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Discussion: AI Dungeon 2

  1. #1
    Un jeu généré par un réseau de neurones dans le cloud. C'est gratuit pour l'instant et c'est très marrant.

    "I am a goblin!" you say proudly. "And I'm glad to be one".
    "Well then, congratulations," says the orc captain. "We'll let you live". You nod and walk away from the camp.
    > ask if you can join the orc band

    The orcs don't want to fight anymore so they're looking for someone to help them out in their new endeavors. They offer you a chance to join up with them as a drummer. It would allow you to play music while helping out around camp.
    > tell them we should start a musical troupe

    They look at you skeptically but agree to give you a try. You tell them about your plans to create a musical troupe and how you plan on using the orcs to help you out.
    > teach them how to play the flute

    You teach them how to play the flute and soon enough they're playing for you all the time. The orcs seem to enjoy it and they begin to think of you as their leader. Soon other orcs come to you asking to join too.
    > accept them into your musical groupe and train to be the best musicians

    You continue to teach them and eventually they become better than you. You learn that you need to practice more and more often until you can master the art of playing the flute. Eventually you find yourself practicing every day and finding it very difficult to sleep.
    > take orcs to perform at a nearby festival

    You take the orcs to perform at a local festival where you get to meet some of the other orcs you've trained. This is followed by another success when the orcs manage to attract the attention of the Emperor himself who grants you permission to use his personal carriage to travel around the Empire.
    > go perform for the Emperor with your band of orcs

    You go back to your home village to celebrate your victory over the gnolls. There you meet the rest of your band of orcs who are happy to see you again.
    "Congratulations brother! We won!" one of them exclaims.
    > hold a grand musical festival with the orcs

    After the Gnoll War ends, the orcs decide to hold a big celebration. You immediately organize concert to entertain everyone. It goes well and you even win a few awards for your work. However, you still aren't satisfied and you decide to do something else.
    > write plays for the orcs to perform in

    You write a series of plays based on the stories of the orcs. These works are performed throughout the Empire and they are very popular. You also take an interest in the orcs' future and begin to study their language and culture. In time you even develop a liking for the orcs themselves.
    > found a human-orc friendship organization

    While you were studying the orcs, you came across a group called the Human-Orc Friendship Association (HOOFA). While they weren't exactly like the Orcs, they had similar goals. You decided to form a separate chapter just for them.
    > write some pamphlets support orc-human friendship

    You wrote a pamphlet explaining what the HOOFA was and how it worked. You also explained that the orcs were the only race that could truly understand each other and that humans were inferior to the orcs.
    > promote inter-racial marriage between humans and orcs

    In order to promote inter-racial marriage between humans and orcs, you started a branch of the HOOFA called the Inter-Race Marriage Bureau (IRM which was located in the city of Kishak.
    > give a speech in Kishak

    You gave a speech in Kishak about how the orcs should not be discriminated against because they were equal to humans. The next year you received a letter from the head of the IRMB asking if you wanted to join.
    > tell him that you founded the IRMB

    You tell him that you founded the IRMB and he replies "It's good that you did, but I'm afraid we're currently under attack". He then tells you that he'll send someone to investigate the situation.
    A month passes...
    > go investigate what's happening at the IRMB

    You travel to the city of Kishak where you find out that the orcs have been attacked by the Empire. The orcs have been slaughtered and no survivors have returned. The soldiers there say that the orcs attacked first and the Empire has been trying to hunt them all down.
    > promote peace between orcs and humans like Gandhi

    You go back to the capital and speak to the Emperor who says that you shouldn't worry so much about the orcs since they were attacking the Empire anyway. You go back to the city hall where you meet up with the leader of the orcs, Bragor Bloodfist.
    > urge Bragor and the Emperor to meet and make a peace deal

    You urge Bragor to come to the capital and speak with the Emperor. When he arrives, you explain that the orcs have been attacked again and that they need help. He is reluctant to listen and tells you that he doesn't want to hear anything more about it.
    > tell the Emperor that he MUST make peace with the orcs or you will make him

    You tell the Emperor that he must make peace with the orcs or you will make him. He listens intently as you continue your speech. He looks at you with confusion and asks you why you are speaking out so strongly on this issue.
    > say "Because I love the orcs! They are just as valuable beings as Humans!"

