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  1. #91
    C'est une faute de frappe je pense le WWI. Il voulait dire en gros époque WWII au sens large, donc des 30's aux 50's (comme WoT quoi).

  2. #92
    Et le Renault FT alors ?

    *Mode Anful'heure de mouche /off *

    J'ai rêvé ou il y a bien eut une news disant qu'il serait nécessaire d'installer X-fire ou je ne sait plus quoi pour participer à la béta ?

  3. #93
    Je crois que Wrgaming a testé X-fire (et un autre du même genre) pour l'alpha. Je ne sais pas s'ils l'utiliseront aussi pour la béta fermée.
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  4. #94

  5. #95
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Un dev :

    Citation Envoyé par Gustav_Fuchs
    1. Trees of aircraft nations
    *Enter the following trees of the following countries:
    - Germany (Luftwaffe) and the AXIS (premium aircraft)
    - U.S.A.
    - United Kingdom (RAF)
    - Japan
    - Italy
    The first three nation trees are in development

    The main task of bombers (slow and vulnerable targets in aerial battle) – to break through the enemy defense under the cover of friendly fighters and quickly, efficiently and with a single pass to destroy their targets.
    Heavy horizontal bombers do not fit our gameplay. They will be introduced in the game, but under the control of bots: players will need to protect or, on the contrary, to intercept bombers.

    Planned. At high tiers.

    *Flying Saucers of Ahnenerbe (as premium)
    Yes, also planned. Their introduction will be synchronized with an introduction of Vril battle mages in World of Tanks .

    *Self-propelled anti-aircraft artillery units (as kind of bot, under a player control, located near the base of a team or separately, depending on the battle modes, different types of these vehicles with additional modules introduced in the tech tree of each nation).
    Yes, we want to implement it feature. If it works – it will be implemented in the game.

    *Reconnaissance aircrafts
    Low level planes or light fighters could fulfill the function of reconnaissance units. Reconnaissance itself, as an important part of the gameplay, is going to be introduced.

    *Poorly armed aircraft with a huge range of target detection. And with a very powerful radio station in addition.
    At this moment our vision of such an airplane: a heavy fighter in night missions configuration. We’re planning to realize. Possibly.

    *Diversify the plane tree even up to several variants of engines to mount.
    Several variants of engines? Absolutely!

    *For the sea battles, if they will be introduced, you need to enter the branch of carrier aviation, hydroplanes, such as “Sea Dart”, with the possibility to take-off and landing on the water surface, vertical take-off and landing aircraft designed as prototypes in the late 40s and built in the early 50s. Or at least (to fit the time frame of the in-game vehicles) some models of the carrier-based aircraft of Japan and the United States, as these vehicles were massively built starting from the middle 20-ies. And, for example, with the ability to take-off and landing to refuel and ammunition upload on aircraft carriers.
    The landing is still in the experimental stage. And it is not the fact that it will be implemented at all. Float seaplanes, convertible airplanes, gyroplanes and helicopters have not being planned yet.

    2. Consumables: blocks and modules.

    Fuel additives as well as consumables for gold will be implemented.

    *Additional armor plating, reinforced skin of wings, stronger propeller, increased fuel tank, control surface and cockpit protection, tracers, various types of sights…
    We’re planning to introduce it in game. Something of the above-mentioned is a part of leveling, the rest of it – consumables for credits and gold.

    *Radar – Range of view increased up to 25%/50%/75%/100% (depends on the tier)
    We will see. We keep radar in mind. Especially for the purposes of night battles, if they will be represented in the game.

    *Make few extra slots for the airplane for permanent perks.
    Slots for perks? Rather crewmembers will have perks and skills. And there also will be slots for additional modules. How many – too early to say more .

    *It may be useful to implement afterburning function as module (it can be activated for 10-20 seconds).
    Afterburning, in a varying degree, will be represented for all types of engines. Special construction solutions (pressurization, fuel mixture injection etc.) will be implemented separately. It is too early to discuss the details so far.

    *Premium modules for premium aircrafts (and not for premium only)
    Most likely, modules that can be purchased for gold won’t be implemented.

    *What do you think about implementation of a consumable “Mirror” and function of automatic alert “Check six” (you can, for example, display a sub screen in the bottom corner of the interface with the picture of enemy aircraft on your tail)
    Retrospect mirror is not excluded as a possible module. We’ll see. Automatic warning that you had someone on your “six” will not be implemented.

    *Free retrospect mirror only for German planes as they had mirrors historically. And implement mirrors for aircrafts of other nations as chargeable consumables as did not have mirrors.
    Really? Only German aircraft did?

    *Are you planning to introduce a guided air-to-air missile?
    Guided missiles – not in this game. As well as remote controlled bombs. But rocket projectiles will be represented in game.

    *Jammer also should be implemented in the development tree, but as removable equipment. Function: disables the enemy radar (all of them within a certain radius).
    Perfect trolling of allies, isn’t it?

    *Implement parachute as consumable module, for example, 3000 credits for a single use or 200 of gold for permanent use for 1 crew member. At the same time this consumable does not refer to the modules of the aircraft (as new additional consumable for the crew in case of bailing out).
    Selling parachutes to pilots – a bit immoral, isn’t it?

    *Machine guns of various calibers with various types of ammunition… and as premium ammunition implement shell bullets…
    Various barrels of various calibers would be introduced (be sure). Various types of ammunition will be implemented also.

    *Cannons up to 75 mm caliber, as it was mounted on some prototypes of German warbirds…
    We’ll see. First of all we need to mount such cannon on an aircraft and test it (is it suitable for the game process or not). Uber-caliber cannon also means low ammunition capacity. Well, the aircraft could also be damaged during the shooting because of the weapon recoil force.

    *Bombs should be of various types and weight, rocket projectiles, torpedoes…
    Various types and weight of bombs are already planned to be represented. Hopefully the bomb attack will be represented in an interesting way for our players. Rocket projectiles will be represented. Torpedoes – it’s too early to confirm that they will be implemented, as here you can face some problems. Iа you have a torpedo carrier, then a random battle over the desert will be obviously not the one you want to join. Furthermore, some specific technical issues should be solved also.

    -Frame construction (suspension) as it was improved, what increased the stress load of the plane.
    -Wing (turret). Increase in size of the wing or wingspan made it possible to vary the type of armament or increase the amount of barrels.
    -Radar (Radio)
    -Armament (machine guns, cannons, bombs etc.)
    All the mentioned above is in the considering stage, plus something else. But this is not the final decision.

