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  1. #6331
    C'est relancé. je vais voir si je peux créer un script de redémarrage automatique en cas de crash car ça commence à être vraiment chiant à la longue.

  2. #6332
    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message
    C'est relancé. je vais voir si je peux créer un script de redémarrage automatique en cas de crash car ça commence à être vraiment chiant à la longue.
    That'd be nice, seeing that it tends to shut down by itself lately. I dunno why really, there's not much activity anyways.

  3. #6333
    There is no real way to foresee the behavior of a program when it has been running for decades. Maybe at some point in time, the actual configuration of the server, a plugin or the map itself will stop working due to an unexpected and recurring error.
    I'm kinda afraid we already met such error with a shortening duration of encounter. Hopefully, it's something we can solve by looking at the log stash.

  4. #6334
    Si tu as envie d'éplucher les logs je t'en prie

  5. #6335
    Ce ramoneur de cheminée n'a pas la berlue, ces deux tours en arrière plan n'étaient pas là hier ...

  6. #6336
    I just saw it in person, and I must say, it is really impressive!
    I love it!
    Now all it needs is neighbours

  7. #6337
    Citation Envoyé par SteamWatts Voir le message
    I just saw it in person, and I must say, it is really impressive!
    I love it!
    Now all it needs is neighbours
    And here are the neighbours:

    Rue d’Arcole, du parvis Notre-Dame. Île de la Cité. Paris IVe. 1865.

    Rue du Cloître Notre-Dame, du parvis Notre-Dame. Île de la Cité. Paris IVe. 1865.

    L’Hôtel-Dieu, du parvis Notre-Dame. Paris IVe. Vers 1867.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message
    Ce ramoneur de cheminée n'a pas la berlue, ces deux tours en arrière plan n'étaient pas là hier ...
    Very very nice, I should pay a visit shortly :D

  8. #6338
    Well done Mrj! it's an amazing work, at last our Ile de la cité seems closer to a end.

    Citation Envoyé par juanmmag Voir le message
    And here are the neighbours:
    I've been looking on doing Hotel Dieu for a while, but it's a hell mess of a building XD

  9. #6339
    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message
    Ce ramoneur de cheminée n'a pas la berlue, ces deux tours en arrière plan n'étaient pas là hier ...
    Wow ! Viollet le Duc n'a qu'à bien se tenir ! Au passage, j'ai vu les avancées de Karlsbad et de la Samaritaine, ça avance pas mal ! Bravo !

  10. #6340

  11. #6341
    Belle trouvaille Juan

    De ce que j'ai pu trouver comme infos, c'est un vieux serveur sans règles où il y'a énormément de grief. Je n'arrive pas à saisir l'intérêt pour eux d'avoir pris nos bâtiments si c'est pour qu'ils soient détruits par les autres joueurs ... On voit d'ailleurs dans la vidéo que la cathédrale n'est qu'une sorte de coquille vide, on ne sait pas vraiment ce qu'ils ont voulu faire.
    Au moins ce truc n'a pas l'air d'avoir une grande visibilité sur le net donc on ne risque pas de se faire réellement "voler la vedette".

  12. #6342
    Wow, nice find juan. Honestly, i wasn't that much imperssed (i thought it was just a random guy copying our buildings, not a big deal) until I saw it was on 2b2t! As Mrj says, the server is well known by his griefing and general anarchy, and it's the oldest one in MC. The whole thing has it's own history and timeline, with great buildings and their destructuion and all that (it's so interesting and fascinating IMO).

    Anyways, I'm genuenly impressed that the guy managed to keep his "base" with that level of detailing on a crazy survival server as is 2b2t for more than 2 years knowing it would most probably be griefed and destroyed at some point (as it happened in February this year), that's what i call dedication!

    Citation Envoyé par Valcoski Voir le message
    Wow ! Viollet le Duc n'a qu'à bien se tenir ! Au passage, j'ai vu les avancées de Karlsbad et de la Samaritaine, ça avance pas mal ! Bravo !
    Thanks Val!
    Dernière modification par Maikelon ; 13/09/2020 à 16h36.

  13. #6343
    J'ai mis en ligne une nouvelle sauvegarde de la map : Septembre 2020

  14. #6344
    Well, now that i'm back on Karlsbad I've been planning the northern zone, and realised that there's not enough room to make a proper city limit. I mean, if it was the only option I'll work something out, but would be a tad weird solution. So, i've been looking around and i've come up with a plan that might work, but i'll need some more room to work on it: that means some of the old countryside thigs would be erased. I know the policy on destroying/changing old things on the server, but give it a try.

    As you can see, the area affected would be mostly the forest zone around the small river and the lake, as well as some farming lands and a country villa.

    The rails will be rearranged to have a proper railway station (1), before the rails become a sort of countryside rails that'll continue further east. There will be a hill that'll slope down until reaching ground level, as IRL, where the rest of the villas of the city would be. It'll be a semi-forested hill, with some fields as well, to match with the countryside, as seen IRL (2). The big mountain will trasnsition as well with forest until the rails, well some buildings will appear to complete the transition mountain-forest-railway. This building will be from the actual city (3).




    I hope everything is clear. I wait for your answers, let me know what do you think.

  15. #6345
    Citation Envoyé par Maikelon Voir le message
    As you can see, the area affected would be mostly the forest zone around the small river and the lake, as well as some farming lands and a country villa.
    If I'm not wrong that garden belongs to the Monet House, and I suppose that's where the Pont Japonais is located, it's basically the main feature of the place. But if the owner agrees to change it...

