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  1. #2491
    Première recherche sur internet :

    Des dizaines de pages de serveurs chinois, les 5 premières pages sont des serveurs actifs, et les 10 premiers serveurs sont pleins, la maintenant.
    Sur tout les serveurs les plus actifs ce mardi matin (donc en fonction des heures locales) la moitié sont chinois, l'autre moitié sont américains, et ensuite y'a le reste.
    Ils sont peut être pas majoritaire le vendredi soir quand tu rentre du boulot, mais faut pas raconter n'importe quoi non plus.

    Ensuite une société chinoise a investi dans l'entreprise qui développe Squad, et l'ajout d'une faction chinoise, sous son vrai nom ou pas, ramènerai encore plus de joueurs Chinois, on a eu l'exemple avec Total War qui a tout explosé en Chine avec Three Kingdoms, le but de toute entreprise s'est de se faire de l'argent, et encore plus pour une niche si elle ne veut pas s'écrouler.

  2. #2492
    En plus une Armée Chinoise c'est pas déconnant
    Je ne connais pas exactement sa force mais surement pas négligeable surtout en terme d'effectif.

    Apres le sujet est peut être politiquement sensible ?
    Dernière modification par DMDuncan37 ; 25/06/2022 à 21h59.

  3. #2493
    Citation Envoyé par DMDuncan37 Voir le message
    En plus une Armée Chinoise c'est pas déconnant
    Je ne connais pas exactement sa force mais surement pas négligeable surtout en terme d'effectif.

    Apres le sujet est peut être politiquement sensible ?
    Comme le dit Rafy, il y a beaucoup de joueurs chinois sur le jeu, et ce depuis déjà quelques temps. Il y a pas mal de serveurs chinois et vu le ping là bas, ce ne sont pas les européens qui y jouent. Je ne sais pas comment ils ont accès au jeu, car normalement ils ont un accès limité aux JV là bas. Surtout depuis quelques temps, où il y a eu un renouveau du mouvement anti-jeu. Il utilises peut-être un VPN comme beaucoup là bas ou en Russie.
    Donc c'est assez dure de répondre, je pense dans la mesure où, on ne sait pas comment est distribué le jeu là bas. Si c'est officiel, il y a fort à parier que le risque pour que le jeu ne plaise pas soit fort et donc le risque grand. Si c'est dans le domaine de l'illégalité, alors il n'y a pas grand chose.

    Je pense que Squad est un jeu. Et faire une faction type MEA mais en extrême orient, serait intéressant. Comme une faction européenne serait sympa, en mélangeant les genres et appuyant sur la fibre nostalgique car ça nous ferait penser à BF2 : Euroforce.

    Vu le rythme des MàJ, faut pas être pressé de toute façon...
    Uplay/Origin : Shep_FR -Steam
    Citation Envoyé par Willyyy Voir le message
    Au fond, on est bien

  4. #2494
    J'ai refais quelques parties sur un server modé ou il y régulièrement l'armée fr ! Plus d'un an que je n'ai pas joué et je sent bien la différence, c'est vachement plus fluide ! Et le mod fr est super !!!
    Du coup j'y retourne ce soir s'il y a des motivés !
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  5. #2495
    Mais t'es partout !

  6. #2496
    Oui !!!
    La passion des simu et du meurtre entre amis peut pousser loin !!
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  7. #2497
    Vous n'avez jamais de problèmes de micro ou de connexion ?
    Perso une partie sur trois mon micro ne fonctionne plus et la, âpres une partie ou tout se passe bien impossible de se connecter...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  8. #2498
    Pas de problèmes de micro qui ne fonctionne plus mais par contre tout le monde quasiment me dit que mon micro est faible. Pourtant je suis à +30dB dans les réglages windows. Alors que sur tous les autres jeux aucun problème, sauf sur le petit frère Post Scriptum, donc j'imagine que ça vient du moteur de jeu commun. Et bien sur aucune option dans les réglages pour augmenter le volume de sa propre voix...

  9. #2499
    Oui je baisse tout les autres volumes...
    Mais depuis le lancement du jeu j'ai c'est problème de micro..
    Par contre ne pas pouvoir se connecter c'est nouveau.
    Après j'ai pas une super co et ya des travaux dans mon bled mais chui sur que ça vient du jeu...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  10. #2500
    Y'a patch !

    Squad Update v3.3 Release Notes

    Attention Squaddies,

    Tomorrow we are releasing Squad v3.3.

    The v3.3 update will focus on bug fixes, gameplay and user interface (UI) updates, map updates, and overall focus on Quality-of-Life improvements to the game. This includes an update to the Vehicle Recovery System to allow helicopters and some other vehicles to be reset, the addition of a new Russian MT-LB Amphibious variant, the introduction of a new HUD toggleable list for Squad leaders to see the status of each member of the squad and many more small changes that we hope you'll appreciate.

