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  1. #6571
    Après avoir vu plusieurs vidéo de WARNO J'ai une envie fort de STR Wargame dans ce style. Mais j'exècre les Early Access, vous avez des conseils pour un fix de STR Wargame en attendant WARNO ?

  2. #6572
    Citation Envoyé par RoyalPin Voir le message
    Après avoir vu plusieurs vidéo de WARNO J'ai une envie fort de STR Wargame dans ce style. Mais j'exècre les Early Access, vous avez des conseils pour un fix de STR Wargame en attendant WARNO ?
    Si tu aimes la 2nde GM il y a toujours les Steel Division.
    Citation Envoyé par Julizn
    Sinon, moi j'en ai jamais utilisé. Le gingembre frais ça s'achète en petite quantité. Y'a des glucides partout, dans les systèmes communistes.

  3. #6573
    Eugen ne voulait pas inclure de trucs modernes pour ne pas déséquilibrer le jeu en partant sur un truc trop futuriste.

    Mais l'exemple réel montre que l'on peut en fait très bien avoir un équilibre entre guérilla technologique avec unités puissantes et avancées contre zerg rush soviétique de tanks rouillés et masse d'artillerie low cost.

    Ca ferait un bon mod/extension.

  4. #6574
    En tout cas, la guerre en Ukraine montre quand même clairement que l'infanterie est complètement sous cotée dans ce jeu, et que les tanks sont bien trop OP.
    Seule l'artillerie est "réaliste" je trouve. (en terme de dégâts et suppression surtout, parce qu'en vrai, avec sa portée réelle, elle serait trop fumée si on n'a pas accès aux tirs de contre batterie ou frappes de missiles longue portée).

  5. #6575
    Le problème est que infanterie surpuissante = guerre de positions, toute avancée serait plus difficile.

  6. #6576
    Oui, faut pas oublier qu'à la fin, même si c'est un jeu de niche, ça reste "un jeu", si l'objectif c'est de campouze les villes et d'attendre l'Otan pour mettre des javelin partout, la meta est un peu pétée pour qui va jouer le côté russe et enfoncer toutes les autres zones
    Oook ?

  7. #6577
    On peut flinguer direct le genre STR pour ce qu’il en reste : un camp avec de l’artillerie, l’autre avec de la contre artillerie et on compte qui pète quoi chez qui avec juste ça.

    on indexe les munitions dispos sur le taux de civils en dégâts collatéraux avec une gestion du moral global et hop

  8. #6578
    Citation Envoyé par Sifr Voir le message
    On peut flinguer direct le genre STR pour ce qu’il en reste : un camp avec de l’artillerie, l’autre avec de la contre artillerie et on compte qui pète quoi chez qui avec juste ça.

    on indexe les munitions dispos sur le taux de civils en dégâts collatéraux avec une gestion du moral global et hop
    Faut que tu rajoutes l'opinion publique internationale pour gérer la fourniture du matériel en renfort.
    Ton prochain tu ne tueras point, le suivant par contre...

  9. #6579
    Y avait déjà un jeu qui gérait l'opinion publique, Conflict Zone je crois, avec de l'IA:

    Y a même ackboo mentionné.

    D'ailleurs à quand une gestion de la logistique, avec les palettes et tout?

  10. #6580
    Il va y avoir l'armée Française !!
    Ça va être un massacre
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  11. #6581
    Bonjour tout le monde !

    Quant à moi je cherche un wargame, tour par tour ! J'ai vu qu'il y avait ça qui sortait dans quelques temps chez microprose :

    Avez-vous des suggestions similaires, j'ai vu Combat mission Black Sea aussi !

  12. #6582
    Par rapport au style du jeu que tu cites :
    - Battle Academy 2 :

    Autrement :
    - Les combats missions (Normandy, Italy voir Shock Force 2), mais évite les gros engagements (tant de te faire la main sur le moteur de jeu)
    - Mius Front (qui combine le tour par tour au niveau stratégique et temps réel pour la partie tactique) :
    - Valor & Victory :
    - Heroes of Normandie : (basé sur un jeu de plateau, très différent du reste, là c'est pour des courtes parties en mode WTF)

    Sur des théâtres plus vastes :
    - Panzer Corp :
    - Strategic Command :
    - Order of Battle :
    - Unity of Command 2 :

    Pour les barbus :

    - Decisive Campaigns :
    - Gary Grigsby's War in où tu veux :

    Il y'en a pleins d'autres, tu trouveras certainement ton bonheur et tu peux aller sur ce topic dédié également à ce type de jeu :

  13. #6583
    Merci pour ta réponse structurée, je vais la garder précieusement et regarder tout ça ! Au top !