    -Jammer (reduces the detection radius)
    -Aircraft motor gasoline or kerosene additives (speed )
    -Ground guidance equipment (increases the radius of a radar) limitation: attack aircrafts
    -Smoke producer (reduced visibility)
    -Metal with admixtures (increased protection)
    -Range scope (range target detection)
    -Scope-sight (aiming speed)
    -Fire extinguisher
    - Oxygen breathing masks
    Some of these things will be represented, but some of them you haven’t listed. No comments at the moment.

    *The possibility to purchase tracer bullets and the possibility to load ammunition strip on your own (for example: I want each 3rd or 5th shell to be the tracer)
    We’re working on the similar idea.

    *The possibility of your own ammunition load (gun, machine gun), one armor piercing – two high explosives and vice versa. Even the whole ammunition strip full of high explosives or armor piercing shells. I mean the ability to load the ammunition on your own (for each particular combat).
    Yes, it’s going to be represented in-game. If it works well – it will be represented for sure.

    *Consumable “First aid kit” should be used only for bombers, because there is no one who could help in a single-pilot aircraft.
    “First aid kit” is still on consideration.

    *Trimming device with ON and OFF positions.
    Rudder and elevator trim tab at various altitudes and with additional weaponry won’t be introduced. It’s too hardcore feature for our game.

    *Equipment failure” due to the air combat damages: a loss of view types or, perhaps, some specific devices malfunction as fuel level gauge or fuel-oil cooler.
    Nope, too complicated for the game. Players have to fight with their enemies but not with their aircraft.

    *Fuel limit has to be introduced in the game (it could be tied to a timer but not to an engine power).
    - First of all it will gives some advantages to some models of aircraft (the famous Yak-9D) and suspended equipment (fuel intake from suspended fuel tanks first, and after the terminal stage they could be dropped). These suspended tanks are to reduce the characteristics of the aircraft due to the additional weight, but in the long view would give the possibility to see out an enemy.
    -The second point is the ability to set up combat characteristics with various filling of fuel tanks (30% - an aircraft could stay aloft not for a long time and soon will have to go back to base and turning his back to the enemy – but at the beginning of the air combat he had a tenuous superiority in maneuverability.
    Even the half of the fuel tank will be more than enough for the duration of our air combats. You won’t have to fly 40 minutes to reach the target.

    *Reduce the amount of the dangerous areas (covered with AAA) is especially true for the expected bombers/assault planes as they could be destroyed with a single projectile hit.
    We should respect the historicity then. If the fuel tank could explode then we should not deprive our future top gun pilots of the opportunity to splinter the enemy aircraft.

    *And one more thing, it will also untie round from the duration limit.
    No. The limitation of round duration is a really necessary measure.

    *Lend-lease fuel could be introduced as a consumable for the Soviet aircrafts.
    I think each nation will have their own fuel additives.

    *As I understand the ammunition limit will be implemented. So, here arises a question: is the module of additional ammunition for the gunners will be implemented also?
    The ammunition limit is not going to be implemented for gunners. Player does not control them, so we are not going to pump money from the players with inexperienced crews.

    *Aircraft models:
    You should implement the following aircraft types:
    - BI-1
    -Il-2 I (fighter modification) – as a premium aircraft
    - Kyushu J7W Shinden
    - Р-59
    - Messerschmitt Me-262 German jet fighter – as a premium aircraft
    - Heinkel He-178 V1
    - Heinkel He-280 V1
    - Arado Ar-234
    - Ме-163
    - Me-163 "Komet"
    No comments on the aircraft list for now.

    *It would be great if the guns control system will be implemented. For example, bombers have top, bottom, front and rear guns (American bombers as B-17). You can realize the function when the third-person gun sight will be sliding through all 360 degrees and shooting at a target with a certain fire unit of the aircraft. So, for example, when the gun sight aims to 3 o’clock you can shoot from the right firing unit, when the target on your 6 o’clock – rear gunner will be firing at a target. And if the rear gunner is wounded or killed/ then the shooting will be not available.
    The gunners will be bots and the direct control will not be provided. Shooting sector of each fire unit will be implemented according to the real ones on each aircraft. And yes, you will be able to wound or kill the gunners.

    *Each aircraft type should have its own absolute “ceiling” and energy loss coefficient depending on the altitude.
    Engine power depending on the altitude has already been implemented (not set up in a proper way of course).

    *Planes should have the bottom-camouflage of the sky-blue color and the top-camouflage of the terrain colors. This will help to complicate detection of the enemy without markers.
    Visibility changing depending on the particular surface (terrain) is planned.

    *Make it possible to mount not only machine guns of the same type, but also different types of machine guns.
    This feature will possibly be implemented.

    *If the afterburner is turned ON for too long period of time it could lead to the overheating of the engine and as a result – jamming.
    Jamming – won’t be represented. Loss of power that requiring repair – will be represented.

    *Loss of speed as a result of intensive fire from heavy guns (20-mm and above), guns failure.
    Failures of weaponry if it not damaged will not be implemented. Overheating – doubtfully. Influence on the behavior of the aircraft – possibly. At least the increase of spread effect while shooting has already been represented.

    *High-G lead to the loss of the aircraft control or the dimming of the monitor till the blackout.
    Doubtfully. High-G overload effect possibly will be implemented. Blackout or redout will not be implemented for sure as they are too annoying while playing. This is a client display feature and some “skillful individuals” will turn it OFF immediately.

    *You can implement high-G effect warning as a redout or muting when the G-effect is exceeding.
    Yes – it’s going to be represented as an interface element.

    *Would it be possible to beat back the fire and to restart the engine? This element would solve the problem of starting the engine (certain random value of this possibility). I would say it could put some adrenaline buzz in the game – when the plane falls to the ground as a dead bird and the pilot (player) hammers the button, hearing the engine groaning and trying to restart itself.
    We’re going to think it over as a feature. At the moment it seems that the option with a gradual loss of power up to a complete stop before the end of the battle is more suitable for the gameplay. Or until the fatal contact with the ground.

    *Missions, tournaments and other…
    You can implement so-called “daily missions”. If the player successfully completes it he will get a small additional amount of credits and experience.
    It will be implemented if it realized successfully. Not soon for sure.

    *You should add some types of transport aircrafts (special cargo and troops carrier planes). As a result – the additional goal for the mission – to destroy the enemy troops carrier (or destroy the enemy paratroopers), including of the possibility of the foolish death as the propeller entrapped by the rigging lines. A single paratrooper (spy/scout/raider) can be delivered by usual aircraft (as a co-pilot).
    It’s better to shoot the aircraft than a man. Interception of bombers and, perhaps, transport aircrafts (some day) is scheduled.

