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  1. #2251
    Citation Envoyé par crimzaid Voir le message
    sur des games merdiques à 900/1000 xp en premium
    carton jaune!
    Do you wanna chipolatas?

  2. #2252
    Juste pour rigoler.
    Je viens de découvrir que War Thunder utilise les sites "gagner gratuitement des machins-crédits et gold-truc" (vous savez, pour avoir gratos des golds/cristaux dans les freemiums) pour avoir des gens qui installent le jeu et jouent plus de 15 minutes contre des cristaux/golds etc.
    Gaijin, ou comment gonfler ses chiffres :smile:
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  3. #2253
    C'est toujours mieux que d'inventer des chiffres comme ils font pour Star Conflict !!
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  4. #2254
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Citation Envoyé par fenrhir Voir le message
    Juste pour rigoler.
    Je viens de découvrir que War Thunder utilise les sites "gagner gratuitement des machins-crédits et gold-truc" (vous savez, pour avoir gratos des golds/cristaux dans les freemiums) pour avoir des gens qui installent le jeu et jouent plus de 15 minutes contre des cristaux/golds etc.
    Gaijin, ou comment gonfler ses chiffres :smile:
    WG, quand ils comptent le nombre de leurs comptes, ils les comptes tous.
    Sachant que la moitié sont des comptes avec 0 partie...

  5. #2255
    Citation Envoyé par keulz Voir le message
    Sachant que la moitié sont des comptes avec 0 partie...
    ... crées par WG pour gonfler leurs chiffres ! :conspiration:

  6. #2256
    Purée j'ai failli rageuninstall WoWP.... toujours, il se forme sur la map une espèce de point chaud où convergent tous les avions, et bizarrement, la moitié de ma y passe et trépasse..... Du coup, je me suis retrouvé avec des parties de ce genre :

    Sans dec', 2 chasseurs qui font de l'attaque au sol ?! Mais si vous voulez faire de l'attaque au sol, prenez un avion d'attaque au sol, bordel !

    Citation Envoyé par Von Grabenstein Voir le message
    ... crées par WG pour gonfler leurs chiffres ! :conspiration:
    C'est plutôt les gens qui ont créé un compte pour tester le jeu, mais qui ont abandonnés en voyant la taille du client

  7. #2257
    Des chasseurs qui font du rase mottes pour flinguer des cibles au sol, c'est pas sur WT qu'on verrait ça ...

    Oh wait !!

    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  8. #2258
    Citation Envoyé par Aerial Voir le message
    (...) Sans dec', 2 chasseurs qui font de l'attaque au sol ?! Mais si vous voulez faire de l'attaque au sol, prenez un avion d'attaque au sol, bordel !
    Miam : ça en être du bon ! .... 2x cibles easy avec mon il's ... la dernière fois, c'est un yak3 qui a disparu en 1x tir de canon de 53 !
    ==> le pire c'est qu'il n'a pas arrêté de spamer ensuite ma position et de rager. Quand j'ai tenté de lui expliquer qu'il avait peut-être d'autres choses à faire, il m'a expliqué que son avion était trop faible par rapport aux autres alors il faisait ce qu'il pouvait ...

    "Brave garçon" .... et bienvenue dans ma "ban_list"

  9. #2259
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Citation Envoyé par Tanatoy
    Donc ne vous inquiétez pas, les "Clans Wars" sur WoWp, c'est pour très bientôt !

  10. #2260
    Hm ça pourrait me remotiver à monter des Tier
    Citation Envoyé par Le Gorafi
    François Fillon regrette ses propos sur l'autisme : "j'ai bien compris que c'était déplacé, je suis pas gogol non plus"

  11. #2261

    Offert avec la souris logitech a 13€ :
    Supermarine Type 224
    Emplacement garage
    600 pièces d'or
    7 jours premium
    Citation Envoyé par Big Bear Voir le message
    Si, on t'as mal renseigné (propagande de Poutine depuis les années 90s via Greenpeace, pour inciter les européens à acheter du gaz russe pour les jours sans vent/ sans soleil)

  12. #2262
    Si je monte la branche des Focke Wulf allemands, pour son tier, quel est le meilleur entre le Fw de tier 5 ou de tier 6 ?
    "The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts."
    Omar N. Bradley

  13. #2263
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Citation Envoyé par Kieffer Voir le message
    Si je monte la branche des Focke Wulf allemands, pour son tier, quel est le meilleur entre le Fw de tier 5 ou de tier 6 ?

