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  1. #451

  2. #452
    Il parait qu'Olivier a plus la côte auprès des téléspectateur(trice)s
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  3. #453

  4. #454
    The HUD system is now fully working in A2, it incorporates a new RWR display too

    The RWR shows incomming missiles locked on your plane, this allows you to maneouver in best position and drop countermeasures. For playability purposes the incomming missiles are displayed in light green lines in the RWR display which display area covers 2Km around the plane.

    This system is applicable to any existing or future plane type with the execution of a single script. The parameters passed configure the system capabilities as well as the hud itself (RWR available or not, HUD info available or not, ammo and countermeasures left info available or not, etc).

    Pour rejoindre l'aventure Star Citizen et avoir un bonus de 5.000 UEC, n'hésitez pas à entrer mon code de parrainage : STAR-M6RV-N2K4

  5. #455
    Alors ça c'est magnifique à se demander pourquoi c'est pas de base sur A2.

  6. #456
    Tant qu'on a ça sur arma2, je leur pardonne tout le reste (notez le lapin a l'arrière, une marque de bon gouts ... Ou pas ...)

    Sinon il est a l'air vraiment sympa cet addon de mando mais j'espère qu'il marchera mieux que le RSKL qui n'a jamais fonctionné chez moi (pas de contremesures)
    Dernière modification par Slayertom ; 29/08/2009 à 18h11.

  7. #457
    -MàJ des unités de SchnapsdroSel :

    Changes in this version:

    - added some new desert mercs
    - added some new blackop mercs
    - added medics
    - added wdl mercs
    - added gas masks
    - added pilot mask and visor
    - added Terrorists
    - added Taliban
    - added Gangstas

    Comme d'hab' c'est de la trés trés bonne came, et ça se chope .

  8. #458

  9. #459
    Tu l'as dit bouffie, par contre ça couille avec le CAA1 apparemment, devrait y avoir un fix soon. D'ailleurs CAA1 fait merder pas mal d'addons, faut le temps que tout se mette en place...

  10. #460

  11. #461
    -Rellikki est de retour et il est en forme : Chernarussian Red Army troops :

    Dispo ici.

    -RAH66 Comanche (nécessite le CBA) :

    Dispo ici.

    -Night lighting effects :

    Dispo ici.

    -Fix des units de SchnapsdroSel (pour le CAA1) :

    SchnapsdroSel released an updated version to fix some issues with the previous release as well as to make it CAA1 compatible.
    If you already downloaded this you will have to redownload the whole package again.
    Même lien qu'en haut.
    Dernière modification par GI-JoE ; 30/08/2009 à 03h11.

  12. #462
    Citation Envoyé par Voodoonice Voir le message
    The HUD system is now fully working in A2, it incorporates a new RWR display too

    The RWR shows incomming missiles locked on your plane, this allows you to maneouver in best position and drop countermeasures. For playability purposes the incomming missiles are displayed in light green lines in the RWR display which display area covers 2Km around the plane.

    This system is applicable to any existing or future plane type with the execution of a single script. The parameters passed configure the system capabilities as well as the hud itself (RWR available or not, HUD info available or not, ammo and countermeasures left info available or not, etc).

    Raaaahh ca c'est du bon mod, ca va tout changer (dans le bon sens) niveau combat aerien!

  13. #463
    Ho oui que ça semble bon, vivement que la première release du Mando Missile sorte, il y a pas mal d'amélioration par rapport à la version pour Armed Assault.
    En attendant : bêta RKSL Countermeasures System :

    Dernière modification par ATP ; 30/08/2009 à 22h02. Motif: ajout vidéo addon RKSL Contermeasures System (AC-130)
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  14. #464
    On a des nouvelles concernant le CAA1 addons ? Car j'aimerais quand même bien le mettre sur notre serveur (ainsi que les iles cutsom).