  14. #6584
    Before the patch notes, a little disclaimer about this unusually heavy update :
    Saves and replays made with previous versions of the game will no longer be playable on this version. However, you can still load them by switching to the compat_save_older_than_78984 beta branch.
    Right-click on WARNO in your Steam library and choose "Properties". In the "Betas" tab, open the drop-down list, choose the compat_save_older_than_78984 branch and close the properties window. After a download of 13.5 GB, the old version of WARNO will be ready and you can load your replays and saves. Note that multiplayer will not be accessible until you return to the default branch. To do this, repeat the previous manipulation and choose the "None" option instead of compat_save_older_than_78984. After a download of 6 GB, you will be back on the most recent version of the game, ready to join mutiplayer again and enjoy the latest features and bug fixes.

    Why did we do this?
    We have changed the way we handle textures in our in-house engine. As a result, a big chunk of game data was changed on Steam and the game would have gone from 40GB to 54GB on your hard drive. We know that many of you already have pretty full disks and we took this opportunity to reduce the size of the game from 40GB to 23 GB. The only downside is that this update will need a 6 GB download.

    Game got too big. We deported save/replay compatibility to compat_save_older_than_78984 branch in order to save 31 GB on your disk.

    Ripple is a new 2vs2 map which covers an area of 72km² and is bordered by mountains to the east and west. These mountains all have roads that allow troops to move quickly. The design of the map is articulated around three main corridors: an elevated corridor, to the west, that features a plateau with a clear line of sight. A flat central corridor, where the main urban elements are positioned. A more chaotic corridor, to the east, with more winding roads in the mountains. We wanted to offer three different types of gameplay on this new map which will also be available in "ranked".
    Artillery rework : complete howitzer rework that now has the corrected shot capacity! Recon units or other artillery units located within 2000 meters of the target can reduce the dispersion radius of howitzer fire by 30%. In addition, howitzer damage has been increased. To compensate for their newfound effectiveness, longer firing and reloading times have been applied. Mortars have shorter trajectories in order to give them a better reactivity more in line with their role in reality.
    Equipped vehicles can now smoke in front of them in one click
    AI will now react with the defensive RoE if its units can't retaliate : units will take cover and smoke
    Improved general behaviour of AI
    Deck editing buttons are back in the lobby
    Improved player name lisibility on flares
    In the armory, role filters are now reset when switching unit category
    Line of sight animation (when clicking the "Line of sight" button or pressing C) sped up from 1.75s to 0.3s
    Improved readability of information displayed on cursor

    Fixed vehicles bumping into each other continuously instead of overtaking. Traffic jams are gone.
    Fixed smokes sometimes not triggering while using Defensive RoE
    Fixed a bug that would prevent ctrl+(zqsd/wasd) from controlling camera rotation and elevation
    Fixed AI command units sometimes staying right outside of the command zone and not capturing it
    Fixed AI using forward deploy only for recon units. It now uses it for any capable unit.
    Fixed AI sometimes sending units to defend a zone it no longer controls, effectively sending them to a suicide mission
    Fixed unit label sometimes not updating properly. For instance, a damaged unit would forever lose its "need repair" icon after being routed.
    Fixed routed unit sometimes not fleeing when under fire
    Fixed some static weapons that had a "on the move" accuracy
    Fixed Damage and Penetration disappearing from the aiming cursor after having used the shoot on position order.
    Fixed Aiming, Firing, Reloading, percentage not being displayed properly in the selected unit panel

