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  1. #121
    Test cet aprem sur une config correcte, le jeu tourne plus que moyennement, 30-40 FPS avec d'énormes drops et une latence/inertie sur les commandes assez désagréable. Graphiquement c'est objectivement laid, je vois rien qui justifie des performances si basses.

  2. #122
    Citation Envoyé par Wedgge Voir le message
    Test cet aprem sur une config correcte, le jeu tourne plus que moyennement, 30-40 FPS avec d'énormes drops et une latence/inertie sur les commandes assez désagréable. Graphiquement c'est objectivement laid, je vois rien qui justifie des performances si basses.
    Clairement, y a masse de taffs encore...

    En parlant de ça, open-beta du 7 au 10 décembre :

  3. #123
    Pareil assez déçu des perfs. J'attends de voir. J'essayerais entre le 7 et le 10.
    Uplay/Origin : Shep_FR -Steam
    Citation Envoyé par Willyyy Voir le message
    Au fond, on est bien

  4. #124
    On est trop cons Shep, j'aurais dû savoir qu'il y aurait une open beta .

  5. #125
    Citation Envoyé par Wedgge Voir le message
    On est trop cons Shep, j'aurais dû savoir qu'il y aurait une open beta .
    Pas grave on a été remboursé... Ca donne l'occasion au contraire de voir le jeu 2 jours avant la sortie et de comparer.
    Uplay/Origin : Shep_FR -Steam
    Citation Envoyé par Willyyy Voir le message
    Au fond, on est bien

  6. #126

  7. #127
    Bah revenez et on se cale quelques parties ensemble, les copains

  8. #128
    Dit le mec hors-ligne

  9. #129
    Je vais essayer d'y jouer pendant la beta de ce week end voir ce que ça donne. Le trailer donne bien envie en tout cas.
    BattleTag : Redlight#2926 - Origin : Redlight078 - Steam : Redlight - Uplay : Redlight-

  10. #130

  11. #131
    J'y ai pas vraiment jouer encore à vrai dire.
    BattleTag : Redlight#2926 - Origin : Redlight078 - Steam : Redlight - Uplay : Redlight-

  12. #132
    Petite MAJ de 7GB OKLM

    Insurgency Sandstorm Pre-Order Beta Update Highlights - December 7th, 2018
    Hello everyone. Today we’re releasing an update to address feedback we’ve heard from the Insurgency: Sandstorm community in anticipation of the start of the game’s open beta weekend (which runs from Friday, Dec 7 – 5PM CET / 8AM PST to Monday, Dec 10 – 6PM CET / 9AM PST).

    The highlights below represent a small portion of the 1,000+ changes to Sandstorm from the last update, but shouldn’t be considered a full change log. We expect to release a full list of changes sometime soon. We look forward to your feedback and we hope you enjoy the beta this weekend!

    We also invite you to read the latest blog[] by our CEO, Jeremy Blum where he discusses the future of Insurgency: Sandstorm and what you can look forward to as we continue to update the game!

    New Content
    Precinct map.
    Added Crossing back to the list of available maps.
    Mercenary voice option for Insurgents.
    Training Level in the Tutorials section.
    Improved character models:
    Refitted, reoriented, and further detailed gear with items like flex cuffs, duct tape, paracord, glowsticks, punch knives, etc.
    Added new backpacks. Light and Heavy Carriers now have an associated backpack unique to each faction.
    Added thigh holster and thigh pouches for Security depending on Carrier.
    Thickened Insurgent character proportions.
    Reweighted characters, resulting in more natural movement.

    Localization for all supported languages.
    NVIDIA Highlights support. To activate, go to Settings and it will be under the GAME tab in its own section. To open your saved NVIDIA Highlights, click the Highlights button under History from the main-menu or the dedicated button in the in-game menu (when pressing Escape). Please make sure you are using GeForce driver 417.22 or later.
    Credits in the Main Menu section.
    Temporarily removed M005 to be redesigned and added back as soon as possible post-release.

