ce qui me concerne. Après la perf c'est pas le truc que je vénère dans les jeux vidéos. Mais merci pour la découverte. Si un jour j'suis dans un chan où il s'exprime je ferai gaffe à pas dire trop de bêtises lol.

    Pour la royal jelly j'avais sauté le passage (en mode "d't'façons c'est pas de mon niveau") : grossière erreur, merci du tuyau !
    Pour le trove j'me suis fais la même remarque : "ma piété nulle en échange de plein de loot pété ? ... Ah ben c'est d'accord alors !"

    Pour la macro my bad avec le smiley. Y avait pas de blague, c'est juste que j'ai honte de pas trouver pour un truc si simple. Macro avec succession de touches uniques j'ai capté, mais macro avec combinaison de touches je sèche !

  22. #4822
    P0WERM0DE est un mec super sympas, si tu le croise et que tu as des questions, n'hesite pas a les lui poser. Sauf s'il est en plein speedrun bien sur.

  23. #4823
    Et voilà le record à jour depuis hier matin pour le 15 runes

    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  24. #4824
    15 runes déjà le chiffre calme bien.
    Alors dans les temps où il fait ça...

    Allé. Je retourne faire crever en boucles mes spriggans par paquets de 20.

  25. #4825
    C'est vrai que c'est extrêmement impressionnant ! Je viens de me mater le run... ya des moments vraiment chaud mais on voit qu'il connait pas cœur le jeu. Excellent !

  26. #4826
    Il a pas eu de bol sur le loot en early/midle game et ca l'a bien ralentis, pour le reste et surtout pour les combats c'est tres propre avec de la chance comme il en faut pour un speedrun

  27. #4827
    Vu qu'il n'y a pas de sujet sur ADOM, je post ici. Et je double post mais osef !

    J'ai réalisé aujourd'hui ma premiere victoire sur ADOM \o/
    Avec un Orc Barbarian
    OrBa/40 L+ DV/PV: 97/58 H: 831/831   P: 157/157    ----b-i----------0DrCh
            ^^^ ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^         ^^^^^^
       ^^^  ^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ==^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^..^
       ^^^^===""""~~~^^^^^^^*^^^&&&&&&&~~~~~~~~~~~~^*^^= =====^^*^^^^^^^^^^^*.@^^
    Forest. (x10)
    A road. (x2)
    You need special equipment to scale those mountains.
    A road. (x3)
                                Background Information
    Name: Di                  Race: male Orc            Class: Barbarian
    Eye color: black          Hair color: brown         Complexion: gray
    Height: 182 cm            Weight: 21 kilos
    Age: 24 (adult, 9 years of unnatural aging added in)
    Star sign: Candle         Birthday: 1/Candle (day 271 of the year)
            Your father was an accomplished hunter and warrior. You were
     well-respected and comparatively wealthy.
            As a child you were very active and imitated the hunters and
     warriors of your tribe at all opportunities.
            In your youth you strived very hard to become the best warrior in
     your tribe. You watched, learned and became very strong and nimble.
            As a young adult your family was killed in a raid. You became
     embittered and filled with the desire for revenge.
            At the age of 14 you left your tribe.
    Total weight: 6303 stones                Carrying capacity: 8475 stones
    Head          : blessed eternium cap [+0, +6]                         [28s]
    Neck          : blessed ankh                                           [3s]
    Body          : blessed eternium plate mail of life (-1, -2) [-1, +15][240s]
    Girdle        : blessed girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+4}            [15s]
    Cloak         : blessed cloak of defense [+4, +0]                     [20s]
    Right Hand    : blessed eternium spear (+8, 2d8+10)                   [25s]
    Left Hand     : blessed tower eternium shield (-1) [+13, +4]          [70s]
    Right Ring    : blessed ring of immunity                               [1s]
    Left Ring     : blessed ring of mental stability [+1, +4] {Le+4}       [1s]
    Bracers       : blessed bracers of pure might [+4, +4] {St+8} (+8 spd)[12s]
    Gauntlets     : blessed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3]         [10s]
    Boots         : blessed seven league boots [+1, +6]                   [30s]
    Missile Weapon: -
    Missiles      : blessed rune-covered trident (+6, 3d12+6) [+4, +4] {Dx+12}
    Tool          : blessed cornucopia {Ma+13}                           [100s]
    Total weight: 5668 stones   Carrying capacity: 8475 stones
    Helmets ('[')
       blessed eternium cap [+0, +4]                                      [28s]
    Shields ('[')
       blessed large eternium shield (-1) [+11, +5]                       [54s]
    Girdles ('[')
       uncursed eternium girdle [+0, +4]                                  [12s]
    Boots ('[')
       cursed eternium boots [+0, +5]                                     [55s]
    Necklaces (''')
       uncursed necklace of the eye                                        [3s]
       blessed necklace of rapid healing                                   [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed amulets of free action                           [9s]
       uncursed necklace of rabies resistance                              [2s]
       blessed amulet of health                                            [3s]
       uncursed amulet of teleport control                                 [3s]
       uncursed amulet of petrification resistance                         [3s]
       blessed amulet of order                                             [3s]
       uncursed necklace of rapid healing                                  [2s]
       uncursed amulet of hunger                                           [3s]
       blessed amulet of death ray resistance                              [7s]
       heap of 2 uncursed amulets of perseverance {Wi+3}                   [6s]
       uncursed amulet of protection from undead                           [3s]
       cursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3}                                [3s]
       uncursed amulet of defense +3                                       [3s]
       uncursed amulet of defense +2                                       [3s]
    Bracers (',')
       uncursed bracers of speed [+3, +0] (+4 spd)                        [10s]
    One-handed weapons ('(')
       uncursed pick axe (+0, 1d6+1)                                      [75s]
       cursed scorched spear (+2, 3d8+1) [+2, +0]                         [50s]
       blessed ebony spear "Bugbiter" (+3, 4d7+3) [+1, +1] {Dx+3}        [100s]
    Missile weapons ('}')
       blessed sling (+3, +2)                                              [3s]
       blessed sling of accuracy (+7, +2)                                  [3s]
    Missiles ('/')
       bundle of 2 uncursed mithril sling bullets (+4, 2d5)                [6s]
       bundle of 7 uncursed sling bullets of humanoid slaying (+3, 2d3)   [21s]
       bundle of 6 uncursed lead sling bullets (+3, 1d5)                  [18s]
       bundle of 10 uncursed lead sling bullets of slaying (+3, 1d5)      [30s]
       bundle of 5 uncursed sling bullets of undead slaying (+3, 2d3)     [15s]
       bundle of 9 uncursed sling bullets of construct slaying (+3, 2d3)  [27s]
       bundle of 25 uncursed sling bullets of giant slaying (+3, 2d3)     [75s]
    Tools (']')
       heap of 3 uncursed waterproof blankets {water}                     [30s]
       heap of 3 uncursed tiny keys                                        [3s]
       heap of 5 cursed round keys                                         [5s]
       heap of 2 blessed bandages                                          [4s]
       uncursed fireproof blanket                                         [10s]
       uncursed plain blanket                                             [10s]
       heap of 4 uncursed square keys                                      [4s]
       heap of 4 uncursed small keys                                       [4s]
       blessed holy symbol                                                 [5s]
       heap of 4 uncursed bandages                                         [8s]
       heap of 3 uncursed triangular keys                                  [3s]
       cursed small key                                                    [1s]
       heap of 2 uncursed hexagonal keys                                   [2s]