    *Add the real missions of the WWII where the players will be divided into 2 teams (the player will be representing the side of the conflict according to the plane he choose – German, Russian, American or Japan…). Players of both sides are carrying the sort of staged combat – weather conditions, map and the composition are to be closed to the real historical fight. You can implement it as a separate combat mode – I’m sure it will be interesting.
    Historical battles are seems to be implemented as Actions or Events. Confrontations of nations as one of the major combat modes will not be represented. We’re creating the game about planes – not about the struggle of ideologies.

    *Can you add some quests (shoot down a certain number of aircraft or something like that)? It could be non-obligatory feature for a player but provide additional credits and experience income. This quests could be given randomly. A player could accept the quest or deny it. If the quest was accepted and failed the player receive a penalty, if accepted and succeed he will get a bonus.
    First of all, the awards for the successful actions in a combat will be implemented as in WoT – as medals, without special rewards and payouts. Some randomization of the ground targets and victory conditions will be represented as well. Special quests – doubtfully.

    *Game mechanics:
    Can you implement some tasks and their changing according to the appropriate map (random tasks)?
    It is planned to implement some random ground targets which should be found. And, of course, these targets will be randomized with reference to appropriate map.

    *There is need of extensive support of various controllers.
    Yes, we are working on this issue. Even now the game supports the following controllers: joystick, gamepad, keyboard and mouse. There is still a lot to be refined but we are working on it. Pedals, throttle and other devices will be also supported.

    *It would be great if you implement random night combats, for example, each 10 combats will be the night ones.
    If we will succeed to solve some technical problems it will be implemented.

    *Preservation of historical accuracy, I mean the performance characteristics of the aircraft should be close to reality. Historical accuracy should be implemented because during WWII a lot of aircraft types and their modifications were built and this huge number of vehicles can help you to represent widely spreaded tec trees without “paper project” of the secret experimental design office which performance characteristics were known only by their designers.
    I’m afraid there is a little chance to refuse “paper projects”. All that can be promised (as in WoT) – we will respect the real historical accuracy. And the in-game aircraft characteristics will be closely tied to the performance characteristics of the correspondent aircraft in reality (and, of course, according to the needs of the game process). Our game is absolutely NOT the simulator – our main goal to reflect the character of the vehicle, but not to reproduce it.

    *The battle maps should be really large/extensive to hold not only 15x15 battles but also 30x30 players.
    Frankly speaking, for 15x15 players battles you need rather extensive maps; moreover, we want our air combats to be comfortable for our players and to throw them into one huge dogfight where one cannot notice who’s shooting at him. A 30x30 battle it is more complicated to be organized properly than a 15x15. Unorganized dogfight does not suit our game concept because the skill of a player is really doesn’t matter in it.

    *I wonder if the suspension slots will be implemented in game (wings and fuselage). I mean, this will be cool if there will be suspension slots where you can mount additional machine guns/cannons, guide rails for rockets projectiles or suspend bombs. You can also keep them empty to save weight and to refine the aerodynamics.
    Yes, all these features will be represented.

    *You should introduce the marking system (empty circles) to mark the enemies at a certain distance – for you and for your nearby allies.
    Various interface markers and notifications in the early development stage so far. Something like that will be implemented for sure.

    *The possibility to bail out to save the life of a pilot.
    This question is a part of a broader problem of the premature leaving of a battle. In development.

    *I’m waiting for more or less arcade type of control but with maintaining of the real aircraft behavior and operation of all aircraft systems (ailerons, flaps, rudders etc.) in the air.
    We’re working on it. More likely the flaps will be automatic. Arcade mode is supposed to have a kind of semi-automatic control of rudder and ailerons.

    *It would be interesting to see the opportunity to perform aerobatic maneuvers to evade the enemy fire.
    Our flight-model allows performing the aerobatics maneuvers.

    *Possibly it will make sense to give the experience points according to the difficulty of the flight-model settings. For example, I set the easiest difficulty mode, won and got 200 of experience, and if I set the hard difficulty mode and won - got my 500 of experience for the same result in battle. This option will help you to bring both: people who do not understand the physics of flight, and leave the simulation of the flight (a pilot becomes more skillful and will turn on more difficult mode of the game). Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m trying to think logically. However, you cannot turn all the real-flight features at all: spin stall, for example. If one plane can fall into a tailspin and the other turned this option off – the result is more than obvious. But the shaking, ground effect, reverse propeller moment, or a simplified landing (lack of the porpoise and nose over) won’t be a really great problem.
    Gyroscopic moment, tailspin, aircraft alignment change during the battle – not arcade features. At the same time, we have 2 different types of mouse aircraft control: expert mode (difficult, but the aircraft is under the direct control) and arcade mode (a player indicates the direction of the flight – other functions are under AI control). The player who mastered the expert mode will always have the advantage over his “arcade mode control” enemy.

    *Yaw, roll…
    Yes, they are already represented in game.

    *Ability to disable the auto-aiming (optional) and additional experience if it is disabled.
    The possibility to use of auto-aiming is still on consideration.

    *Displaying of a life pilot model in a cockpit (his head following the direction of view, pilot toggles buttons etc.)
    If we will find more free time and inspiration.

    *If the rudders/elevators/ailerons are damaged the corresponding aircraft control is locked.
    The damage of various control surfaces and corresponding malfunctions will certainly be implemented. The aspects of these malfunctions are still in progress.

    *You need to implement the coefficient of the energy loss (build up speed, maneuverability), depending on the altitude.
    Yes. It will be implemented.

    *At the start of the battle you need to make the aircraft invulnerable for 10 seconds or so.
    The need of this is not obvious.

    *Is auto speed indicator going to be implemented? It should have 5 points of indications. 0-point is the minimal speed and 5-point is the turned-on afterburner. This points can be switched by the holding down the key of the speed. Various engines will have different time of switching from one point to another one. Afterburner is to switched off automatically after a certain time period and be allowed again after some time. At once you can give three different options for various types of engines.
    We’re working on the engine control interface. Smooth thrust control when you use the joystick is already represented in game. And acceleration as one of the main characteristics will be implemented soon, as well as the critical altitude of the engine. As for the afterburner is concerned – it will be limited by the overheating or, possibly, the amount of the injection mixture (some types of aircraft with various injection systems).

