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Affichage des résultats 181 à 210 sur 10020
  1. #181
    J'avoue que sur Lycan, je trouve le buff vraiment bien. J'vais ptet le rejouer un peu plus lui :D.

    Bah NP il a été nerf, sur le cout en mana de son ult.... (genre np a des problèmes de mana quoi...)

    T'as oublié le nerf de bristle, timber et cm.

    Mais bon, par contre, sniper et riki, ça va vraiment devenir les rois du pubstomp.

  2. #182
    Riki support avec Shadow Amulet first item incoming.
    Au niveau 6 tu restes invisible à côté de ton carry et tu utilises ta shadow amulet sur lui s'il se fait gank

    EDIT : disclaimer : ceci est une blague, je sais que ce serait totalement de la merde de faire ça
    Rust fanboy

  3. #183
    Je suis interessé de voir ce que ça va donner en tout cas, notamment le fait que Blink Dagger n'a plus de coût en mana ce qui buff indirectement pas mal de héros qui l'ont en core mais ont des problemes de mana. En particulier, entre ça et son ulti qui perd 40s (!) de cd, je vois bien Brewmaster redevenir viable.

  4. #184
    Je vois aussi venir Beastmaster. Double eagle, double boar. WARDS ARE FOR BITCHES.

  5. #185
    You now lose one gold per second if you haven't picked a hero after the selection timer runs out in All Pick
    C'est bien stronk ça aussi.

  6. #186
    Citation Envoyé par GigaX Voir le message
    C'est bien stronk ça aussi.
    Ouai gros nerf de stefanouf ca.

  7. #187
    Brood s'est pris un bon nerf dans les dents.
    E:"Commandant, vous manquez de puissance de feu !" C:"C’est la taille qui compte" E:"Bien reçu. Défoncez-les, boss"

  8. #188
    Citation Envoyé par Alge'n Voir le message
    Je suis interessé de voir ce que ça va donner en tout cas, notamment le fait que Blink Dagger n'a plus de coût en mana ce qui buff indirectement pas mal de héros qui l'ont en core mais ont des problemes de mana. En particulier, entre ça et son ulti qui perd 40s (!) de cd, je vois bien Brewmaster redevenir viable.
    Ca va éviter les fails ulti comme avec Sand King : "Ulti" + blink... ah bah non merde j'ai plus de mana pour blink, je suis la honte de ma team j'ai ulti la forêt et tout le monde m'insulte noooo !!!!!!

    Sinon bien d'avoir enfin rectifier cette histoire avec les toiles de la Brood, au moins ça reste viable et pas cheater... Même si le héros est toujours aussi pourri
    Buff AA, Batrider, Morphling
    Citation Envoyé par nAKAZZ Voir le message
    HS mais pas trop

  9. #189
    Yay! More snipe et Riki! Cool ça manquait en pub :/

    Par contre ouais Jakiro et Tinker

  10. #190
    J'ai vu une bonne remarque sur le net.
    Le fait que Faceless Void se déplace aisément dans sa chronosphère signifie qu'il n'a plus besoin d'utiliser son Timewalk pour engage. Il suffit de venir sur le côté et chopper les héros adverses sur le bord de sa chrono.
    Et du coup on pourra par exemple faire une 5-men chronosphere, tuer un pauvre support à l'intérieur, puis s'enfuir en Timewalk quand elle se termine.
    Rust fanboy

  11. #191
    Pouvez vous C/C le patch note svp?!!
    Taf, limitation du net toussa toussa.


