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  1. #1
    Mon dernier post se terminait en: "still an early access", et ne suis pas satisfait de finir là dessus alors que le jeu est en 1.0
    Apres tout, un jeu fini, ca mérite un test.


    ADOM est un très grand Roguelike, un jeu légendaire aux mécanismes incroyable, un jeu qui n'a pas encore livré tout ses secrets.
    Lancer une suite est donc un pari risqué pour son créateur Thomas Biskup, car comme on le sait il est bien difficile de faire une suite à une légende. D'ailleurs à la base il ne voulait pas vraiment sortir une suite, il voulait peaufiner son jeu. Seulement voila, ADOM est sortie en 1995 a une période ou Thomas Biskup était encore jeune et inexpérimenté. De son propre aveux le moteur d'ADOM est aujourd'hui un blob tentaculairement indescriptible et il est impossible d'y rajouter quoique ce soit sans tout faire planter, les dernières mise à jour le montre bien. Et c'est pour quoi il a eut l'idée d'une suite dès le début des années 2000 (TLDR: ce fut un beau bordel, UADOM est la 3eme version de cette suite, je passe sur les détails)


    UADOM est aujourd'hui arrivé a un moment de sa vie où il n'a quasiment plus de bugs, il est jouable, et il a une fin. Et pour son équipe de développement, ca suffit à le sortir d'early access. Regardons y.
    Déjà, actuellement et comme prévu, le jeu se compose pour l'instant que d'un seul et unique donjon. Plus tard on pourra se balader sur une carte du monde et il y aura plusieurs donjons. Ca se passera en plusieurs ajouts successifs, il ne devrait y avoir aucun DLC (Thomas Biskup a toujours tenu ses promesse jusqu'ici, il n'y a donc pas trop a avoir peur de ce coté là).

    Graphiquement parlant, UADOM est mignon. Franchement c'est pas trop mal, sauf si on est pas client de ce genre de choses. Et moi j'aime bien. De toute façon osef, les vrais joueurs utiliseront le mode ASCII... nan c'est une blague son mode ASCII est horrible et je pense sincèrement que personne ne l'utilisera. UADOM a le pire mode ASCII que j'ai jamais vu après celui de ToME. Et j'ai joué a beaucoup de Roguelikes.

    Ensuite, les menus. Ils sont correctes, mais pas forcement très rapide. Ceci dit ils font très bien le travail.

    L'interface utilisateur? Elle est à la base prévu pour être utilisé d'une seule main au clavier, et sans aucun raccourcis (maintenant il y en a). On peut aussi jouer clavier/souris, voir uniquement à la souris, ou meme avec une manette(je n'ai pas testé ce point). Ca donne une UI qui n'est pas désagréable visuellement et plutôt bien foutu, sauf que pour l'habitué des Roguelikes que je suis il y a une pelleté de raccourcis qui manquent. Et le fait d'ajouter visuellement sa touche de raccourcis à certains boutons donne un gout d'inachevé, c'est pas propre.

    Et le gameplay dans tout ca, parce que c'est bien beau tout ca mais ici on joue aux Roguelikes, on est des joueurs, des vrais. Des graphismes un peu (trop) différent, un morceau de menu qui manque, une UI un peu a la ramasse, on s'en fou de tout ca, ce qui nous importe c'est le gameplay! Hé bien il est propre, tout marche bien comme prévu, ou presque. Oui "presque" car il y a des objets et des tuiles qui ne servent a rien pour l'instant, et des objets ou passifs de l'arbre de talents qui ne fonctionnent tout simplement pas car simplement non implémenté. Il n'y a pas de bug a ce niveau là, ce sont vraiment des choses non implémenté. Malgré ces trucs manquants, il se joue plutôt bien et est meme agréable.

    je n'irais pas pour l'instant plus au fond des choses.

    Au final pour un jeu qui sors de l'early access, il est toujours en early access!!!
    Pour le futur je ne m'en fais pas, depuis le début de la closed beta, l'équipe de dev a su tenir ses promesses et meme sa roadmap.
    Sauf que nous ne somme pas dans le future, nous somme aujourd'hui. Et aujourd'hui c'est un 4/10 dans sa gueule!

    Wait & see.

    edit: Si je note salement le jeu, ce n'est pas parce qu'il est mauvais. Actuellement je dirais meme qu'il est correcte. C'est juste qu'il y a un gros gros gout d'inachevé.
    Dernière modification par Dirian ; 20/10/2021 à 15h18.

  2. #2
    J’ai joué un peu, une partie et demie.

    Le gros point noir là de suite, c’est l’absence de toute sauvegarde. Tu meurs ou tu quittes, tu recommences à zéro zéro.

    Ensuite, c’est un peu vide, les combats ne sont pas intéressants, de ce que j’ai vu.

    - Mon nain guerrier n’avait rien à faire à part avancer et taper sans aucune compétence active, aucune tactique envisageable à part se mettre dans un couloir pour attendre les groupes. Il est mort alors qu’il était en plein santé, en marchant sur une case "corrompue" dans ce qui semblait être une salle spéciale, rien vu venir, aucune alerte, bof comme mort. Je voulais tester la greffe, car on peut jouer les créatures de franky, mais je n’ai compris que trop tard le fonctionnement et je n’avais de quoi me greffer correctement.