  15. #465
    Aucune nouvelle depuis le post de Placebo. Le topic est toujours en place, et pas mal de missions utilisant cet addon sortent chaque jour.
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  16. #466
    - mise à jour du SLX (WIP) :
    Added :
    • SLX_Shout to make AIs say stuff
    • Added SLX_VehicleEffects: Damage effects on vehicles
    • SLX_Melee: Hand-to-hand weapons
    • glass impact dust
    • street lights and headlights replacement

    Fixed :
    • most .RPT errors
    • reload shout after loading save games
    • taking captives
    • AIs overcrowding buildings
    • dragging get out/eject/move to back stuff
    • grenade launchers
    • missing dialogue
    • rocket fire effect
    • wounded animation hit bounce effect
    • utility ammo so vopsound won't conflict anymore. Should be fully VopSound compatible now.

    Other :
    • Increased aiming speed in CfgAISkill
    • Faster civil crouch dying animations
    • Separated no crosshairs into another addon
    • Suppressive fire positions now called "positions" so AIs should report them as "enemy positions to our front" etc.
    • And a few more

    Note :
    He still needs to find what is causing the occasional lag pause and to look into the AI's occasionally putting weapons down!
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  17. #467
    - mise à jour 3.0 du Mercenaries and BlackOps :

    • fixed issues with CAA1
    • fixed a bug with the Insurgents class
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  18. #468
    -US Army '09 par Binkowski :

    Dispo ici.

    @ATP : trop tard petit scarabé, j'en parle au dessus

  19. #469
    Citation Envoyé par GI-JoE Voir le message
    @ATP : trop tard petit scarabé, j'en parle au dessus
    Heu, oui mais nan . Il était important de signaler pour les amateurs de cet addon que, depuis ton post, les bugs avec le CAA1 et les Insurgés avaient été fixés (enfin, dans le changelog, après ça reste à vérifier).

    [edit] - wip Mando Missile :
    MMC TV system for Ka52's vikhrs missiles in dual mode (AA/AG) using a wonderful MFD provided by Raptor6.
    Dernière modification par ATP ; 31/08/2009 à 09h11.
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  20. #470
    Citation Envoyé par GI-JoE Voir le message
    -Fix des units de SchnapsdroSel (pour le CAA1) :

    SchnapsdroSel released an updated version to fix some issues with the previous release as well as to make it CAA1 compatible.
    If you already downloaded this you will have to redownload the whole package again.

    Même lien qu'en haut.

    Et oui le fix marche bien, toujours du bon boulot

  21. #471
    Oups, au temps pour moi Gi-JoE, je n'avais pas vu ton [edit] au bas du post.

    [edit] bon, ben comme pour Tom et d'autres la bêta du RKSL Countermeasures System ne semble pas vouloir fonctionner chez moi, vivement le Mando Missile. Pour le RKSL, j'ai installé l'ensemble des autres pbo qu'il réclame (RKSL System V2.00 & RKSL Flares V2.00) dans le même répertoire (@RKSL). Vous avez procédez de même ?
    Dernière modification par ATP ; 31/08/2009 à 09h28.
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  22. #472
    I never liked the super weird smoke effect given off by the Arma2 guns. It was mostly the fact that the smoke didn't move in the direction that you were firing, it always moved straight in front of you, even if you were aiming straight up. It was also WAY too visible, and as a gun user it was very unrealistic to me. I made this effect based on some videos I made of me shooting my SKS, so it is at least based on a military rifle. It isn't as intense as it should be for machine guns, but all rifles have to use the same effect unfortunately.
    Dernière modification par O.Boulon ; Aujourd'hui à 13h37

  23. #473
    Citation Envoyé par GI-JoE Voir le message

    Et oui le fix marche bien, toujours du bon boulot

  24. #474
    SLX 1.15

    Fixed dismemberment effect, also fixed a huge pause from the blood effect when people were killed with extremely high amounts of damage.
    Increased AI spotting range.
    Fixed some script errors.
    Some rockets should no longer have locking/guiding.
    Fixed some script errors.
    Made fire more likely to happen when vehicles are destroyed.
    Fixed people going prone when suppressed.
    Player won't shout "contact".
    Lower aiming angles so AIs don't aim up too high when throwing grenades, and people don't recoil back and forth so far when hit

  25. #475
    "dismemberment" ? Cool j'ai hâte de voir ça.

