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  1. #2191
    Je suis lvl 73 et je n'ai toujours pas fini le normal (j'en suis au dernier dlc).
    Du coup je pense que ça répond à ta question.

    (Si c'est pas assez clair, oui tu es trop bas lvl )

  2. #2192
    Ouais ça j'avais compris que j'étais vraiment bas lvl mais je pensais que le scaling affecterait aussi le loot !

  3. #2193
    Il me semble que le scaling est sur une plage pour chaque zone. Donc il faut que tu ailles dans les zones ou la plage correspond à ton niveau

  4. #2194
    Citation Envoyé par wcxd Voir le message
    Mince, j'espérais une réponse plus sympa du style "si tu en cumules 5 identiques tu obtiens un super component", je crois que y'avait ça dans Titan Quest d'ailleurs.

    Bref tant pis, merci de la réponse !
    C'était le cas avant, il fallait 5 (ou 3 ?) bouts de composants pour en faire un... Très chiant pour avoir un Kilrian Shattered Soul, par exemple.
    Ce message ne reflète que l'avis subjectif de son auteur, tout avis général péremptoire indiqué en son corps devra être compris avec la mention "je trouve/pense que" ou "à mon avis" en introduction dudit avis, même si non mentionné clairement.

  5. #2195
    Citation Envoyé par Laya Voir le message
    Il me semble que le scaling est sur une plage pour chaque zone. Donc il faut que tu ailles dans les zones ou la plage correspond à ton niveau
    Je comprends pas le scaling...
    Je regarde Burwitch Estates sur Grimtools, il y est marqué qu'en ultimate c'est une zone 18-120 (+1).
    Je suis niveau 66, je devrai rencontrer des ennemis niveau 67 non (car +1 entre parenthèses) ? Parce que là ils sont plutôt niveau 74...

  6. #2196
    T'es pas dans une zone à risque ? Ce sont tous les dangerous domains marqués par un icone en haut à droite. Après y a la couleur du nom des monstres, je les connais pas exactement mais c'est du genre, en ultimate, nom blanc +1, nom jaune +2 à +5 visiblement etc...

  7. #2197
    Le +1 ne s'applique que sur les trash (ennemis blancs). Les monstres elites eux ont des lv supplémentaires en fonction de leur type (champions/héros/boss/super boss). C'est normal de tomber sur des elites à environ +5 lv au dessus du tiens. Et c'est le lot de l'ultimate, quelque soit ton niveau, vu que la limite est à 120.

    Probablement tes défenses qui pechent. Les resistances sont dures à manager en ultimate, surtout si tu n'as pas maxé ta réput avec deux trois factions (augments d'armure qui fournissent des resistances).

    En plus des resas, il y a aussi l'armure et la DA à gérer.

    - Pöur la DA, tu peux voir dans les stats le % de toucher de la derniere bestiole qui t'a frappée. Si les elites (pas les boss) ont des chances de te crit, c'est que tu es trop bas.
    - Pour l'armure, c'est assez simple à voir sur burrwitch: si le champion soldat zombie t'envoie des grosses patates à chaque fois qu'il te blitz, c'est que t'es trop léger sur ce point.
    L'expertise CPC, c'est mon dada.

  8. #2198
    Ok merci de toutes ces précisions. J'avais l'impression que justement ce sont les trash mobs qui sont quasi 10 lvl de plus que moi mais je dois halluciner. Je vérifierai la prochaine fois.

    J'ai l'impression de m'être un peu bloqué en voulant rusher à tout prix pour atteindre l'Ultimate, j'ai pas assez de stuff sympa en réserve et tout ce que je loot actuellement est trop haut niveau pour être équipé.

  9. #2199
    Au cas où tu ais vraiment trop rushé, tu peux refaire la fin de zone Elite rapidement pour prendre quelques lvls
    " Tous bourrés dès 8 heures, soutiens aux viticulteurs !!! " : " Confucius, période Ramen / Sauce Soja "

  10. #2200
    Citation Envoyé par Blackveine Voir le message
    Au cas où tu ais vraiment trop rushé, tu peux refaire la fin de zone Elite rapidement pour prendre quelques lvls
    Effectivement j'y ai déjà pensé

    Bon désolé de revenir à la charge avec mon histoire de scaling, mais je comprends pas.

    Là on voit clairement que les mobs ont 6 niveaux de plus que moi.
    Spoiler Alert!

    Pourtant d'après ce lien : je suis censé rencontrer des trashs mobs de 1 niveau au-dessus du mien.

    Qu'est-ce que je comprends de travers là-dedans ?

  11. #2201
    Possible que Grimtool ne soit plus à jour par rapport aux derniers patchs?

    Je pense que ca sert à rien de trop se prendre la tête avec ces détails. A haut niveau, tu vas combattre constamment des mobs qui auront 5 levels de plus que toi. C'est le souvenirs que j'avais de mes dernières parties en tout cas. Entre les zones "dangereuses" et les monstes élites plus fréquents, il y aura toujours un écart de niveau qu'il faut compenser avec le matos.
    Si tu galères trop, même au début de l'acte 1 en Ultimate, mieux vaut farmer un peu en Elite des boss le temps de chopper du matos sympa que tu peux porter et revenir en Ultimate après.
    Pour devenir mon coupaing: Steam, BattleNet

  12. #2202
    Je pense que malgré le lvl scaling il y a un lvl minimum de zone en dessous duquel le lvl scaling ne fonctionne pas pour le lvl de ton perso.
    Je viens de réessayer à Burwitch.
    Pour un lvl 100 en Ulti j'ai des trash 102/104 Pour un 80 des 82/84
    Par contre j'ai pas de persos plus bas pour tester Burwitch mais au sortir de Devil's crossing en Ultimate j' ai bien le scaling pour un lvl 20

    Mais en vétéran avec un LVL 7 je me suis amusé à tomber le Directeur Krieg et il est lvl 19 pour mon lvl 7 ( donc le lvl minimum pour un boss de cette zone )

    " Tous bourrés dès 8 heures, soutiens aux viticulteurs !!! " : " Confucius, période Ramen / Sauce Soja "

  13. #2203
    Sur Grimtools il faut peut être plus se fier au lvl maxi de l' Elite pour cette zone c'est à dire 68 ce qui fait que tu as des trash 70 / 72 en Ulti.
    Et j'ai jamais pigé les +1 ou +2 sur les zones normales...
    " Tous bourrés dès 8 heures, soutiens aux viticulteurs !!! " : " Confucius, période Ramen / Sauce Soja "

  14. #2204
    Merci d'avoir pris le temps de regarder sur tes persos

  15. #2205
    Je monte actuellement un perso en ultimate, lui aussi sur l'acte I et vu tes retours j'ai fait un peu plus gaffe. Deja, je n'ai pas le meme lv scaling que toi, mais je suis lv 82. Sur ma partie c'est conforme à grimtools, des trash en moyenne à +1 lv. Les elites sont en moyenne +3 lv au dessous de mon niveau, avec des packs spéciaux (ceux qui popent quand on est hai par une faction ou ceux des totems) qui peuvent atteindre le +5-6

    Doit y avor un level scalling un peu plus fin que ce qu'annonce grimtools, et la t'es dans la mauvaise tranche 65 => 70

    Un retour en elite serait mieux je pense, en acte 4 t'as les bountys pour la black legion pour diversifier les runs, et les recompenses de cette faction te seront utiles pour l'ultimate.
    L'expertise CPC, c'est mon dada.

  16. #2206
    Merci d'avoir pris le temps de regarder toi aussi
    Je vais grinder un peu en Élite alors.

