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  1. #391
    Ôtez-moi d'un doute : le combat final ne serait-il pas une putain de grosse purge (et un saut de difficulté gigantesque) ?

  2. #392
    C'est exactement ça

    Je comprends l'intention épique mais c'est trop. Un peu comme une choucroute au Nutella.

  3. #393
    Le pire je trouve c'est que ça remet en cause toute la progression accumulée :
    - Toutes les recherches sur les stratagèmes sont inutiles
    - Tous les builds / équipements / stratégies sont remis en cause : avant d'arriver sur ce combat j'enchainais toutes les missions en 5 minutes à base de TP (stratagème + Archivistes) + AOE. Et là les AOE sont inutiles, on passe la moitié du combat silenced donc les compétences sont inutiles, toutes les attaques du boss ignorent l'armure (donc les pv deviennent importants)...

    Bref, design de merde qui demande une préparation spécifique et des équipements complètement différents de tout le reste du jeu.

  4. #394
    J'ai failli la rater en facile cette dernière mission, l'absence de stratagèmes est ultra pénalisant quand même vu qu'en face on t'envoie tout ce que l'ennemi sait faire + le dernier boss

  5. #395
    Ah... Du coup j'ai voulu farmer un peu avant de déclencher la mission finale, et game over.
    Et je n'ai pas de sauvegarde avant d'enclencher cette séquence.

    Bien bien bien...

  6. #396
    Bon après 39h de jeu et 3 bosses tués, j'ai "rage-désinstallé".

    Spoiler Alert!
    Au moment où tu es attaqué subitement par l'autre gros-rat de merde et que tu es censé survivre avec ton inquisitrice en attendant que les renforts arrivent à chaque tour. Typiquement la mission imposée qui tombe sans crier gare et te fais merder ta progression.

    Autant j'ai trouvé que les combats tactiques étaient assez sympas (bien qu'un peu répétitifs et tirant parfois inutilement en longueur), autant je trouve la partie "carte stellaire" imbuvable: évènements imprévisibles et punitifs, aucun choix vraiment intéressant stratégiquement à faire (à part l'ordre des constructions ou des recherche - enfin quand un évènement aléatoire de merde ne vient pas subitement te priver de constructions pendant 60 jours). Le pire étant la fois où on m'a demandé d'envoyer un personnage pour lui donner une promotion (il devient inactif pendant 1 mois) et au bout du compte, je reçois un message pour me dire qu'il a finalement crevé pendant son entrainement (à aucun moment il n'est précisé que ce dénouement est possible). Comme on est ultra limité en sauvegardes, on peut pas trop faire du save-scum à outrance ...

    C'est dommage parce que le jeu n'est pas exempts de qualités. Au bout d'un certain temps, avec des persos hauts-niveaux, on peut faire des synergies et développer des tactiques intéressantes et on se retrouve à vraiment maitriser le rythme des combats plutôt que le subir.
    Weng Weng Weng Weng two feet nine, He kicks you in the nutsack from behind

  7. #397
    Je te rejoins sur la partie carte stellaire. Autant sur les combats ça passe bien, voire trop facilement passé un stade (en mode normal en tout cas), autant sur la carte stellaire jusqu'au bout ça peut partir en vrille entre les missions qui popent complètement à l'opposé avec +3 contagion, les events punitifs etc... Et complètement aléatoire donc save scum à fond.

    Par contre la mission en question ne m'a pas semblé affreusement difficile.
    Spoiler Alert!
    Comme toutes les missions j'ai tué le gros en un tour, mais j'ai dû reload la première fois : je sortais d'une mission avec objectif secondaire "sans aucune arme ou armure de maître" et je n'avais pas pris le temps de les rhabiller...

  8. #398
    Bon, je pensais pas poser la question avant un long moment puisque j'attendais encore quelques patchs voire encore un dlc pour le prendre, mais on vient de me l'offrir

    Donc... au vu de vos retours sur le combat final qui semble complètement éclaté au sous-sol en terme de logique et cohérence avec le reste des maps, j'ai besoin de vos lumières: vaudrait-il mieux le laisser au chaud et l'installer quand d'autres patchs seront sortis? Est-ce que des indices de futurs DLC on été donnés à ce jour (autre que celui déjà sorti qui ne m'a pas l'air intéressant)? Si je me lance, je dois investir dans quoi pour pas me prendre un gros mur dans la tronche à la fin pour pas ragequit/rage-désinstaller mis à par focus sur les pv?
    C'est pas faux !

  9. #399
    J’aime beaucoup le jeu mais je pense que certains défauts ne seront jamais corrigés. Je pense notamment à l’interface de gestion de l’inventaire/équipe qui est horrible je trouve ainsi que la longueur et le côté répétitif des missions. Pour le dernier boss fight j’en sais rien, je n’ai malheureusement pas tenu jusqu’à là

    Mais je le répète, le jeu n’est pas mauvais et c’est peut-être mon point de vue qui est tranché . Par contre, si j’étais toi, j’attendrais pas pour y jouer, tu risques d’attendre longtemps et de le voir offert sur l’EGS
    Il parait que je suis un type horrible mais ce n'est pas vrai : j'ai le cœur d'un enfant..... dans un bocal...sur mon bureau.

  10. #400
    Vas-y, joue !
    Perso je râle beaucoup mais au final j'ai beaucoup aimé. Tellement que je viens de prendre le dlc malgré ses reviews merdiques.

  11. #401
    Merci pour vos retours, je l'ai installé et j'ai fait la première mission du tuto, je verrai bien jusqu’où j'irai, ayant choisi le mode normal.
    C'est pas faux !