    - Mon pyromancian rat pouvait lancer une boule de feu qui ne tuait pas la cible (kobold, rat...), et donc devait en lancer 3, puis courir en espérant ne rien croiser le temps que la magie remonte, ou faire face pour taper au baton et se faire péter les dents en quelques coups. Pas mort, mais j’ai quitté le jeu pour lire les forum, donc mort par défaut.

    Et puis j’ai surtout trouvé que tout était lent et pas très réactif, comme une demie-lourdeur dans tout, sensation pas fluide.

    Bref, du très peu que j’ai testé, ça sent l’accès bien trop anticipé, et ça risque de faire de l’ombre à l’ADOM-verse qui est tout même une certaine référence.

    Plus plus tard, quand je serais mort plusieurs fois.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  3. #3
    Le gros point noir là de suite, c’est l’absence de toute sauvegarde. Tu meurs ou tu quittes, tu recommences à zéro zéro.
    C'est le gros point noir de cette EA. Dans une précédente alpha il y avait des sauvegarde, c'était pas mal bug donc il les ont retiré pour l'instant.

    Les combats je les trouve pareil que dans ADOM, en pire. Il y a pour l'instant un bon gros manque d'équilibrage.

    Les mages (pas juste ton pyromancien) sont obligé de tapper au corps à corps de temps en temps. Un magicien qui ne fait que balancer des sorts ca n'existe pas dans ce monde de maniere normal. Dans ADOM il fallait carrément casser le jeu pour pouvoir faire ce genre de chose, ce sera surement pareil ici.

    Et puis j’ai surtout trouvé que tout était lent et pas très réactif, comme une demie-lourdeur dans tout, sensation pas fluide.
    J'ai aussi ce probleme.

    ajout de 2 ligne dans l'OP
    -(Attention: Ce jeu est actuellement en accès peut être un peu trop anticipé!)
    -Le jeu est pour l'instant uniquement en anglais, des traductions dont une en français sont prévu d'ici la 1.0

  4. #4
    Citation Envoyé par TeamUADOM
    Load & Save is coming soon. If we hadn’t stumbled upon a serious internal bug it would have been part of the EA release. We are working on it and expect to provide ASAP.

    So what happened? Why are we going to EA without such an important feature, knowing full well people usually don't like leaving their computers running for hours?

    It's quite simple: It's entirely our fault. The first is that we've been overly optimistic about our ability to get Saving and Loading into the game in a way that works instead of most often placing you into a mirror universe of the one you left when saving, where things roughly look the same but don't, and bugs will murder, corrupt and crash you, and not in a good way. In short: The solution we thought would work didn't quite, and we feel that the frustration of trying to load a game that would then crash around you would have been much higher than not being able to save and load at all.

    Ultimate ADOM: Caverns of Chaos is still an Early Access game, and as such there are some core features missing. We have recently published a roadmap where we outline where the next big features such as Hunger and Corruption (in April), better combat options and AI (in June) or enemy spellcasters (in August) will make it into the game.

    Your feedback, both positive and negative, is very valuable to us and very welcome.

    In the next few days, we are focusing nearly exclusively to getting Saving and Loading into the game in a way that works for everyone. Thank you for your patience!

    Here's a technical explanation for those of you in the know or with the interest about what went wrong with our initial estimate.

  5. #5
    Ayé, ADOM est mis à jour avec les sauvegardes/chargements, et une accélération du flot du jeu.

    Cool cool.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  6. #6
    Ca fait bien plaisir, du coup moi qui stoppait mes runs faute de temps je vais peut etre enfin voir la fin du jeu

  7. #7
    patch note du 26/02/2021

    The caverns just got a lot more deadly. Starting at dungeon level 3, you may encounter powerful mini boss monsters carrying unique artifacts with them. Don't forget that avoiding powerful enemies is a valid response! Defeating these creatures will tax your mastery of your skills.
    Food no longer is useless. While Hunger and the full Food system (including the beloved feasting on enemy corpses to gain new abilities) will not make it into the game before March, you no longer have to rely on harvesting food items for them to benefit you. Consuming food will now provide a small health boost.

    Keyboard controls:
    Now, you can cast spells directly via 'v' verbalising them without going through the action menu.
    Healing until rested (or interupted) is now available by holding 'Shift' and either <Space> or <5> on the Numpad. Like auto-exploring, you can stop this at any time by pressing a key, clicking the mouse or the gamepad.
    If you hold 'Shift' and 'v', your character will rest until interrupted, or when at full Power for more spellcasting.
    In addition to using <Space> or <5> on the numpad to wait a turn, you can now also use '.' as used by other rogue-likes.
    If you press ',' to pick up items and a single item is lying on the ground it is directly picked up without having to open the inventory.
    The entries in the toolbar can now be activated with the hotkeys '1' to '0’.

