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  1. #1

    Site officiel :

    Empyrion est sorti en 1.0 le 5 aout 2020 (était en Accès anticipé de le 15/04/2016) sur Steam vous mettant dans la peau d'un cosmonaute poissard qui se retrouve échoué sur une planète extra-terrestre et modérément hostile. Il s'agit donc d'un jeu de survie et d'un bac à sable "galactique" en vue FPS (ou TPS).

    Bien que sortie en version 1.0, le jeu est régulièrement mis à jour par les développeurs en ajoutant toujours plus de contenu et de fonctionnalités.

    Au menu :
    - Un peu de survie (gestion de la santé, nourriture, oxygène)
    - De la récolte et du minage
    - Construction de véhicules (overcraft, vaisseaux spatiaux et vaisseaux mères)
    - Voyage dans l'espace
    - Du craft, de la construction de bases et de stations spatiales.
    - De l'exploration (le système solaire est généré de façon procédurale et comporte plusieurs planètes)
    - De la faune et de la flore extra-terrestre.
    - Un peu d'agriculture
    - De la réputation auprès de différentes factions.
    - De l'expérience qui permet de gagner des niveaux et de débloquer de nouvelles technologies.
    - Multijoueur (en coopération)

    Quelques images :

    Dernière modification par [dT] Moustik ; 25/06/2022 à 20h04. Motif: Sortie de la version Alpha
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Bon pour l'instant je suis à 15 heures de jeu.

    Voici ce que j'en pense. Pour info, je n'ai joué qu'en mode survie et en coopération à 2.
    Et je répète, le jeu est en Pré-Alpha.

    Les points positifs :
    + Pour une pré-Alpha, pas croisé de bug majeurs et ça tourne pas si mal. C'est assez surprenant
    + Contenu assez conséquent (pleins de craft, de blocs, de décorations, de nourritures, de minerais, de bestioles, de planètes, etc...)
    + Avec 4 planètes, quelques astéroïdes et quelques stations spatiales, il y a déjà pas mal de truc à visiter.
    + Assez prenant, bonne ambiance en général.
    + Pilotage dépendant du poids et des moteurs/trusters installés sur les véhicules
    + Pouvoir quitter une planète, faire un tour dans l'espace et atterrir ailleurs pour créer une nouvelle base, etc...
    + Très gros potentiel

    Les négatifs :
    - Quelques bugs, quelques désynchronisation en multijoueur
    - Manque cruel d'optimisation (ça rame vite, surtout dans les grosses bases avec de lumière partout)
    - Aucun tutoriel
    - Les sons sont un peu rachitique
    - Manque des animations (lorsqu'on recharge pas exemple)
    - Interface un peu lourde (écran de craft où il faut jongler sans arrêt avec l’ascenseur)
    - Pas mal de textures baveuses
    - IA des bestioles / drones simplet pour l'instant

    Et en bonus, quelques screenshots de ma partie :

    (là je suis dans un siège passager)
    Dernière modification par [dT] Moustik ; 10/08/2015 à 23h46.
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  4. #4
    En négatif aussi: les planètes ne sont pas visitables complètement ( barrières aux pôles ) pour le moment, et les combats ont l'air mous et inintéressants .
    Le concept général me plait mais j'hésite à me lancer dès maintenant , de peur de l'abandonner rapidement à cause des lacunes et l'oublier alors qu'il sera sans doute plus tard plus riche en contenu si il a du succès (c'est le cas de pas mal de jeux en accès anticipé en fait).

  5. #5
    En effet, les planètes sont modélisées de façon cylindrique et non pas sphérique. Ce qui explique les barrières aux pôles. Normalement, les dév prévoient de corriger ça dans un futur plus ou moins proche (à priori ce n'est pas ce qui ressort comme le plus urgent dans les retours des joueurs).
    Et c'est vrai que les combats ne sont pas très fun pour l'instant, dû au manque de feeling sur les armes (cf le manque d'animation) et à l'IA simpliste.

    Cependant je m'amuse bien pour l'instant et dans son ensemble, je suis agréablement surpris.
    Normalement ce soir on s'attaque à la construction d'un nouveau vaisseau (on a perdu dans un assaut celui de départ qu'on avait réparé après le crash), et après un vaisseau mère
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  6. #6
    On peut s'y amuser seul néanmoins ?