  26. #476
    Citation Envoyé par Jean Pale Voir le message
    C'est quoi l'intéret du SLX dans arma 2, dans arma1 avec leur module/gestion de soin je conçois que c'était pas mal.

    Autant dans arma2 ils ont gardé le même, et je trouve que leur gestion de gestion/transport des blessés fait pale figure par rapport aux modules de base du jeu (tu deviens un "véhicule" dès que tu traines qqun.)

  27. #477
    Il a strictement aucun interet cet addon ... A part peut etre

    Envoyé par Solus Voir le message
    Thanks for the mirrors!

    Flarmapoint 2: Could you please write what the exact situation was where the game paused and lagged.

    Explosions when shooting? Bizzare. Try running SLX and CBA alone, with no other addons and see if it still happens.

    R3volution: It could be vopsound adding an extra explosion sound to the grenades which the blood droplets inherit from, I'll get vopsound and find the config entry and make sure the blood droplets replace it with a null sound.

    Froggyluv: Yep, the OFP SLX bullet based sounds were the best, the sound was positional so you could hear them fly past into the distance just like in real life, unfortunately the sound mechanics for the bullets in ArmA are different so the bullet based sounds get really high pitched when flying at you.

    For freezing, I don't know if I've experienced this specifically but my game sometimes freezes but I thought it was just my laptop video card overheating. Try removing one of these addons and testing to see if it freezes again, and if it does then remove the next addon and test, and repeat until they are all gone, try them in this order of probability: SLX_ReloadShout, SLX_GL3.pbo, SLX_AI_TurnMove, SLX_ShotEffects, SLX_Wounds, SLX_SmokeGrenades.

    Remember to restart the mission after removing one of the addons because the save files contain a lot of the code.

    Also screenshots and gameplay video from working graphics cards would be very appreciated for analysis of combat simulation.

    To do: Get Vopsound and fix blood droplet sounds, fix move in back dragging bug, fix blood flickering, fix reloading shout with save games, eventually fix script errors, check grenade launchers. Thanks for feedback everyone!

    Addon descriptions:
    SLX_AI_TurnMove.pbo: Make AIs move directionally toward their expected destination for a moment, instead of the default rotate and move forward, rotate and move forward.

    SLX_AISkill.pbo: Change the CfgAISkill settings to be more dynamic and try to make the AIs more human.

    SLX_Anim_Crawl.pbo: Make the fast crawl mode faster. Based on real life personal experience of crawling.

    SLX_Anim_Death.pbo: Faster dying animations. Based on timings from real footage.

    SLX_Anim_GrenadeThrow.pbo: Faster grenade throw transitions and animations, and slower turn speed while throwing so AIs don't throw grenades in crazy directions. Based on real life personal experience of throwing objects.

    SLX_Anim_HoldSprint.pbo: Turns off continuous sprinting, so that the turbo key can be pressed to sprint and then released to drop back to running instead of stopping to go to jogging. Not sure if it's necessary after one of the patches.

    SLX_Anim_Idle.pbo: Fixed idle animations so they don't have to finish playing to transition to the dying animations. Made the idle animations take longer between new idle animations so they have time to play. Added more default idle animations.

    SLX_Anim_Jump.pbo: Faster jumping over things. Based on real life personal experience of jumping over obstacles, sometimes with over 100 lbs of gear.

    SLX_Anim_MoveTransitions.pbo: Faster stance changes. Based on real life footage and personal experience of changing stances, sometimes with over 100 lbs of gear.

    SLX_Anim_WeaponTransitions.pbo: Faster weapon switching and stance changes. Based on real life footage and personal experience.

    SLX_Anims.pbo: Currently no effect. Attempted to make women use all animations.

    SLX_Anims_PistolCivil.pbo: Adds the safety weapon action and allows pistols to be holstered.

    SLX_Cartriges.pbo: Adds spent shell casings that fly out correctly, according to real life footage and personal experience.