    We’ve made a whole lot of other gameplay changes which are listed below in the Changelog, as well as addressed numerous bugs.

    Squad v3.3 will be released on Wednesday, September 28th.

    At ease, Offworld Industries

    Extra Attention:

    For the v3.3 update, the game will automatically force-clear your settings cache on launch due to changes in the settings backend not being compatible with old settings config files. Preserving pre-v3.3 settings files can result in misconfigured / unintended game settings. Make sure to review and reconfigure your settings after installing the update!

    As some of you may be aware, a CAS helicopter made its way to the Skorpo Invasion v3 layer before its intended release. Please let us know what you think of the chopper!


    System & Gameplay Updates

    Updated the Vehicle Recovery System to also allow helicopters & some other vehicles to now be reset.
    Fixed a desync where demolition charges and IEDs could apply damage several seconds before the VFX and SFX played.
    Improved the drag calculation for amphibious vehicles - this mainly addresses issues with vehicles entering water bodies at high speeds, which includes fixing an infrequent client / server crash.
    Updated the radial menu UI for picking up AT mines, to show a message when the player cannot pick one up.
    Updated the Hell Cannon emplacement to use the precision compass mode, and adjusted the turning speed to match the turning speed of mortars.
    Optimized scope blur components by disabling local updates for scope blur components on other players.
    Optimized overall performance and fixed some hitches related to audio by offloading audio decompression to a separate engine thread. Refactored vehicle water movement code.
    Added the ability to push RHIB boats, motorcycles and helicopters to get them out of difficult positions. For example, you can push RHIB boats back into the water after beaching them.
    Helicopter recovery requires the helicopter engine to be turned OFF. A tooltip in the recovery UI will inform the player to turn the engine off before trying to use vehicle recovery.
    Vehicle Push wait time is 8 seconds. Initial Vehicle Reset Recovery wait time is 30 seconds.
    Consecutive attempts to reset a vehicle within a 15 second window since the last reset attempt will now take 8 seconds, to be more forgiving when needing multiple reset attempts.

    Added a new Russian MT-LB Amphibious Logistics variant:
    Carries 1000 construction points, 1000 ammo points.
    Can deploy FOB Radios.
    Enclosed turret equipped with PKT 7.62mm machine gun with limited ammo.
    No crewman requirement.
    Currently available on Narva Invasion v5, Skorpo Invasion v4.

    User Interface Updates

    Updated the appearance of the VOIP speakers list on the HUD, which will display above the HUD Squad List when it is open.
    Updated player directional map icons; when fully zoomed out these now show as simple dot icons. This is intended to help declutter the map and mind.
    Updated the map Capture Point flag icon opacity to be more opaque/prominent when the map is fully zoomed out, fading in as you zoom in closer.
    Adjusted map Capture Point name text to remain fully opaque at all zoom levels.
    Updated the pre-match game mode intro animation to help better inform players of current Game Mode objectives.
    Updated the FOB radio map icon to show build/exclusion radius when hovered over with the mouse, when

    “Toggle Viewing FOB Radii”

    under map settings is toggled off.
    Updated the FOB radio map icon to show construction / ammo supply when hovered over with the mouse, when

    “Toggle Viewing FOB Supply Points”

    under map settings is toggled off.
    Updated the red enemy FOB radio map marker to show build/exclusion radius when hovered over with the mouse.
    Adjusted the red enemy FOB and HAB map markers to no longer fade out over time - they will now remain visible on the map until manually removed.
    Added a new “HUD Squad List”
    This hideable HUD list is intended to give Squad leaders quick access to critical status information on their squad, such as player names, roles, Incap/KIA status, whether they are inside a vehicle, and whether they are speaking on VOIP.
    The HUD Squad List can be hidden using the “Y” key (default keybind - can be reconfigured under “SETTINGS” > “CONTROLS” > “GENERAL”).

    Design Intention: The HUD Squad List is intended to aid squad communication, coordination and cohesion by ensuring you know who is in your squad, what Fireteams they are in, what kits they are using, and their current status, without needing to break game flow by opening the “DEPLOYMENT” screen. This will help improve the SL’s situational awareness, while remaining minimalistic and staying out of the way of the game’s visuals.