  12. #402
    Alors par contre j'ai lancé une partie avec le DLC, j'en suis au jour 220 et pour l'instant j'ai largement préféré ma partie sans DLC...

    Si ça intéresse quelqu'un, retour un peu moins laconique sur le DLC. Attention, je joue en mode Normal donc pas forcément super fiable sur les niveaux de puissance.

    1/ Dreadnought
    Il est vraiment fun, puissant, jouissif. Poussif au tout début, mais devient très vite un défouloir.
    Il n'est disponible que pour certaines missions (en gros une mission à chaque éclosion), et ces missions n'ont rien de particulier à part une difficulté plus élevées de base.

    2/ Techmarine
    Pas ma came du tout. En lui même le perso est faible et peu customisable. Il gagne en utilité quand il est déployé avec le Dreadnought, mais même comme ça il reste bof. Pour moi c'est notamment dû au fait qu'il ne sert qu'à buffer le Dreadnought, mais du coup il dépense de la volonté et n'en regagne pas vu qu'il ne fait pas de kills. Et il a un pool limité de base et pas beaucoup à chopper dans les compétences.

    3/ La frégate
    Pas compris. On la choppe tard, c'est un gadget. Très déçu.

    4/ Nouveaux équipements des ennemis
    Grenades pour exploser les covers et défoncer les armures notamment. Ca force à s'adapter, c'est bien. Mais ça n'arrive pas au bon moment : en gros pile au moment où de base le jeu est le plus difficile donc ça provoque un gros pic de difficulté, et après on les oublie une fois qu'on commence à avoir des équipes solides.

    5/ Missions supplémentaires liées à l'Adeptus Mechanicus
    Sympa mais certaines vraiment longues...

    Le problème global est que tout est mal intégré, pas au bon moment dans la campagne et lié à aucun endgame. Une fois la frégate choppée (pour moi après le premier faucheur) on revient juste au jeu de base. Je m'attendais à avoir au moins des missions de fin de partie liées au Dreadnought.
    Dernière modification par Khremy ; 10/01/2023 à 13h17.

  13. #403
    Gros patch sorti le 1er mars
    Update XI
    Ave Imperator, Force Commanders!

    Thank you for your continued reports on Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters and the new Duty Eternal DLC. Our development team have been working closely with the servitors and analysing your feedback.

    We are pleased to report the following changes have been introduced with this update:

    Feature Changes

    Main Menu (Standard game)
    Added a new setting that allows you to toggle the new Technophage Enemies for the standard campaign. They will still appear in DLC missions but won’t appear in regular missions if turned off.
    Added a new setting that allows you to turn off the free items/Twitch Drops equipment if you wish to play with a clean equipment inventory.
    Added a new 30 FPS graphics lock option to the Settings Menu.
    (Duty Eternal) Updated the popup which appears when you load a save from before owning Duty Eternal after having purchased the DLC. This popup makes it clearer how to load the save with Duty Eternal content or how to continue loading without adding Duty Eternal content.

    Added a new tutorial to explain that Action Points are replenished at the beginning of combat and that ammo is replenished at the end of the combat..
    Added a new tutorial that informs you that you won’t be able to climb back up again if you fall off the map during the Morgellus battle.

    New Units
    A new enemy enters the fray! The Lord of Virulence is a new debuffing unit capable of making plagued affliction significantly more dangerous for your Grey Knights.

    We have adjusted how damage previews are shown on enemies with more than 10 armour,
    When returning from missions, Grey Knights that were critically wounded will be on one knee in the Teleportarium.
    Updated the game credits to include new team members.

    Balance Changes:

    On the Merciful difficulty we have reduced the point budget for spawn groups across the board, so fewer enemies are expected on this difficulty.
    Reduced the likelihood of Flowering missions appearing before the Nexus mission.
    If you have no available Grey Knights for the Kadex Attacks mission you will now be supplied with level 1 Justicars each turn.
    (Duty Eternal) You can now add the Venerable Dreadnought to the Rear Guard team during the Final Battle.

    (Duty Eternal) Techmarine and Combat Servitors
    Combat Servitors now provide Willpower and Experience to their Techmarine when they kill enemies.
    Techmarine’s First Strike ability will now deal 4 damage (was 3).
    Techmarine Flamer ability will now deal 4 damage (was 3).
    Techmarine Flamer Warp Charge will now deal 4 armour break (was 3).
    Techmarine Return Fire will now deal 4 damage (was 3).
    Repair now heals 6 damage (was 4) to a mechanical unit.
    The Techmarine Servitor HP Ability Increase now increases Servitor HP by 4 (was 2).
    Support Fire will no longer apply the effects of the weapon that is equipped.
    Servitors can no longer trigger Rear Strikes but will still trigger Overwatches and other autos when moving.
    The first Techmarine you gain after Allies Under Siege will now be promotable to Rank 3. This will only affect new campaigns or campaigns that have not yet reached Allies Under Siege.
    All Tier 2 Combat Servitors now have an additional 2 HP.
    All Tier 3 Combat Servitors now have an additional 4 HP.

    (Duty Eternal) Techmarine Equipment
    For the Ironheart Servo-Harness the base Resistance has been increased to 15% (was 0%).
    The Vortimer’s Mantle Servo-Harness has a new Purity Seal Upgrade +2WP for 4 Mortus Seeds.
    The Omnissiah’s Vengeance Servo-Harness HP bonus is now +4 (was 2).
    The Psalm of Devotion Servo-Harness has a new Purity Seal Upgrade +4HP for 3 Tentarus Seeds.
    Three new Servo-Harnesses have been added as options for the Techmarine.
    A new Boltgun and a new Power Axe have been added as options for the Techmarine.