    Gamepad controls:

    The repeat delay and repeat rate can now be configured separately from the keyboard settings. By our experience, the new defaults were slightly too fast for controllers.
    You can now pick up items with the <Y> button.
    The dead zones for some gamepad axis are now increased which should prevent getting erroneous input from other input devices that use the same axis (e.g. HOTAS setups).

    Item weight no longer is shown in the item tooltips, because our current inventory system is slot-based instead of weight-based right now.

    The game log is shown all the time now. You can change this in the settings or simply change the transparency.
    Certain panels should no longer look weird on very wide displays.
    Now, the game is allowed to render in the background (on Windows), making it a true “borderless window”. E.g. if you press Alt+Tab, the start menu will open now on top of the game window, instead of minimizing it.
    The saved games list displays now, which saved games are compatible with the current game version and which ones are not.
    The default speed for animations has been reduced back again to saner levels. You can still change it to whatever speed you prefer. You (speed-)monster.

    Weapon skills have been toned down, as they scaled the possible damage up way too far.
    Dworjalf is no longer the one-man-army-dwarf he used to be. He will deal slightly less damage with his axes, and will take slightly more damage now.
    Tisseth is now skilled in using the quarterstaff she starts with. She lost all interest in archery.

    Now, we create a backup of a saved game before it will be overwritten. There is no automatic recovery, yet.
    You will find more armor and weapons from different materials, especially as you venture deeper into the caves.
    Slain monsters will take expensive items with them upon their deaths much less often.
    Size no longer matters. You can now wear any armor and wield any weapon you find.

    Fixed the spell buff skills for increased range and damage. Most did not quite work out as we expected.
    Items on the ground are now shown correctly after loading a game.
    The “low hitpoints” warning border is restored correctly now, after loading a game.
    Encumbrance always is now correctly updated, when you pick up or drop items in the inventory screen.
    Tooltips in the inventory screen are now always correctly updated, when equipment changes.
    Items lying at your position are now shown directly after loading a game.
    A lot of fixes entering new maps.
    And lots of minor bug-fixing and fine-tuning.

  8. #8
    Pas convaincu pour le moment par ce qu’offre le jeu dans sa dernière version :

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  9. #9
    Le jeu est encore trop pauvre pour être sympas.
    En fait le seul intérêt d'y jouer actuellement c'est de faire des rapport de bug et commenter les features déjà implémentés.

  10. #10
    Patch note du 08/03/2021


    The tutorial has been completely overhauled.
    Learn about grafting, stealth and coating your weapons with potions!
    Additionally, it has become a mini game of its own, worthy of Grond and Adam.
    Enjoy learning all about dying in rogue-like games!

    The earlier stages of Literacy are now also worthwhile to invest, as you can actually read scrolls now, even if there are not so many of them, yet.


    Skill management is much more manageable now.
    Now you can read the full skill description by selecting the skill with a single mouse click and learn a skill by using double click.


    Sections and selections (used for keyboard/gamepad control) keep their old state when the UI is refreshed. This improves the handling of the skill management and inventory (and other elements).
    You have more options to pick up things via keyboard now:
    The <,> key now always picks up all items on the ground, although it stops before reaching a crushing encumbrance level.
    <Shift> + <,> now always opens the inventory with the "ground" section selected to pick up specific items more efficiently.

    Miscellaneous improvements:

    Lava now continuously burns, instead of just burning once, when pushing things into it.


    More items can be used now.
    The straw test dummy can no longer bleed.
    Animated beings float correctly again now, instead of being either in the ceiling or in the ground.
    Several tool tips are displayed correctly and immediately now.
    Le tuto est bien foutu, le jeu commence a etre un peu plus jouable, et il y a toujours des problemes de performances.

  11. #11
    Actuellement apres quelques tests, a partir d'un certain level et si on a mis les points aux bons endroit, on peut avoir une regen mana suffisante pour caster uniquement des sorts. Cependant a bas level un mage aura toujours besoin de faire du corps a corps.

    Le gros Patch note du 31/03/21 (j'en ai viré des petits bouts)
    New content:
    The first new playable race since the Alpha is out now! Orcs !
    Our prefix and suffix system are now in play for all melee weapons. This roughly equates to over 200 million new weapons to find and experiment with.
    33 magical rings have been activated and are now fully functional.
    You finally have a reason to graft additional fingers now.
    15 new monsters have been added, including entirely new abilites.
    Beware of gelatinous cubes! You can graft several bodyparts granting you some of these abilities.
    New custom characters will now have a wider array of starting equipment, also based on their race.
    Your chosen faction or patron will now take a much more active interest in what you are doing in the Caverns of Chaos and may reward you for performing the things they desire you to do.
    All runes now have descriptions and no longer require you to guess what they are doing when attaching to armor or weapon.
    There is one blasphemous creature in the dungeon not believing in non-diagonal movement. You may acquire its powers if you really want to, though it comes at a price.

