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  1. #271
    J'ai testé Arcane Marksman, mais pas en profondeur.

    Bref, tu commences avec un arc ou une arbalète (ça dépend de ta race, pour ce que je sais : humain/elfe = arc / nain = arbalète) et un bouquin de magie. (Magie peu puissante, mais magie quand même, c'est toujours un bon appui)

    Assez proche du voleur sinon.
    Citation Envoyé par lordsupra Voir le message
    Les backers sont plus cons que des turfistes en fait, vu que même quand ils parient sur le bon cheval, ils perdent.

  2. #272
    Citation Envoyé par Ivan Joukov Voir le message
    EDIT : Bon du coup je viens d'essayer l'arcane marksman, en High Elf de Sif Muna. Corona est vraiment ultra pratique, je suis pas allé assez loin pour avoir utilité des sorts d'enchantement d'arme mais nul doute que c'est d'un grand secours par la suite surtout avec Swiftness d'activé. Mais par contre les munitions c'est un énorme problème, j'ai fini mes flèches au niveau 3 et je n'en ai jamais trouvé :/
    Faut peut être tenter de vénérer le dieu des guerriers qui te file des munitions en gift régulierment non ?

  3. #273
    Perso, je trouve toujours des flèches, mais trop rarement des carreaux... Comme quoi

    Sinon, en sort d'enchantement d'arme, celui qui transforme (mais pour je ne sais combien de temps) ton arme en arme empoisonnée est 'achement pratique. J'ai pu buter beaucoup de gros monstres.

    Sinn, je meurs toujours connement ; entre le j'enlève mon armure à la place de prendre la hache (z'étaient juste à côté), le je fais pas gaffe aux mobs et continue d'avancer tout droit... (Le problème d'utiliser les flèches directionelles)
    Citation Envoyé par lordsupra Voir le message
    Les backers sont plus cons que des turfistes en fait, vu que même quand ils parient sur le bon cheval, ils perdent.

  4. #274
    Ha oui Okawaru, j'essayerai.
    ☭ Albion Online. Hunt: Showdown. Helldivers 2. Backpack Battles. Forza Motorsport. Simrail. Session ☭
    ✈ DCS (M2000C - F16C - Mirage F1 - A10C II) ✈ Flight Simulator ✈ Gary Grigsby - Steam - Pico-8 - Mastodon

  5. #275
    Niveau 3 du dongeon, personnage niveau 6
    J'ai buté un fantôme d'ancien perso, j'ai buté Sigmund, Jyib le garde gobelin, Jessica. J'ai 60 carreaux, pas mal de potions identifiées.

    Arcane marksman > all

    Edit : Et j'ai fais les égouts. Pas difficile, mais faut quand même faire gaffe aux grenouilles géantes.
    Edit 2 : Etrange. Il n'y a qu'un seul escalier pour descendre. J'ai ratissé tout le niveau (niveau simple), mais rien. Le seul qu'il y a, il y a un gentil petit ogre juste à côté. Si je redescend, il me tombera dessus au corps à corps direct. Et merde, je sens la fin de ma partie
    Edit 3 : Bon, eh bien, finalement, j'avais raison, 1 escalier, dès que je suis descendu, il m'attaquait. Sauf que j'ai réussi à le tuer en 3 carreaux. Chance de cocu spotted
    Edit 4 : Je tourne le couloir, nouvel ogre. Tué avant même qu'il ne me touche. Après j'explose une dizaine de mobs (gobelin/chauve souris ect) Et là, je viens de tomber sur une cache d'arme.
    Une war axe : 11 dégats. Une grosse masse : 14 dégats. Et une dwarf long sword. Avec des incantations dessus.
    Je ne suis qu'au 4ème niveau du donjon
    Dernière modification par Zeppo ; 02/04/2010 à 15h30.
    Citation Envoyé par lordsupra Voir le message
    Les backers sont plus cons que des turfistes en fait, vu que même quand ils parient sur le bon cheval, ils perdent.

  6. #276
    Et du coup tu switch arme de corps à corps / arbalète, et tu n'utilises l'arbalète que pour les monstres dangereux ? Tu portes une armure lourde ?
    ☭ Albion Online. Hunt: Showdown. Helldivers 2. Backpack Battles. Forza Motorsport. Simrail. Session ☭
    ✈ DCS (M2000C - F16C - Mirage F1 - A10C II) ✈ Flight Simulator ✈ Gary Grigsby - Steam - Pico-8 - Mastodon

  7. #277
    Non, je ne garde que mon arbalète. Bon, maintenant, vu que j'ai la faux de sigmund, tout ce qui est petit lézard/gobelin/rat, c'est au corps à corps. (Je suis lvl 8)

    Mais sinon, oui, c'est toujours arbalète. Car même face à des "petits mobs", le perso est très fragile. Le problème, ce sont les munitions, là, j'ai plus que 18 carreaux.

    Pour l'armure, et bien, j'ai encore ma robe de début. Je sais pas si ça influe, mais je pense que ça aide pour rendre le perso plus agile. (Rapidité pour fuir, et éviter les coups) Et à la rigueur, ça ne pénalise pas pour les sorts.

    Est-il possible d'empoisonner ces armes avec une potion ?
    Dernière modification par Zeppo ; 02/04/2010 à 16h21.
    Citation Envoyé par lordsupra Voir le message
    Les backers sont plus cons que des turfistes en fait, vu que même quand ils parient sur le bon cheval, ils perdent.

  8. #278
    Non la seule chose que j'ai trouvé à faire avec les potions de poison c'est les utiliser avec le sort evaporate: ça fait un sort de zone (3x3) ayant le même effet que la potion.

    Reprenons les aventures de North le Spriggan enchanteur. Sur les conseils de vieux sages il se mit en tête d'aller dans le smarais. J'avais peur que la téléportation random m'envoie dans l'eau profonde mais c'est en fait impossible. North toujours armé de son petit couteau pointu s'aventura donc en ces contrées inondées. Hydre, poisson géant, vers des marais tout y passait. Un petit somme, un petit coup de couteau pointu et paf la bestiole.
    tout à coup je tombai nez à nez avec l'entrée du labyrinthe !

    Un rapide coup d'oeil à nos stocks de vivres nous indiqua qu'on pouvait le tenter (en plus un spriggan vivant majoritairement d'amour et d'eau fraiche il mange peu). Ce que je n'avais pas anticipé c'est que la téléportation aléatoire à tendance à te ramener quasi systématiquement au début du labyrinthe ! Heureusement pour moi je finis par retrouver mon chemin et ouvrit la porte de la chambre du minotaure. Je m'étais préparé a un rude combat (haste, invisibility, regeneration) et quelle ne fut pas ma surprise de trouver le gros mino dormant comme un bébé. Après un petit "You slice the minotaur like a onion" je m'emparai de son trésor, mouahahahaha enfin riche !

    On en fait non, quelques anneaux pourris et deux trois livres de magie que j'avais déja pour la plupart. Maigre bilan, mais j'ai vaincu le labyrinthe, c'est la gloire et c'est cela qui compte.

    Vers le niveau 3 du marais première rencontre avec un gros swamp dragon. Un petit roupillon, un petit coup de couteau pointu, un petit dépeçage en règle, un petit parchemin d'enchant armor, et me voila avec une armure en peau de dragon fort seyante et qui me procure maintenant une résistance au poison ! Ca y est je vais pouvoir aller faire le hive et me goberger de tout ce bon miel !

    La tête pleine de rèves de gloire et de richesses, je ne remarquai alors pas les 3 limons verts qui s'avançaient en tapinois vers moi pendant que je pataugeais dans le marigot. D'un seul coup trois de ces bestioles et un vieux moustiques moisis me sautèrent à la gorge. Dans l'eau jusqu'au coup je ne put esquiver les coups, oucha ça fait mal. Je lis un parchemin de téléportation en urgence (pas de blink sous la main), paf nouvelles baffes. Une potion de soin n'améliorera pas la situation, mais j'espère que le parchemin va faire effet.

    Ca y est je tp à 10 pvs. Mais qu'est ce donc que cette masse informe qui flotte à la surface de l'eau ? Une vieille méduse crevée ? Hé non, c'est une saloperie qui lance des éclairs...

    Et c'est ainsi que péri North Spriggan enchanteur level 16 vénérant Sif Muna. Lair terminé, Orcish mines terminées, Donjon level 16, Swamp level 4.

    Espérons ne pas croiser son fantôme ^^

  9. #279
    Wooooot !
    On va bientôt pouvoir jouer on line avec la version Tiles !

  10. #280
    Tu y crois vraiment ou .... ?
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  11. #281
    Citation Envoyé par BlueTemplar Voir le message
    Tu y crois vraiment ou .... ?
    ☭ Albion Online. Hunt: Showdown. Helldivers 2. Backpack Battles. Forza Motorsport. Simrail. Session ☭
    ✈ DCS (M2000C - F16C - Mirage F1 - A10C II) ✈ Flight Simulator ✈ Gary Grigsby - Steam - Pico-8 - Mastodon

  12. #282
    Nan mais du coup on sait pas s'il veut nous piéger ou s'il y croit vraiment ... double poisson d'avril !
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  13. #283
    Heu ouais nan je voulais vous pieger...Bien sûr voyons. Ha ha quelle idée !

    Ptin j'étais pas là le premier, du coup je me tape tout ça le 2, forcément, je ne me méfiais plus.

  14. #284
    Quelqu'un a tester le fork de Crawl, Dungeon Sprint ?

    Ça a l'air intéressant comme idée.

  15. #285
    nan !!!
    j'y étais presque

    tout ça parce que j'ai oublié de prendre mon amulette antimutation pour le dernier niveau de Zot => paf random teleport => paf foire à la saucisse.

    Bon et pas moyen de trouver un endroit ou dépenser mes brouzoufs, c'est moche !

    Les enseignements de ce perso:
    - abjuration c'est génial contre tout ce qui invoque des saletés
    - dispell undead fait un tres bon complément a blade hand
    - la combo blade hand/haste est monstrueuse, on découpe tout en tranches sans broncher, très fines les tranches.
    - les monstres de Zot:5 sont clairement au dessus du lot, je me suis vraiment trimballé une fois que j'ai eu la plupart de mon stuff et que j'ai joué prudemment. Zot:5 j'ai eu beau joué prudemment rentréer avec des wands chargées, je me suis fait dématter.

    J'aurais peut être dut essayer une technique de pleutre à base de masse téléport + apportation quand je suis en vue de l'orbe mais ça manquait de panache !

     Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.6.0 character file.
    552114 North the Sensei (level 27, -12/151 (153) HPs)
                 Began as a Sludge Elf Transmuter on Apr 6, 2010.
                 Was the Champion of Sif Muna.
                 Mangled by an Orb Guardian (38 damage)
                 ... on Level 5 of the Realm of Zot on Apr 12, 2010.
                 The game lasted 13:56:05 (146505 turns).
    North the Sensei (Sludge Elf Transmuter)                      Turns: 146505, Time: 13:56:07
    HP -12/151 (153) AC 15     Str 13      Exp: 27/1340393 (10882)
    MP  33/44        EV 35     Int 23      God: Sif Muna [******]
    Gold 9036        SH  0     Dex 23      Spells: 17 memorised,  0 levels left
    Res.Fire  : + + +   See Invis. : +     - Unarmed
    Res.Cold  : + + .   Warding    : .   q - +4 robe {rC+ rF+}
    Life Prot.: . . .   Conserve   : .   Z - melded +1 elf buckler {AC+3}
    Res.Poison: +       Res.Corr.  : .   E - +3 helmet of the Abyss {EV+3}
    Res.Elec. : +       Clarity    : .   j - +3 cloak of the Untouchables {MR Str+2 SIn
    Spirit.Shd: .                        S - melded +2 pair of gloves
    Sust.Abil.: .       Rnd.Telep. : +   (boots currently unavailable)
    Res.Mut.  : +       Ctrl.Telep.: .   A - amulet of resist mutation
    Res.Rott. : .       Levitation : .   V - ring "Fruziow" {rPois rF+ MR AC+2 Str-2}
    Saprovore : . . .   Ctrl.Flight: .   p - ring "Popy" {+Blink rF+ Str+4 Dex+4}
    @: repel missiles, about to teleport, slightly glowing, very quick, hasted, incredibly
    resistant to hostile enchantments, extremely stealthy
    You have blades for hands.
    A: herbivore 1, teleportitis 1, deformed body 3, screaming 1, deterioration 2, blurry
    vision 1, -20% hp, hooves, Str -2
    a: End Transformation, Channel Energy, Forget Spell, Renounce Religion, Evoke Blink
    You were on level 5 of the Realm of Zot.
    You worshipped Sif Muna.
    Sif Muna was exalted by your worship.
    You were full.
    Your hands were blades.
    You visited 13 branches of the dungeon, and saw 80 of its levels.
    You collected 9524 gold pieces.
    You spent 508 gold pieces at shops.
    Hand weapons
     m - a -1,+0 knife
     t - the +3,+1 blowgun of Pnoed {speed, rElec rF++ rN+ Str+4 Int+3}
       (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
       Attacks with this weapon take half as long as usual.
       It affects your strength (+4).
       It affects your intelligence (+3).
       It greatly protects you from fire.
       It insulates you from electricity.
       It protects you from negative energy.
     j - the +3 cloak of the Untouchables (worn) {MR Str+2 SInv}
       (You found it on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts)   
       It affects your strength (+2).
       It increases your resistance to enchantments.
       It enhances your eyesight.
     q - a +4 robe of resistance (worn)
     E - the +3 helmet of the Abyss (worn) {EV+3}
       (You found it on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)   
       It affects your evasion (+3).
     S - a +2 pair of gloves (melded)
     U - the +1 helmet "Plog" {+Lev rN+}
       (You found it on level 27 of the Dungeon)   
       It protects you from negative energy.
       It lets you levitate.
     Z - a +1 elven buckler of protection (melded)
    Magical devices
     b - a wand of healing (0)
     c - a wand of hasting (2)
     u - a wand of teleportation (5)
     x - a wand of teleportation (5)
     a - 8 royal jellies
     i - 14 sultanas
     o - 11 grapes
     z - 4 honeycombs
     g - 3 scrolls of remove curse
     l - 4 scrolls of identify
     n - a scroll of fog
     s - 4 scrolls of recharging
     D - a scroll of teleportation
     X - a scroll of magic mapping
     p - the ring "Popy" (left hand) {+Blink rF+ Str+4 Dex+4}
       (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
       [ring of strength]
       It affects your strength (+4).
       It affects your dexterity (+4).
       It protects you from fire.
       It lets you blink.
     y - the ring "Qusy" {rElec Int+1}
       (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
       [ring of intelligence]
       It affects your intelligence (+1).
       It insulates you from electricity.
     A - an amulet of resist mutation (around neck)
     J - an uncursed amulet of resist corrosion
     N - the ring "Ygalinka" {Hunger- EV+2 Str+3}
       (You found it on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)   
       [ring of sustenance]
       It affects your evasion (+2).
       It affects your strength (+3).
     V - the ring "Fruziow" (right hand) {rPois rF+ MR AC+2 Str-2}
       (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)   
       [ring of protection from fire]
       It affects your AC (+2).
       It affects your strength (-2).
       It protects you from poison.
       It increases your resistance to enchantments.
     W - an uncursed amulet of conservation
     d - a potion of might
     e - 6 potions of resistance
     h - a potion of slowing
     r - a potion of heal wounds
     C - 2 potions of porridge
     K - 6 potions of healing
     O - 2 potions of restore abilities
     Y - 3 potions of speed
     k - a book of Party Tricks {god gift}   
       Spells                             Type                      Level
       *Summon Butterflies                Summoning                    1
       *Apportation                       Translocation                1
       Projected Noise                    Enchantment                  2
       *Blink                             Translocation                2
       Levitation                         Enchantment/Air              2
       Alistair's Intoxication            Transmutation/Poison         4
     T - a legendary deck of war
     You had 10882 experience left.
     + Level 16 Fighting
     - Level 3 Bows
     - Level 3 Throwing
     + Level 2 Armour
     + Level 19 Dodging
     + Level 13 Stealth
     - Level 7 Stabbing
     + Level 7 Traps & Doors
     + Level 25 Unarmed Combat
     + Level 15 Spellcasting
     + Level 12 Enchantments
     - Level 11 Summonings
     - Level 17 Necromancy
     - Level 8 Translocations
     - Level 18 Transmutations
     - Level 7 Fire Magic
     - Level 3 Air Magic
     - Level 5 Earth Magic
     + Level 4 Evocations
    You couldn't memorise any spells.
    You knew the following spells:
     Your Spells              Type           Power          Success   Level
    a - Fulsome Distillation  Trmt/Necr      N/A            Excellent   1
    b - Evaporate             Fire/Trmt      #######...     Excellent   2
    c - Control Teleport      Ench/Tloc      #######...     Very Good   4
    d - Blade Hands           Trmt           #######...     Great       5
    e - Dig                   Erth/Trmt      #######...     Very Good   4
    f - Summon Demon          Summ           #######...     Very Good   5
    g - Abjuration            Summ           #######...     Great       3
    h - Apportation           Tloc           #######...     Great       1
    i - Blink                 Tloc           N/A            Great       2
    j - Summon Butterflies    Summ           #######...     Great       1
    k - Repel Missiles        Air/Ench       #######...     Great       2
    l - Swiftness             Air/Ench       #######...     Great       2
    m - Dispel Undead         Necr           #######..      Excellent   4
    n - Teleport Self         Tloc           N/A            Fair        5
    o - Insulation            Air/Ench       #######...     Very Good   4
    p - Haste                 Ench           #######...     Fair        6
    q - Phase Shift           Tloc           #######...     Fair        5
    Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations
    Dungeon (27/27)            Temple (1/1) D:6             Orc (4/4) D:8
        Elf (7/7) Orc:3          Lair (8/8) D:10          Swamp (5/5) Lair:2
     Shoals (5/5) Lair:6        Slime (0/6) Lair:8         Hive (2/2) D:13
      Vault (7/8) D:16          Blade (1/1) Vault:4       Crypt (5/5) Vault:3
       Tomb (3/3) Crypt:3         Zot (5/5) D:27        
    Nemelex Xobeh
    Sif Muna
    The Shining One
    D:4: [  D:14: /  D:16: /  Orc:2: [  Elf:5: (  Elf:7: ?  Lair:4: (  Vault:5: *
    Hell: D:21 D:22 D:23 D:24 D:25* D:26 D:27
    Abyss: D:24 D:25
    Pan: D:24 D:25 D:26 D:27
    D:7 exclusion: 104 steam clouds
    D:23 exclusion: 6 flame clouds
    D:27 exclusion: 22 mutagenic fog clouds
    Orc:2 1 exclusion
    Orc:3 1 exclusion
    Swamp:5 exclusion: 86 freezing vapour clouds
    Crypt:2 exclusion: curse skull
    Crypt:3 exclusion: 28 foul pestilence clouds
                        Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations
    You digest meat inefficiently.
    You are weak (Str -2).
    Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity.
    Armour fits poorly on your hideously deformed body.
    You occasionally shout uncontrollably.
    Your body is deteriorating.
    Your vision is a little blurry.
    You are very frail (-20% HP).
    You have hooves in place of feet.
    Message History
    Evoke which item? (* to show all) (? for menu, Esc to quit)
    Zapping: b - a wand of healing (1)
    Press: ? - help, Shift-Dir - straight line, f - you
    You feel much better. This wand has 0 charges left. The Orb Guardian hits you!
    * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *
    The Orb Guardian hits you!
    You die...
    *** *.................
    , ,,#....X............
    ,, *#....D............
    *   #.................
    You could see a golden dragon, a storm dragon and 3 Orb Guardians.
    Vanquished Creatures
      4 orbs of fire (Zot:5)
      An ancient lich (Crypt:5)
      A curse toe (Zot:2)
      27 greater mummies
      A Killer Klown (Zot:5)
      Mara (Crypt:2)
      Margery (Crypt:2)
      Xtahua (Crypt:2)
      Frederick (Vault:4)
      4 electric golems
      10 Orb Guardians (Zot:5)
      4 liches
      Rupert (Swamp:3)
      6 golden dragons
      An acid blob (D:24)
      5 shadow dragons
      2 deep elf blademasters (Elf:7)
      Kirke (Swamp:3)
      5 sphinxes
      Agnes (Elf:1)
      12 storm dragons
      Duane (Shoals:2)
      Frances (Shoals:2)
      A kraken (Shoals:2)
      5 draconian knights
      3 azure jellies
      Roxanne (Vault:3)
      Francis (Vault:5)
      4 draconian monks
      Aizul (Vault:3)
      A frost giant (shapeshifter) (Vault:4)
      Donald (Shoals:1)
      An orc warlord (Orc:3)
      A frost giant (D:27)
      9 skeletal dragons
      2 draconian scorchers (Zot:4)
      2 draconian zealots (Zot:3)
      17 stone giants
      3 fire giants
      9 tentacled monstrosities
      5 draconian shifters
      3 draconian annihilators (Zot:3)
      A quicksilver dragon skeleton (Tomb:2)
      A draconian caller (Zot:5)
      5 deep elf annihilators
      4 deep elf death magi (Elf:7)
      Jozef (Elf:2)
      6 red draconians
      4 green draconians
      5 purple draconians
      6 black draconians
      9 yellow draconians
      4 mottled draconians
      A Blue Death (Crypt:5)
      3 pale draconians
      18 yaktaur captains
      4 white draconians
      4 deep elf sorcerers (Elf:7)
      Snorg (Elf:5)
      2 deep elf master archers (Elf:7)
      Norbert (D:14)
      3 vampire knights (Crypt:5)
      3 sirens
      A titan skeleton (Crypt:4)
      9 death cobs
      36 mummy priests
      Erica (Orc:2)
      A storm dragon zombie (Crypt:3)
      A golden dragon zombie (Crypt:2)
      Josephine (Swamp:2)
      10 dragons
      2 hydras
      5 ice dragons
      Wayne (Vault:6)
      Harold (Lair:5)
      6 dancing weapons
      An anaconda zombie (Crypt:5)
      Polyphemus (Shoals:2)
      2 merfolk javelineers (Shoals:5)
      5 death oozes (D:24)
      5 deep elf demonologists
      Nessos (Elf:1)
      11 ogre magi
      Nergalle (Swamp:4)
      9 deep trolls
      A draconian (shapeshifter) (Vault:2)
      2 alligators
      An iron dragon zombie (Crypt:3)
      2 merfolk impalers
      2 fire giant zombies
      3 very ugly things
      2 rakshasas
      3 death yaks
      2 deep elf high priests (Elf:7)
      26 centaur warriors
      2 stone giant zombies
      An iron dragon skeleton (D:26)
      15 stone giant skeletons
      2 griffons
      4 iron golems (Crypt:5)
      Erolcha (D:9)
      4 fire giant skeletons
      2 frost giant skeletons
      69 skeletal warriors
      A wizard (Vault:3)
      A black draconian zombie (Zot:4)
      A death drake (Zot:5)
      3 sea snakes
      38 deep elf knights
      An elephant slug zombie (Crypt:2)
      27 orc knights
      2 white draconian zombies (Crypt:1)
      10 hell knights
      An iron troll (Orc:4)
      3 unseen horrors
      2 yellow draconian zombies
      5 flayed ghosts
      A death yak zombie (Crypt:3)
      17 hill giants
      2 ice statues
      5 harpies
      A pale draconian zombie (Crypt:3)
      2 swamp dragons
      A golden dragon simulacrum (Tomb:1)
      An iron troll zombie (Crypt:2)
      5 giant amoebae
      A minotaur zombie (Crypt:1)
      Joseph (D:9)
      8 necromancers
      An elf (D:14)
      Urug (D:14)
      3 crystal golems (Crypt:5)
      18 cyclopes
      3 orc sorcerers
      3 iron troll skeletons
      3 spectral warriors
      A statue (Elf:6)
      6 spiny worms
      2 harpy skeletons
      A minotaur skeleton (Crypt:1)
      3 reapers
      A red wasp (Vault:7)
      An ice dragon zombie (D:21)
      3 harpy zombies
      A siren skeleton (Crypt:2)
      3 black mambas
      A shining eye (shapeshifter) (Vault:4)
      9 mimics
      18 moths of wrath
      2 elephant slugs
      A guardian serpent zombie (Crypt:1)
      An eye of devastation (shapeshifter) (D:27)
      3 trapdoor spiders
      41 yaktaurs
      73 slime creatures
      An elf skeleton (Tomb:1)
      2 dragon skeletons
      2 dragon zombies (Crypt:5)
      A spiny worm zombie (Crypt:1)
      5 spiny frogs
      2 stone giant simulacra
      An ice dragon skeleton (Crypt:1)
      A griffon skeleton (Vault:3)
      A yaktaur (shapeshifter) (Vault:4)
      A hill giant zombie (D:16)
      A giant toad zombie (D:14)
      2 alligator skeletons
      A wolf spider (Vault:3)
      A black mamba skeleton (Crypt:1)
      Psyche (Orc:1)
      A smoke demon (Vault:5)
      5 mermaids
      A queen ant zombie (Crypt:4)
      15 rock trolls
      A redback (Vault:7)
      120 ugly things
      A giant toad skeleton (Crypt:3)
      113 guardian mummies
      A harpy simulacrum (Tomb:1)
      A troll (shapeshifter) (Vault:7)
      A hill giant skeleton (D:23)
      Sonja (Swamp:3)
      5 komodo dragons
      A queen bee (Hive:2)
      A spiny frog zombie (Crypt:1)
      2 ettins
      14 trolls
      5 snapping turtles
      20 hydra simulacra (Swamp:5)
      20 two-headed ogres
      18 blink frogs
      2 snapping turtle zombies
      2 baby alligator zombies
      A bumblebee (shapeshifter) (Vault:5)
      A deep troll skeleton (Vault:5)
      A grizzly bear (Lair:6)
      8 brown oozes (D:24)
      A two-headed ogre (shapeshifter) (D:20)
      A blink frog zombie (Crypt:5)
      10 giant toads
      5 rock troll skeletons
      3 merfolk zombies
      11 wraiths
      3 air elementals
      3 wyverns
      A ynoxinul (Tomb:1)
      4 bumblebees (D:27)
      3 giant blowfly zombies
      4 vampires
      3 hungry ghosts
      8 blink frog skeletons
      A hog zombie (Crypt:1)
      16 war dogs
      Eustachio (D:10)
      2 fire drakes
      24 merfolk
      15 deep elf summoners
      74 yaks
      5 hippogriffs
      Grum (D:9)
      9 deep elf conjurers
      A bear (Lair:3)
      5 hogs (Swamp:3)
      A wood golem (D:17)
      5 elves (shapeshifter)
      A hog skeleton (Crypt:4)
      2 viper zombies (Crypt:1)
      7 mottled dragons
      40 deep elf fighters
      2 yaktaur zombies
      A hell hound (Crypt:4)
      A komodo dragon zombie (D:11)
      10 giant blowflies
      11 manticores
      4 yaktaur skeletons
      15 swamp worms
      12 ghouls
      4 giant slug zombies
      A komodo dragon skeleton (Tomb:1)
      A fire drake skeleton (Crypt:1)
      26 necrophages
      A cyclops zombie (Vault:1)
      49 orc warriors
      A snapping turtle simulacrum (Tomb:1)
      A wyvern skeleton (D:19)
      11 deep elf priests
      A yellow wasp (D:19)
      12 freezing wraiths
      26 insubstantial wisps
      Duvessa (D:4)
      A giant goldfish (Elf:2)
      A troll zombie (D:19)
      2 human zombies
      A bumblebee zombie (Crypt:3)
      4 phantoms
      3 boring beetles
      59 ogres
      30 centaurs
      13 ice beasts
      A troll skeleton (Crypt:3)
      19 crocodiles
      A human skeleton (Crypt:5)
      A bear skeleton (Crypt:1)
      23 deep elf magi
      12 gila monsters
      A yak skeleton (Crypt:3)
      7 swamp drakes
      2 wolf zombies (Crypt:2)
      Sigmund (D:4)
      27 big kobolds
      10 wargs
      2 boring beetle zombies
      5 boulder beetle zombies
      A centaur zombie (Crypt:5)
      15 giant slugs
      A brain worm (Vault:3)
      A giant leech (Swamp:4)
      17 giant frogs
      A yaktaur simulacrum (D:17)
      A black bear zombie (Crypt:4)
      A water moccasin zombie (D:9)
      A soldier ant zombie (D:11)
      A giant leech (shapeshifter) (D:16)
      5 giant snails
      Blork the orc (Orc:1)
      7 water moccasins
      A two-headed ogre skeleton (Crypt:3)
      6 giant frog skeletons
      7 boulder beetles
      A black bear skeleton (Crypt:1)
      A killer bee (shapeshifter) (Vault:4)
      A swamp worm simulacrum (Swamp:5)
      2 water moccasin skeletons
      10 wights
      2 eyes of draining
      8 jellyfish
      75 killer bees
      A crocodile zombie (Crypt:4)
      2 killer bee zombies
      30 pulsating lumps
      A brain worm zombie (Crypt:2)
      11 electric eels
      A war dog simulacrum (Tomb:1)
      A dwarf zombie (Tomb:2)
    3364 creatures vanquished.
    Grand Total: 4198 creatures vanquished
    Turn   | Place   | Note
         0 | D:1     | North, the Sludge Elf Transmuter, began the quest for the Orb.
         0 | D:1     | Reached XP level 1. HP: 12/12 MP: 1/1
        17 | D:1     | Learned a level 1 spell: Fulsome Distillation