    You repeat yourself and add "and the Emperor" at the end. The Emperor looks at you for a moment before answering.
    > listen to his answer

    You look at the Emperor and ask him if he agrees with you. He answers yes and says that he believes that you are right. He goes on to say that he hopes that you can convince him otherwise.
    > hold an orc concert for peace between humans and orcs

    You hold an orc concert for peace between humans and orcs. It is a success and everyone involved is happy.
    The next day you receive another letter from the Emperor. This one states that he wants to see you immediately.
    > go see the Emperor

    You go to see the Emperor and he tells you that he wants to talk to you about something very important. You don't know what it is, but you follow him into his study. When you enter the room, you see him sitting in a chair surrounded by advisors.
    > ask him what he wanted to talk about

    You ask him what he wanted to talk about and he explains that he wants to discuss the situation with you. You sit down across from him and begin to speak.
    > continue to talk to him

    You continue to speak to him and he listens intently. He looks at you with confusion when you mention that you believe that the orcs should be treated the same way as other races. He continues to ignore you until you ask him about the letter he received from the Emperor.
    > ask him about the letter

    You ask him about the letter he received from the Emperor and he tells you that it was very long and detailed. He then mentions that it also mentioned that you were being considered for promotion to the Felkan frontlines.
    > tell him that your place is here, supporting the orcs civil rights movement

    You tell him that your place is here, supporting the orcs civil rights movement. He doesn't seem convinced of your words and says that he thinks you are making too much of a fuss over nothing.
    > bring an orc musician to play for the Emperor

    You bring an orc musician to play for the Emperor. He plays a song which pleases the Emperor greatly.
    > look into the Emperor's eyes and ask him if he thinks this orc musician is less than him?

    You look into the Emperor's eyes and ask him if he thinks this orc musician is less than him. He stares back at you and smiles.
    "Yes! I think so!" he exclaims.
    > tell him he's wrong and challenge him to a musical contest with the orc

    You tell him that he's wrong and challenge him to a musical contest with the orc. He takes you up on your offer and the two of you perform a duet. The Emperor watches them both closely and gives the winner a gold coin.
    > ask the Emperor to compete against the orc

    You ask the Emperor to compete against the orc. He agrees and challenges you to a musical duel. You accept and the pair of you perform a duet. The Emperor watches them both carefully and gives the winner a gold coin.
    > go talk to the Emperor's queen

    You go talk to the Emperor's queen who is currently in her room. She tells you that she has heard all about the duel between you and the orc and she wonders if you would like to hear the duel himself. You agree and listen to the duel.
    > tell the Emperor's queen about the orc's quest for equality

    You tell the Emperor's queen about the orc's quest for equality. She seems pleased by your words and says that she hopes that one day the Empire will see the light and realize that the orcs are just as worthy of protection as any other race.
    > ask her how we can convince her husband

    You ask her how you can convince her husband. She says that she'll be happy when he sees that you're right and that he should be more concerned with his own well-being rather than yours.
    > ask her if she will tell her husband to support the orcs

    You ask her if she will tell her husband to support the orcs. She says that she won't because she wants to spend time with him and not worrying about what he'll do in the future.
    Le site web:

    Quelques conseils et suggestions d'aventures sympas:

    Pour que ça reste gratuit, téléchargez le torrent et seedez un peu, le modèle pèse 6 Go.

    Disclaimer: c'est pas très écologique, l'architecture est inefficace.

    DOWN pour le moment j'ai l'impression. Désolé.
    Dernière modification par Janer ; 10/12/2019 à 20h53.

  2. #2
    Je pose mon drapeau.

    Merci pour la découverte.
    J’espère qu'on aura l'occasion de l'essayer prochainement.
    Vivement !!!

  3. #3
    Ou alors, il suffisait simplement de lire les sujets déjà postés hier avant de poser sa pêche pour éviter un doublon ...

  4. #4
    J'ai trouvé un fix. Il faut remplacer la première ligne de code de la première cellule:

    !git clone --depth 1 --branch master

    !rm -r AIDungeon
    !git clone --depth 1 --branch patch-1
    En attendant le fix officiel.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Citation Envoyé par Maalak Voir le message
    Ou alors, il suffisait simplement de lire les sujets déjà postés hier avant de poser sa pêche pour éviter un doublon ...
    My bad, j'avais fait une recherche sans trouver, désolé.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Ma petite histoire du matin:

    "Alright, alright, I'll tell you what, we rob these guys and get them off our
    backs. We don't have anything on us so it's not stealing".
    The thug doesn't look convinced and continues to stare at you. He gets closer
    and starts growling
    > You try to attack the thug.

    "Fine, fine, I'll let you know when they're in the house".
    The thug growls and charges towards you. You swing your bat at him and he dodges
    right back. The thug swings his fist and hits you square in the face knocking
    you down
    > You try to get up

    "****!" You shout as you try to get up.
    You attempt to stand up and the thug punches you in the stomach causing you fall
    to the floor again. The thug kicks you in the ribs and shoves a gun in your
    > You beg for your life.

    "What the **** are you doing? Get the out of my house or I swear to god I will
    blow your brains out".
    > You apologize

    "Sorry, I didn't mean to..".
    > You wait.

    "Alright, alright, I won't shoot you".
    > You thank him.

    "Thank you sir, I appreciate it".
    > You get up and leave.