       uncursed round key                                                  [1s]
       heap of 2 cursed waterproof blankets                               [20s]
       blessed fireproof blanket                                          [10s]
       uncursed piece of iron ore                                        [120s]
       uncursed fletchery set (8)                                         [70s]
       blessed round key                                                   [1s]
    Rings ('=')
       uncursed ring of damage                                             [1s]
       heap of 3 uncursed rings of fire resistance                         [3s]
       heap of 2 uncursed rings of teleport control                        [2s]
       uncursed ring of acid resistance                                    [1s]
       blessed ring of ice                                                 [1s]
       heap of 4 uncursed rings of ice                                     [4s]
       blessed ring of fire resistance                                     [1s]
       blessed ring of the clear mind                                      [1s]
       uncursed ring of cold resistance                                    [1s]
       heap of 4 uncursed rings of searching                               [4s]
       heap of 2 uncursed rings of regeneration                            [2s]
       blessed ring of the High Kings [+2, +3]                             [1s]
       cursed ring of protection +1                                        [1s]
       blessed ring of luck                                                [1s]
       cursed ring of minor elemental mastery [+0, +0]                     [1s]
       heap of 2 uncursed rings of fire                                    [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed rings of stun resistance                         [3s]
       uncursed ring of the fish                                           [1s]
       cursed ring of stun resistance                                      [1s]
       heap of 3 uncursed rings of the clear mind                          [3s]
       uncursed ring of levitation                                         [1s]
       uncursed ring of see invisible                                      [1s]
       blessed ring of stun resistance                                     [1s]
       uncursed ring of slaying (+4 melee damage, +6 missile damage)       [1s]
       uncursed ring of slaying (+6 melee damage, +6 missile damage)       [1s]
       uncursed ring of luck                                               [1s]
    Wands ('\')
       uncursed wand of wonder (1 charge)                                  [3s]
       uncursed wand of teleportation (0 charges)                          [4s]
       blessed wand of digging (3 charges)                                 [3s]
       uncursed wand of teleportation (1 charge)                           [4s]
       uncursed wand of digging (0 charges)                                [3s]
       cursed wand of item detection (1 charge)                            [3s]
       uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges)                          [3s]
       cursed wand of door creation (0 charges)                            [3s]
       blessed wand of destruction (0 charges)                             [3s]
       uncursed wand of stunning (0 charges)                               [3s]
       uncursed wand of item detection (0 charges)                         [3s]
       uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges)                          [3s]
       blessed wand of door creation (2 charges)                           [3s]
       uncursed wand of knocking (2 charges)                               [3s]
       uncursed wand of digging (0 charges)                                [3s]
       uncursed wand of ball lightning (1 charge)                          [4s]
       uncursed wand of paralyzation (4 charges)                           [3s]
       uncursed wand of bunny summoning (0 charges)                        [3s]
       uncursed wand of item detection (0 charges)                         [3s]
       uncursed wand of cold (1 charge)                                    [4s]
       uncursed wand of teleportation (4 charges)                          [4s]
       uncursed wand of monster detection (0 charges)                      [3s]
       uncursed wand of gold detection (5 charges)                         [6s]
       uncursed wand of door creation (3 charges)                          [3s]
       uncursed wand of far slaying (5 charges)                            [3s]
       blessed wand of trap detection (6 charges)                          [3s]
    Potions ('!')
       heap of 2 uncursed potions of confusion                             [4s]
       uncursed potion of ultra healing {ultra h}                          [2s]
       heap of 5 uncursed potions of insight                              [10s]
       heap of 2 cursed oils of rust removal                               [4s]
       blessed potion of youth                                             [4s]
       heap of 12 uncursed potions of booze                               [48s]
       heap of 3 blessed potions of booze                                 [12s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of exchange                             [12s]
       uncursed potion of stun recovery                                    [2s]
       heap of 2 uncursed berzio potions                                   [4s]
       heap of 4 blessed potions of extra healing                          [8s]
       heap of 6 blessed potions of insight                               [12s]
       blessed potion of invisibility                                      [4s]
       blessed potion of mana                                              [4s]
       heap of 2 uncursed oils of rust removal                             [4s]
       blessed potion of ultra healing                                     [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of youth                                [12s]
       uncursed potion of boost speed                                      [2s]
       blessed phial of Caladriel                                          [2s]
       blessed potion of oil                                               [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of oil                                   [6s]
       heap of 2 uncursed potions of extra healing                         [4s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of carrot juice                         [12s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of poison                               [12s]
       blessed oil of rust removal                                         [2s]
       heap of 9 uncursed potions of healing                              [36s]
       heap of 11 uncursed potions of water                               [44s]
       cursed potion of boost learning                                     [2s]
       uncursed potion of uselessness                                      [2s]
       blessed potion of boost appearance                                  [2s]
       cursed potion of potential learning                                 [4s]
       uncursed potion of wonder                                           [2s]
       uncursed potion of boost learning                                   [2s]
       cursed potion of booze                                              [4s]
       cursed potion of charisma                                           [4s]
       cursed potion of boost willpower                                    [2s]
       cursed potion of healing                                            [4s]
       heap of 2 uncursed potions of cure poison                           [4s]
       uncursed potion of boost strength                                   [2s]
       uncursed potion of willpower                                        [4s]
       uncursed potion of longevity                                        [4s]
       potion of holy water                                                [4s]
       uncursed potion of potential mana                                   [4s]
       uncursed potion of potential toughness                              [4s]
       uncursed potion of potential learning                               [4s]
       uncursed potion of training                                         [2s]
    Scrolls ('?')
       heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of defense                               [4s]
       cursed scroll of magic mapping                                      [2s]
       uncursed scroll of satiation                                        [2s]
       blessed scroll of item destruction                                  [2s]
       blessed scroll of corruption removal                                [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of teleportation                         [6s]
       uncursed scroll of corruption removal                               [2s]
       blessed scroll of luck                                              [2s]
       heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of identify                             [10s]
       heap of 4 blessed scrolls of identify                               [8s]
       heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of repair                               [10s]
       uncursed scroll of monster detection                                [2s]
       blessed scroll of magic mapping                                     [2s]
       heap of 2 cursed scrolls of item detection                          [4s]
       blessed scroll of item creation                                     [2s]
       heap of 5 cursed scrolls of charging                               [10s]
       blessed scroll of charging                                          [2s]
       heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of item destruction                      [4s]
       heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of danger                                [8s]
       heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of uncursing                             [8s]
       uncursed scroll of balance                                          [2s]
       cursed scroll of monster detection                                  [2s]
       blessed scroll of balance                                           [2s]
       uncursed scroll of magic mapping                                    [2s]
       heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of peace                                 [4s]
       uncursed scroll of protection                                       [2s]
       cursed scroll of uncursing                                          [2s]
       blessed scroll of increase melee damage                             [2s]
    Food ('%')
       heap of 30 blessed curaria mancox herbs                            [60s]
       heap of 72 cursed spenseweeds                                     [144s]
       heap of 47 blessed morgia roots                                    [94s]
       heap of 35 blessed moss patches of mareilon                        [70s]
       heap of 10 cursed stomafillia herbs                                [20s]
       heap of 5 uncursed stomafillia herbs                               [10s]
       heap of 19 uncursed stomacemptia herbs                             [38s]
       heap of 27 blessed stomafillia herbs                               [54s]
       heap of 8 cursed stomacemptia herbs                                [16s]
       heap of 26 blessed stomacemptia herbs                              [52s]
       heap of 10 blessed alraunia antidotes                              [20s]
       heap of 54 uncursed cooked lizards                                [162s]
       heap of 16 blessed spenseweeds                                     [32s]
    Valuables ('$')
       337670 gold pieces                                               [3376s]
    Gems ('*')
       uncursed crystal of knowledge                                       [1s]
       uncursed crystal of health                                          [1s]
                                    Weapon Skills
    Melee weapon           Lvl   Hit   Dam   DV   Level          Required marks
    ---------------------  ---   ---   ---   --   -------------  --------------
    Unarmed fighting         4    +3    +1   +1   skilled              88
    Daggers & knives         1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Clubs & hammers          1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Maces & flails           1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Swords                   1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Axes                     1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Whips                    1    +1    +0   +1   basic                25
    Pole arms               15   +20   +12  +22   Grand Mastery
    Twohanded weapons        1    +1    +1   +0   basic                25
    Staves                   1    +1    +0   +1   basic                25
    Missile weapon         Lvl   Hit   Dam   Ra   Level          Required marks
    ---------------------  ---   ---   ---   --   -------------  --------------
    Slings                   8   +16   +12   +2   excellent            52
    Bows                     0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Crossbows                0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Thrown axes & hammers    0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Thrown daggers           0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Thrown rocks & clubs     2    +4    +3   +0   basic                18
    Thrown spears            7   +14   +10   +2   skilled              222
    Boomerangs & scurgari    0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Shields                Lvl   DV               Level          Required marks
    ---------------------  ---   ---              -------------  --------------
    Shields                 11   +22              Mastery              2694
    Damage caused with your melee weapons:
    Right hand: +160 bonus to hit, 2d8+65 damage
    Damage caused with your missile weapons:
    Ammunition: 1, base range: 5, +81 bonus to hit, 3d8+29 damage
      Athletics ................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Backstabbing .............100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Bridge building ..........  3    (poor)         [+4d4] (mr)
      Climbing .................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Cooking .................. 18    (mediocre)     [+4d5] (mr)
      Courage ..................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Detect traps .............100    (superb)       [+1d3]
      Dodge ....................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Find weakness ............100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      First aid ................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Haggling ................. 57    (good)         [+1d5]
      Healing ..................100    (superb)       [+1d3]
      Herbalism ................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Listening ................100    (superb)       [+3d5]
      Literacy ................. 62    (good)         [+1]
      Metallurgy ............... 47    (fair)         [+3d3]
      Mining ...................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Pick locks ............... 28    (mediocre)     [+3d5]
      Pick pockets ............. 72    (great)        [+2d4]
      Stealth ..................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Survival .................100    (superb)       [+3d3]
      Swimming .................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Tactics ..................100    (superb)       [+1]
      Two weapon combat ........ 40    (fair)         [+3d5]
      Ventriloquism ............ 23    (mediocre)     [+2d4]
      Woodcraft ................ 21    (mediocre)     [+4d5]
       Burning Hands :     2,  15pp     (Effectivity: +0)
       Fire Bolt     :     5,  19pp     (Effectivity: +0)
       Lightning Bolt:     7,  23pp     (Effectivity: +0)
       Slow Poison   :     6,  11pp     (Effectivity: +0)
                                Effects of Corruption
    Your eye(s) turned black (Pe: +3).
    Your blood turned to acid.
    You have become extremely thin and nimble (1/2 weight, DV: +6).
                                  His further life:
    After he leaves the Drakalor Chain he is welcomed by his people with great
    honors. They acknowledge his noble deeds, his valor, his cunning and his
    great skills that helped to prevent the complete destruction of the world he
    knows. He is crowned to be the king of all orcs and lives a long and
    prosperous life full of power, happiness and pleasure.
                  His achievements during his battles:
    Di, the orcish barbarian, saved the world with his brave efforts and became
    a great ruler while saving himself 36 times.
    He scored 8903668 points and advanced to level 40.
    He survived for 0 years, 248 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes and 9 seconds
    (115722 turns).
    Di visited 174 places.
    His strength score was modified by +10 during his career.
    His learning score was modified by +8 during his career.
    His willpower score was modified by +13 during his career.
    His dexterity score was modified by +14 during his career.
    His toughness score was modified by +15 during his career.
    His charisma score was modified by +5 during his career.
    His appearance score was modified by +5 during his career.
    His mana score was modified by +5 during his career.
    His perception score was modified by +4 during his career.
    He was unnaturally aged by 9 years.
    He was the champion of the arena.
    He was a member of the thieves guild.
    He made a little water dragon very happy.
    He left the Drakalor Chain after completing his quest and became a great
    leader and famous hero.
    7087 monsters perished under his attacks.
    The following 31 artifacts were generated during his adventure:
      the si
      the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle"
      the potion of literacy
      the golden gladius "Death's Sting"
      the elven long bow "Sun's Messenger"
      the silvery two-handed sword "Vanquisher"
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Water
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Air
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Earth
      the ebony spear "Bugbiter"
      the lead-filled mace "Big Punch"
      the scorched spear
      the rune-covered trident
      the sword of Nonnak
      the elemental gauntlets
      the ring of the High Kings
      the phial of Caladriel
      the crown of science
      the ancient mummy wrapping
      the ankh
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Mana
      the ring of immunity
      the antediluvian dwarven map fragment
      the vibrating rapier "Hornet's Sting"
      the whip of the vampire snake
      the thorny whip "Bloody Rose"
      the beheading axe "Headman's Hand"
      the intricate wooden staff "Nature's Breath"
      the bracers of pure might
      the cornucopia
    He possessed the following intrinsics:
      He was fire resistant (also through an item).
      He was poison resistant.
      He was cold resistant (gained through an item).
      He was acid resistant.
      He was lucky (also through items).
      Fate smiled upon him (also through items).
      He was able to control teleportation.
      He was invisible.
      He was shock resistant (also through an item).
      He was able to see invisible things (also through an item).
      He was immune to shock attacks (gained through an item).
      He was immune to fire attacks.
      He was immune to acidic attacks.
      He was immune to ice attacks (gained through an item).
      He was able to resist confusion attacks (gained through an item).
    He had the following talents: Affinity with Daggers & Knives, Affinity with
    Polearms, Affinity with Thrown Spears, Affinity with Whips, Careful,
    Defensive Fighter, Dodger, Healthy, Mechanically Inclined, Melee Weapon
    Master, Pious, Quick, Strong, Strong of Will, Tough, Very Quick.
    He had a final speed score of 123 (final base speed: 115).
    He was a messiah of The One Who Sees.
    He asked for 16 divine interventions.
    He was a holy champion of Order.
    He was tainted by Chaos.