    Stratagems will no longer be disabled while completing the Purgation Ritual project.
    Gate of Infinity will no longer teleport Servitor corpses.

    Baleful Edict
    We have increased the number of Exterminatus that you can use before Grandmaster Kai becomes angry and cuts you off. Players who have saves where they were cut off before will now be able to once again bring down the holy cleansing fire.
    New Wound Risk levels have been added for more granularity and include 'None' and 'Extreme'.
    Medium Wound Risk can no longer critically wound your Grey Knights.
    (Duty Eternal) We have reduced the randomness of the Gladius Frigate mission results.
    (Duty Eternal) Gladius Frigate squads that contain fewer than four Grey Knights will now have a penalty applied to their Squad Power to incentivize full groups being sent.

    Damage from the throwable lid interactable will no longer drop off further from the centre of the area. All enemies hit by the area will take the maximum damage now.

    Poxwalkers are now Daemonic body type.
    Enemies can no longer break the stun of other enemies by dealing damage to them before the player can.

    Performance Improvements:

    Reduced performance spikes when mousing over abilities in the ability grids.
    Increased performance while in the Strategium on the Baleful Edict as well as during all cinematics set in the Strategium especially on low graphics settings.
    Improved optimization of various environment textures.
    ervo-Skulls that are flying back from very far away will now teleport back to their Grey Knight to save wait times.
    The zones and effects when critically striking Munificus have received some performance optimizations to help increase FPS if he has been critically struck several times in the same turn.
    (Duty Eternal) Optimized the way that movement lines are drawn for the Venerable Dreadnought to ensure that they better display hazards on the route and don’t draw too much on performance.
    (Duty Eternal) Servitors that are very far away from their Techmarine when trying to move back to him will now teleport back to him to avoid long wait times.


    Feculent Gnarlmaws will no longer move around on Spreading missions after the Spreader has been activated.
    Repaired a few areas where the camera could get caught outside the map bounds.
    Fixed a rare issue that could softlock the game if a player destroyed some types of light fixtures on some maps.
    Adjusted a few patrols to reduce some situations where enemies could be activated from extreme distances.
    Destroying the large corruption blob environment asset with a tongue will now also destroy the tongue.
    Fixed a few visual oddities on some maps.
    Fixed an issue that could cause a Glorious Deed to disappear if saved and loaded during combat.
    Fixed an issue with the Final Battle where the Final boss could attune to two bloom strains if the Rear Guard had no Grey Knights left.
    Fixed an issue that could cause the voice over in seeding missions to replay after loading a save.
    (Duty Eternal) Servitors killed during a mission will no longer count against the “win mission with no critical injuries” deed.
    (Duty Eternal) Fixed an issue that could allow you to move your Grey Knight inside the Venerable Dreadnought in Allies Under Siege.
    (Duty Eternal) Fixed an issue that could cause a softlock if using Gate of Infinity to reveal the Venerable Dreadnought on Allies Under Siege.
    (Duty Eternal) Fixed an issue that could cause the enemies guarding the Venerable Dreadnought in the Honour the Ancients map to not scatter correctly when revealed.
    (Duty Eternal) Revealing Brother Krask on Allies Under Siege using Gate of Infinity will no longer cause issues with his portrait.
    (Duty Eternal) Updated the layout of a few maps and the destructibility/indestructibility of some objects to ensure the Venerable Dreadnought and Terminator Grey Knights can always reach the objective(s) of maps and prevent them from becoming stranded.

    Event buttons will no longer appear available if you mouse over them even if that option is not available.
    Events that offer to let you use an Exterminatus will not allow you to if you have been cut-off by Grandmaster Kai for using too many.
    Passing through a Reaper mission will no longer make you appear to have stopped in the Warp after the Reaper intro event.
    Fixed an issue with The Tournament event that could cause it to give the reward talents to the wrong Grey Knights.
    If the Warp Storm Disturbance event expires it will now properly add corruption to the system.
    Fixed an issue that could cause skipped voice over for the Grandmaster’s report to play after loading a different save.
    Fixed an issue with the Time For A Tournament event that would cause it not to pick lightly wounded Knights if all the Knights in your Barracks were wounded or lightly wounded. It will now properly pick Knights that are lightly wounded to wound and will provide those Knights the promotions or talents provided by the event.
    Fixed a bug that would not make a 9th ranked Knight chosen for A Paladin’s Quest properly convert to a Paladin.
    (Duty Eternal) Fixed an issue that could break the flow of the Duty Eternal content if you closed the game mid conversation after the Allies Under Siege mission.

    Updated the text on the button on the 5th unit slot in the teleportarium. It will no longer refer to Vakir or Lunete as a Grey Knight.
    Players will no longer be able to set a Prognosticar on the Duty Eternal systems that eventually disappear.
    The travel line for the Baleful Edict will now properly disappear as your ship travels along it.
    Reduced the movement blur around the cursor on the Star Map.
    Critically Wounded Knights will no longer be added to the Vanguard team for the final battle. This could happen in some cases if a Knight was Critically Wounded right before the Final Battle.
    The Baleful Edict will no longer disappear on the star map just as the Purgation Ritual completes.
    Fixed some visual issues on the mission timer bars.
    (Duty Eternal) Gladius Frigate
    Researching the Bloom Seed Purifications will no longer lower the Squad Strength of equipment with purity seals of that colour.
    The Gladius Frigate will no longer obscure the amount of archeotech at sites it flies through.
    The return time of the Gladius Frigate will no longer desynchronize from the Baleful Edict so that it seems to display an incorrect amount of time to return on the calendar.