       159 | D:1     | Reached XP level 2. HP: 16/16 MP: 2/3
       632 | D:1     | Learned a level 2 spell: Evaporate
      1077 | D:1     | Reached XP level 3. HP: 21/23 MP: 4/5
      1277 | D:2     | Learned a level 2 spell: Sticks to Snakes
      2050 | D:2     | Reached skill 1 in Stealth
      2473 | D:2     | Reached XP level 4. HP: 23/27 MP: 6/7
      3072 | D:2     | Reached skill 1 in Necromancy
      3387 | D:3     | Reached skill 4 in Unarmed Combat
      4018 | D:4     | Reached XP level 5. HP: 18/33 MP: 8/8
      4444 | D:5     | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
      4646 | D:4     | Reached XP level 6. HP: 39/39 MP: 7/12
      4746 | D:4     | Noticed Dowan
      4760 | D:4     | Defeated Dowan
      4942 | D:4     | Noticed Duvessa
      4959 | D:4     | Defeated Duvessa
      5031 | D:4     | Reached skill 5 in Dodging
      5368 | D:4     | Found Qeew's Antique Armour Boutique.
      5371 | D:4     | Bought a pair of embroidered elven boots for 43 gold pieces
      5371 | D:4     | Bought an ichor-stained robe for 136 gold pieces
      5378 | D:4     | Identified the +1 robe of Mais (You bought it in a shop on level 4 of the Dungeon)
      5414 | D:4     | Noticed Sigmund
      5419 | D:4     | Reached skill 5 in Transmutations
      5420 | D:4     | Reached skill 1 in Fire Magic
      5430 | D:4     | Defeated Sigmund
      5430 | D:4     | Reached XP level 7. HP: 45/45 MP: 2/14
      5438 | D:4     | Learned a level 5 spell: Blade Hands
      5969 | D:6     | Noticed North's ghost
      6030 | D:5     | Reached skill 1 in Stabbing
      6132 | D:5     | Reached skill 6 in Dodging
      7121 | D:7     | Reached skill 5 in Unarmed Combat
      7461 | D:7     | Reached skill 1 in Throwing
      7759 | D:7     | Reached XP level 8. HP: 49/49 MP: 15/16
      8248 | D:6     | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
      8253 | Temple  | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
      8504 | Temple  | Became a worshipper of Sif Muna the Loreminder
      8885 | D:8     | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
      8899 | D:8     | Reached skill 1 in Traps & Doors
      9059 | D:9     | Noticed Erolcha
      9070 | D:9     | Noticed Grum
      9085 | D:9     | Reached skill 7 in Transmutations
      9098 | D:9     | Defeated Grum
      9132 | D:9     | Defeated Erolcha
      9132 | D:9     | Reached XP level 9. HP: 31/58 MP: 10/18
      9487 | D:10    | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
      9513 | D:9     | Noticed Joseph
      9522 | D:9     | Got a fine lead ring
      9591 | D:8     | Identified the ring "Fruziow" (You found it on level 9 of the Dungeon)
      9788 | D:9     | Reached skill 8 in Dodging
      9842 | D:9     | Reached skill 5 in Fighting
     10352 | D:8     | Reached XP level 10. HP: 36/65 MP: 5/20
     10590 | D:8     | Acquired Sif Muna's first power
     10693 | D:8     | Reached skill 9 in Transmutations
     11190 | D:9     | Learned a level 4 spell: Dig
     11374 | D:3     | Reached skill 5 in Stealth
     11930 | D:9     | Noticed a slime creature
     12515 | D:11    | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
     12683 | D:11    | Reached skill 1 in Evocations
     12795 | D:11    | Reached skill 5 in Spellcasting
     13014 | D:11    | Reached skill 10 in Transmutations
     13051 | D:11    | Gained mutation: You can control translocations.
     13118 | D:11    | Reached skill 10 in Unarmed Combat
     13192 | D:11    | Gained mutation: Your digestive system is specialised to digest meat.
     13450 | D:11    | Reached XP level 11. HP: 68/73 MP: 17/22
     14863 | D:10    | Noticed Eustachio
     14868 | D:10    | Defeated Eustachio
     14926 | D:10    | Found a staircase to the Lair.
     14937 | Lair:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
     15037 | Lair:1  | Reached skill 11 in Transmutations
     15230 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 2 spell: Fire Brand
     15340 | Lair:2  | Acquired Sif Muna's second power
     15379 | Lair:2  | You fall through a shaft!
     15444 | Lair:3  | Reached skill 10 in Dodging
     16028 | Lair:4  | Found Hauj's Antique Weapon Shoppe.
     16326 | Lair:3  | Learned a level 5 spell: Cigotuvi's Degeneration
     16659 | Lair:3  | Reached skill 12 in Unarmed Combat
     17259 | Lair:2  | Found a staircase to the Swamp.
     17983 | Lair:5  | Reached XP level 12. HP: 41/81 MP: 11/24
     18012 | Lair:5  | Gained mutation: Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity.
     18133 | Lair:5  | Gained mutation: Your vision is a little blurry.
     18153 | Lair:5  | Gained mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
     18173 | Lair:5  | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your deformed body.
     18355 | Lair:5  | Gained mutation: You have hooves in place of feet.
     18369 | Lair:5  | Lost mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
     18369 | Lair:5  | Lost mutation: Your vision is a little blurry.
     18369 | Lair:5  | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in red scales (AC +1).
     18416 | Lair:5  | Noticed Harold
     18443 | Lair:4  | Lost mutation: You have hooves in place of feet.
     18672 | Lair:5  | Defeated Harold
     18794 | Lair:4  | Reached skill 1 in Enchantments
     18797 | Lair:4  | Reached skill 5 in Fire Magic
     19354 | Lair:5  | Reached skill 13 in Unarmed Combat
     19830 | Lair:6  | Got a brightly glowing cloak
     19834 | Lair:6  | Identified the +3 cloak of the Untouchables (You found it on level 6 of the Lair of Beasts)
     19843 | Lair:6  | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
     19904 | Lair:6  | Lost mutation: Your digestive system is specialised to digest meat.
     19917 | Lair:6  | Gained mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further mutation.
     20381 | Lair:6  | Found a staircase to the Shoals.
     20992 | Lair:7  | Got a shimmering sling
     20994 | Lair:7  | Identified the sling of the Wasp {velocity, MR} (You found it on level 7 of the Lair of Beasts)
     21218 | Lair:8  | Entered Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts
     21717 | Lair:7  | Reached skill 5 in Necromancy
     22020 | Lair:8  | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
     22020 | Lair:8  | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
     23090 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 1 spell: Summon Small Mammals
     23092 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation
     23436 | Lair:1  | Reached XP level 13. HP: 88/88 MP: 27/27
     23591 | Lair:1  | Reached skill 5 in Stabbing
     23785 | Swamp:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Swamp
     23836 | Swamp:1 | Reached skill 1 in Summonings
     25415 | D:12    | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink
     25419 | D:12    | Learned a level 3 spell: Call Canine Familiar
     25421 | D:12    | Acquired Sif Muna's third power
     25622 | D:13    | Found a staircase to the Hive.
     26107 | D:13    | A manticore changed into a pulsating lump
     26122 | D:13    | Defeated a pulsating lump
     26615 | D:13    | Reached skill 14 in Unarmed Combat
     26876 | D:14    | Found Guwawket's Magical Wand Emporium.
     27122 | D:14    | A red ugly thing changed into a pulsating lump
     27127 | D:14    | Defeated a pulsating lump
     27330 | D:14    | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
     27363 | D:15    | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
     27908 | D:15    | A seven-headed hydra changed into a pulsating lump
     27922 | D:15    | Defeated a pulsating lump
     28476 | D:14    | Learned a level 2 spell: Repel Missiles
     28560 | D:14    | A giant frog changed into a pulsating lump
     28569 | D:14    | Defeated a pulsating lump
     28715 | D:14    | Reached XP level 14. HP: 70/96 MP: 15/29
     28835 | D:14    | Noticed Norbert
     28835 | D:14    | Noticed Urug
     28847 | D:14    | Defeated Urug
     28848 | D:14    | Reached skill 10 in Fighting
     28851 | D:14    | Defeated Norbert
     29014 | D:14    | Got a dazzling triple sword
     29111 | D:14    | Identified the cursed -2,-5 triple sword of Viog (You found it on level 14 of the Dungeon)
     29250 | D:14    | Reached skill 5 in Summonings
     30382 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You can spit poison.
     30383 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity.
     30385 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You can translocate small distances instantaneously.
     30387 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: Armour fits poorly on your deformed body.
     30723 | Swamp:2 | Noticed Josephine
     30746 | Swamp:2 | Defeated Josephine
     31000 | Swamp:2 | You fall through a shaft!
     31192 | Swamp:3 | Noticed Kirke
     31209 | Swamp:3 | Defeated Kirke
     31450 | Swamp:3 | Noticed Rupert
     31473 | Swamp:3 | Defeated Rupert
     31757 | Swamp:3 | Noticed Sonja
     31759 | Swamp:3 | Received a gift from Sif Muna
     31760 | Swamp:3 | Got a colourful book {god gift}
     31774 | Swamp:3 | Defeated Sonja
     32112 | Swamp:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Swamp
     32355 | Swamp:4 | Noticed Nergalle
     32361 | Swamp:4 | Defeated Nergalle
     32385 | Swamp:4 | Identified Roxanne's Collected Works on Dusty Shape Shifting {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 3 of the Swamp)
     32550 | Swamp:4 | Reached XP level 15. HP: 105/105 MP: 14/31
     32576 | Swamp:4 | Learned a level 2 spell: Swiftness
     32845 | Swamp:5 | Reached skill 10 in Spellcasting
     36105 | Swamp:5 | Got a decaying rune of Zot
     36739 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals
     36989 | Shoals:1 | Noticed Donald
     37025 | Shoals:1 | Defeated Donald
     37450 | Shoals:2 | Noticed Duane
     37814 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill 1 in Air Magic
     37961 | Shoals:2 | Noticed Polyphemus
     37986 | Shoals:2 | Defeated Polyphemus
     38146 | Shoals:1 | Received a gift from Sif Muna
     38147 | Shoals:1 | Got a torn book {god gift}
     38148 | Shoals:1 | Identified Briadabb's Grimoire of Necromancy {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 1 of the Shoals)
     38153 | Shoals:1 | Learned a level 4 spell: Dispel Undead
     38628 | Shoals:1 | Reached skill 1 in Translocations
     39034 | Shoals:2 | Defeated Duane
     39244 | Shoals:3 | Reached skill 10 in Summonings
     39773 | Shoals:2 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 109/113 MP: 30/34
     39989 | Shoals:2 | Noticed Frances
     40005 | Shoals:2 | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably.
     40006 | Shoals:2 | Defeated Frances
     41030 | Shoals:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Shoals
     41574 | Shoals:5 | Got an ichor-stained scythe
     41593 | Shoals:5 | Got a barnacled rune of Zot
     42170 | Shoals:4 | Received a gift from Sif Muna
     42185 | Shoals:5 | Noticed Ilsuiw
     42890 | Lair:2  | Identified the +0,-4 scythe "Aneingan" (You took it off a merfolk on level 5 of the Shoals)
     43013 | Hive:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Hive
     43135 | Hive:2  | Entered Level 2 of the Hive
     44526 | Hive:1  | Learned a level 6 spell: Statue Form
     44689 | D:16    | Found Guisufatud's Magical Wand Shop.
     44915 | D:16    | Found a staircase to the Vaults.
     45670 | D:16    | You fall through a shaft!
     46343 | Vault:1 | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure.
     46343 | Vault:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
     46781 | D:16    | An orc knight changed into a pulsating lump
     46793 | D:16    | Defeated a pulsating lump
     46850 | Vault:1 | An orc warrior changed into a pulsating lump
     46864 | Vault:1 | Defeated a pulsating lump
     47254 | Vault:1 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 101/118 MP: 34/35
     47584 | D:16    | A five-headed hydra changed into a pulsating lump
     47593 | D:16    | Defeated a pulsating lump
     48283 | Vault:1 | Reached skill 10 in Stealth
     48416 | Vault:1 | Reached skill 15 in Transmutations
     48721 | Vault:2 | Reached skill 1 in Armour
     48765 | Vault:2 | Noticed a deep elf summoner
     49043 | Vault:2 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +1).
     49047 | Vault:2 | Defeated a deep elf summoner
     49206 | Vault:2 | Reached skill 5 in Enchantments
     49514 | Vault:2 | A five-headed hydra changed into a pulsating lump
     49533 | Vault:2 | An orc warrior changed into a pulsating lump
     49535 | Vault:2 | Defeated a pulsating lump
     49546 | Vault:2 | Defeated a pulsating lump
     50807 | Vault:3 | Noticed Norris
     51269 | Vault:3 | Noticed Aizul
     51533 | Vault:4 | Found a staircase to the Hall of Blades.
     51708 | Vault:4 | An orc warrior changed into a pulsating lump
     51712 | Vault:4 | Gained mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
     51717 | Vault:4 | Defeated a pulsating lump
     51991 | Vault:3 | Gained mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your head.
     52014 | Vault:3 | Noticed Roxanne
     52037 | Vault:3 | Defeated Roxanne
     52315 | Vault:3 | Found a staircase to the Crypt.
     52914 | Orc:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
     53119 | Orc:1   | Noticed Blork the orc
     53126 | Orc:1   | Defeated Blork the orc
     53150 | Orc:1   | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
     53172 | Orc:1   | Noticed Psyche
     53181 | Orc:1   | Defeated Psyche
     53703 | Orc:2   | Noticed Erica
     53708 | Orc:2   | Defeated Erica
     53859 | Orc:3   | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
     54122 | Orc:3   | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
     54155 | Orc:3   | Noticed an orc warlord
     54192 | Orc:2   | Found Huyniwoa's Armour Shop.
     55046 | Orc:3   | Defeated an orc warlord
     55046 | Orc:3   | Reached XP level 18. HP: 76/115 MP: 30/36
     55399 | Orc:4   | Entered Level 4 of the Orcish Mines
     55415 | Orc:4   | Noticed a cyclops
     55422 | Orc:4   | Defeated a cyclops
     55424 | Orc:4   | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
     55539 | Orc:4   | Noticed an iron troll
     55550 | Orc:4   | Defeated an iron troll
     55560 | Orc:4   | Noticed a rock troll
     55575 | Orc:4   | Defeated a rock troll
     56278 | D:9     | Defeated a slime creature
     56416 | D:10    | An ice beast changed into a pulsating lump
     56946 | Vault:1 | Learned a level 4 spell: Summon Elemental
     56946 | Vault:1 | Noticed an air elemental
     56951 | Vault:1 | Defeated an air elemental
     56953 | Vault:1 | Noticed an air elemental
     56961 | Vault:1 | Defeated an air elemental
     57109 | Vault:1 | Noticed an earth elemental
     57152 | Vault:1 | An eight-headed hydra changed into a pulsating lump
     57163 | Vault:1 | Defeated a pulsating lump
     57261 | Vault:3 | Defeated Aizul
     57377 | D:16    | Reached skill 1 in Earth Magic
     58388 | Vault:4 | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +1).
     58388 | Vault:4 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +1), but stiff (Dex -1).
     58466 | Vault:4 | Noticed Frederick
     58598 | Vault:3 | Reached skill 15 in Unarmed Combat
     59196 | Vault:4 | Reached skill 15 in Dodging
     59509 | Vault:4 | Defeated Frederick
     59810 | Vault:3 | Received a gift from Sif Muna
     59811 | Vault:3 | Got a levitating book {god gift}
     59820 | Vault:3 | Identified Cigotuvi's Papyrus of Black Secrets {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 3 of the Vaults)
     60144 | Vault:4 | Noticed a shining eye
     60272 | Blade   | Entered the Hall of Blades
     60836 | Vault:2 | Gained mutation: You have a slow metabolism.
     61507 | Vault:4 | Gained mutation: You cover ground quickly.
     61511 | Vault:4 | Defeated a shining eye
     61564 | Vault:5 | Found Graer's General Store.
     61573 | Vault:5 | Bought a potion of speed for 37 gold pieces
     62066 | Vault:5 | Noticed Francis
     62652 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 6 spell: Haunt
     62938 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 5 spell: Lee's Rapid Deconstruction
     64236 | Vault:5 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 123/123 MP: 30/37
     64239 | Vault:5 | Reached skill 10 in Necromancy
     64421 | Vault:5 | Defeated Francis
     64439 | Vault:5 | Reached skill 16 in Transmutations
     65195 | Vault:5 | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in red scales (AC +1).
     66741 | Vault:6 | Noticed Wayne
     66754 | Vault:6 | Defeated Wayne
     68665 | Vault:6 | Noticed an air elemental
     68676 | Vault:6 | Defeated an air elemental
     69487 | Vault:6 | Reached skill 5 in Earth Magic
     69864 | Vault:6 | Lost mutation: You can spit poison.
     69864 | Vault:6 | Gained mutation: You are very frail (-20% HP).
     69867 | Vault:6 | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +1), but stiff (Dex -1).
     69868 | Vault:6 | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat.
     69868 | Vault:6 | Gained mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +1), but stiff (Dex -1).
     69869 | Vault:6 | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in purple scales (AC +2).
     69869 | Vault:6 | Lost mutation: You are somewhat resistant to further mutation.
     70049 | Vault:7 | Gained mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
     70096 | Vault:7 | Received a gift from Sif Muna
     70097 | Vault:7 | Got a torn book {god gift}
     70112 | Vault:7 | Identified Bolev's Guide on Infatuation {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 7 of the Vaults)
     70208 | Vault:7 | Lost mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
     70309 | Vault:7 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 79/114 MP: 33/38
     70775 | Hive:2  | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1).
     71601 | Elf:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls
     72157 | Elf:1   | Noticed Nessos
     72168 | Elf:1   | Defeated Nessos
