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  1. #1
    Bonjour à tous,

    Le 2 décembre sort Mechajammer (anciennement connu comme Copper Dreams), jeu de rôle cyberpunk par les ceusses qui ont fait the Serpent in the Staglands.
    "A cyberpunk horror CRPG set on a grim future colony world. Mechajammer uses simultaneous turn-based combat to create real-time tactics with the precision of turn-based controls."

    40 minutes de Gameplay :

    Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais ça a un goût de vieux jeu rétro qui me donne envie, le jeu a un cachet, un parti pris esthétique qui me parle. Une sorte de mélange entre Ultima 8, Underrail et Vandal Hearts. A voir en jouant.

    Dispo sur Gog ou steam.
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  2. #2
    J'en profite pour ajouter l'avis d'un ptit gars d'chez nous sur la démo du jeu cet été.

    L'état de la démo laissait peu d'espoir qu'il soit prêt à sortir rapidement, on verra dans quel état il sera le 2 décembre. Il ne me semble pas qu'il sorte en Early Access mais je peux me tromper (pas accès à Steam là).

  3. #3
    Ah effectivement. Plus qu'à attendre les premiers tests.
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  4. #4
    Assez hâte de voir le résultat, Serpent in the Staglands était chelou et j’avais bien accroché malgré "tout".
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  5. #5
    "mais comme d'hab tu es face au spermatozoïde d'un truc chouette qui s'est perdu dans une chaussette en cherchant une ovule avec ses petits camarades." Goldanus

  6. #6
    Les sorties sont toujours en fin de journée ?
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  7. #7
    Sauf exception, ou erreur de ma part, c’est quand Steam se met à jour, à 10h Pacific Time, à 18h GMT, 19h Paris.
    J’ai déjà vu des jeux sortir en dehors des clous, je ne sais pas comment ni pourquoi.

    (édition : le dév a dit sur Steam "We're launching at 5PM GMT!")
    Dernière modification par Tchey ; 02/12/2021 à 14h56.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  8. #8
    Je visais GOG pour l'achat plutôt. J'espère que ça suivra Steam.
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  9. #9
    Citation Envoyé par Tchey Voir le message
    Assez hâte de voir le résultat, Serpent in the Staglands était chelou et j’avais bien accroché malgré "tout".
    Moi aussi j'avais adoré le premier, la j'ai passé 4 heures dessus c'est du foutage de gueule. Gameplay épouvantable, pas grand chose qui marche, des bugs a foison. Je suis franchement en colère de pas pouvoir me faire rembourser.

  10. #10
    Dur de se faire une idée du jeu avec les avis sur Steam,qui sont très partagés. Pour les avis négatifs, même si certains sont argumenté, la plupart c'est du niveau "j'arrive pas à survivre aux premiers combats, je demande un refund"... Dans les avis positifs beaucoup trouvent que l'ambiance est super et les mécaniques "old school tabletop" (pour ce que ca vaut).
    Un peu tôt pour avoir des tests sérieux, j'en ai pas encore trouvé en tout cas.

    Edit pour au dessus: bon...merci pout ton retours et ton sacrifice, dommage pour ce jeu
    Dernière modification par Valdr ; 03/12/2021 à 02h27.

  11. #11
    Je pensais l’acheter un peu plus tard après les premiers patchs, mais j’ai obtenu une clef, donc j’ai joué un peu.

    Sur mon PC Linux, ça tourne via Proton, mais les vidéo sont cassées, on ne voit qu’une mire. La version native était prévue jour J, mais quelques complications de dernières minutes font que c’est un peu décalé (dans la semaine a priori).

    Le tuto est présent, et montre un peu tout ce qui est important pour la suite. On peut mourir, mais ça recharge par secteur, 30 secondes avant la mort maximum, à la louche, donc c’est rien. La partie critiquable est sur la fin, on ne sait pas vraiment où l’on doit aller, mais au deuxième essai c’était bon pour moi. Bref, les râleries ici me semble injustifiées.

    Gros moins : pas d’option de touche, c’est qwerty, mais ça vient dans les prochains jours, disent les dévs.

    Ensuite, création de personnage pour le vrai jeu. Un peu confuse, elle n’explique pas tout bien, mais reste relativement simple.
    - Histoire qui donne des bonus/malus selon l’âge (on peut s’arrêter à 20 ans et n’avoir qu’un passé, ou continuer et cumuler bonus et malus).
    - Des points à placer en Vertues, les fondamentaux comme les points de vie ou la perception.
    - Des points à placer en Studies, les compétences typiquement pistolet, lame, piratage etc.

    La (hyper) spécialisation semble vivement recommandée.

    L’interface est un peu confusante, mais semble fonctionnelle après quelques minutes d’abordage.
    Les graphismes sont moins bouillie que Staglands, mais risques d’être un frein puissant pour beaucoup.