    Howitzer rework in damage / shooting time and reload time
    Adjustment of the trajectory of mortar shells to reduce their flight time
    Howitzer corrected shot configuration
    The impacts of mortar and howitzer rounds are no longer sorted!
    The aircraft nose cannons can fire on armor
    Refinement of ATGM missile aiming time and addition of a minimum range of 350m
    Improved calculation of priority targets for tanks => decrease of infantry in favor of IFV
    Infantry Ground To Ground Missiles Teams have their aiming time increased from 1 to 1.5 / 1.8 / 2
    Increase stress of HE weapons (tanks and autocanons) by 10%, increase resistance of buildings +20%, reduction of shield provided by buildings against HE shells (tanks and autocanons)
    Reduction of damage from infantry weapons using napalm (15%)
    Distance letality bonus for assault rifles and small machine guns reduced
    Assault rifles, Battle rifles ans SMG slightly rate of fire reduced
    Buildings grant a 20% protection against rockets
    Fire deals damages every second instead of every 0.5s

    Apache rocket turrets fixed. It could previously fire its rockets without aligning.
    MK 20 Rh 202 and Zwillinge anti air guns aiming time raised to 2s
    Bofors L/70 anti air gun aiming time raised to 2s
    Increased rate of fire of the apache cannon

    ZU-23-2 aiming time raised to 1.5s
    S-60 anti air gun aiming time raised to 1.5s
    PULEMETCHIKI in 79GV.TD can use Gaz 66 truck
    RBK 500 kg splash reduced
    BMP 3 price raised to 55
    RPK 74 Rof slightly reduced
    l.MG-K rate of fire slightly reduced
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  15. #6585
    Le jeu se bonifie, petit à petit... Il ne faut pas être pressé

  16. #6586
    Y"a patch :



    1 new 3v3 map: Rift

    Rift is the first map with night lighting.
    The map has two huge plateaus in the south and in the north. These two plateaus run along the center of the map which is completely flat and open.
    Like the Cyrus map, Rift offers extended lines of sight with a drastic reduction of choke points.

    1 new 10v10 map: Crown

    Crown is our new map designed for 10vs10 battles. The map has a large number of command zones. This configuration is intended to offer a gameplay access to micro-management.

    Geisa has always been our biggest map, featuring both chokepoints, huge chunks of forest and a few open spaces. Some of you commanders have pointed out the lack of flanking roads, that sometimes made the map feel too divided in isolated sectors : it might have been difficult to maneuver to help your teammate in need, namely near the side corridor containing Quebec, Romeo and Sierra.

    As a consequence, we decided to open up the forest by creating a dirt way network crossing it, making flank and evasive maneuvers much more easy to perform and likely to happen. Thoses changes aim to make the map feel more open and encouraging more offensive moves, while keeping Geisa's core layout.

    new divisions (and nations!): French 5e division blindée and UK 1st armoured division
    new T-80U model !
    new units (see §FLESHING OUT DIVISIONS)
    adding an AUTO SUPPLY smart order: a supply unit will then automatically move to resupply any friendly unit with under 30% ammo or having suffered a critical hit
    adding M1038 HUMVEE (troop carrier) as troop transport replacing the M35 in 82nd AB
    new FX for bombs between 400 & 900kg
    new FX for BM-21 GRAD & LARS
    new infantry models for KDA infantry
    AI rebalance : we added more reconnaissance and defensive missions so that AI will conquer land in a smarter way
    New smart order "auto supply"
    AI will use SEAD capable aircrafts more appropriately. This is work in progress, a better version is being worked on
    AI on-foot command units will wait until they are close to their target command zone before getting out of their transport.
    AI command units will follow the safest path when fleeing a lost command zone
    adjusted camera settings in the armory
    hotkey more visible in the tooltip of orders
    when displaying the unit info panel of a transported unit, you can now choose to see the information of either the unit or its transport (it was previously always the transport)
    improved ingame unit labels
    improved the multiple selection panel (bottom middle of the screen when having multiple units selected)
    in a lobby, your red/green button is now clickable to toggle between "Ready" and "Not Ready" states

    fixed transported reinforcing units not taking the existing orders from the group they join
    fixed the M551 Sheridan's HE gun which was treated as artillery, not main gun HE
    fixed a display bug in the deck editor (4 billion availability)
    fixed unit labels not having the right color after loading a saved game
    fixed helicopters sometimes getting stuck between two shifted orders
    fixed infantry soldiers reviving at the position of their death instead of the current position of the unit when it is being resupplied
    fixed some dead soldiers being unloaded from transports when unloading a damaged infantry unit
    fixed the main menu not reappearing at the end of a replay if the UI was disabled while watching the replay
    fixed a bug on how AI evaluates threats at the beginning of games. It will play more carefully in early game
    fixes and general improvements on how AI manages aircrafts. This impacts the "Auto Strike" smart order
    fixed a random freeze in the sound engine when a game ends
    fixed two desyncs related to vision and destructed buildings
    fixed ATGM hit rate being way too low against fast moving vehicles
    fixed sometimes not being able to join 10v10 servers