  17. #2207
    Je débute le jeu et je suis un peu perdu devant les nombreuses possibilités de build. j'ai fait plusieurs persos pour tester différents gameplays (DW distance, 2H mélée, etc...) et j'ai du mal à trouver un truc qui me plaise et qui soit simple à comprendre et à monter.
    Est-ce vous auriez des conseils de bild pour un débutant complet sur le jeu ? Un build facile à monter et utiliser/comprendre, mais qui reste fun à jouer et pas pourri une fois arrivé en fin de jeu (si ça existe !) ?

    J'ai trouvé ça sur le forum du jeu mais ça m'aide pas trop à choisir...

    EDIT: après je peux sans doute jouer sans guide et découvrir par moi-même, mais j'ai du mal à voir quelle classe permet d'avoir quel gameplay. Genre si je veux faire du corps à corps avec 2 armes, il faut mieux partir sur quoi ?
    Et il faut mieux commencer direct en veteran ou bien il faut mieux découvrir en normal ?

  18. #2208
    Reste en normal si tu découvres.

    Pour les builds, tout est viable tant que tu te disperses pas trop sur les types de dégats que tu infliges
    Pour jouer avec 2 armes, tu as la maitrise Nightblade qui est axé là-dessus (avec des passifs qui se déclenchent sur tes attaques).
    Le plus simple est de chopper une compétence qui fait des dégats de zone et la monter au max, ca va te permettre d'avancer sereinement pendant un paquet de temps.
    Donc si tu veux partir sur du dualwield, essaie de maxer rapidement Belgothian Shears et Wirling Death. Ou alors tu montes une compétence d'AoE que tu respec plus tard, genre Armarasta Blade Burt qui fera super bien le taff

    Et quand tu seras plus à l'aise avec le jeu, tu compléteras avec une seconde maitrise en fonction de tes envies (genre arcaniste si tu pars sur des dégats de froid, Occultist pour du poison/acid, etc ...) Les possibilités sont nombreuses et viables
    Pour devenir mon coupaing: Steam, BattleNet

  19. #2209
    Bonjour à tous,

    Des joueurs de Grim Dawn ont-ils essayé Diablo IV ? Je serais intéressé par des retours.
    wiwi au pays des jeux vidéo ; et accessoirement Paul Jeanzé - Écrivain en roue libre

  20. #2210
    Pour mettre un peu de nuance, j'ai trouvé le mod veteran vraiment bien dosé niveau difficulté si tu veux un premier run pas trop simple ça peut être un bon choix, sachant que j'ai l'impression que ça a tendance à rallonger le run, donc si tu veux aller vite plutôt normal.

  21. #2211
    Merci pour vos retours, je vais tester ça.

  22. #2212
    Citation Envoyé par zebulon Voir le message
    Bonjour à tous,

    Des joueurs de Grim Dawn ont-ils essayé Diablo IV ? Je serais intéressé par des retours.
    Bah vient sur le topic de D4, ca sera plus simple
    Par contre, on est tous occupé à jouer
    Pour devenir mon coupaing: Steam, BattleNet

  23. #2213
    Citation Envoyé par Zerger Voir le message
    Bah vient sur le topic de D4, ca sera plus simple
    Par contre, on est tous occupé à jouer
    C'est une bonne indication, soit dit en passant…
    wiwi au pays des jeux vidéo ; et accessoirement Paul Jeanzé - Écrivain en roue libre

  24. #2214
    Citation Envoyé par JulLeBarge Voir le message
    Je débute le jeu et je suis un peu perdu devant les nombreuses possibilités de build. j'ai fait plusieurs persos pour tester différents gameplays (DW distance, 2H mélée, etc...) et j'ai du mal à trouver un truc qui me plaise et qui soit simple à comprendre et à monter.
    Est-ce vous auriez des conseils de bild pour un débutant complet sur le jeu ? Un build facile à monter et utiliser/comprendre, mais qui reste fun à jouer et pas pourri une fois arrivé en fin de jeu (si ça existe !) ?

    J'ai trouvé ça sur le forum du jeu mais ça m'aide pas trop à choisir...

    EDIT: après je peux sans doute jouer sans guide et découvrir par moi-même, mais j'ai du mal à voir quelle classe permet d'avoir quel gameplay. Genre si je veux faire du corps à corps avec 2 armes, il faut mieux partir sur quoi ?
    Et il faut mieux commencer direct en veteran ou bien il faut mieux découvrir en normal ?
    N'importe quoi avec la ligne Fire strike du démo.
    Par ex 2H avec du Soldier, ou dual gun avec de l'inquisiteur ou de l'Arca.
    Diff Normal.

  25. #2215
    Citation Envoyé par zorglub1422 Voir le message
    N'importe quoi avec la ligne Fire strike du démo.
    Par ex 2H avec du Soldier, ou dual gun avec de l'inquisiteur ou de l'Arca.
    Diff Normal.
    Merci pour le conseil, j'ai testé vite fait et ça semble simple et efficace. Mais j'ai aussi testé le chaman avec le sort d'électricité et c'est balèze également. Et le nightblade aussi semble sympa à jouer.
    Bref, après avoir testé 5/6 classes, je suis pas plus avancé sur laquelle prendre

  26. #2216
    Citation Envoyé par Zerger Voir le message
    Bah vient sur le topic de D4, ca sera plus simple
    Par contre, on est tous occupé à jouer
    C'est pour ça que personne ne vient répondre à mes questions sur le topic Torchlight II ?

  27. #2217
    Citation Envoyé par JulLeBarge Voir le message
    Merci pour le conseil, j'ai testé vite fait et ça semble simple et efficace. Mais j'ai aussi testé le chaman avec le sort d'électricité et c'est balèze également. Et le nightblade aussi semble sympa à jouer.
    Bref, après avoir testé 5/6 classes, je suis pas plus avancé sur laquelle prendre
    Ou du Pet ça marche bien dans ce jeu aussi pour ceux qui aiment ça. Genre commencer Necro Squelette.

  28. #2218
    Oui les pets sont fun, mais le problème avec c'est que tu n'apprends pas vraiment le jeu; c'est eux qui prennent les grosses attaques dans les dents, pas toi donc tu ne te dis pas pas "bon, ça il FAUT éviter", etc...
    Mais disons que ça permet de se familiariser avec les mécanismes du jeu et le lore.

  29. #2219
    Dernier patch

    As the gods have foretold, another patch walks among us.

    We hope you enjoy the latest bug fixes and balance changes. Stay tuned for the next one!


    Human enemies can now equip at most one piece of armor or accessory to remove the possibility of overlapping % Resist bonuses that make these monsters difficult to kill
    Fixed an issue where the Forgotten Gods achievements could not be viewed within the Crucible

    [Shattered Realm]
    Human enemies can now equip at most one piece of armor or accessory to remove the possibility of overlapping % Resist bonuses that make these monsters difficult to kill
    Reduced spawn frequency of Eldritch Armor, Human Ascendant and Korvaak's Chosen heroes
    Updated boss spawn tables. Some bosses have graduated to higher shards and others have been demoted.
    Essence of the Shattered Realm now also grants a stacking bonus to % Retaliation damage in addition to its bonuses to non-retaliation damage.

    Adjusted positioning of off-hand items on the female PC to better align with the hand

    Fixed an issue where skill modifiers that added % Chance of Projectile Passthrough would add their bonus twice. As this was not a display issue, all affected modifiers have had their values adjusted to compensate.
    Fixed an issue where Upheaval would display its % Weapon damage tooltip incorrectly when used in conjunction with auto-attack replacers. This was a display issue only.
    Fixed an issue with shadows on Low settings.
    Fixed an issue where loot comparisons on the ground could cause a freeze/crash.