  7. #7
    Citation Envoyé par Madvince Voir le message
    On peut s'y amuser seul néanmoins ?
    Je pense que comme tout jeux de ce type, c'est surtout fait pour du multi. En solo tu risque de tourner vite en rond, a moins de jouer sur un serveur dédié public si y a.

  8. #8
    Je découvre le jeu, en solo pour l'instant, et c'est sympa!
    Les monstres sont plutôt agressifs je trouve mais je ne suis pas encore bien équipé. J'ai aussi tenté de m'approcher d'un gros vaisseau mais ses robots m'ont vite éliminé!

  9. #9
    Les devs sont vraiment actifs et écoutent pas mal la communauté.

    Ils ont par exemple fait ce sondage pour savoir quoi prioritiser: sondage
    Ils vont donc bosser en priorité sur la génération procédurale de planète

    Il y'a eu des changements sur les models de personnage:

    Une nouvelle planète annoncée (Une "terre-like"):

    Et pas mal de bugs fixes!

    Et les updates sont fréquetes, deux fois par semaine environ.

    Bref du tout bon de mon point de vue pour une pré-alpha

  10. #10
    J'ai testé, ça ne tourne pas sur Linux, du moins je n'ai pas réussi en tant qu'utilisateur de base.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  11. #11
    J'ai testé et ca ressemble beaucoup à Space Engineer sur le principe de manipulation des blocs.
    Avec une couche crafting plus poussés dans le détail.
    Je rejoins les + / - exprimés par Moustik plus haut.

    Pour les patchs je dirais plutôt par contre qu'ils sortent 1 patch par semaine puis 2 ou 3 patchs qui corrigent les trop gros bugs apparus.

    Le jeu a du potentiel mais pour l'instant il reste handicapé par les manipulations lourdes d'interface pas trop ergonomiques (dimension) et l'impression d'avoir un peu trop de crafts en cascade.
    Vieux gamer ! Et c'est pas forcément dans les vieux pots qu'on trouve la meilleure confiture...

  12. #12
    Sortie d'une grosse mise à jour pre-alpha 3.0.0

    We are very excited to present you the new update Pre-Alpha 3.0.0. It is the biggest update since the release of Empyrion.
    avec notamment la génération procédurale des planètes, l'ajout d'une nouvelle planète et la possibilité de nager.

    Je testerai ça ce week-end!

  13. #13
    C'est ce que j'attendais pour acheter le jeu . Je vais sans doute me laisser tenter ce we.

  14. #14
    Je m'y suis mis aussi !

    Vraiment intéressant en PVE !
    Je n'ai pas encore quitté la première planète mais j'ai mon "Ground vehicule" et me balade.
    Les quelques drones et la faune local mettent de bon coups de pressions ! Sans compter sur certaines structures... Disons.... Aliens et peu amicale !

    Peut être songé à un serveur canard ?

  15. #15
    Citation Envoyé par Garven Voir le message
    Je m'y suis mis aussi !
    Vraiment intéressant en PVE !
    Je n'ai pas encore quitté la première planète mais j'ai mon "Ground vehicule" et me balade.
    Les quelques drones et la faune local mettent de bon coups de pressions ! Sans compter sur certaines structures... Disons.... Aliens et peu amicale !
    Peut être songé à un serveur canard ?
    Le serveur dédié n'existe pas encore.
    J'ai testé 5 ou 6 heures dont 3 heures à 2 joueurs.
    Il y a du potentiel, on peut déjà explorer la planète qui est bien ronde (en dehors des pôles pour l'instant). On peut se balader dans l'espace.
    Au niveau du mécanisme de construction ça ressemble beaucoup à Space Engineer.
    je trouve que les noms des ressources aliens sont un peu casse pied pour s'y retrouver facilement et la fenêtre de craft pas très ergonomique.

    Au niveau difficulté pour l'instant c'est la grosse balade, la faune locale est pas forcément un problème et il n'y a pas vraiment de chalenge sur le long terme.
    Mais le jeu garde un très bon potentiel.
    Vieux gamer ! Et c'est pas forcément dans les vieux pots qu'on trouve la meilleure confiture...

  16. #16
    Oui je viens de lire cette histoire "d'instance". Deux joueurs sont obligés d'être dans la même zone, sinon dés qu'un se connecte, les autres meurs !
    Après, c'est une "pre-alpha", donc ça va évoluer je suppose.
    Je n'ai pas trop baroudé sur Space Engineers, mais je ne sais pas, je me sens plus attiré par celui-ci ! J'y ai joué un peu en 3 joueurs, effectivement c'est la balade une fois "stuffé".