    fixed the M109A2's salvo back to 4 rounds (from 16!)
    fixed the towed 2B9 VASILEK's minimum range to match that of its MT-LB VASILEK counterpart
    fixed some missing weapon pictures
    fixed SPz BMP-1 SP1's MG ammo loadout
    fixed DESANT. KOM. (DSh)'s ammunition loadout
    fixed SCHWIM.PZ. PT-76B's name (removing the recon googles)
    fixed T813 (transport)'s autonomy
    fixed an issue with DDR BTR-70 and Soviet BTR-60PB & BTR-80's influence reveal
    fixed an issue with US AIRBORNE LDR. & GREEN BERETS LDR.'s influence reveal
    fixed DDR's T-72's localization: removed the "G" in their name, which was a NATO designation ...
    fixed an UI issue displaying the KINETIC trait on HE-only weapons
    fixed loadout position on F-111F
    (2PzG) fixing some doublon transport

    adding a host of new units to existing divisions: LEOPARD 2A4, T-80UD, RKHM, recon BMP-1, recon M113A1G , T-80BK, UAZ-469, RM-70 [CLU], D-20 152mm howitzers, UH-1D MUN., ILTIS MILAN, M981 FISTV, M1A1(HA) CMD, ... See below which division got what.
    (79GvTD) added one card of Mi-2 recon helicopters
    (79GvTD) added one card of RKHM (command MT-L
    (79GvTD) added one card of TO-55
    (79GvTD) replaced BMP-1P with RAZV. BMP-1P (recon/transport BMP-1) as transport option for RAZVEDKA (hvy)
    (79GvTD) added UAZ-3151 KPV (recon/transport UAZ) as transport option for RAZVEDKA
    (39GvMSD) added one card of Mi-2 recon helicopters
    (39GvMSD) added one card of RKHM (command MT-L
    (39GvMSD) added one card of T-80BK (command T-80
    (39GvMSD) replaced BMP-1P with RAZV. BMP-1P (recon/transport BMP-1) as transport option for RAZVEDKA (hvy)
    (39GvMSD) added UAZ-3151 KPV (recon/transport UAZ) as transport option for RAZVEDKA
    (35DSh added one card of Mi-2 recon helicopters
    (35DSh replaced BMP-1P with RAZV. BMP-1P (recon/transport BMP-1) as transport option for RAZVEDKA (hvy)
    (35DSh added UAZ-3151 KPV (recon/transport UAZ) as transport option for DESANT. RAZVEDKA
    (4MSD) added one card of Fs-JÄGER (s.MG)
    (4MSD) added UAZ-469 KPV (recon/transport UAZ) as transport option for AUFKLÄRER
    (4MSD) replaced SPz BMP-1 SP2 with AUFKL. BMP-1 (recon/transport BMP-1) as transport option for AUFKLÄRER (Hvy)
    (4MSD) replaced one card of FLA-RAK. STRELA-10M with one of SPW-40P2 STRELA-1
    (7Pz) added UAZ-469 KPV (recon/transport UAZ) as transport option for AUFKLÄRER
    (7Pz) added SPz BMP-1P as transport option for units already allowed other BMP-1 variants
    (7Pz) replaced SPz BMP-1 SP2 with AUFKL. BMP-1 (recon/transport BMP-1) as transport option for AUFKLÄRER (Hvy)
    (7Pz) replaced one card of FLA-RAK. STRELA-10M with one of SPW-40P2 STRELA-1
    (KdA) added one more card of Mi-24P [AT2]
    (KdA) added one card of RM-70 [HE]
    (KdA) added one card of RM-70 [CLU]
    (KdA) added one card of D-20 152mm howitzers
    (KdA) added one card of PALR KONKURS
    (KdA) added one card of SPW-40P2 KONKURS
    (TerrKdo) replaced one card of CH-53G MUN. with one of UH-1D MUN.
    (TerrKdo) added one card of ILTIS MILAN
    (TerrKdo) added one card of ALPHA JET [CLU]
    (2PzG) added one card of LEOPARD 1A1A1 FÜH.
    (2PzG) added M113A1G AUFK. (recon/transport M113) as transport option for JÄGER AUFK.
    (5Pz) adding M113A1G AUFK. (recon/transport M113) as transport option for JÄGER AUFK.
    (5Pz) added two card of AH-64A APACHE [RKT]
    (5Pz) added one card of LEOPARD 2A4
    (8ID) added M113A1G AUFK. (recon/transport M113) as transport option for JÄGER AUFK.
    (8ID) added one card of M981 FISTV as recon vehicle (note: it looks like a M901 ITW but is unarmed)
    (8ID) replaced one card of OH-58C SCOUT with one of OH-58D KIOWA (same stats as KIOWA WR., but armed with rocket pods)
    (8ID) added one card of F-111F [LGB]
    (3AD) added one card of M1A1(HA) CMD
    (3AD) added one card of M981 FISTV as recon vehicle (note: it looks like a M901 ITW but is unarmed)
    (3AD) replaced one card of OH-58C SCOUT with one of OH-58D KIOWA (same stats as KIOWA WR., but armed with rocket pods)
    (82A replaced one card of OH-58C SCOUT with one of OH-58D KIOWA (same stats as KIOWA WR., but armed with rocket pods)