    Improved compatibility with different keyboard layout.
    Switching between keyboard and gamepad while saving the game will no longer cause issues when naming the saved game.
    Some tooltips, breakdown info and localizations have been updated to be more clear.
    The Fog of War will now properly update when you destroy objects blocking vision with the Precision Bombardment Stratagem.
    Updated the movement code to help reduce orphaned squares in the movement range display.
    Moving a Grey Knight underneath a reinforcement portal will no longer cause enemies to fail to spawn from it.
    Fixed visual oddities with some animations.
    Fixed an issue that could cause Grey Knights to end up standing inside a door rather than breaking it.
    Fixed a few bugs that were causing some barks and SFXs to not properly play.
    Fixed an issue that could cause the damage preview to improperly stay on an enemy healthbar after exiting Precision Targeting mode while using a gamepad.
    Fixed an issue that could cause two cursors to appear on the screen at the same time if you switched from Keyboard to Gamepad during specific situations.

    Interactable Objects
    Resurrection Emblems will no longer appear in places where they cannot be reached.
    We have updated the melee and ranged interactable icon to ensure it is clear when an interactable can be ranged attacked or interacted in melee.
    Fixed a small VFX and SFX oddities on the pillar push animations and cinematic.
    Fixed a bug that could cause some enemies in a fire bowl or Promethean Spray template to not properly take damage when they should.
    Enemies can no longer get stuck and become untargetable inside of large exploding barrels if they charge inside them.
    The interactable icon to show that an object is usable has been moved to be more central on the Eldar Turret and Vengeance Turret.
    Fixed an issue that could get a Grey Knight stuck standing on a box if an enemy caused an explosive interactable to destroy that box.
    Fixed an issue that could cause Structures of Decay and Bloomspawn Prisons lose the ability to interact with them after the first turn.
    (Duty Eternal) Techmarines will no longer excessively run in place when interacting with bunker lids.
    (Duty Eternal) A Venerable Dreadnought walking through a fire bowl will properly cause it to spill rather than sometimes just disappearing.

    The achievement icon for Inquisitor Vakir killing 10 enemies now displays Inquisitor Vakir’s portrait.
    (Duty Eternal) Fixed an issue that could cause the Not a Mote of Corruption achievement to not trigger.

    Knights and Story Characters
    Fixed a few animation oddities for all Grey Knights and Story Character Units

    Justicars that use Crushing Charge no longer get caught inside half cover or interactables that happen to be at the end of the charge.
    Fixed an issue that was causing the upgraded version of Honour the Chapter to appear to cost 3 Willpower when it was supposed to cost 2 Willpower while selecting the upgrade in the Ability Grid. This was not affecting the ability in combat. In combat it was always properly costing 2 Willpower when used.
    The Crushing Charge template will now use the same sensitivity settings for placing it as other line attacks while using a gamepad.

    The Support Fire Icon will not appear when targeting ranged interactables any longer since it won’t be triggered.
    Fixed an issue with Teleport that could cause enemies to not properly be engaged if discovered.

    The Support Fire Icon will not appear when targeting ranged interactables any longer since it won’t be triggered.

    Fixed an issue that would cause Gate of Infinity to no longer work if you have a dead Servitor.
    Fixed an issue with Teleport that could cause enemies to not properly be engaged if discovered.

    (Duty Eternal) Techmarine
    Sacrificial Discharge will now trigger The Motive Force as intended.
    Servitors will no longer be able to end their movements on top of Bloomspawn Vents and Resurrection Emblems.
    Fixed a few issues that could cause a Servitor to not follow the Techmarine when it should.
    After ordering a Servitor to move to a location it will now more reliably stay at that location, even if the Techmarine moves, until the end of turn.
    The Techmarine and his Servitors will no longer run on the spot when encountering enemies.
    Reduced the excessive screen shake when the Techmarine attacks with the Power Axe. It will now be a similar amount of shake to the Daemonhammer.
    Plasma Cannon Servitor had the incorrect movement speed, was 6 now is 4.
    Tools of Conviction will now display the correct auto icon when triggered.
    Fixed a bug that could cause Multimelta Servitors to do double damage if an enemy’s health was below a certain threshold.
    Fixed an issue that could cause the Techmarine to equip a Plague Marine’s boltgun instead of their proper boltgun. This would cause the Techmarine to T-pose on the ship and in combat and gain Overwatch. Players with a Techmarine in this state will find that the Techmarine is now properly equipped and will no longer be able to Overwatch.

    Castellan Crowe
    Fixed an issue that could cause the book on Castellan Crowe’s hip to become unhinged from his belt and float while he was on the ship.

    Inquisitor Vakir
    Inquisitor Vakir will no longer appear to be wearing Power Armour in the Nexus mission when inspected in Unit Info View.

    (Duty Eternal) Venerable Dreadnought
    Fixed an issue that could cause the Support Fire ability for the Venerable Dreadnought to not appear on its action bar if the Venerable Dreadnought was equipped with both a Missile Launcher and Twin-Linked Lascannon.
    Fixed an issue that could cause Helbrutes to charge inside of Venerable Dreadnoughts in some situations.
    Fixed a bug that wouldn’t allow the Venerable Dreadnought to properly transition to his idle after using Ancient Charge.
    We have increased the size of Venerable Dreadnought’s selection circle so it is easier to see.
    If a Chaos Spawn jumps on a Venerable Dreadnought it will no longer end up inside the Venerable Dreadnought.
    Fixed a bug that could cause some enemies in a fire bowl or Promethean Spray template to not properly take damage when they should.
    The Venerable Dreadnought can no longer charge to the top of armoured containers and become stuck.
    Updated the order of the Venerable Dreadnoughts ability icons to better match the convention of other units.
    The damage preview for rear strikes when a Venerable Dreadnought moves will be more accurate now and take into account enemies being knocked back by the movement.
    Changing pilots will no longer cause issues with gaining experience.