    *Please, implement the backing of joysticks and the option to modify their settings (sensibility, set keys etc.).
    Yes. In progress.
    Un admin du fofo

    Citation Envoyé par James_White
    Aircraft models.
    Make aircraft tech tree within 15-20 levels to make game a long-playing one as it seems easy to grind 2 tank tech trees without premium. I’d like to spend more time grinding to the top. This will lead to more active gold purchasing and it will be much more interesting to play. I’m afraid of converting free experience from WoT (btw good if it can be implemented). This will make players to think of premium account, gold purchase or of playing well
    No we plan tech tree consisting of 10 levels. This is balanced with grinding speed and tank tree research

    You can introduce plenty of guns, distribute them to 3 levels of weight, attacking or defensive purpose, balance it and you will not need a lot of aircraft models, I mean more than you have tanks in WoT.
    It seems that in reality there was a contrary situation- the number of air guns and machine guns could not be compared to tank arsenal. And aircrafts outnumbered tanks.
    I suggest introducing strongly-marked individuality in flight characteristics of aircrafts. E.g. high flatter barrier for Fw-190 A-4..9 (~900) + perfect maneuverability at top speed (it is possible to
    Restrict diving speed if the flatter is not provided in the game). If the collision model is logical (place of penetration and ammo type is more important than the tier of attacking aircraft), every aircraft will be used successfully for all the missions and the top battle will not be 12 jets 12 jets.
    I am not sure about the flatter but individuality in flight characteristics is obligatory to be implemented.

    Game mechanics.
    Sniper mode—not necessarily view from cabin with aircraft control panel-at least part of front fuselage and real reticle( metal or collimator) If it is 3rd person view then it should be arcade reticle that goes around the screen and the plane moves according to the reticle maneuvers. It is almost impossible to shoot-ahead in both cases as when looking at own plane at an angle there is a problem how to determine the direction of flight. To use joystick in such view is a real nuisance. Suggestion – to make a simple view through a reticle (there can be some penalties as view range restriction, impossibility to look around, etc.)
    It is already implemented. You’ll see it in alpha or a little bit later.
    Many players suggest fighting with asymmetric targets, when one team has to do something and their enemy has to prevent them from doing it. If you introduce such battle types I suggest adding one more feature: to choose a mission before battle (defense or attack).
    Asymmetric victory conditions are still under discussion. It is likely to be released. However to give a choice to select battle missions seems to create a very problematic task for a matchmaking system, so it is very unlikely

    Maps and landscape
    Introduce map selection option at least for those who has premium account.
    It will be discussed. Map at all is of almost no importance in WoWp in comparison with WoT.

    Battle modes.
    • «to cut off communications»
    1. There is a map, which is obligatory crossed by some insurmountable barrier for ground troops.(river, mountain range)
    2. By the sides of the map there is a belt road at each team side. At the battle start traffic starts on this road. (Tanks, trucks etc.) I mean that both opposing forces move their ground troops to occupy an assigned sector (columns move one direction; presumably there will be enormous tank meeting engagement.
    3. Each team mission- to destroy as many tanks, trucks and equipment as possible and to prevent its own column from extermination. There also can be antiaircraft armored trucks, or column can be covered by stationary air defense guns.
    4. The score is called for destroyed vehicles in enemies’ column so the margin of victory is either complete destruction of enemies’ squadron that means defenselessness of its ground forces or greater number of destroyed ground vehicles when it is not important how many aircrafts were shot down.
    5. The ground forces column moves after a while from the beginning of the battle to let the enemies’ catch its head. The clearance time in the opposite map part is just before the end of the battle time.
    6. To display the level difficulty growth the character of ground forces should also be changed. I.e. when flying on biplanes players meet weak and slow four-wheeled lorries, then after grinding to jet-fighters they will have to attack for example IS-7 having anti-aircraft machine-gun itself. I.e. there must not be such situations as player destroy ground vehicle by one-shot or, on the contrary, shoot by all the weapons without any effect.
    7. It is also possible to replace a belt road by railway with trains moving to the opposite side of the map. It would have been even more plausibly- trucks on the road and tanks on the flat wagons
    8. As a matter of principle there is no need to introduce an airfield in this mission type as the players start battle already in the air. But if there is an opportunity to land an aircraft to get extra experience there must be some equipped emergency landing places having only a runway and a small fuel and lubricants depot but no hangars or any other infrastructure to be bombed
    9. If it is possible to tie somehow WoT and WoWp. I.e. WoT clans’ mission is to redeploy and get ready for the province battle and WoWp clans are to cover their redeployment. According to the results of air battle the number of tanks for defeated team in the province battle may be decreased. Also there can be redeployment of only one clan and another one is to prevent it, so the trucks and trains will run only at one side of the map. Author: makishima

    Forgive me for answering shortly: It is too early to uncover all the peculiarities. You have partially described so battle mode aspects that are in production right now. And thank you – we enjoy reading such well-considered suggestions.

    • Pilots experience G-force, how are you going to realize it in game?
    • Successful Falling into the spin or rolling depends on pilot’s experience. E.g ace zooming can feel light darkening of screen whereas novice hunting for him will lose visibility at all and his plane will be switched automatically to dive, as falling into uncontrolled spin is not provided in the game according to developers answers.
    • So, we will get that player not only flies and shoots better having more experience but also has better G-tolerance. You may make this experience level equal to crew ranks, or alternatively make some stuts that can be permitted on particular aircraft.
    • E.g. Captain has grinded to loop – and he gets corresponding note in his personal file. However he will be able to loop the loop only when his crew gets corresponding experience. Game will switch to auto-pilot when trying non-allowed stut. Or it may be done even easier- some key (4 or 5) is responsible for performing flight maneuver. After pressing it plane automatically makes it, while maneuvering player can shoot, it can also be possible to finish turn by pressing left or right.
    Regarding to G-tolerance- consult the previous answers. Automated flight maneuvering is not planned. Probably it will be provided in tutorial mode later, but not in the dogfight mode.
    As far as I know fuselage and wings damage will be counted. Will be the death of a pilot counted I mean when shooting to aircraft canopy will the pilot’s death be counted? Not the crew but a member of a crew (pilot, navigator etc.) –Also when the pilot is dead the aircraft is automatically shot down, as it cannot fly anymore, or you are going to implement the same situation as in WoT- to shoot down the aircraft it must be out of all the HP? Isn’t it a mistake? Sky has other rules and almost everything depends on pilot’s abilities there?[/i]
    Pilot cannot be killed, however he can be injured and piloting will be difficult and view range will be reduced. Injured gunner will not shoot.