     72521 | Elf:1   | Noticed Agnes
     72527 | Elf:1   | Defeated Agnes
     73652 | Elf:2   | Got an ancient falchion
     73653 | Elf:2   | Identified the cursed +0,-1 falchion of Darkness (You found it on level 2 of the Elven Halls)
     73975 | Elf:2   | You fall through a shaft!
     74571 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You have a slow metabolism.
     74571 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You sometimes yell uncontrollably.
     74572 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat.
     74573 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head.
     74573 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You have a pair of horns on your head.
     74573 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You have hooves in place of feet.
     74574 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You have tough skin (AC +1).
     74575 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You can spit poison.
     74575 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You have tough skin (AC +1).
     74575 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: Your muscles are very strong (Str +2), but stiff (Dex -2).
     74576 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You have a pair of small horns on your head.
     74576 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind.
     74577 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: Your muscles are very strong (Str +2), but stiff (Dex -2).
     74577 | Lair:2  | Gained mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
     74578 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You can control translocations.
     74610 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 5 spell: Teleport Self
     74617 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 4 spell: Control Teleport
     75018 | Elf:2   | Noticed Jozef
     75032 | Elf:2   | Defeated Jozef
     75698 | Elf:3   | Got a crude cloak
     75699 | Elf:3   | Identified the cursed +0 cloak of the Sky (You found it on level 3 of the Elven Halls)
     77176 | Elf:5   | Found Vauhahua's Antique Weapon Emporium.
     77799 | Elf:5   | Noticed Snorg
     77811 | Elf:5   | Defeated Snorg
     77961 | Elf:5   | Got a brightly glowing helmet
     77965 | Elf:5   | Identified the cursed -1 helmet of Exclusion (You found it on level 5 of the Elven Halls)
     78483 | Elf:5   | Reached skill 17 in Transmutations
     81605 | D:18    | Reached XP level 21. HP: 119/119 MP: 36/39
     82110 | D:18    | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1).
     82530 | D:19    | Got an ichor-stained hammer
     83441 | D:19    | Lost mutation: Your muscles are strong (Str +1), but stiff (Dex -1).
     83442 | D:19    | Gained mutation: Your digestive system is specialised to digest meat.
     83443 | D:19    | Lost mutation: You possess an exceptional clarity of mind.
     83443 | D:19    | Lost mutation: You are very frail (-20% HP).
     83445 | D:19    | Lost mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
     83445 | D:19    | Gained mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat.
     83445 | D:19    | Lost mutation: You sometimes yell uncontrollably.
     83874 | D:20    | Entered Level 20 of the Dungeon
     84230 | D:19    | Identified the cursed +1,-2 hammer of Lein (You found it on level 19 of the Dungeon)
     84774 | D:20    | Got a crude robe
     84814 | D:20    | Identified the -7 robe of Eternity (You found it on level 20 of the Dungeon)
     85518 | D:21    | Got an antique book
     85521 | D:21    | Identified Ythrucs' Incunabulum of Infatuation and the Snowflakes (You found it on level 21 of the Dungeon)
     85834 | D:21    | Found a gateway to Hell.
     87382 | D:22    | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
     87602 | D:22    | Got a bloodstained leather armour
     87603 | D:22    | Identified the cursed +1 leather armour of Thrugeb (You found it on level 22 of the Dungeon)
     88549 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt
     89477 | Crypt:1 | Reached XP level 22. HP: 153/153 MP: 36/39
     89600 | Crypt:1 | Found a burning altar of Makhleb.
     90094 | Crypt:2 | Found a basalt altar of Yredelemnul.
     90199 | Crypt:2 | Noticed Xtahua
     90259 | Crypt:2 | Defeated Xtahua
     90300 | Crypt:2 | Received a gift from Sif Muna
     90323 | Crypt:2 | Reached skill 5 in Translocations
     90356 | Crypt:2 | Got a blackened book {god gift}
     90357 | Crypt:2 | Identified Sif Muna's Almanac of Pragmatism {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 2 of the Crypt)
     90359 | Crypt:2 | Learned a level 1 spell: Summon Butterflies
     90364 | Crypt:2 | Learned a level 4 spell: Insulation
     90450 | Crypt:2 | Noticed Mara
     90596 | Crypt:2 | Noticed Margery
     90620 | Crypt:2 | Defeated Margery
     91038 | Crypt:2 | Defeated Mara
     92010 | Crypt:3 | Got a brightly glowing cloak
     92011 | Crypt:3 | Identified the +1 cloak of the Untouchables (You found it on level 3 of the Crypt)
     92700 | Crypt:3 | Found a staircase to the Tomb.
     93011 | Crypt:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Crypt
     94013 | Crypt:4 | Reached skill 18 in Unarmed Combat
     95196 | Crypt:5 | Reached XP level 23. HP: 158/162 MP: 26/40
     95221 | Crypt:5 | Noticed a lich
     95751 | Crypt:5 | Defeated a lich
     96507 | Crypt:5 | Noticed a lich
     96523 | Crypt:5 | Defeated a lich
     96849 | Crypt:5 | Noticed an ancient lich
     97003 | Crypt:5 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
     97446 | Crypt:5 | Defeated an ancient lich
     97761 | Crypt:5 | Received a gift from Sif Muna
     97762 | Crypt:5 | Got a droning book {god gift}
     97763 | Crypt:5 | Identified Sif Muna's Catalogue of Venomous Transmigration {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 5 of the Crypt)
     97817 | Crypt:5 | Learned a level 3 spell: Abjuration
     98229 | Vault:3 | Got a pitted plate mail
     98230 | Vault:3 | Identified the cursed -4 plate mail of the Great Game (You found it on level 3 of the Vaults)
     98416 | Tomb:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients
    104234 | Tomb:2  | Reached skill 19 in Unarmed Combat
    104372 | Tomb:2  | Reached XP level 24. HP: 143/157 MP: 28/41
    104653 | Tomb:2  | Reached XP level 23. HP: 94/150 MP: 32/40
    104653 | Tomb:2  | Reached XP level 24. HP: 98/157 MP: 33/41
    104880 | Tomb:2  | Reached XP level 23. HP: 225/225 MP: 37/40
    104880 | Tomb:2  | Reached XP level 24. HP: 157/157 MP: 38/41
    106822 | Tomb:1  | Received a gift from Sif Muna
    106823 | Tomb:1  | Got an antique book {god gift}
    106874 | Tomb:2  | Identified Sif Muna's Disquisition on Companions and the Voyage {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    108401 | Tomb:1  | Reached skill 5 in Traps & Doors
    108435 | Tomb:1  | Reached skill 15 in Necromancy
    111167 | Tomb:3  | Entered Level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients
    111885 | Tomb:3  | Received a gift from Sif Muna
    111891 | Tomb:3  | Got a levitating book {god gift}
    111954 | Tomb:3  | Identified Sif Muna's Guide on Infatuation {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    111961 | Tomb:3  | Learned a level 6 spell: Haste
    113442 | Tomb:3  | Reached XP level 25. HP: 120/129 MP: 10/42
    113793 | Tomb:3  | Reached XP level 24. HP: 122/122 MP: 37/41
    113793 | Tomb:3  | Reached XP level 25. HP: 129/129 MP: 38/42
    114657 | Tomb:3  | Got a twisted ring mail
    114671 | Tomb:2  | Identified the +1 ring mail of the Republic (You took it off a mummy priest on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    115369 | Tomb:3  | Reached skill 1 in Bows
    115656 | Tomb:3  | Got a dazzling quarterstaff
    116163 | Tomb:3  | Got a brightly glowing bow
    116164 | Tomb:3  | Got a polished glaive
    116182 | Tomb:2  | Identified the cursed -5,-5 quarterstaff "Suklyntofe" (You took it off a guardian mummy on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    116616 | Tomb:3  | Got a sparkling lapis lazuli ring
    116667 | Tomb:3  | Identified the cursed ring "Ywnu" (You found it on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    117445 | Tomb:1  | Received a gift from Sif Muna
    117446 | Tomb:1  | Got a black book {god gift}
    117473 | Tomb:1  | Got a polished robe
    117481 | Tomb:1  | Identified the +1 robe "Ghaej" (You took it off a guardian mummy on level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    117908 | Vault:5 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces
    117908 | Vault:5 | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces
    118966 | Tomb:3  | Got a brightly glowing battleaxe
    118967 | Tomb:3  | Identified the battleaxe of the Warrior {flame, rC+ MR AC+5 Str-3} (You took it off a guardian mummy on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    119132 | Tomb:3  | Got a transparent halberd
    119158 | Tomb:3  | Got a dazzling helmet
    119165 | Tomb:3  | Got a vibrating marble ring
    119868 | Tomb:1  | Identified the ring "Ygalinka" (You found it on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    119874 | Tomb:1  | Identified the +3 helmet of the Abyss (You found it on level 3 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    121412 | Tomb:3  | Got a golden rune of Zot
    122481 | D:16    | Gained mutation: You are partially covered in orange scales (AC +1).
    122481 | D:16    | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in purple scales (AC +2).
    122725 | D:22    | Gained mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
    122725 | D:22    | Lost mutation: Your digestive system is specialised to digest meat.
    122726 | D:22    | Gained mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1).
    122726 | D:22    | Lost mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
    122726 | D:22    | Gained mutation: You digest meat inefficiently.
    122771 | D:22    | Gained mutation: You are very frail (-20% HP).
    124514 | D:24    | Reached XP level 26. HP: 74/122 MP: 41/42
    125246 | D:24    | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium.
    125532 | D:24    | Reached skill 20 in Unarmed Combat
    125579 | D:24    | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss.
    126075 | D:25    | Entered Level 25 of the Dungeon
    126617 | D:25    | Reached skill 10 in Enchantments
    129064 | D:27    | Entered Level 27 of the Dungeon
    129091 | D:27    | Got a shimmering leather armour
    129139 | D:26    | Identified the cursed +1 leather armour of Leaves (You found it on level 27 of the Dungeon)
    130205 | D:27    | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
    130250 | D:27    | Got a faintly humming helmet
    130253 | D:27    | Gained mutation: You are clumsy (Dex -1).
    130266 | D:27    | Identified the +1 helmet "Plog" (You found it on level 27 of the Dungeon)
    130266 | D:27    | Lost mutation: You tend to lose your temper in combat.
    131434 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably.
    131434 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You are very frail (-20% HP).
    131434 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You can spit poison.
    131435 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: Your mind is acute (Int +1).
    131435 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
    131435 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You are clumsy (Dex -1).
    131435 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You cover ground quickly.
    131435 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You are partially covered in orange scales (AC +1).
    131435 | Lair:2  | Lost mutation: You can translocate small distances instantaneously.
    131445 | Lair:2  | Identified Nuipaed's Collected Works on Necromancy {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 1 of the Tomb of the Ancients)
    131938 | Zot:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Realm of Zot
    131976 | Zot:1   | Reached skill 15 in Fighting
    131983 | Zot:1   | Reached skill 21 in Unarmed Combat
    133674 | Elf:7   | Entered Level 7 of the Elven Halls
    134059 | Elf:7   | Found Uxaduare's Magic Scroll Emporium.
    134089 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
    134090 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
    134094 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
    134107 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
    134116 | Elf:7   | Got a steaming tin ring
    134124 | Elf:7   | Got an ancient leather armour
    134126 | Elf:7   | Got a dazzling blowgun
    134133 | Elf:7   | Got a brightly glowing turquoise ring
    134143 | Elf:7   | Got a steaming ring mail
    134147 | Elf:7   | Got a faintly humming plate mail
    134154 | Elf:7   | Got a pitted spear
    134179 | Elf:7   | Identified the +0 leather armour "Twuedi" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    134214 | Elf:7   | Identified the ring "Qusy" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    134218 | Elf:7   | Identified the ring "Popy" (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    134229 | Elf:7   | Identified the cursed -4 ring mail of Eternal Vigilance (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    134397 | Elf:7   | Got a transparent banded mail
    134439 | Elf:7   | Identified the +0 banded mail of the Barnacle (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    134457 | Elf:7   | Identified the blowgun of Pnoed {speed, rElec rF++ rN+ Str+4 Int+3} (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    134483 | Elf:7   | Identified the spear "Vyogymol" {venom, -TELE rElec rPois rN+} (You took it off a deep elf death mage on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    134562 | Elf:7   | Reached XP level 27. HP: 157/182 MP: 14/43
    134955 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
    134973 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
    135150 | Elf:7   | Bought a scroll of torment for 112 gold pieces
    135150 | Elf:7   | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces
    135150 | Elf:7   | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces
    135150 | Elf:7   | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces
    135150 | Elf:7   | Bought a scroll of identify for 30 gold pieces
    135206 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
    135240 | Elf:7   | Got a polished glaive
    135251 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
    135318 | Elf:7   | Identified the glaive of Calculation {chop, -CAST rF++ Str+3} (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
    136106 | D:9     | Defeated Joseph
    136393 | D:10    | Defeated a pulsating lump
    136533 | Hive:2  | Identified a scroll of acquirement
    136922 | D:17    | Learned a level 5 spell: Summon Demon
    137474 | Zot:1   | Received a gift from Sif Muna
    137480 | Zot:1   | Got a graven book {god gift}
    137529 | D:27    | Identified Nergalle's Handbook of Bewitching Stolen Souls {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 1 of the Realm of Zot)
    138719 | Zot:2   | Reached skill 22 in Unarmed Combat
    139352 | Zot:2   | Got a brightly glowing robe
    139403 | Zot:1   | Identified the cursed +1 robe of Disguise (You found it on level 2 of the Realm of Zot)
    140790 | Zot:3   | You fall through a shaft!
    141148 | Zot:3   | Reached skill 23 in Unarmed Combat
    142342 | Zot:4   | Received a gift from Sif Muna
    142379 | Zot:4   | Got a graven book {god gift}
    142382 | Zot:4   | Identified Sif Muna's Further Progress in Magic {god gift} (Sif Muna gifted it to you on level 4 of the Realm of Zot)
    143411 | Zot:4   | Reached skill 15 in Spellcasting
    143614 | Zot:4   | Reached skill 24 in Unarmed Combat
    143814 | Zot:4   | Learned a level 5 spell: Phase Shift
    143932 | Zot:5   | Entered Level 5 of the Realm of Zot
    144372 | Zot:4   | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your deformed body.
    144393 | Zot:4   | Gained mutation: Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity.
    144784 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    144802 | Zot:5   | Defeated an orb of fire
    145351 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145351 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145351 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145351 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145353 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
    145354 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145356 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: Your body is slowly deteriorating.
    145361 | Zot:5   | Defeated an orb of fire
    145365 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145365 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145365 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: You occasionally shout uncontrollably.
    145370 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145370 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
    145370 | Zot:5   | Noticed an orb of fire
    145371 | Zot:5   | Noticed an ancient lich
    145376 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: You are weak (Str -2).
    145376 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: Your vision is a little blurry.
    145378 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your badly deformed body.
    145378 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: You are very frail (-20% HP).
    145991 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: Your body is deteriorating.
    145992 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your hideously deformed body.
    146047 | Zot:5   | Gained mutation: You digest meat very inefficiently.
    146049 | Zot:5   | Lost mutation: You digest meat very inefficiently.
    146054 | Zot:5   | Defeated an orb of fire
    146115 | Zot:5   | Reached skill 25 in Unarmed Combat
    146115 | Zot:5   | Defeated an orb of fire
    146414 | Zot:5   | Received a gift from Sif Muna
    146505 | Zot:5   | Mangled by an Orb Guardian