    Main Menu
    (Duty Eternal) The hologram for the Duty Eternal detected pop up window has been changed.

    Adjusted Suppressive Fire so that it does not start affecting a Grey Knight until all reinforcement portals have finished spawning enemies at the end of the enemy turn.
    Fixed some minor animation issues for a few enemies.
    Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause 1x1 units to be knocked back and destructible terrain to be destroyed when previewing a melee attack on large enemies and bosses.

    Foetid Bloat Drones
    Fixed a bug that would allow Fleshmowers to use their charge attacks while immobilized.
    Destabilizing a Fleshmower will now properly interrupt their Foetid Charge.
    Foetid Bloat Drones and Fleshmowers will no longer fly really really high in the sky when flying over an obstacle.
    Foetid Bloat Drone’s Paralytic Reprisal visual effect will no longer disappear if it is inside a blast AOE effect.

    Fixed a bug that made it appear your melee attacks would be affected by Aeger’s Defend our Father.
    Fixed a bug that could skip Malathian’s Effigy cutscenes.
    Fixed a bug that caused Malathian’s Effigies to not activate if they were spawned in the fog so they would not apply their effects until revealed.

    Plague Marines
    Fixed a bug that was making it unlikely that Bolt Gun Plague Marines would Overwatch after scattering since the DLC update.
    Belcher Plague Marine’s Toxic Spray and Hazard Spray will no longer affect Grey Knights behind full cover as intended.
    Loading a combat save with a Noxious Blightbringer on the map will no longer possibly stun enemies that were not stunned when the save was made.
    Fixed a small issue with the Plague Belcher VFX.

    Fixed an issue that could sometimes cause enemies to not scatter correctly after using the Gate of Infinity Stratagem.

    Updated the Tier II and III Frag Grenades so that the model for the grenade better matches the item icon.
    Fixed an issue that could cause healing or damaging previews for Servo-Skulls to be incorrect if multiple Grey Knights were equipped with the same type of Servo-Skulls. This was also affecting other damage previews in some cases.
    Fixed a bug that could cause Disruptor Servo-Skulls to fail to work on most bosses.
    Servo-Skulls will no longer show two range rings since the first ring means nothing.

    Fixed an issue that could cause a player to become stuck in the Prognosticar Tutorial.

    Fixed an issue that could cause the music from cinematics to continue to play when the cinematic is skipped.
    Fixed an issue that could cause the ship to disappear during the teleport up cinematic.
    Fixed a few small visual issues on some of the cinematics.
    C'est pas faux !

  14. #404
    Nouveautés en approche ...

    L'espoir est le premier pas sur le chemin menant à la déception.

  15. #405
    J’aimerais bien m’y remettre car je ne l’ai pas terminé à sa sortie, faute à des missions trop longues et une gestion de l’inventaire entre squad catastrophique . Ils ont amélioré des choses de ce point vue ?
    Il parait que je suis un type horrible mais ce n'est pas vrai : j'ai le cœur d'un enfant..... dans un bocal...sur mon bureau.

  16. #406
    Citation Envoyé par RUPPY Voir le message
    J’aimerais bien m’y remettre car je ne l’ai pas terminé à sa sortie, faute à des missions trop longues et une gestion de l’inventaire entre squad catastrophique . Ils ont amélioré des choses de ce point vue ?
    Ha tiens, tout pareil. Enfin, en plus d'être trop longues, les missions sont aussi méchamment répétitives.

  17. #407
    Et la dernière mission est une véritable purge
    BattleNet : Grouiiik#2358

  18. #408
    Quand tu crois que c'est fini bah y'en a encore.

  19. #409

    Execution Force will introduce four brand-new units for your strike team to deploy. Harness unique skills and unleash devastation using agents of the Vindicare, Eversor, Culexus, and Callidus Temples. These fearsome operatives bring unparalleled skills and abilities and will be available for deployment on any mission once requisitioned through progressing a timeline event in the main campaign. The strike force you send on a mission can contain any combination of Grey Knights and Assassins, but only one of each Assassin type

    This free update and the paid Execution Force DLC is due to teleport shunt onto the Steam and Epic Game Store on the 25th of July.
    Dernière modification par Shamz ; 18/07/2023 à 17h27.

  20. #410

    Du coup le DLC concerne l'Officio Assassinorum.

    EDIT : grillé
    L'espoir est le premier pas sur le chemin menant à la déception.

  21. #411
    Citation Envoyé par frostphoenyx Voir le message

    Du coup le DLC concerne l'Officio Assassinorum.

    EDIT : grillé

    Quand même cool qu'ils fassent vivre le jeu. je dirais pas non contre un ptit rework de l'interface, mais bon, je pense que je vais le prendre ce DLC.
    Quel dommage que ce jeu ai pas plus de factions.

  22. #412
    Je pose mon drapeau ici parce que les assassins m'intéressent bien. Par contre, en regardant les 2 autres DLCs, on dirait surtout que les personnages de DLC ne sont appelés que par des événements et qu'on n'y a pas accès pour toutes les missions.

    Pour le moment, ça manque encore de détails à ce sujet.

  23. #413
    Citation Envoyé par Silver Voir le message
    Je pose mon drapeau ici parce que les assassins m'intéressent bien. Par contre, en regardant les 2 autres DLCs, on dirait surtout que les personnages de DLC ne sont appelés que par des événements et qu'on n'y a pas accès pour toutes les missions.

