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  1. #31
    Citation Envoyé par Aghora Voir le message
    Faut se dire que c'est un cobaye pour faire avancer la conquête spatiale ! (je parle bien sûr de Boulon)
    Aucune chance, ils ont cessés les tests sur les grands singes.

  2. #32
    Citation Envoyé par Captain Dread Voir le message
    Bah respects pour Rick, Ultima 7 éclipse toutes les bourdes qu'il a commis à côté
    T'as la liste ça m'intéresse.
    Jusqu'à présent je sais que Ultima 8 c'est EA qui en a fait un hack and slash (même si je n'y est pas encore joué).

    Citation Envoyé par Jolaventur Voir le message
    Y'a eu une floppé de brève dans 20 minutes et Metro cesdernières semaines.
    Pas étonnant il a amené le premier "journal" dans l'espace ou PQ en quadri car c'est Metro justement. Malheureusement Canard PC n'existe pas en version anglaise... Remarque si c'était pour envoyer de la merde française dans l'espace il pouvait prendre Génération 4 ou PC Loisir.

    Ici pas de scanner alors la photo n'est pas terrible.

    En tout cas le bleu de travail USA-UK c'est collector !
    Proud supporter of the Anti-Democracy Brotherhood .

  3. #33
    Moi je le tiens quand même pour responsable pour la décadence des Ultima, parceque même si EA était aux commandes, il s'est visiblement moins impliqué dans sa saga.
    U8 et U9, quel gâchis...
    Même Serpent Isle qui est absolument génial, on a un goût amer quand on sait qu'il a été salement raboté pour être fini à temps.

    Mais bon Origin, c'est quand même parmi mes plus beaux moment de jeu sur PC.
    Putain Martian Dreams, ca vaut largement un Bioshock!
    Et Savage Empire, comme le Monde Perdu de Conan Doyle que j'adorais lire et relire étant môme!
    Et Ultima Underworld! Mon Dieu cette claque.

    Et ... Bon ok j'arrête.

    (Franchement je préfère qu'il parte faire joujou dans l'espace plutôt qu'il continue sans passion dans le jeu vidéo)

    (Bordel, ça plus le thread RPG divers, ça me donne envie de me refaire U6 et d'aller chez les gargouilles)
    Sleeping all day, sitting up all night
    Poncing fags that's all right
    We're on the dole and we're proud of it
    We're ready for 5 More Years

  4. #34
    Vous êtes durs avec U8, il a beau avoir un gameplay pourri, son histoire est plus qu'intéressante.

    Mais bon, +1 avec Tramb, jpréfère qu'il parte gambader dans l'espace plutôt que de perséverer dans le jeu.

    D'ailleurs, j'offre un billet à Will Wright, Sakaguchi et Molyneux

  5. #35
    Citation Envoyé par Captain Dread Voir le message
    Vous êtes durs avec U8, il a beau avoir un gameplay pourri, son histoire est plus qu'intéressante.
    Tu te souviens avant le patch? Quand il fallait doser les sauts?
    Mais bon c'est vrai qu'il avait sa place dans la série au niveau histoire.

    Citation Envoyé par Captain Dread Voir le message
    Mais bon, +1 avec Tramb, jpréfère qu'il parte gambader dans l'espace plutôt que de perséverer dans le jeu.

    D'ailleurs, j'offre un billet à Will Wright, Sakaguchi et Molyneux
    Hin hin hin
    Sleeping all day, sitting up all night
    Poncing fags that's all right
    We're on the dole and we're proud of it
    We're ready for 5 More Years

  6. #36
    Citation Envoyé par Tramb Voir le message
    Tu te souviens avant le patch? Quand il fallait doser les sauts?
    Y'a eu un patch pour ça ?

    *pars se pendre*

  7. #37
    Y'avait même un message de Lord British avec le patch! J'ai déterré ça.

    Dear Ultima Fans,

    With each Ultima we have created, we have made massive changes
    in technology, interface and approach. This pattern was started with the
    first few Ultimas. Back in those days we were just learning how to make
    games. By the time one was finished it was clear that there was a much
    better way, so the best plan was usually to start over from scratch.
    Interestingly, it had another effect as well. Since each game was really,
    measurably, noticeably better than its predecessor, it also sold better.
    Whereas, most of Ultima's competitors, were cranking out sequels in the
    same old engine and selling to a subset of their initial market. So our
    pattern of innovation and experimentation that began as a learning
    experience became a powerful tool to insure success.

    With each new game it is always the interface and play style
    experiments that cause the most debate. With each product it is interesting
    to note how changes we have made are received. I remember how much
    debate there was about converting from keyboard control to mouse control,
    a decision I am very pleased with now. There is still an ongoing debate
    about 'mono scale maps' like we have had in the last few Ultimas. In fact it
    appears that for Ultima IX we are going to have two scales, town scale and
    outdoor travel scale. This will allow more interesting travel by horses,
    ships, dragons and such. I'm sure these debates will continue. Probably the
    most debated play style changes, though, came in Ultima VIII.

    In Ultima VIII, we worked very hard to reach a lofty goal of audio
    visual impact. We wanted the Avatar to be seen in greatly detailed
    animation. We wanted it to feel like you were really there. In addition we
    were concerned by the fact that Ultimas had become so big, that only hard
    core gamers were willing to play them. They were especially daunting to
    new, non-Ultima-playing gamers. So we decided to really focus on the
    scope and pace of the game to try to reach some of this 'new' audience. To
    a large degree, we succeeded at many of our goals. Ultima VIII is easily the
    most beautiful Ultima to date; the animation is smooth and detailed. This
    helped draw new players to the product who had never bothered to look
    before, especially in Europe. This did, however, come at some cost.

    Many aspects of what people had grown accustomed to in an Ultima
    were less emphasized, and some new aspects felt a bit out of place. And,
    overall, there was so much change that I think we had not yet mastered the
    new style. Like they say, hindsight is 20/20...

    We have studied and examined Ultima VIII, considered customer
    feedback, and debated new directions for Ultima IX. We have come up
    with a plan that, we believe, will retain the strong advancements we made
    in Ultima VIII and really give people the epic game that will be worthy of
    the last game in the trilogy of trilogies!

    Origin has always prided itself on strong customer interaction.
    Customer feedback consistently mentioned issues with the implementation
    of jumping, the arcade feel, a frustrating user interface, holes in the
    storyline, and low interactivity. The design of Ultima IX (which is still in
    progress) relies heavily on this feedback and has resulted in a dramatic
    turnaround back toward classic role playing. Even better, it has resulted in a
    classic Britannian Ultima.

    Some of the new design features were tested in the Ultima VIII
    engine. The jumping was improved by removing the fixed distance and
    allow a 'targeted' jump. The user interface was also improved. Ultima VIII
    game play was enhanced so much that Origin decided to publish a patch.
    As long as a patch was going to be published, some members of the Ultima VIII
    team got together and fixed other parts of the game: interface, story, and
    even some map details. In all, nearly 100 different modifications and
    enhancements were made.

    I am confident that if you try out this patch, you will be very

    Lord British
    Sleeping all day, sitting up all night
    Poncing fags that's all right
    We're on the dole and we're proud of it
    We're ready for 5 More Years

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