  16. #286
    ☭ Albion Online. Hunt: Showdown. Helldivers 2. Backpack Battles. Forza Motorsport. Simrail. Session ☭
    ✈ DCS (M2000C - F16C - Mirage F1 - A10C II) ✈ Flight Simulator ✈ Gary Grigsby - Steam - Pico-8 - Mastodon

  17. #287
    Hum, dites les gens, vous faites quoi avec vos potions / parchos?

    Je teste toujours les parchos pour savoir c'qu'ya écrit dessus mais bizarrement je le bois pas les potions pour les tester... Bonne idée ou mauvaise?
    (pasque je me dis que ça pourrait me servir à identifier les potions de soins au moins!)

  18. #288
    Je bois toujours les potions sauf rare profusion de parchemins d'identification. Donc en général tu t'empoisonnes une fois, tu mutes une fois, tu décrépis une fois...

    Je fais bien sur ça quand j'ai complètement visité et vidé l'étage et que j'ai tout ce qu'il faut pour être en sécurité en cas d'empoisonnement / immobilisation, etc...
    ☭ Albion Online. Hunt: Showdown. Helldivers 2. Backpack Battles. Forza Motorsport. Simrail. Session ☭
    ✈ DCS (M2000C - F16C - Mirage F1 - A10C II) ✈ Flight Simulator ✈ Gary Grigsby - Steam - Pico-8 - Mastodon

  19. #289
    est ce que vous désactivez souvent des skills pour la pool d'xp?

  20. #290
    Citation Envoyé par thylkerisis Voir le message
    est ce que vous désactivez souvent des skills pour la pool d'xp?
    Moi oui, surtout au début, genre la skill pour "throw" quand ton perso est pas amené à se spécialiser dedans à long terme. Ça permet d'avoir une pool d'xp parfois dans le positif et d'augmenter d'un coup une skill plus tard dans la partie, comme celle pour détecter les pièges et portes cachées...

  21. #291
    Tiens Cheibriados le Dieu des gros glandeurs il est assez fun. J'étais bien parti avec mon Deep Dwarf Necro qui se baladait et ownait tout jusqu'à tomber dans un shaft au milieu de 12 machins, me teleporter à 2 mètres d'eux comme un naze en espérant me téléporter au loin, fuir à 1PV au niveau inférieur et me retrouver au milieu de 4 Yaks et 1 Ogre à 2 têtes.

    Ha la mouise
    ☭ Albion Online. Hunt: Showdown. Helldivers 2. Backpack Battles. Forza Motorsport. Simrail. Session ☭
    ✈ DCS (M2000C - F16C - Mirage F1 - A10C II) ✈ Flight Simulator ✈ Gary Grigsby - Steam - Pico-8 - Mastodon

  22. #292
    Mon gros soucis c'est la bouf avec mon spriggan enchanteur, jeter des sort consomme bcp trop de bouffe... Du coup je me demande si je ne traîne pas trop dans chaque niveau? Vous descendez le plus rapidement possible ou vous cleanez tout?

  23. #293
    Le coup des problemes de bouffe avec un spriggan lanceur de sort c'est classique, et du coup c'est un peu lié a ta question précédente. Désactive toutes les compétences autres que spellcasting au début et quand tu as un pool d'xp conséquent n'hésite pas a lancer corona dans le vide pour monter spellcasting. Vu que c'est la compétence qui determine le coût en bouffe des sorts il faut la monter rapidement pour pas trop souffrir avec un spriggan. Une fois que tu peux lancer tes sorts principaux (ensorcelled hibernation et Confusion) sans trop t'affamer tu pourras réactiver les autres.

    Sur le fait de désactiver certaines skills en général, oui je le fait souvent, en particulier pour booster spellcasting ou fighting qui ont tendance a se faire bouffer par les autres skills sinon. Je le fais également quand j'ai des compétences dont je compte pas me servir plus tard, notamment quand j'ai de l'équipement "temporaire" (genre quand j'ai un sabre parce que j'ai pas encore de hache, ou un bouclier parce que j'ai pas encore d'arme a deux mains...).

    Sinon spriggan enchanteur a part les problèmes de bouffe (qui sont définitivement reglés quand on se fait la branche Hive) c'est carrément sympa. Le gros problème par contre c'est qu'on se ballade les 3/4 du temps (un spriggan sous haste/Invisibility/les deux ça détruit tout sur son passage) mais qu'il suffit qu'on rencontre un monstre très resistant aux enchantements et voyant l'invisible pour que d'un coup ce soit quasi impossible.

  24. #294
    Citation Envoyé par Alge'n Voir le message
    Le coup des problemes de bouffe avec un spriggan lanceur de sort c'est classique, et du coup c'est un peu lié a ta question précédente. Désactive toutes les compétences autres que spellcasting au début et quand tu as un pool d'xp conséquent n'hésite pas a lancer corona dans le vide pour monter spellcasting. Vu que c'est la compétence qui determine le coût en bouffe des sorts il faut la monter rapidement pour pas trop souffrir avec un spriggan. Une fois que tu peux lancer tes sorts principaux (ensorcelled hibernation et Confusion) sans trop t'affamer tu pourras réactiver les autres.

    Sur le fait de désactiver certaines skills en général, oui je le fait souvent, en particulier pour booster spellcasting ou fighting qui ont tendance a se faire bouffer par les autres skills sinon. Je le fais également quand j'ai des compétences dont je compte pas me servir plus tard, notamment quand j'ai de l'équipement "temporaire" (genre quand j'ai un sabre parce que j'ai pas encore de hache, ou un bouclier parce que j'ai pas encore d'arme a deux mains...).

    Sinon spriggan enchanteur a part les problèmes de bouffe (qui sont définitivement reglés quand on se fait la branche Hive) c'est carrément sympa. Le gros problème par contre c'est qu'on se ballade les 3/4 du temps (un spriggan sous haste/Invisibility/les deux ça détruit tout sur son passage) mais qu'il suffit qu'on rencontre un monstre très resistant aux enchantements et voyant l'invisible pour que d'un coup ce soit quasi impossible.
    Oki, et sinon tu montes plutôt attaque a distance ou contact (dague+backstab) parce que j'utilise énormément les flechettes pour survivre.

  25. #295
    Dague définitivement, les fléchettes c'est bien au début contre les ogres et autres saloperies qui tapent fort mais après c'est ensorcelled hibernation/confusion et backstab.

  26. #296
    Bon cette discussion sur les spriggans enchanteurs ça m'avait donné envie d'en refaire un. La bonne nouvelle c'est que ça a donné mon personnage le plus avancé à ce jour (et définitivement puisque j'ai atteint 27, le lvl max). La mauvaise c'est que maintenant je suis un peu frustré parce que je suis mort comme un con sur un coup de malchance (chopé la mutation teleportisis a cause d'abus de haste et d'invi, teleporté quasi immédiatement au beau milieu d'ennemis dans le Vault 8 et mort d'une volée de fleche de Yaktaurs en montant l'escalier malgré invisibilité+missile deflection...j'en pleurerais).

         Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.6.0 character file.
      502669 Kaizen the Politician (level 27, 0/121 HPs)
                   Began as a Spriggan Enchanter on May 3, 2010.
                   Was a High Priest of Okawaru.
                   Shot with a bolt of frost by a yaktaur captain (6 damage)
                   ... on Level 8 of the Vaults on May 4, 2010.
                   The game lasted 06:57:06 (113104 turns).
      Kaizen the Politician (Spriggan Enchanter)                                    Turns: 113104, Time: 06:57:06
      HP   0/121       AC  6     Str 13      Exp: 27/1106096 (8942)
      MP  34/44        EV 32     Int 25      God: Okawaru [*****.]
      Gold 6450        SH 17     Dex 20      Spells: 11 memorised,  7 levels left
      Res.Fire  : . . .   See Invis. : +   D - +8,+7 dagger (speed)
      Res.Cold  : . . .   Warding    : .   B - +1 robe of Reason {god gift, rElec MR Int+
      Life Prot.: + + +   Conserve   : +   O - +1 buckler "Tajot" {god gift, rN+ MR Dam+3
      Res.Poison: .       Res.Corr.  : +   c - +2 cap {god gift}
      Res.Elec. : +       Clarity    : +   b - +0 cloak {rCorr, Cons}
      Spirit.Shd: .                        (gloves unavailable)
      Sust.Abil.: .       Rnd.Telep. : +   (boots unavailable)
      Res.Mut.  : .       Ctrl.Telep.: .   l - amulet "Gehuahi" {Clar AC+1 Str+4}
      Res.Rott. : .       Levitation : .   n - ring "Prughem" {+Blink +Inv rN+ Acc+3}
      Saprovore : . . .   Ctrl.Flight: .   x - ring of life protection
      @: deflect missiles, very slightly glowing, very quick, almost entirely resistant to hostile enchantments,
      incredibly stealthy
      A: unfitting armour, herbivore 3, slow metabolism 3, teleportitis 1, speed 3, see invisible, deformed body
      1, -10% hp
      a: Might, Haste, Renounce Religion, Evoke Blink, Evoke Invisibility
      You were on level 8 of the Vaults.
      You worshipped Okawaru.
      Okawaru was extremely pleased with you.
      You were full.
      You visited 11 branches of the dungeon, and saw 78 of its levels.
      You collected 7177 gold pieces.
      You spent 497 gold pieces at shops.
      You used 250 gold pieces for miscellaneous purposes.
      Hand weapons
       D - a +8,+7 dagger of speed (weapon)
       R - the -3,-1 sabre of Absolution {speed, AC+5 EV+5}
         (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)   
         Attacks with this weapon take half as long as usual.
         It affects your AC (+5).
         It affects your evasion (+5).
       Y - the +7,+6 short sword "Hifekhl Strall" {holy, +Blink +Lev MR Dex+2}
         (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)   
         It has been blessed by the Shining One to cause great damage to the undead 
         and demons.
         It affects your dexterity (+2).
         It increases your resistance to enchantments.
         It lets you levitate.
         It lets you blink.
       b - a +0 cloak of preservation (worn)
       c - a +2 cap (worn) {god gift}
       B - the +1 robe of Reason (worn) {god gift, rElec MR Int+4}
         (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 21 of the Dungeon)   
         It affects your intelligence (+4).
         It insulates you from electricity.
         It increases your resistance to enchantments.
       O - the +1 buckler "Tajot" (worn) {god gift, rN+ MR Dam+3}
         (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 2 of the Hive)   
         It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+3).
         It protects you from negative energy.
         It increases your resistance to enchantments.
      Magical devices
       d - a wand of teleportation (7)
       G - a wand of digging (11)
       H - a wand of polymorph other (3)
       I - a wand of disintegration (6)
       S - a wand of disintegration (3)
       h - a rambutan
       Q - 3 bread rations
       j - a scroll of identify
       k - 2 scrolls of blinking
       p - 3 scrolls of holy word
       s - 2 scrolls of fear
       v - 2 scrolls of teleportation
       A - 2 scrolls of detect curse
       F - a scroll of magic mapping
       J - a scroll of remove curse
       K - 2 scrolls of fog
       l - the amulet "Gehuahi" (around neck) {Clar AC+1 Str+4}
         (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)   
         [amulet of clarity]
         It affects your AC (+1).
         It affects your strength (+4).
       n - the ring "Prughem" (right hand) {+Blink +Inv rN+ Acc+3}
         (You found it on level 10 of the Dungeon)   
         [ring of life protection]
         It affects your accuracy (+3).
         It lets you turn invisible.
         It lets you blink.
       q - the amulet "Khaabuq" {Ward +Lev rPois rF+ rC-}
         (You acquired it on level 5 of the Shoals)   
         [amulet of warding]
         It protects you from fire.
         It makes you vulnerable to cold.
         It protects you from poison.
         It lets you levitate.
       w - a cursed +3 ring of intelligence
       x - a ring of life protection (left hand)
       z - a +5,+5 ring of slaying
       C - an uncursed ring of regeneration
       L - the ring "Phihap" {EV+2 Dam+2 Stlth+}
         (You acquired it on level 4 of the Elven Halls)   
         [ring of evasion]
         It affects your evasion (+2).
         It affects your damage-dealing abilities (+2).
         It makes you much more stealthy.
       a - 2 potions of invisibility
       e - 5 potions of healing
       f - 2 potions of heal wounds
       g - 2 potions of speed
       m - a potion of restore abilities
       o - 2 potions of might
       r - 2 potions of brilliance
       t - a potion of levitation
       u - a potion of magic
       M - a potion of agility
       i - a book of Morphology   
         Spells                             Type                      Level
         Lee's Rapid Deconstruction         Transmutation/Earth          5
         Polymorph Other                    Transmutation                5
         Cigotuvi's Degeneration            Transmutation/Necromancy     5
         Alter Self                         Transmutation                7
         Shatter                            Transmutation/Earth          9
       y - a book of Control   
         Spells                             Type                      Level
         *Control Teleport                  Enchantment/Translocation    4
         Enslavement                        Enchantment                  4
         Tame Beasts                        Enchantment                  5
         Mass Confusion                     Enchantment                  6
         Control Undead                     Enchantment/Necromancy       6
         Metabolic Englaciation             Enchantment/Ice              7
       N - a book of the Sky   
         Spells                             Type                      Level
         Summon Elemental                   Summoning                    4
         Insulation                         Enchantment/Air              4
         Airstrike                          Air                          4
         Flight                             Enchantment/Air              4
         *Silence                           Enchantment/Air              5
         Lightning Bolt                     Conjuration/Air              5
         *Deflect Missiles                  Enchantment/Air              6
         Conjure Ball Lightning             Conjuration/Air              7
       E - a crystal ball of fixation
       P - a silver rune of Zot
       You had 8942 experience left.
       + Level 9 Fighting
       + Level 21 Short Blades
       - Level 1 Throwing
       + Level 2 Armour
       + Level 16 Dodging
       + Level 21 Stealth
       * Level 27 Stabbing
       + Level 4 Shields
       + Level 14 Traps & Doors
       + Level 12 Spellcasting
       + Level 22 Enchantments
       + Level 4 Translocations
       - Level 5 Ice Magic
       - Level 2 Air Magic
       - Level 1 Poison Magic
       + Level 1 Evocations
      You had 7 spell levels left.
      You knew the following spells:
       Your Spells              Type           Power          Success   Level
      a - Deflect Missiles      Air/Ench       #######...     Excellent   6
      b - Ensorcelled Hibernat  Ice/Ench       #######        Excellent   2
      c - Confuse               Ench           ########..     Perfect     3
      d - Control Teleport      Ench/Tloc      #######...     Excellent   4
      e - Invisibility          Ench           ########..     Excellent   6
      f - Haste                 Ench           ########..     Excellent   6
      g - Mephitic Cloud        Pois/Air/Conj  ####......     Very Good   3
      h - Blink                 Tloc           N/A            Excellent   2
      i - Silence               Air/Ench       #######...     Excellent   5
      j - Extension             Ench           ########..     Perfect     5
      k - Apportation           Tloc           ######....     Excellent   1
      Dungeon Overview and Level Annotations
      Dungeon (27/27)            Temple (1/1) D:4             Orc (4/4) D:10
          Elf (7/7) Orc:4          Lair (8/8) D:10         Shoals (5/5) Lair:3
        Slime (6/6) Lair:6        Snake (5/5) Lair:3         Hive (2/2) D:12
        Vault (8/8) D:17          Blade (0/1) Vault:5       Crypt (5/5) Vault:3
         Tomb (0/3) Crypt:2         Zot (0/5) D:27        
      Nemelex Xobeh
      Sif Muna
      The Shining One
      D:13: !  D:14: [*[  D:16: *  D:17: /%[(  D:19: [  D:22: ?  D:26: +?(  Elf:2: (+?[  Elf:3: /==[*
      Elf:4: [  Lair:1: %  Lair:6: *  Shoals:2: +  Shoals:5: (=  Snake:4: [  Snake:5: +  Vault:4: %/
      Hell: D:21 D:22 D:23 D:24 D:25 D:26 D:27
      Abyss: D:23 D:25 D:26
      Pan: D:24
      Trove: D:20 (crossbow of Biuqik) 
      Ziggurat: D:13 (3120 gp) 
      D:1 exclusions: 9 flame clouds, 9 freezing vapour clouds and 13 noxious fumes clouds
      D:4 exclusion: foul pestilence cloud
      D:6 exclusion: 37 flame clouds
      D:17 exclusion: 13 freezing vapour clouds
      Lair:3 exclusion: ice statue
      Vault:6 exclusion: silver statue
                          Innate Abilities, Weirdness & Mutations
      Your body does not fit into most forms of armour.
      You are a herbivore.
      You need consume almost no food.
      You cover ground extremely quickly.
      You have supernaturally acute eyesight.
      Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity.
      Armour fits poorly on your deformed body.
      You are frail (-10% HP).
      Message History
      * * * LOW HITPOINT WARNING * * *
      There is a stone staircase leading up, spattered with blood here.
      Things that are here:
      a steel bolt; a large rock
      The yaktaur captain shoots a bolt of frost.
      The bolt of frost hits you!
      You die...
              #....#..#    ...##
              #....#..#    .p.# 
           .# #...[#(.#####...# 
      .(.##.(..[.([(...# ##### 
      You could see 2 yaktaur captains and a stone giant skeleton.
      Vanquished Creatures
        the royal jelly (Slime:6)
        Khufu (Crypt:2)
        An ancient lich (Crypt:4)
        Saint Roka (Vault:4)
        3 greater mummies
        Mara (D:19)
        Norris (Vault:2)
        18 acid blobs
        Xtahua (D:21)
        A golden dragon (Vault:8)
        A titan (Vault:8)
        2 deep elf blademasters (Elf:7)
        2 curse skulls
        Nikola (D:18)
        Kirke (Elf:4)
        6 shadow dragons (Vault:8)
        6 sphinxes
        Rupert (Snake:1)
        3 storm dragons (Vault:8)
        Duane (Vault:6)
        Frances (Crypt:4)
        Roxanne (D:19)
        Francis (D:23)
        Aizul (D:19)
        Ilsuiw (Shoals:5)
        2 skeletal dragons
        Donald (Crypt:3)
        7 frost giants
        Louise (Elf:3)
        An orc warlord (D:21)
        Maud (Orc:4)
        5 fire giants
        A stone giant (shapeshifter) (D:21)
        32 stone giants
        6 azure jellies
        A quicksilver dragon skeleton (D:25)
        5 deep elf death magi (Elf:7)
        6 deep elf annihilators (Elf:7)
        Jozef (D:16)
        6 greater nagas (Snake:5)
        Azrael (Elf:4)
        A titan zombie (Crypt:2)
        3 deep elf sorcerers (Elf:7)
        2 deep elf master archers (Elf:7)
        Snorg (D:19)
        23 vault guards
        27 yaktaur captains
        Norbert (Orc:3)
        A titan skeleton (D:26)
        A merfolk aquamancer (Shoals:5)
        A storm dragon skeleton (D:23)
        Erica (D:10)
        2 vampire knights
        Josephine (Orc:3)
        9 hydras
        Wayne (Vault:2)
        5 death oozes (D:22)
        4 merfolk javelineers (Shoals:5)
        5 great orbs of eyes
        4 ice dragons
        An ice dragon (shapeshifter) (D:16)
        2 shadow dragon zombies
        Nergalle (D:15)
        4 merfolk impalers (Shoals:5)
        2 anacondas
        5 deep elf demonologists (Elf:7)
        8 ogre magi
        2 deep trolls (Vault:8)
        3 deep elf high priests (Elf:7)
        2 frost giant zombies
        5 shadow dragon skeletons
        3 stone giant zombies
        The ghost of Talyyn the Slicer, a powerful SpAs of Nemelex Xobeh (Shoals:1)
        2 rakshasas
        17 centaur warriors
        8 very ugly things
        A fire giant skeleton (D:25)
        5 griffons
        A frost giant skeleton (D:23)
        A death drake (shapeshifter) (D:26)
        2 orc high priests
        9 stone giant skeletons
        A soul eater (Elf:3)
        3 iron trolls
        81 skeletal warriors
        5 unseen horrors
        25 deep elf knights
        A shadow wraith (Crypt:4)
        A sea snake (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
        An alligator snapping turtle zombie (Crypt:2)
        13 naga warriors
        5 sea snakes
        2 mottled draconian zombies (Crypt:2)
        5 orc sorcerers
        A pale draconian zombie (Crypt:2)
        2 hell knights (D:16)
        A wizard (D:17)
        6 flayed ghosts
        A lindwurm (shapeshifter) (D:25)
        2 spectral warriors
        A swamp dragon (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
        5 necromancers
        2 harpies (shapeshifter)
        11 giant amoebae
        7 hill giants
        25 orc knights
        4 red wasps
        Joseph (D:12)
        6 shining eyes
        2 iron troll skeletons
        4 spiny worms
        A hydra skeleton (Crypt:5)
        18 harpies
        A red wasp (shapeshifter) (Elf:1)
        A hydra zombie (Crypt:2)
        2 guardian serpents (Snake:5)
        13 cyclopes
        5 elf zombies
        2 red wasp zombies
        A griffon zombie (D:17)
        A trapdoor spider (Vault:1)
        A wolf spider (D:13)
        Maurice (Orc:3)
        18 black mambas
        7 mimics
        4 dragon skeletons
        A spiny worm zombie (Crypt:2)
        3 hellwings
        2 eyes of devastation (shapeshifter)
        41 yaktaurs
        A draconian skeleton (Crypt:5)
        A griffon skeleton (Crypt:4)
        90 slime creatures
        An alligator skeleton (Crypt:1)
        A giant toad zombie (D:13)
        A wolf spider (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
        9 spiny frogs
        3 orange demons
        24 naga magi
        2 hill giant zombies
        2 eyes of devastation
        A queen ant zombie (Crypt:2)
        Psyche (D:13)
        A giant toad skeleton (Crypt:5)
        5 guardian mummies (Crypt:2)
        A komodo dragon (shapeshifter) (Vault:8)
        12 rock trolls
        5 mermaids
        4 snapping turtles
        7 komodo dragons
        2 two-headed ogres (shapeshifter)
        2 hill giant skeletons (D:20)
        4 rock troll zombies
        16 trolls
        99 ugly things
        2 polar bears (Lair:3)
        2 queen bees
        2 smoke demons
        3 redbacks
        4 wandering mushrooms (Lair:6)
        4 humans (D:17)
        28 two-headed ogres
        An ettin (shapeshifter) (Elf:1)
        A troll (shapeshifter) (Vault:7)
        21 blink frogs
        4 deep troll skeletons
        11 giant toads
        A blink frog zombie (Crypt:2)
        A baby alligator skeleton (Crypt:2)
        14 wraiths
        2 rock troll skeletons
        2 sharks
        A rotting hulk (Crypt:4)
        A merfolk zombie (Crypt:2)
        3 ynoxinuls
        9 vampires
        A griffon simulacrum (Vault:2)
        2 bumblebees (D:25)
        12 brown oozes
        A steam dragon (D:12)
        2 hogs (Elf:4)
        2 giant blowfly zombies
        3 giant blowflies
        Eustachio (Elf:2)
        22 deep elf conjurers
        12 golden eyes
        3 wyverns
        74 yaks
        21 merfolk
        20 deep elf summoners
        5 fire elementals (Elf:4)
        7 vipers
        A golden eye (shapeshifter) (D:14)
        11 hippogriffs
        A rock worm (D:22)
        2 hungry ghosts (D:13)
        3 blink frog skeletons
        35 deep elf fighters
        3 water elementals (Shoals:5)
        4 ghouls
        A giant slug (shapeshifter) (D:21)
        2 komodo dragon zombies
        2 neqoxecs (D:23)
        A merfolk (shapeshifter) (D:24)
        2 yaktaur zombies
        A komodo dragon skeleton (Crypt:5)
        2 fire drakes (shapeshifter)
        A fire drake skeleton (Crypt:4)
        4 fire drakes
        2 hairy devils
        2 giant slug zombies
        A soldier ant (D:18)
        16 necrophages
        5 manticores
        A mottled dragon (Vault:4)
        3 yaktaur skeletons
        2 hell hounds (Elf:4)
        6 freezing wraiths
        A cyclops skeleton (Vault:1)
        A redback simulacrum (Vault:1)
        A manticore zombie (D:13)
        A wyvern skeleton (D:26)
        79 orc warriors
        2 queen bee zombies
        A yak zombie (Vault:2)
        16 deep elf priests
        7 ice beasts
        7 phantoms
        A yellow wasp (D:13)
        2 bumblebee zombies
        38 ogres
        7 giant goldfish (D:11)
        2 boring beetles (shapeshifter)
        21 centaurs
        7 crocodiles
        A yak skeleton (Crypt:5)
        7 gila monsters
        9 wargs
        Sigmund (D:2)
        19 deep elf magi
        4 boring beetles
        70 nagas
        A troll skeleton (D:16)
        A wolf (Lair:3)
        6 big kobolds
        2 brain worms
        6 giant slugs
        A yellow wasp zombie (Crypt:4)
        2 two-headed ogre zombies (D:22)
        2 soldier ant zombies
        21 giant frogs
        7 giant snails
        29 water moccasins
        2 giant leeches (shapeshifter)
        3 water moccasin zombies
        2 water moccasin skeletons
        A two-headed ogre skeleton (Crypt:1)
        A black bear skeleton (Crypt:1)
        6 giant frog skeletons
        A centaur skeleton (Crypt:5)
        An elf skeleton (Elf:7)
        9 eyes of draining
        5 boulder beetles
        120 killer bees
        A giant leech zombie (Crypt:2)
        4 jellyfish (D:13)
        A warg skeleton (Orc:3)
        3 giant beetles
        A gila monster zombie (Crypt:5)
        An ogre zombie (Orc:3)
        15 electric eels
        A dwarf zombie (Crypt:2)
        15 imps
        11 wights
        A mottled dragon skeleton (Crypt:2)
        29 orc priests
        2 shadows
        2 big kobold zombies
        A dwarf skeleton (Crypt:5)
        10 big fish
        8 hounds
        2 quasits
        3 scorpions
        Crazy Yiuf (D:2)
        2 hound skeletons
        A soldier ant simulacrum (D:25)
        25 orc wizards
        4 big kobold skeletons
        50 deep elf soldiers
        8 iguanas
        3 orange rats
        A swamp drake zombie (Crypt:4)
        A giant ant zombie (Crypt:4)
        19 sheep
        17 giant ants
        A worm zombie (Crypt:5)
        19 jellies
        A steam dragon skeleton (Crypt:5)
        3 boggarts (D:21)
        3 mummies
        A manes (Vault:6)
        A snake (shapeshifter) (Vault:2)
        29 green rats
        A human (shapeshifter) (D:19)
        2 lemures
        52 snakes
        8 flying skulls (Crypt:5)
        2 iguana skeletons
        7 giant centipedes
        2 giant mites
        A snake zombie (D:15)
        3 white imps
        7 worms
        15 ufetubi
        Terence (D:2)
        83 grey rats
        A giant bat skeleton (Vault:5)
        A giant bat zombie (D:17)
        A giant eyeball (D:11)
        2 giant mite zombies
        A green rat zombie (Crypt:1)
        4 butterfly zombies
        2 gnoll skeletons
        10 oozes
        46 giant bats
        3 giant cockroaches
        22 hobgoblins
        18 jackals
        39 kobolds
        139 orcs
        11 quokkas
        2 small snakes
        A giant cockroach zombie (Crypt:2)
        10 giant geckos
        4 giant newts
        A giant newt skeleton (D:21)
        5 giant spores
        15 goblins
        A goblin zombie (Crypt:1)
        2 grey rat zombies
        A hobgoblin zombie (D:7)
        2 illusory rakshasas (D:16)
        3 jackal skeletons
        50 killer bee larvae
        5 orc skeletons
        5 orc zombies
        A quokka skeleton (Crypt:5)
        A quokka zombie (Crypt:4)
        37 rats
        A small snake skeleton (Crypt:4)
        A small snake zombie (Crypt:2)
        26 ballistomycetes
        A butterfly (D:21)
        3 fungi
        8 plants
        70 toadstools
      2949 creatures vanquished.
      Vanquished Creatures (collateral kills)
        An ugly thing (Vault:1)
        A baby alligator (shapeshifter) (Vault:4)
        An orc warrior (Vault:4)
        An ogre (Vault:5)
        A naga (Vault:5)
        A killer bee (D:12)
        An orc wizard (D:22)
        2 grey rats
        2 humans (Elf:4)
        7 orcs (D:12)
        A quokka (Lair:5)
        A killer bee larva (Hive:2)
      20 creatures vanquished.
      Vanquished Creatures (others)
        A stone giant (D:24)
        A fire giant (D:26)
        2 deep elf sorcerers
        46 slime creatures
        A human (D:4)
        A water elemental (Shoals:5)
        A naga (Vault:4)
        2 wargs (Vault:8)
        A giant frog skeleton (Crypt:5)
        2 killer bees (Hive:1)
        An orc priest (Vault:3)
        A hound skeleton (Vault:8)
        2 deep elf soldiers
        A sheep (D:15)
        A jelly (D:22)
        A gnoll skeleton (D:21)
        An ooze (D:22)
        2 goblins
        2 grey rats (Lair:7)
        2 jackals (D:6)
        2 kobolds (D:17)
        4 orcs
        A quokka (Lair:4)
        2 giant spores
        A killer bee larva (Hive:2)
        A rat skeleton (Crypt:5)
        A small snake skeleton (Crypt:3)
        11 fungi
        4 plants
        322 toadstools
      421 creatures vanquished.
      Grand Total: 3390 creatures vanquished
      Turn   | Place   | Note
           0 | D:1     | Kaizen, the Spriggan Enchanter, began the quest for the Orb.
           0 | D:1     | Reached XP level 1. HP: 8/8 MP: 4/4
         398 | D:1     | Reached skill 1 in Stabbing
         606 | D:1     | Reached XP level 2. HP: 9/11 MP: 5/7
         610 | D:1     | Learned a level 2 spell: Ensorcelled Hibernation
        1417 | D:2     | Noticed Terence
        1482 | D:2     | Reached XP level 3. HP: 14/16 MP: 6/9
        1593 | D:2     | Learned a level 3 spell: Confuse
        1607 | D:2     | Noticed Crazy Yiuf
        1693 | D:2     | Defeated Crazy Yiuf
        1693 | D:2     | Reached XP level 4. HP: 19/19 MP: 1/12
        1899 | D:2     | Reached skill 7 in Enchantments
        2005 | D:2     | Defeated Terence
        2090 | D:2     | Noticed Sigmund
        2151 | D:2     | Defeated Sigmund
        2151 | D:2     | Reached XP level 5. HP: 20/23 MP: 8/15
        2763 | D:2     | Reached skill 8 in Enchantments
        2958 | D:2     | Reached skill 1 in Ice Magic
        4066 | D:4     | Found a staircase to the Ecumenical Temple.