    Reduced monster % Fire Resist by 2% on Elite and Ultimate difficulty
    Significantly increased the cooldown on the heal abilities of Eldritch Armor and Human Ascendant heroes to match the cooldown of heal abilities on comparable Support archetypes
    Reduced the % Heal value of Eldritch Armor and Human Ascendant heroes (with the exception of Halganux ~ Supporter) to match values on comparable heroes with baseline heal abilities
    Increased the Health of the Loghorrean boss, along with the damage on some of its abilities. The poor Voice of Ch'thon's vocal cords have gotten a bit sore over the years and needed a tune up.
    Increased the Health of Korvaak and Theodin Marcell.
    Increased the health, damage and adjusted the skill usage of some older bosses to bring them up to speed of their more modern counterparts. Will let you figure out which ones the hard way!
    Increased base resistances of various pets summoned by items. Some of these pets had fallen behind their mastery counterparts over the years.

    Suffix - Vitality: increased Health
    Rare Prefix - Aetherfire: added 30% Burn Duration
    Rare Prefix - Bloodthirsty: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 10% at level 84+
    Rare Prefix - Interrogator: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Prefix - Magi: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Prefix - Resonant: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Prefix - Runecarved: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Prefix - Runecaster: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Prefix - Sandstorm: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Prefix - Tempest: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Prefix - Wraithbound (accessories): increased % All damage for pets
    Rare Suffix - Blight (shields): replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Rare Suffix - Conflagration (shields): replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Rare Suffix - Insight: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Suffix - Sage: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Rare Suffix - Scorched Ends: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Rare Suffix - Scorched Runes: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Component - Prismatic Diamond: reduced Cooldown on the granted skill to compensate for the fix to its duration
    Fixed an issue where some on % Health triggered skills granted by items would last longer than intended.

    Faction Items
    Blazerush: now deals base Fire damage, damage adjusted accordingly. Increased % Attack Speed to 26%. Replaced % Armor with 8% Physical Resist. Added 50% of Lightning dealt as Fire. Replaced % Total Speed modifier for Flame Touched with 8% Offensive Ability, 100% of Lightning dealt as Fire and 50% of Physical dealt as Fire. Added 0.8s Stun modifier for Upheaval.
    Bloodrender: increased bonuses to Reaping Strike and Savagery to +3 and added 45% of Pierce dealt as Vitality. Increased Vitality damage modifiers for Savagery and Whirling Death to 45 and 220, respectively.
    Bloodsurge: added 84% Pierce damage
    Bysmiel Arcane Spaulders: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Bysmiel's Grasp: increased Cold damage modifiers for Summon Briarthorn and Conjure Primal Spirit to 70 and 90, respectively
    Bysmiel's Mindweaver: added modifiers for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange. Increased Burn/Frostburn/Electrocute damage modifiers for Summon Familiar and Summon Hellhound to 75 / 2s.
    Corruptian: stats redesigned to better support its modifiers
    Coven Headcrusher: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Coven Mark of the Arcane: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Coven Spellweaver: added % Elemental Dot dmage and % Elemental Dot duration
    Dreeg's Arcane Vestments: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Dreeg Venomspine Girdle: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Dreeg Venomspine Waistguard: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Malmouth Arcane Seal: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mark of the Farseer: added 16 Bleed damage / 3s
    Reaver's Hunger: added 25% of Elemental dealt as Vitality and increased bonuses to Dread and Sigil of Consumption to +3. Added +3 to Shadow Strike and Nidalla's Justifiable Ends and added modifiers for Shadow Strike. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 80. Removed bonus to Bone Harvest.
    Slith Venom: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Solael Vile Girdle: added 12% Bleed Resist
    Solael Vile Waistguard: added 16% Bleed Resist
    Stormbringer of Malmouth: added 20% Stun Resist and 30% Stun Resist for pets
    The Desolator: added 12% Damage Reduction / 6s modifier for Flashbang and increased Radius modifier for Bursting Round to 1.5
    The Overseer: added 70 Defensive Ability
    Venomfire: added +1s Duration modifier for Blackwater Cocktail
    Wendigo Spellweaver Mask: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Word of Solael: increased Vitality Decay damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 200 / 1s
    Wrathguard: increased Pierce damage on the granted skill

    Bysmiel's Domination: increased Offensive Ability and Defensive Ability to 60
    Corruption: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Citadel: added 5% Physical Resist and 20% Slow Resist. Replaced Internal Trauma Retaliation on the granted skill with Physical Retaliation.
    Doom: replaced % Armor with 4% Physical Resist and increased % Internal Trauma Duration to 50%
    Dreeg's Affliction: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Iskandra's Balance: removed erroneous Burn Retaliation
    Malediction: increased Resist Reduction to 18 / 5s
    Necrosis: replaced Offensive Ability Reduction Retaliation with 50% Vitality Decay Duration. Added Offensive Ability Reduction to the granted skill.
    Oblivion: increased % Weapon damage on the granted skill to 125%
    Salvation: added 4% Physical Resist
    Scourge: increased Targets on the granted skill to 5
    Squall: replaced Electrocute Retaliation with 20 Offensive Ability
    Ulzuin's Pyroclasm: added % Retaliation added to Attack to the skill proc

    Monster Infrequents
    Aetherscorched Cleaver: replaced % Aether damage with % Pierce Resist. Added modifiers for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange.
    Alkamos' Warsword: increased Cold damage modifier for Vire's Might to 380
    Ascendant Hood: increased Duration modifier for Devastation to 4s
    Barrog's Bloody Arm: added 50% Bleed Duration
    Basilisk Fang: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and Dreeg's Evil Eye to 6% and 8%, respectively
    Barthollem's Warmaul: increased Target Arc modifier to 120
    Bloodfeast's Mark: increased Vitality damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 90 and its Bleed damage modifier to 140 / 1s
    Bloodlord's Blade: replaced % Attack Speed with 5% Cooldown Reduction and added 8% Attack Speed, 40% Fire damage and 40% Chaos damage modifiers for Possession
    Bloodsworn Codex: added % Stun Resist
    Bloodsworn Signet: added % Health
    Boneblade: added 100% of Acid dealt as Vitality and -10% Bleed Resist modifiers for Bloody Pox and increased its Bleed damage modifier to 120 / 1s
    Bound Wraith: added % Offensive Ability
    Chosen Visage: added Defensive Ability
    Fleshwarped Carbine: added 40 Aether damage modifier for Reckless Power
    Fleshwarped Core: updated Fire damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest to correctly be Aether
    Fleshwarped Tome: increased Aether damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 110
    Galeslice's Mark: increased Pierce damage modifier for Shadow Strike to 120
    Groble Vile Effigy: increased Poison damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 220 / 1s
    Korvaak's Burning-Blade: added % Cast Speed
    Korvaak's Storm-Blade: added Health
    Kyzogg's Skull: added -0.4s Cooldown modifier for Callidor's Tempest
    Lunal'Valgoth's Girdle: added % Petrify Resist
    Moltenclaw Slicer: added 50% Burn Duration and reduced % Burn Duration modifier for Canister Bomb to 100%
    Naren Kur's Blade: increased bonuses to Aspect of the Guardian and Markovian's Advantage to +3
    Pulsing Shard: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Albrecht's Aether Ray to 8% and increased its % Crit damage modifier to 15%. Added 15% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Reap Spirit.
    Pusquill's Tail: added 50% Poison Duration and increased Poison damage modifier for Belgothian's Shears to 180 / 5s
    Rutnick's Blaster: fixed granted skill not scaling with the level of the weapon
    Rylok Crest: added 6% Total Speed modifier for Fighting Spirit
    Rylok Mark: increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 120 and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Primal Strike to 10%
    Scorpius Pummeler: added % Poison Resist
    Spectral Crown: added % Freeze Resist
    Steward's Halberd: fixed missing bonus to Tectonic Shift instead of Cadence that was originally intended for v1.1.9.2. Added % Internal Trauma Duration. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Vire's Might to 100%.
    Ulraprax's Sting: added 4% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Stun Jacks
    Vilgazor's Heart: increased bonus to Ring of Steel to +3 and increased Fire damage modifier for Ring of Steel to 400
    Zaria's Pendant: added Defensive Ability
    Zarthuzellan's Codex: added -0.8s Cooldown modifier for Blackwater Cocktail