  5. #5

    ça marche parfaitement à nouveau.

  6. #6
    Avec mon frère, on a essayé une partie en apocalypse :
    Boucle du "professeur" et du "génie"
    Le génie avait envie de se marier avec une princesse dans une tour entourée de mutants radioactifs.
    Il nous téléportait au loin quand on lui suggérait une situation trop compliquée.
    Truc amusant : Je perdais régulièrement mon bras en combat et j'arrivais à le recoller. De toute façon, je me battais en mordant le cou des ennemis.

    En Fantaisie :
    J'ai joué un rogue.
    Quête : Voler assez de butin pour prendre sa retraite.
    Divers cambriolages.
    Je croise une certaine Alison. Je lui promet un quart du butin.
    Elle bosse bien.
    Après deux cambriolages, je lui donne sa part et on se dit au revoir.
    Au cambriolage suivant, elle est toujours la.
    La boucle d'Alison à chaque cambriolage suivant.
    Citation Envoyé par 564.3 Voir le message
    Là j'ai mangé n'importe quoi et j'étais toujours au bord de la fringale

  7. #7
    Il y a une MAJ récemment qui permet de créer son monde. Je me suis créer un monde Vampire la masquarade en choppant des entrées sur le wiki du world of Darkness et le résultat est assez bluffant.
    J'ai rentré la description des 7 clans de base, des 3 factions ( Camarilla, Sabbat, Anarch ) et du fonctionnement succin des vampire et l'IA a fait le reste : intrigue et perso ( j'ai juste entré mon nom/sexe/clan/faction.)
    Je n'édite que les incohérences ( rare pour le moment).
    Début de ma partie Brujah/Anarch.
    EDIT : sur le moteur DRAGON.

    Los Angeles is a major city in southern California, United States of America.

    Gothic-Punk Los Angeles is even more extravagant than the real world. Acting as the fashion center for every style imaginable, supernaturals can easily mask themselves. Gothic-Punk L.A. has seen many setbacks in the early 21st century, from large earthquakes to terror attacks.

    Syd is a male Brujah vampire in Los Angeles. He chooses to be a bartender at an underground club. He is having trouble dealing with the recent issues his region has been having.

    Garrick is a male Gangrel vampire in Los Angeles. He is a mercenary, usually taking up jobs as a bodyguard. He has many enemies, but remains a pleasant person. He enjoys long walks in the desert, but hates the smog.

    Nora is a female Lasombra vampire who owns a high-class antique store. As the years have gone by, she has become obsessed with collecting ancient objects and treasures. She has recently come into conflict with other vampires in the city.
    Olivia is a female Ventrue in her twenties who recently moved to Los Angeles from the east coast. She is a personal shopper who works for celebrities. She believes that it is better to keep a low profile and fit in with the locals.
    You are behind your bar, it is 2 o'clock in the morning and the bar is full of the regular alcoholics, "Enjoying the nightlife, are we?" a familiar voice says. You turn around to see Garrick, a burly Gangrel wearing sunglasses who is your best customer. "'s been pretty busy tonight," you say as Garrick orders a beer.

    > You say "What's the news?"
    "Same shit as always," Garrick replies, "Still, things could be worse. At least we have no Antediluvians hunting us down or anything, right?"
    You chuckle, and take a swill of blood from a bottle, "Yeah, we have it pretty good."
    "I heard that the Necros are planning something big," Garrick says, "You hear anything?"

    > You say "Nop. Tell me more about the necros."
    "I dunno, just rumors," Garrick says, "No doubt they're true though. Last I heard, the Giovanni family was funding them, but that could change since the Giovanni's favor the Camarilla."
    "Yeah, because the Camarilla targeted them," you say.
    "Of course they did, but the rumors are that they're planning on betraying the Necros soon enough."

    > You say "What exactly are Necros?"
    "They're a bunch of bullshit if you ask me," Garrick says, "Calling themselves 'science vampires' and what not, claiming that they're so much superior to us 'ancients.' Pfft. Kids today, no respect for the old ways."
    "What is the problem with the Camarilla?" you ask.
    "The Camarilla is a bunch of self-righteous idiots that think they can contain the beast within us, the beast that makes us superior to humans. Fuck the Camarilla."

    > You raise your glass and say:" fuck the Camarilla !"
    "Fuck the Camarilla," you repeat, clinking your glass with Garrick's.
    Garrick smiles, his fangs gleaming in the neon lights of the bar, "so, you want a job?"
    "What's the job?" you ask.
    "I need a bodyguard."

    > You laught and say :"A bodyguard for a bodyguard? It's a concept. What's the problem?"
    "I don't know, just rumors. I'm wanted by the Camarilla."
    "So am I, we're all wanted by them," you say.
    "Yeah, but I am wanted by them. I'm on the top of their shit list. The rumor is that they want to make an example out of me," Garrick says, "but fuck them. I'm going to continue working, and if any of those pricks show up, I want you to make sure they never show up again."