    J'ai deux trois amis qui sont allé dans l'espace et ont construit un "capital ship" impressionnant. A suivre de prés donc !

  17. #17
    Hop, petit récapitulatif de ce qu'il s'est passé ces 2 derniers mois.

    Le 8 septembre 2015
    Changelog 3.1.0:

    - Changed New Game Survival: Now you can choose between Akua and Omicron as Starting Location
    - Added manual save button to in-game menu. This can fix the problem that sometimes players lost their builds after a crash
    - Added first version of German localization (not all texts are translated yet). More languages to come

    - Seed field in New Game now accepts only numbers
    - Added possibility to select Server Port in Options / Misc. This should fix problem for people that could not start the game when an other windows service was using port 30000
    - Tweaked Misc Options menu: select language English/German and set Server Port
    - Changed font: new font supports other languages
    - Template change: Small emergency oxygen bottle now only needs 1 oxygen bottle
    - Increased fuel consumption on planets
    - Flare Block + Window Blocks are now placeable also on Base and CV
    - Improved ship controls -> slightly faster turning of SV/CV (less torque for RCS HV)
    - Increased speed and range of rockets for turrets
    - Tweaked template of Turret Minigun for HV
    - Reduced spawn rate of PlantMonster and Slime. Increased Spawn rate of small dino.
    - Added different plants to Akua
    - Added new dinosaur to Akua
    - Tweaked loot for Plant Monster
    - Changed position of manually placed resources on Akua and Omicron
    - Added community builds: Orbital Station (thanks to Luna) and 2 SVs (Akua and Orbit - thanks to Arturius1967)

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fix so that most corrupted save games can now be resumed
    - Possible fix for HV and turrets bug
    - Fixed minimap in orbit (still 2D) so that map shows correct position even after rotation (3D map still in preparation)
    - Fixed bug that booster HV did not work reliable
    - Removed "ghost terrain" in orbit (before you could see a semi-transparent version of a terrain in the orbit)
    - Fixed colliders for creatures (Nightmare, PlantMonster, Desert Golem)

    Known Issues:
    - Sometimes on entering a planet the terrain is not correctly rendered (if you exit and resume the game, the terrain should be rendered correctly again). We are working on this issue to fix it.

    EDIT: Pre-Alpha 3.1.1
    We just released a small hotfix (Pre-Alpha 3.1.1) and fixed the following issue:
    - Fixed orientation of minimap when player enters cockpit

    Le 18 septembre 2015
    Here is the full changelog of Pre-Alpha 3.2.0:

    - Improved player models: backpack with integrated jetpack, helmet, boots, male face + hair, female hair, updated shader
    - Added 3d radar map in Orbit (will still be improved)
    - Added new models for Food Processor, Cargo Box and RCS
    - Added panel to planetary map that indicates how many resources can still be discovered
    - Removed fly direction for cockpit and weapons: now you can place cockpits and weapons in different direction on x-z plane (e.g. you can have 2 cockpits facing opposite direction). Removed arrows from Core.
    - Added random Seed button
    - Added new CV in Orbit Creative (thanks Arturius1967)

    - Added probabilities of drone spawning to resources: now every resource has a different probability that it is "guarded"
    - Removed Neodymium from starting resources in Escape Pod
    - New Game Survival Seed=0 is no longer officially supported (however, you can still continue your old save games with Seed=0)
    - Tweaked loot of Plant Monster
    - Increased duration for 24h cycles from 30min to 60min
    - Save button does not show on client side because only server can save game (before error occurred if client wanted to save game)
    - Added illuminated block in Creative (currently used at Alien Towers)
    - Added check that no more than 60 player builds can be created in 1 playfield
    - Improved Inventory window that shows character stats, new equipment slots (only Helmet toggle active for now)
    - Reactivated emergency break in orbit if SV / CV is powered off
    - New start setting Omicron Creative
    - Activating thrusters on player jetpack according to direction
    - Control Panel can now also be opened if a player is within an elevator.
    - Added possibility to change location of Save Games (via registry)
    - VRAM is now checked on startup
    - Added map markers to POIs (for old Seed=0 games)
    - Improved German localization