    General Bug Fixes

    Fixed a client crash in ASQHUD:nPlayerTalkingStateChanged when the PlayerState was not valid.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with deployables placement, which caused their cost in construction points to be deducted before the placement was fully validated. This sometimes resulted in a loss of construction points without spawning a deployable.
    Fixed a visual/gameplay issue with the BMP2 and BFV guided missile having blinding smoke from 1p when firing, preventing effective in-flight guidance.
    Fixed a visual issue with the S5 rocket trails having big dragonball flames.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with the AUS Maximi Specter MG ADS sway not being tuned correctly.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with the T72 (both the B3 and S variants) & T62 tanks, which caused them to burn at 4x higher rate than other MBTs, when under 10% HP threshold.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with the health repair limit for the hand repair tool, which prevented players from being able to repair Technicals above the burning threshold.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with Ammo Box interaction. When Player A was at an ammo box selecting options, if Player B walked between Player A and the ammo box, Player A’s radial interaction menu would close, frequently resulting in Player A accidently shooting and possibly killing a teammate due to trying to click an option in the radial interaction menu.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with CAF LUVW jeeps unintentionally having Commander Action activation zone component, which resulted in Commander being able to use support actions near them.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with amphibious vehicle movement in ankle deep water - amphibious vehicles were able to drive extremely quickly in ankle deep water due to water thruster activating prematurely.
    Fixed a visual issue with third-person sprinting animation while the weapon was lowered, which sometimes caused the weapon to be lower than intended.
    Fixed a visual issue with Engine destruction VFX explosion clouds sticking to vehicles when moving.
    Fixed an issue with anti-tank mines where they could be dug down beneath road meshes, hiding their pressure plate, thus making them invisible. As vehicles are intended to always have a small visual indication of the threat of a mine, they will now always have their pressure plate visible when fully dug down.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with the USMC LAV-25 woodland variants turret not passing damage to the vehicle.
    Fixed a visual issue where the USMC SMAW spotting rifle used RPG backblast VFX.
    Fixed various issues with and improved the backend of our graphics settings menu to fix bugs related to proper application of settings in various scenarios, fix improperly defined settings values, address graphics exploits, and allow for easier and more reliable changes related to graphics settings by developers in future.
    Fixed a UI issue with IED’s, which unintentionally showed a “Press F to interact" message.
    Fixed a gameplay issue with the USMC M1A1 turret armor thicknesses being incorrectly configured.

    Map Updates & Bug Fixes

    Optimized Anvil, Black Coast, Lashkar map layers by disabling the unused AI System.
    Updated the materials settings to two sided for multiple static environment assets.
    Updated / Optimized Reflection Captures and resaved map layers which had excessive file sizes.
    Fixed collisions on Eastern European stone_wall set so collision orientation aligned with mesh on x/y/z axis. This mismatch caused issues when the mesh was resized.

    Fixed minor visual bugs
    Fixed gaps behind rock cliff and rubble pile.

    Black Coast
    Added new map layer - Black Coast Invasion v4 (RUS vs MIL)
    Fixed material slots on map placed chain link fences due to optimization changes.

    Removed barbed wire and pain volumes from MEA main due to them glitching players.

    Updated the river to use the new water system. River depth is now waist deep.

    Fixed an issue with a rocky piece of terrain that had no collision grid I5-2-1.
    Fixed several floating sidewalks.
    Fixed several rocks at grid H10-1-1 that were incorrectly scaled and had problems with collision.
    Fixed an issue with the water plane which was showing above the landscape at the eastern Dam.

    Updated the river to use the new water system. The river below the dam is now waist deep; the river above the dam requires amphibious vehicles to cross, with the exception of the northern edge.
    Updated the minimap to reflect changes and water depth.
    Fixed an issue with the collision on the Urban Residential building set, to prevent exploitable placement of HAB’s inside an inaccessible room.

    Added 2 new map layers - Narva Invasion v5 (USMC RUS vs) and Narva RAAS v5 (USMC vs RUS), fighting in tough amphibious operations due to the Narva reservoir flooding.
    Updated the minimap for flooded and non-flooded layers.
    Fixed an issue with a house at grid G4-4-5 having artifacting shadows.
    Fixed an issue with the roof at the Castle to prevent exploits.
    Fixed an issue with HABs being able to be built inside the roof of a building in the Shipping Yard.
    Fixed an issue with the building at grid G5-8-4to prevent glitching / exploits.

    Tallil Outskirts
    Updated the river to use the new water system. River depth is now waist deep.
    Fixed an issue with exposed rock edges.
    Fixed a floating power pole at grid K7-4-7.
    Fixed misaligned grass at grid H3-3-7.

    Added Skorpo Invasion v3 (USMC vs RUS). An amphibious attack by US Marines from the USS Essex.
    Added Skorpo Invasion v4 (RUS vs MIL). An amphibious attack by RUS launched from the updated Skorpo island.
    Updated the Skorpo background island to incorporate space for Main Bases for attacking teams on Invasion layers.

