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  1. #9301
    Bon, c'est pas le tout de passer sa soirée à organiser des quiz dans les bars et à se taper des réveils pourris, l'actualité, et les licenciements, continuent pendant ce temps-là.

    Il faut aller sur BFM pour avoir un article sur la fermeture de Bethesda France, commencée en janvier et actée fin mars.

    Le coup de massue est rude pour la douzaine de salariés de Bethesda France. "On s'y attendait, mais on est quand même déçu", souffle l'un d'entre eux à Tech&Co. Depuis quelques heures, l'annonce est officielle: les bureaux français de Bethesda, éditeur de jeux vidéo à succès comme Fallout, Starfield et The Elder Scrolls, ferment leurs portes.

    La décision a été prise en tout début d'année, et a été définitivement actée à la fin du mois de mars, à la faveur d'un vaste plan de licenciement opéré par Microsoft dans ses filiales. Selon les informations recueillies par Tech&Co, de premiers départs étaient déjà effectifs depuis le mois de janvier, et quelques salariés restaient encore en poste avec la promesse de de conserver un noyau dur: "On nous a baladés pendant quelques semaines en nous faisant miroiter un déplacement au sein des locaux de Microsoft," explique l'un d'eux.

    Le jeu du vendredi soir sur France 3 d'aventure sous-marine Thalassa: Edge of the Abyss, édité par Team17, a été annoncé avec sortie prévue le 18 juin.

    Pour les VReux, Homeworld: Vast Reaches, uniquement jouable en VR et développé par la boite spécialisée VR FarBridge pour le compte de Gearbox, a une page Steam.

    Set between the events of Homeworld 1 and Homeworld 2, you take on the role of Tyrra Soban, a new Fleet Command under the guidance of Karan S’jet, the legendary original Fleet Command and hero of Homeworld War. The original Kushan Mothership is pulled from retirement to serve as the flagship of a new fleet. Together Tyrra and Karan face a new threat, the Radaa, duplicitous interstellar traders who want to obtain your hyperspace core and don’t care if they destroy your Homeworld to get it.

    Si vous avez du temps à perdre, How Long To Beat: The Game est un quiz sur la durée de vie moyenne des jeux, avec un Daily Challenge, mais aussi la possibilité de jouer des parties random.

    Mon score dégueulasse :

    Daily Challenge - 2024-04-24
    Score: 64 / 300
    ⬛⬛⬛ ? = 3
    ⬛?? ? = 50
    ??⬛ ⬛ = 11

    Bel enchainement : Flaming Fowl, studio à qui on doit notamment l'adapation de Gloomhaven en jeu vidéo, fondé par un des devs de Fable chez Lionhead, a réussi à annoncer son nouveau projet Ironmarked, en sortir une démo, et le mettre au frigo avec licenciements de la moitié du studio, dans le même mouvement. Un geste technique rare.

    Flaming Fowl, the developer behind card battler Fable Fortune and the acclaimed Gloomhaven video game adaptation, has unveiled its new project - but, in an unusual move, has also announced it's shelving development and confirmed layoffs at the studio all at the same time.

    Flaming Fowl, which was founded in 2016 by former members of original Fable developer Lionhead Studios, embarked on its rollercoaster of announcements in a post on Steam, beginning with a reveal for its new project, known as Ironmarked - a "1-3 player co-op RPG with turn-based combat" - and the launch of an accompanying demo.

    In an unexpected and rather sobering twist, however, Flaming Fowl immediately followed Ironmarked's unveiling with some unhappier news, revealing, "Unfortunately, due to the current lack of funding in the games industry, we are putting production on hold and have had to downsize the studio, letting go of some amazing people."
    Flaming Fowl CEO Craig Oman offered further context for Ironmarked's shelving and subsequent staff layoffs in an interview with VGC. "We've been working on the game for over a year," he explained. "We had a publisher, but they pulled out last year around June, and we've been self-funding since August. We've been pitching to publishers since then, but they all said, 'The game looks great, the team looks great, but we're not signing anything right now'."

    "As soon as we finished Gloomhaven, we signed Ironmarked," Oman continued. "We had multiple offers. But then a year and half later, we've gone back to a lot of the same publishers and they say they're no longer looking for projects like this."
    As for the decision to release an Ironmarked demo, despite development having officially halted at Flaming Fowl, Oman explained, "I just wanted to the game to see the light of day. I've worked in the industry for a long time, and there's been so many times projects have been put on ice and never come back. I really don't want it to be another one of these game that never come out and only a handful of people ever know about them."