        4089 | Temple  | Entered the Ecumenical Temple
        4162 | Temple  | Became a worshipper of Warmaster Okawaru
        4232 | D:4     | Reached XP level 6. HP: 24/27 MP: 5/19
        4334 | D:4     | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
        4362 | D:5     | Entered Level 5 of the Dungeon
        4457 | D:4     | Reached skill 5 in Stabbing
        4935 | D:5     | Learned a level 2 spell: Repel Missiles
        5082 | D:5     | Reached skill 5 in Spellcasting
        5192 | D:5     | Learned a level 6 spell: Invisibility
        5260 | D:5     | Reached XP level 7. HP: 29/31 MP: 16/21
        5813 | D:5     | Reached skill 1 in Traps & Doors
        6169 | D:6     | Acquired Okawaru's first power
        6545 | D:6     | Reached skill 9 in Enchantments
        7414 | D:7     | Reached XP level 8. HP: 34/34 MP: 19/23
        7939 | D:7     | Reached skill 5 in Dodging
        8002 | D:7     | Reached skill 10 in Enchantments
        8009 | D:7     | Reached skill 5 in Stealth
        8046 | D:7     | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
        8134 | D:7     | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon.
        8820 | D:8     | Reached XP level 9. HP: 39/39 MP: 23/25
        9197 | D:8     | Reached skill 11 in Enchantments
        9634 | D:9     | Reached skill 10 in Stabbing
       10081 | D:10    | Entered Level 10 of the Dungeon
       10086 | D:10    | Noticed Erica
       10091 | D:10    | Reached skill 12 in Enchantments
       10147 | D:10    | Defeated Erica
       10147 | D:10    | Reached XP level 10. HP: 42/42 MP: 16/27
       10169 | D:10    | Reached skill 1 in Fighting
       10347 | D:10    | Found a staircase to the Orcish Mines.
       10363 | Orc:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Orcish Mines
       10397 | Orc:1   | Reached skill 5 in Short Blades
       10643 | D:10    | Got a faintly glowing turquoise ring
       10647 | D:10    | Identified the ring "Prughem" {+Inv} (You found it on level 10 of the Dungeon)
       10880 | D:10    | Found a staircase to the Lair.
       10888 | Lair:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Lair of Beasts
       11271 | D:10    | Reached skill 13 in Enchantments
       11561 | D:10    | Reached XP level 11. HP: 48/48 MP: 15/28
       12088 | Orc:3   | Noticed Norbert
       12245 | Orc:3   | Defeated Norbert
       12484 | Orc:3   | Reached skill 14 in Enchantments
       12808 | Orc:3   | Reached skill 1 in Air Magic
       12926 | Orc:4   | Entered Level 4 of the Orcish Mines
       13122 | Orc:4   | Noticed Maud
       13125 | Orc:4   | Defeated Maud
       13249 | Orc:3   | Noticed Josephine
       13250 | Orc:3   | Noticed Maurice
       13263 | Orc:3   | Defeated Josephine
       13569 | Orc:3   | Defeated Maurice
       13628 | Orc:3   | Acquired Okawaru's second power
       13641 | Orc:3   | Found a bloodstained altar of Trog.
       13892 | Orc:4   | Found a staircase to the Elven Halls.
       14671 | Orc:2   | Reached XP level 12. HP: 36/54 MP: 20/30
       15120 | Lair:1  | Received a gift from Okawaru
       15573 | Lair:1  | Learned a level 6 spell: Haste
       16339 | Lair:1  | Found Wiusmel's Food Emporium.
       16816 | Lair:2  | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
       17102 | Lair:2  | Reached skill 10 in Stealth
       18088 | Lair:3  | Found a glowing silver altar of Zin.
       18672 | Lair:3  | Found a staircase to the Shoals.
       18685 | Lair:3  | Reached skill 10 in Dodging
       18698 | Lair:4  | Received a gift from Okawaru
       18948 | Shoals:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Shoals
       19155 | Lair:3  | Reached skill 15 in Enchantments
       19849 | Lair:4  | Learned a level 3 spell: Mephitic Cloud
       20573 | Lair:5  | Reached skill 15 in Stabbing
       20598 | Lair:5  | Identified a scroll of acquirement
       21055 | Lair:4  | Reached XP level 13. HP: 57/57 MP: 28/32
       21760 | Lair:6  | Noticed a wandering mushroom
       21763 | Lair:6  | Noticed a wandering mushroom
       21764 | Lair:6  | Noticed a wandering mushroom
       21805 | Lair:6  | Defeated a wandering mushroom
       21809 | Lair:6  | Defeated a wandering mushroom
       21815 | Lair:6  | Found Kloff's Assorted Antiques.
       21820 | Lair:6  | Noticed a wandering mushroom
       21820 | Lair:6  | Defeated a wandering mushroom
       21828 | Lair:6  | Defeated a wandering mushroom
       21844 | Lair:6  | Found a staircase to the Slime Pits.
       23348 | Lair:8  | Entered Level 8 of the Lair of Beasts
       23378 | Lair:6  | Received a gift from Okawaru
       24278 | Lair:5  | Reached skill 16 in Enchantments
       26006 | D:12    | Noticed Joseph
       26015 | D:12    | Defeated Joseph
       26057 | D:12    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       26644 | D:11    | Reached XP level 14. HP: 62/62 MP: 20/33
       26647 | D:11    | Reached skill 10 in Spellcasting
       26985 | D:12    | Found a staircase to the Hive.
       27156 | D:12    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       27263 | D:12    | Noticed a queen bee
       27273 | D:12    | Defeated a queen bee
       27466 | Hive:1  | Entered Level 1 of the Hive
       27693 | Hive:2  | Entered Level 2 of the Hive
       27967 | Hive:2  | Reached skill 10 in Short Blades
       28054 | Hive:2  | Received a gift from Okawaru
       28055 | Hive:2  | Got a polished buckler {god gift}
       29118 | Hive:2  | Reached skill 5 in Traps & Doors
       29493 | Lair:2  | Identified the +1 buckler "Tajot" {god gift} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 2 of the Hive)
       30016 | D:10    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       30615 | D:13    | Noticed Psyche
       30615 | D:13    | Found Chenk's Distillery.
       30620 | D:13    | Defeated Psyche
       31098 | D:14    | Found Ywo Zuux's Armour Emporium.
       31442 | D:13    | Found a gateway to a ziggurat.
       31655 | D:13    | Gained mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
       31919 | D:15    | Entered Level 15 of the Dungeon
       31925 | D:14    | Found Qaguriat's Antique Armour Shop.
       32430 | D:14    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       32592 | D:14    | Found Thraopra's Assorted Antiques.
       33403 | D:15    | Gained mutation: Your muscles are flexible (Dex +1), but weak (Str -1).
       33723 | D:16    | Found Qopomp's General Store.
       34483 | D:15    | Reached XP level 15. HP: 59/59 MP: 32/35
       34563 | D:15    | Reached skill 17 in Enchantments
       34941 | D:15    | Noticed Nergalle
       34961 | D:15    | Defeated Nergalle
       35071 | D:16    | Noticed a hell knight
       35071 | D:16    | Noticed a hell knight
       35075 | D:16    | Defeated a hell knight
       35078 | D:16    | Defeated a hell knight
       35097 | D:16    | Noticed Jozef
       35112 | D:16    | Defeated Jozef
       35790 | D:17    | Found Jaotid's Weapon Boutique.
       35910 | D:17    | Found Klarph's Food Shop.
       37541 | D:17    | Found Migea's Magical Wand Boutique.
       37570 | D:17    | Reached skill 1 in Shields
       37945 | D:17    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       38022 | D:17    | Found a staircase to the Vaults.
       38123 | D:17    | Found Wiviutib's Antique Armour Shoppe.
       38705 | Vault:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Vaults
       39631 | Vault:1 | Reached XP level 16. HP: 53/63 MP: 21/36
       40772 | Vault:2 | Noticed Wayne
       40805 | Vault:2 | Defeated Wayne
       41495 | Vault:2 | Reached skill 10 in Traps & Doors
       41907 | Vault:2 | Noticed Norris
       42114 | Vault:2 | Defeated Norris
       43466 | Vault:3 | Reached skill 15 in Stealth
       43471 | Vault:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       43476 | Vault:3 | Reached skill 18 in Enchantments
       43947 | Vault:3 | Found a staircase to the Crypt.
       44509 | Vault:4 | Noticed Saint Roka
       44737 | Vault:4 | Reached XP level 17. HP: 63/67 MP: 34/36
       44759 | Vault:4 | Found Immucuz's Food Emporium.
       44927 | Vault:4 | Defeated Saint Roka
       45389 | Vault:4 | Found Tiac's Magical Wand Shop.
       45518 | Vault:4 | Reached skill 5 in Fighting
       45686 | Vault:5 | Noticed a naga mage
       45900 | Vault:4 | Defeated a naga mage
       46222 | Vault:5 | Found a staircase to the Hall of Blades.
       47041 | Vault:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       47042 | Vault:5 | Got an iridescent dagger {god gift}
       47056 | Vault:5 | Identified the dagger of Treannel {god gift, flame, rElec EV+1 Dex+3} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 5 of the Vaults)
       47124 | Vault:5 | Found an iron altar of Okawaru.
       47275 | Vault:6 | Noticed Duane
       47895 | Vault:6 | Defeated Duane
       48469 | Vault:6 | Reached skill 1 in Poison Magic
       48553 | Vault:6 | Reached XP level 18. HP: 75/75 MP: 34/37
       49107 | Vault:6 | Got a graven book
       49108 | Vault:6 | Identified the Incunabulum of Captivating Battle Magic (You found it on level 6 of the Vaults)
       49162 | Vault:6 | Reached skill 5 in Ice Magic
       49251 | Vault:6 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       49524 | Vault:8 | Entered Level 8 of the Vaults
       51965 | Vault:7 | Reached skill 19 in Enchantments
       53065 | Crypt:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Crypt
       53899 | Crypt:2 | Noticed Khufu
       53975 | Crypt:2 | Found a staircase to the Tomb.
       54412 | Crypt:3 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 65/78 MP: 27/38
       54558 | Crypt:2 | Learned a level 2 spell: Blink
       55419 | Crypt:3 | Noticed Donald
       55427 | Crypt:3 | Defeated Donald
       55936 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 5 spell: Silence
       57050 | Crypt:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       57078 | Crypt:4 | Noticed an ancient lich
       58039 | Crypt:2 | Defeated Khufu
       58039 | Crypt:2 | Noticed a reaper
       58151 | Crypt:1 | HP: 2/81 [greater mummy/glowing orcish battleaxe[Khufu] (32)]
       58633 | D:14    | Reached skill 15 in Short Blades
       60104 | Crypt:2 | Reached skill 20 in Stabbing
       60597 | Crypt:2 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       61095 | Crypt:4 | Noticed Frances
       61097 | Crypt:4 | Defeated Frances
       61280 | Crypt:4 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 86/86 MP: 34/39
       61347 | Crypt:4 | Reached XP level 19. HP: 81/81 MP: 27/38
       61379 | Crypt:4 | Defeated an ancient lich
       61379 | Crypt:4 | Reached XP level 20. HP: 62/86 MP: 30/39
       61731 | Crypt:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Crypt
       62949 | Crypt:5 | Found an ancient bone altar of Kikubaaqudgha.
       62965 | Crypt:5 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       62986 | Crypt:5 | Reached skill 21 in Stabbing
       63386 | Crypt:5 | Noticed an ancient lich
       63865 | Crypt:2 | Noticed a reaper
       65019 | D:19    | Noticed Aizul
       65228 | D:17    | Noticed Nikola
       66110 | Lair:2  | Identified a +0 cloak of preservation {god gift} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 5 of the Crypt)
       66797 | D:18    | Defeated Nikola
       66797 | D:18    | Reached XP level 21. HP: 90/90 MP: 26/39
       66804 | D:18    | Identified a +1 cloak of preservation (You took it off Nikola on level 18 of the Dungeon)
       66913 | D:19    | Defeated Aizul
       67145 | D:19    | Noticed Snorg
       67168 | D:19    | Defeated Snorg
       67268 | D:19    | Noticed Mara
       67274 | D:19    | Noticed Roxanne
       67449 | D:20    | Entered Level 20 of the Dungeon
       68027 | D:19    | Lost mutation: Your muscles are flexible (Dex +1), but weak (Str -1).
       68027 | D:19    | Lost mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
       68650 | D:19    | Found Coehyet's Armour Emporium.
       68689 | D:19    | Defeated Mara
       68903 | D:19    | Defeated Roxanne
       69334 | D:20    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       69335 | D:20    | Got a slimy sabre {god gift}
       69336 | D:20    | Identified the sabre "Psaurekh" {god gift, venom, -TELE EV+3 Dex+3} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 20 of the Dungeon)
       69410 | D:20    | Found a portal to a secret trove of treasure.
       69438 | D:20    | You paid a fee of 250gp to a nasty imp.
       70428 | D:21    | Noticed an orc warlord
       70451 | D:21    | Defeated an orc warlord
       70518 | D:21    | Found a gateway to Hell.
       70535 | D:21    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       70536 | D:21    | Got an encrusted robe {god gift}
       70561 | D:21    | Identified the +1 robe of Reason {god gift} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 21 of the Dungeon)
       70828 | D:21    | Found a shimmering altar of Xom.
       70917 | D:21    | Noticed Xtahua
       70992 | D:21    | Defeated Xtahua
       72105 | D:22    | Found Thutt's Magic Scroll Shop.
       72647 | D:22    | Reached skill 22 in Stabbing
       72943 | D:22    | Reached XP level 22. HP: 100/105 MP: 40/40
       73300 | D:23    | Noticed Francis
       73322 | D:23    | Defeated Francis
       73419 | D:23    | Found a white marble altar of Elyvilon.
       73464 | D:23    | Gained mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
       74557 | Elf:1   | Entered Level 1 of the Elven Halls
       75152 | Elf:1   | Got a pitted robe
       75159 | Elf:1   | Identified the cursed -4 robe of Junkysh (You found it on level 1 of the Elven Halls)
       75248 | Elf:1   | Noticed an orc priest
       75257 | Elf:1   | Defeated an orc priest
       75782 | Elf:1   | Received a gift from Okawaru
       76204 | Elf:2   | Found Pruo's Magic Scroll Shop.
       76206 | Elf:2   | Found Efeurghij's Book Boutique.
       76351 | Elf:2   | Found Diannea's Antique Weapon Boutique.
       76505 | Elf:2   | Noticed Eustachio
       76517 | Elf:2   | Defeated Eustachio
       76724 | Elf:3   | Found Igueh's General Store.
       76807 | Elf:2   | Found Zacocaju's Antique Armour Boutique.
       76839 | Elf:2   | Reached skill 15 in Dodging
       77043 | Elf:3   | Found Zoupn's Antique Armour Shop.
       77048 | Elf:3   | Bought a distressingly furry wizard hat for 202 gold pieces
       77052 | Elf:3   | Identified the cursed +2 wizard hat "Unajow" (You bought it in a shop on level 3 of the Elven Halls)
       77676 | Elf:3   | Found Usak's Jewellery Emporium.
       77729 | Elf:4   | Noticed Azrael
       77741 | Elf:4   | Defeated Azrael
       77898 | Elf:3   | Found Athau's Jewellery Boutique.
       78088 | Elf:3   | Found a deep blue altar of Sif Muna.
       78148 | Elf:3   | Noticed Louise
       78240 | Elf:3   | Found Fyadyn's Magical Wand Emporium.
       78845 | Elf:3   | Defeated Louise
       79064 | Elf:4   | Found Ezuegg's Armour Emporium.
       79091 | Elf:4   | Got a twitching bronze ring
       79094 | Elf:4   | Identified the ring "Phihap" (You acquired it on level 4 of the Elven Halls)
       79122 | Elf:4   | Noticed Kirke
       79142 | Elf:4   | Defeated Kirke
       80488 | Shoals:1 | Noticed Talyyn's ghost
       80504 | Shoals:1 | Defeated Talyyn's ghost
       81012 | Shoals:2 | Found Uplasoal's Book Shop.
       81135 | Shoals:2 | HP: 5/107 [snapping turtle (14)]
       81150 | Shoals:2 | HP: 1/107 [harpy (16)]
       81928 | Lair:3  | Found a staircase to the Snake Pit.
       81942 | Snake:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Snake Pit
       81949 | Snake:1 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       81950 | Snake:1 | Got a transparent short sword {god gift}
       81951 | Snake:1 | Identified the short sword of the Spider {god gift, speed, rC+ Str-2 Int+2} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 1 of the Snake Pit)
       82104 | Snake:1 | Noticed Rupert
       82110 | Snake:1 | Defeated Rupert
       82274 | Snake:1 | Got a slimy robe
       82281 | Snake:1 | Identified the +2 robe "Joossogo" (You found it on level 1 of the Snake Pit)
       84519 | Elf:6   | Learned a level 5 spell: Extension
       84795 | Lair:1  | Learned a level 4 spell: Selective Amnesia
       84805 | Lair:1  | Learned a level 6 spell: Deflect Missiles
       85445 | Elf:7   | Entered Level 7 of the Elven Halls
       85723 | Elf:7   | Reached skill 23 in Stabbing
       86208 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
       86209 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf blademaster
       86218 | Elf:7   | Received a gift from Okawaru
       86860 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
       86860 | Elf:7   | Reached XP level 23. HP: 74/111 MP: 36/40
       87740 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
       87741 | Elf:7   | Noticed a deep elf master archer
       88376 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf blademaster
       88773 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
       88803 | Elf:7   | Defeated a deep elf master archer
       88953 | Elf:7   | Reached skill 1 in Translocations
       89480 | Elf:7   | Got a jewelled short sword
       89481 | Elf:7   | Identified the short sword "Hifekhl Strall" {holy, +Blink +Lev MR Dex+2} (You found it on level 7 of the Elven Halls)
       89648 | Elf:7   | Lost mutation: You are weak (Str -1).
       90736 | D:21    | Found a roughly hewn altar of Beogh.
       92010 | D:23    | Found a one-way gate to the infinite horrors of the Abyss.
       92014 | D:23    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       92039 | D:23    | Reached skill 1 in Armour
       92786 | D:25    | Entered Level 25 of the Dungeon
       92929 | D:24    | Found a one-way gate leading to the halls of Pandemonium.
       94332 | D:25    | Reached skill 24 in Stabbing
       94498 | D:25    | Received a gift from Okawaru
       94815 | D:26    | Found Gieh's Weapon Boutique.
       94839 | D:26    | Reached XP level 24. HP: 119/119 MP: 42/42
       95007 | D:26    | Found Shag's Book Shop.
       95027 | D:26    | Found Fyulel's Magic Scroll Boutique.
       95700 | D:27    | Entered Level 27 of the Dungeon
       97696 | Lair:2  | Reached skill 1 in Evocations
       97721 | Lair:2  | Learned a level 4 spell: Control Teleport
       97869 | Slime:1 | Entered Level 1 of the Pits of Slime
       98232 | Slime:3 | Reached skill 25 in Stabbing
       99602 | Slime:4 | Received a gift from Okawaru
       99603 | Slime:4 | Got a jewelled quarterstaff {god gift}
       99724 | Slime:4 | Identified the quarterstaff "Coim" {god gift, holy, Hunger AC+5 Str+4} (Okawaru gifted it to you on level 4 of the Pits of Slime)
      100158 | Slime:6 | Entered Level 6 of the Pits of Slime
      100259 | Slime:6 | Noticed the royal jelly
      100261 | Slime:6 | Found a viscous altar of Jiyva.
      100266 | Slime:6 | Defeated the royal jelly
      100266 | Slime:6 | Reached XP level 25. HP: 108/123 MP: 42/42
      100384 | Slime:6 | Reached skill 26 in Stabbing
      100450 | Slime:6 | Got a heavily runed diamond amulet
      100464 | Slime:6 | Got an ancient lapis lazuli ring
      100633 | Slime:6 | Got a slimy rune of Zot
      101120 | Lair:2  | Identified the ring "Strelan" {EV+6} (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
      101130 | Lair:2  | Identified the amulet "Gehuahi" (You found it on level 6 of the Pits of Slime)
      101503 | Snake:1 | Learned a level 1 spell: Apportation
      103257 | Snake:3 | Received a gift from Okawaru
      104292 | Snake:4 | Found Kankanicw's Armour Boutique.
      104723 | Snake:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Snake Pit
      105647 | Snake:5 | Found Klaetaes' Book Shop.
      106570 | Snake:5 | Got a serpentine rune of Zot
      107444 | Shoals:5 | Entered Level 5 of the Shoals
      107451 | Shoals:5 | Found Giefaid's Jewellery Emporium.
      107461 | Shoals:5 | Bought a cursed ring of hunger for 1 gold piece
      107473 | Shoals:5 | Bought an uncursed ring of poison resistance for 294 gold pieces
      107475 | Shoals:5 | Got a faintly glowing emerald amulet
      107476 | Shoals:5 | Identified the amulet "Khaabuq" (You acquired it on level 5 of the Shoals)
      107518 | Shoals:5 | Noticed Ilsuiw
      107541 | Shoals:5 | Defeated Ilsuiw
      107559 | Shoals:5 | Reached skill 27 in Stabbing
      107576 | Shoals:5 | Found Mouxiamo's Antique Weapon Emporium.
      107597 | Shoals:5 | Got a barnacled rune of Zot
      108369 | Vault:6 | Reached XP level 26. HP: 130/130 MP: 43/43
      109808 | Vault:8 | Received a gift from Okawaru
      110502 | Vault:8 | Noticed a deep elf sorcerer
      110509 | Vault:8 | Defeated a deep elf sorcerer
      110610 | Vault:8 | Noticed a shining eye
      110615 | Vault:8 | A shining eye changed into a giant slug
      110672 | Vault:8 | Noticed a golden dragon
      111127 | Vault:8 | Defeated a golden dragon
      111172 | Vault:8 | Got a flickering golden amulet
      111196 | Vault:8 | Got a silver rune of Zot
      111231 | Vault:8 | Identified the amulet of Troysk (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
      111351 | Vault:8 | Got a shimmering sabre
      111352 | Vault:8 | Identified the cursed sabre of Absolution {speed, AC+5 EV+5} (You found it on level 8 of the Vaults)
      112310 | Vault:8 | Gained mutation: Space occasionally distorts in your vicinity.
      112356 | Vault:7 | Gained mutation: You are frail (-10% HP).
      112450 | Vault:7 | Gained mutation: Armour fits poorly on your deformed body.
      113060 | Vault:8 | Reached XP level 27. HP: 101/121 MP: 44/44
      113103 | Vault:8 | HP: 6/121 [yaktaur captain/ steel bolt (33)]
      113104 | Vault:8 | Shot with a bolt of frost by a yaktaur captain
    Bon j'ai quand même appris pas mal de trucs sur cette partie notamment :
    -Spriggan enchanteur c'est un peu bizarre comme style de jeu.Tu te ballade les 9/10 du temps à one-shoter des monstres ce qui fait que quand tu te retrouve face au 1/10 qui est réellement dangereux tu tend à faire des conneries et avec les faibles pv ça peut faire mal.
    -Si on gere son early il n'y a plus de gros problemes de nourriture avec un spriggan enchanteur en late (notamment une fois qu'on a pillé The Hive). Avec un venom mage ou un autre lanceur de sort je promets rien cela dit.
    -Haste..c'est surbourrin, mais faut pas en abuser parce que sinon on chope tout plein de mutations pas cool et les potion de cure mutation c'est très rare.
    -Invisibilité c'est très pratique au début mais en lategame tout le monde voit l'invisible donc c'est plus trop fiable et ça fait muter comme haste. Pour les monstres qui voient pas l'invi c'est génial mais ça reste peu fiable.
    -J'avais du mal à voir l'interêt de Silence mais en étant un brin hybride combat/magie c'est EXTREMEMENT utile face à tous les lanceurs de sorts en particulier dans Elf 7 et contre les greater mummy/Ancients lichs de la Crypte.
    -On peut quasiment oublier l'idée de passer Confusion ou ensorcelled hibernation contre les monstres de haut niveau, le temps de passer leur resistance ils ont le temps de nous tuer/on aurait eu le temps de leur regler leur compte "à la loyale".
    -Il faut vraiment pas hésiter a utiliser les baguettes de bas-niveau genre confusion/paralysie/magic missile/random effects au début parce que sinon on les accumule et elles servent a rien alors qu'elle rendent la vie bien plus facile en early game.
    -J'adore Okawaru mais il a une fâcheuse tendance a donner des trucs inutiles. En revanche quand on a une morphologie un peu particulière c'est vraiment bien parce qu'il donne que des armes et armures qu'on peut utiliser.
    -Saloperies de yaktaurs!