    SLX_Cloud.pbo: Custom cloudlets that can be used for config or drop effects.

    SLX_Dialogue.pbo: Fixes missing words and adds larger voice pitch variations.

    SLX_Effects.pbo: Rocket engine effects and eventually more effects.

    SLX_FindCover.pbo: AI utility functions for finding cover and making AI's make a course diversion then continue on to their original destination.

    SLX_GL3.pbo: Group Link 3. Helps AIs share information between groups, enter nearby buildings for better cover if they are in combat or aware mode at mission start, lay down suppressive fire, panic when recieving suppressive fire, call other groups for help in combat, conduct basic tactical maneuvers based on the situation for attacking, defending, and retreating, allows AIs to surrender if they are defeated.

    SLX_GunSmoke.pbo: Gun smoke effects based on real life footage and personal experience.

    SLX_Impacts.pbo: Bullet impact effects based on real life footage and personal experience.

    SLX_LoadingBlank.pbo: Optional blank loading screens for a less militaristic atmosphere.

    SLX_Mod_Veh_Core.pbo: Many features: Default vehicle values for hearing, human spotting ability, keeping formation time so AIs have a chance to do stuff before moving on, removed magic radar from commander view by default, extended view limits based on real life personal experience, lower default threat levels so AIs can determine real threats better, less minimum time spent firing on a target so AIs can do other things if they have to, more crouch probability in combat based on real life footage, changed human damage levels and armor based on real life footage and statistics (W. E. Fairbairn), vehicles should not explode by default when destroyed, most buildings should be referred to as "buildings" not "houses".

    SLX_ModWeapons_c.pbo: Many changes to ammo, magazines, and weapons based on real life footage, statistics, information, and characteristics. Many values based on CAVS the Common Armor Value System which translates real life muitions statistics into game values, many of the sources and information are documented in the .cpp comments, most explsives values are based on actual explosives charge weight. AI settings changed to make AI use the weapons, ammunition, and fire modes effectively as humans would.

    Default bullet values and calculations:
    Hit = 7; // Diameter in millimerters rounded up + 1? Should be about + 1.5-2. 5.45 or 5.56->6+1=7
    IndirectHit=3; // Indirect damage is applied to the hit points based on how far away they the hit is. The closer the hit is to the hit point the more indirect damage there is. This somewhat simulates the random damage effects that bullet hits seem to have. Some hits will be clost to the hit point and give more damage simulating hitting a vital area like hitting an artery. Some shots will hit far from any hit points and will have less damage simulating a flesh wound that doesn't hit anything vital like muscle or a grazing shot along the skin.
    IndirectHitRange=0.2; // Range to hit other hit points such as arms+torso, etc. Indirect damage is applied to all hit points within range. 2 indirect damage to arms + 2 indirect damage to torso + 2 indirect damage to head = 6 damage applied. Damage is scaled down for hit points further away.

    SLX_ModWeapons_MGReload.pbo: Make machine guns have a longer reloading time.

    SLX_ModWeapons_Sounds.pbo: Supersonic bullet sounds from real life footage.

    SLX_NetCode.pbo: Simple network utility to execute code on all clients.

    SLX_ReloadShout.pbo: Have people shout "reloading" when their magazine is empty and they need to reload. They don't shout when they are alone or someone in their group is in stealth mode.

    SLX_ShotEffects.pbo: People throw close grenades away from themselves if they see the person who threw it, supersonic bullet "trace" vapor trail, RPG rocket and grenade launcher arming distance, rocket course deviation, vehicle weapons eject empty casings, AIs dodge away from bullet hits, tracers and explosives set things on fire (not implemented yet).

    SLX_SmokeGrenades.pbo: Smoke grenades float above the ground so they don't disappear because of a bug in ArmA 2.

    SLX_Wounds.pbo: Based on real life footage and statistics (W. E. Fairbairn, FBI, police,, etc).