    C’est "old school", ça veut surtout dire qu’il manque des options d’accessibilité.

    La carte/journal dispose d’un calepin pour noter manuellement des info, par exemple le code de la porte cachée de tel endroit.
    Déjà, faut savoir que c’est une info importante qu’on ne retrouvera par, faut noter, puis arriver à la porte, faut se souvenir qu’on a une note à son sujet.

    Les objets aux sol sont peu visibles, on ne peut pas les illuminer pour le moment, sauf individuellement en passant le curseur dessus. Vu comment ça râle, ça va venir.
    On bouge en cliquant au sol, mais on ne peut pas laisser appuyer pour se déplacer. Chiant. Ça râle, ça va changer sûrement.

    À mon avis, le jeu est sorti trop tôt, un petit moi pour finir les trucs évidents (touches, souris, contours des objets, bugs...), ça évitait déjà le score actuel "mixed reviews".
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  12. #12
    Ou au moins sortir en Early Access si pas mal de choses "arriveront dans les prochains jours promis".

    Un des trucs que j'ai lu et qui fait un peu peur aussi, c'est que si tu prends le passé "militaire" (trooper ?) ton perso a déjà fait la guerre et en est revenu avec... un bon gros PTSD. Avec un pourcentage de chance, à chaque combat, de craquer et partir en pleurant à travers toute la map, sans espoir que ça s'arrête, seule solution trouvée par le joueur : recharger. C'est un peu chaud quand même. Surtout que ça lui est arrivé en tirant sur un lampadaire, pas en combat (bon, ça à la limite, je veux bien que le bruit d'une arme puisse te trigger si t'es traumatisé).

    En tous cas ça a surtout l'air urgent d'attendre.

  13. #13
    Citation Envoyé par Ruvon Voir le message
    Ou au moins sortir en Early Access si pas mal de choses "arriveront dans les prochains jours promis".

    Un des trucs que j'ai lu et qui fait un peu peur aussi, c'est que si tu prends le passé "militaire" (trooper ?) ton perso a déjà fait la guerre et en est revenu avec... un bon gros PTSD. Avec un pourcentage de chance, à chaque combat, de craquer et partir en pleurant à travers toute la map, sans espoir que ça s'arrête, seule solution trouvée par le joueur : recharger. C'est un peu chaud quand même. Surtout que ça lui est arrivé en tirant sur un lampadaire, pas en combat (bon, ça à la limite, je veux bien que le bruit d'une arme puisse te trigger si t'es traumatisé).

    En tous cas ça a surtout l'air urgent d'attendre.
    Kickstarter lancé en 2016 , sortie prévue en 2017 , fin 2021 et ça sort et dans un état lamentable , une alpha buguée quasi injouable. Attendre ? A un moment y faut arrêter...Ils ont même pas eu l'honnêteté de le mettre en early access.
    Y'a tellement de soucis avec ce jeu que je ne sais pas par quoi commencer , la création du perso et les malus qui rendent le jeu injouable déja dit juste avant. Tout les skills complètement inutiles à part le couteau.Tout les skills checks loupent, le recrutement impossible . L'IA à la ramasse un gang de biker attaque sur une moto et hop je monte sur le pont légèrement surelevé et c'est bon ils restent coincés devant. La ville vide sans interactions, impossible d'avancer sur quoi que ce soit , et la mort est souvent rapide et instantanée. Le style et l'atmosphère qui peut plaire , à part ça tout est foiré.

  14. #14
    Premier patch sorti :
    Ok! Here’s what you can expect from 1.01:

    Design fix:
    Give every background the option of having no flaws (flawless options does not include studies bonuses)
    Remove being injured from failing rolls that had zero dice (for example when opening/breaking boxes)

    Graphics fix:
    Scale-up ground items and outline added, so that they can be interacted with more easily

    Bug fixes:
    Hard-lock bug when using quick save feature fix
    Constant flee with PTSD disadvantage
    Music track switching fix (usually appeared during save)
    Prevented instances of player falling through floors in cars
    Police called even when not seen by MFI scanners
    Bag doesn't open immediately when talking to companions
    Issues with selling items merchants
    You can move items around in merchant bags to make more space
    Merchants refresh their stock every time you talk to them
    Labels should now show on map
    Player starts with a chained weapon if it's their highest dice pool
    Merchants stand in the light
    PTSD proc-ing after every action instead of after failed roll and also adjusted disadvantage outcome - player doesn't flee, just freezes in place for 10 turns