  14. #2264
    Merci, le tier V étant déjà très sympa, j'ai hâte d'avoir le tier 6.
    Seul bémol, je galère encore dans la pratique sur le Boom and Zoom, il va falloir que j'arrête après ma première passe de m'engager en combat tournoyant comme un gros idiot.
    "The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts."
    Omar N. Bradley

  15. #2265
    Question de débutant suivante : comment connaître en fonction des canons de mon avion la distance optimale pour commencer à ouvrir le feu sur un adversaire ?
    "The way to win an atomic war is to make certain it never starts."
    Omar N. Bradley

  16. #2266
    Salut ici.
    Dites, j'ai un code promo pour wowp (le supermarine type 224, place de hangar, 7jours de premium et 600 gold), on est d'accord, la semaine de premium est aussi transférée sur wot (même compte) ? Les gold restent sur wowp ?
    Merci !
    Jeux vidéo finis avec très courts avis : 2021 S1 (41 jeux) 2021 S2 (32) 2022 (65) 2023 (65) 2024 (17) maj 2024-04-26

  17. #2267
    Citation Envoyé par Azerty Voir le message
    Les gold restent sur wowp ?
    Non elles sont sur wot aussi.
    Citation Envoyé par superbobob Voir le message
    Exentius, si la mauvaise foi se vendait, tu roulerais sur le gold.

  18. #2268
    Pour les cannons Groschat a fait un recap mais je le retrouve plus.
    Sinon globalement c'est pour les 7.7 300m , pour les grosse mitraillette 500 m, pour les canon 600-700m , avec un bemol pour les gros canon qui parfois gagnent a etre utilisé tres pres hitoire de one shot le mec en étant sur de mettre dedans.
    il faut faire attention lorsque l'on tire de loin a la Vini des armes tirer precisement a 700m avec une balle lente est un coup a prendre

  19. #2269
    J'ai relancé hier après une bonne pause
    Y a toujours autant de débiles ! Je fais trois kills je me fais descendre, bon ok je regarde l'état de l'équipe... 7 contre 2 c'est gagné. He ben non. Deux se rentrent dedans, notre beaufighter va se cacher dans un coin de la map, les quatre autres arrivent un par un en FRONTAL face au beaufighter et au mosquito d'en face. Défaite.
    Citation Envoyé par Le Gorafi
    François Fillon regrette ses propos sur l'autisme : "j'ai bien compris que c'était déplacé, je suis pas gogol non plus"

  20. #2270
    C'est exactement pour ca que j'ai migré sur warthunder et qu'au final je m'y plais mieux, j'ai retenté WOWP il y a quelques jours et non rien a faire je m'amuse plus sur WT.
    -quasiment plus de ramming
    -un grind moins pénible (sauf pour les pilotes)
    -un gameplay plus varier
    -un temps de jeux plus long (moins de lobby)
    -un modèle de vol et un modèle de degat plus fun aussi
    -tu peux faire un squad de 4 potes gratos
    Au depart je voulais developper plus chaque point mais je veux pas flooder le topic sauf si ca interesse quelqu'un

  21. #2271
    Je vais peut-être y faire un saut... c'est le modèle économique que je n'aime pas trop quoi.
    Citation Envoyé par Le Gorafi
    François Fillon regrette ses propos sur l'autisme : "j'ai bien compris que c'était déplacé, je suis pas gogol non plus"

  22. #2272
    Citation Envoyé par Aelran Voir le message
    Non elles sont sur wot aussi.
    Ok, merci
    Jeux vidéo finis avec très courts avis : 2021 S1 (41 jeux) 2021 S2 (32) 2022 (65) 2023 (65) 2024 (17) maj 2024-04-26

