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  1. #6391
    Hey guys,

    It's nice to read about your motivation to maintain the activity on the map, keep building and hopefully finish meaningful projects like Venice or Ile de la Cité.
    I haven't been around for a while but I keep an eye on the dynmap.

    By the way, september will mark the 10th aniversary of the map and an update would make a lot of sense.

    Juanmmag is right and Olipro explained to me that many plugins will not be usable in the latest realease.
    However, we have to ask ourselves what is doable, what alternatives we have for the plugins we can no longer use.

    I agree that updating the server would be a gamechanger and we should consider it.
    "La superstition, c'est comme ceux qui réparent les fauteuils, faut que le bois qu'ils rajoutent soit à peu près comme l'autre bois sinon ça se voit trop"

  2. #6392

    I totally agree with what you all say and i can understand how frustrating it is to see what the new block looks like and can't using them.

    In the past years we already tried to update the server, it was just too hard because of the plugins.
    I don't know how it is now, maybe there are updates for our old plugins or new ones for replacement.

    I can try again and see if it is now possible to have our server updated, as Deloras said it would be great to have this big update for our 10th aniversary.

  3. #6393
    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message

    I totally agree with what you all say and i can understand how frustrating it is to see what the new block looks like and can't using them.

    In the past years we already tried to update the server, it was just too hard because of the plugins.
    I don't know how it is now, maybe there are updates for our old plugins or new ones for replacement.

    I can try again and see if it is now possible to have our server updated, as Deloras said it would be great to have this big update for our 10th aniversary.
    Glad to hear that! If you need any help let us know.

    By the way, if we can't update our old plugins, we might try to find some new ones, similar to them, but compatible with the newer version of MC. Dunno if that's possible, but maybe it's worth trying.
    Dernière modification par Maikelon ; 02/05/2021 à 16h58.

  4. #6394
    Well... I kinda broke the server with a WE fail

  5. #6395
    C'est réparé.

    J'en ai profité pour dresser un tableau des plugins qu'on utilise actuellement, comme ça tout le monde y a accès et peut chercher de son coté.

    Plugins XIX Century Craft

  6. #6396
    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message
    C'est réparé.

    J'en ai profité pour dresser un tableau des plugins qu'on utilise actuellement, comme ça tout le monde y a accès et peut chercher de son coté.

    Plugins XIX Century Craft
    Thanks Mrj. So far I've found these ones, all compatible with 1.16, or so it seems. Let me know if they're somehow useful, as I'm not used to work with plugins.

    Dynmap -
    Bpermisissions -
    Mywarp -
    Setspawn -
    Worldguard -
    Worldedit -
    Neopaintingswitch -
    Borderguard (alternative?) -
    Timelock -
    Teleportsigns (alternative?) -
    Itembans (alternative?) -
    Frameprotect (alternative?) -
    Announcer (alternative?) -

    Nospawnegg - Original plugin is no longer available, Worldguard has some options concerning mob spawning, but I've found this one that has more features

    Nosnow/Noice - Can't find the original plugins anymore, but Worldguard has some features that disables ice and snow melting, so it might work.

    Voxelsniper - The original Voxelsniper is updated to 1.15, but some comments suggest it might work on 1.16 as well. If not, Fast Async Worldedit might be a good replacement for 1.16.

    Antiguest - The original plugin may work, comments suggest it works up to 1.15, but here may be an alternative
    Dernière modification par Maikelon ; 12/05/2021 à 12h09.

  7. #6397
    Great ! I'll look at it all when I have a little more time.

  8. #6398
    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message
    Great ! I'll look at it all when I have a little more time.
    Sure, there's no rush at all, glad to help

  9. #6399
    Bonjour, voila c'est juste pour vous dire que votre map est géniale, ça fait deux ans que je l'explore de fond en comble. Voilà.

  10. #6400

    I'm working on the update and i have a problem. The plugin mywarp is working in 1.16 but the migration of our existant warps doesn't work.