    UI fix:
    Menus updated with option to return to main menu

    Balance Fix:
    Improved balancing of Disadvantages
    Made Head Injury penalty is now 2 turns instead of 3
    Decreased roll odds for Exhaustion and Two Left Feet (rolls every hour)
    Adjusted damage for range weapons to balance non-melee builds
    Tweaked balancing of early enemies with respect to difficulty

    Map fix:
    Instances of missing textures fixed

    Merchants now have new items

    Added more chemical pools in order to make Chemistry a more useful Skill

    The Mechajammer OST is now live on Steam!
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  15. #15
    Deux nouveaux patch, V1.02 et 1.03 :

    In v1.02 you can expect to see fixes for issues relating to:


    Fix for screen resolution not matching aspect-ratio issue
    Fixed various character sprite and portrait anomalies
    Fix for various walls blocking line of sight
    Faith temple jar material corrected

    Bugs Fixed:

    Gun doesn't reload/shows fully loaded while empty
    Animals sniffing
    Companions multiplying on load
    Renaming companion groups
    Companions not coming with you on ferry or elevators
    Vault doors unlocking with keys dropped by gang bosses
    Incorrect NPC-typing spawning when player hits spotlights
    Train ticket code works at Quinton Train station
    Printouts from Wolffz Bay terminals show up in terminal
    Quinton estate door pathfinding issue
    Items that are dropped from bag saving in world
    Ferry driver joins your party
    Missing dialogue options with civilians under black market
    Floating dogs (!) under black market
    Inconsistent civilians visibility


    Un-walkable areas over wood bridges fixed in black market area
    Faith temple puzzle fixed
    R4T vault locked correctly

    Trap size in bag
    Aldo dialogue options
    Sprites flicker in UI when hover box is over them
    Pin label field disappearing
    Dialogue items given to full bag now drop to ground instead of disappearing

    Various typos
    Agro-Fax agent dialogue fixed
    South street dialogue interaction cutting early
    We're back again with a quick Mechajammer patch. V1.03 brings with it the highly anticipated fix to the in-game notepad. Pressing ESC will no longer cause your valuable notes to disappear upon re-load, meaning you can take all the notes you like with renewed confidence.

    You can also expect to see fixes for issues relating to:

    Bugs Fixed
    Spotlights call enemies with corrected sprites
    Fixed bridge with missing floor texture that you can drive off into the water and explode near the Faith Temple
    Fixed end credits hard-lock
    Gate above lab functionality fixed
    Fixed music volume force set to zero
    Fixed Medic not joining dinner conversation
    Copper Face has correct mega-sized sprite

    Fixed blocked path on Old Town apartments stairwell
    Fixed visual anomalies in Agro Dome
    Fixed Mara's note not showing near Agro Dome
    Fixed missing texture in vault in Medic's room
    Fixed missing texture at Collector's Estate pathway
    Fixed doorway that was unwalkable near smugglers

    Fixed notepad not saving when closing with ESC (Triumphant cheers! Hooray!)
    Fixed typing "enter" into computer terminal
    Fixed companion menu squad types button not clickable after opening once

    Fixed soft-lock occurring when the player talks to the Lichin enemy underneath the Black-Market area and other suspicious characters
    Fixed missing dialogue node for final encounter conversation

    Genetically modified bugs attack Agro-Fax security
    Copper Face fleeing bug fixed
    Ils sont plutôt réactifs !
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  16. #16
    Nouveau patch 1.04 :

    The v1.04 Mechajammer patch is now available and we're happy to tell you that there's a brand-spanking new Event Log.

    The Event Log provides more clarity to your actions and the RNG behind the scenes, letting you know exactly what's on the dice, and the outcome of your roll. The Event Log in its current form is a version1, with version 2 planned to include additional output and colour-coding for clarity between player and companion rolls. Keep your eyes peeled for that soon!

    In v1.04 you can expect to see a broad range of fixes and improvements! We've underlined a few that we know you've been waiting for. We know you're keen to see the respawning enemies issue fixed, and we're working on it; it's currently our top priority.


    Vehicles saving correctly and not despawning from scene
    Code wheel equipping bug fixed
    Various save game issues fixed
    Cars not starting after interacting with them fixed
    NPC cars driving through ground bug fixed
    Can click to pathfind outside line of sight
    Gang boss dialogue after resolving infiltration fixed to clarify status
    Feuding gangs bug fixed
    Sprites and portraits corrected for several gangs
    Gang vault door not opening bug fixed
    Fixed incorrect soundtrack switch when spotted in gang base


    Notepad no longer selects all text on opening
    Gang meter bugs fixed
    Fixed flashing green to red box behind weapon
    Fixed vault power box incorrectly saying unlocked with key while still locked
    Fixed terminal visual for gangs
    Fixed medic boss dialogue not working
    Pins for note locations on terminal corrected
    Fixed bug with items able to move from merchant bag to ground
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  17. #17
    Quelqu'un l'a et peut dire si c'est vraiment moins bogué qu'à la sortie?
    Les commentaires sur Steam font plutôt peur. Les rares revues positives ont soit un temps de jeu ridiculement court, soit commencent pas "je veux aimer ce jeu mais il ne rend pas la chose facile".
    Tchey? Tu disais qu'il faudrait probablement attendre un mois. Un avis?