    Location based wound effects on people when they are hit.
    Arms - Small chance of an accidental discharge of their primary weapon. Small chance of dropping primary and/or secondary weapon when arms are very damaged.
    Legs - Good chance of falling down prone if legs are very damaged. No effect when already prone.
    Torso - Good chance of getting knocked down and out of breath for a second if damage is over 50%. If the torso is over 80% damaged and overall health is less than 60% then the person is critically wounded.
    Head - 30% chance of temporary deafness and a 40% chance of temporary deafness, disorientation, and falling down if head is less than 50% damaged, most likely caused by grenade blasts. 90% chance of temporary deafness and falling if head is over 50% damaged.

    If the person is hit in the head, body, or legs and overall health is less than the "SLX_Wounded" value then they are critically wounded.

    Critically wounded :
    The person drops their primary weapon and lays on the ground writhing and screaming until either they are healed or die. They are unable to shoot any weapons, but can still throw hand grenades, so watch out. Killing wounded people that pose no threat at the moment(haven't thrown a hand grenade) will deduct 450 rating points. So if you have 0 rating points and killing a soldier gets +200 rating points and you kill a wounded soldier you end up with -250 rating points.

    Dragging wounded/dead:
    Wounded or dead people can be dragged to a safer location for giving first aid, corpse recovery, or item scavenging. Be careful of moving heavily wounded people though, moving them might kill them.

    Giving first aid to wounded:
    Giving first aid is based on the skill of the person giving first aid. If first aid is unsuccessful in stabilizing the wounded person's condition then you will have to wait for a while before trying again. Giving first aid gives you rating points proportional to the skill of the person first aid is being given to.

    Taking captives:
    If a wounded enemy is healed they will surrender. They can be taken captive and you can tell them to stay or follow you. If the captive is too far from you they will try to escape and continue fighting. Taking captives gives you rating points proportional to the skill of the person being taken captive. Killing captives suffers the same rating deduction as for killing wounded. For a zero skilled soldier you should get 200 points for giving them first aid and taking them captive, the same as if you had killed them, but if you kill them after giving first aid and taking them captive you still end up losing 50 rating points.

    Moving dead/wounded/captives in vehicles:
    Wounded, dead, and captives can be moved into vehicles by using the Drag or Follow action when in a vehicle. Make sure the action is in your action menu when entering the vehicle or you won't be able to use it. There must be free cargo space in the vehicle for the person to enter. Try moving the person to the other side of the vehicle from where you enter, then look at the person and the action should show up.

    Dropped weapons:
    Dropped weapons can be destroyed by using the action menu close to them or by damaging(by shooting, etc) them to 50%. They can only be picked up by the action menu. They are affected by physics and can get thrown into the air from explosions.

    AI's helping wounded/dead:
    AI's will automatically try and help wounded or dead people. They will attempt to drag them into a safer position before giving first aid or scavenging weapons. AI's immediately go into alert mode when someone is wounded or killed.

    AI's taking secondary weapons and machine guns:
    If someone with a secondary weapon or a machine gun dies then another AI from their squad will attempt to come and pick up the weapon.

    If a person is killed with a high explosive and their velocity is high enough then they will be torn apart. Can be disabled by setting number of gibs to zero.
    Et encore ça, c'est l'ancien changelog que je quote du message de Jean pale sur la page précédente.

  28. #478
    Il n'a donc aucun intérêt

  29. #479
    Je suis d'accord avec Choum en ce qui concerne les soins c'est mieux dans le jeu de base, qui plus est le faster dying répète des fois deux l'anime de mort quand l'ai traine ses blessés.

    Le jet de smoke pour se couvrir côté AI et le rearm d'AI sur les cadavres est dejà pas mal foutu dans VFAI.

    Le fast crawling c'est pas un gage de qualité non plus par contre j'aime bien les temps de rechargement plus long, les échappés d'arme en cas d'explosion.
    Endomollo FlickR Behance Lomo'instant, Fujica GW690 III Contax 139 Quartz Chambre MPP 4X5 avec vue

  30. #480
    Citation Envoyé par Jean Pale Voir le message
    Il n'a donc aucun intérêt
    Exactement, je me demande même pourquoi on en parle ?

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