    Gold and experience calculation system.
    Grinding crew 50/75/100 is bad. Maximum 50% for gold, (beginning from 0%, 10%) all the rest by hands and head!!!
    Tank scheme is likely to be remained.100% crew does not help without players head.
    Crew skills must be numerous and there must be opportunity for player to learn them simultaneously, i.e to slide them on his wish setting up % of exp for every skill after the battle.
    We’ll think it over. First impression – unnecessary difficulty.
    Equal distribution of experience in flight unit, or 60/40 in pair. The dogfight specificity when one attacks another covers and if we count experience distribution as it is in WoT all the XP points will go to the attacking pilot, and the covering one will get nothing. It is unfair. In the case of flight unit, platoon analog in WoT, I suggest Equal distribution of experience
    Yes, it is possible. Will think it over and check statistics of XP adjustment. Coordination in flight unit seems to be more important than in WoT platoons and such coordinated actions should be encouraged.
    Free XP and Gold can be freely transferredС from/to WoT and WoWp accounts of the same player.
    Yes, it was told numerous times. Bur please take into consideration that there can be only gold transfer available, not credits.
    To make unified premium account for WoT and WoWp
    It will be implemented however with some peculiarities. We are thinking about it.
    Pilot’s (not player’s) experience decreases after multiply defeat.
    No, it would be too cruel. Player looses himself and this could be double punishment.
    To give in all the three “Worlds of” more experience points for destroying distinguished enemies. The more allies this enemy has killed the more experience for his destruction should be given.
    E.g a fighter flies kill allies one by one and nobody can do anything with him –and for his shooting down to give more experience according the following scheme:
    Enemy caused 2000 points of damage. We deduct 500hp, amount hp of this enemy-ace aircraft, to be in the middle of usefulness (according to statistics he has to cause minimal damage equal o his HP) lower than it useless more than it-useful. So 2000-500=1500, this means that he caused damage 1500hp more than his hp then 1500/5=300. So you should give 300 hp points more for destruction of such enemy.
    This extra experience may be distributed among all the allies’ players according to the damage they caused o the ace to prevent the situation when somebody is knocking the ace all the fight and someone steals the frag and gets all the experience.
    It is doubtful. It makes players ignore team purpose and hunt for the fattest target. Moreover usual player is not able to coordinate his actions with allies that will make to a real ace real air fodder.
    To sell both premiums separately but if WoT premium is bought WoWp to sell with 50% discount. And one more term: if you’ve got monthly premium you won’t be able to buy WoWp premium for more period.
    It was answered above about premium relations
    To give opportunity to transfer experience and money between WoT and WoWp but with some fee for experience and big commission for gold transfer
    There were multiply answers about gold transfer. Your suggestion about taking commissions will be taken into consideration.


    • To make one more folder in game folder to keep all the custom skins which can be changed on players wish. So at the very beginning of the game, player’s plane will have custom skin when everyone else uses standard skin. So his unique skin is seen only on his PC and does not influence any more on server traffic. This could prevent all the wine about Nazi skins. Thanks in advance.
    • Thanks for suggestions but we are now unsure about our decision.

    • To make not only music soundtrack but also as a real pilots talks.
    It can be switched by user Some part of system messages will be stylized in form of pilot’s talks but to make all the soundtrack in this form will be to boring and will distract from important messages.
    • To provide voice chat for all the team not only for a pair
    In one’s point of view to type something in dogfight is almost impossible-lack of time. However to troll allies will be much easier (deception, spamming) we’ll see how the voting complaint system will work in WoT. If this system will do well we can think over common voice chat. But to get ban for voice chat would be very easy.
    Folder-recorder- a folder to place music to listen to at fight.
    We will try to do it.
    I wish developers pay more attention to traditional aviators’ songs.
    •There are a lot of good songs. We will try to use them if there is no problem with copyright
    Soundtrack depending on geography. E.g. – desert- oriental music, forests –Russian etc.
    We doubt it could be done. And the number of maps will be less than in WoT.
    Music at Dogfight: На честном слове и на одном крыле, Aceshich (Iron Maiden), Distantskies (Sstratovarius),Смуглянка, Nightwish - Wishmaster (Pearl Harbour)

    Look the answer above. There are plenty of good songs but there are problems with copyrights.
    To create channels in battle chat
    • Common
    • Team
    • Pair
    • Clan
    You may use different colours for them. But it would be great if user can change colours by himself.
    You may also give opportunity to switch between channels using hotkeys at syntax /n "text" – where n-channel ID.
    To make an opportunity to get all the coming messages in one window (i.e. we get all the messages immediately and answer to the desired channel by /n «text")
    The chat system is in development and it looks like stated above.
    Contaminating signals, at voice chat (on desire)
    Contaminating signal as an element of entourage will be but if only it is not resource-demanding for other players And we are not going to deteriorate voice completely. First of all it can be hacked on the client and provide some advantages, secondly bad voice chat will lead to using Skype, Teamspeak, X-Fire etc.
    The opportunity to regulate voice volume of every player separately (microphones are different)
    We will try
    Nickname of a talking one must be marked. (To prevent spamming)
    Yes, surely
    I could create my own chat channel to prevent flooding on forum
    Why not? If it is interesting for anyone…
    To give an opportunity to set side mouse buttons for voice chat (in WoT and WoWp)
    It must be in mouse settings. Somebody wants to set it to 11th joystick button …

    Clans and other formations

    To transfer all the clan registry from WoT to WoWp
    To make air map controlled by clans like “Dead head elite tank armour”?
    To give opportunity to clans to make their own skins (or to choose from unique, belonging to certain squadrons) but to make them available (or obligatory) only for definite clan (also a special sign for clan commander, commander deputies etc.)
    Clan emblem will be definitely on all the aircraft of clan members. We’ll try to implement also clan posts signs
    Ultimate conquest
    Battles cooperated with tanks
    Example: Battle of Kursk, air battle. Team A (Air-clan) wins this battle. The next battle the team can get randomly air-cover for certain sector. The same for WoT clans. E.g. tank team И captures the base of team A then place anti-aircraft guns there.
    It will not be implemented because:
    •We want WoWp and WoT clans to conclude agreements about such service
    •Automatically it is not possible because WoT and WoWp province maps may differ
    • To implement opportunity of air laying mines on Global Map. To lay mines clan should pay some amount of gold from its treasury. Mines are laid automatically by the server. What is the purpose of it: attacking team will be encouraged to attack because def will be very unsuitable.
    Perfect idea! Air mines for gold and air minesweepers for brilliants!
    •Regarding to company battles and UC I suggest the following:
    •Some aircraft having 2 pilots crew- one is piloting another is a navigator, who is shooting, bombing etc. Such aircraft are to be in doth hangars, credits and XP points go on halves, when this crew member is shot down (killed, contused) the player does not play and the plane is driven by another crew member…
    • No we are not going to provide such system. It does not correspond the desired gameplay and we see too much work on server side.