  18. #18
    Citation Envoyé par LDiCesare Voir le message
    Quelqu'un l'a et peut dire si c'est vraiment moins bogué qu'à la sortie?
    Les commentaires sur Steam font plutôt peur. Les rares revues positives ont soit un temps de jeu ridiculement court, soit commencent pas "je veux aimer ce jeu mais il ne rend pas la chose facile".
    Tchey? Tu disais qu'il faudrait probablement attendre un mois. Un avis?
    J’attends les vacances et les mises à jour. À la lecture ça semble "mieux", mais les bases du gameplay me sont encore trop flou vu que j’ai très peu joué pour le moment.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  19. #19
    tiens j'ai pas encore pose la drapal?
    Citation Envoyé par TreeShepherd Voir le message
    Cherchez pas on l'a trouvé : pipoop !Il est l'élu ! Le néo du grille pain, le Jesus du transfo !

  20. #20
    Citation Envoyé par Tchey Voir le message
    J’attends les vacances et les mises à jour. À la lecture ça semble "mieux", mais les bases du gameplay me sont encore trop flou vu que j’ai très peu joué pour le moment.
    Merci. Je vais continuer d'attendre.

  21. #21
    Nouveau patch 1.05 :

    The Mechajammer v1.05 patch has now been rolled out, bringing with it a huge list of fixes and improvements to leave you with over the Christmas break. You can also opt into the "Quinton Testing Branch" game branch over on the Mechajammer Discord Server. More details here.

    Right, big stuff at the top:


    You now have the choice of XP or collecting level-up chips in world during character creation. You'll need to start a new game to use XP. This was suggested by quite a few players at launch and we can't wait to see what you think of this new option!

    (Quick note: re-spawning enemies, including refreshed patrols, rioters, and street enforcers do not offer XP, and factions only provide it after you've attacked or allied with them)

    Armor Rolls

    Armor operates by rolling a D6 pool, like aiming, but each dice acts as a boolean point of damage that can be absorbed. Each armor has two main properties besides auxiliary (durability, sell, buy, etc.), these are AC and success chance, visible in their description.

    There are an additional 30 pieces of quality tiered inventory items to support this throughout the game. Future (and existing) slots for added AC modules still work, and they now add to the AC dice pool.

    AC: xd
    where the x is the potential damage can be absorbed by the armor, and also the number of dice being rolled to determine if it will work.
    Success: >x
    where x is the number the AC dice have to land over to successfully absorb a point of damage
    Example: chest armor has: [AC: 5d] [success >3]. Armor rolls 5 six sided dice, and each one landing above 3 negates an incoming damage point:
    <3> <6> <3> <4> <1>
    Greater than 3: <6> <4>
    Damage: -2


    All enemy tiers have more varied health per encounter area, wider range of weapons and drops, as well as the new appropriate XP.

    Companion mercenaries given more health and additional aptitude focuses:

    Like last time, we've underlined highly-anticipated changes!

    Event Log: updated language for graze damage from failed aim rolls
    Repair button only shows if item has wear and tear (durability below maximum)
    Fixed repair level up not working
    Fixed: Wolffz Bay map not showing in terminal after cinematic
    Modifiers from body part targeting show in game feed

    Dice in chemistry, organics and repair during character creation will start player with items in bag needed to use these skills
    Fix for respawning enemies from duplicate saves bug (You'll need to start a new game, let us know if this crops up again!)
    Fix for endlessly spawning rioters
    Increased durability cap of weapons
    Difficulty balance over NPCs, armor and item use
    Fix for interacting with cars leading to transport to black screen

    Choice of XP or collecting level-up chips in world during character creation (requires new game to use XP, will otherwise default to collecting chips)
    New armor sets at merchants
    New items for every weapon type and study in lockers and from NPCs

    Graphics / Maps
    Fixed various walls around Factus Core not having the line of sight cut-through when appropriate
    Fixed various collision issues
    Fixed missing colliders on some of the bridges
    Fixed low quality mode light texture glitch effect
    Various map visual fixes for line-of-sight blocking geometry
    25 new NPC portraits throughout the game
    Chain whip fidelity fixed

    30 new armor and helmet inventory items throughout the city, shops, and drops.
    balance: ruleset update for armor roles
    new health variety, aptitudes, drops, equipped items and challenge curves for enemies
    social: rolls have Occult added correctly to charm
    Un nouveau système d'XP à la Underail avec des objets à collecter !
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  22. #22
    Ajouter ça et toutes les autres corrections des 5 mises à jour après la sortie, ça montre bien que le jeu a quitté son cycle de développement bien trop tôt.