    User Interface & Controls:
    The game now allows you to change the input mapping and to remap keys and gamepad buttons very easily.
    -You can also change the JSON file in the Ultimate ADOM installation direction with the input mapping directly if you absolutely desire. Please only do so if you know what you’re doing, else you may need to reinstall the game.
    Tooltips are now a lot less messy and follow a much clearer information hierarchy.
    Monster tooltips now provide a much clearer overview about the core monster abilities.
    Weapon tooltips now very clearly put weapon damage capabilities to the forefront.
    Armor tooltips focus on protective capabilities (primarily) and evasive capabilities secondarily.
    Rune slots on items are visualized much more clearly.
    The raw power of weapons and protective items is now calculated by the game, disregarding any special abilities you might find interesting. You will now receive a hint (both visually and in the tooltip) if you find an item potentially more powerful than your current equipment.
    Dragging items from the backpack to a slot with an equipped item now exchanges the items immediately. This now also works when dragging items to your equipment directly from the ground.
    You can now click on an item in your backpack to equip it without specifying a target slot. This will replace the currently equipped armor or the potentially least useful weapon or shield you have equipped. You can, of course, (and probably should) still drag things to the slots you want to replace just to make sure the right items get swapped. But you do not have to.
    To prevent accidental deaths or waste of resources, particularly dangerous or harmless monsters now indicate their power with colored symbols.
    New context menus allow you to equip items from the backpack or from the ground.

    Important bug fixes:
    A deep architecture change caused an unexpected side effect preventing grafted body parts from working properly. This has been fixed, and now additional arms, fingers etc will work again. Thanks, Grond for finding that one!
    Hands are now again part of freshly grafted arms.
    Power point reduction skills will reduce the cost of power points once more.
    Corpses should no longer randomly spawn without body parts to butcher.
    If you voluntarily stop stealth and then restart it, your stealth point pool is fully regenerated.
    You can no longer animate chaos rune ground features.
    Many additional minor bug fixes and stability improvements.

    We are currently working on German, French, Spanish and Simplified Chinese to be in the game soon. This required a lot of internal changes and improvements for correct grammar handling.
    The one effect you will notice is that monster names, professions and races are now correctly gendered.

    Known issues:
    Due to a bug in the Unity framework, you might not be able to use the Shift-key for key combinations on Linux.
    This only affects Linux users, and will hopefully be fixed in the next Unity update.
    Plein de bonnes choses, cependant il est toujours trop incomplet pour etre vraiment recommandable.

  12. #12
    2 Patch notes, car j'ai oublié de post de celui de la semaine derniere

    La 0.8.0 qui comme spécifié dans la Road Map est la 'Corruption & Hunger Update'
    New game settings:
    You can now modify the way you want to play the game! Toggling these will result in an unbalanced game experience and thus not generate a highscore entry. Also, please note that this is a highly experimental feature and will not receive the same attention as the default game, because we need to finish work on the core features first before we can fine-tune alternative game modes.
    Diagonal Movement
    German and Simplified Chinese made it into the game already, with more languages coming soon! With real grammar support, getting better with every release (correct multi-lingual grammar is a real challenge when you have complex procedurally generated content).

    New content:
    New profession: The Chaos Knight stomps all opposition beneath an iron-clad foot! Or tentacle, as you will.
    New race: The mighty trolls have arrived to shake the very mountains with their battle cries! Play your first large-sized monster. Large muscles, large appetite, small brains – all a troll can dream of. Make sure to carry around plenty of provisions with you!
    Corruption consumes the dungeon!
    70 corruptions (minor, major, ultimate) now are part of the game and will alter both your gaming experience and your character forever. Grow wings or prehensile tails, wrestle enemies with your tentacles, sweat maggots, summon chaos imps, breath lighting or acid… ChAoS hath no boundaries! Note that nearly all monsters can receive most of these corruptions, too. So the more corrupted the overall dungeon gets, the more likely you are to encounter weird new (and more powerful) monsters that have been altered by corruptions and try to utilize them to their advantage!
    But beware - too much corruption comes at a prize only those of strong personality can suffer! The higher your charisma, the more corruptions you can sustain… before turning you into an unfortunate blob of raw ChAoS!

    At some point during your dungeon delving, ChAoS will awaken - and it becomes a race against time, so don’t tarry too long in accomplishing your mission!
    The food system has been implemented. You now can grow hungry and eat foot to counter that (and corpses - but beware: corpses will often have side effects). More than 70 types of food are looking forward to trying your palate!
    Gaining levels now affects your attribute scores and various other stats (like combat probabilities). The specific details depend on your chosen profession. A higher-level fighter will have an easier time hitting those pesky displacer beasts now!
    You now can choose various attack modes via a button to the lower left or the key “z” (US keyboard layout). Due to corruptions or other circumstances, you might want to switch between kicking, biting, spitting, clawing, using your melee weapons, etc. Any being can have an arbitrary number of such modes and they now can be selected in an easy way. If you’re strong enough you can even punch walls now without being afraid to destroy your precious weapon!
    Lots of new items (a total of more than 2.240.804 new items):
    4 new base cloak types plus random modifications for cloaks that add 3.863 new cloak types to the game
    38 new random armor modifications add a total of 2.232.219 new armor types to the game
    Random modifications for headgear add a total of 3.863 new headgear types to the game.
    4 new base gauntlet types plus random modifications for girdles that add 504 new girdle types to the game
    9 new base girdle types plus random modifications for girdles that add 672 new gauntlet types to the game
    2 new predefined artifacts
    You can get rid of “cursed” and “doomed” states.
    Fortune cookies can now be found and contain useful messages. For those who can read.
    Gems now stack.