    The following monsters were vanquished:
          2 acid vortices
         24 air demons
         13 air elementals
          7 air grues
          3 ancient black dragons
          5 ancient blue dragons
          1 Ancient Chaos Wyrm
          4 ancient minotaurs
         12 ancient red dragons
          1 Ancient Stone Beast
          3 ancient white dragons
         12 animated armors
        267 animated trees
          3 ankhegs
         21 annihilators
          6 annis hags
          2 assassins
          9 balors
         25 bandits
          1 banshee
          6 barbarians
         21 barbarian leaders
         90 battle bunnies
          1 beggar
         41 berserkers
          7 berserker emperors
          6 berserker kings
         37 berserker lords
          8 berserker princes
          8 big dogs
          1 black dragon
          2 black dragon hatchlings
         13 black hurthlings
          2 black slayers
          5 black unicorns
          7 black wizards
         22 blink dogs
          3 blue dragons
          1 bone golem
          5 brown bears
         10 brown worms
         25 bugbears
          1 bulette
          1 bunny master
         48 carrion crawlers
          1 cat lord
          6 cave bears
         47 cave fishers
          6 cave lions
         35 cave lizards
          4 cave tigers
         42 cavemen
          1 Chaos Archmage
          8 chaos brothers
          1 chaos diplomat
          5 chaos eyes
          8 chaos knights
         11 chaos lizards
        107 chaos mutants
          9 chaos plague bearers
         11 chaos rats
        353 chaos servants
         10 chaos sisters
          6 chaos spawn
         10 chaos spiders
          8 chaos vipers
          4 chaos warlords
         53 chaos warriors
         38 chaos wizards
         21 claw bugs
         29 clay golems
          8 clay statues
          1 cobra
          3 cooshoos
         30 corpse fiends
         12 corruptors
          1 crime lord
          7 crystal statues
         13 cutpurses
          4 cyclopes
          6 dark elven archers
          6 dark elven lords
         13 dark elven priestesses
         10 dark elven princesses
         17 dark elven warriors
          5 dark elven wizards
         31 dark orcs
         10 dark sages
          8 death oozes
          8 diamond golems
         33 dire wolves
         14 displacer beasts
         18 doppelgangers
          1 Dorn Beast
          6 dwarves
         37 dwarven chaos knights
         38 earth elementals
          1 emperor lich
          6 ettins
          9 eyes of destruction
         40 fire beetles
         30 fire demons
         23 fire drakes
         38 fire elementals
         85 fire giants
         28 fire giant kings
          2 fire grues
         36 fire lizards
          4 fire vortices
         39 flesh golems
         23 floating eyes
         99 fomorian giants
        112 frost giants
         78 frost giant berserkers
         58 frost giant jarls
         12 frost salamanders
          6 frozen ones
          1 fungoid overlord
          6 fungoid sporecasters
          9 gargantuan rats
         11 gargoyles
         20 gelatinous cubes
         29 ghosts
          9 ghost bats
          5 ghost kings
         40 ghost lords
        120 ghuls
          1 giant ant queen
         49 giant ant warriors
         17 giant ant workers
         32 giant bats
          4 giant bee queens
         86 giant bee warriors
         24 giant bee workers
         15 giant centipedes
          9 giant frogs
         20 giant lizards
          5 giant raccoons
         56 giant rats
          6 giant rust monsters
          3 giant slugs
         29 giant spiders
          7 gibbering mouthers
         45 gnolls
          6 gnoll chieftains
         76 goblins
         45 goblin berserkers
         15 goblin chieftains
         77 goblin rockthrowers
         37 goblin slavemasters
         40 gray oozes
          2 gray slayers
          1 great red wyrm
         19 greater air elementals
          1 greater balor
        241 greater chaos servants
          1 greater claw bug
          6 greater daemons
          8 greater doppelgangers
          1 greater earth elemental
          5 greater fungoids
          2 greater mimics
         10 greater mummies
          1 greater titan
          6 greater water elementals
          7 green blobs
         11 green hags
         56 green slimes
         65 green worms
          9 gremlins
         10 griffons
          1 grizzled dwarven veteran
          7 grizzly bears
          2 half-orc bouncers
         19 harpies
         15 hell hounds
         29 hill giants
          7 hill giant chieftains
          8 hill orcs
         17 hill orc sergeants
         19 hippogriffs
         13 hobgoblins
          9 hobgoblin chiefs
          8 hobgoblin leaders
          9 homunculi
         19 huge bats
          4 hydras
         31 hyenas
         16 ice elementals
         12 ice lizards
        149 ice statues
          6 ice vortices
         13 imps
          4 invisible stalkers
          4 iron golems
         41 jackals
          3 jackal demons
         13 jackalweres
          1 juggernaut
          5 karmic lizards
          2 king cobras
         87 kobolds
         22 kobold chieftains
         16 kobold shamans
         10 kobold trapmasters
         51 large bats
          3 large dogs
         17 large gnolls
         10 large jackals
         42 large kobolds
         49 large orcs
          8 large rust monsters
          5 large snakes
         73 large spiders
          8 least daemons
          4 lesser daemons
          9 leucrottas
         10 liches
          1 lich king
         10 lightning lizards
          3 lightning vortices
         28 lizard men
          9 magebane eyes
         17 magedoom eyes
         20 major fungoids
          2 margoyles
          1 master assassin
          3 master mimics
          1 master necromancer
          1 Master Summoner
         13 master swordsmen
          6 mimics
          6 mimic hiveminds
          9 minor fungoids
         12 minotaurs
          2 minotaur lords
          1 mist wolf
          6 molochs
         29 mummies
          1 mummy lord
          8 necromancers
          4 ochre jellies
         52 ogres
          9 ogre emperors
         27 ogre kings
        125 ogre lords
          7 ogre magi
          1 old barbarian
          1 oracle
         99 orcs
          1 orc butcher
         12 orc chieftains
         16 orc scorchers
          8 outlaws
         14 outlaw leaders
         17 owlbears
         38 pit vipers
          1 pixie
          2 pixie archers
          2 purple worms
          8 quasits
          4 quicklings
          2 quickling kings
          1 quickling lord
          3 quickling queens
         10 rabid dogs
         15 raiders
         97 rats
         22 ratling archers
         10 ratling duelists
          8 ratling fencers
          7 ratling master thieves
         18 ratling thieves
          6 ratling warlords
         17 ratling warriors
          4 rattlesnakes
         19 red dragons
         17 red dragon hatchlings
         74 red worms
          7 revenants
         21 rust monsters
        127 shadows
          9 shadow centipedes
          5 shadow lords
          6 shadow trolls
          4 shadow wyrms
          3 shambling mounds
         15 silver wolves
          4 skeletal kings
         53 skeletal warriors
        123 skeletons
          5 slow shadows
          1 Snake from Beyond
          8 snow golems
          8 spectres
          6 staring eyes
         38 steel golems
          2 steel horrors
         14 steel zombies
        118 stone giants
         90 stone giant lords
         33 stone golems
         30 stone grues
          4 stone oozes
         13 stone snakes
         20 stone statues
         11 swamp hydras
         20 swordsmen
         29 tarantulas
          1 thug
          9 titans
         33 trolls
         51 troll berserkers
         14 troll chiefs
         11 troll kings
          2 ultimate doppelgangers
          1 undead chaos dwarven berserker
         13 vampires
         64 vapor rats
          4 vipers
          1 wall beast
         10 water demons
          8 water elementals
         23 water grues
         24 water snakes
         11 wererats
          6 werewolves
          6 werewolf kings
          8 werewolf lords
          3 white dragons
         66 white dragon hatchlings
         23 white worms
         52 wights
          4 wild cats
          3 will o'wisps
         28 wolves
         41 wraiths
        129 writhing masses of primal chaos
          6 yellow oozes
         43 yetis
        144 zombies
    Dispatched the legendary goblin Huckree.
    Dispatched the legendary chaos knight WhOsEzNi.