    Pour le moment, ça manque encore de détails à ce sujet.
    Ils annoncent jouables a tout moment de la campagne, partout. t'as juste a les recruter, sur une save en cours aussi. C'est ce qui est annoncé. Mine de rien, le fait de pouvoir faire la compo/répartition que tu veux, ça peut bien changer le gameplay. Ils vont donner le détail du patch gratos d'ici le 25.

  24. #414
    Gros patch qui accompagne la sortie du DLC

    14,99 Brousoufs:

    The Officio Assassinorum have arrived. Our second major DLC, Execution Force is now available to all players via Steam and the Epic Games Store. This DLC brings the might of four unique Assassin units to your disposal. Use them wisely in combination with your Grey Knights to decimate Nurgle’s despicable plague. Alongside Execution Force comes Update XIII, which brings a swathe of its own new content and changes. Notably a new squad of enemies, the Tainted Sons have entered the fray, posing a new fearsome challenge.

    Execution Force DLC Content
    Four new Assassin units are now available to be recruited to help in the fight against the Bloom. Shortly into a new or existing campaign, Vakir will contact the Officio Assassinorum which will provide you with your first Assassin. Further Assassins can then be recruited with Requisition:

    : A long-range sniper specialist, this unit is fast and focused on critical ranged attacks.
    : Applies high stacks of Bleed and finishes enemies with a devastating Eviscerate attack. This unstable unit sacrifices his own health for high damage and extra actions.
    : Moves among enemies without detection to perform assassinations or scout maps and targets.
    : Nullifies enemy Boons and silences enemy psyker abilities. Her owns skills are empowered when allies use their Willpower. Additionally, she can reduce the Warp Surge meter and close Warp Portals.

    New Mission Types
    The Tentarus strain has grown stronger. New Hive Missions will now appear starting in Act 2. When they do, they will slowly corrupt the planet they are on until it reaches 5 Corruption. Without intervention, the planet will be pulled into the warp and the Morbus will increase. Hive missions require you to destroy the Tentarus Hive found at the centre of the map. To do so, you must first destroy the five Hive Germs protecting it.

    When you encounter a Deathguard Vessel on the star map many will now offer you the chance to send a strike force to board the ship and disable it from within. Five new maps have been added so that players can board the vessel and destroy the ship’s generators before time runs out. Along with this several of our Deathguard Ship Events have been updated with new options.

    Supplies from Titan
    Grandmaster Kai has sent Supplies from Titan. The following Tier 1 items will be added to your inventory on new or existing campaigns with Execution Force enabled:

    Condemnation: Falchions specializing in critical strikes.
    Mace of the Abjurer: A Crozius that Nullifies enemy Boons.
    Daemonspite: A Psilencer specializing in Daemon killing.
    Catharsis: A Storm Bolter that can Purge enemy Mutations.
    Aelwyn’s Light: A Flamer that Exposes enemies so they can be critically struck by your allies.
    Mantle of Purity: Terminator armour that provides immunity to Plague.

    Several new Achievements have been added for you and your Assassins to accrue.

    New Free Content: Update XIII
    The Tainted Sons
    Three new enemies have joined Nurgle’s forces:

    Plague Surgeon
    : A new support unit. Doubles the effects of other enemy units' mutations, increases their max HP, and regenerates damaged body parts.
    Nurgling Swarm
    : A new leader unit. Resurrects and mutates Poxwalkers with their tainted chant and gives all other daemons extra HP.
    Beast of Nurgle
    : A strong melee bruiser. The Beast hobbles and immobilizing units, marking them for a killing blow.

    The new enemies and some older enemies can arrive as part of the Nurgle’s Tainted Sons group. Enemies that are a part of this faction mutate more frequently. You can now find an enemy’s group type in the Unit Info View panel.

    Added a new Psycannon, “Sinflayer”, and Storm Bolter, “Salvation”, to the reward pool at Tier 1 and 3 respectively. Both weapons specialize in afflicting Bleed to your enemies.

    Three new Wargear have been added:

    The Purgation Skull Purges and applies Burning to enemies.
    The Autoloader Skull can be used to reload a unit for no Action Points.
    The Rad Grenade applies Bleed to enemies in the blast radius.

    Major Balance Changes
    Bleed now stacks each time it is applied. At the end of a unit’s turn, they take Bleed damage equal to their Bleed stacks and then the Bleed stack is reduced by 1. Several changes have been made to Bleed abilities, equipment, enemy abilities and precision target points to support this change:

    Hammerhand Warp Charge now Afflicts +3 Bleed stacks
    Apothecary Psybolt Upgrade now Afflicts +2 Bleed stacks
    Apothecary Force Strike Upgrade now Afflicts +3 Bleed stacks
    Scourging now Afflicts +3 Bleed stacks,
    Grim Surgeon now adds +1 stack to all Bleed Afflictions applied by the Apothecary.
    The Falchions Prosecutor now has Afflict Bleed +2 stacks (25%) and can be upgraded to Afflict +1 Bleed stack.
    The Falchions Imperator now has Afflict Bleed +2 stacks (35%) and can be upgraded to Afflict +1 Bleed stack.
    The Storm Bolter Liberator now has Afflict Bleed +2 stacks (25%) and Psybolt +1 damage. It can be upgraded to Afflict Bleed +2 stacks (35%)
    The Psilencer Doom’s End now has Afflict Bleed +2 stacks (100%) and can be upgraded to Afflict +1 Bleed stack
    Apostate and Bloomspawn Preachers head target point now applies +4 Bleed stacks
    Nurgle Wardog Reaper Chaintalon now Afflicts Bleed +2 stacks.
    Bloated Poxwalker Torso target point now applies +3 Bleed stacks.
    Plague Marine (all) Leg target point now applies +3 Bleed stacks.
    Chaos Spawn Right Shoulder target point now applies +4 Bleed stacks.