    Bon, les dévs sont deux et réactifs, mais tout de même, dommage d’avoir eu ce départ plutôt cata.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  23. #23
    Oui, une sortie en accès anticipé aurait moins abîmé l'image du jeu peut être.
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  24. #24
    Le système d'xp original c'était pas justement un truc de chips / si tu accomplissais la mission principale?
    Ils ont pas plutôt ajouté le système d'xp "classique" vu qu'apparemment l'autre système faisait pas que des contents?
    J'arrive pas à retrouver, mais il me semblait avoir lu un article où ils expliquaient en long en large et en travers pourquoi ils faisaient pas un système d'xp justement (et leur solution revenait à te donner de l'xp quand tu avançais dans la quête principale).

  25. #25
    Ah oui peut être effectivement, j'ai lu le patch note à l'envers. Tu as raison.
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  26. #26
    Patch en date du 14 janvier, passage en 1.06 :

    The highly anticipated v1.06 patch is here!

    This is our largest patch to date and it includes all the fixes and additions we worked on throughout the holidays. Some of you may notice a few of these changes from playing on the Quinton Playtesting branch, which we've been happy to see your reactions to over on Discord!

    Without further ado, here's the v1.06 changelist:

    Overlapping items bugs fixed
    Notifier in game feed for mutation damage
    Tightened game feed text
    Pelican does not get mini map icon at beginning of game
    “Acquired item” text pops up correctly
    Character sheet shows all advantages and disadvantages next to list of jobs
    “Open Bag” key corrected in options menu
    Fixed typo with one-handed and two-handed edge weapons in character sheet description
    Fixed bug where the notepadopens on the player's HUD incorrectly when the user mashes the “I”
    Fixed incorrect label of settings menu
    Fixed typos with lightning rod text in item description
    Fixed types with commas missing
    Fixed health bar not dropping to zero in training tutorial
    Fixed bug in tutorial where enemies display the unconscious meter incorrectly when the player respawns
    Fixed typo in psionic detector description
    Can read text in hover box over items in top row of inventory bag
    Fixed bug with hovering over side-by-side items in bag not always showing description text
    Can double-click to equip shields and armor in bag
    Fixed equipping shield and two-handed weapons bug
    Game log is smaller and can stay open during gameplay
    Game log starts open
    Game log names are colored for main player, companions and enemies
    Fixed bug with damage roll game log text
    Increased size of merchant bag
    Updated socket sprites
    Fixed bug where socket upgrades dragged onto items without sockets can disappear
    Fixed formatting issues in character creation description text
    Updated description for Action Turns in character screen for accuracy to ruleset

    Pick up items with HUD menu instead of in world clicking
    Fixed bug with items falling outside of walkable areas
    Fixed bug with saving unconscious enemies
    Fixed bug with dropped items having 1 durability
    Fixed bug with bar keep merchant bag in Factus Core
    Fixed bug with MFI scanners spawning in ground
    Fixed bug with MFI scanners drifting too slowly
    Fixed plasma guns not hitting crouched enemy
    Rioters no longer start riots indoors
    Rioters and police leave the area correctly after altercation instead of standing around
    Fixed bug with cars driving through ground over ramped areas
    Backup reinforcements from spotlights limited to 2 groups at once
    Fixed error that occurred while using lightning rod on civilians
    Fixed bug with walking through locker doors
    Fixed bug with walking through lockers after opening
    Fixed enemies that disappear in shadows incorrectly
    Text shows on hover over locked doors that describes door health (fragile/sturdy/indestructible)
    Loot drops further away from locker door to avoid colliding with locker itself
    Fixed hover colors on body parts (bug introduced in 1.04)
    Fixed bug with time passing incorrectly when talking to an evangelist
    Fixed healing time passing incorrectly when healing with medic
    Drones are created in bag inventory item panel instead of with item on ground (due to changes to item pickups)
    Fixed pathfinding issues when clicking over water surface
    Updated note at the Faith to accurately display puzzle colors
    Fixed bug with healing from toxins through clinic dealer in Old Town
    Fixed bug in beginning cinematic where thug runs across bridge after raised
    Fixed debris appearing in wrong location when hitting object or wall
    Increased volume of sound that plays when you hit objects to match other sounds
    Fixed bug where player can bludgeon a box from a distance after switching from range action
    Fixed bug with gang NPCs not turning hostile when you talk to boss