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed bug that turret rotation was not correctly shown for other player in multiplayer
    - Possible fix for another turret bug that caused a game crash
    - Fixed bug that space drones were not correctly initialized and did not show up anymore (you have to start a New Game or Resume an old game where you have not yet been in the Orbit for this change to take effect)
    - Fixed colliders on many models so that ghost block problem may be solved
    - Fixed problem that start planet was not set correctly and teleport to "Start Location" did not work correctly
    - Possible fix for exception in Food Processor and Constructor
    - Fixed bug that music volume was not correctly saved
    - Fixed bug that sometimes an error occurred on Rename Game and New Game
    - Fixed starting location Omicron Orbit Creative (platform can now be powered)

    Known Issues:
    - Automatic mode of player owned turrets is not working correctly
    Le 1er octobre 2015
    Changelog for Pre-Alpha 3.3.0:

    - Added advanced constructor that allows automatic crafting (i.e., it crafts complex devices with one click if necessary base items / resources are in inventory)
    - Added new NPC alien race that defends bases and that can shoot
    - Added new NPC alien creature (Crawler)
    - Added new NPC turret robot
    - Added different sets of POIs specific to each planet (thanks to Dead8Eye)
    - Added Mining Complex on Omicron that has a multi-floor basement (a real - labyrinth) - it is well defended and has a lot of loot (thanks to Dead8Eye)
    - Added 2 new cockpits
    - Added new windows with real reflection
    - Added new elevator block
    - Improved water shader and ground fog
    - Added community build Icarus Base in Orbit Creative (thanks to Arturius1967)
    - Added new crashed capital vessel (separated into 3 parts - front, mid, back) on Akua (thanks Arturius1967)
    - Added alien interior blocks

    - Overall more promethium deposits
    - Changed behavior of O2 Stations -> now activated via ‘T’
    - Passenger can now rotate camera in third-person view
    - Illuminated Block is now also triggered with Power On/Off
    - Increased damage of drone weapons on devices (before e.g. minigun drone could not destroy turret)
    - No drones are spawned near start location if you begin on Omicron (Survival)
    - Tweaked sound minigun SV and changed animation speed
    - Updated Radar Map icons for HV and Base

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed problem that later connected client did not see server's already discovered POIs.
    - Fixed bug that sometimes player did not get above water surface in first-person view
    - Fixed clipping with certain particle effects (in particular ground fog)
    - Fixed bug that 'You are dead' message remained visible when quitting game
    - Fixed flare on ION Cannon. Changed explosion
    - Fixed bug that map markers were not at correct position in 3d map
    - Fixed optical flaw with cut long item descriptions in scrolling item grids
    - Fixed optical flaw with wrong initial item grid scroll position in Food Processor
    - Fixed orientation of Radar Map regardless of cockpit direction
    - Fixed texture on Truss Block

    Le 8 octobre 2015
    Changelog Pre-Alpha 3.4.0

    - Drones attack player bases from time to time

    - Adapted windows so that shutters of vertical windows now block the view less
    - Cockpit 03 can now be crafted in Basic Constructor

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed problem that if connecting to a server and versions do not match an internal error was thrown
    - Fixed bug that sometimes names of other players did not display correctly
    - Fixed map display fading with map window
    - Fixed path for localization file
    - Fixed bug that some player settings were not saved sometimes
    - Fixed Recursive Constructor bug with a too small auto-crafting queue
    Le 19 octobre 2015
    CHANGELOG 3.5.0

    - Added drone bases and replacement feature of destroyed drones
    - Alien drone base is spawned on different planets
    - If alien core of the drone base is destroyed then the wave of attacking drones stops
    - When a drone that defends an POI is destroyed it is replaced (depending on type of POI) by a new drone from the drone base
    - Drone wave attack behavior changes from planet to planet (from easiest to hardest: Akua, Omicron, Ningues, Aestus)
    - Added 4 new community builds (with subterranean complex) - thanks again to Dead8Eye: these buildings will serve as drone bases
    - Added new drone model
    - Added new AI behavior: if a creature looses view contact with player, it will go to the position where it has last seen the player
    - Added 2 new stair models
    - Added thin hull blocks: new wall and corner wall blocks
    - Added 3 new walkway blocks (2 plates and 1 slope)
    - Added new truss block (to replace old truss block)
    - Turrets don't attack players any more if the base lost the alien core (before you had to place your own core before enemy turrets ceased fire)

