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  1. #1
    Un 4X à la sauce Master of Orion 2 viens de se lancer sur Kickstarter => >>>par ici<<<

    Citation Envoyé par Leur début de présentation
    Hello! We are an international team comprised of 12 people from Poland, United States and Germany.
    We are interested in the cosmos, science fiction literature and films, and playing computer games — in particular, 4x (Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate) turn-based space strategies. For many years, we have played various games, and we hoped that we would finally find a game which could trigger in us a syndrome, "just one more round ..... " However, for the last several years, nothing has been produced to fill that void.
    We know that many people before us undertook an ambitious challenge to dethrone the ultimate game—the classic of the genre—Master of Orion 2. These games are not satisfactory for us, because the effect is that, sooner or later, we will continue to go back to playing the classic as most diehard gaming enthusiast will do. Now, we finally decided to create a production that would be a worthy successor and extension to the 4x games of the past. We want to expand the gaming experience without complicating it.

    Bien entendu quelques photos:

    Citation Envoyé par Les pledges
    • No Reward No thanks, I just want to help the project.
    • $5 + A chance to have a star system named in your honor, which will be included in our game. (names cannot be offensive and must be acceptable)
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $10 + SOLD OUT A copy of MORE game, distributed digitally on PC (via Steam) and previous reward tier.
      (0 of 17 remaining)
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $10 + A copy of MORE game, distributed digitally on PC (via Steam, other digital channel or by direct download) and previous reward tier.
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $15 + Access to the private discussion community, which will allow you to actively participate in providing input during the game creation process and all previous reward tiers.

      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $20 + Exclusive access to the Beta and all previous reward tiers.

      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $30 + Digital copy of the game soundtrack (over 10 hours of music!) and all previous reward tiers.
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $40 + PDF version of MORE game book (filled with 100+ color pages with artworks, graphics, developer bios, history of all races, technology tree schemes, weapon charts, short MORE novel written by one of our team member) and all previous reward tiers.

      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $50 + All future downloadable content (DLC) which will be made for MORE, special online "Backer" badge visible in your online game account and all previous reward tiers.

      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $70 + An extra game & Beta Key for You or Your friend. Access to the first special set of visual elements (special spaceship design elements), an acknowledgement in the game credits and all previous reward tiers.
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $100 + SPECIAL EDITION BOX which contains game DVD, soundtrack DVD, MORE T-shirt, MORE poster (16x23"), special online " Special Box Edition" badge visible in your online game account, and all previous reward tiers. Shipping to US and Poland is free. Please add an additional $15 to your pledge for Europe. For other countries, please contact us.

      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $200 + Access to the Alpha game version, big poster (27" x 39") signed by main developer team members, and all previous reward tiers.

      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $300 + Propose a name for a leader in our game (names cannot be offensive and must be acceptable). Access to the second special set of visual elements, 16GB MORE-version of flash drive USB 3.0 and all previous reward tiers.

      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $500 + KICKSTARTER EDITION BOX, containing MORE Hoodie, 64GB MORE-version flash drive USB 3.0, special online "Kickstarter Box Edition" badge visible in your online game account, a chance to have your image along with a brief history to be used for one of the game's leaders. 3 additional game keys for You or Your friends (the total number of keys is 5), and all previous reward tiers.
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $1,000 + Special Edition T-shirt and Hoodie, which contain inscriptions "Sponsor". Hardcover MORE game book signed by main developer team, special online "MORE Sponsor" badge visible in your online game account, a special acknowledgement in the game credits, game book, and game website. 5 additional game keys for You or Your friends (the total number of keys is 10), and all previous reward tiers.
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $2,000 + Original artwork painted by our 2D graphic artist, a chance to have your image drawn by our graphic team and placed in art book next to your name in the Sponsor acknowledgement sections of the game and game book, provide input for creating a special space event or space monster, and all previous reward tiers.
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $5,000 + One month of banner advertisement placed on our MORE website, 40 additional game keys for You or Your friends (the total number of keys is 50), and all previous reward tiers.
      (12 of 12 remaining)
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013
    • $10,000 + YOU SELECTED A large (39" x 27") oil painting related to MORE or the cosmos, additional language in game - chosen by You (by prior arrangement with us). A special acknowledgement in the game credits and game book and all previous reward tiers.
      (5 of 5 remaining)
      Est. Delivery: Dec 2013

    Désolé je ne sais pas (encore) mettre la vidéo directement sur le post
    Personnellement j'ai investi 50$ ... Mais n'étant pas un vieux routier de kickstarter j’attend de voir les avis de chacun ...

  2. #2
    Ce post devrait pas être dans la partie "Jeux vidéo sur PC" et pas dans la partie Multi only ?

    Bon sinon, encore un 4X, j'attends d'en voir plus et puis...

    23 ans, et 12 ans d'expériences suffisamment pro' pour qu'ils puissent le mentionner ?
    Bon je chipote, mais bon généralement tu cumules pas les années, et encore moins les années où tu modélises dans ta cave... Et comme ils sont tous comme ça, ça fait vraiment pas professionnel...

  3. #3
    Hum... effectivement peut être pas le bon sous-forum xD j'me suis trompé d'onglet... Merci pour ton avis

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