    Dispatched the legendary chaos warlord Dara.
                                   Playing Time
    You played for 16 hours, 26 minutes and 17 seconds.
                                 Version Information
    Ancient Domains Of Mystery
    Version 3.3.3
    Windows Deluxe (GOG) Build: Jan 29 2019 14:11:46

  28. #4828
    Citation Envoyé par Dirian Voir le message
    Vu qu'il n'y a pas de sujet sur ADOM, je post ici. Et je double post mais osef !

    J'ai réalisé aujourd'hui ma premiere victoire sur ADOM \o/
    Avec un Orc Barbarian
    OrBa/40 L+ DV/PV: 97/58 H: 831/831   P: 157/157    ----b-i----------0DrCh
            ^^^ ^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ^^^^^^^         ^^^^^^
       ^^^  ^*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   ==^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^..^
       ^^^^===""""~~~^^^^^^^*^^^&&&&&&&~~~~~~~~~~~~^*^^= =====^^*^^^^^^^^^^^*.@^^
    Forest. (x10)
    A road. (x2)
    You need special equipment to scale those mountains.
    A road. (x3)
                                Background Information
    Name: Di                  Race: male Orc            Class: Barbarian
    Eye color: black          Hair color: brown         Complexion: gray
    Height: 182 cm            Weight: 21 kilos
    Age: 24 (adult, 9 years of unnatural aging added in)
    Star sign: Candle         Birthday: 1/Candle (day 271 of the year)
            Your father was an accomplished hunter and warrior. You were
     well-respected and comparatively wealthy.
            As a child you were very active and imitated the hunters and
     warriors of your tribe at all opportunities.
            In your youth you strived very hard to become the best warrior in
     your tribe. You watched, learned and became very strong and nimble.
            As a young adult your family was killed in a raid. You became
     embittered and filled with the desire for revenge.
            At the age of 14 you left your tribe.
    Total weight: 6303 stones                Carrying capacity: 8475 stones
    Head          : blessed eternium cap [+0, +6]                         [28s]
    Neck          : blessed ankh                                           [3s]
    Body          : blessed eternium plate mail of life (-1, -2) [-1, +15][240s]
    Girdle        : blessed girdle of strength [+0, +0] {St+4}            [15s]
    Cloak         : blessed cloak of defense [+4, +0]                     [20s]
    Right Hand    : blessed eternium spear (+8, 2d8+10)                   [25s]
    Left Hand     : blessed tower eternium shield (-1) [+13, +4]          [70s]
    Right Ring    : blessed ring of immunity                               [1s]
    Left Ring     : blessed ring of mental stability [+1, +4] {Le+4}       [1s]
    Bracers       : blessed bracers of pure might [+4, +4] {St+8} (+8 spd)[12s]
    Gauntlets     : blessed elemental gauntlets (-1, +0) [+0, +3]         [10s]
    Boots         : blessed seven league boots [+1, +6]                   [30s]
    Missile Weapon: -
    Missiles      : blessed rune-covered trident (+6, 3d12+6) [+4, +4] {Dx+12}
    Tool          : blessed cornucopia {Ma+13}                           [100s]
    Total weight: 5668 stones   Carrying capacity: 8475 stones
    Helmets ('[')
       blessed eternium cap [+0, +4]                                      [28s]
    Shields ('[')
       blessed large eternium shield (-1) [+11, +5]                       [54s]
    Girdles ('[')
       uncursed eternium girdle [+0, +4]                                  [12s]
    Boots ('[')
       cursed eternium boots [+0, +5]                                     [55s]
    Necklaces (''')
       uncursed necklace of the eye                                        [3s]
       blessed necklace of rapid healing                                   [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed amulets of free action                           [9s]
       uncursed necklace of rabies resistance                              [2s]
       blessed amulet of health                                            [3s]
       uncursed amulet of teleport control                                 [3s]
       uncursed amulet of petrification resistance                         [3s]
       blessed amulet of order                                             [3s]
       uncursed necklace of rapid healing                                  [2s]
       uncursed amulet of hunger                                           [3s]
       blessed amulet of death ray resistance                              [7s]
       heap of 2 uncursed amulets of perseverance {Wi+3}                   [6s]
       uncursed amulet of protection from undead                           [3s]
       cursed amulet of perseverance {Wi+3}                                [3s]
       uncursed amulet of defense +3                                       [3s]
       uncursed amulet of defense +2                                       [3s]
    Bracers (',')
       uncursed bracers of speed [+3, +0] (+4 spd)                        [10s]
    One-handed weapons ('(')
       uncursed pick axe (+0, 1d6+1)                                      [75s]
       cursed scorched spear (+2, 3d8+1) [+2, +0]                         [50s]
       blessed ebony spear "Bugbiter" (+3, 4d7+3) [+1, +1] {Dx+3}        [100s]
    Missile weapons ('}')
       blessed sling (+3, +2)                                              [3s]
       blessed sling of accuracy (+7, +2)                                  [3s]
    Missiles ('/')
       bundle of 2 uncursed mithril sling bullets (+4, 2d5)                [6s]
       bundle of 7 uncursed sling bullets of humanoid slaying (+3, 2d3)   [21s]
       bundle of 6 uncursed lead sling bullets (+3, 1d5)                  [18s]
       bundle of 10 uncursed lead sling bullets of slaying (+3, 1d5)      [30s]
       bundle of 5 uncursed sling bullets of undead slaying (+3, 2d3)     [15s]
       bundle of 9 uncursed sling bullets of construct slaying (+3, 2d3)  [27s]
       bundle of 25 uncursed sling bullets of giant slaying (+3, 2d3)     [75s]
    Tools (']')
       heap of 3 uncursed waterproof blankets {water}                     [30s]
       heap of 3 uncursed tiny keys                                        [3s]
       heap of 5 cursed round keys                                         [5s]
       heap of 2 blessed bandages                                          [4s]
       uncursed fireproof blanket                                         [10s]
       uncursed plain blanket                                             [10s]
       heap of 4 uncursed square keys                                      [4s]
       heap of 4 uncursed small keys                                       [4s]
       blessed holy symbol                                                 [5s]
       heap of 4 uncursed bandages                                         [8s]
       heap of 3 uncursed triangular keys                                  [3s]
       cursed small key                                                    [1s]
       heap of 2 uncursed hexagonal keys                                   [2s]
       uncursed round key                                                  [1s]
       heap of 2 cursed waterproof blankets                               [20s]
       blessed fireproof blanket                                          [10s]
       uncursed piece of iron ore                                        [120s]
       uncursed fletchery set (8)                                         [70s]
       blessed round key                                                   [1s]
    Rings ('=')
       uncursed ring of damage                                             [1s]
       heap of 3 uncursed rings of fire resistance                         [3s]
       heap of 2 uncursed rings of teleport control                        [2s]
       uncursed ring of acid resistance                                    [1s]
       blessed ring of ice                                                 [1s]
       heap of 4 uncursed rings of ice                                     [4s]
       blessed ring of fire resistance                                     [1s]
       blessed ring of the clear mind                                      [1s]
       uncursed ring of cold resistance                                    [1s]
       heap of 4 uncursed rings of searching                               [4s]
       heap of 2 uncursed rings of regeneration                            [2s]
       blessed ring of the High Kings [+2, +3]                             [1s]
       cursed ring of protection +1                                        [1s]
       blessed ring of luck                                                [1s]
       cursed ring of minor elemental mastery [+0, +0]                     [1s]
       heap of 2 uncursed rings of fire                                    [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed rings of stun resistance                         [3s]
       uncursed ring of the fish                                           [1s]
       cursed ring of stun resistance                                      [1s]
       heap of 3 uncursed rings of the clear mind                          [3s]