    To unify forum and game account
    AFAIK such suggestions were discussed regarding WoT accounts. The same system will be in WoWp.
    As beige colour is used in WoT forum I suggest using sky blue for WoWp forum.
    Blue is already kept for teamkillers.
    To give an opportunity to display nickname with spaces.
    Unfortunately it is technical restriction
    There is a lack of WG styled smiles on forum. Make special air-force styled smiles.
    We are working on it.
    To unify game and forum accounts for all the three worlds. (WoT, WoWp, Wo
    We’ll do it.

    Dear Administration!
    I suggest making small so called jackpot.
    After the game release set up a countdown for 7 days.
    I’ve got 2 variants for it:
    1) Choose award type (credits, gold experience), choose three multipliers (depends on award type of course).
    Example on credits:
    Player tries to win as many battles as he can. The number of victories is divided into three scales. 1st (100 to 200), 2nd (200 to 300) and 3rd (above 300) of course it is only example. Then we place coefficients: 1st scale - К1, 2nd - К2 и 3rd -К3. Then number of victories multiplied by the coefficient gives win.
    2)This is lottery principle. To win with the greatest K is possible but it stands little chance of success. The sense is as follows: 1st scale: К1 50%, К2 35% and К3 15% of chance. The second scale: К1 15%, К2 50%, К3 35%. Third scale has the same principle. So, our victories are the points for an entry and the scale values the chance for different Ks
    So, we can lift interest for a player from the very beginning and rise on-line
    Author: GreenGrapes_
    I would like to note that we are not going to take up any measures to pump on-line at the very beginning, especially the 1st week. We are afraid of being overcrowded by WoT players. Regarding to the statement that player chooses most preferable award for him depending on victories’ number- It should be considered, however only as an element of some event. This is inappropriate for routine days.
    I would like Multilanguage game interface and sound ( Russian, English, German etc)
    There will be as much localizations as possible. WoT for example is localized into 30 languages. First of all sound will be made for nations represented by in-game aircraft.
    In WoT at the loading you see turning gear; I suggest turning propeller for WoWp.
    •We’ll do it
    Colour of a player will depend on his efficiency.
    Very doubtful. One thing – to paint stars, suns and crosses on the fuselage and another to mark efficient player by colour. It seems as if we penalize the most successful players to initiate a special hunting for them.
    To make a simple test for intellect at registration
    Dream, dreams… I shake your hand
    Add hangar life.
    Add working technicians, wandering pilots, pilots having rest after flight, sitting at the desks and grind their skills, to increase quality of repairing and lowers its cost, free technicians can be used as general workers or to choose free profession, to take free experienced from skilled workers, invent new technologies etc…
    Clan leader must have a special character in his hangar (commander in-chief) that sits beside the map and invents the strategy. (It can also be made as a link to Global map and ultimate challenge.
    To make not only buttons but animated characters as in quests, where clicking a pilot leads to barracks, clicking the map to Ultimate conquests, newspapers to forum news etc.
    To make pilots’ market (where player can buy or sell pilots and premium pilots’ shop with extra, unique skills)
    So, there will be many opportunities, actions between battles, new gold consumables etc.
    According to statistics 5% of players cannot find “Battle” button. If we make pilot use such an overcrowded hangar I’m afraid it will increase the number of lost ones. Regarding to the idea to add working men — we will do it only if it doesn’t influence the performance.
    To deprive dead players of right to write in battle chat. They flood and only insult other players! Let them have their own dead players chat.
    In one wonderful game dead players turned to ghosts and they could be heard only by the Priest, to prevent hearing to them he had to hide in a wardrobe…
    Make General and Company chat channels be turned off on users desire
    We hope very much that we will manage to give up general chat at all.
    Do not forget about colour-blind mode with changing interface colour.
    We will not forget
    To unify all of the three Worlds and probable World of Infantry to global «WorldofWar» game
    Of course together with World of Logistics for decent connoisseurs.
    To make an auction where some equipment, modules, consumables, pilots, provinces can be bought or sold for credits.
    You will have it if we manage to implement it in WoT.
    Unified launcher for all three products.
    It is still under consideration. Evident minus – launcher installs upgrade to WoB and you cannot play WoWp.
    If you have a WoT account- add a button to launcher to register in WoWp automatically
    We will make this button. However registration- is not launcher’s duty.
    Unified account
    We’ll make it.
    To make WoWp as patch to WoT. So, when WoWp is released, all the WoT players download WoWp game client automatically and you will bу able to switch in the game client between tank garage and planes hangar. So we will have unified game client.
    What percent of this idea are you going to get? 20% percent of furious players writing to support after having downloaded 2 unexpected Gb?
    To make map similar to WoT map but to change aircraft icons depending on their altitude according youк plane.
    Both current minimap and map are not convenient for us. We will work much over it to increase message comprehension and usability
    To add option of observing all the aircraft including unresearched in 3D mode as if it is already at hangar.
    Yes, it is planned.[/i]
    In the installer you should add PC performance check up, and if it does not correspond the minimal requirements note it to user.
    It will be probably done, but in distant future. First we will make automatic PC performance and option resetting.
    Opportunity to line up your own aircraft in random order. This will help to bring collectioners’ hangars into order.
    Thank you. Noticed it.
    In WoT maximal performance can be obtained only on x64 OS, for those having Windows 7 it is not comfortable as 64x Win7 is awful. I have Intel core i5, 6 GB of RAM, 4 GB of video, my pc runs GTA4 on maximum and I can launch 5-6 powerful games at the same time –no lags of glitches, perfect connection-5mbps.
    However, at the same time I cannot set WoT options for maximum (I have got Windows 7 32x Home premium). I’d like to prevent such casus in WoWp to tune it up to 32x OS and multi-core CPU
    Honestly, we’d love it. Working hard over game engine.
    To increase number of aircraft in battle from 15vs15 to 30 vs 30
    Main game mode is still in development. For now 15 vs 15 looks pretty fine.
    To make fast predefined phrases as in WoT (Affirmative! Help! Etc.)
    Yes of course if we manage to get rid of spammers…
    To enlarge 2 min. AFK limit to at least 5 min for BSOD reasons- 2 min are too short period to reload PC and client
    In WoWp gameplay is more rapid than in WoT and 2 minutes is too much. We will better try to accelerate loading time.
    To give opportunity to frap video or to make frame-by frame photos as camera gun
    We are not going to overcharge client with such options but we will provide some outsource soft.
    To provide a solo training.
    Some alpha-testers benefits- water planes or vertical take-off and landing aircraft
    So should we strike you off the list for getting an Ahnenerbe flying saucer?

  6. #96
    OMG ...un résumé plz ? :feignant:

  7. #97
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Citation Envoyé par Quitol Voir le message
    OMG ...un résumé plz ? :feignant:
    Je n'ai même pas lu...