    Epic Items
    Baldir's Plate Set: added 50% of Fire dealt as Physical bonus. Added % Attack damage Converted to Health to the skill proc.
    Baldir's Regalia Set: added 50% of Fire dealt as Physical bonus. Added % Attack damage Converted to Health to the skill proc and increased its Bleed damage.
    Mythical Baldir's Armor: added 5% Attack damage Converted to Health
    Mythical Baldir's Mantle: added 30% Bleed Duration
    Mythical Baldir's Mask: replaced bonus to Blast Shield with +1 to Demolitionist Skills
    Callidor's Defense Set: reduced Cooldown on the granted skill and increased its Burn damage
    Callidor's Regalia Set: reduced Cooldown on the granted skill and increased its Burn damage
    Cauldron of Excitement: added Acid Retaliation and increased Poison Retaliation
    Corruptor of Souls Set: replaced % Offensive Ability and Vitality damage bonuses for pets with 8% Physical Resist for pets. Removed Vitality damage for pets on the skill proc and increased its % Heal.
    Mythical Corruptor's Mask: replaced Vitality damage for pets with 15% Stun Resist
    Mythical Corruptor's Robe: replaced bonus to Undead Legion with +2 to Will of the Crypt
    Corruptor of Spirits Set: replaced % Offensive Ability bonus for pets with 5% Physical Resist for pets. Removed Vitality damage for pets on the skill proc.
    Corruptor's Mask: replaced Vitality damage for pets with 15% Chaos Resist for pets
    Corruptor's Robe: replaced bonus to Undead Legion with +2 to Will of the Crypt
    Daega's Oath Set: increased % Acid Retaliation damage on the skill proc
    Daega's Hood: replaced Poison Retaliation with 320 Acid Retaliation
    Daega's Mantle: replaced Poison Retaliation with 320 Acid Retaliation
    Daega's Raiment: replaced Poison Retaliation with 320 Acid Retaliation
    Dreadwalker Set: increased % Health bonus to 15% and reduced Cooldown on the skill proc to 4s
    Edrick's Backscratcher: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Empowered Plagueblood Carver: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Empowered Storm's Edge: replaced Electrocute Retaliation with Lightning Retaliation
    Festerblaze Set: increased damage on the skill proc
    Festerblaze Mantle: added 500 Health
    Hysteria: added +2 to Ravenous Earth
    Keeper of the Blaze Set: increased Burn damage bonus to 70 / 3s and increased damage on the granted skill
    Mythical Flame Keeper's Repeater: increased Burn damage to 55 / 3s and % Burn Duration to 150%
    Mogdrogen's Peace Set: increased Physical damage and % Health for pets on the granted skill
    Myrmidon Bastion Set: added additional Targets to the granted skill
    Mythical Black Hand of Sanar'Siin: added +2 to Infernal Breath
    Mythical Grim Harvest Boots: added +2 to Squad Tactics
    Mythical Plagueblood Carver: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Mythical Shadowfiend's Cord: added +2 to Infernal Breath
    Mythical Sigil of the Depraved: added 4% Attack Speed and +2 to Shadow Strike
    Mythical Storm's Edge: replaced Electrocute Retaliation with Lightning Retaliation
    Mythical Terror of the Grove: added 25% of Lightning dealt as Acid
    Mythical Wyrmclaw: added +2 to Infernal Breath
    Plagueblood Carver: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Soiled Trousers: added Acid Retaliation and increased Poison Retaliation
    Stonefather Set: added 50% Reflect Resist bonus and increased % Physical Resist bonus to 15%. Increased Internal Trauma damage on the skill proc.
    Stonefather Bulwark: added 100% Internal Trauma Duration and increased bonus to Vire's Might to +4
    Stonefather Helm: added 30% Internal Trauma Duration and replaced bonus to Vire's Might with +2 to Tectonic Shift
    Stonefather Mark: added 30% Internal Trauma Duration
    Storm's Edge: replaced Electrocute Retaliation with Lightning Retaliation
    The Arcane Tempest Set: increased % Weapon damage on the granted skill
    The Magelord Set: increased damage on the skill proc and added % Damage Reduction to it
    Magelord Band: added 190 Health
    Magelord Signet: added 190 Health
    The Stormserpent Set: increased Resist Reduction on the skill proc