    - Increased resolution of many textures (e.g. hull and interior blocks) to improve the visuals
    - Improved shooting of Alien creature Crogohm
    - Added new weapon to Alien creature Crogohm
    - Removed Advanced CPU from Minigun turret HV so that it can be crafted already on Akua
    - Changed texture on handheld rocket launcher
    - Improved texture for several creatures: Desert Golem, Desert Worm, Otyugh, Plant Monster and Slime
    - Tweaked sentry guns: better gun depression and elevation (now they shot on player if placed on ceiling)
    - Improved FPV holding of certain Weapons (pistols and rocket launcher)
    - Added Illuminated Block to templates so that it is also available in Survival
    - Illuminated block can now also be placed on HV
    - Tweaked position of doors so they fit to wall blocks
    - Increased armor of fuel tanks
    - Changed sound of minigun for drone
    - Improved positioning player & escape pod on new game to be less often in water
    - Changed death sound of Otyugh
    - Tweaked sound for female when getting hurt
    - Lowered sound when getting hit
    - Added additional sentry gun to Creative
    - Reduced size of old large drone

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed bug that prevented some save games from loading (thanks to all that sent in their save games)
    - Fixed another problem that caused save games to be corrupted
    - Fixed problem that back part of crashed Titan was not correctly displayed
    - Fixed bug that Advanced Constructor could not be closed with 'T'
    - Fixed problem that when resuming a game with a weapon in the hand, this weapon did not hit anything until slot was changed.
    - Fixed atmosphere effects if cockpit orientation is different from North

    Known Issues:
    - Center of mass problem with Small Vessels (will be fixed in an upcoming patch)
    Le 31 octobre 2015
    Changelog 3.6.0

    - Integrated first version of Experience Points, Player Level Progression and Tech Trees
    - Added new asteroid field in Orbit
    - Added 7 new turrets to replace old turrets for base and capital vessel
    - Added 7 new ship weapons (SV, GV, CV) to replace old weapons
    - Added 3 new POIs with subterranean complex (thanks again to Dead8Eye)
    - Added Oxygen/Hydrogen Generator that produces oxygen and hydrogen bottles. The hydrogen bottles can be used to craft fuel packs for ships and bases. Thus, we integrated a sustainable way to generate fuel packs
    - Added new Alien Storage to replace old one
    - Added Truss Block Slope and Corner, added Armor Plates
    - Added Tier 2 Pistol

    Changes and Improvements:
    - Added scrolling with mouse wheel in all scrollable windows
    - Added Large Fuel Pack (Fuel value 100, Tech Level 10). Increased fuel value of normal Fuel Pack to 30
    - Placed Enemy Core more visible in many POI bases, increased hit points of Enemy Core
    - Slightly increased strength of POI guardians (Croghum, Crawler and Turret Robot)
    - Improved the way how creatures walk uphill
    - Tweaked flashlight on weapons (added flares)
    - Reduced spawn rate of Triceraptos on Akua (soon we will replace them with something more alien-like)
    - Added Pixie Stalks to Akua (for early health gain), decreased health gain of Pixie Stalk Bundle to 60
    - Rebalanced Akua fruit (now gives health)
    - Increased starting Silicon from 150 to 200 in Escape Pod
    - Added interior blocks (cube and slope) also for SV and HV

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed bug that Drone base sometimes spawned on another base
    - Possible fix for Alien Turrets shooting through terrain
    - Fixed center of mass bug in Ship Controller (before larger ships sometimes behaved strangely on the ground, e.g. suddenly pointed nose into sky etc)
    - Fixed bug that there were no drone base attacks after switching playfields
    - Fixed problem that player could walk through destroyed drones
    - Fixed size of hitbox on (old) large drones
    - Fixed bug that SV felt down (instead of hovering in air for 2min) after entering a planet from space and leaving cockpit
    - Fixed size of growth stages for several plants (Aloe Vera, Coffee and Akua Fruit): if you resume a save game you might have to replant the sprout (otherwise plant gets too large)
    - Fixed problem that Spotlight Cube (SV,HV) did not appear in Constructor
    - Fixed problem with passenger seat slope (before it was placed as cube block)
    - Fixed texture for small stone models
    - Fixed color on grey Hull Wall and Hull Wall Corner

    Bref, ça bosse, ça bosse !
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  18. #18
    Hop nouvelle mise à jour de la pré-Alpha.
    CHANGELOG for Pre-Alpha 3.7

    - New Start setting: you start in an Escape Pod in the sky and crash land on the planet
    - Added Troop Transport
    - Added Survival Constructor
    - Added new insect NPC on Akua (replaced Triceraptos)
    - Added large Asteroid field
    - Better player customization (full color picker) for skin, hair and armor
    - Added new fuel tank models
    - Added new core block model
    - Added more tooltips for devices