    The idea looks nice anyway, I'd give it a try.

  16. #6346
    Citation Envoyé par juanmmag Voir le message
    If I'm not wrong that garden belongs to the Monet House, and I suppose that's where the Pont Japonais is located, it's basically the main feature of the place. But if the owner agrees to change it...

    The idea looks nice anyway, I'd give it a try.
    I see, well, we can try and mantain the lake with a little river that goes to the Karlsbad river too. The lake doesn't look much like the actual things anyways, at least as it is nowadays. I don't see much inconvenience in redoing it as well, in a more modern way, and we can even try and move it north, as it is IRL, reworking some of the fields up there. This would be a scheme for the possible solution, following the real life model, it isn't the only possible solution tho.

  17. #6347
    Maikelon, you are doing an amazing work on Karlsbad, so i give you my aprobation to erase this small part of countryside as you planed.

  18. #6348
    Citation Envoyé par misterj44 Voir le message
    Maikelon, you are doing an amazing work on Karlsbad, so i give you my aprobation to erase this small part of countryside as you planed.
    Thank you Mrj! I really appreciate it I hope to keep the work as amazing as you say, so it'd be worth erasing that bit of terrain.

  19. #6349
    Hello all!

    Following Maikelon's endeavours to integrate a transition into Karlsbad, I got to thinking about the other end of the district: the interface with Venice.
    After some tentative plans for St. Mark's Basillica and the palace of the Doges, I got to working on a plan to revitalize the whole area:

    On 1 we find Basillica de Santa Maria della Salute and adjacent structures, on 2 the Rialto Bridge and immediate surroundings, on 3 I'd propose adding a few Italian/venetian buildings along the edge of the "basin", to break up the skyline along the hills (in orange).
    Number 4 would involve a partial representation of Ile Saint Louis, adjacent to 5, which would be the bridge on the end of Bern (we'd need to transition between Paris and Bern, perhaps with lower density housing, etc).
    The Karlsbad river would be connected between a) and b), with a possibility to add a new district (the idea still needs work, but I think it may be worthwhile).

    Hopefully, this more concrete plan could revive the Venice district, and provide a way to include some of the more iconic sights of the city, if in a compressed state, much like what we did on Bruges.

    Looking forward to your feedback!

    (PS: working on getting the damned image to actually show up...)
    (PPS: Success!)
    Dernière modification par SteamWatts ; 06/10/2020 à 21h57.

  20. #6350
    Yeah, I agree with Steam's idea here. Venice has become more and more relevant as the zone around it developes (Bern/Karlsbad/Ile de la cite), but hasn't seen much progress in years. I think it's mainly because the actual plan is little appealling, with things very squished and undefined. I think with a proper planning the zone would be up to date, and ready to grow with its neighbours.

    I think the plan pretty much works as a halfway between the new and the old server: something between "inspired" by reality (as the old parts of the server) and "copied" from reality (as the newer parts tend to be). It allows the main bits of the city to be copied (monuments, churches, etc), but with a planning free enough to be just an inspiration (buildings, canals, surrounding zones...).

    To sum up, IMO it's the best opportunity we have to make a coherent south end, in a way of transitioning the unfinished remainings of the old server to newer areas down south.

    But it's up to you guys, Venice it's been part of the server for ages, and was managed by Olipro himself, so it's important to have a general agreement before touching anythng.

  21. #6351
    You have my serinissima benediction.
    Dernière modification par Olipro ; 08/10/2020 à 18h06.
    ⚜ Une foi, une loi, un roi.

  22. #6352
    Wonderful! We'll get on it as soon as possible!

  23. #6353

    Just passing by, I love this plan, it makes a lot of sense to me.
    Careful ! The water level is not the same in Venice than in Paris. This is something that is featured in Bern, we'll have to find a way to make the water level higher as we go to Venice.
    "La superstition, c'est comme ceux qui réparent les fauteuils, faut que le bois qu'ils rajoutent soit à peu près comme l'autre bois sinon ça se voit trop"

  24. #6354
    Glad to have you on board with it!
    As for the water level, I'm sure it can be worked out around the tip of Bern, but we can detail that better once we get to it, I think. Any suggestions?

  25. #6355
    Hi. Can I give you a building challenge, if so what will you say to build the Royal Residence of Fontainebleau. Beautiful St. Mark's Square, I can't wait for the final effect. Yours nice and warm.

  26. #6356
    Euh... it seems the server crashed... It ramdomly dropped me back into the menu, showing a "Server Closed" message

  27. #6357
    Serveur relancé, je profite du crash pour mettre en ligne une nouvelle sauvegarde.

    Novembre 2020
    Dernière modification par misterj44 ; 01/11/2020 à 21h38.

  28. #6358
    Hi. Can I give you a building challenge, if so what will you say to build the Royal Residence of Fontainebleau. Beautiful St. Mark's Square, I can't wait for the final effect. Yours nice and warm.

  29. #6359
    To whoever is planning the area of the Bern Minster, notice that there are two copies of the same building. It had to be relocated due to height limits while building the tower. The one on the right is unfinished (many stairs missing, tower is completely empty, some other details also missing, etc.). Please use the one on the left.

  30. #6360
    Hi. Can I give you a building challenge, if so what will you say to build the Royal Residence of Fontainebleau. Beautiful St. Mark's Square, I can't wait for the final effect. Yours nice and warm.

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