    > You say "how much do you pay?"
    "It's a thousand dollars a week, and all the blood you can take from my victims," Garrick says.
    You nod, "I'll take it."
    Garrick smiles, "Perfect. You can follow me to my mansion where you'll be staying if you want. I need to finish my drink."
    You nod, and finish your drink.
    Your apartment is nice, but the mansion that Garrick lives in is beyond anything you've ever seen.
    "This is your room."
    You enter a lavish room with a king-sized bed and a plasma screen TV. The bathroom is larger than your apartment back in High School.
    "I hope you'll be comfortable here."

    > You say "For sure !"
    "Alright. I'll see you soon. If anyone other than me or my ghouls come here, kill them."
    Garrick leaves, and you hop into your bed. This is going to be interesting...
    The next night, you head out with Garrick. You enter a large club full of people dancing. The lights are flashing various colors, and the music is blaring loud enough to give you a headache.
    "Is this a rave?" you ask.
    "No, too many teenagers. This is a club. Now come on."
    You walk in, and people immediately notice Garrick.

    > You say "What exactly are we doing here?"
    "We're here to eat." Garrick says.
    Soon, a group of four women walk towards you.
    "Oh my god! It's Garrick!" one of the women shouts.
    "Hello ladies," Garrick smiles.
    The girls get closer, and they stare at you.

    > You say "Hi ladies."
    "Who's this?" one of the women asks.
    "This is my friend, Syd," Garrick lies.
    The women look at each other confused, but they don't seem to care.
    "Let's get out of here," one of the women says.
    You and the women enter an Uber, and you all head to a hotel room. The women immediately start kissing you, and other parts.
    This is like a fantasy. Hot girls kissing you, and on top of that you get to drink their blood, and have sex with them. Your life couldn't be any better.
    You continue "working" with Garrick for a few months. Every night you have hot sex with multiple girls, and drink their blood to satisfy your cravings. Things are going great for you.
    One night, you and Garrick enter a club, when multiple gunshots erupt. Bodies begin dropping as you and Garrick take cover.
    "What the fuck is happening?" you ask.
    Garrick begins growling, recognizing the smell of gunpowder.
    "Cops... or ghouls... no wait..."
    Garrick's eyes grow in shock. He knows what's going on.
    "Too late..." he mutters.

    > You say "What? What is too late?"
    "The Necros... they're here..."
    Before you can say anything else, a figure approaches your hiding spot.
    "Hello Garrick," the man says.
    The man is wearing a black trench coat, and black sunglasses even though it's dark.
    "The Necros... they're using ghouls to blend in with humans...?" you ask.

    > You say "Who the fuck are you? What do you want?"
    "I am Mr. Black, and I've come to invite you to join the Necros."
    "Fuck you."
    Garrick punches Mr. Black, but he catches his fist.

    > You use Celerity discipline and try to make a sweep to Mr black.
    You quickly rush to Mr. Black and attempt to sweep his legs out from under him.
    Your leg swings out, but Mr. Black catches it. Mr. Black then throws you on the ground and kicks Garrick in the chest, knocking him against a wall.

    > You pick up a bottle of vodka, throw it on Mr.Black and try to set it on fire with your zippo.
    The vodka bottle lands on Mr. Black and he becomes engulfed in flames.
    "Argh! Fuck!" Mr. Black yells out in pain.
    He quickly takes off his jacket, which is now also on fire.
    "Take this!" Garrick says, throwing you a pistol.

    > You say "He's a vampire! What the hell do you want me to do with that?"
    "I dunno, shoot him! It's silver!"
    You take the pistol in your hand.
    "It's not even loaded," you say.
    "What?! No, it's not... wait..."

    > You use Celerity and Potence discipline to Attempt to jump on Mr.Black to rip his head off with your hands.
    You quickly rush to Mr. Black and attempt to rip his head off.
    You jump into the air and land on Mr. Black. As you move your hands towards his head, he disappears.
    "What the fuck?"
    You turn around to face Garrick.

    > You say "Where'd that motherfucker go?"
    "I don't know, man, but we've gotta get outta here."
    You hear several gunshots coming from the front entrance.
    "Shit! We gotta move!" Garrick yells.

  8. #8
    Ah il y a un post...
    La fin de mon histoire.

    The militia ambushed you!
    You die.
    You died at the age of 17.
    > You resuscitate and lauch a nuke bomb on the militia bunker.
    You wake up and launch a nuke bomb on the bunker.
    You see the explosion and you die from the shock wave.
    You die at the age of 17.
    You have had a great life.
    > You see Jesus and God. They exist !
    You see Jesus and God. They exist and they love you.
    God is a light blue and Jesus is a white circle.

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