  23. #2273
    Citation Envoyé par ElviejoDragon Voir le message
    Je vais peut-être y faire un saut... c'est le modèle économique que je n'aime pas trop quoi.
    C'est la raison pour laquelle je n'y allait pas non plus, a cause de ce que j'avais lu ici sur le modèle economique.
    Sauf que maintenant que j'y ai un peu joué (environ 100h) bah je vois pas trop ou est le problème.
    En fait ce qui peut repousser au départ c’est la quantité de truc que tu peux acheter pour du gold (donc du vrai argent), et qu’à chaque fois que ca coute du gold ça coute assez cher (les avions les plus cher peuvent faire dans les 15€), la free xp de WT est aussi une grosse arnaque en gros il t’en file plein tout le temps mais faut claquer du gold pour la debloquer. Le truc c’est que gratuitement tu peux quand même jouer assez sérieusement tu peux avoir 5 emplacement d’avion ce qui est largement suffisant pour une bataille même si tu joues au kamikaze (en général j’en utilise 3) du coup pas besoin de payer pour ne pas regarder les autres jouer.
    Tu peux aussi monter pas mal tes pilotes histoire de diminuer ton temps de rechargement et ta résistance au G (voile noir / rouge) et le grind des avions n’est pas trop pénible et finalement le système d’XP est pas mal foutu.
    En gros quand tu joues tu va gagner de l’xp genre 1000, tu vas donc faire +1000 sur l’avion que tu recherches, et tu auras la même( enfin presque) quantité d’xp repartie sur tes avions au prorata de tes perf en bataille avec (typiquement pour 3 avion 300, 600, 100) pour la recherche ne nouveau moteur / canon / bombe etc…
    Au final si tu joues T1 tu recherche quand même ton super jet de ouf et tu fais progresser ton pilote (meme si les partie T1 rapportent sensiblement moins que le T2, T3 etc …). Sur WOWP lorsque je jouais bas tiers car les serveurs étaient vides j’avais un peu l’impression de perdre mon temps (alors oui tu fais monter ton pilotes mais c’est tellement long de monter une comp).
    Apres les trucs un poil abusé c’est sur certaines compétence de pilote, améliorer la réparation de ton appareil coute tellement cher que je vois pas comment on le fait sans gold (après la réparation ça sert pas pour l’arcade) , idem pour l’amélioration des mitrailleurs des bombardier ( apres en faisant des tutos tu gagne un peu de gold) . Un autre truc lol c’est que j’ai profité d’une promo steam pour acheter un pack avec un avion, du gold et du premium, et en fait le premium c’est pas la panacée non plus car ça sur booste la recherche donc tu débloques plein d’avion très vite, mais pas la thunes (enfin moins) du coup a la fin de mon premium j’ai pas mal d’avion achetable mais pas la thunes pour et le taux de conversion Gold ->silver est vraiment pas terrible, donc je vais grinder du pognon maintenant.

    PS si tu t’y met attention les bon avions de WT sont pas du tout les meme que ceux de WOWP. Par exemple le Lagg-3 (enfin les 10 version de lagg-3) sont complètement OP dans WT (enfin ca vaut pour les russe en général ), les premières version de 109 de WT sont des sorte de P51 de WOWP (fun a voler mais mal armé), le P40 n’est plus complètement OP …

  24. #2274
    Le gros truc sur lequel j'ai du mal avec WT c'est, outre un équilibre bizarre et moins de cohérence dans la vision du jeu / du meta / de l'équilibrage que WoT/WoWp (c'est mon impression), c'est surtout le gros problème du metagame actuel qui pousse (en arcade, ça ne vaut le coup de comparer WoWp et WT qu'en arcade de toute façon) au bomber rush car c'est trop long pour les chasseurs de monter intercepter, ce qui rend l'interception ingrate (monter, voir le bomber redescendre, chercher une autre cible).
    Un simple choix, et pour les bombers et pour les chasseurs, de paliers de départ (genre 3 paliers pour bomber et chasseurs avec les bombers qui poppent 1000m*Le_Tiers_de_La_Baston (pour prendre en compte l'amélioration de la puissance moteur) plus haut que les chasseurs dans chaque palier) pousserait et à l'escorte et à l'interception.
    Genre en petit tier, on est presque obligé d'utiliser des bombers pour chasser tellement c'est dur de monter (et au pire le bomber pique et s'il y a personne ne dessous pour le cueillir il s'en tire. Oui, je sais, il ne faut pas suivre un bomber en piqué car on perd tout intérêt d'avoir monté, mais ça rend le rôle totalement ingrat).
    + L'énorme résistance des bombers (en low tier notamment)...

  25. #2275
    Je vois de quoi tu veux parler, mais je crois que ca a été gommé.
    Déja les bombes on été bien nerfée j'ai l'impression, car maintenant quoiqu'il arrive les parties sont pas pliées en 5 minutes, ensuite les petites cibles au sol (qui compte vachement pour le score finalement) sont presque impossible a peter au dessus de 2000m (surtout les cibles mobile), et il y a quand meme quelques avions qui peuvent monter (BF109 et pas mal d'US) et decrocher un mec qui squatte a 6000m.
    Pour la resistance des bombers c'est plutot qu'il faut avoir ou tirer, le moyen le plus sur c'est de leur peter leur moteur, le soucis c'est que dans les 6h d'un catalina (un des premier bomber US) tu peux arroser 2h tu endomages pas le moteur, par contre si tu straffe toute l'aile à la 12.7 ca explose vite.
    Bref en général je ne vis pas trop de bomber rush , de plus 2-3 bombardier comme les B25 (4 cannon de 20 en frontal) permettent de nettoyer la haute altitude si necessaire. Mais il est vrais que la chasse au bomber c'est ingrat, du coup j'en pete un ou 2 et je file m'amuser en bas pour peter de l'avion d'attaque au sol. Mais parfois tu peux assiste a la defaite de ton equipe car tout le monde veu dogfither et personne joue le teamplay a faire moins de kill mais d'aller decrocher les bomber