  8. #98
    C'est plein de questions et de suggestions sur le jeu. Donc il n'y a que les réponses des dévs et admins qui sont intéressantes et ils font tout pour être aussi peu clairs que possibles, sans compter les fois où ils disent des choses qu'on savait déjà..

    En gros :
    - les pilotes ne seront pas tuables mais pourront être blessés et donc leur efficacité se réduira.
    - les dégâts sur les commandes de l'avion auront des conséquences sur son comportement (lesquelles, c'est encore à l'étude).
    - les mitrailleurs seront des bots et on ne pourra pas contrôler leurs tirs. Les munitions qu'ils dépenseront ne nous coûteront rien.
    - on pourra varier l'armement des avions. Roquettes et bombes sont prévus, missiles et bombes guidées non.
    - la base sera défendue par de l'artillerie AA, dirigée par un bot (ou éventuellement un joueur)
    - les bombardiers de haute altitude seront uniquement pilotés par des bots pour des missions d'escorte. Seront jouables les bombardiers en piqué et avions d'attaque au sol.
    - Apparemment, ils réfléchissent sur la gestion de l'armement. On pourra peut-être choisir la composition des munitions (fréquence des balles traçantes, AP et HE).
    - On aura droit à du gros calibre (jusqu'à 75 mm, ne rêvez pas ce sera pour l'attaque au sol).
    - on pourra paramétrer son joystick comme on veut
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  9. #99
    Citation Envoyé par Noir le Lotus Voir le message
    C'est plein de questions et de suggestions sur le jeu. Donc il n'y a que les réponses des dévs et admins qui sont intéressantes et ils font tout pour être aussi peu clairs que possibles, sans compter les fois où ils disent des choses qu'on savait déjà..

    En gros :
    - les pilotes ne seront pas tuables mais pourront être blessés et donc leur efficacité se réduira.
    - les dégâts sur les commandes de l'avion auront des conséquences sur son comportement (lesquelles, c'est encore à l'étude).
    - les mitrailleurs seront des bots et on ne pourra pas contrôler leurs tirs. Les munitions qu'ils dépenseront ne nous coûteront rien.
    - on pourra varier l'armement des avions. Roquettes et bombes sont prévus, missiles et bombes guidées non.
    - la base sera défendue par de l'artillerie AA, dirigée par un bot (ou éventuellement un joueur)
    - les bombardiers de haute altitude seront uniquement pilotés par des bots pour des missions d'escorte. Seront jouables les bombardiers en piqué et avions d'attaque au sol.
    - Apparemment, ils réfléchissent sur la gestion de l'armement. On pourra peut-être choisir la composition des munitions (fréquence des balles traçantes, AP et HE).
    - On aura droit à du gros calibre (jusqu'à 75 mm, ne rêvez pas ce sera pour l'attaque au sol).
    - on pourra paramétrer son joystick comme on veut
    j'ai pas lu la seconde partie, mais en plus on aura droit à deux sortes de conduites , paramétrables (?): une "simplifiée", le joueur se contente de donner la direction et l'IA fait le reste, et une "avancé" où le joueur contrôle complètement l'appareil.
    Vu l'importance que risque d'avoir l'IA, z'ont pas intérêt à la foirer...

  10. #100
    Citation Envoyé par Quitol Voir le message
    j'ai pas lu la seconde partie, mais en plus on aura droit à deux sortes de conduites , paramétrables (?): une "simplifiée", le joueur se contente de donner la direction et l'IA fait le reste, et une "avancé" où le joueur contrôle complètement l'appareil.
    Vu l'importance que risque d'avoir l'IA, z'ont pas intérêt à la foirer...
    Ouais enfin vu le QI du tankiste WoT moyen, même un IA programmée genre "Go Forward - Target Ennemy on sight - Shoot" ferait l'affaire mieux que certains...
    ...Vous auriez un Régulateur de Magnétoshpère Hydroélectrique ?

  11. #101
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Anton: announce the date of the second closed beta of World of Warplanes, this winter.

  12. #102
    Très sympa l'À venir sur World of Warplanes, dans le dernier CPC de Nowel.
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  13. #103
    Citation Envoyé par keulz Voir le message
    Anton: announce the date of the second closed beta of World of Warplanes, this winter.
    en gros à partir de dans 2 jours, ils se donnent 3 mois pour annoncer la date d'ouverture de la prochaine beta fermé.

  14. #104
    Citation Envoyé par Jalkar Voir le message
    en gros à partir de dans 2 jours, ils se donnent 3 mois pour annoncer la date d'ouverture de la prochaine beta fermé.

    Cf page 69 du canard cité dans le message #102. Et non, je ne vais pas leak, c'tout
    Bon, après, ça reste de l'approximatif.
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  15. #105

  16. #106
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Citation Envoyé par Jalkar Voir le message
    J'ai pas l'canard

  17. #107
    T'es gentil, permaban !
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  18. #108

  19. #109
    Citation Envoyé par Valmon Voir le message
    Ooooooooh yeah baby

  20. #110
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Dernière modification par keulz ; 18/01/2012 à 11h44.

  21. #111
    Bon on a déjà la réponse à une première question : ils ont bien fait une branche USAF et une branche navy comme certains le demandaient.

    Je remarque quand même quelques absents de marque : pas de F6F Hellcat, c'est surprenant. Le P-47 est absent aussi mais il se retrouvera sûrement dans la branche attaque au sol. Le Hawk 75M n'est qu'une version prototype du P-36. Et le P-39 est absent alors qu'on l'a vu dans les trailers et les premières images et son successeur P-63 aurait sa place aussi.

    Autre chose étrange le Fury est un avion embarqué donc sa place serait plutôt dans l'autre branche.

    A en juger selon cet arbre, tous les appareils célèbres de la 2è guerre mondiale seront entre les tiers 5 et 7.
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  22. #112
    tain j'avais pas suivi ce jeu depuis son annonce, ça avance bien dis-donc !!
    hâte de pouvoir tester ça !

  23. #113
    Citation Envoyé par Noir le Lotus Voir le message
    Bon on a déjà la réponse à une première question : ils ont bien fait une branche USAF et une branche navy comme certains le demandaient.

    Je remarque quand même quelques absents de marque : pas de F6F Hellcat, c'est surprenant. Le P-47 est absent aussi mais il se retrouvera sûrement dans la branche attaque au sol. Le Hawk 75M n'est qu'une version prototype du P-36. Et le P-39 est absent alors qu'on l'a vu dans les trailers et les premières images et son successeur P-63 aurait sa place aussi.

