Q:Despite the fact that the work is on very early stage, do you already know if the content of Project 5 will be equal to Nehrim or do you want to do something smaller?
A:We overreached us with the size of Nehrim a little. Creating the huge landscape with variety was successful but there was only few advantage for the player in this wide land. 3 of 4 years of Nehrim's development was landscaping, pathgrid-creating and placing objects and monsters. For Quests there was only little time. This mistake we don't want to make again. Nevertheless we have more Level-Creators in our team than we had when we started Nehrim. Therefore we assume to complete the landscape in significantly less time. The landscape also will be smaller so we hopefully can do more gameplay content in less time of development.
Q:Will our long-known hero of Nehrim have a (guest-)role? Will Arkt be there aswell?
A:The only thing we want to reveal is: There will be some important persons in P5 we already know from Arktwend and/or Nehrim
Q:Can you say yet where P5 will take place? Will we discover a knew continent or stray through Nehrim or Arktwend?
A:The game will play on a completely new continent which was ruled by Malphas until he was killed in Nehrim. The Halls of the Guardians which are the Headquarters of the Paladin Order. This order was the second military force of the former gods, its purpose was the control over mankind. The cursed paladins that guarded the prophecy of fate belonged to the order. Since the gods are dead the balance of power in Vyn has changed. It is not planned to travel back to the old continents but it could still become a feature later.
Q:I would like it, if I could use the "marker" spell more often than once so one could create an own teleport-travelsystem, is that possible?
A:We are planning a whole new teleport-travelsystem for P5, which was frustrating in Nehrim. At the same time we won't copy the travelsystem of Skyrim. There will be teleports to every important place and the spell for it will be learned by discovering this place so you don't have to search for teachers. There will be a "marker" spell again but it's not safe if it will be able to mark more than one place. The player will get a rune for teleporting but it will be rechargeable with plants, by finding shrines or by mages. In the beginning there will be lots of plants so you can effort enough power to teleport but later there will be less plants and the greater the travel distance is, the more energy it will cost so you will have to pay money to recharge your rune by mages.
Q:When will P5's Story take place? (before the Fall of Arktwend/Treomar?)
A: Only a few years after the events in Nehrim.
Q:Will other continents be of major importance? Will there be more contact with continents?
A:Yes they will be important. There will be significantly more information about the rest of the world. Because of the imbalance of power there will be struggles for the domination.
Q:What is the plot going to be about?
A: The Paladin Order, earlier known as fanatic warriors of the gods have turned their aims since the gods are dead and their long missed king which is known from Nehrim returned. Now the Order is one of Vyn's military forces besides the allied countries of Nehrim that fights for the independence of mankind. Whilst the countries of Nehrim want federal democracy and self-determination, the paladins are fighting for a common collective of mankind and are longing for becoming "ripe" since they couldn't while the gods were ruling them. This leads to conflicts and mankind is no longer fighting the gods it's fighting its own hostility to each other, their own prison that humans erect on their own. The central message is: Freedom is only beyond the walls people build on their own and what they are willing to give to defend these walls. They will do everything to defend them. Betray, fight, murder... It will become dark...
Q:What about the gods? Are they still ruling?
A:The gods were killed by the Tel'Imaltath during the events in Nehrim. They don't play a role anymore P5 is about something else.
Q:How is the Level-System going to be, will you develop a new one?
A:We made good experiences with the experiencepoint-system in Nehrim. We want to use it again. How the advantage of Skills is going to work and how the player chooses his perks, we can tell only after Skyrim is released. We think the perks are a good idea and want them in our project. There will be no classes like in oblivion. In spite the fact that you could script an EP-system with the easy scriptlanguage of morrowind, we assume that this will be possible with Skyrim aswell. The Scriptlanguage is supposed to be even mightier than Oblivion's has been.
Q:Will there be achievements again?
A:The achievements in Nehrim came in the last few months before release. They should balance the lack of groups/factions, otherwise the title menu would have been almost empty. They were just a problem's solution that worked great in the end. We don't know yet how we go on with achievemnts in P5.