    Legendary Non-Set Items
    Arcanum Electrollis: replaced bonus to Maelstrom with +1 to Shaman Skills
    Basilisk Claw: increased bonus to Blood of Dreeg to +3. Redesigned skill proc.
    Bramblevine: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Cindertouch: added 20% Freeze Resist and increased bonus to Callidor's Tempest to +3
    Conduit of Arcane Whispers: increased Chaos damage modifier for Chaos variant of Callidor's Tempest to 180 and added 15% Total Damage Modified modifier for it. Increased Acid damage modifier for acid variant of Trozan's Sky Shard to 280 and its Poison damage modifier to 400 / 5s. Increased Acid damage modifier for acid variant of Devastation to 240. Reduced % Total Damage Modified penalty for chaos variant of Trozan Sky Shard to -35%. Reduced % Total Damage Modified penalty for cold variant of Devastation to -35%.
    Conduit of Destructive Whispers: increased Cold damage modifier for cold variant of Thermite Mine to 220
    Conduit of Divine Whispers: added -0.5s Cooldown modifier for cold variant of Judgment. Increased Aether damage modifier for aether variant of Vire's Might to 400 and its % Damage Modified modifier to 20%. Increased Lightning damage modifier for lightning variant of Vire's Might to 300-500.
    Conduit of Eldritch Whispers: added 15% Total Damage Modified modifier for aether variant of Sigil of Consumption
    Conduit of Night Whispers: replaced % Crit damage modifier for lightning variant of Shadow Strike with -0.3s Cooldown Reduction. Increased Lightning damage modifier for lightning variant of Amarasta's Blade Burst to 200-350. Increased Aether damage modifier for aether variant of Ring of Steel to 400.
    Conduit of Runic Whispers: removed % Total Damage Modified penalty from aether variant of Rune of Hagarrad
    Conduit of Warring Whispers: increased Aether damage modifier for aether variant Cadence to 330 and added 100% of Elemental dealt as Aether modifier for it. Increased Bleed damage modifier for bleed variant of War Cry to 550 / 3s. Increased Lightning damage modifier for lightning variant of Forcewave to 200-450. Increased Frostburn damage modifier for cold variant of Forcewave to 350 / 3s.
    Cord of Deception: replaced % Constitution with 8% Increased Healing
    Crest of Winter Fortitude: increased bonus to Biting Cold to +3
    Decree of Aldritch (mythical): added 80 Aether damage modifier for Devastation
    Fateweaver's Raiment: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Feralmane Legplates: added % Attack damage Converted to Health to the skill proc
    Gutsmasher: increased % Health to 15%
    Heart of the Mountain: increased Health of the Summoned Pet and added Threat generation to its abilities
    Hellborne: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Hellscourge: added 380 Health. Increased Fire damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 120 and added modifiers for Grenado.
    Horns of Korvaak: added % Damage Reduction to the skill proc
    Hyrian's Bulwark: increased % Elemental Dot damage to 252% and added 100% Elemental Dot Duration. Increased Elemental Dot damage and duration on the granted skill.
    Infernal Brimstone: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Lacerator Girdle: increased % Health to 10%
    Mad Queen's Claw: added +3 to Cadence and modifiers for it
    Maw of the Damned: replaced % Attack damage Converted to Health with 10% Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only)
    Morgoneth's Legplates: increased bonus to Nightfall to +3
    Morgoneth's Step: added 18% Elemental Resist and increased bonuses to Blitz and Shadow Strike to +3
    Mythical Abyssal Mask: added 18% Elemental Resist and added 100 Bleed damage / 1s modifier for Bloody Pox
    Mythical Arcanor, Blade of the Luminari: added % Elemental Dot damage and 90 Defensive Ability
    Mythical Arcanum Electrollis: replaced bonus to Maelstrom with +1 to Shaman Skills
    Mythical Arcanum Frigus: increased Frostburn damage modifier for Devastation to 240 / 2s and its Cold damage modifier for 120
    Mythical Bane of the Winter King: increased % Health for pets to 30%
    Mythical Basilisk Claw: increased bonus to Blood of Dreeg to +3. Replaced bonus to Aspect of the Guardian with +4 to Blade Barrier. Added proc from the non-mythical version of the item. Replaced Petrify and Poison Retaliation modifiers for Blade Barrier with 1600 Acid Retaliation.
    Mythical Bloodfury Spaulders: added 18% Elemental Resist
    Mythical Bonescavenger's Deathgrips: increased % Freeze Resist to 25%
    Mythical Boneshatter Treads: added 18% Pierce Resist and +2 to Bloody Pox
    Mythical Boneweave Girdle: increased Health to 560
    Mythical Boots of Primordial Rage: added 18% Bleed Resist
    Mythical Bramblevine: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation. Increased Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 15%.
    Mythical Butcher of Burrwitch: increased damage on the skill proc
    Mythical Chilldread Mantle: increased % Elemental Resist to 36%
    Mythical Chilling Grip of Hagarrad: added 210 Health
    Mythical Circlet of the Great Serpent: added 20% Chaos Resist and increased Offensive Ability to 60 and Defensive Ability to 80
    Mythical Codex of Eternal Storms: added +1 to Shaman Skills and reduced bonus to Raging Tempest to +2. Increased Electrocute damage and reduced Cooldown on the granted skill.
    Mythical Colossal Grasp: reduced % Internal Trauma on the granted passive
    Mythical Cord of Deception: replaced % Constitution with 10% Increased Healing
    Mythical Cortosian Scrolls: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Crest of Winter Fortitude: increased bonus to Blitz to +4 and bonus to Biting Cold to +3
    Mythical Crimson Spike: added +3 to Ring of Steel
    Mythical Crown of the Winter King: added 18% Aether Resist and 20% Stun Resist. Replaced bonus to Veil of Shadows with +1 to Nightblade Skills.
    Mythical Crystallum: increased Targets modifier for Savagery to +3
    Mythical Death Omen: added 45% of Pierce dealt as Vitality and increased bonus to Execution to +3
    Mythical Death's Reach: increased % Bleed and % Vitality damage to 396%. Added 180 Bleed damage / 1s modifier for Bloody Pox and increased its Vitality damage modifier to 100. Added 100 Bleed damage / 1s modifier for Devouring Swarm and increased its Vitality damage modifier to 100
    Mythical Dread Knight's Guard: increased % Elemental Resist to 40%
    Mythical Edge of Death: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 12%
    Mythical Essence of the Grim Dawn: added 344 Health. Increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifiers for Albrecht's Aether Ray and Flames of Ignaffar to 8% and increased their Chaos damage modifiers to 28 and 65, respectively.
    Mythical Fateweaver's Leggings: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Fateweaver's Mantle: added 18% Pierce Resist and % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Fiendmaster Raiment: added 18% Elemental Resist
    Mythical Fiendflesh Greaves: added 18% Chaos Resist and increased % Run Speed to 10%
    Mythical Fiendflesh Mantle: increased Absorb on the skill proc
    Mythical Fiendscale Jacket: added 18% Elemental Resist
    Mythical Gauntlets of Ignaffar: added 66 Defensive Ability
    Mythical Gavel of Ravenous Souls: added +1 to Necromancer Skills and increased Physical damage modifier for Siphon Souls to 124.
    Mythical Gutripper: added 5% Offensive Ability and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 12%. Added % Attack damage Converted to Health to the skill proc.
    Mythical Grim Fate: increased Fire damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 120
    Mythical Guardian of Death's Gates: replaced bonus to Field Command with +2 to Soldier Skills and added 10% Total Speed modifier for Field Command
    Mythical Hallanx's Head: increased Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 15%
    Mythical Heart of the Mountain: increased Health of the Summoned Pet and added Threat generation to its abilities
    Mythical Heart of the Sand King: added 30% Stun Resist and increased % Elemental Resist to 40%. Increased Bleed damage for pets to 22 / 3s.
    Mythical Heart of Yugol: added 18% Chaos Resist and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health on the granted skill
    Mythical Hellborne: increased Fire Retaliation to 2400
    Mythical Herald of Blazing Ends: increased Burn damage modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 80 / 3s
    Mythical Infernal Brimstone: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation and increased % Health modifier for Vindictive Flame to 15%
    Mythical Leggings of Arcane Currents: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Mark of Bloody Ends: increased % Poison Resist to 40% and added 6% Total Speed for pets. Increased Bleed damage modifiers for Summon Briarthorn and Summon Blight Fiend to 140 / 3s
    Mythical Mark of Consumption: increased Health to 550 and increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifiers for Blade Arc and Phantasmal Blades to 8% and 6%, respectively. Added 8% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Upheaval.
    Mythical Mark of the Dreadblade: increased Aether damage modifier for Cadence to 200 and added 6% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for it
    Mythical Mark of the Forbidden: increased Vitlaity damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 120
    Mythical Mark of Unlife: added 20% Petrify resist for pets. Increased % Health Threshold for the granted skill to 40% and increased its % Heal. Added modifiers for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange.
    Mythical Maw of Despair: increased bonus to Callidor's Tempest to +3 and increased Aether damage modifier for Field Command to 50
    Mythical Maw of the Damned: increased % Bleed Duration to 100%. Replaced % Attack damage Converted to Health with 20% Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only). Added -10% Bleed Resist modifier for Bloody Pox and increased Bleed damage modifier for Siphon Souls to 180 / 1s.
    Mythical Nadaan's Reach: added 50% of Cold dealt as Pierce and 15% Increased Healing
    Mythical Necrolord's Gaze: added +1 to Soldier Skills and added 25% Stun Resist for pets
    Mythical Necrolord's Shroud: added 18% Pierce Resist and +3 to Squad Tactics
    Mythical Night's Embrace: added 25% and 20% Weapon damage modifiers for Shadow Strike and Trozan's Sky Shard, respectively
    Mythical Oathbearer: added 15% Increased Healing modifier for Aura of Conviction
    Mythical Overlord's Iron Grip: increased Health to 704
    Mythical Pack of Treacherous Means: moved the % Conversion from the granted skill to the base item, so that ranged weapons are not required for it
    Mythical Panetti's Replicating Wand: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Peerless Eye of Beronath: added 80 Defensive Ability and 400 Health
    Mythical Phantom-Thread Girdle: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Quillthrower of Dreeg: added 660 Health and 50% Pierce dealt as Acid. Increased Defensive Ability to 80 and increased damage on the skill proc.
    Mythical Ravager's Bite: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health to 12% and added 6% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Bone Harvest
    Mythical Reaver's Claw: increased Pierce damage modifier for Eye of Reckoning to 102
    Mythical Riftwarped Grasp: increased Health to 440
    Mythical Rimeforged Mantle: added 22% Bleed Resist
    Mythical Runebrand Legwraps: increased Health to 740
    Mythical Sandreaver Bracers: added 30% Bleed Duration
    Mythical Scales of Beronath: added % Elemental Dot damage and increased Offensive Ability to 80
    Mythical Scion of Burning Vengeance: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Mythical Scion of Crimson Wakes: added 10% Increased Healing and added % Attack damage Converted to Health to the skill proc
    Mythical Shadowflame Mantle: increased % Chaos Resist to 34%
    Mythical Shroud of Illusion: added % Elemental Dot damage and increased Offensive Ability. Increased Defensive Ability on the granted skill.
    Mythical Spelldrinker: replaced % Aether damage with % Elemental Dot damage. Added 80 Elemental damage modifier for Word of Pain.
    Mythical Spellgaze: added % Elemental Dot damage. Increased bonuses to Blackwater Cocktail and Panetti's Replicating Missile to +3.
    Mythical Spiritbinder Glyph: added 15% Stun Resist for pets
    Mythical Spiritseeker Cord: added 4% Physical Resist for pets
    Mythical Soulcatcher: increased Defensive Ability to 80 and increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 110
    Mythical Soullance: added 100% of Acid dealt as Vitality modifier for Bloody Pox and increased its Vitality damage modifier to 144
    Mythical Sovereign Ruby of Domination: added 20% Freeze Resist and 20% Petrify Resist
    Mythical Stormcage Legguards: replaced Electrocute Retaliation with Lightning Retaliation
    Mythical Stormreaver: increased bonus to Storm Totem to +2 and replaced bonus to Lightning Tether with +2 to Inquisitor Skills
    Mythical Stormseer Sapphire: added +2 to Callidor's Tempest
    Mythical Stormtitan Treads: increased % Poison Resist to 36%
    Mythical Stormweave Armor: added 18% Pierce Resist
    Mythical String of Maggots: increased Health to 440
    Mythical Temporal Arcblade: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Temporal Tempest: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Mythical Tinker's Ingenuity: added 600 Health
    Mythical Touch of the Everliving Grove: added +3 to Squad Tactics
    Mythical Turrion's Reprisal: reduced % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 13%
    Mythical Ulzuin's Torment: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Mythical Veilpiercer: added +3 to Infernal Breath
    Mythical Venomancer's Guile: increased Acid damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 90
    Mythical Venomancer's Raiment: added 22% Aether Resist
    Mythical Venomspine Greaves: added % Vitality damage and increased bonus to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends to +3. Replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation.
    Mythical Warpfire: increased % Aether damage to match % Fire damage
    Mythical Watcher of Erulan: added Physical damage bonus to the granted skill
    Mythical Whisperer of Secrets: added 6% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Ring of Steel
    Mythical Wildshorn Legguards: added 30% Pierce Resist and added 25% Freeze Resist for pets
    Mythical Will of Bysmiel: increased Health to 600 and Defensive Ability to 80
    Mythical Windshear Greaves: added 18% Vitality Resist
    Mythical Witching Hour: increased % Physical Resist to 12% and Offensive Ability to 80
    Mythical Wraithwalkers: added 18% Bleed Resist
    Mythical Wretched Tome of Nar'adin: increased Acid damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 220
    Mythical Wyrmbone Handguards: added 30% Electrocute Duration. Increased Electrocute damage modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 140 / 3s and increased Lightning damage modifier for Thermite Mine to 90-140.
    Mythical Wyrmbone Mask: added +1 to Soldier Skills and reduced bonus to Forcewave to +2. Added 80 Lightning damage modifier for Forcewave and increased its Electrocute damage modifier to 300 / 3s.
    Nadaan's Reach: added 50% of Cold dealt as Pierce
    Nightclaw: added % Attack damage Converted to Health to the skill proc
    Okaloth's Visage (mythical): increased % Retaliation added to Attack modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 22% and its Fire damage modifier to 120 and added -0.6s Cooldown modifier for it
    Outcast's Secret (mythical): increased Cooldown Reduction modifier for Devastation to -4s
    Pandemic: added 5% Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye
    Ravager's Dreadgaze (Minds): replaced % Crit damage with 8% Defensive Ability
    Scion of Arcane Force: added +4 to War Cry. Increased Resist Reduction modifier for Cadence to 38 / 5s and increased Elemental damage modifier for Iskandra's Elemental Exchange to 80.
    Scion of Burning Vengeance: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Scion of Crimson Wakes: added % Attack damage Converted to Health to the skill proc
    Scion of the Screaming Veil: removed % Weapon damage modifier for Callidor's Tempest
    Shard of the Eternal Flame: increased Burn damage modifier for Canister Bomb to 150 / 2s
    Spelldrinker: replaced % Aether damage with % Elemental Dot damage
    Stormbearers: added 18% Elemental Resist
    Stormcage Legguards: replaced Electrocute Retaliation with Lightning Retaliation
    Stormreaver: increased bonus to Storm Totem to +2 and replaced bonus to Lightning Tether with +2 to Inquisitor Skills
    The Crimson Claws: added 8% Attack damage Converted to Health
    Ulzuin's Torment: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Venomskin Legwraps: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Venomspine Greaves: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Venomtongue Mantle: replaced Poison Retaliation with Acid Retaliation
    Warpfire: increased % Aether damage to match % Fire damage