  12. #192
    MISE À JOUR 6.80

    You now lose one gold per second if you haven't picked a hero after the selection timer runs out in All Pick
    All Pick selection time increased from 60 to 75
    All Pick pre-creep time reduced from 90 to 75

    Roshan no longer stops upgrading his hp/damage/armor at 45 minutes
    Roshan upgrade rate increased by 20%
    Roshan bounty rescaled from 105-600 to 150-400


    Night vision reduced from 1400 to 800
    Unstable Concoction maximum shaking duration reduced from 7 to 5.5 [?]
    Unstable Concoction no longer continues to get stronger while it is in the air

    Ancient Apparition
    Ice Vortex spell damage amplification increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30
    Ice Vortex duration increased from 12 to 16
    Ice Vortex aura stickiness increased from 0.1 to the standard 0.5 aura value

    Mana Void radius increased from 300 to 450
    Added AoE targeting cursor for Mana Void

    Base HP regen increased from 2 to 3
    Berserker's Call duration increased from 1.5/2/2.5/3 to 2.0/2.4/2.8/3.2
    Berserker's Call cooldown rescaled from 10 to 16/14/12/10

    Attack animation time improved from 0.5 to 0.3

    Call of the Wild Hawk duration reduced from 60/70/80/80 to 60
    Call of the Wild Boar duration reduced from 70/80/90 to 60
    Call of the Wild no longer destroys previous summons on cast

    Thirst Bonus Speed and damage rescaled from 7/14/21/28 to 5/15/25/35
    Bloodbath now gives the full hero kill benefit (instead of only half) if he is within the 325 AoE when a hero dies

    Primal Split cooldown reduced from 180/160/140 to 140/120/100

    Base damage reduced by 4

    Can no longer leave the map boundaries [?]
    Spin Web no longer provides 200 vision
    Free pathing is now removed when enemies have vision over you [?]

    Centaur Warrunner
    Stampede cooldown reduced from 120/90/60 to 90/75/60

    Hits required to kill Power Cogs rescaled from 3 to 2/2/2/3

    Crystal Maiden
    Base intelligence reduced by 3

    Dark Seer
    Ion Shell cooldown reduced from 10 to 9

    Weave duration increased from 20 to 24

    Death Prophet
    Exorcism cooldown increased from 100 to 115
    Silence AoE increased from 350 to 425

    Dragon Knight
    Dragon Tail cooldown rescaled from 9 to 12/11/10/9

    Drow Ranger
    Reworked Silence [?]

    Earth Spirit
    Stone Remnant recharge timer increased from 25 to 35
    Geomagnetic Grip now does a 2/3/4/5 second silence instead of a 1/1.5/2/2.5 second stun
    Geomagnetic Grip damage rescaled from 125 to 100/150/200/250
    Boulder Smash damage rescaled from 100/150/200/250 to 125
    Boulder Smash now does a 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 second stun instead of a 3.5/4/4.5/5 second silence
    Boulder Smash radius from 225 to 200
    Rolling Boulder now also gets interrupted if disabled during the initial 0.6 rolling charge, instead of only while its moving
    Geomagnetic Grip now kills trees along the path of a dragged allied hero
    Targeting someone directly with Boulder Smash will now be blocked by Linken's Sphere
    Fixed being able to cast Geomagnetic Grip on magic immune allies
    Fixed Boulder Smash being able to target Magic Immune units
    Fixed Rolling Boulder travel distance going further than intended if you use a Stone Remnant near the end of the roll

    Base movement speed increased from 300 to 310
    Strength gain increased from 2.5 to 2.9

    Base armor reduced by 1

    Black Hole AoE increased from 375 to 400
    Black Hole cast range increased from 250 to 275

    Faceless Void
    Chronosphere cooldown reduced from 120/110/100 to 120/100/80
    You now have 1000 movement speed and phase while you are in Chronosphere
    Timewalk manacost reduced from 120 to 90

    Burning Spear duration increased from 7 to 8
    Inner Vitality bonus heal below 40% increased from 15/30/45/60% of primary attribute to 30/45/60/75%
    Inner Vitality cast range increased from 450 to 550

    Forge Spirits armor reduced from 2/3/4/5/6/7/8 to 0/1/2/3/4/5/6
    Forge Spirits attack range reduced from 300->900 to 300->690
    EMP burn increased from 100->400 to 100->550
    EMP delay from 3.7->2 to 2.6
    Alacrity manacost reduced from 75 to 45
    Ghost Walk movement speed from -30/-25/-20/-15/-10/-5/0 to -30/-20/-10/0/10/20/30

    Ice Path damage rescaled from 25/50/75/100 to 50
    Liquid Fire DPS increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30
    Dual Breath burn and slow duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
    Dual Breath DPS increased from 5/10/15/20 to 16/36/56/76
    Dual Breath damage interval improved from every 1 second to every 0.5 seconds
    Dual Breath Attack Speed slow increased from -20 to -30
    Removed initial impact damage from Dual Breath [?]