    Adjusted the minimap brightness to be more readable.
    Fixed floating foliage and rocks in grids H8 and I8.

    Server Admin Updates & Bug Fixes

    Added match results logging into server log, under LogSquadGameEvents category. Message format is as follows:

    “Team %d, %s ( %s ) has %s the match with %d Tickets on layer %s (level %s)!"

    Example log message:

    “Team 2, Russian Battalion Tactical Group ( Russian Ground Forces ) has won the match with 350 Tickets on layer Anvil AAS v2 (level Anvil)!
    Team 1, ADF 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment ( Australian Defence Force ) has lost the match with 349 Tickets on layer Anvil AAS v2 (level Anvil)!”

    SDK Updates & Bug Fixes

    Added a button to the AAS, RAAS and Invasion graphs to toggle lattice visualization on/off.
    Updated minimap creation tool for better compatibility with the new water system. Shallow areas can now be shaded differently on the map. The cutoff depth is currently fixed at 200 units.
    Updated the Vehicle Emergency Recovery system. Its features were moved from the vehicle class to a component that allows for easier recovery settings customization per vehicle & sharing settings between multiple vehicles. It also allows modders to implement custom vehicle recovery mechanics (i.e. teleport vehicle to main base) in an easier way.
    Fixed a bug with vehicles spawning their lasting effects actors in an incorrect game world, resulting in these actors being placed in a map.
    Added "Toggle Splines" button to toggle landscape's SplineMeshComponents' visibility.
    Updated the North American building set’s modular Admin Building.
    Added shingle versions of prefab roofs.

    Clear Cache to resolve residual issues

    If you are experiencing issues, be sure to go to Settings -> “CLEAR CACHE” after updating
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  11. #2501
    S'il y en a motivés à venir me rejoindre sur le server modé potatoes field je me sentirais moins seul...
    Faut vraiment que je bosse mon anglais...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  12. #2502
    Pitain je joue l'état islamique contre la France et je crois que les gens de mon équipe sont vraiment des fachos...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  13. #2503
    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Pitain je joue l'état islamique contre la France et je crois que les gens de mon équipe sont vraiment des fachos...
    Ca doit être sympa

  14. #2504
    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Pitain je joue l'état islamique contre la France et je crois que les gens de mon équipe sont vraiment des fachos...
    Ils sont RP quoi...

  15. #2505
    Citation Envoyé par Stelarc Voir le message
    Ils sont RP quoi...
    L'Etat Islamique tu veux dire ! ^^

  16. #2506
    Cela va sans dire.

  17. #2507
    J'ai vite quitté, c'était assez flippant...
    D'ailleurs j'ai toujours des problèmes de micro, ça arrive très souvent que mon micro ne fonctionne pas...
    Quand ça arrive je le test sur discord et pas de problème...

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Et il y avait un server fr moddé avec la légion étrangère, je ne le trouve plus...
    Il a disparu ou j'ai de la merde dans les yeux ?
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  18. #2508
    Serveur FR étoile je crois, non?

  19. #2509
    Ben le seul serveur fr étoile que j'ai est vanilla...
    C'est bizarre j'ai l'impression que des serveurs ont disparu et ceux que je met dans les custom browser n'ont rien à voir avec ceux que je sélectionne...

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    En tous cas je ne vois pas de serveur fr moddé.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  20. #2510
    7ème compagnie alors?

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Verifie tes filtres sinon

  21. #2511
    Ah oui, normalement c'est bon mais je vais vérifier.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  22. #2512
    Bon cette 4.0 avec les Chinois est très sympa !

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    The update 4.0 will see the introduction of the new People’s Liberation Army (PLA) faction, including mainland China’s land, sea, and air forces. This includes new combined arms faction features: seven new vehicles, fifteen unique weapons & deployables, and a JH7A rocket strike Commander ability. In addition we have included a number of fixes and quality of life improvements into the update as well.