    Legendary Set Items
    Allagast's Masterpiece Set: added 5% Offensive Ability and 5% Defensive Ability bonuses. Increased Radius modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 0.8 and increased Aether damage modifier for Storm Box of Elgoloth to 200.
    Allagast's Stormgem: added 220 Health and 25% of Cold dealt as Aether
    Ardor of Octavius Set: replaced Internal Trauma damage bonus with 25 Physical damage
    Bulwark of Octavius: reduced Internal Trauma damage to 84 / 5s. Increased Internal Trauma damage modifiers for Aegis of Menhir and Forcewave to 220 / 3s.
    Pauldrons of Octavius: added 22 Internal Trauma damage / 5s
    Visor of Octavius: removed Internal Trauma damage. Increased Internal Trauma damage modifier for Rune of Kalastor to 200 / 2s.
    Barrelsmith's Destroyers Set: increased damage on the granted skill and added Energy Leech to it
    Mythical Barrelsmith's Crossfire: increased damage and % Activation Chance on the granted skill and added Energy Leech to it
    Mythical Barrelsmith's Salvo: increased damage and % Activation Chance on the granted skill and added Energy Leech to it
    Beastcaller's Cowl: replaced % Armor with 20% Aether Resist
    Black Scorch Covenant Set: increased Chaos damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 160
    Blood Knight Set: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Bone Harvest to 80% and Bleed damage modifier for Counter Strike to 200 / 3s
    Bloodrager's Endless Frenzy Set: increased % Heal on the skill proc
    Mythical Bloodrager's Cowl: reduced % Heal on the skill proc. Increased Bleed damage modifier for Savagery to 120 / 3s
    Bloodrager's Frenzy Set: added % Heal to the skill proc
    Bloodrager's Cowl: reduced % Heal on the skill proc
    Bysmiel's Iris: added 30% Petrify Resist
    Bysmiel's Mark: added 20% Petrify Resist for pets
    Chillwhisper Set: added 80 Defensive Ability bonus. Increased Cold damage modifiers for Drain Essence and Rune of Hagarrad to 90 and 80, respectively, and added 200 Frostburn damage / 3s modifier for Rune of Hagarrad. Increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Blade Spirit to 10% and reduced its Cold damage modifier to 80.
    Dagallon's Destruction Set: added 30% Slow Resist bonus
    Darkblaze Garb Set: added 25% Slow Resist bonus
    Dark One's Gift Set: reduced Cooldown on the skill proc to 4s and added modifiers for Bloody Pox
    Dark One's Hood: increased Vitality damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 120
    Dark One's Grasp: increased % Heal modifier for Wendigo Totem to 4%
    Deathmark's Shadow Set: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 16%. Increased Cold damage and Radius on the granted skill.
    Mythical Deathmarked Claw: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Whirling Death to 10%
    Mythical Deathmarked Hood: added 4% Attack damage Converted to Health
    Ghol's Raiment: added 20% Stun Resist
    Goredrinker Set: added 30% Increased Healing bonus
    Goredrinker's Armor: added 30% Bleed Duration
    Harra's Artifice Set: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 12%. Increased Cold damage modifiers for Callidor's Tempest and Stun Jacks to 130 and 50, respectively
    Harra's Ward: increased % Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Stun Jacks to 6%
    Invoker's Will Set: increased Fire damage modifier for Panetti's Replicating Missile to 100
    Mythical Invoker's Blaze: added 20% Slow Resist
    Mythical Invoker's Burning Hand: increased % Aether dealt as Fire to 25%
    Mythical Invoker's Shocking Touch: increased % Aether dealt as Lightning to 25%
    Iskandra's Unification Set: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 50%
    Mythical Iskandra's Hood: increased Fire damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 110
    Justicar Guard Set: added 155 Burn damage / 2s modifier for Judgment
    Korba's Fury Set: reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Ring of Steel to 120%
    Light's Guardian Set: granted skill now correctly scales up with the Mythical version of this set
    Mythical Light's Defender Gauntlets: increased Lightning damage modifier for Stun Jacks to 40
    Mythical Light's Defender Helm: increased Lightning damage modifier for Storm Totem to 24
    Ludrigan's Pride Set: increased % Slow Resist bonus to 50%
    Markovian's Bastion Set: added 8% Block Chance bonus. Added +2s Duration modifier for Overguard. Increased % Weapon damage modifier for Blitz to 80% and its Cooldown Reduction modifier to -0.5s.
    Mythical Markovian's Platemail: added 40 Defensive Ability and 8% Armor
    Mythical Markovian's Vanguard: added 36 Defensive Ability
    Mythical Beastcaller's Cowl: replaced % Armor with 22% Aether Resist
    Mythical Beastcaller's Shoulderpads: increased % Poison Resist to 40%
    Mythical Beastcaller's Shroud: added 18% Bleed Resist
    Radaggan's Folly Set: increased Offensive Ability bonus to 90 and % Total Speed bonus to 10%. Increased Acid damage modifier for Ill Omen to 240 and Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 180.
    Rage of Agrivix Set: added -1s Cooldown modifier for Callidor's Tempest
    Rotgheist Set: added -0.5s Cooldown modifier for Primal Strike
    Rotgheist Emblem: increased Attack damage Converted to Health modifier for Dreeg's Evil Eye to 15%
    Shard of Lost Souls: increased % Bleed Resist to 40%
    Stronghold Defender: increased Fire damage bonus on the granted skill
    Targo's Craft Set: increased damage and reduced Cooldown on the skill proc. Added -0.8s Cooldown modifier for Blade Arc. Increased Physical damage modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst to 400 and its Internal Trauma damage modifier to 400 / 2s.
    Targo's Chestguard: increased Offensive Ability to 64
    Targo's Helm: increased Physical damage modifier for Amarasta's Blade Burst to 120 and its Internal Trauma damage modifier to 180 / 2s
    Targo's Shoulderguard: increased Offensive Ability to 64
    The Blightlord Set: increased Fire damage modifier for Ravenous Earth to 105
    Blightlord's Carver: increased % Fire Resist Reduction modifier for Siphon Souls to -15%
    The Cyclone Set: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 15%
    Cyclone Effigy: increased % Cast Speed to 16% and added 30% Freeze Resist. Increased Summon Limit modifier for Thermite Mines to +4 and added +2 Summon Burst modifier for it.
    Cyclone Mark: increased Lightning damage modifier for Thermite Mine to 80-150
    The Infernal Champion Set: increased Burn damage and its Duration on the skill proc
    Mythical Infernal Knight's Faceguard: increased Burn damage modifier for Blackwater Cocktail to 110 / 3s
    Mythical Infernal Knight's Jacket: added 45 Defensive Ability
    The Korvan Dunefiend: increased % Physical Resist bonus to 14%
    The Runebinder Set: increased % Offensive Ability bonus to 8%. Increased Fire damage modifier for Rune of Kalastor to 155.
    The Vileblade Pact Set: increased Acid damage modifier for Bloody Pox to 200
    The Voidsoul Set: increased Vitality Decay damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 300 / 3s
    Trozan's Skybreach Set: increased Cold damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 80
    Mythical Trozan's Hat: increased Lightning damage modifier for Trozan's Sky Shard to 60-140
    Voidsoul Bulwark: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 50%
    Voidsoul Visage: increased % Weapon damage modifier for Flames of Ignaffar to 16%
    Ultos' Storm Set: added 30% of Physical dealt as Lightning bonus
    Ultos' Gem: removed % Physical dealt as Lightning
    Ultos' Tempest Set: added 30% of Physical dealt as Lightning bonus and increased Lightning damage bonus to 33-66. Added -0.5s Cooldown modifier for Primal Strike.
    Mythical Ultos' Gem: removed % Physical dealt as Lightning
    Ulzuin's Headguard: increased % Pierce Resist to 24%
    Ulzuin's Infernal Avatar Set: reduced Cooldown on the skill proc. Increased Radius modifier for Canister Bomb to 0.9 and its % Weapon damage modifier to 14%.
    Mythical Heart of Ulzuin: added 90 Offensive Ability
    Mythical Ulzuin's Headguard: added 400 Health and increased % Pierce Resist to 28%
    Valguur's Hunger Set: increased % Health bonus to 24% and added +6s Duration modifier for Storm Totem
    Valguur's Focus: added 60 Offensive Ability and increased Defensive Ability to 66. Increased Vitality damage modifier for Sigil of Consumption to 100.
    Virtue's Light Set: increased % Health bonus to 20% and % Cooldown Reduction bonus to 16%. Added 4% Offensive Ability bonus. Removed % Shield Damage Blocked bonus. Added 40% Shield damage Blocked modifier for Ascension and increased Burn damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 400 / 3s.
    Virtue's Defender: added 150% Burn Duration. Replaced % Crit damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir with 100 Fire damage and 200 Burn damage / 3s modifiers for it.
    Virtue's Ward: increased Fire damage modifier for Aegis of Menhir to 120-200