    According to Flaming Fowl's Ironmarked announcement, there's some small hope that "with enough wishlists on Steam [to present to publishers]" the studio "will be able to find funding in the future for Ironmarked". In the meantime, the remaining team members will focus on developing a small, self-funded strategy title, with the studio giving itself until the end of the year to release the project.

    En plus le jeu a l'air sympa, un RPG avec combats en tour par tour jouable jusqu'à 3 en coop. Démo dispo sur Steam.

    Pas de trailer, mais une image quand même.

    Lars Wingefors, CEO d'Embracer, a donné une interview à GameIndustry au lendemain de l'annonce du split de la compagnie en 3. Il ne rejette pas sa responsabilité dans le marécage dans lequel le groupe patauge depuis longtemps, mais ça ne rendra pas leur job aux victimes de ces erreurs. L'interview complète devrait être publiée aujourd'hui, là c'est un avant goût.

    When asked how he responds to such criticism, Wingefors told us: "As a leader and an owner, sometimes you need to take the blame and you need to be humble about if you've made mistakes and if you could have done something differently."

    He continued: "I'm sure I deserve a lot of criticism, but I don't think my team or companies deserve all the criticism. I could take a lot of that blame myself. But ultimately I need to believe in the mission we set out and that is still valid, and we are now enabling that by doing this [new] structure.

    "I still feel I have the trust from many or all of my key entrepreneurs and CEOs that have joined the group. It's been difficult, but I think they all believed in the mission of Embracer. They also understand that the world has changed, we need to change. It's painful. We can't make all the games we wanted to make three years ago, but we need to adapt to it. We will still make games, we still have one of the biggest, if not the biggest, pipeline of games in the industry. And we have great plans over the coming years or decades."

    Rock Paper Shotgun a joué à un early build de Innkeep, jeu de gestion d'auberge avec un "dark twist".

    Sans grande surprise, le reboot de Alone in the Dark, qui n'a pas convaincu grand monde, ne s'est pas très bien vendu (Gamalytic estime 23 000 copies vendues, ce qui doit être loin des attentes, surtout pour un jeu vendu 60 balles). Conséquence : le studio Pieces, qui fait partie d'Embracer via THQ Nordic et qu'on connait aussi pour les Magicka et des DLC de Titan Quest, licencie un nombre encore non précisé d'employés.

    Over a month after releasing Alone in the Dark, developer Pieces Interactive appears to be laying off an unknown number of staff.

    Environment artist Helena Hansen confirmed she was affected, saying her "heart breaks for myself and my coworkers right now." At time of writing, she's the only developer who's confirmed their status.

    Alone in the Dark released back in March to a mixed reception. The game was previously delayed twice, both to avoid 2023's heavy release cadence and then crunching over the holidays.

  2. #9302
    Juste une precision sur Pieces : ils n'ont fait que la dernière extension de Titan Quest, le jeu de base a été developpé par Iron Lore

  3. #9303
    Citation Envoyé par Getz Voir le message
    Juste une precision sur Pieces : ils n'ont fait que la dernière extension de Titan Quest, le jeu de base a été developpé par Iron Lore
    Merci pour la précision (ils ont fait deux extensions d'après Steam, Ragnarök et Atlantis).

  4. #9304
    Nouveau trailer avec du gameplay pour le remake de Riven.

    Le Wired Direct a eu lieu hier. Le full replay ici (2h27, mais la première heure c'est la boucle d'attente ; certains trailers sont accompagnés de discussions, et en fin de vidéo on voit de l'extended gameplay des jeux) :

    On y a vu d'intéressant (selon moi) :

    Des chats, des licornes et du sang. Gori: Cuddle Carnage sortira le 29 août.

    Le trailer de la première update du city builder Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles.

    L'annonce de l'Early Access de Hotel Architect.

    Et le trailer du jeu d'horreur Karma: The Dark World.

    Il y a la bonne quête Fedex, et la mauvaise quête Fedex. La mauvaise quête Fedex, bon ben elle voit un héros qui bouge, elle tire...

    "If it really is 'go pick up this thing and then bring it back,' you're just missing something."

    But those kinds of quests do still exist in games. After so many years of players rolling their eyes at the fetchiest of fetch quests, are they still haunting our RPGs just so games can advertise longer playtimes? Developers say the truth is more nuanced.
    Jeff Howard, senior lecturer in the Games Academy at Falmouth University, studies how different game design elements can strengthen a story—or fail it. To him, fetch quests are "underrated" for their untapped narrative potential and the entertainment they can offer players when they have a more complex purpose behind them.