    Fixed shadows not showing correctly in tutorial and in some areas of game maps
    Drone companion plays correct animation while driving and talking
    Fixed bug where dead NPCs show up with incorrect sprite after returning to an area
    Fixed items clipping through floor

    Fixed incorrect pain threshold stats included in roll for knockout attacks
    Fixed bug with rolls for chemistry not calculating learning dice correctly
    Fixed bug with rolls for hacking not calculating learning dice correctly
    Fixed bug with rolls for social not calculating occult dice correctly
    Fixed bug with rolls for repair not calculating learning dice correctly

    Medic plays correct sound effect during dialogue
    Fixed dialogue text error with Bottler and R4T boss
    Companions virtue skills are separated to keep from going off screen during dialogue
    Fixed bug where companion bag opens while talking about skills
    Can talk to Faith Preacher now after ignoring them the first time
    Fixed mismatched warnings from gangs that spawn in street after you infiltrate their base
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  27. #27
    Nouveau patch le 27 janvier, passant le jeu en 1.07 :

    We've been cramming the v1.07 patch full of updates and are now well on the path to 1.1. Highlights from this update include keyboard re-binding, achievements and improvements to the tutorial (we heard you and we've shortened it, too).

    (Quick Note: all achievements work as intended apart from one involving a gang of hackers. There’s currently a bug with their spawn node and it will be corrected in v1.08!)

    Here is the full v1.07 change-list:

    Tutorial messages updated to accurately reflect systems
    Game feed additions: Faction resolution information
    Game feed additions: Objects taking damage
    Game feed additions: Objects breaking
    Game feed additions: Learning percentage from deciphering text
    Game feed additions: Show text from sign
    Game feed additions: Show when time is added to next action from switching item
    Game feed additions: Fire, oil, acid, traps
    Fixed durability showing several decimals instead of whole integer for items in bag
    Elevator keypad removed option to type alphabet keys
    Fullscreen button fixed to match fullscreen status in Settings menu when starting the game
    Added information about current noise radius to detection map and character sheet in “Crouch Radius” description
    Added skip button for intro as an alternative to double click

    Tutorial integrated into beginning of new games
    Saving and loading functionality added
    Skip functionality added
    Tutorial shortened to reduce intro time
    Clarity added to sight and hearing systems
    Tutorial radio and help notice text updated to accurately reflect systems
    Tutorial ending changed to trigger after last four training drones dispatched

    Fixed bug where traps do not save correctly after being used
    Fixed infinite traps from one bug
    Fixed bug with plasma guns not hitting cars
    Fixed visual issue with attack animation plays twice if you’re hit while prepping attack
    Car lot note has corrected code for elevator
    Fixed ferry that takes player to Arms Guild prison island
    Fixed errors occurring on some machines while changing blocks during bridge cinematic
    Fixed bug with cars not taking damage while parked
    Fixed bug where companion group number saving unpredictably
    Updated incorrect text displaying on Gershwein terminal to return player to train station
    Fixed bug where equipping item did not add one turn to next action
    Updated Gershwein's computer to shows accurate language when opening his study door
    Closing gap between interactive objects more predictable
    Reload noise on game load removed
    Fixed bug where cars cannot hop curbs
    Game correctly pauses when Faction map alert opens
    Fixed bug where fight with boss in gangs triggers combat mode remaining active after combatants have left
    Increased XP gained from allying gangs to balance with destroying gang
    Gang reputation meter updated to be accurate between saves
    Balanced various lockpick rolls
    Sight cones in detection map shrink when you are in grass or shadow to reflect how far an NPC can see
    Fixed bug with surface type modifier not updating noise radius
    Fixed bug where interactive objects are not saving correctly when quick saving then leaving a map and returning
    Updated armor item descriptions to clarify Armor Rolls and Threshold mechanics

    Fixed black box on top of house south of Faith Temple
    Grubworm workers have a different sprite than guards to differentiate hostile workers (coming Tuesday)
    Reduced number of guards in various areas of map for balance
    Fixed bug with flickering lights in Copper Face lab
    Fixed East Bridge block not connecting correctly to neighboring block
    Removed excess new kidney NPCs in Old Town Bridge
    Fixed texture issue with building flickering in Factus West
    Fixed missing texture under building Factus Core South
    Fixing flashing line of sight visual in Factus Core Northeast
    Smuggler area south of Faith rock light of sight issue fixed
    Factus Core west long wall flickering texture fixed
    La roadmap dont il parle :

    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  28. #28
    Nouveau patch du 11 février passant le jeu en 1.08 :

    Welcome to the Mechajammer v1.08 patch! There's a long list of new features, improvements and fixes!

    Load up a game now to try out tile mode - where you can play on a hexagonal grid! You've also been asking about changing the colour of your characters coats for a while now, v1.08 lets you rid of your green jacket for an array of other colours.