    The new troop transport that brings enemy NPC reinforcement if you attack certain POIs:

    Changes / Improvements:
    - Balancing of tech tree (e.g., many blocks for base are now automatically unlocked at lvl 1)
    - Move XP display from center of HUD to lower left corner
    - Improved chat window
    - Added passenger count to ship info window
    - Balanced weapon: reduce weapon range of drones, increased damage
    - Slightly increased health of Crawler
    - Player / HV / SV do not collide with plant Pixie Stalks anymore
    - Improved headlines of GUI panels

    The new large asteroid field with more than 1500 asteroids:

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed shooting through terrain bug in Multiplayer (Client side)
    - Fixed suffocation bug: before player continued to suffocate in breathable atmosphere even without helmet once suffocation status was triggered
    - Fixed bug that drones are sometimes stuck in mid-air
    - Fixed problem with animation of Megalonops (dino) on Akua when hit
    - Fixed collider problem on wheat
    - Fixed that all containers had the same content name
    - Fixed size of "alien plants" in prefabs
    - Fixed screenshots not working as client by moving the screenshot folder under 'Saves'

    [BKnow Issues: [/B]
    - If you press T to exit the Escape Pod while still in air, the camera shake will continue until you exit and resume the game (we will fix this in next patch). So please wait to exit the Escape Pod until it comes to a stop
    Et avec la petite vidéo qui va bien.
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  19. #19
    Les serveurs dédicacés sont arrivés.

    FULL CHANGELOG Pre-Alpha 4.0

    Main Feature:
    - Dedicated Server

    Other Features:
    - Added Steam authentication
    - Added emergency flip for HV: if HV is lying upside down, an emergency flip can be activated via "Left Shift" to get back to its upright position
    - Added fog in asteroid field in Orbit
    - Added new POI on Omicron ("Walker Base" by J0BA2)
    - Added new passenger seat
    - Added map marker for Escape Pod
    - HV does not collide anymore with plants

    Changes / Improvements:
    - Improved ship controller
    - Updated shader of player character to physically-based rendering
    - Balanced tech tree: now HV is available already at Level 2. Reduced levels for selected HV equipments (turrets, etc)
    - Moved "Time til Sunrise/Sunset" back to Main HUD
    - Reduced range for which explosions are audible
    - No drones anymore near start position
    - Changed sound of alien bug on Akua
    - Increased time after which Escape Pod disappears when it is empty
    - Increases time after which dropped ores disappear
    - Increased starting Cobalt ingots
    - Re-balanced SV / GV / CV weapons
    - Level, Died, Killed, Ping is now shown correctly in MP games via info board (default key:
    - Further improved chat window
    - Balanced drone amount on planets
    - Troop transport improvements (increase speed and flying altitude, better landing)
    - Message: drone base attack, troop transport and de-activate core on drone base is now shown also on Client in MP games
    - Added "Decoration Blocks" category to constructors and creative menu
    - Increased hardness of survival constructor
    - Added random +/-150m to player entry in multiplayer
    - Lowered sound of fridges and fuel tanks
    - Added new sound for Insect on Akua
    - Added more visible flare on Survival Constructor
    - Added "Available Unlock Points" to Inventory Window
    - Overall increased size of ore deposits
    - Ore deposits are now less deep buried on planets
    - Changed sound effect of destroyed (white) drone
    - Added sound effect to other destroyed drones
    - Added water impact sound
    - Added sound effects to generators

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed problem that filler & flatten tool or drill also removed other blocks like survival constructor, oxygen generator etc.
    - Fixed problem that POIs were sometimes buried under ground
    - Fixed drone explosion not showing on Client
    - Fixed animals not showing death animation
    - Fixed escape pod sound being heard by every player on multiplayer games
    - Fixed problem that destroyed Troop Transport caused a crash
    - Fixed problem that some turrets shoot into own collider (reduced vertical rotation limits)
    - Fixed bug that exiting the escape pod before landing kept the camera shaking
    - Fixed problem that (wild) Kavae Plant disappeared after a while when harvested
    - Fixed wrong Preview Image of Shotgun (Tier 1)

    Known Issues:
    - Some lagging on dedicated servers
    - Changing a playfield with a small vessel that has multiple cockpits (and multiple players in the cockpits) causes problems. Please use passenger seats instea
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  20. #20
    Patch suivi par un mini correctif Pre-Alpha 4.0.2.
    Mais surtout l'annonce dans le patch note qu'ils travaillent sur des mécanismes pour gérer le grief (implémentation de PvE / PvP / Guilde / Faction / propriété.