    Howard points to The Elder Scrolls and Planescape: Torment as examples of games that do fetch quests right. He highlights the Daedric quests in Oblivion in particular, which task the player with collecting artifacts for demonic gods. "These items include the Sanguine Rose and the Masque of Clavicus Vile, which are both embedded in the eldritch mythologies of their associated daedric lords. Similarly, Planescape Torment involves the search for abstract ideas, such as songs and memories, which can operate as keys to open interdimensional portals."
    So then, how do devs keep the "good" fetch quests that don't set off busywork klaxons in players' heads?

    "I try to ask myself: what purpose does this particular type of quest serve here? Is it meant to be a big moment, or is it OK that it's more of a side activity or a way for players to grind?" says Morrow. "The answers to these questions play a big part in what a quest will ultimately be." In short, players just need a good reason to want to finish a quest.

    "If I'm working on a fetch quest or something that has the potential to feel tedious, I try to insert something else that makes it interesting or unique. It could be a funny character, a familiar item or setting used in a new way, or engaging dialog."

    "A bad fetch quest is one that feels pointless or a waste of time," says Dolin. "If you're going to ask your player to spend their time to go fetch something, ask yourself, "Why would players do this?" If there isn't an answer besides "experience points and/or gold," then there's no emotional investment."

    (tout petit) Changement des règles de remboursement de Steam.

    En règle générale, lorsque vous achetez un titre sur Steam avant sa date de sortie, la limite habituelle de 2 heures de jeu s'applique, mais la période de 14 jours ne commence qu'à partir de la date de sortie du titre. Cela signifie que si vous achetez un jeu en accès anticipé ou en avant-première, le temps de jeu total, y compris avant la date de sortie, sera pris en compte. Si vous préachetez un titre qu'il n'est pas possible de lancer avant sa date de sortie, vous pouvez faire une demande de remboursement n'importe quand avant sa sortie, et les limites de 14 jours ou de 2 heures de jeu habituelles s'appliquent une fois le titre disponible.
    Nonsense aside, this is honestly a perfectly reasonable change. The refund policy itself has become a bit of a meme over the years, with online speedrunners even inventing a whole new category of video where they try to beat games within the two hour window to stay eligible, although no-one to my knowledge actually refunded the games, which would be a dick move. There was even an indie horror called Refund Me If You Can, which challenged players to do exactly that.

    Lors de la remise des récompenses du jeu vidéo allemand (les German Computer Game Awards) Le gouvernement allemand est jaloux de son voisin belge qui a raflé tous les prix possibles avec Baldur's Gate 3 (même chez eux) et voudrait que des jeux de cette envergure soient aussi développés en Allemagne. Ils essaient d'y contribuer via un programme de financement.

    which—surprise surprise—went to Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian this year. It would be a little weird if the German government wrote Swen Vincke and the Belgian studio a check just to say, hey, loved the RPG, so another trophy for the trophy pile will have to do.

    The point of the cash prizes is of course to support and encourage German game development, and Michael Kellner, Parliamentary State Secretary at Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, says he wants to ensure that German studios produce games like Baldur's Gate 3 in the future. (And also do some climate action, I assume.)

    The "wide range and creativity of games developed in Germany" demonstrated at this year's German Computer Game Awards "must be expanded further, and the potential of the industry must be utilized even more," said Kellner. "As the federal government, we want to make an important contribution to this through our new games funding. The funding is to help ensure that games such as this year's best international game also go on to be developed in Germany."
    La liste des lauréats de la cérémonie :

    Spoiler Alert!
    Below are all of the awards given out at last week's 2024 German Computer Game Awards ceremony, and their associated prizes:

    Best German Game (prize money: 100,000 euros)
    Everspace 2 (Rockfish Games)

    The other nominees will each receive 30,000 euros:

    Atlas Fallen (Deck 13 Interactive/Focus Entertainment)
    Fall of Porcupine (Critical Rabbit/Assemble Entertainment)

    Best International Game (not endowed)
    Baldur's Gate 3 (Larian Studios)

    Best Family Game (prize money: 40,000 euros)
    Spells & Secrets (Alchemist Interactive/rokaplay)

    Newcomer Award – Best Debut (prize money: 60,000 euros)
    Ad Infinitum (Hekate/NACON)

    The other nominees will each receive 25,000 euros:

    Fall of Porcupine (Critical Rabbit/Assemble Entertainment)
    Lose CTRL (Play From Your Heart)

    Newcomer Award – Best Prototype (prize money: 50,000 euros)
    Misgiven (Symmetry Break Studio)

    The other nominees will each receive 25,000 euros:

    Bloodletter (Katharina “Mikey” Müller, David Cafisso, Marvin Braun, Alica Schneider/Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin)
    EcoGnomix (Lars Hinnerk Grevsmühl, Lars Eble, Bahy Nguyen, Marcel Zurawka, Alec Shae)
    Footgun: Underground (Eduard Dobermann, Theo Lohmüller, Georg Nimke, Robert Pistea, Lukas Salewsky)
    REPLICORE (Sarah Inés Roeder, Rody Nawezi, Leonhard Gläser, Maximilian Götz/HAW Hamburg)

    Best Innovation and Technology (prize money: 40,000 euros)
    Marble Maze (Fox-Assembly)

    Best Serious Game (prize money: 40,000 euros):
    Friedrich Ebert – Der Weg zur Demokratie (Playing History/Stiftung Reichspräsident-Friedrich-Ebert-Gedenkstätte)

    Best Audio Design (prize money: 40,000 euros)
    Ad Infinitum (Hekate/NACON)

    Best Game Design (prize money: 40,000 euros)
    Lose CTRL (Play From Your Heart)

    Best Graphic Design (prize money: 40,000 euros)
    The Bear – A Story from the World of Gra (Mucks! Games)

    Best Mobile Game (prize money: 40,000 euros)
    Cat Rescue Story (Tivola Games)

    Best Story (prize money: 40,000 euros)
    Ad Infinitum (Hekate/NACON)

    Studio of the Year (prize money: 50,000 euros)
    Pixel Maniacs

    Player of the Year (award only)
    Maurice Weber

    Special Jury Award (prize money: 10,000 euros)
    Gaming ohne Grenzen

    Dernière mise à jour de Lords of the Fallen, nommée Master of Fate, avec des modificateurs qui peuvent le faire passer de Souls-like à Rogue-lite.

    Lords of the Fallen has reached the final stage of its free content roadmap, as developer Hexworks acknowledges the technical difficulties that hampered the game's launch last year.

    Master of Fate, as the modifier is known, will allow players to randomise seven different aspects. Choosing to randomise enemy spawns and loot drops alongside permadeath, for instance, effectively turns the Soulslike into a rogue-lite.

    Vidéo de 7 minutes de présentation de l'update :

    Le kickstarter de l'action platformer Moon Samurai, lettre d'amour aux jeux des années 80-90 et animé avec énormément de classe, est en cours pour encore 23 jours.

    Le trailer kickstarter :

    Thomas Mahler, le CEO de Moon Studios, défend leur décision de lancer No Rest For The Wicked en Early Access.

    "We're not even a week into early access and it's already pretty clear that going with EA is one of the best decisions we could've made," he began, before noting some players are "irked" by games releasing like this.

    "I think as games become more and more complex and sophisticated, we'll see some form of early access happening more and more often," he said. "Speaking from our own experience, there is just no way we could have ever shipped Wicked 1.0 without being able to see all the data we're seeing now and getting all the feedback from users. And I mean actual users, not a Focus Testing Group.

    "Even if we'd have two to three times the staff, it would have been quite simply impossible, the product is just way too complex of a beast to reasonably expect that. Nine women can't make a baby in a month and all that."
    So, even if you dislike the idea of Early Access: It's one way to allow developers to truly perfect a product over time, so please try to understand that there's value in that.

    Analyse et prévisions du développement du marché de la console portable (article qui y inclut la Switch évidemment, mais aussi les Steam Decks et dérivés).

    Le projet Fallout London estime que la mise à jour de Fallout 4 prévue demain les a bien mis dedans.

    Since the video, plenty of fans who've been looking forward to exploring a Fallout location set outside the United States have voiced their annoyance towards Bethesda, and while Carter does reiterate that he didn't intend for the publisher to get the brunt of this, he says it's "inevitable when there's that lack of communication. So I just wish that they had a conversation with us." I don't think it's ever "inevitable" for a publisher to get tons of backlash for not working closely with an unofficial mod, but it isn't massively unsurprising in this case, given Fallout London's reach.

    Bethesda does have the verified creator program, which allows creators to earn royalties from their work—although many just view this as a way to wring money out of the modding community. However, Fallout London is separate from this and stands as an unofficial Fallout 4 mod. It's in part because of this that the team "had zero correspondence with Bethesda," but even so, Carter can't figure out why the team wasn't just asked to sign an NDA so they could be filled in with everything going on instead of "blindsiding us out of nowhere." Granted, this would have solved Fallout London's problems, but even still, for a large company to involve an independent modding team like that would be unprecedented.

    Annonce du shooter gothico-glauque dans les tranchées Trench Tales, qui lancera un kickstarter le 7 mai.

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