    Autre chose étrange le Fury est un avion embarqué donc sa place serait plutôt dans l'autre branche.

    A en juger selon cet arbre, tous les appareils célèbres de la 2è guerre mondiale seront entre les tiers 5 et 7.
    Mouais un peu bizarre cet arbre, notamment l'absence du Hellcat et le Fury côté USAF (et le Cutlass en T10 ).
    Citation Envoyé par multiplex66 Voir le message
    bande de naze

  24. #114
    tous les appareils célèbres de la 2è guerre mondiale seront entre les tiers 5 et 7.
    Comme WoT, donc, à peu de choses près (KV, IS, T-34, Sherman et E8 et Jumbo, PzIV, Tiger).
    Par contre, on veut bien des détails (genre pourquoi le Cutlass T10 c'est , etc), vu la franche noobitude en aviation de la plupart des tankistes
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  25. #115
    Tiens je suis tombé sur un topic de réponses des dévs assez récent.

    Nouvelles infos :

    * Pas de dirigeables, ni de barrages de ballons
    * Si le réservoir de carburant est touché, on ne tombera pas à sec, mais un incendie ou une explosion sont possibles (IRL, c'était parfois quand l'appareil endommagé utilisait ses armes que l'incendie se déclarait, car les gaz dégagés par les armes suffisaient parfois à enflammer le carburant qui suintait du réservoir, je doute quand même que cela soit le cas dans le jeu)
    * le modèle de vol sera plutôt arcade (pas de vrille notamment, mais le décrochage est possible). Tonneaux et loopings sont possibles.
    * la convergence sera peut-être réglable (les armes dans les ailes ne tirent pas de façon parallèle dans l'axe de l'avion, elles sont réglées pour concentrer le tir sur le même endroit). Le tir des armes de nez seront elles bien dans l'axe de l'avion.
    * On retrouvera certaines maps de WoT : ainsi une des cartes reprendra El Halluf et Sand River.
    * Les batailles de nuit sont toujours en cours de discussion.
    * un voice chat sera mis en place, le jeu étant trop dynamique pour taper du texte
    * L'armement embarqué sera modulable, et il affectera les performances de l'avion (par exemple le taux de roulis pour les armements des ailes).
    * on pourra transférer des XPs de WoT à WoWP mais on ne sait pas encore si un compte premium sera commun aux deux ou s'il faudra payer 2 fois.
    * Les bombardiers en piqué sont prévus mais pas de détail.
    * l'atterrissage en fin de partie est de nouveau évoqué (il rapportera des XPs supplémentaires s'il est réussit et augmentera les coûts de réparation en cas d'échec). Les parties commenceront directement dans les airs.
    * Il y aura un système de spot similaire à celui de WoT
    * Pas de missiles guidés, mais des roquettes.
    * Il y aura un système de lock pour suivre une cible
    * Les G influeront sur l'équipage (voile noir ? voile rouge ?) mais pas de perte de conscience ni de destruction de l'appareil si trop de G sont encaissés. Une compétence Résistance aux Gs est prévue. Apparemment, ils prendront en compte le fait que les pilotes de F86 avaient des combinaisons anti-G mais pas les pilotes de MiG 15 (ben et le russian bias ?).
    * le MM sera en gros similaire à celui de WoT en mélangeant des avions de tiers différents, mais il prendra en compte d'autres critères (lesquels ? mystère !!). Les stats du joueur ne seront pas prises en compte en tout cas. La défense AA sera modulée en fonction des avions engagés (comprenez que plus vous êtes haut tiers, et plus elle fera mal ou sra précise !!)
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  26. #116
    Penser à mettre un sous-titre Avatar de keulz
    ain et agressif
    Merci noir, j'avais trop la flemme...

  27. #117
    Citation Envoyé par fenrhir Voir le message
    Comme WoT, donc, à peu de choses près (KV, IS, T-34, Sherman et E8 et Jumbo, PzIV, Tiger).
    Par contre, on veut bien des détails (genre pourquoi le Cutlass T10 c'est , etc), vu la franche noobitude en aviation de la plupart des tankistes
    Parce qu'il est super laid:

    De plus il a eu une carrière très courte (5 ans) car sous-motorisé et sujet à de nombreux problèmes techniques (même si ces problèmes ne seront pas pris en compte dans le jeu).

    Le Fury était un avion embarqué sur les porte-avions de la US Navy, donc il devrait logiquement être placé dans la branche des chasseurs embarqués.

    Le F6F fut l'avion emblématique de la Navy dans le Pacifique (et l'avion le plus titré de cette dernière), car il lui permit de concurrencer efficacement l'A6M Zéro japonais et donc de reprendre la supériorité aérienne.
    Dernière modification par Wannamama ; 18/01/2012 à 14h11.
    Citation Envoyé par multiplex66 Voir le message
    bande de naze

  28. #118
    J'ai oublié de préciser un truc sur les réponses des dévs :

    Les parties durent bien 15 minutes maximum, mais les dévs parlent d'une durée moyenne de 3-5 minutes actuellement. Sachant qu'il s'agit d'un serveur alpha où l'ambiance doit être proche des serveurs de tests WoT, je pense qu'il faut prendre les chiffres annoncés avec des pincettes, les parties risquent d'être assez similaires à WoT en durée.
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  29. #119
    Citation Envoyé par Noir le Lotus Voir le message
    J'ai oublié de préciser un truc sur les réponses des dévs :

    Les parties durent bien 15 minutes maximum, mais les dévs parlent d'une durée moyenne de 3-5 minutes actuellement. Sachant qu'il s'agit d'un serveur alpha où l'ambiance doit être proche des serveurs de tests WoT, je pense qu'il faut prendre les chiffres annoncés avec des pincettes, les parties risquent d'être assez similaires à WoT en durée.
    Oui et non, tu ne verras jamais des T-59 camper dans la base, ça devrait être plus rapide du coup.
    Citation Envoyé par Candace, shirlideur
    Candace est dans le business du matériel chirurgical, elle pense que le bonheur est le but le plus important dans une vie et aime les bains moussants.

  30. #120
    Citation Envoyé par Shurin Voir le message
    Oui et non, tu ne verras jamais des T-59 camper dans la base, ça devrait être plus rapide du coup.
    C'est vrai, à la place, tu auras 2 FW-190 D9 tournant haut au-dessus de la base en se cachant dans le soleil, dans l'attente de fondre sur la moindre cible qui tenterait un cap, pendant que le reste de leur équipe bataille dure malgré l'absence de ses 2 top tiers contre l'équipe adverse.

    "D9 come help us please !!"
    "You noobs, I stay in sun, german planes are made for boom&zoom"
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

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