    MI-26 at 15 HP
    all CH-47 at 12 HP
    all CH-53 CHINOOK at 12 HP
    all AH-64A APACHE at 10 HP
    all KA-50 at 10 HP
    all MI-24 at 10 HP
    all MI-8/9/17 at 8 HP
    all AH-1 COBRA at 8 HP
    all UH-60 BLACK HAWK at 8 HP
    all SUPER PUMA at 8 HP
    all UH-1 HUEY at 6 HP
    all PUMA at 6 HP
    all LYNX at 6 HP
    all MI-2 at 6 HP
    all OH-58 at 4 HP
    all GAZELLE at 4 HP
    all ALOUETTE at 4 HP
    all BO-105 at 4 HP
    AH-6 LITTLE BIRD at 4 HP

    improved howitzer power + Rof decrease and increased ammunition cost
    MLRS rework : HE and suppress splah raised + Rof raised
    increased 2S1 Gvodzika price to 150
    increased 2S3 Akatsiya price to 180 + Ammo decreased to 25
    increased 2S7 Malka price to 270
    increased M109s price to 200
    increased M110s price to 260
    increased FH155 price to 135
    increased D-20 price to 125 + Ammo decreased to 32
    increased D-30 price to 130
    increased M106 price to 90
    increased M125 price to 80
    increased AB M30 price to 60
    increased Panzermorser price to 90 + Ammo decreased to 60
    increased HS.30 morser price to 85
    increased Mrs. 120mm Tampella price to 45
    increased 2S9 Nona price to 85 + Ammo increased to 30

    improved the AI handling of SEAD missions
    improved Exceptional vision
    unarmed transport helicopters can now be captured
    increased all trucks HP raised to 8 & road speed set at100km/h
    all M151 jeep's HP set at 4
    all UAZ jeep's HP set at 4
    all Iltis jeep's HP set at 4
    all P4 jeep's HP set at 4
    all Humvee (heavy) jeep's HP set at 6
    set the minimum price for APCs at 20 (only affects those still at 15)
    normalized all BRDM variants' HP at 8 (some had 10)
    normalized all FUCHS variants' HP at 8
    normalized all BTR-60 & 70 variants' HP at 8
    increased BTR-80's HP from 8 to 10
    normalized all M113 variants' HP at 10
    increased all armored jeeps max damage to 6
    increased all unarmed trucks' price from 15 to 20
    increased all unarmed jeeps' price from 10 to 20
    decreased flamethrowers (hand-held & vehicles ones) s aim time from 6 to 4, but reload time increased from 6 to 8
    swapped the anti-helo & anti-plane ranges of all mono and twin 20/23mm AA guns
    decreased all AT teams (ATGM & RCL)'s stealth by one level
    normalizing supply & transport truck variants' speed