    AU niveau performance les parties hébergées sur serveur dédié me semblent très stables. J'ai des doutes quant à la capacité des planètes à générer assez de ressources pour les joueurs (je n'ai pas vu si les ressources se régénèrent).
    Vieux gamer ! Et c'est pas forcément dans les vieux pots qu'on trouve la meilleure confiture...

  21. #21
    Update day

    Here is the full Changelog of Pre-Alpha 4.1:

    Main Features:
    - Added PvP, PvE, Factions and Ownership
    (Per default, Akua and Orbit are PvE playfields, the other playfields are PvP - however, you can change this setting, see below)

    Other Features:
    - Added faction internal chat: press "," to open it
    - Added playfield config files for basic customization: now you can configure e.g. sky color, water color, gravity, playmode (PvP, PvE), and also biome type of a playfield (to switch biomes you MUST change also the name of the save game - otherwise the map will not be correctly displayed)
    - Added resource count for deposits. Resource deposits that are nearly empty (<10%) are no longer shown on the map, i.e., map marker is removed (you have to start a New Game to correctly enable resource counter)
    - Added resource re-generation: if resource A is depleted on a planet then resource meteorites of type A will fall on planet
    - Dedicated server now auto saves every 60 seconds
    - Added dedicated server command line parameter "-dedicated <file>" to allow custom config files (.yaml extension must not be changed)
    Example: Make a batch file with the following content: "start EmpyrionDedicated.exe -batchmode -nographics -logFile Logs\DedicatedServer.log -dedicated MyCustomDediConfig.yaml"

    Changes / Improvements:
    - Added server password caching (now you only have to enter the password once)
    - Improved ship controller: rolling Q / E is now more accurate
    - Added simple clean up algorithm: Bases/HV/SV/CV will be removed if one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
    (i) a player did not visit structure for 24 game hours AND structure has no core
    (ii) a player did not visit structure for 24 game hours AND the structure is smaller than 25 blocks.
    This clean up algorithm will guarantee that there are not too many unused structures in a playfield which reduces performance (especially on dedicated servers this is a problem)
    - Added 30 Unlock Points for players that have reached max level to unlock new blocks
    - Added food category to Survival Constructor
    - Added planet overview list to map window
    - Added sentry gun for Bases and Capital Vessels in survival mode
    - Added new constructor 3d models for Large and Advanced Constructor (to replace old constructors)
    - Tweaked texture for thrusters to prepare for color masks
    - Tweaked texture for Core Block, Fuel Tank and Passenger Seat (less scratches)
    - Added new spotlight for SV / HV
    - Added several new explosions
    - Added "Back to inventory" button to Tech Tree window and improved visuals of Tech Tree window (larger icons)
    - All doors in POIs are now closed per default
    - Set culling of windows to a much higher distance
    - Removed color overlay for sniper scopes
    - Player list (Scoreboard) now scrollable
    - Added 2 new plants on Akua (Moved plant to Omicron that grows Alien Plasma ZR1 - replaced with Alien Tentacle plant)
    - Driller / filler can now also remove grass
    - Increased overall range of CV weapons
    - Removing Alien turrets now also give resources
    - Reduced number of turrets and sentry guns on some POIs (for performance improvements)
    - Added Sathium ore deposits on Ningues

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed problem with floating POIs (you have to start a New Game to benefit from this fix)
    - Fixed problem that player could peek through door by standing close to door frame
    - Fixed problem that some turrets did not shoot accurately
    - Fixed problem that food did not decay in multiplayer
    - Fixed problem that clients of a multiplayer game could not set names of BA, SV, CV, HV
    - Fixed problem that O2 / water generator did not produce at the bottom of very deep lakes
    - Fixed problem when SV with 2 or more cockpits (player inside) left playfield
    - Fixed problem that game crashed in some cases when troop transport was destroyed
    - Fixed problem that warning message "troop transport is approaching" was played several times
    - Fixed problem that entering cockpit on crashed CV caused problems
    - Fixed problem that drones appeared sometimes near the player starting position on all planets on a dedicated server
    - Fixed "plant sprout exploit" (before player obtained template inputs by removing sprout and could thus duplicate plant in food processor)
    - Fixed collider on turret radar
    - Fixed wrong quality setting text, possible fix for full screen resolution switch bug
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  22. #22
    Certains y jouent beaucoup ici? Moi je passe presque plus de temps à lire les updates ici qu'à y jouer pour l'instant

  23. #23

    Mais ça fait plaisir de voir que ça avance.
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

  24. #24
    Un moment ça parlait de version Linux, mais elle ne semble pas venir, alors j'joue pas.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  25. #25
    Y'a une version linux, y a même un "Lazy Newb Pack"
    Je l'ai fait tourner sous une debian testing et une fedora sans problème. J'ai par contre uniquement utilisé des tiles et dwarf therapist.