  26. #2276
    Vous en rêviez (surtout Keulz) World of Warplanes - Mini-Guerres des Clans
    Citation Envoyé par superbobob Voir le message
    Exentius, si la mauvaise foi se vendait, tu roulerais sur le gold.

  27. #2277
    Refonte de la section "Warplanes" du site WoWp ==> une sixième nation est ajoutée, la Chine.

    Bientôt un nouvel arbre plein de contrefaçons!

  28. #2278
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Serveur test de la 1.5 dispo.

    Patch note Résumé :
    Update Overview
    Without question the biggest feature of this update is the new ‘Battle against Bots’ game mode. In it, you’ll be playing with human players cooperatively against a team of computer-controlled opponents. This new game mode will not only be very interesting for beginners, but also allow for a more carefree plane-testing environment, as well as a more laid-back game experience in general for all pilots.

    Another key point of this update is the introduction of complex ground targets. You will now be able to shoot off individual parts of previously single-pieced ground targets, which will make the ground game more varied and interesting.

    We’re adding a total of 42 new achievements to the game across all game modes, ranging from easily-reachable ones for beginners to more challenging ones for experienced players.
    Les trucs qui ont l'air très alléchants :
    • ‘Battle against Bots’ battle mode
    • (mode sans xp/crédits mais avec d'autres trucs)
    • All ground targets now consist of multiple parts and have been entirely retouched.
    • Reduced chance of being the lowest-tier plane in a battle for multiple battles in a row.
    • XF5U Pancake — increased HP for all configurations, increased weapons effectiveness, increased manoeuvrability, improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, speed and acceleration performance in non-boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in boost engine mode. (Le mec responsable de l'équilibrage a dû le jouer...)
    • Added new visual effects: [...] visual ejection of shells when shooting;
    • Drawing distance of planes and ground targets has been doubled.
    • Added a section, showing ongoing battle missions/discounts in the hangar.
    • Earned crew experience, skill training progress and battle missions’ progress were added to the battle statistics window.
    • You can now see the current session-battle history in a new dropdown-menu in the battle statistics window.
    • Introduced a third tab to the battle statistics window containing detailed information on the player’s efficiency.
    New features for beginners

    ‘Battle against Bots’ battle mode
    Simplified gameplay for beginners
    ‘Battle against Bots’ battle mode

    You can switch to this new game mode by clicking on the dedicated sub-menu next to the “Battle!” button in the hangar. In this new mode, 3-5 human players get teamed up together while the rest of the roster – both on the human players’ side and their opponents’ side – is filled up by computer-controlled bots. The rules and team sizes are the same as in Standard Battle mode — 15 vs 15 battle for either wipeout or superiority. However, there are some rules that set this new mode apart from regular Standard- or Training Battle mode:

    Both ammunition belts and consumables are replenished after each battle automatically at no charge.
    You will not receive the usual rewards (XP or credits) for battles in the PvE-mode. Instead, you’ll be able to complete mode-specific missions (like quests) for destroying aircraft or ground targets, which will grant their own type of reward. The degree of difficulty for these PvE-Quest chains will increase progressively.
    This battle mode has its own battle missions and achievements.
    The battle results of this game mode are not being taken into account or displayed in your in-game profile (displayed in the ‘Service Record’ tab). However, the completion of mode-specific achievements will figure in said statistic.
    Simplified gameplay for beginners

    Some hangar functions will from now on be blocked by default for new accounts:

    The PvE-mode will be chosen automatically – other game modes will initially not be available.
    New players will not be able to spend gold, credits or XP.
    In the beginning, all new players will only have one Tier I plane available to them. To unlock other planes, players will need to complete special in-game battle missions.
    In order to unlock all regular hangar functions, each new player will have to complete a special battle mission, which consists of destroying 10 ground targets or enemy planes in one or several battles. Players will also be able to skip this mission to directly unlock all hangar functions, however, in this case, they will not receive the dedicated mission reward.