       uncursed ring of levitation                                         [1s]
       uncursed ring of see invisible                                      [1s]
       blessed ring of stun resistance                                     [1s]
       uncursed ring of slaying (+4 melee damage, +6 missile damage)       [1s]
       uncursed ring of slaying (+6 melee damage, +6 missile damage)       [1s]
       uncursed ring of luck                                               [1s]
    Wands ('\')
       uncursed wand of wonder (1 charge)                                  [3s]
       uncursed wand of teleportation (0 charges)                          [4s]
       blessed wand of digging (3 charges)                                 [3s]
       uncursed wand of teleportation (1 charge)                           [4s]
       uncursed wand of digging (0 charges)                                [3s]
       cursed wand of item detection (1 charge)                            [3s]
       uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges)                          [3s]
       cursed wand of door creation (0 charges)                            [3s]
       blessed wand of destruction (0 charges)                             [3s]
       uncursed wand of stunning (0 charges)                               [3s]
       uncursed wand of item detection (0 charges)                         [3s]
       uncursed wand of door creation (0 charges)                          [3s]
       blessed wand of door creation (2 charges)                           [3s]
       uncursed wand of knocking (2 charges)                               [3s]
       uncursed wand of digging (0 charges)                                [3s]
       uncursed wand of ball lightning (1 charge)                          [4s]
       uncursed wand of paralyzation (4 charges)                           [3s]
       uncursed wand of bunny summoning (0 charges)                        [3s]
       uncursed wand of item detection (0 charges)                         [3s]
       uncursed wand of cold (1 charge)                                    [4s]
       uncursed wand of teleportation (4 charges)                          [4s]
       uncursed wand of monster detection (0 charges)                      [3s]
       uncursed wand of gold detection (5 charges)                         [6s]
       uncursed wand of door creation (3 charges)                          [3s]
       uncursed wand of far slaying (5 charges)                            [3s]
       blessed wand of trap detection (6 charges)                          [3s]
    Potions ('!')
       heap of 2 uncursed potions of confusion                             [4s]
       uncursed potion of ultra healing {ultra h}                          [2s]
       heap of 5 uncursed potions of insight                              [10s]
       heap of 2 cursed oils of rust removal                               [4s]
       blessed potion of youth                                             [4s]
       heap of 12 uncursed potions of booze                               [48s]
       heap of 3 blessed potions of booze                                 [12s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of exchange                             [12s]
       uncursed potion of stun recovery                                    [2s]
       heap of 2 uncursed berzio potions                                   [4s]
       heap of 4 blessed potions of extra healing                          [8s]
       heap of 6 blessed potions of insight                               [12s]
       blessed potion of invisibility                                      [4s]
       blessed potion of mana                                              [4s]
       heap of 2 uncursed oils of rust removal                             [4s]
       blessed potion of ultra healing                                     [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of youth                                [12s]
       uncursed potion of boost speed                                      [2s]
       blessed phial of Caladriel                                          [2s]
       blessed potion of oil                                               [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of oil                                   [6s]
       heap of 2 uncursed potions of extra healing                         [4s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of carrot juice                         [12s]
       heap of 3 uncursed potions of poison                               [12s]
       blessed oil of rust removal                                         [2s]
       heap of 9 uncursed potions of healing                              [36s]
       heap of 11 uncursed potions of water                               [44s]
       cursed potion of boost learning                                     [2s]
       uncursed potion of uselessness                                      [2s]
       blessed potion of boost appearance                                  [2s]
       cursed potion of potential learning                                 [4s]
       uncursed potion of wonder                                           [2s]
       uncursed potion of boost learning                                   [2s]
       cursed potion of booze                                              [4s]
       cursed potion of charisma                                           [4s]
       cursed potion of boost willpower                                    [2s]
       cursed potion of healing                                            [4s]
       heap of 2 uncursed potions of cure poison                           [4s]
       uncursed potion of boost strength                                   [2s]
       uncursed potion of willpower                                        [4s]
       uncursed potion of longevity                                        [4s]
       potion of holy water                                                [4s]
       uncursed potion of potential mana                                   [4s]
       uncursed potion of potential toughness                              [4s]
       uncursed potion of potential learning                               [4s]
       uncursed potion of training                                         [2s]
    Scrolls ('?')
       heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of defense                               [4s]
       cursed scroll of magic mapping                                      [2s]
       uncursed scroll of satiation                                        [2s]
       blessed scroll of item destruction                                  [2s]
       blessed scroll of corruption removal                                [2s]
       heap of 3 uncursed scrolls of teleportation                         [6s]
       uncursed scroll of corruption removal                               [2s]
       blessed scroll of luck                                              [2s]
       heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of identify                             [10s]
       heap of 4 blessed scrolls of identify                               [8s]
       heap of 5 uncursed scrolls of repair                               [10s]
       uncursed scroll of monster detection                                [2s]
       blessed scroll of magic mapping                                     [2s]
       heap of 2 cursed scrolls of item detection                          [4s]
       blessed scroll of item creation                                     [2s]
       heap of 5 cursed scrolls of charging                               [10s]
       blessed scroll of charging                                          [2s]
       heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of item destruction                      [4s]
       heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of danger                                [8s]
       heap of 4 uncursed scrolls of uncursing                             [8s]
       uncursed scroll of balance                                          [2s]
       cursed scroll of monster detection                                  [2s]
       blessed scroll of balance                                           [2s]
       uncursed scroll of magic mapping                                    [2s]
       heap of 2 uncursed scrolls of peace                                 [4s]
       uncursed scroll of protection                                       [2s]
       cursed scroll of uncursing                                          [2s]
       blessed scroll of increase melee damage                             [2s]
    Food ('%')
       heap of 30 blessed curaria mancox herbs                            [60s]
       heap of 72 cursed spenseweeds                                     [144s]
       heap of 47 blessed morgia roots                                    [94s]
       heap of 35 blessed moss patches of mareilon                        [70s]
       heap of 10 cursed stomafillia herbs                                [20s]
       heap of 5 uncursed stomafillia herbs                               [10s]