    The following units are now immune to bleed:

    All Bosses
    Myphitic Blight-Haulers
    Foetid Bloat-Drones
    Nurgle Wardogs
    Venerable Dreadnought

    Minor Balance Changes

    We have updated the Seeker Skull to be more useful. It now flies to the designated location without clearing fog but outlining enemies so they can be identified. Enemies are not activated when it arrives and it will apply Vulnerable to all enemies within a designated range before returning to the unit which deployed it.
    Servitors are now Immune to Hazards.
    Bloomspawn Preachers will no longer automatically advance their ritual to the final stage if they are dropped to half their HP or less. They are now required to advance it three times before it will be complete.
    The Fields of Agony Warp Surge will no longer explode interactable objects when placed.
    Bloom Assault missions for Frigate Deployments have had their challenge rating adjusted to be more in line with their difficulty in comparison to Seeding missions.
    Changed the requirement to trigger the Deep Damage ship event so that Hull Damage and Ship Facility damage are both required.
    Hailer Servo-Skulls can now only be used once per turn per skull.
    Vakir, Servitors, and Guardsman can no longer be targeted by Teleport Swap.

    General Improvements

    All enemies now include a cinematic action event for their abilities.
    All Assault missions now have cinematic intro flythroughs and voiceover.
    Added a new destroy icon that will appear over units that may be subjected to a destroy effect that will kill them. E.g. the Chaos Spawn’s Death Grip and the Beast of Nurgle’s Attention Seeker.
    The Timeline Calendar on the Baleful Edict will no longer sort by type, instead showing events in order based on duration.
    If Grandmaster Kai takes away a piece of equipment, he will no longer return it if you load a save made after the event.
    Grandmaster Kai will no longer try to take away any of the Special Launch Equipment and will never take Supplies from Titan during events.
    Improved the lighting on maps to reduce overly dark areas.
    Visual quality improved in several areas on various maps.
    Updated some tooltips and text for clarity.
    Updated credits in Spanish, Russian and Polish so that job titles display correctly.
    Updated credits to include new team members.

    General Fixes

    Tiles which unintentionally provided cover no longer do so.
    The “Complete all Glorious Deeds” quest now functions as intended.
    Fixed a bug that caused the Delaying Tactics Death Guard Ship event to never occur.
    Encountering a Deathguard Vessel without being damaged will no longer cause the Deep Damage Event to trigger.
    Fixed an issue affecting the difficulty rating of Growing missions when sending the Gladius Frigate.
    Fixed an issue that could cause the Efficient Killer Achievement to trigger despite ammo being used.
    Fixed an issue with enemy spawning on Assault maps that could cause an extra elite/leader enemy to spawn than intended.
    The correct number of Seeds rewarded to the player will now display after completing a Bloom Assault mission.
    Enemy turns can no longer be skipped if the map restart feature is used an excessive number of times.
    Enemies will now correctly die if they are knocked into pits on the Spreading map Highway Desert.
    Bloomspawn Vents in the Spreading map Cathedral Sinkhole Jungle will now all properly disappear when used.
    Fences in the Cathedral Town map have been repaired to ensure Knights cannot jump out of the map.
    Reinforcements in Flowering Missions no longer spawn in incorrect locations.
    Combat Servitors no longer get stuck in The Nexus Part 2.
    Litany boons are no longer removed if you enabled the Litany before the in-combat Stratagems tutorial triggered.
    Vulnerable enemies no longer take an extra stun damage from abilities and equipment.
    Abilities no longer play their SFX or bark too early.
    The Librarian ability “Gate of Infinity” now works as intended.
    Defend Position will no longer cause units who are immune to knockback to fall and not get up.
    Surplus Wargear can no longer be equipped or Servitors to Techmarines.
    Seeker Skull pathing has been reworked to improve performance when selecting it for use.
    Tentarus Warp Surges no longer happen without the Tentarus strain present.
    The Bloomspawn Eruption and Greater Bloomspawn Eruption Warp Surges should appear again normally.
    The Fields of Agony Warp Surge will now properly preview a Knight will take damage if they walk through it.
    Teleporting out of Suppressive Fire with Gate of Infinity should now Disrupt the Suppressive Fire.
    Large Health bars will no longer overlay the Warp Surge Meter.
    Fixed an issue affecting the location of Protect the Bloomspawn reinforcement warp rifts. They are now more randomly selected.
    Fixed an issue where Firebowls couldn’t be targeted if the Knight was standing directly next to them.
    Firebowl fire SFXs will now properly clear when the fire ends.
    Creating fire hazards on top of objects should work more reliably now.
    Fixed an issue that allowed you to step-out into an ally’s space and could prevent you from performing a step-out in that same space after it had been occupied.
    Fixed a bug where enemy reinforcements could spawn in locations where they could not be reached in some cases.
    Fixed an issue with Teleport Strike which would incorrectly reduce the abilities range based on the number of targets that were selected.
    Killing enemies by Destabilizing a Foetid Bloat Drone will now properly give XP for the kill to the unit that triggered the Destabilize.
    Fixed a bug that was causing the VFXs for Death Grip to appear at the Chaos Spawn’s feet.
    If a player loses the Gatekeeper battle, they will now be returned to the teleportarium before the battle rather than restart it with the same Knights so they can change their loadout if needed. This change was made to ensure players can’t get stuck facing Munificus with a squad that has no way to critically strike.
    Fixed a bug that caused the Nurgle Wardog’s Sweeping Talon SFX to get stuck on when he dies.
    Fixed a bug that prevented enemies from taking damage from a Helbrute’s Self Destruct.
    Fixed a bug that caused some enemy abilities to detonate explosives when they shouldn’t have.
    Fixed a bug that causeed the Nurgle Wardog’s Daemon Breath Spear to deal double damage.