    Input handling:
    Gamepad support is now disabled by default because it could create some weird inputs when other devices like joysticks were plugged in. If you wish to play with a controller, you have to enable gamepad support first.

    Dying now is much faster (for both yourself and the monsters you slay, if they carry a large amount of items).
    Map and monster generation is now less memory intensive and should be much faster.
    Spawning monsters no longer should have a serious impact on performance.

    Important changes:
    The key to activate camera rotation was changed from “alt/ctrl” to the “shift” keys. We decided to change these to prevent conflicts with key combinations used by the operating system (e.g. alt+tab on Windows). Please let us know if you want to be able to remap these keys!
    Summoning has been balanced and although it now is less realistic (for a given value of realism) it hopefully is more fun to fight summoners.
    Spawning has been reduced in the big room and Lake Gloom.

    Bug fixes:
    A few remaining grafting bugs have been fixed. Grafted bodyparts now should work under all circumstances and in all combinations.
    Multiple monster attacks now work. Beware of things that bite and claw!
    Pouring potions on the floor once again works.
    The tutorial no longer starts with the Mad Minstrel introduction. His madness will now only affect the foolish brave, starting with him as a patron.
    Items now are immune to various effects such as poisoning and bleeding.
    Starting with points invested in the blunt weapon skill tree no longer provides excessive equipment.
    Artifacts will no longer be generated more than once for each type.
    Oil spilled from burning braziers now continues to burn properly again.
    Inferno and poison cloud spells no longer crash the system when getting into contact.
    Artifacts are now true artifacts - indestructible and loaded with other goodies. Of course, enemies will make use of them too.
    In some cases, average damage, damage ranges and hit probabilities were incorrectly calculated in tooltips. This has been fixed.
    You can no longer sneak attack with spells.
    Fixed various missing monster stat definitions.
    Bracers that did not work will no longer be generated.
    Potions of gain attributes now work (and are slightly stronger).
    Tooltip caching problems have been fixed. This means all stat tooltips should update immediately.
    Hive monsters no longer will accidentally enter tunnel entrances. Neither will summoned monsters.
    A rare bug leading into a crash, when entering the worm tunnels, has been fixed.
    Randomly generated artifacts will now actually apply the indicated stat bonuses.
    And many more smaller, most likely less noticeable bugs, too many and too small to list them all, have been tackled and fixed.
    Et la 0.8.1 qui est de la correction de bugs
    We have made massive stability improvements.
    Most error logs should be a thing of the past from now on.

    Based on your feedback, we have slightly slowed the inevitable crawling of ChAoS.
    It is still dangerous to remain, but it should no longer be quite as deadly.

    If you try to close the main window while a game is running, you can now either select to create a save game and quit, or simply continuing to play the game.
    Corruptions are now clearly labeled as 'minor', 'major', or 'ultimate' corruptions.
    Some corruptions did not explain in detail, what they actually did - they will now provide more elaborate explanations.
    Tooltips have been updated to provide more information of special abilities from various items, skills and corruptions.
    Eating corpses has become more fun. Several new effects have been added.
    Non-English-speakers rejoice! There have been many improvements to German and Simplified Chinese localizations. Additionally, we have also started laying the foundations for French and Spanish translations, which will be heading to the game very soon.
    We have reworked the way we collect data and error logs.
    You can now easily opt in or opt out of the data collection during gameplay, which is also the reason why we need to ask you for the permission once again, when you start the game.

    Bug reporting:
    Bugs are now sent to us automagically, if you agree to this in the previously mentioned opting in-process.
    We still want and value your feedback on everything else, so please keep them coming!
    Juste deux choses par rapport aux nouveautés:
    Manger des trucs effectivement augmente la barre sassiété, seulement on ne peut pas encore mourrir de faim.
    UADOM est de plus en plus sympas, mais il manque toujours trop de choses pour etre recommandable.

  13. #13
    Patch notes 0.8.2 (j'ai enlevé les bug fixes):
    New content:
    In the depths of the Caverns of Chaos (around dungeon level 11), a new unhallowed place has opened up: The Halls of the Dead contain more monsters, more loot and a lot more dangers.
    Hill Orcs and Gnolls join the fray. Dangerous and experienced warriors and scouts, they will make the best use of weapons lying around.
    Rune plates can now be read, as can tombstones. Beware of what you might find though.

    Graphics & UI:
    Changes in level illumination will now shine a new light on certain levels.
    You can now open the pause menu to save the game even when only playing with a mouse. There’s no need to reach towards the keyboard anymore, if that is the mode you prefer playing in.