       heap of 19 uncursed stomacemptia herbs                             [38s]
       heap of 27 blessed stomafillia herbs                               [54s]
       heap of 8 cursed stomacemptia herbs                                [16s]
       heap of 26 blessed stomacemptia herbs                              [52s]
       heap of 10 blessed alraunia antidotes                              [20s]
       heap of 54 uncursed cooked lizards                                [162s]
       heap of 16 blessed spenseweeds                                     [32s]
    Valuables ('$')
       337670 gold pieces                                               [3376s]
    Gems ('*')
       uncursed crystal of knowledge                                       [1s]
       uncursed crystal of health                                          [1s]
                                    Weapon Skills
    Melee weapon           Lvl   Hit   Dam   DV   Level          Required marks
    ---------------------  ---   ---   ---   --   -------------  --------------
    Unarmed fighting         4    +3    +1   +1   skilled              88
    Daggers & knives         1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Clubs & hammers          1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Maces & flails           1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Swords                   1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Axes                     1    +1    +0   +0   basic                25
    Whips                    1    +1    +0   +1   basic                25
    Pole arms               15   +20   +12  +22   Grand Mastery
    Twohanded weapons        1    +1    +1   +0   basic                25
    Staves                   1    +1    +0   +1   basic                25
    Missile weapon         Lvl   Hit   Dam   Ra   Level          Required marks
    ---------------------  ---   ---   ---   --   -------------  --------------
    Slings                   8   +16   +12   +2   excellent            52
    Bows                     0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Crossbows                0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Thrown axes & hammers    0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Thrown daggers           0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Thrown rocks & clubs     2    +4    +3   +0   basic                18
    Thrown spears            7   +14   +10   +2   skilled              222
    Boomerangs & scurgari    0    +0    +0   +0   unskilled            7
    Shields                Lvl   DV               Level          Required marks
    ---------------------  ---   ---              -------------  --------------
    Shields                 11   +22              Mastery              2694
    Damage caused with your melee weapons:
    Right hand: +160 bonus to hit, 2d8+65 damage
    Damage caused with your missile weapons:
    Ammunition: 1, base range: 5, +81 bonus to hit, 3d8+29 damage
      Athletics ................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Backstabbing .............100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Bridge building ..........  3    (poor)         [+4d4] (mr)
      Climbing .................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Cooking .................. 18    (mediocre)     [+4d5] (mr)
      Courage ..................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Detect traps .............100    (superb)       [+1d3]
      Dodge ....................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Find weakness ............100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      First aid ................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Haggling ................. 57    (good)         [+1d5]
      Healing ..................100    (superb)       [+1d3]
      Herbalism ................100    (superb)       [+2d4]
      Listening ................100    (superb)       [+3d5]
      Literacy ................. 62    (good)         [+1]
      Metallurgy ............... 47    (fair)         [+3d3]
      Mining ...................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Pick locks ............... 28    (mediocre)     [+3d5]
      Pick pockets ............. 72    (great)        [+2d4]
      Stealth ..................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Survival .................100    (superb)       [+3d3]
      Swimming .................100    (superb)       [+1d5]
      Tactics ..................100    (superb)       [+1]
      Two weapon combat ........ 40    (fair)         [+3d5]
      Ventriloquism ............ 23    (mediocre)     [+2d4]
      Woodcraft ................ 21    (mediocre)     [+4d5]
       Burning Hands :     2,  15pp     (Effectivity: +0)
       Fire Bolt     :     5,  19pp     (Effectivity: +0)
       Lightning Bolt:     7,  23pp     (Effectivity: +0)
       Slow Poison   :     6,  11pp     (Effectivity: +0)
                                Effects of Corruption
    Your eye(s) turned black (Pe: +3).
    Your blood turned to acid.
    You have become extremely thin and nimble (1/2 weight, DV: +6).
                                  His further life:
    After he leaves the Drakalor Chain he is welcomed by his people with great
    honors. They acknowledge his noble deeds, his valor, his cunning and his
    great skills that helped to prevent the complete destruction of the world he
    knows. He is crowned to be the king of all orcs and lives a long and
    prosperous life full of power, happiness and pleasure.
                  His achievements during his battles:
    Di, the orcish barbarian, saved the world with his brave efforts and became
    a great ruler while saving himself 36 times.
    He scored 8903668 points and advanced to level 40.
    He survived for 0 years, 248 days, 21 hours, 30 minutes and 9 seconds
    (115722 turns).
    Di visited 174 places.
    His strength score was modified by +10 during his career.
    His learning score was modified by +8 during his career.
    His willpower score was modified by +13 during his career.
    His dexterity score was modified by +14 during his career.
    His toughness score was modified by +15 during his career.
    His charisma score was modified by +5 during his career.
    His appearance score was modified by +5 during his career.
    His mana score was modified by +5 during his career.
    His perception score was modified by +4 during his career.
    He was unnaturally aged by 9 years.
    He was the champion of the arena.
    He was a member of the thieves guild.
    He made a little water dragon very happy.
    He left the Drakalor Chain after completing his quest and became a great
    leader and famous hero.
    7087 monsters perished under his attacks.
    The following 31 artifacts were generated during his adventure:
      the si
      the scythe of corruption "Moon Sickle"
      the potion of literacy
      the golden gladius "Death's Sting"
      the elven long bow "Sun's Messenger"
      the silvery two-handed sword "Vanquisher"
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Water
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Air
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Earth
      the ebony spear "Bugbiter"
      the lead-filled mace "Big Punch"
      the scorched spear
      the rune-covered trident
      the sword of Nonnak
      the elemental gauntlets
      the ring of the High Kings
      the phial of Caladriel
      the crown of science
      the ancient mummy wrapping
      the ankh
      the Chaos Orb of Elemental Mana
      the ring of immunity
      the antediluvian dwarven map fragment
      the vibrating rapier "Hornet's Sting"
      the whip of the vampire snake
      the thorny whip "Bloody Rose"
      the beheading axe "Headman's Hand"
      the intricate wooden staff "Nature's Breath"
      the bracers of pure might
      the cornucopia
    He possessed the following intrinsics:
      He was fire resistant (also through an item).
      He was poison resistant.
      He was cold resistant (gained through an item).
      He was acid resistant.
      He was lucky (also through items).
      Fate smiled upon him (also through items).
      He was able to control teleportation.
      He was invisible.
      He was shock resistant (also through an item).
      He was able to see invisible things (also through an item).
      He was immune to shock attacks (gained through an item).
      He was immune to fire attacks.
      He was immune to acidic attacks.
      He was immune to ice attacks (gained through an item).
      He was able to resist confusion attacks (gained through an item).
    He had the following talents: Affinity with Daggers & Knives, Affinity with
    Polearms, Affinity with Thrown Spears, Affinity with Whips, Careful,
    Defensive Fighter, Dodger, Healthy, Mechanically Inclined, Melee Weapon
    Master, Pious, Quick, Strong, Strong of Will, Tough, Very Quick.
    He had a final speed score of 123 (final base speed: 115).
    He was a messiah of The One Who Sees.
    He asked for 16 divine interventions.
    He was a holy champion of Order.
    He was tainted by Chaos.