    Soft Locks and Performance Improvements

    Improved performance when Ancient’s Charge hits allied units.
    Fixed an issue that would cause a crash if an enemy that reached the Portal in Final Battle was executed.
    Fixed a lock that could occur when playing the game in Offline mode.
    Fixed a lock that occurred if Grey Knights return from a mission critically wounded.
    Fixed a lock caused by Medicae Skulls failing to find a valid point when being used.
    Fixed a lock that occurred in Sacrista if a Grey Knight moved onto the ritual space instead of Vakir.
    Fixed a lock that occurred if Garren Crowe was Critically Wounded in a mission.
    Fixed a lock that occurred in the post-Mission Teleportarium if the Venerable Dreadnought was in your squad.
    Fixed a lock that occurred if you had fewer than the maximum number of Grey Knights in your squad after accepting certain Glorious Deeds.
    Fixed a lock on the Corrupted Vessel where the number of destroyed Miasmic Malignifiers could prevent the player from completing the mission.
    Fixed a lock that occurredwhen hitting a Fire Bowl with Precision Bombardment.
    Fixed a potential softlock that could occur if Vakir was shot by a Turret while channeling.

    Graphical & Cinematic Fixes

    Made graphical improvements to Vakir’s combat model to reduce clipping.
    Fixed a bug causing some of Garren Crowe’s VFXs to appear at his feet.
    Fixed a bug causing some of Garren Crowe’s VFXs to smear across the screen when he is teleported.
    Removed some superfluous VFX distortions during Agravain’s Fury of the Ancients cinematic.
    Grey Knight Portraits will now update properly when changing armours in the Barracks.
    Fixed a bug with the UI that could occur when switching to Garren Crowe in the Barracks.
    Improved visuals on Terminator armour so that gaps don’t appear during Precision Targeting attacks.
    Fixed an issue where the Upgrade Panel on a piece of equipment could disappear.
    Using a Hailer Servo-Skull will no longer make Overwatch templates disappear.
    Fixed an issue that caused Servitors to appear as though constantly moving after teleporting down to Nexus.
    Reduced cases of debris floating in the air and above pits.
    Fixed an issue where planet backdrops in the ship could disappear.
    The Baleful Edict will now properly become invisible while zooming into the Planet Info View on the Star Map.
    Fixed an issue that could cause your fourth Stratagem slot to incorrectly appear unavailable.
    Fixed several UI bugs while navigating the Barracks menus.
    Fixed an issue that caused some objects to be out of focus in the Libris Malleus.
    Lord of Virulence and Nurgle Wardog Stalker icons now correctly appear in the Chaos Detected screen.
    Fixed an issue whereby returning to the ship from Sacrista or The Nexus would cause your Grey Knights’ weapons to disappear in the post-mission Teleportarium.
    Fixed an issue where tutorial popups sometimes covered UI elements.
    Fixed an issue that would cause forced camera pans to break and follow your cursor if it was at the edge of the screen.
    Fixed an issue that caused sound effects during cinematics to continue to play after the cinematic was skipped.
    Windows will now reliably break when shot through by a Cultist or other short unit.
    Squad indicators no longer reappear on revealed squads after loading a save.
    Ranged attacks that will step out from cover to be used will more consistently preview that step out.
    Shadows of enemies should no longer be visible in the fog.
    Lighting should no longer be affected during long-range attacks.
    The armour display for units with more than 9 armour will no longer display over other UI elements.
    Firebowl damage previews are no longer affected by cover damage penalties.
    Munificus will no longer display he can parry attacks from the front or back when he won’t.
    Fixed an issue that could cause Morgellus’ HP bar to disappear for a short time during the fight.
    Rubble from Morgellus’ Rust and Ruin ability no longer pops in and out of existence.

    Grey Knights and Venerable Dreadnought Fixes

    Fixed an issue where Grey Knights remained standing in the post-mission Teleportarium even if they were Critically Wounded.
    Grey Knights will now properly take damage from reaction strikes while climbing.
    The Precision Bombardment Stratagem will no longer kill Critically Wounded Knights.
    Fixed an issue with the Tentacle Ship event where a Grey Knight could become Critically Wounded with 0 Resilience.
    Improved Grey Knight pathing for movement especially when mantling objects or around cranes.
    The Venerable Dreadnought’s pathing no longer hangs over the map bounds or display hazard indicators in the wrong spot on the move line.
    The Venerable Dreadnought can once again be promoted after battle from the Teleportarium.
    The Venerable Dreadnought will now use the proper icon for the Heavy Flamer Purge upgrade in all situations.
    The Venerable Dreadnought and Multi-Melta Servitors will now correctly add the extra damage from Awaken the Machines to their support fire shots.
    Fixed an issue that would add the Venerable Dreadnought to the second squad for the Final Battle without you choosing him.
    Fixed an issue with assigning Grey Knights to the Final Battle that could cause the Venerable Dreadnought slot to become locked out.

    We trust that the deadly capacity of the Officio Assassinorum are well placed in your capable hands, Force Commander. Ave Imperator!
    C'est pas faux !

  25. #415
    14,99€ ils se mouchent pas avec les doigts... C'est bien du Games Workshop.

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