    [Class & Skills]
    Akeron's Scorpion: added 30% Poison Duration
    Alladrah's Phoenix: added 15% Freeze Resist and 30% Burn Duration
    Amatok the Spirit of Winter: increased Health to 450 and removed % Cold Resist
    Assassin: increased Health to 200
    Attak Seru: increased Health to 600 and % Defensive Ability to 6%
    Azrakaa, the Eternal Sands: increased Health to 650
    Bard's Harp: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Behemoth: increased % Health to 8% and increased % Health for pets to 12%. Added 4% Physical Resist for pets.
    Berserker: added 15% Increased Healing and increased Health to 300
    Blind Sage: increased % Elemental Dot damage to 250%. Added 4% Physical Resist and reduced Offensive Ability to 115.
    Bysmiel's Bonds: replaced % Health for pets with 20% Trap Resist and 20% Trap Resist for pets
    Chariot of the Dead: increased % Stun Resist to 20% and Health to 250
    Crab: added % Elemental Dot damage
    Crane: increased % Poison and % Vitality Resists for pets to 20%
    Dire Bear: increased % Health to 6%
    Empty Throne: increased % Freeze and % Stun Resists for player and pets to 25%. Increased % Aether, % Chaos and % Pierce Resists for pets to 15%.
    Hound: added 15% Stun Resist for pets and increased % Health for pets to 20%d
    Huntress: added 8% Increased Healing. Increased Health to 450 and increased % Health for pets to 12%.
    Hyrian, Guardian of the Celestial Gates: increased Health to 600 and Elemental damage to 16. Added % Elemental Dot damage.
    Ishtak: increased % Bleed Resist and % Poison Resist for pets to 30% and % Total Speed for pets to 12%
    Jackal: increased % Health for pets to 8%
    Korvaak, the Eldritch Sun: increased % Health to 8% and Health to 300. Increased % Health for pets to 12% and % All damage for pets to 150%.
    Kraken: increased Health to 500
    Leviathan: increased % Health to 8%
    Light of Empyrion: increased % Health to 16%. Increased % Health for pets to 15% and % Aether/% Chaos/% Vitality Resists for pets to 25%.
    Lion: increased % Run Speed to 6% and increased % Health for pets to 8%
    Magi: added 15% Freeze Resist and 1.5 Energy Regeneration. Removed % Fire Resist.
    Manticore: increased Health to 250 and increased % Health for pets to 12%
    Mogdrogen the Wolf: increased Health to 650 and replaced % Leech with 15% Increased Healing (Forgotten Gods only)
    Nighttalon: increased % Elemental Resist for pets to 15%
    Oleron: increased Health to 650
    Quill: increased Health to 100
    Rattosh, the Veilwarden: increased Health to 350
    Revenant: increased % Health to 5% and Health to 250
    Rhowan's Crown: increased % Elemental Resist for pets to 18%
    Sailor's Guide: added 15% Fire Resist and increased % Run Speed to 10%
    Scales of Ulcama: increased % Health to 6%, Health to 250 and % Run Speed to 6%
    Shepherd's Crook: increased % Health for pets to 20%
    Solael's Witchfire: increased Defensive Ability to 40
    Solemn Watcher: replaced % Cold Resist with 18% Chaos Resist
    Spear of the Heavens: replaced % Lightning Resist with 15% Energy Regeneration
    Staff of Ratosh: increased % Aether and % Vitality Resists for pets to 20%. Replaced % Crit damage for pets with 6% Total Speed for pets
    Stag: added bonuses for pets
    Targo the Builder: increased % Health to 12%
    Tempest: replaced % Lightning Resist with 10% Slow Resist
    Tree of Life: increased % Health to 24% and increased % Health for pets to 27%
    Ulo: increased % Elemental Resist to 15%, % Poison Resist to 20% and % Chaos Resist to 20% for the player and pets. Added 15% Stun, 15% Freeze and 15% Petrify Resist.
    Ulzaad, Herald of Korvaak: increased Health to 500 and Defensive Ability to 25. Removed % Cold Resist
    Ulzuin's Torch: added 20% Stun Resist and 6% Health. Removed % Fire Resist.
    Unknown Soldier: increased % Health to 8%
    Vire, the Stone Matron: increased Health to 300
    Wendigo: added 5% Run Speed. Increased % Health to 6% and Health to 250.
    Wolverine: increased % Poison and % Vitality Resists for pets to 15%
    Yugol, the Insatiable Night: added 300 Health and increased % Spirit to 4%
    Black Blood of Yugol: increased Duration to 8s
    Cleansing Waters: reduced Cooldown to 10s
    Hyrian's Glare: increased % Weapon damage to 85% and added Elemental Dot damage
    Inspiration: increased Offensive and Defensive Ability to 130
    Nature's Guardians: increased Duration to 8s and increased Physical damage for pets. Added 18 Resist Reduction / 5s for pets.
    Phoenix Fire: replaced Burn Retaliation with Fire Retaliation
    Tsunami (Celestial Proc): increased % Weapon damage to 45%
    Wayward Soul: reduced Cooldown to 8s and Duration to 5s