    Enemies and allies are much more persistent in chasing you across different dungeon levels. No more escaping up the stairs for some quick healing!
    Weapon stats are no longer confused by the fact they’re equipped, on the ground or in the backpack. They will always display modified statistics now, making it much easier to evaluate the power of weapons you find.
    Cannibalism is now taken into account. And a bad thing.
    Characters now start out with more equipment to deal with the growing challenges.
    Chaos goo once more advances slightly faster after it was slowed a lot in the previous patch. It resists balancing, as is only proper. Let us know if you think we nailed it now!
    Each buffing spell can now only be cast, if it is not active on you.
    Minor changes to the tutorial based on player feedback.
    Monsters will no longer spawn just in front of you.
    De petites améliorations sympathiques, mais rien qui nous change la vie.

  14. #14
    Merci de remonter le sujet de temps en temps pour le suivi. Toujours pas convaincu globalement, mais ça va vers le mieux c’est déjà ça.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  15. #15
    Patch notes 0.8.3
    La traduction en Français est arrivé

    New content:
    Two new languages! You can now play the game in French and Spanish (the latter in both a South American and a European variant).

    Brannalbin himself has intervened and deemed magic in general too weak. As a result, all spells are now much more powerful.
    A major new game mechanic: Possession. Become a frog, a dragon, a worm, a rat, an ogre, a hill giant or anything else that crawls, sneaks, runs or slithers through the Caverns of Chaos. If you find the magical means to do so.
    Possibly related to the previous point, the enigmatic Temple Of The Frog is no longer empty.

    Dark Elves emerge from the Deependark to test their skills and prowess against the terrors of the Caverns of Chaos.
    Dark Elves have access to a very special skill tree available only to them for now.
    Originally the class was meant to be introduced much later, but as Dark Elves share a natural affinity for such things, you can now play as an Assassin and skulk in the darkness, expertly wielding poisons and the very shadows themselves as weapons.

    Magical Wands have been implemented!
    You can find 22 different, fully functioning wands in the dungeons below. Enjoy experimenting with them!

    Several new skill trees make their appearance, including the first “secret” skill - skills that will only unlock when you meet a certain prerequisite of other skills.
    Because this is the first of them and not terribly secret yet, you will unlock Assassination only after spending points in the Stealth skill.
    Arachnomancy (15 skills and 10 spells) will allow the summoning of spiders and is only available to Dark Elves for now.
    Assassination (14 skills) will greatly increase the damage dealt while sneaking, among other things.
    Poisoning (11 skills) is the first foray into alchemy, creating poisonous concoctions and improving their efficency.
    Finally, you can now become a deadly warrior wielding whips (with 23 skills), if that is your thing. We are not judging.

    Some monsters have become slightly smarter and now band together, patrolling the dungeon and hunt for adventurers.
    11 new monster types have been added.

    Bug Fixes:
    Potions often didn’t work quite as intended. They should do that now, no matter if you coat your weapon, pour them out on the floor or actually drink them.
    Giant spiders now actually work.
    A ton of minor bug fixes.
    Je n'ai pas encore testé cette maj, je ne peux donc pas dire s'il y a du mieux ou pas. (normalement oui vu le patch)

  16. #16
    Tout d'abord, le patch note 0.9.0 de la 'Combat Update', les commentaires après.

    Community feedback-based additions and changes!
    Powerful monsters may now carry Treasure Troves with them.
    -Defeating them and looting these troves will offer you a choice of mighty items, and also offer you the chance to sacrifice gathered gold for a new random selection of items!

    All combat skill trees have been completely streamlined, allowing you a choice of fighting style instead of locking you into certain weapons.
    -The old combat skill system forced you early on into specializing on certain weapon types. Therefore, the old skill system has been replaced with 140 new skills, offering a longer and more interesting progression.

    In general, combat has been spiced up a lot by making it much more challenging:
    -Being swarmed by enemies makes it more likely to be hit the more enemies attack you in the same turn. This applies for both ranged and melee combat.
    -Wielding multiple weapons now comes with a price and requires skill investment to be effective.
    -If you (or your enemy) deal at least 10 points of damage with a melee attack, they will cause a minimum of 1 point of damage even if your Protection Value is higher. This allows you to whittle down even heavily armored enemies - and it makes charging into a swarm of monsters more dangerous while wearing heavy plate.
    -Critical hits from both player characters and monsters are slightly rarer now.
    -A high chance of hitting something also increases the chance to bypass an enemy’s armor, too.
    -Armor can now be damaged or even destroyed by armor-penetrating hits. Make sure to carry a spare pair of pants with you, if you rely on such things!
    -Area spell damage has been slightly toned down again. While still being an excellent choice and playstyle, room-filling spells are no longer the answer to everything you might be encountering.

    The way player characters heal has been changed.
    -You will regenerate more slowly while crawling the dungeon, thus making hunting for regeneration flux points, healing potions or food more tense.
    -At the same, time, healing while resting will become faster, the longer you remain undisturbed, making the search for rare and undisturbed spots more important.
    -Finally, healing potions are now more common, and every adventurer starts with one.