  26. #26
    Tu t'es trompé de sujet je pense, ici c'est Empyrion !
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  27. #27
    Ah oui effectivement, c'est pas bon de répondre sur le forum avec la crève de décembre !

  28. #28
    Bref, pas grand monde y joue pour l'instant (mais il a du potentiel!)

  29. #29
    Citation Envoyé par Poussin Joyeux Voir le message
    Bref, pas grand monde y joue pour l'instant (mais il a du potentiel!)
    Je confirme

  30. #30
    Update day !
    Here is the full Changelog of Pre-Alpha 4.2:

    - Added new anti-griefing measures in PvE playfields:
    - players cannot create/modify structures within a certain range of other factions (AntiGriefDistance can be configured in dedicated.yaml)
    - players cannot create a base nearby a resource deposit
    - players cannot drill nearby a base of another faction
    - Added: If the last player leaves a faction, all faction-owned structures (bases, SV, HV, CV) are set to private player faction
    - Added death animation for player
    - Added first set of Server management tools (e.g., ban, unban, kick, setrole, initadmin) - accessible via Telnet
    - Added "Fresh Start": after dying you can now choose a fresh re-start on a server if you are stuck (you will re-spawn in an escape pod with much less equipment: pistol, drill and survival constructor only)

    Changes / Improvements:
    - Added "Suicide" button to the player inventory window
    - Added: DecayTime to dedicated.yaml that allows to set the time period after which structures get removed
    - Added dedicated server detail infos (you can now specify a server description in dedicated.yaml)
    - Added new Oxygen Tanks to replace old tanks
    - Added Tier 1 Oxygen Tank (small) for Base / CV
    - Added new wheat and corn plants
    - Added new "backpack" (cargo drop)
    - Added new bag (when dropping items)
    - Added new playfield customization parameters to playfield.yaml (light and cloud colors as well as cloud opacity)
    - Added sugar cane back to Omicron
    - Added new turret HV: large artillery turret
    - Added 30 Unlock Points for players that are at max experience level (to unlock new blocks)
    - Added Re-Entry effect for meteroites (fire trail) and explosion when they hit the ground + sound effects
    - Resource meteroites now enter in a random angle (and not vertically any more)
    - Tweaked hull texture so it looks less used
    - Tweaked texture of player sentry gun and turret HV
    - Tweaked textures of fridge, generators, medic and oxy station and many other models to better match the standard grey hull texture
    - Adjusted all Main Menu windows
    - Increased hover distance of HV to 3m + HV does not get stuck on plants anymore
    - Server Browser: Added checkboxes to hide password protected servers or servers with incompatible builds
    - Set minimum number of blocks to 10 for structures to get removed by clean up algorithm (old was 25)
    - Number of allowed structures per playfield increased from 64 to 100 per default (also configurable in dedicated.yaml)

    Bug Fixes:
    - Fixed bug that on restart of a dedicated server plants did not continue to grow, constructors were stuck and water/O2 generators showed high numbers
    - Fixed problem that enemies could shoot through walls under certain circumstances
    - (Possible) fix for problem that structures sometimes vanished unintentionally: now the clean up algorithm removes structure only if all "remove conditions" (last visited + no core or smaller than 10 blocks) persist at least 1 minute
    - Fixed bug that you could open the control panel on an enemy faction using the Esc menu
    - Fixed: Rename savegame bug that deletes the savegame when doing a rename with an unchanged game name
    - Fixed problem that faction check was sometimes wrong for next medic station: now you respawn at the nearest medic station (if it is in your private faction or in your player faction)
    - Fixed problem that meteroites dont hover in air anymore but get burried when hitting the ground
    - Fixed bug that removing old constructors did not give back resources
    - Fixed problem with small Alien Tentacle plant on Akua not getting harvestable and disappearing
    - Fix for sometimes Invalid Abbreviation when creating faction
    - Fixed problem that there was no fog in the asteroid field in Orbit
    Je dis souvent de la merde...

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