    Blackwater Cocktail: sped up damage tic rate by ~20%
    Demon Fire: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
    Agonizing Flames: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
    High Potency: reduced Cooldown to 3.8s
    Quick Jacks: increased Energy Cost Reduction to -30%, no longer scales with rank. % Damage Modified penalty no longer scales with rank and is fixed at -50%. Radius penalty now scales with rank to -1.2 at max rank. It is now possible to achieve the previous results with a single point, and additional points improve the projectile radius.
    Ulzuin's Chosen: increased % Damage Modified scaling with rank to 18% by rank 10, 30% by max ultimate rank. Increased % Energy Cost Reduction scaling with rank to 35% by rank 10, 45% by max ultimate rank

    Bloody Pox: increased Bleed damage scaling with rank
    Wasting: increased Vitality damage scaling at ultimate ranks. Increased % Bleed damage scaling with rank to 144% by rank 12, 264% by max ultimate rank
    Black Death: increased % Bleed and % Vitality damage scaling with rank to 144% by rank 12, 264% by max ultimate rank
    Fevered Rage: increased % Total Damage modified bonus to 80%
    Sigil of Consumption: increased Vitality Decay damage scaling with rank
    Summon Hellhound: increased base % Freeze Resist to 50% and % Stun Resist is now a flat 50% instead of scaling with rank to 40%
    Ember Claw: increased Threat generation scaling with rank

    Amarasta's Blade Burst: fixed an issue where this skill could trigger twice when dual wielding ranged weapons
    Amarasta's Quick Cut: sped up the melee animation hit frames by 25% to match comparable WPS skills. Average DPS of this ability remains unchanged. Fixed an issue where the animation could be interrupted early, resulting in the third hit not registering.
    Belgothian's Shears: replaced % Pierce damage with Pierce damage
    Ring of Steel: increased % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 260% by rank 16, 320% by max ultimate rank
    Whirling Death: sped up the melee animation hit frame by 10% to match comparable WPS skills. Average DPS of this ability remains unchanged.

    Callidor's Tempest: increased % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 115% by rank 16, 145% by max ultimate rank
    Inferno: reduced Energy Cost scaling with rank
    Wrath of Agrivix: reduced Cooldown to 3.8s and the % Damage Modified to 140%. Removed % Weapon damage.
    Distortion: increased Aether damage scaling with rank
    Supercharged: increased Electrocute damage scaling with rank. Increased % Crit damage scaling with rank to 40% by rank 12, 60% by max ultimate rank.

    Upheaval: increased Radius to 4.0 and increased % Weapon damage scaling with rank to 125% by rank 10, 175% by max ultimate rank

    Blight Burst: increased Threat generation scaling with rank
    Rotting Fumes: increased Threat generation scaling with rank
    Ill Omen: increased damage scaling with rank
    Necrotic Edge: sped up the melee animation hit frame by 27% to match comparable WPS skills. Average DPS of this ability remains unchanged.

    Avenging Shield: increased % Crit damage scaling with rank to 35% by rank 12, 55% by max ultimate rank
    Reprisal: increased Burn damage scaling with rank
    Smite: sped up the 1h-ed and dual-wield melee animation hit frame by 20% to match comparable WPS skills. Average DPS of this ability remains unchanged.

  30. #2220
    Merci pour l'info.

    Increased the Health of the Loghorrean boss, along with the damage on some of its abilities. The poor Voice of Ch'thon's vocal cords have gotten a bit sore over the years and needed a tune up.
    Increased the Health of Korvaak and Theodin Marcell.
    Increased the health, damage and adjusted the skill usage of some older bosses to bring them up to speed of their more modern counterparts. Will let you figure out which ones the hard way!
    Increased base resistances of various pets summoned by items. Some of these pets had fallen behind their mastery counterparts over the years.

    C'est vrai que Logho il a toujours fait pitié, Korvaak par contre...

    Quand à "health, damage and adjusted the skill usage of some older bosses.... which ones the hard way", surprise.

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