    FEATURESAdded a new faction, the People’s Liberation ArmyNEW WEAPONSQJY88 General Purpose Machine GunQBU88 Marksman RifleQBZ95-1 RiflesQJB-95-1 Automatic RifleQLG-10 Underbarrel Grenade LauncherQBZ-95B-1 CarbineQSZ92 PistolDJZ-08 Light Anti-Tank Rocket LauncherPF-98 Heavy Anti-Tank Rocket LauncherCommander Ability: JH7A Close Air Support Rocket StrikeUTILITIES, DEPLOYABLES, AND EMPLACEMENTSPP87 Mortar EmplacementQJZ-89 Heavy Machine Gun EmplacementHJ8 ATGM EmplacementType86P Hand Frag GrenadeType 72 Anti-Tank MineDSF161 Smoke GrenadeWJQ-308 Entrenching ToolQNL-95 KnifeType95 BinocularsKIT ROLESRifleman (3 variants)Automatic Rifleman (2 variants)MarksmanLight Anti-Tank (2 variants)Heavy Anti-TankMachine GunnerGrenadierCombat EngineerMedic (2 variants)CrewmanPilotUnarmedVEHICLESCTM131 Logistics TruckVariant: CTM131 Transport Truck (with open-top QJY88 GPMG)Variant: CTM131 Transport Truck (with open-top QJZ89 HMG)CSK131 Mengshi JeepVariant: CSK131 Mengshi Jeep (with HJ8 ATGM)Variant: CSK131 Mengshi Jeep (with open-top QJY88 GPMG)Variant: CSK131 Mengshi Jeep (with open-top QJZ89 HMG)Variant: CSK131 Mengshi Jeep (with remote-controlled QJZ89 HMG)ZSL-10 Wheeled APC (with open-top QJZ89 HMG turret)ZBL-08 Wheeled IFVVariant: ZBL-08 Wheeled IFV (with HJ73C ATGM)ZBD-04A Tracked IFVZTZ99A Battle TankZ8G Transport HelicopterPLA MAP LAYERSHarjuRAAS v6 vs USAInvasion v5 vs GBYehorivkaRAAS v13 vs USAGoose BayRAAS v4 vs CAFInvasion v5 vs CAFFallujahInvasion v6 vs MEARAAS v7 vs USMCSumariSeed v3 vs USASkirmish v1 vs USANarvaRAAS v6 vs GBGorodokRAAS v12 vs USATallilRAAS v8 vs GBInvasion v5 vs MEAMutahaRAAS v7 vs RUSLashkarInvasion v4 vs USAAl BasrahInvasion v8 vs INSKohatRAAS v10 vs AUSInvasion v4 vs USMCAAS v1 vs USAChoraRAAS v5 vs USAAAS v6 vs USALogarAAS v1 vs USAKokanAAS v1 vs USAPacific Proving Grounds [vs USMC]Jensen’s Range [vs AUS]SYSTEM & GAMEPLAY UPDATESUpdated ATGM System – Once a vehicle has launched the maximum allotted number of anti-tank guided missiles, firing another will cause the oldest currently deployed missile to lose guidance and crashWhile sprinting, attempting to bandage yourself will now immediately cancel your sprint and start the self-bandaging actionUpdated the map legend with unique icons for armed transport trucks and APCs with open-top turretsRemoved several unnecessary hard references that were negatively impacting performanceMade improvements to anti-cheat softwareImproved the appearance of sprinting from a third-person perspectiveGENERAL BUG FIXESFixed a client crash related to grenadesFixed a client crash related to the WorldSettings parameterFixed an issue where the USMC flag was not appearing on the server browser menuFixed an issue where the AUS MRH90 Helicopter was missing its vehicle reset optionsFixed an issue where players could shoot through the floor of certain housesFixed an issue where players would automatically switch to their rifle after planting an anti-tank mineFixed a rare issue where players could become invulnerable to damage after using the admin camera feature in a certain wayFixed a rare issue where players could be disconnected from their server after pushing a helicopter from the tailFixed several issues with water sound effectsFixed various performance issues regarding oceans and water intensityFixed an issue where frag grenades were not doing appropriate damage in the tutorialFixed a minor visual issue where clouds of smoke could sometimes stick to vehicles instead of behaving normallyFixed several issues with vehicle sound effectsFixed a visual issue with the top hatches of BMP-2 desert vehiclesFixed several issues relating to graphics settings, including one in which certain settings would reset upon exiting the gameFixed an issue where toggle lean options were not behaving properlyFixed several small visual and collision issues relating to indirect fire sheltersFixed a server crash related to CAFMAP UPDATES & BUG FIXESGeneralFixed an issue where players could shoot vehicle-mounted guns inside of the main base on certain layersHarjuFixed a collision issue at the WundaMart side entranceFixed various visual issues involving floating and incorrectly placed assetsFixed inconsistencies regarding the name of the Forest Industrial flag across layersFixed an issue where the MTLB would spawn outside of the main base on RAAS v2Fixed a hole in the ground near the missile siloFixed an issue where the RUS forward spawn would occasionally spawn players in the air on Invasion v1Fixed an issue where the CAF staging phase barrier was preventing access to ammo crates on Skirmish v2Fixed an issue where some deployables were incorrectly being blocked by waterFixed incorrect Finnish spelling on Invasion v1The “Bog” flag on RAAS v3, v4, v5, and v6 is now called “Marsh”FallujahFixed an issue where certain INS vehicles were too far out of range to be supplied at the main base on Invasion v2NarvaFixed an issue where the RAAS v5 layer was incorrectly labeledFixed an issue where a HAB could not be built near the Marina cap zone due to problems with the water levelAl BasrahFixed an issue where rocks and foliage appeared to float in certain areas on AAS v1Fixed an issue where the river could stop appearing in certain situationsSDK UPDATES & BUG FIXESUpdated mod SDK to v4.0Updated mod versioning to v4.0. This requires mods to be re-cooked with the v4.0 SDK—any mods using the v3.4 SDK will be incompatible with v4.0.OFFWORLD OUT.
    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Houla c'est un peu le bordel...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  23. #2513
    Lol, compact, le patch note