Q:Are there going to be more decisions to make and will P5 have different endings?
A:We will attempt to create freedom of choice and therefore develop P5 from the beginning with this thought. With this the player shall influence the story active and the consequences will be other endings. The freedom of choice of a game like Dragon Age won't be reached by P5 because it would take to much time and work. There won't be long Mainquestlines you have to solve before continuing exploring the world like you had in Nehrim when you freed Arantheal until you killed the chancellor. We're working hard on giving the player reasons for joining a faction instead of forcing him to join a faction he maybe doesn't even like. Lots of Nehrim-players criticised that.
Q:Is it going to be possible to join a guild? Like the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion?
A:We want to make more quests and guilds would be an easy device to give tasks to the player. Certainly we don't know how good this would go with the mainquest. This decision we have to make when we started the development and then we'll see how much time is left for sidequests. The mainquest has priority.
Q:How long does it approximately will take until the project is finished? Shall we estimate 4 years again?
A:Not more than 2 or 3 years. In the fourth year of developing Nehrim we had motivation problems. Moreover with a smaller world the development will be shorter. We spent too much time on the games world in which we made too large countrysides or which we deleted and had to delete and redo. We want to prevent this in P5 and hope to be faster finished.
Q:Are you going to keep the central theme of Skyrim which are the dragons, or are you going to do something completely new again?
A:Dragons has always been part of our projects. Since Skyrim gives us the opportunity to have such good dragons we will include them aswell but they won't be important for the plot.
Q:Who of the old team will work on P5 again?
A:At the moment it seems that 6 members of the Nehrim Team are going to work on P5. Furthermore some talented persons wrote us they'd like to help with P5. Therefore we have certainly better conditions than when we started with Nehrim.
Q:Will secondary characters have more dialog-options? I'm well aware that complete synchronisation doesn't make it easier but that 99,5% of all inhabitants of Nehrim say that Aeterna and Nord are scum or tell the player to get lost is rather disturbing.
A:The lack of dialog-options was a great point of critic on Nehrim. We want to do more secondary characters dialogs. We aren't sure if we can sync them but we want to sync every quest related or important person.
Q:Is the Character going to be able to summon things and monsters?
A: We didn't think about it yet but if summoning works well in Skyrim (in Oblvion it didn't) we don't have reason to delete it in P5.
Q:Are you going to copy the combat-system of Skyrim?
A:If the combat-system doesn't suit our needs and if it's possible for us we will change it.
Q:Have you been thinking about using another modkit for P5? For example the modkit for Witcher 2 seems to include lots of content and therefore would be a good option for P5.
A:The question of what modkit we use is not about setting of the game, it's about how much it is possible to make our plans become real. For "modding foreigners" it may appears to be easy to switch the modkit but it is not. We want to create open world games and from technical point of view nothing is comparable to TES. Technical does not only mean the performance and processing huge spaces but also the question if it is possible to create proper amount of content in the least time as possible - this is the most important question for a Total Conversion.
The Creation Kit of Skyrim is a development of the Construction Set which has already been efficient and powerful in Morrowind. The most editors of other games make the level design too unefficient, it would take too long because you can't work with several people on one world. Earlier Gothic was suggested to us as source but Gothic made the landscaping too complex. The Witcher would be even worse because it also its engine isn't made for open world games. We would have to split the world in small parts and splitted worlds aint what we want.
TES fits perfectly to our way to create games.
Q:Which races will be playable?
A:The same as in Nehrim: Normanne, Allemanne and Half-Aeterna. Maybe there will aswell be Korinther
Q:Is it going to be possible to produce potions with permanent bonuses? For example a potion of ice claw mixed with another ingredient would give you da bonus of +5 to your encumberance instead of the +1 bonus you get when eating it.
A:Potions with permanent boosts can destroy the games balance you could become too strong if there were too much ingredients and we think it's too risky.