    decreased all MILAN 1 ATGM teams' price by -5
    decreased TOW 2 accuracy from 70 to 65%
    decreased Dragon 2's penetration from 19 to 18
    decreased FIRE TEAM (LAW)'s price from 30 to 25
    increased FIRE TEAM (AT-4)'s price from 25 to 30
    increased FIRE TEAM (DRAGON)'s price from 40 to 50
    increased AB FIRE TEAM (DRAGON)'s price from 45 to 55
    increased AB FIRE TEAM (AT-4)'s price from 30 to 35
    decreased AB ENGINEERS' availaibility per card from 9 to 6, number of cards changed accordingly
    decreased all STINGER teams' availability per card from 9 to 6
    increased MP (without RCL)'s availaibility per card from 8 to 12
    converted SPARTAN into a recon/transport
    increased M106A2's salvo from 4 to 5
    added AMX-10RC their smoke launchers
    increased FUCHS' price from 15 to 20
    increased M1A1 ABRAMS CMD's availability per card from 1 to 2, number of cards changed accordingly
    decreased MARDER 1A2's price from 40 to 35
    decreased MARDER 1A2 MILAN's price from 50 to 45
    decreased M60A3 TTS' price from 100 to 95, and CV variant accordingly
    increased M3A1 BRADLEY's price from 100 to 120
    decreased AH-1F TOWCOBRA's availability per card from 4 to 2, number of card changed accordingly
    decreased AH-1F TOWCOBRA's price from 125 to 120
    increased AH-1F ATAS' from 125 to 135
    increased AH-1F HEAVY HOG's price from 70 to 100
    decreased AH-64A [ATGM]'s price from 330 to 295
    decreased AH-64A's price from 265 to 260
    increased AH-64A [RKT]'s price from 120 to 125
    increased F-4F [AA]'s price from 145 to 155
    decreased F-15C EAGLE [AA]'s price from 280 to 275
    decreased F-4E [AA]'s price from 205 to 195
    decreased A-10A [RKT]'s price from 200 to 175
    decreased A-10A [AT]'s price from 220 to 195
    decreased ALPHA JET [RKT]'s price from 150 to 120
    increased EF-111A RAVEN [SEAD]'s price from 260 to 265
    increased F-104G STARFIGHTER [AA]'s price from 115 to 125
    increased F-111E [NPL]'s price from 185 to 215
    increased F-111F [NPL]'s price from 185 to 215
    decreased F-16C [AT]'s price from 270 to 245
    decreased G.91R/3 GINA [HE]'s price from 85 to 80
    decreased G.91R/3 GINA [NPL]'s price from 140 to 115
    decreased G.91R/3 GINA [RKT]'s price from 120 to 110
    decreased LEOPARD 2A3's accuracy from 65% to 60% (the 70% displayed were an UI issue)
    decreased TORNADO GR.1 [SEAD]'s price from 305 to 295
    decreased TORNADO IDS [MW-1]'s price from 300 to 295
    increased TORNADO IDS [AT]'s experience from vet1 to vet2
    decreased all UH-1's price variants by -10
    increased TORNADO GR.1 [SEAD]'s optics to Exceptionnal on par with other TORNADO
    increased M109A3GA1's price from 200 to 210
    normalized UK & BEL's SCIMITAR's autocanon ammo to 160
    normalized UK & BEL's SCORPION's main gun ammo to 40
    increased both (Belgian & British) SULTAN's price from 100 to 110
    British SULTAN's price was brought from 100 to 100, but its Belgian counterparts was forgotten. It will be fixed in a next patch
    (TerrKdo) removed one card of CH-53G
    (5Pz) changed HELO slots from 2/3/3/3 to 1/2/3/4
    (5Pz) changed one 1-pt TANK slot into a 2-pt one
    (2PzG) increased LEOPARD 2A3 FÜH.'s number of cards from 1 to 2
    (3AD) decreased ENGINEERS (DRAGON)'s number of cards from 3 to 1
    (3AD) added M1038 Humvee as transport option for Fire Teams
    (8ID) added M1038 Humvee as transport option for Fire Teams
    (8ID) decreased ENGINEERS (DRAGON)'s number of cards from 3 to 1