  24. #2514
    Ouais, c'est pas malin d'envoyer ça au lit avec un téléphone...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  25. #2515
    Attention Squaddies,

    Update Squad 4.2 will include and focus on the upgrade of the game engine to Unreal v4.27, improvements to the visuals of the US Army faction (new uniforms & character models), a new map layer (Mutaha Seed v1, USMC vs RUS), new emotes introduced to the game and many more bug fixes, improvements, and optimizations to the game.

    Check out the full detailed list of new features and changes down bellow.

    SYSTEM & GAMEPLAY UPDATESUpgraded game engine to Unreal v4.27Added DX12 as the default graphics APIYou can still opt to use DX11 by selecting it in the Settings menuAdded support for FSR2 upscaling
    Reimplemented and updated the Graphics Benchmark toolClicking the “Defaults” button on the Graphics Settings Menu will run a benchmark test on both your CPU and GPU and automatically apply recommended graphics settings once complete. As there have been some changes and optimizations to the graphics settings as part of the engine upgrade, we strongly recommend running this benchmark once you have updated Squad.Made improvements to the visuals of the US Army faction, including:New and improved uniforms, including a new forest camo variantNew and improved character modelsA complete remodel of the M17 MHS PistolUpdated ammo boxes and equipment
    Increased HAB spawn activation delay from 20 to 30 secondsAdded a new map layer, Mutaha Seed v1 (USMC vs RUS)
    Increased PLA ZSL10 APC cupola gunner mags from two to tenFEATURESAdded a new feature, EmotesAccess the emotes radial menu in-game by holding the “X” key (Learn more about emotes: LINK)GENERAL BUG FIXESFixed a server crash that could occur in EOSServerSubsystem when kicking playersThis fix addresses the main issue with modded layers and those should now workFixed a rare issue that could cause a user to disconnect from a server while pushing a helicopter from the rearFixed an issue that could cause servers to hitch on ensures, causing player disconnectsFixed a long-standing issue where enemy zones could become impossible to capture after placing a friendly HAB inside of the area in Territory ControlFixed an issue that caused modern technical vehicles to accelerate extremely fast after backing up into the waterFixed an issue that caused the engine sounds for several vehicles to be quieter and harder to hear from afar than intendedFixed an issue that caused the aim down sights animation for rocket launchers and binoculars to not appear to other players Removed unnecessary notifications in the tutorialFixed a bug that caused frag grenades not to play SFX or VFX on concreteFixed an issue where the GB FV432 APC’s engine could not be destroyed with weaponsFixed a minor visual issue that could occur while aiming down sights in the AUS Mag58 JeepFixed a minor visual bug with the PLA ZBD04A’s turretMade several improvements to the appearance of the PLA ZTZ99A MBTFixed a bug that prevented the rangefinder of the PLA PF98 launcher from displaying properly in local training modeFixed an issue that caused the PLA QJY88 RHIB to cost five tickets instead of oneFixed an issue that caused the PLA QLG10 grenade launcher to cost ten ammo instead of sevenAdjusted several PLA weapon and vehicle names for accuracyCorrected the item description for the PLA QBU88 marksman rifleFixed a bug that caused the PLA LAT kit role to display rifles incorrectlyFixed an issue that prevented the wrecks of PLA ZSL10, ZBL08, and ZBD04A vehicles from sinkingFixed an issue that prevented environmental effects (sand, snow, mud) from appearing on PLA soldier uniformsFixed a bug that allowed the driver of the PLA ZBL08 IFV and ZSL10 APC to be killed by explosive rounds hitting the vehicle’s front sideFixed a bug that prevented the front water shield of PLA ZBL08, ZSL10, and ZBD04A vehicles from successfully deploying in the waterAdjusted the PLA ZBD04A IFV’s weapon loadout to follow the standards set by other vehicles in the gameAdjusted the order of the BTR80 Woodland APC’s gunner weapon selectionFixed a missing ammo rack component on the PLA ZBL08 HJ73C desert variantImproved animations on the PLA ZSL10 APC when interacting with the open-top turretFixed a visual issue with the turret of the PLA ZTZ99A MBT vehicleFixed an issue with the reticle on the T72B3 MBT’s turretFixed several issues relating to vehicle icons appearing incorrectlyFixed several visual issues with Insurgent soldier modelsFixed an issue that could cause the medic role to appear as available when there are already two medics in the squadMAP UPDATES & BUG FIXES
    Black CoastMinor visual fixes
    ChoraMinor visual fixes
    FallujahFixed an issue where a weapon cache would spawn floating in the air on Insurgency v1Fixed an issue that caused water splash VFX to display inappropriately while shooting inside tunnels
    GorodokAdded obstruction to an exploitable spot for radio placementMinor visual fixes
    HarjuFixed an issue where defender and attack staging zone text was incorrect on Invasion v5Added new loading screen music
    KohatUpdated the minimapFixed an issue where PLA players were mistakenly able to build the HJ8 ATGM
    LashkarFixed a bug that allowed PLA SLs to use the buddy rally feature and the commander to use CO abilities near vehicles on Invasion v4
    NarvaFixed an issue where PLA had four logis and no transport truck on RAAS v6Pacific Proving GroundsFixed an issue that caused the vehicle list on v2 (PLA vs USMC) not to appear
    SkorpoFixed an issue where helicopters crashed into the water would not respawnFixed an issue with the minimap on RAAS v2 and v3Fixed an issue that caused a player to hit an unintended obstacle while running in the trench at M8-2-7Minor visual fixes
    SumariFixed an issue that could cause the map to appear washed out, negatively impacting performanceSDK UPDATES & BUG FIXESUpdated mod SDK to v4.2Updated mod versioning to v4.2. This requires mods to be re-cooked with the v4.2 SDK—any mods using the v4.0 SDK will be incompatible with v4.2KNOWN ISSUES
    Depending on the specific hardware setup, some players may experience frame rate stutters during gameplay – most notably while aiming down sights. If this happens to you, please switch to DX11 in the Graphics Settings Menu, restart the game, and try again.