    Blade Fury cooldown reduced from 30/28/26/24 to 30/27/24/21

    Keeper of the Light
    Mana Leak stun duration increased from 1.3/1.6/1.9/2.2 to 1.5/2/2.5/3

    Legion Commander
    Moment of Courage now only procs one extra lifesteal attack [?]
    Moment of Courage buff grace period increased from 0.5 to 1.0 seconds
    Moment of Courage cooldown reduced from 1.2 to 0.9

    Lightning Storm jumps from 4/6/7/8 to 4/5/6/7
    Lightning Storm damage from 80/145/205/265 to 80/140/200/260
    Lightning Storm cooldown reduced from 5.5 to 4
    Lightning Storm manacost reduced from 100/115/130/145 to 90/100/110/120

    Dragon Slave Initial/Final AoE increased from 275/150 to 275/200
    Fiery Soul duration increased from 7 to 9
    Fiery Soul movement speed increased from 4/5/6/7% to 5/6/7/8%

    Aghanim's Scepter now causes Finger of Death to hit units within a 200 AoE of the primary target

    Lone Druid
    Spirit Bear's Entangle is no longer an Orb Effect

    Wolves Fade Time decreased from 3 to 1.7
    Level 3 Lycan Wolves now have Invisibility
    Level 4 Lycan Wolves now have a passive ability that gives them 15 HP regen

    Base intelligence increased by 2

    Mana Shield damage absorption increased from 0.75/1.25/1.75/2.25 to 1/1.5/2/2.5

    Divided We Stand level requirement reduced from 4/11/18 to 3/10/17
    Divided We Stand now passively reduces your revive timer by 10%/20%/30%

    You can now cast and attack while in Waveform

    Nature's Prophet
    Wrath of Nature manacost increased from 150/200/250 to 175/225/275

    Death Pulse now hits units in Fog of War

    Night Stalker
    Crippling Fear's night miss chance increased from 40 to 50%

    Nyx Assassin
    Cast Range on Impale now matches the travel range [?]

    Ogre Magi
    Unrefined Fireblast manacost changed from 400 to 60% of your current mana [?]

    Omni Knight
    Degen Aura stickiness increased from 1.0 to 2.0 seconds [?]

    Outworld Devourer
    Astral Imprisonment cast range reduced from 550 to 500

    Phantom Assassin
    Invisible heroes now trigger Blur
    Blur delay reduced from 1.5 to 0.75

    Queen of Pain
    Sonic Wave Scepter cooldown rescaled from 100/70/40 to 40

    Base HP regen increased from 0.75 to 1.5

    Sand King
    Sand Storm radius rescaled from 275/325/375/525 to 525

    Shadow Demon
    Shadow Poison max effective stacks increased from 4 to 5

    Shadow Shaman
    Shackles duration increased from 2.5/3.25/4/4.75 to 2.75/3.5/4.25/5
    Mass Serpent Wards can no longer trap Roshan

    Global Silence cooldown reduced from 140 to 130

    Skywrath Mage
    Mystic Flare damage increased from 600/900/1200 to 600/1000/1400

    Bash damage increased from 40/50/60/70 to 40/60/80/100

    Pounce damage reduced from 70/140/210/280 to 60/120/180/240
    Shadow Dance cooldown reduced from 65 to 60

    Take Aim range bonus increased from 80/160/240/320 to 100/200/300/400

    Spirit Breaker
    You now gain vision over your target while you are casting Netherstrike

    Storm Spirit
    Base movement speed reduced from 295 to 290

    Base armor increased by 3
    Warcry cooldown reduced from 36/30/24/18 to 32/26/20/14