    Reworked superiority system

    We have reworked one of the key components of Standard Battles – the hunt for enemy ground targets – in significant fashion. Now, all ground targets will consist of multiple parts (as opposed to being made out of one piece gameplay-wise even when showing multiple elements previously). This will make the ground game more logical and interesting. At the same time, the superiority-mechanic will be adjusted, to reflect the impact of attack aircraft and fighters on their teams’ success accordingly.

    New ground target-destruction mechanic

    We have completely reworked the ground-target destruction mechanic and the superiority-algorithm in Standard Battle mode:

    All ground targets now consist of multiple parts and have been entirely retouched.
    Now, some of these parts of ground targets can have multiple characteristics such as armoured, not armoured or armed with an AA-gun.
    Armoured objects can only be destroyed with powerful weaponry such as large calibre cannons, bombs or rockets. Inversely, weaker weapons such as smaller-calibre MGs will only be able to destroy unarmoured targets or AA-guns.
    Depending on how difficult they will be to destroy, different parts of ground targets will award players with more or less superiority points.
    Superiority mechanic

    The overall amount of winnable superiority points that players gain from destroying enemy planes and ground targets has been increased.
    The destruction of one enemy plane is now worth considerably more than the destruction of an enemy ground target.
    Filling the superiority meter

    As soon as a team earns at least one superiority point, its corresponding superiority meter starts to fill up.
    The rate at which the superiority meter fills up is now directly proportional to the number of superiority points scored by its team. Every superiority point a team earns increases the speed at which the superiority meter fills up.
    This means that the superiority meter of both teams will be constantly filling up, varying in speed depending on the number of superiority points of its team. A battle can either be won by destroying all enemy planes, or by having your own superiority meter fill up completely first.
    Setting the superiority meter back

    The superiority meter can only be set back by way of destroying enemy ground targets or planes.
    The percentage by which a superiority meter is set back depends on the superiority value of the destroyed ground target or plane.
    Matchmaker improvements

    Fix for the problem of frequent creation of battles with no mid-tier planes (when most planes of a team have a two tier-spread).
    We are introducing a more flexible balancing mechanic which will better take into account the presence and composition of flights, plane classes and participating planes’ tiers.
    Reduced chance of being the lowest-tier plane in a battle for multiple battles in a row.
    New planes

    Premium planes available for purchase in the Premium Shop

    Breda Ba.27 Metallico — Tier III Chinese fighter
    Nakajima Ki-43-Ic — Tier IV Chinese fighter
    Gift planes (not obtainable at the moment)

    TsKB I-7 — Tier II Soviet fighter
    Kawasaki Ki-5 — Tier II Japanese fighter
    Hawker Hurricane IID — Tier V British fighter

    New map «Canyon», available for tier III-X planes.
    Completely reworked map «National park», available for tier I-V planes.
    Due to the introduction of complex ground targets their location was reviewed and often adjusted on most maps.

    Reduced repair cost for premium planes
    Price changes for modules and ammunition

    Reduced repair cost for premium planes

    Repair costs for premium planes were reduced by 50%

    Price changes for modules and ammunition

    Weapons prices were changed:

    The price of the 30-mm Type 5 (C) (J7W2 Shinden-Kai) cannons was reduced from 133,500 to 80,500 credits per unit. Players, who have these cannons in the depot or mounted on their plane, will be compensated accordingly with the difference.
    The price of the 30-mm Type 17 (C) (J7W2 Shinden-Kai and J7W3) cannons was reduced from 155,000 to 85,000 credits per unit. Players, who have these cannons in the depot or mounted on their plane, will be compensated accordingly with the difference.

    Fixed the bug with the prices of 12.7-mm MG-53-2 and 12.7-mm MG-53HB belts:

    12.7-mm MG-53-2 — the price of the standard belt was changed to 500 credits per belt, armour-piercing and incendiary — 1,000 credits, armour-piercing incendiary — 5 gold.
    12.7-mm MG-53HB — the price of the standard belt was changed to 900 credits per belt, armour-piercing and incendiary — 1800 credits, armour-piercing incendiary — 9 gold.
    Price of the belts for Vickers S cannon was changed: standard belts - 800 credits, armor-piercing and incendiary — 1600 credits, armor-piercing incendiary — 8 gold.

    Physics and balance

    Damage model
    Plane balance improvements
    Changes to individual planes
    Changes of the research branches
    External look
    Damage model

    The collision-damage calculation has been adjusted. When two planes collide, now one of the two has a better chance than the other to survive the ramming. Colliding with the wings will cause less damage than collisions of the fuselage or the engine.