    Achievements have been added to the game! 50 very different challenges await you.
    While creating a custom character, the powers of races, classes and professions now are explained with much more detail.

    New Content
    Four new pesky monsters plague the early dungeon levels.
    Tons of new prefixes and suffixes, which effectively are adding millions of new items to the game:
    -Added 18 shield prefixes and 13 shield suffixes for a total of more than 40,000 new shields that can be found.
    -Added 13 ranged weapon prefixes and 14 ranged weapon suffixes, a couple of million new ranged weapons that can be found.
    -Added 6 more armor prefixes and 2 more armor suffixes.
    -Added 2 more body wear suffixes.
    -Added 2 more melee weapon prefixes.
    -Affix-based powers have been boosted to make them more exciting. A weapon of orc-slaying now finally means actually slaying orcs while wielding it!

    Powerful items have a special marker with different colors now, indicating their power level: blue, yellow and purple indicate that a weapon is powerful, mighty and epic respectively.
    The format of the highscore file was updated to improve performance.
    -Important notice: Unfortunately, this means that your old highscores will be gone after the update. Make sure to take a screenshot of your old highscores for bragging rights!

    We also changed the format of some other configuration files, so you may get some prompts again in the main menu (that you already answered before) and you also might need to reconfigure the statistics configuration again (if you changed it).
    You can now earn 5 Steam trading cards.

    Various bug fixes and improvements:
    Auto-exploration has been redesigned and should now be much smarter and less prone to unexpected results.
    Orcs and trolls now also have level-based benefits, like the other player races.
    Wizards now receive the first four levels of literacy for free. Those starting scrolls are no longer dead paper weight!
    The duration and severity of poison has been adjusted.
    Dangerous monsters and similar challenges no longer should be generated directly adjacent to stairways, giving you a greater chance to bypass them without getting pummeled.
    The dungeon no longer sports any dead ends.
    Melee archery now works as intended.
    Summoning monsters no longer causes a huge performance hit.
    Summoned monsters now behave less like companions and more like the ravenous horde of beings they are supposed to be.
    Harvesting buttons now only are offered if you really can harvest items.
    Many items that had no effect have been removed and will no longer spawn. All armors, bracers, cloaks, gauntlets, gloves, footwear items, headgear items, necklaces, amulets, shields and tools you find have a use.
    This includes bandages: Using them now provides some healing and stops bleeding.
    We removed the eyewear slot.
    Will o’wisps now actually can attack.
    Troll Assassins will no longer start naked.
    Many minor bug fixes. Too many and too little to list here in detail.
    Alors déjà, premiere chose, UADOM commence enfin a ressembler a un vrai jeu \o/
    Il y a clairement beaucoup moins de bug et tout les items disponible sont utilisable. Il manque juste les interactions avec certains tiles (altar, lever, etc...)
    La refonte des skilltree axé sur le combat est la bienvenue, on est plus bloqué dans un seul type d'arme ou style de combat, et ca c'est bien.
    Les affixes d'items sont arrivé, et les items qui en possedent ont une couleur pour les rendre identifiable au premier coup d'oeil.

    Les combats au corps à corps font mal, la magie reste OP.

    A l'heure actuelle, je continue à ne pas recommander UADOM, cependant son développement continue d'aller dans le bon sens.
    Dernière modification par Dirian ; 25/06/2021 à 18h59.

  17. #17
    Merci Dirian pour tous ces retours !

  18. #18
    Citation Envoyé par Les Larmes du Styx Voir le message
    Merci Dirian pour tous ces retours !
    Np, il faut bien que quelqu'un les fasse

    La fin de la Roadmap pour la 1.0 fini en Octobre. Au pire en Novembre s'il y a un poil de retard.
    Pour l'instant je reste confiant tellement le chemin parcourus est énorme depuis le début de la closed alpha.
    Et ils n'ont pas encore tout dévoilé sur ce qu'ils comptent faire.

  19. #19
    Je n'avais pas posté la mise a jour du 23 juillet, c'était principalement des Bugfixes et quelques Improvements.
    Rien que j'ai pu juger suffisement interessant pour un post.

    Et aujourd'hui même sors l'Update of the Living Dead' et avec ca la 1.0 du jeu, qui du meme coup sors de l'early access.
    Newly added
    The Necromancer joins the ranks of playable classes.
    A master of death magic and grafting, a powerful necromancer my choose to follow the path of Lichcraft, turning themselves into a powerful undead creature.

    Two new magical effects:
    Life Draining will steal your enemies' life force and apply it to you.
    Necrotic Damage completely bypasses armor.

    Three new magical skill trees for a total of 68 new skills and 19 new spells:
    Death Mastery will set you on your path to Lichdom.
    Summoning Evil Spirits will grant you undead allies to slaughter your foes with.
    Death Magic grants you mastery over Life Drain and Necrotic Damage spells.