    decreased Metis' penetration from 18 to 17
    decreased Malyutka-P's penetration from 17 to 16, and accuracy from 45% to 40%
    decreased MOTOSTRELKI (BMP)'s price from 45 to 40
    increased MOTOSTRELKI's price from 40 to 45
    increased SPETSNAZ's price from 50 to 55
    increased PANZERJÄGER's strength from 6 to 7 men
    decreased RESERVE PIONIER's price from 25 to 20
    decreased all FAGOT ATGM teams' price by -5
    decreased VPB's price from 20 to 15
    decreased (DDR) PIONIER (FLAM.)'s price from 60 to 55
    increased SAPERI's price from 40 to 50
    decreased MOT.-SCHÜTZEN's price from 50 to 45
    decreased MOT.-SCHÜTZEN (BTR)'s price from 55 to 50
    increased all IGLA teams' price by +5
    increased SPZ BMP-1 SP2's price from 30 to 35
    decreased KPz T-72G1's price from 160 to 150
    increased KPz. T-72GM FÜH.'s availability per card from 1 to 2
    changed the T-62 family's DShK for KPV (as fitting the model)
    decreased BMD-1's price from 30 to 25
    decreased BMD-2's price from 35 to 30
    decreased BTR-RD Robot's price from 50 to 45
    decreased BTR-D's price from 35 to 30
    decreased BTR-ZD Shrekzet's price from 55 to 50
    increased SPW BMP-1 Sp1's price from 20 to 25
    decreased BMP-1PG's s price from 40 to 35
    decreased all T-55A & TO-55' price from 50 to 45, and CV variant accordingly
    decreased T-34/85's price from 30 to 25
    removed ATGM from T-80BK (as IRL), PKT coaxial MG added instead, price decreased from 300 to 285
    removed ATGM from T-80BVK (as IRL), PKT coaxial MG added instead, price decreased from 325 to 310
    increased T-80BVK's availability per card from 1 to 2, number of cards changed accordingly
    increased FLA-SFL 23-4 SHILKA's availability per card from 4 to 6, number of cards changed accordingly
    decreased all BRDM STRELA-1's price from 65 to 60
    increased Mi-24D [AA]'s veterancy from vet2 to vet3
    decreased (Soviet) Mi-24P's price from 190 to 170, on par with its DDR counterpart
    decreased (DDR) Mi-24P [AT2]'s price from 225 to 190
    decreased (Soviet) Mi-24V [AT]'s price from 220 to 180
    decreased (Soviet) Mi-8TB's price from 140 to 130
    decreased (Soviet) Mi-8MT [GUV]'s price from 130 to 110
    decreased (Soviet) Mi-8MT [RKT2]'s price from 145 to 125
    decreased Mi-26's price from 200 to 185
    increased Mi-26's availability per card from 1 to 2
    decreased (Soviet) MiG-23MLD [AA]'s price from 210 to 195
    decreased (DDR) MiG-23MF [AT]'s price from 150 to 140
    increased (DDR) MiG-23MF [AT]'s availability per card from 3 to 4
    increased (DDR) MiG-23ML [AA]'s availability per card from 2 to 3
    decreased (DDR) MiG-21bis [AA2]'s price from 175 to 155
    decreased (DDR) MiG-21bis [RKT1]'s price from 145 to 140
    decreased (DDR) MiG-21bis [RKT2]'s price from 175 to 160
    increased (DDR) MiG-23MF [HE]'s availability from 2 to 3
    decreased MIG-25BM [SEAD]'s price from 285 to 265
    decreased MiG-25RBF's price from 285 to 260
    decreased MiG-27M [NPLM]'s price from 240 to 215
    increased MiG-27M [AT]'s availability per card from 2 to 3
    decreased Su-17M4 [RKT]'s price from 210 to 195
    increased Su-17M4 [RKT]'s availability per card from 2 to 3
    decreased Su-22M4K [AT]'s availability per card from 4 to 3
    decreased Su-24M [NPLM]'s price from 325 to 270
    decreased Su-24MP [SEAD]'s price from 230 to 215
    decreased Su-25 [HE]'s price from 255 to 225
    decreased Su-25 [NPLM]'s price from 250 to 225
    increased Su-25 [RKT]'s price from 150 to 160
    decreased Su-25 [RKT]'s experience from vet2 to vet1
    decreased Su-25 [AT]'s price from 230 to 210
    decreased all Mi-2's price variants by -5
    decreased Mi-24K's optics from EXCEPTIONNAL to VERY GOOD + price decreased from 270 to 250
    (39GvMSD) decreased (DDR) MiG-23MF [HE]'s availability per card from 3 to 2, on par with this plane's availability in other divisions
    (79GvTD) replaced T-80UK (which didn't existed in that form at that time) with a card of more numerous T-80BK
    (79GvTD) decreased T-80U's number of cards from 4 to 1
    (79GvTD) added three cards of T-80UD
    (KdA) removed one card of BRDM-2 KONKURS