    Firing lines now converge at the maximum firing distance. This will reduce the visual spread of fire of your wing-mounted weapons and make for a denser-looking line of fire.
    There is now a small, random spread to how far each bullet travels. This will eliminate the effect of fire suddenly stopping to deal damage at always exactly the same distance.
    Reduced dispersion while manoeuvring.
    Increased dispersion in a dive.
    Increased dispersion of bombs.
    Better firing visuals for 30mm and larger calibre-cannons.
    Better firing visuals for rear-gunners.
    Bombs and rockets damage changed according to the requirements of the new superiority mode and compound ground targets

    Plane balance improvements

    Improved manoeuvrability for planes at low speeds.
    Increased slowdown upon idling the engine and use of airbrakes.
    Readjusted the impact of flaps-usage on the following planes: F7U Cutlass, P-38F Lightning, P-38J Lightning, F7F Tigercat, F2H Banshee, XF90, Beaufighter, Westland P.1056, Gloster Javelin, Il-8. Increased manoeuvrability of these planes when flaps point upward, and, as a result, reduced the impact of flaps-usage.

    Changes to individual planes

    Rebalancing of all Tier I-planes:

    Increased maximum diving speed.
    Increased maximum speed and acceleration dynamics in non-boost engine mode.
    Improved energy retention.
    Increased optimum speed.

    P-39Q-15 Airacobra — increased manoeuvrability and controllability, improved energy retention, increased power and duration of boost.
    La-5 — improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, increased speed in non-boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in a dive, reduced manoeuvrability.
    La-7 — improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, increased speed in non-boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in boost and non-boost engine modes, increased dive speed, improved acceleration performance in a dive, reduced manoeuvrability.
    La-9 — improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, increased speed in boost and non-boost engine mode, increased speed and acceleration performance in a dive, slightly increased controllability, reduced manoeuvrability.

    XF5U Pancake — increased HP for all configurations, increased weapons effectiveness, increased manoeuvrability, improved energy retention, increased optimum speed, speed and acceleration performance in non-boost engine mode, improved acceleration performance in boost engine mode.
    Great Britain:

    Mustang Mk.I — increased manoeuvrability, increased speed and acceleration performance in a dive, improved acceleration performance in non-boost and boost engine modes, improved manoeuvrability. The plane’s flight characteristics now more closely resemble those of the P-51A Mustang.
    Hurricane IID — completely re-configured into fighter.

    Changes of the research branches

    Changed tiers for big amount of modules displayed in the hangar.

    He.112 — synchronised 7.92mm MG-17 (1934) machine guns were replaced with the 7.92mm MG-17 (1936) model.

    XF-90 — 2х 500 pound bombs added.

    J7W2 Shinden-Kai — 2х 250 kg bombs added.
    J7W3 — 2х 250 kg bombs added.
    External look

    All nations got 5 extra unique nose arts.
    Replaced one nose art for the F2H Banshee.
    Other Changes

    Fixed wrong module tiers previously shown in the hangar
    Graphics and Interface
    Fixed wrong module tiers previously shown in the hangar:

    Tier of M-62IR (BSh-1) engine decreased from V to IV;
    Tier of АМ-35 (Il-2 (mod.) engine decreased from V to IV;
    Tier of DB 601 F (Me.210) engine increased from IV to V;
    Tier of 7,62mm DA (BSh-1) turret increased from V to III;
    Tier of 7.62mm SHKAS (1933) (LBSh) turret increased from V to IV;
    Tier of Hawk III airframe decreased from IV to II.


    "Roll right/left" assigned to A and D keys in the settings menu as default.

    When the "Limit bank angles at low altitude" option is turned on (should be turned on by default) - pressing the keys assigned as roll right/left is being ignored to exclude crashed due to the catching the ground with a wing.

    Increased accuracy and responsiveness in all modes. Changed roll-mechanics, simplified target-tracking when turning.
    Refined camera, improved camera behaviour in «On horizon» mode.
    Mouse settings screen was reworked and simplified. For fine tuning all templates now have auxiliary parameters which can be toggled on by unchecking the option «Basic settings only».
    New option «Pointer speed adjustment». When it’s turned on – the control system evaluates the displacement speed of the mouse cursor from the centre of the screen and helps to track the target when turning.
    The option «Level-Off Zone Size» was removed. Now it will be automatically adjusted based on the plane’s characteristics if levelling-off was turned on (slider «Level-Off Rate» set to any position other than the leftmost).
    The option «Split S Height» was replaced with «Diving turn». If turned on, the value will be adjusted automatically based on the plane’s characteristics.

