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Affichage des résultats 1 à 4 sur 4
  1. #1

    i reboot hit install then it goes down a list of files and codes then it says end of process or somthing like that.and ive tried live cd

  2. #2
    You questioning here on a French board is an absolute wonder to me. But no worries, I think we can help you out anyway.

    You don't give much information for a start. Which distribution are you using? Have you checked the hash of the .iso you downloaded? Did you burn it as slow as possible, to make sure there isn't any error on the disc itself?
    Citation Envoyé par Amantine Aurore Lucile Dupin
    Donnez-moi la première babiole que vous aurez sur vous... Tenez, cette pokeball d'ivoire émaillé que vous avez là en main.

  3. #3
    Citation Envoyé par chrisssteeven Voir le message

    i reboot hit install then it goes down a list of files and codes then it says end of process or somthing like that.and ive tried live cd
    Download and burn this >

    Really easy to install

    As an alternative choice there's this >

  4. #4
    My tailor is rich.

    Where is my umbrella ?

    Bob is in the kitchen

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