Axl :
- P, 2P, 6K, 2S, 2HS, jump 6P, jump S : you can now chose to have 2 hits by maintaining the button
- 63214 HS : FRC removed
- 4 (charge) 6 D : New FB
- 5P, 6K new gatling
- Goku moroha mode : damage up, damage penalty from self hits reduced, longer duration, more powerful overall
- 236 D in moroha or goku moroha : more hits, travel distance increased
- 5H, 2H new gatling
- 5H getting vacuum second hit
- Moroha mode gauge now above tension gauge
Anji Mito :
- 6HS : FRC changed to be just before the move hits.
- FB ON , 623D : New FB move, FRC possible right after the move hits.
- 2H, 6H new gatling
- 6H now special cancellable
I-no :
- FB note, 214D : New FB move, FRC possible right after startup, sends 2 notes
- Can now airdash twice
Venom :
- 6HS : now possible to gatling into from close S.
- FB stinger aim : balls pushed with this move can now bounce several times on the floor and screen borders.
- FB carcass raid : same as above
Order Sol :
- Charge gauge : When using a move the gauge depletes slower
- Dragon Install Sakkai (632146S) : Tension cost became 50% instead of 100%
- Lvl 2+(?) 236P has walllstick
- Lvl 2+(?) 236K has groundslide
Ky Kiske :
- New move 3HS : Same as the old 6HS pre AC.
- New move, S raging Javelin : New S followup after vapor thrust
- 222HS : FRC now possible just after the move hits
- 214D FB greed saber : new FB
- Lightning Sphere 214D followup after charged stun edge : command changed to 4D after CSE.
Kliff Undersn :
- 214K : FRC now possible just before the move hits
- 214P : has new FB D followup, instant stun (?)
- More damage from 6H max charged ?
Zappa :
- 236H (sword mode) : FRC now possible right after landing (that's what the site says, maybe a typo there or they're talking about the aerial move I dunno)
- 236S (Raoh mode) : now possible airbone
- 214S (Raoh mode) : now possible airbone
- Icons added for each summon
- 632146H gives one orb per hit
Eddie :
- 236D : Possible to recover eddie gauge over the normal limit with this move, bar becomes pink over blue, command changed to 214D.
- Amorphous causes float (?)
- Eddie gauge moved above tension bar
Justice :
- 22 + button : added P, K and D version possible to roman cancel each of them, command changed from 421 + button.
- Detonation of 22 + button : command changed from P to whatever button you used to trigger the move.
- 623 K : command changed from 412K
- 41236 HS : S version added, now possible airbone
- Gamma ray : FRC added, timing is right after the first hit.
- 236D now causes wallbounce
Jam :
- Not sure to understand everything here but it seems that her powered up special kick moves followups after certain moves can now be done with D button and without any need of followup.
Johnny :
- 214H : Glitter is gold, New move
- 236236H (airbone) : New overdrive
Slayer :
- 632146P : FRC added right before hit and causes ground bounce
- 63214H : command changed to 632146H
- 214H : new move, HS Dandy step
- 214D : new move, FB Dandy step
- 5H causes sliding
Sol Badguy :
- 41236H : return of the old tensionless fafnir, possible to cancel into.
- Tyrant rave (fafnir followup after H or D fafnir) : command changed to 64D from 46D
- 214K (airbone) during dragon install : new move. I guess it's VV's followup, doesn't need to be done as a followup anymore during dragon install apparently.
- 236D airbone : new FB sidewinder
- Clean hit added on Bandit Bringer ?
Chipp Zanuff :
- New FB alpha blade added. Command is D during 236P, causes wallstick
- 623D : new FB beta blade, multiple hit uppercut
- 41236D : new FB gamma blade, holds opponent longer
- HS, alpha blade now combos
Dizzy :
- 421D : New FB move, FB version of 421S (3 homing blades)
- K fish bites 3 times
- Fish laser causes wall stick
- Text above tension bar indicates if not possible to summon fish
Testament :
- Zeinest (web) : command changed to 623P
- Hitomi (tree) : command changed to 623K
- New move (Ruft Warrant ?) : command is 22 P or K
- New FB phantom soul : command is 236D
- EXE beast chargeable to be held in place and come out later
Baiken :
- Youshijin : new command is 623P not possible as guard cancel anymore but only as a normal special move.
- Return of the "wheel counter" command is 214P while on guard
- 63214K : now possible to do guard cancels during the move
- 236K hits twice, knockdown on second hit
Faust :
- FB door added, D after 214K
- New thrown items : konbu (eatable) and dumbbell (high ?)
Bridget :
- 6K : now possible to cancel into yoyo or any special move
- 214D : is now homing towards the enemy, causes wall stick
Potemkin :
- 236S : FRC added right after the earthquake comes out
- Hammerfall (written as 4 charge 6 S, command changed ?) : FRC timing is later
- 63214D : P followup added, cancels the animation of judge gauntlet
- Slide head causes groundbounce instead of knockdown
- 6H causes wallbounce
Millia Rage :
- New 2H airbone : return of the pre slash old jump HS
- 236D : FRC added right after the jumping animation
- 214D : New FB secret garden.
- 214S-D : causes wallstick
May :
- 41236D : New FB version of dolphin summon, appears behind opponent
- 623S or HS : possible to followup vertical and horizontal dolphin with restive rolling through this command
- Dolphin level for 41236+ button appears above tension gauge
- 5H has dash cancel ?
Robo-Ky :
- 623H : now possible airbone, FRC possible just as the ground version.
- 2H missile now comes back down towards opponent after a while
- 2S while hit superior than 80% hits twice and lauches
It's time to Tadaki FRC bite dans vos culs.