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  1. #9991
    C'est peut-être ça la solution à la guerre.

  2. #9992
    Citation Envoyé par Fareeha Voir le message
    "reflect upon your woke sky" c'est limite de la poésie.
    On dirait des paroles des Pink Floyd.

  3. #9993
    Russian conflict separates GOP traditionalists from newcomers

    The divergent responses to Europe's most significant foreign policy crisis in generations reflects a divided and rapidly changing Republican Party. An old guard, largely centered in Washington, that has long warned of Russian aggression is confronting an ascendant generation of conservatives who openly question why the U.S. should care about Russia's moves at all.
    They're basically declaring their support for authoritarians and dictators and they don't seem to have a problem with that type of ruling coming to America, said Olivia Troye, a national security expert who advised Vice President Mike Pence in the Trump White House. I think Americans can disagree about how best to proceed. But we should be a united front in support of freedom and democracy.

  4. #9994
    Joe Manchin vote avec les Républicains contre une loi qui aurait garantie l'accès à l'avortement.

    Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin (W.Va.) joined with Senate Republicans on Monday night to oppose legislation codifying the right to an abortion.

    Senators voted 46-48 to move the bill toward a debate on the Senate floor, falling short of the three-fifths vote needed to move it forward.

    The bill, which passed the House last year, enshrines the right to an abortion and pushes back against state-level restrictions. The Senate’s failed vote comes as the Supreme Court is weighing a case that would curb Roe vs. Wade.

  5. #9995
    Quelle surprise

  6. #9996

  7. #9997
    Citation Envoyé par TheProjectHate Voir le message
    Merci de RELIRE Phenixy.

  8. #9998
    Tain rabat joie t'aurais pû laisser 3 posts de plus à quelqu'un l'honneur d'avoir le dimillième post, pour finir en beauté.

  9. #9999
    C'était pour pas oublier de créer le topic, au cas où je partais picoler derrière.
    Citation Envoyé par TheProjectHate Voir le message
    Merci de RELIRE Phenixy.

  10. #10000
    Ouais j'ai gagné le topic !

    (après avoir gagné celui de Cyberpunk V3 semaine dernière (sans faire exprès))

    Felicitations à tous pour vos participations.

    Et prière à Cthulu / Raptor Jesus.

    Excelcior !

    Spoiler Alert!
    Dernière modification par Angelina ; 01/03/2022 à 19h00.

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