  11. #6401
    If you need help redoing them, I'm here

  12. #6402
    Hey, could be a good opportunity to clean up all the unused or lost warps, there are quite a lot.

  13. #6403
    Maybe update some texture like wheat and other.

  14. #6404
    If that's the only inconvenience thus far, I'd be happy to spend an afternoon replacing warps
    Thank you for your work!

  15. #6405
    If you agree to redo the warps, then it's ok.

  16. #6406
    If warps are to be redone, I'd like to sync them with the map I made so it could be useful to visitors.
    I'd add a layer precising the warp spot and the warp name.

    So please, when warps will be rebuilt by you guys, don't forget to write a list with the coordinates so I can retrieve them and add them on the map.
    "La superstition, c'est comme ceux qui réparent les fauteuils, faut que le bois qu'ils rajoutent soit à peu près comme l'autre bois sinon ça se voit trop"

  17. #6407
    Berlin is very easy to redo, there’s a list of warps I made under Pariser Platz, and each warp is marked with a yellow pillar.

  18. #6408
    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message
    If you agree to redo the warps, then it's ok.
    Sure thing! As juan said, there are a lot of unused/broken/duplicate warps, so it's a great opportunity to both have a cleaner and more ordered list of warps, and having them linked to the map, which would be a great feature.

  19. #6409
    Hello everyone! On the request of Louernos I'm posting my little additions to the server map:

    The first 3 photos are of my recreation of a recently rebuilt Foksal 13/15 luxurious townhouse in Warsaw (You can tell it was elite just by the look of its courtyard lol).
    The other photos are my interior and some simple exterior changes to the incredible Elysee Palace (huge respect to the builder of the Elysee Palace on the server).
    I hope you like it

  20. #6410
    Do you want help testing 1.16 plugins?

  21. #6411
    Hello, I am the builder of the Elysee Palace and i'm glad you like it so much. I like your luxurious townhouse, it looks very detailed and fits with other bluidings of the street.

    Louernos, thanks for asking, I've added the test server in addition of the plugin list, i sent you an invitation to access the new folder on Google Drive.

  22. #6412
    Il y a deux trois probléme avec les plugins il y en a qui ne servent pas a grand chose vu que le jeu le fait par défaut (nosnow, timelock) et d'autres plugin ont des fonctionnalité en double exemple ce que fait itembans et frameprotect est déjà fait par worldguard.
    Dernière modification par Louernos ; 28/06/2021 à 21h48.

  23. #6413
    Ah, bonne nouvelle ça, on va pouvoir supprimer des plugins inutiles et donc nous faciliter la tâche pour les mises à jour.

  24. #6414
    MisterJ, j'ai bientôt finie de testé et configurer tout les plugins. j'ai aussi mis à jour le ressource pack.

  25. #6415
    Est-ce que je devrai changer la texture des trappes en bouleau pour qu'elles ressemblent à la porte du pack ?

  26. #6416
    Excellente idée ça, comme ça on reste dans l'esprit des textures un peu plus jolies mais pas trop, pour que le celui qui visite sans ressource pack puisse avoir un rendu crédible.

  27. #6417
    Vu que la zone est relativement libre, j'aimerais m'en occuper. voici ce que je propose (j'ai oublié d'ajout le quai sur mon dessin )
    Dernière modification par Louernos ; 04/07/2021 à 15h17.

  28. #6418
    Citation Envoyé par Louernos Voir le message
    Vu que la zone est relativement libre, j'aimerais m'en occuper.
    Je valide ta proposition, on va enfin pouvoir boucler cette zone qui est vide depuis déjà bien trop longtemps.

  29. #6419

    Voici Les trappes mis a jour. (Peut-être mettre une fenêtre pour la trappe en acacia?)

  30. #6420
    C'est parfait ! J'ai hâte de pouvoir m'en servir pour faire des volets intérieur super classes

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