    Increased accuracy and responsiveness in all modes.
    Refined camera.
    Settings screen completely reworked.
    New option to adjust the camera lag effect.
    New option to adjust the sensitivity of the sniper mode.
    New option to adjust the camera rotation speed when using mini-joystick («hat button»).
    Improved w mini-joystick in discrete mode.
    Introduced smooth overview mode when using the mini-joystick («hat button»).
    New option of using additional axes to look around (control the view).
    New filter for axes noises added.
    Added option to change, adjust the axes threshold.

    Completely reworked gamepad controls.
    Settings screen added.

    Separate control scheme «Keyboard» was removed. For full emulation of this scheme, you can use the joystick profile (but you need to delete the axes settings first).
    Graphics and Interface

    Added new visual effects: depth of field, visual ejection of shells when shooting;
    Added advanced settings for FOV display: players may now choose the FOV angles on their own for extreme and medium positions of the camera by adjusting the dedicated slider in the “Battle” section;
    Improved look for propellers on planes.
    Depending on their distance to your plane, markers for planes and ground targets will now appear more or less transparent. The further away, the more transparent a marker will be. The shorter the distance, the more solid the marker will become.
    Drawing distance of planes and ground targets has been doubled. The display distance of markers has been doubled as well to facilitate orientation in battle. Please take note that the aircraft detection range (visibility system) remains the same as before, which means that your pilots still only see as far as always and not twice as far all of a sudden. Still, this modification fixes the bug when markers would not appear on clearly detected planes at long range.
    New Premium Hangar — the plane now stands on an airfield in front of the hangar. In future updates it is planned to introduce the possibility of switching between open and closed premium hangars.
    In the hangar, in the tooltips of each plane, you can now see a notification about the planes’ weapons effectiveness against armoured targets.
    Added a section, showing ongoing battle missions/discounts in the hangar.
    Addition of a small plane class role description to the tooltips of each plane.
    Earned crew experience, skill training progress and battle missions’ progress were added to the battle statistics window.
    You can now see the current session-battle history in a new dropdown-menu in the battle statistics window.
    Introduced a third tab to the battle statistics window containing detailed information on the player’s efficiency.
    You now get a visual queue when earning an achievement in-game.
    Reworked the achievement window. Now all achievements are grouped by type and or review the latest, earned achievements.
    Significant improvements to the horizon indicator: You now have now five different types of horizon indicators to choose from both for regular and inverted flight.
    Cinematic at battle start and end

    Corrections and adjustments to the pre-battle cinematic;
    Added option to skip cinematic intro before battle starts;
    New cinematic added at the end of the battle.
    Observer mode

    Added a new, “dynamic” observer mode. This new mode allows you to follow your teams’ aircraft from a large number of interesting camera angles. You can switch back and forth between the regular observer mode and this new, dynamic mode and also switch freely between its various angles.
    Game loading screen

    Added animations and effects to the game loading screen.
    Reworked background images.
    Planes comparison tool

    Reworked design for the plane comparison table during battle loading screen;
    Reworked table design for team lists in-battle;
    Reworked table design for after-battle statistics page;
    Reworked tips about planes flight characteristics and firepower advantages;
    Reworked tips about class features (their characteristics and battle objectives);
    Added tips about effectiveness of armament against armoured targets.
    Game chat

    Improved privacy system: online status is now shown only to mutual friends when searching somebody in the contact list.
    Extended set of symbols allowed for user channel names.

    Added new achievements for PVE battle type:

    «Aerial Raider» — awarded to players who destroyed at least one enemy object.
    «First Among Equals» — awarded to players, who shot down more enemy planes than anybody else on their team.
    «Steady Results» — awarded to players, who shot down at least three planes in one battle.
    «Scythe of Death» — awarded to players, who shot down two or more enemy planes in a row, without any ally scoring another frag in the meantime.
    «First Blood» — awarded to players, who shot down the first enemy of the battle.
    «Scorched Earth» — awarded to players who scored at least 25 advantage points in a battle for damaging enemy objects.
    «Heaven and Earth» — awarded to players who shot down at least three planes and scored 25 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle.
    «Ground Defender» — awarded to players who destroyed 3 ground attack planes in one or several battles.
    «Clear Sky» — awarded to players who destroyed 3 enemy fighters in one or several battles.
    «Giant Slayer» — awarded to players who destroyed 3 enemy heavy fighters in one or several battles.
    «Certified Fighter Pilot» — awarded to players who destroyed at least 2 enemy fighters flying a fighter themselves.
    «Certified Heavy Fighter Pilot» — awarded to players who destroyed at least one plane and scored at least 10 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle, flying a heavy fighter.
    «Certified Attack Aircraft Pilot» — awarded to players who scored at least 20 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle, flying a ground attack plane.
    «Expert Hunter» — awarded to players who fulfilled the «Expert Hunter» combat mission.
    «Sidekick» — awarded to players for helping to destroy of three enemy planes in one battle.
    «Superior» — awarded to players who survived, won, and shot down more enemy planes than anybody else on their team.
    «Champion of Destruction» — awarded to players who survived, won, and shot down more enemy ground targets than anybody else on their team.
    «Undisputed Champion» — awarded to players who survived, won, and took the first place in all categories of the after-battle statistics.
    Added new achievements for tutorial mode:

    «First Step to the Sky» — awarded to players, who successfully accomplished the training mission «Gunnery practice».
    «Ladder to the Sky» — awarded to players, who successfully accomplished the training mission «Team battle».
    «Stairway to the Sky» — awarded to players, who successfully accomplished the training mission «Aerial Battle Training»..
    «Highway to the Sky» — awarded to players, who successfully accomplished the training mission «Ground Target Attack».
    Note: The former award for tutorial completion («Flight school graduate») was removed.

    Added new achievements for beginners:

    «Crossfire» — awarded to players who caused damage to a plane that was consequently shot down by a teammate.
    «Lightweight» — awarded to players who shot down one enemy fighter.
    «Heavyweight» — awarded to players who shot down one enemy heavy fighter.
    «Super Heavyweight» — awarded to players who shot down one ground attack aircraft.
    Added new achievements for experienced players:

    «Aerial Acrobat» — awarded to players who make an enemy crash by outmanoeuvring them.
    «Flames in the Sky» — awarded to players who set an enemy on fire that results in the subsequent aircraft destruction.
    «Fire Breathing» — awarded to players who set at least two enemy planes on fire and destroy them that way in one battle.
    «Rear Cover» — awarded to players who destroyed an enemy plane with their rear gunner.
    «Supporting Fire» — awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 3 enemy planes in one battle, survived and won the battle.
    «Strong Support» — awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 5 enemy planes in one battle, survived and won the battle.
    «Riddled» — awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 3 enemy ground targets in one battle, survived and won the battle.
    «Hail of Steel» — awarded to players who helped to destroy at least 5 enemy ground targets in one battle, survived and won the battle.
    «Hat Trick» — awarded to players who destroyed at least one fighter, one heavy fighter and one ground assault plane in one game.
    «Lightning» — awarded to players who destroyed two enemy planes in a row and won the battle.
    «Thrifty Bomber» — awarded to players who destroyed an enemy plane with a bomb explosion.
    «Persistent» — awarded to players who shot down at least one enemy plane in every battle.
    «Falconry» — awarded to players who shot down at least two enemy fighters and survived.
    «Interceptor» — awarded to players who shot down at least two enemy ground assault planes and survived.
    «Bird of Prey» — awarded to players who destroyed at least two enemy heavy fighters and survived.
    All existing achievements have been modified to account for the introduction of the new, complex ground targets and reworked number of advantage points they bring:

    «Closterman medal» — awarded to players who shot down at least 7 enemy planes and scored at least 15 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle.
    «Gabreski medal» — awarded to players who shot down at least 9 enemy planes and scored at least 15 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle.
    «Destroyer» — awarded to players who shot down at least 4 enemy planes and scored at least 15 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle.
    «Thunder» — awarded to players who scored at least 75 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one battle.
    «Firestorm» — awarded to players who scored at least 10 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in one or several battles.
    «Wrecking Crew» — awarded to all members of a flight who shot down at least 5 enemy planes and scored at least 75 advantage points for destroying enemy objects.
    «Begeldinov medal IV class» — awarded to players who scored 150 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in «Random Battle ».
    «Begeldinov medal III class» — awarded to players who scored 1500 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in «Random Battle ».
    «Begeldinov medal II class» — awarded to players who scored 15000 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in «Random Battle ».
    «Begeldinov medal I class» — awarded to players who scored 150000 advantage points for destroying enemy ground targets in «Random Battle ».

  29. #2279
    Tu as testé ?

  30. #2280
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Citation Envoyé par rheaghorn Voir le message
    Tu as testé ?
    Oui, l'attaque au sol a complètement changé et c'est bien plus dur mais c'est peut-être plus intéressant. Le nouveau système de supériorité est pas mal, faudra voir avec plus d'expérience.

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