    The following issues are known to us, but were reported to late to be fixed in this patch. They are fixed already and will be delivered with the next one.
    British L85A1 assault rifle's model is missing its scope
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  17. #6587
    Pour info, Warno est de nouveau à 30€ (à l'occasion de l'ajout des français et anglais).

    Je vais me jeter dans le bain. Ca va être mon premier dans le genre, si quelqu'un est dispo à l'occasion (via Discord) pour me montrer quelques trucs, je suis preneur /

  18. #6588
    Chui en arret jusqu'a mardi, bip moi si tu veux.
    Mais mumble c'est mieux.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  19. #6589
    Après ya grave meilleur que moi
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  20. #6590
    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Mais mumble c'est mieux.
    Tu viens de me rajeunir de 15 ans !

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Après ya grave meilleur que moi
    Je veux pas être bon, je veux juste comprendre ce qui se passe

  21. #6591
    Citation Envoyé par reveur81 Voir le message
    Tu viens de me rajeunir de 15 ans !

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Je veux pas être bon, je veux juste comprendre ce qui se passe
    Vers 21hr si ça te va !!
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  22. #6592
    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Vers 21hr si ça te va !!

  23. #6593
    J'ai oublié, j'ai de la famille ce soirs. Je pense que 21hr sera bien. Ont se retrouve sur Mumble ?
    Si vraiment c'est trop tard je te préviens.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  24. #6594
    Pour les francophones qui veulent jouer en équipe je vous conseille le discord de ce bon vieux Darricks :
    Il y a souvent du monde, surtout le soir.

  25. #6595
    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    J'ai oublié, j'ai de la famille ce soirs. Je pense que 21hr sera bien. Ont se retrouve sur Mumble ?
    Si vraiment c'est trop tard je te préviens.
    Je suis chaud pour un mumble ce soir.

    J'ai le jeu depuis quelques mois, mais j'y ai à peine touché.

  26. #6596
    Citation Envoyé par LaVaBo Voir le message
    Je suis chaud pour un mumble ce soir.

    J'ai le jeu depuis quelques mois, mais j'y ai à peine touché.
    Tinkiet chui une bille aussi
    Je connais bien le fonctionnement des jeux egeun mais xhui pas un winnner.
    Quoi que j'ai gagné avec la France
    Donc oui je connais bien le fonctionnement du jeu mais chui pas une bête de course.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Du coup si ont est trois ce soir ça va être super.
    Par contre comme j'ai de la famille et ma fille je serais ptet un peu à la bourre .
    Ben on se retrouve sur Mumble .
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  27. #6597
    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Tinkiet chui une bille aussi
    Je connais bien le fonctionnement des jeux egeun mais xhui pas un winnner.
    Quoi que j'ai gagné avec la France
    Donc oui je connais bien le fonctionnement du jeu mais chui pas une bête de course.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Du coup si ont est trois ce soir ça va être super.
    Par contre comme j'ai de la famille et ma fille je serais ptet un peu à la bourre .
    Ben on se retrouve sur Mumble .
    Ca fait mille ans que je n'ai pas utilisé Mumble.. il va falloir que je renseigne l'url d'un serveur de mémoire ?

  28. #6598
    Tout est là:
    Le plus important est que tu aies le certificat.

  29. #6599
    Citation Envoyé par Grosnours Voir le message
    Tout est là:
    Le plus important est que tu aies le certificat.
    Oh, ça me rappelle des moments relous dans le passé ça (certificats perdus, etc). Merci !

  30. #6600
    Je vois que c'est une validation manuelle... si aucun admin n'est dispo ce soir, Discord ne peut pas être une alternative ? (juste au cas où ?)

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