    Sunder cooldown reduced from 160/110/60 to 120/80/40
    Sunder is no longer partially blocked by Magic Immunity
    Reflection cast range increased from 250 to 275

    Kraken Shell debuff threshold reduced from 600 damage taken to 600/550/500/450
    Kraken Shell damage block increased from 9/18/27/36 to 10/20/30/40

    Base strength reduced from 25 to 22

    Added Aghanim's Scepter: Doubles Laser cast range and Heat-Seeking missile count

    Treant Protector
    Overgrowth AoE increased from 625 to 675
    Nature's Guise cast range increased from 300 to 600

    Troll Warlord
    Fervor max stacks rescaled from 2/3/4/5 to 4
    Fervor attack speed per stack rescaled from 20 to 16/22/28/34

    Secondary units hit by the Snowball now take the same impact as the primary unit [?]
    Removed 50% threshold mechanic from Walrus Punch
    Walrus Punch base crit increased from 3x to 3.5x

    Soul Rip cooldown reduced from 25/20/15/10 to 24/18/12/6

    Vengeful Spirit
    Wave of Terror armor reduction increased from 2/3/4/5 to 3/4/5/6

    Base damage reduced by 5
    Base HP regen reduced from 0.75 to the default 0.25

    Base movement speed reduced by 5
    Grave Chill manacost rescaled from 70/80/90/100 to 100
    Familiars are now properly magic immune [?]

    Upheaval max duration increased from 12 to 16

    Focus Fire manacost reduced from 200/300/400 to 150
    Focus Fire no longer has a cast animation

    Witch Doctor
    Maledict AoE increased from 150 to 165
    Voodoo Restoration initial manacost reduced from 25/50/75/100 to 20/30/40/50
    Paralyzing Casks can now bounce to units in Fog of War

    Wraith King
    Reincarnation slow increased from 50 to 75%
    Reincarnation slow duration increased from 4 to 5

    Arc Lightning cast range increased from 700 to 850


    Animal Courier
    Ground Courier bounty per player reduced from 175 to 150 [?]

    Arcane Boots
    Manacost increased by 10

    Battle Fury
    Cleave AoE increased from 225 to 250

    Blink Dagger
    Blink no longer has a manacost [?]

    Can now be used on your allies by holding down the Control key [?]

    Diffusal Blade
    Agility bonus increased from 22/26 to 25/30

    Drums of Endurance
    Number of charges increased from 4 to 5
    Recipe cost increased from 800 to 875

    Eul's Scepter of Divinity
    Cyclone cooldown reduced from 25 to 23

    Force Staff
    Force travel speed is reduced [?]

    Iron Branch
    Gold cost reduced from 53 to 50

    Mask of Madness
    Lifesteal increased from 17% to 20%

    Changed the area type that is used when Static Charge hit units [?]

    Necronomicon units bounty increased from 100/125/150 to 100/150/200
    Necronomicon units armor reduced from 6/8/10 to 4
    Necronomicon cooldown increased from 80 to 95

    Observer Ward
    Can be targeted on allies to transfer one charge

    Attack damage bonus increased from 60 to 65

    Refresher Orb
    Recipe cost reduced from 1875 to 1800

    Ring of Aquila
    Agility bonus increased from 6 to 9

    Rod of Atos
    HP bonus increased from 325 to 350

    Sange and Yasha
    Sange and Yasha slow duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
    Sange and Yasha slow increased from 30 to 32%

    Sentry Ward
    Can be targeted on allies to transfer one charge

    Shadow Amulet
    Fade delay improved from 1.8 to 1.5
    Can now be used on allies [?]

    Shiva's Guard
    Arctic Blast range increased from 719 to 900
    Arctic Blast speed increased from 300 to 350

    Smoke of Deceit
    Duration decreased from 40 to 35

    Teleport Scrolls
    Stacking delay decreased from 3/5/6/7/8 to 3/5/5.5/6/6.5
    Max targeting range increased from 525 to 575 [?]