    The following monsters were vanquished:
          2 acid vortices
         24 air demons
         13 air elementals
          7 air grues
          3 ancient black dragons
          5 ancient blue dragons
          1 Ancient Chaos Wyrm
          4 ancient minotaurs
         12 ancient red dragons
          1 Ancient Stone Beast
          3 ancient white dragons
         12 animated armors
        267 animated trees
          3 ankhegs
         21 annihilators
          6 annis hags
          2 assassins
          9 balors
         25 bandits
          1 banshee
          6 barbarians
         21 barbarian leaders
         90 battle bunnies
          1 beggar
         41 berserkers
          7 berserker emperors
          6 berserker kings
         37 berserker lords
          8 berserker princes
          8 big dogs
          1 black dragon
          2 black dragon hatchlings
         13 black hurthlings
          2 black slayers
          5 black unicorns
          7 black wizards
         22 blink dogs
          3 blue dragons
          1 bone golem
          5 brown bears
         10 brown worms
         25 bugbears
          1 bulette
          1 bunny master
         48 carrion crawlers
          1 cat lord
          6 cave bears
         47 cave fishers
          6 cave lions
         35 cave lizards
          4 cave tigers
         42 cavemen
          1 Chaos Archmage
          8 chaos brothers
          1 chaos diplomat
          5 chaos eyes
          8 chaos knights
         11 chaos lizards
        107 chaos mutants
          9 chaos plague bearers
         11 chaos rats
        353 chaos servants
         10 chaos sisters
          6 chaos spawn
         10 chaos spiders
          8 chaos vipers
          4 chaos warlords
         53 chaos warriors
         38 chaos wizards
         21 claw bugs
         29 clay golems
          8 clay statues
          1 cobra
          3 cooshoos
         30 corpse fiends
         12 corruptors
          1 crime lord
          7 crystal statues
         13 cutpurses
          4 cyclopes
          6 dark elven archers
          6 dark elven lords
         13 dark elven priestesses
         10 dark elven princesses
         17 dark elven warriors
          5 dark elven wizards
         31 dark orcs
         10 dark sages
          8 death oozes
          8 diamond golems
         33 dire wolves
         14 displacer beasts
         18 doppelgangers
          1 Dorn Beast
          6 dwarves
         37 dwarven chaos knights
         38 earth elementals
          1 emperor lich
          6 ettins
          9 eyes of destruction
         40 fire beetles
         30 fire demons
         23 fire drakes
         38 fire elementals
         85 fire giants
         28 fire giant kings
          2 fire grues
         36 fire lizards
          4 fire vortices
         39 flesh golems
         23 floating eyes
         99 fomorian giants
        112 frost giants
         78 frost giant berserkers
         58 frost giant jarls
         12 frost salamanders
          6 frozen ones
          1 fungoid overlord
          6 fungoid sporecasters
          9 gargantuan rats
         11 gargoyles
         20 gelatinous cubes
         29 ghosts
          9 ghost bats
          5 ghost kings
         40 ghost lords
        120 ghuls
          1 giant ant queen
         49 giant ant warriors
         17 giant ant workers
         32 giant bats
          4 giant bee queens
         86 giant bee warriors
         24 giant bee workers
         15 giant centipedes
          9 giant frogs
         20 giant lizards
          5 giant raccoons
         56 giant rats
          6 giant rust monsters
          3 giant slugs
         29 giant spiders
          7 gibbering mouthers
         45 gnolls
          6 gnoll chieftains
         76 goblins
         45 goblin berserkers
         15 goblin chieftains
         77 goblin rockthrowers
         37 goblin slavemasters
         40 gray oozes
          2 gray slayers
          1 great red wyrm
         19 greater air elementals
          1 greater balor
        241 greater chaos servants
          1 greater claw bug
          6 greater daemons
          8 greater doppelgangers
          1 greater earth elemental
          5 greater fungoids
          2 greater mimics
         10 greater mummies
          1 greater titan
          6 greater water elementals
          7 green blobs
         11 green hags
         56 green slimes
         65 green worms
          9 gremlins
         10 griffons
          1 grizzled dwarven veteran
          7 grizzly bears
          2 half-orc bouncers
         19 harpies
         15 hell hounds
         29 hill giants
          7 hill giant chieftains
          8 hill orcs
         17 hill orc sergeants
         19 hippogriffs
         13 hobgoblins
          9 hobgoblin chiefs
          8 hobgoblin leaders
          9 homunculi
         19 huge bats
          4 hydras
         31 hyenas
         16 ice elementals
         12 ice lizards
        149 ice statues
          6 ice vortices
         13 imps
          4 invisible stalkers
          4 iron golems
         41 jackals
          3 jackal demons
         13 jackalweres
          1 juggernaut
          5 karmic lizards
          2 king cobras
         87 kobolds
         22 kobold chieftains
         16 kobold shamans
         10 kobold trapmasters
         51 large bats
          3 large dogs
         17 large gnolls
         10 large jackals
         42 large kobolds
         49 large orcs
          8 large rust monsters
          5 large snakes
         73 large spiders
          8 least daemons
          4 lesser daemons
          9 leucrottas
         10 liches
          1 lich king
         10 lightning lizards
          3 lightning vortices
         28 lizard men
          9 magebane eyes
         17 magedoom eyes
         20 major fungoids
          2 margoyles
          1 master assassin
          3 master mimics
          1 master necromancer
          1 Master Summoner
         13 master swordsmen
          6 mimics
          6 mimic hiveminds
          9 minor fungoids
         12 minotaurs
          2 minotaur lords
          1 mist wolf
          6 molochs
         29 mummies
          1 mummy lord
          8 necromancers
          4 ochre jellies
         52 ogres
          9 ogre emperors
         27 ogre kings
        125 ogre lords
          7 ogre magi
          1 old barbarian
          1 oracle
         99 orcs
          1 orc butcher
         12 orc chieftains
         16 orc scorchers
          8 outlaws
         14 outlaw leaders
         17 owlbears
         38 pit vipers
          1 pixie
          2 pixie archers
          2 purple worms
          8 quasits
          4 quicklings
          2 quickling kings
          1 quickling lord
          3 quickling queens
         10 rabid dogs
         15 raiders
         97 rats
         22 ratling archers
         10 ratling duelists
          8 ratling fencers
          7 ratling master thieves
         18 ratling thieves
          6 ratling warlords
         17 ratling warriors
          4 rattlesnakes
         19 red dragons
         17 red dragon hatchlings
         74 red worms
          7 revenants
         21 rust monsters
        127 shadows
          9 shadow centipedes
          5 shadow lords
          6 shadow trolls
          4 shadow wyrms
          3 shambling mounds
         15 silver wolves
          4 skeletal kings
         53 skeletal warriors
        123 skeletons
          5 slow shadows
          1 Snake from Beyond
          8 snow golems
          8 spectres
          6 staring eyes
         38 steel golems
          2 steel horrors
         14 steel zombies
        118 stone giants
         90 stone giant lords
         33 stone golems
         30 stone grues
          4 stone oozes
         13 stone snakes
         20 stone statues
         11 swamp hydras
         20 swordsmen
         29 tarantulas
          1 thug
          9 titans
         33 trolls
         51 troll berserkers
         14 troll chiefs
         11 troll kings
          2 ultimate doppelgangers
          1 undead chaos dwarven berserker
         13 vampires
         64 vapor rats
          4 vipers
          1 wall beast
         10 water demons
          8 water elementals
         23 water grues
         24 water snakes
         11 wererats
          6 werewolves
          6 werewolf kings
          8 werewolf lords
          3 white dragons
         66 white dragon hatchlings
         23 white worms
         52 wights
          4 wild cats
          3 will o'wisps
         28 wolves
         41 wraiths
        129 writhing masses of primal chaos
          6 yellow oozes
         43 yetis
        144 zombies
    Dispatched the legendary goblin Huckree.
    Dispatched the legendary chaos knight WhOsEzNi.
    Dispatched the legendary chaos warlord Dara.
                                   Playing Time
    You played for 16 hours, 26 minutes and 17 seconds.
                                 Version Information
    Ancient Domains Of Mystery
    Version 3.3.3
    Windows Deluxe (GOG) Build: Jan 29 2019 14:11:46
    GG !
    Ça me fait penser que je l'ai aussi mais que je n'ai jamais été très loin...

  29. #4829
    Bravo ! ADOM m'a gonflé dès que j'ai posé les mains dessus, pour ma part
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  30. #4830
    ADOM faut vraiment s'accrocher. Il est tellement crytpic que meme avec le wiki et en regardant des streams il est dur de savoir quoi faire.

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