    There's not just visual changes in this update, but lots of balances to gameplay. Let us know how you find v1.08 over on the Mechajammer discord.

    Features Added

    Added menu to rest to pass time and heal life, although at the risk of random encounters
    Added Tile Mode option for combat where players can play on a hexagonal grid
    Notepad can open during dialogue
    Can switch between walk UI and target UI in combat with hotkey for leading shot clarity
    Companions and player pathfind around fire, oil, acid, electric sparks and traps, unless there are no other routes available
    Can hire companions from allied gangs that use range weapons
    Can change player's coat color in character sheet and character creation
    Can name saves in Save/Load menu


    Button appears on HUD when camera has moved away from player follow zone
    Skip button to cinematic that plays after "New Game" is selected
    Removed text that flashes when using computers after first use
    Tile Mode button added to options menu
    Game Tips menu can be closed with escape
    Escape and Save/Load menu hotkey can both be used to close Save/Load menu
    Fixed bug where companion directive UI triggering while typing in a computer
    Stealth attack and honor disadvantage now show correctly in game feed
    Weapon aiming outcome showing correctly in game feed
    Unhackable computers indicate encryption software immediately
    Hovering over portraits shows names of companions and NPCs
    Game feed shows breakdown of rolls for companions
    Fixed merchant bug where items could get stuck after trying to drag them to a spot they won't fit in
    Fixed various text errors in character description fields
    Fixed various text errors in dialogue
    Added animation to terminal screen
    Leg wounds that slow movement are accurately described in medical section of Character Sheet
    Doors only say "Use Key" if player has key, otherwise indicates key is needed
    Fixed flipped learning comprehension output in Game Feed
    Rounds remaining in bag show when you hover over reload button
    Updated label text on action button hovers to be accurate


    Fixed bug where camera panning wasn't immediate with W-A-S-D
    Arrow hotkeys (defaulted to camera controls) can be set in Settings menu
    Fixed missing cursor cinematics and credit screen
    Fixed user-changed hotkeys not working until opening the menu the first time
    Fixed waypoint disappearing when you interrupt movement
    Zoomed camera back to show larger zone of interest


    Balance: Increased player max health (for new and saved games)
    Balance: Reduced NPC health (for new and saved games)
    Balance: Increased damage to melee attacks made with range weapons
    Balance: Decreased aim challenge modifier for most weapons
    Balance: Honor disadvantage reduces stealth attack damage instead of blocking it
    Balance: Stealth attacks only require two dice now
    When you using a run potion, sneaking now functions as expected
    Fixed bug where targeted body part can change after selection
    Monster companions AI fixed to not say "Help" when in poor health
    Merchants save inventory until you leave the area and return later
    Fixed bug where player pathfinding ends accurately at clicked waypoint (except when clicking near unwalkable areas)
    Aim to body part hover bug fixed when hovering near walls or water
    Aim to weapon fixed to cause damage to weapon, not target's body
    Fixed bug with advantages and disadvantages saving correclty
    Can charm non-hostile animals with animal empathy
    Fixed healing animal companions
    Fixed bug with gang ally radio call happening for non-allies
    Fixed bug where you can't hover over NPCs until you move when game loads
    Fixed companions not saving correctly after dinner conversation following Three Hand Harry
    Companions save movement directives between saving and loading
    Spotlights pause when game is paused
    Companions can be directed to attack doors, breakable boxes and obstacles, and chests
    Fixed unexpected hovering target that happened while directing companions standing close together
    Fixed resurrected lichin companion spawns attacking player instead of NPCs
    Balance: Fixed bug where you can hire unlimited companions from one gang
    Fixed bug where you can hire more than 20 companions when you hire a mercenary
    Balance: Capped virtue chips that you can purchase from merchant to 3 total (exploration level up path only)
    Fixed money lender dialogue not restarting after you say "Not interested"
    Fixed bug with money lender not putting money in bag correctly
    Computers don't jam the first time you get username incorrect
    Fixed bug where ATM computers don't save their "Used" state and can be reused
    Fixed bug with username logins not registering at ATMs (can be used once)
    Old Town mechanic found his head
    Balance: Stun gun difficulty
    Balance: Pain Threshhold health bonus increased to three points to max health per die
    Fixed bug where repair dice don't show after character creation
    Fixed unarmed pips disappearing after character creation
    Fixed issue that occurs in Townsend Block where player attempts to jump and does not respond to further direction
    Gang reputation meter stops updating after you've defeated the boss
    Fixed the scrap of paper in Old Town Northwest Island that disappears when picked up
    Reversing audio missing after hotkey rebinding fixed
    Fixed bug where vehicles duplicate when saving right after entering vehicle
    Fixed inventory error that occurs when two sockets are added to a weapon
    Fixed issue with inconsistent NPC drivers added to maps
    Fixed issue where NPCs cannot hear player when they are in a car
    Fixed jumping out of vehicles into walls bug
    Car sounds end when car explodes
    Removed repeating dialogue that occurs when you run over rioters
    Missing Fishmonger scout fixed in Factus South
    Missing NPC Gyle correctly showing in bar in Factus Core
    Fixed AgroFax guards missing quip
    Fixed issue where NPC cars unexpectedly disappear
    Fixed bug with gang backup squads stopping after first round
    Companions always drop the loot that you give them
    Balance: Cars do less damage when they hit
    Balance: Cars have more health
    Fixed issue where multiple versions of the Medic and Pelican can show up after dinner
    Bridges closing and opening timed accurately with camera movement
    Scavenger boss loot is reachable
    Updated Ratling spotlight control computer to accept password from note
    Miners spotlight control computer is useable
    Missing NPC Tom in Old Town fixed
    Can heal and talk to companions and non-hostile NPCs during combat
    Sullivan can give you an extra code wheel if you lose it
    Franklin gives you note to take with you to get back to his dock
    Fixed incorrect XP applied when allying with gang boss
    Balance: reduced penalties for attacking in shadow, attacking body parts, attacking moving targets
    Balance: reduced damage penalties for graze attacks
    Fixed issue where knockout attack was occurring even when roll failed
    When NPCs use healing kits they roll for amount healed instead of restoring full health
    Player will not try to reload weapon in combat if there isn't any ammo
    Improved turning for vehicles