    The factions now reward your loyalty and progress.
    Accumulate their favour by playing for the same faction repeatedly, and gain powerful boons from them when starting new characters. Each faction will provide different starting equipment or stat boosts.

    More than 20 new monsters have entered the Caverns of Chaos on all levels.
    Several new items and story elements have been added.
    During custom character creation, you can now fully customize your looks.

    Improvements, QoL, Balancing and more!
    Many monsters have also dabbled in the arcane and divine magic skills.
    Beware of kobold wizards and more powerful casters, for they can learn all the spells you can, and then some more!

    Power points and spell costs have been completely rebalanced.
    Additionally, many spells will now scale much better when cast at a higher character level.

    Many buff spells can now be toggled to run indefinitely until cancelled or dispelled.
    These will instead reduce your maximum power while running. E.g. no more reapplying Ice Armor every ten steps!

    If you attack one and the same target multiple times in a row, your chance of hitting progressively increases, meaning you have a fighting chance even against enemies that are very hard to hit. If you interrupt your flurry of blows with any other action, this effect resets! Also beware: monsters may use this against you, too.
    Elemental effects make much more sense now. Especially fish do not like if you freeze water around them.
    Keyboard players rejoice! Several additional commands can now be accessed by keyboard: D - drink, E - eat, U - use, R - read, Z - zap.
    You can now customize how the inventory screen (for the backpack and items on the ground) looks like with two new modes. One is a bit more elaborate, while the other is more compact.
    The Tome Of Knowledge now contains more explanation texts for the UI to help new players find their way into learning what things mean even faster.
    Visual combat feedback has been optimized. Hits that are dealing damage are shown in red, while hits that are not dealing any damage are now shown in orange.
    We have added more help texts to the more complex screens.
    Several major visual enhancements, including spell effects, new level biomes and more wall decorations to add a lot more diversity to the dungeon levels.
    While slingers had an easy way of generating more bullets for their sling, archers and crossbow-users would often find themselves without ammunition. No more! Fletching arrows and quarrels now works as intended.
    Items granting you special movement modes (such as flying, hovering or others) will work now.
    Legacy items you were able to find but had no purpose will no longer appear in the game. Everything you find has a purpose and a function now!
    Added a lot more item explanations to tell you what these functions actually are.
    If you are unaffected by bad karma, you will actually be unaffected. Previously, your luck would be reduced even if you had immunity.

    Bugfixes, Stability and Performance
    Many more bug fixes and stability improvements, among them several severe execution problems due to multi-threading have been added and introduced to the game, too many to list.
    Thank you to the community, providing us with continuous support, feedback and reports to get those sorted properly and with this release version!
    C'est tout frais, je n'ai donc pour l'instant aucun commentaire a faire dessus.

    short edit: still an early access !
    Dernière modification par Dirian ; 25/08/2021 à 16h19.

  20. #20
    Mon dernier post se terminait en: "still an early access", et ne suis pas satisfait de finir là dessus alors que le jeu est en 1.0
    Apres tout, un jeu fini, ca mérite un test.

    Du coup, j'ai mis a jour le premier post.

    Le easy mode, c'est de partir sur un "magicien".
    Le mode normal, un bon gros "guerrier".
    Le hard mode, c'est l'"archer".

    Tout est jouable
    Dernière modification par Dirian ; 20/10/2021 à 15h39.

  21. #21
    Merci Dirian pour le retour ! Il faudra bien qu'un jour je me fasse ADOM (et que j'ai dans ma ludothèque) tout court...

  22. #22
    Update du 14 Octobre:

    C'est un patch composé principalement de bugfixes et d'équilibrages donc je ne vais pas copier le patchnote. En dehors de ca il y a l'ajout de 5 races de plus, ce qui complete la liste des races qu'il y avait sur ADOM, il ne devrait plus y en avoir d'autres.

    Si les corrections de bugs font toujours plaisir, ce qui me fait le plus plaisir ici est le gros travail d'équilibrage qui a eu lieu.
    Il permet vraiment de diversifier le jeu et de combler l'écart entre les 3 grands archétypes classique que l'on peut connaitre. Si l'archer reste derriere les deux autres, le fossé entre le mage et le guerrier s'est bien comblé même si le mage reste légèrement plus simple a jouer.

    Au final, un patch qui fait bien plaisir, meme si pour l'instant je lui laisse sa note de 4/10.

    @Styx: *message subliminal* joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, joue à ADOM, etc...

  23. #23
    Dans une interview récente, Thomas Biskup, le créateur de UADOM reviens un peu dessus sa derniere creation:
    (flemme de traduire)
    He says that the publisher of Ultimate ADOM will release a Console Version of Ultimate ADOM for PS, Switch, and XBOX and if the income from the consoles makes development financially worth it, maybe it is worth it to work on it more. His general view of Ultimate ADOM is very negative and he sees it as a failure, in terms of money, player base, and reviews. He does not clarify at all if any work on Ultimate ADOM is planned if the game does not sell okay on consoles. His words translated are roughly "yes, the financial income was not as we expected but maybe with 4 platforms it is not far from being financially interesting, we will see."

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