    NOTE: With this update, we have forced a cache clear (reset of game options) due to changes and optimizations to the graphics settings as part of the engine upgrade. There are new options to explore, so go check them out! Additionally, remember that you can use the “saved keybind preset” feature to load your old keybinds if you’d like.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  26. #2516
    Bon dsl du format, je ne pige pas pourquoi ça me colle tout en gros pâté...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  27. #2517
    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Bon dsl du format, je ne pige pas pourquoi ça me colle tout en gros pâté...
    Spoiler Alert!
    System & Gameplay Updates

    Upgraded game engine to Unreal v4.27
    Added DX12 as the default graphics API
    You can still opt to use DX11 by selecting it in the Settings menu
    Added support for FSR2 upscaling
    Reimplemented and updated the Graphics Benchmark tool
    Clicking the “Defaults” button on the Graphics Settings Menu will run a benchmark test on both your CPU and GPU and automatically apply recommended graphics settings once complete. As there have been some changes and optimizations to the graphics settings as part of the engine upgrade, we strongly recommend running this benchmark once you have updated Squad.
    Made improvements to the visuals of the US Army faction, including:
    New and improved uniforms, including a new forest camo variant
    New and improved character models
    A complete remodel of the M17 MHS Pistol
    Updated ammo boxes and equipment
    Increased HAB spawn activation delay from 20 to 30 seconds
    Added a new map layer, Mutaha Seed v1 (USMC vs RUS)
    Increased PLA ZSL10 APC cupola gunner mags from two to ten


    Added a new feature, Emotes
    Access the emotes radial menu in-game by holding the “X” key (Learn more about emotes: LINK)