    Fixed bug where weapon visual order displayed incorrectly on last frame of animation
    Fire barrels reload correctly after breaking them
    Fixed bug with sprite for Earth Collective troopers
    Portraits for jungle dog and Franklin have brightness adjusted
    Missing floor fixed on Fishmonger map
    Fixed collider missing in tutorial jumping area
    Fixed floor overlap visual effect in Old Town Lender
    Fixed underground boxes in Old Town Plaza
    Fixed shadows missing in Mole commune
    Fixed path missing to Mole commune super mutant
    Fixed inaccurate building interior showing area in final map
    Fixed flickering sidewalk floor Factus South Exit
    Fixed wall that does not disappear near Quinton Trains Industries hallways
    Ratling pants brightness adjusted
    Chicken portrait added
    Hostile drivers in Jungle areas have correct sprite
    Missing floor texture in Black Market dungeon adjusted
    Missing floor texture in Scavenger area fixed
    Radiation Detector and Psionic Detector UI visible above darkened areas of minimap
    Changed scanner sound to photo-taking noise


    Special thanks to all the players who left feedback and submitted bug reports that lead to fixes in v1.08. As this was a larger patch, we weren't able to put together a list of players in time, but please know that we have appreciated your encouragement and support over the last 8 patches and we can't wait for you to experience 1.1.


    We'll be quiet for a little while as we work away on the 1.1 update coming in the next month, but we hope you enjoy v1.08 and we'll see you soon! Take care!

    — Whalenought Studios & Modern Wolf
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  29. #29
    Depuis le 17 février, compatible Linux :

    The Linux version of Mechajammer is here!

    To our Linux community: thank you for patiently waiting to play or pick up Mechajammer, we hope that because of this wait, you're able to have a more stable build in your hands and a better experience overall.

    We've had a few questions about why the timing of the Linux release had changed, and we'd like to give you some clarity on that.

    After launch, we had to shift our focus to fixing pressing issues for those who were already experiencing the game. We were waiting on a different QA team to our regular testers to review and let us know it was ready to go live. For us, the Linux build has been around the corner and ready to release for a while. Unfortunately, we've had to wait on external parties for longer than we anticipated.

    We can't wait for you to experience roaming the streets of Calitana and join with the rest of the community in solving puzzles, working out best character builds and fighting rats.

    Testing has been difficult on Linux, and while it should now have parity with other platforms in terms of stability, if you come across any issues in the game, please head to the official Discord server to leave a bug report.

    The recent push to main that we're calling v1.81 also comes with a few hot fixes, listed below:
    Fixed an issue with vehicles where a pooling bug can lead to them not show up at all over time with character/NPC use, or show up invisibly while stationary or with drivers
    Fixed visual anomaly with hitting non-combatants with vehicles where they pop between two tiles

    As always, huge thanks. And until next time.

    — Whalenought Studios & Modern Wolf
    "J'ai l'impression d'être un unijambiste dans un concours de coup de pied au cul."

  30. #30
    Importante mise à jour, la 1.1 The Refracted propose une longue liste de changements, améliorations et corrections que vous pouvez lire en suivant le lien dessous.

    Tellement gros qu’ils ont publié une nouvelle vidéo de présentation :
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

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