    Voilà, en espérant que mon expérience acquise dans la douleur pourra servir à d'autre.

  27. #297
    Citation Envoyé par Zeppo Voir le message
    J'ai testé Arcane Marksman, mais pas en profondeur.

    Bref, tu commences avec un arc ou une arbalète (ça dépend de ta race, pour ce que je sais : humain/elfe = arc / nain = arbalète) et un bouquin de magie. (Magie peu puissante, mais magie quand même, c'est toujours un bon appui)

    Assez proche du voleur sinon.
    Bizarre moi j'ai rien du tout quand je crée un Arcanne
    Une robe un bout de pain et c'est tout!

    Ok gros boulet: j'appuyais sur "c" au lieu de maj C du coup c'était un moine...

  28. #298
    Il faut la dernière version (0.6 je crois) et choisir Arcane Marskman.

    Edit: Ah bah, grilled d'une minute. :P
    Citation Envoyé par lordsupra Voir le message
    Les backers sont plus cons que des turfistes en fait, vu que même quand ils parient sur le bon cheval, ils perdent.

  29. #299
    Up !

    La 0.7 est sortie avec de nouveaux graphismes trop beaux ta race neskgene !

  30. #300
    Citation Envoyé par Super_maçon Voir le message
    Up !

    La 0.7 est sortie avec de nouveaux graphismes trop beaux ta race neskgene !
    Oh putain ca claque ca pète ca claque ca pète !!!!
    Vivement la release

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