    General Bug Fixes

    Fixed a server crash that could occur in EOSServerSubsystem when kicking players
    This fix addresses the main issue with modded layers and those should now work
    Fixed a rare issue that could cause a user to disconnect from a server while pushing a helicopter from the rear
    Fixed an issue that could cause servers to hitch on ensures, causing player disconnects
    Fixed a long-standing issue where enemy zones could become impossible to capture after placing a friendly HAB inside of the area in Territory Control
    Fixed an issue that caused modern technical vehicles to accelerate extremely fast after backing up into the water
    Fixed an issue that caused the engine sounds for several vehicles to be quieter and harder to hear from afar than intended
    Fixed an issue that caused the aim down sights animation for rocket launchers and binoculars to not appear to other players
    Removed unnecessary notifications in the tutorial
    Fixed a bug that caused frag grenades not to play SFX or VFX on concrete
    Fixed an issue where the GB FV432 APC’s engine could not be destroyed with weapons
    Fixed a minor visual issue that could occur while aiming down sights in the AUS Mag58 Jeep
    Fixed a minor visual bug with the PLA ZBD04A’s turret
    Made several improvements to the appearance of the PLA ZTZ99A MBT
    Fixed a bug that prevented the rangefinder of the PLA PF98 launcher from displaying properly in local training mode
    Fixed an issue that caused the PLA QJY88 RHIB to cost five tickets instead of one
    Fixed an issue that caused the PLA QLG10 grenade launcher to cost ten ammo instead of seven
    Adjusted several PLA weapon and vehicle names for accuracy
    Corrected the item description for the PLA QBU88 marksman rifle
    Fixed a bug that caused the PLA LAT kit role to display rifles incorrectly
    Fixed an issue that prevented the wrecks of PLA ZSL10, ZBL08, and ZBD04A vehicles from sinking
    Fixed an issue that prevented environmental effects (sand, snow, mud) from appearing on PLA soldier uniforms
    Fixed a bug that allowed the driver of the PLA ZBL08 IFV and ZSL10 APC to be killed by explosive rounds hitting the vehicle’s front side
    Fixed a bug that prevented the front water shield of PLA ZBL08, ZSL10, and ZBD04A vehicles from successfully deploying in the water
    Adjusted the PLA ZBD04A IFV’s weapon loadout to follow the standards set by other vehicles in the game
    Adjusted the order of the BTR80 Woodland APC’s gunner weapon selection
    Fixed a missing ammo rack component on the PLA ZBL08 HJ73C desert variant
    Improved animations on the PLA ZSL10 APC when interacting with the open-top turret
    Fixed a visual issue with the turret of the PLA ZTZ99A MBT vehicle
    Fixed an issue with the reticle on the T72B3 MBT’s turret
    Fixed several issues relating to vehicle icons appearing incorrectly
    Fixed several visual issues with Insurgent soldier models
    Fixed an issue that could cause the medic role to appear as available when there are already two medics in the squad

    Map Updates & Bug Fixes

    Black Coast
    Minor visual fixes
    Minor visual fixes
    Fixed an issue where a weapon cache would spawn floating in the air on Insurgency v1
    Fixed an issue that caused water splash VFX to display inappropriately while shooting inside tunnels
    Added obstruction to an exploitable spot for radio placement
    Minor visual fixes
    Fixed an issue where defender and attack staging zone text was incorrect on Invasion v5
    Added new loading screen music
    Updated the minimap
    Fixed an issue where PLA players were mistakenly able to build the HJ8 ATGM
    Fixed a bug that allowed PLA SLs to use the buddy rally feature and the commander to use CO abilities near vehicles on Invasion v4
    Fixed an issue where PLA had four logis and no transport truck on RAAS v6

    Pacific Proving Grounds
    Fixed an issue that caused the vehicle list on v2 (PLA vs USMC) not to appear
    Fixed an issue where helicopters crashed into the water would not respawn
    Fixed an issue with the minimap on RAAS v2 and v3
    Fixed an issue that caused a player to hit an unintended obstacle while running in the trench at M8-2-7
    Minor visual fixes
    Fixed an issue that could cause the map to appear washed out, negatively impacting performance

    SDK Updates & Bug Fixes

    Updated mod SDK to v4.2
    Updated mod versioning to v4.2. This requires mods to be re-cooked with the v4.2 SDK—any mods using the v4.0 SDK will be incompatible with v4.2

    Known Issues

    Depending on the specific hardware setup, some players may experience frame rate stutters during gameplay – most notably while aiming down sights. If this happens to you, please switch to DX11 in the Graphics Settings Menu, restart the game, and try again.

    NOTE: With this update, we have forced a cache clear (reset of game options) due to changes and optimizations to the graphics settings as part of the engine upgrade. There are new options to explore, so go check them out! Additionally, remember that you can use the “saved keybind preset” feature to load your old keybinds if you’d like.
    Offworld out.

    En faisant un simple copié/collé depuis le site web de squad

  28. #2518
    Le nouveau patch a l'air sympa, des motivés pour une partie où deux ce soir ?
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  29. #2519
    raaaaaah oui ça a vraiment de la gueule cette mise à jour !!! je suis vraiment toujours positivement étonné du suivi qu'ils font sur le jeu c'est top !!!

    (pas de pc de jeu digne de ce nom pour le moment désolé )

  30. #2520
    Oui ils gèrent bien ! Ça serait bien qu'ils intègrent le mod avec l'armée française, il est bien fichu mais je ne le vois plus sur les server en se moment.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

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