    Tranquil Boots
    Movement speed increased from 85 to 90
    HP Regen increased from 10 to 12 [?]

    Veil of Discord
    Strength/Agility/Damage bonus increased from 3 to 6
    Rust fanboy

  13. #193
    Merci Tomaka!

    Edit: Buff de WD et pas des moindres!!! Medusa aussi se tape un bon gros buff. Medusa Blood Stone Divine WTF !

    par contre le "Buff" de l'Orgre Magi? Potentiellement il va pouvoir caster son Stun Aga même sans mana? C'est bon ça!
    Dernière modification par Sub4 ; 28/01/2014 à 12h12.

  14. #194
    Oué merci ça permet de regarder plus en détails certain points et :

    Sunder cooldown reduced from 160/110/60 to 120/80/40
    Sunder is no longer partially blocked by Magic Immunity
    Reflection cast range increased from 250 to 275
    Sympa le patch de terrorblade, je vais le jouer différemment maintenant
    Citation Envoyé par nAKAZZ Voir le message
    HS mais pas trop

  15. #195

  16. #196
    Citation Envoyé par FrousT Voir le message
    Sinon bien d'avoir enfin rectifier cette histoire avec les toiles de la Brood, au moins ça reste viable et pas cheater... Même si le héros est toujours aussi pourri
    Buff AA, Batrider, Morphling
    Can no longer leave the map boundaries
    Ok pour ça parce que c'était totalement OP.

    Free pathing is now removed when enemies have vision over you
    Par contre, là, il va falloir m'expliquer, l’intérêt de rajouter un free pathing c’était pour permettre à Brood d’avoir une escape quand elle est vue. Or maintenant si elle est découverte elle ne peut pas fuir, ce qui est embêtant vu qu’elle reste assez faible.
    Par contre l’ultimate de Slark est toujours OP, okaaayyyy.
    E:"Commandant, vous manquez de puissance de feu !" C:"C’est la taille qui compte" E:"Bien reçu. Défoncez-les, boss"

  17. #197
    Perso j'attends toujours Sun Wukong pour le day 3
    Rust fanboy

  18. #198
    Je comprend pas pour AntiMage : il a un AoE maintenant ? C'est son ulti, mana void ?

  19. #199
    Est-ce qu'on a une date?
    C'est pour jeudi?

  20. #200
    Citation Envoyé par LaVaBo Voir le message
    Je comprend pas pour AntiMage : il a un AoE maintenant ? C'est son ulti, mana void ?
    Son ulti faisait déjà des dégâts de zone. Je pense que là c'est juste le pointeur qui est modifié pour que tu voies ce que tu vas toucher en ciblant tel ou tel héros (comme la frost nova de Lich quoi, il faut quand même cibler une unité).

  21. #201
    Le coup des wards est cool, les solo lane pourront warder ez.

  22. #202

  23. #203
    Citation Envoyé par Alge'n Voir le message
    Replay Takeover mode!
    Ce truc a été leaké depuis un site chinois ce matin, mais je pensais pas que c'était vrai

    J'attends toujours Sun Wukong pour le day 4
    Rust fanboy

  24. #204
    My body was not ready


    Des bouts de la new map:


  25. #205
    Rust fanboy

  26. #206
    Citation Envoyé par Tomaka17 Voir le message
    J'attends toujours Sun Wukong pour le day 4
    A cause de la tête de singe sur le torse de phoenix ?
    Je mise sur le nouveau Shadow Fiend, il n'est pas dans la MAJ du test client.

  27. #207
    En fait il a l'air pas évident ce mode.
    Je saurais même pas quoi prendre comme compétence, trop de choix.

    Rust fanboy

  28. #208
    Mais en fait on ne peut draft que dans le pool des sorts des 10 héros pick! Sur Dota 1 c'était pas comme ça ?

  29. #209
    Citation Envoyé par Narya Voir le message
    le pool des sorts des 10 héros pick!
    Le pool des 10 héros, plus 2 héros aléatoires (sur l'exemple c'est Naga et Windranger).
    Rust fanboy

  30. #210

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