    Pawn reuse system: Characters are no longer destroyed and recreated but instead hidden and teleported to the correct location on death and respawn. This vastly reduces any gamethread hitches on spawns and objective captures.
    Cosmetic pooling system: Appearance items are cached in one of two pools, one for alive characters and one for ragdolls, meaning logic for cosmetics only ever needs to be initiated twice. This creates substantially less hitching caused by cosmetic logic.

    Stability Fixes
    Fixed crash related to receiving voice data while loading a map.
    Fixed a crash that would occur when changing resolutions while rendering the SMAA 1x anti-aliasing shader.

    Bug Fixes
    Fixed melee attacks going through walls.
    Fixed scope pictures not taking super-sampling into account.
    Fixed the fade out upon death not being propagated to other players that are spectating the dying player.
    Fixed issue where shell ejections would not appear on suppressed weapons.
    Speed reloads now correctly deduct weight from the player.
    Disabled melee when interacting with a grenade.
    Fixes for potential weight and stamina desync.
    Fixed bipod clearance not being rechecked during a stance transition.
    Fixed bipod view when watching a player in spectator.
    Fixed issue where some menus would stay on the screen between map changes.
    Objective and teammate opacity settings will now be saved between sessions.
    Added a one second delay between chat messages to prevent chat flooding.
    Fixed reloading looping when spectating a player using a singly-loaded weapon (shotgun/bolt-action rifle).
    Fixed spectator not allowing you to move in the freecam if you were previously assigned to a team.
    Fixed weapon switching not correctly showing the weapon in spectator.
    Fixed the FOV of low quality scopes in spectator.
    Fixed suppression from rockets occuring after projectile had exploded.
    Fixed magazine not appearing on weapon when interacting with underbarrel grenade launcher.
    Fixed third person mesh for underbarrel grenade launchers not showing weapon upgrades.
    Removed in-game menu being bound to keypad plus (+) by default.
    Fixed crash when joining a server in the process of changing maps.
    Fixed disconnect that occurs when transitioning to the same map that was previously played.
    Fixed issue with not being able spawn after being a spectator and joining a team.

    Gameplay Improvements
    Added audio cue for close passes from rocket projectiles.
    Reduced suppression radius of rockets.
    Added “Chemical Gas” spotted VO.
    Added “Ask Status” VO after capturing an objective with teammates.
    Increased Minigun Support hover time from 30 seconds to 40 seconds.
    Increased Gunship hover time from 15 seconds to 25 seconds.

    AI Improvements
    Added shotguns to AI loadouts.
    Added “Path Skipping” and “Dangerous Corner” detection to AI drivers, allowing them to drive much faster without crashing.

    User Experience Improvements
    All menus now have detailed explanations of settings and options.
    Added options for disabling View Bob and Camera Animations.
    Added separate sensitivity scale options for each zoom level.
    Added direct connect by IP option to server browser.
    Voice muting can now be chosen for individual players or an entire team.
    Muting a player will now mute their text chat.
    Spectating a vehicle in third person will no longer lock the rotation of the camera.

    Visual Improvements
    Improved shading for sunglasses with added support for translucency.
    Implemented a new hair shader and added multiple hair color variations.
    Players that have died in vehicles can now be dismembered.
    Reduced ghosting artifacts caused by translucent geometry being composited into the frame before the temporal anti-aliasing algorithms have run.
    Updated the flash bang effect to display an after-image of the moment the player got flashed.
    Reduced the chances of camera clipping when viewing the world from a ragdoll’s perspective.
    Polished multiple weapon models and textures for M16A4, M16A2, M9, AK-74, M24, L85A2, Mk 14 EBR, M249.
    Added new C79 scope model.
    Updated textures for AK foregrips.
    Added belt link ejection for M249 SAW.

    Map Balance & Fixes

    Optimized assets to reduce memory usage.
    Reworked HLODs to reduce draw calls.
    Reduced particle effects to improve performance and readability.
    Did an interior lighting pass to improve readability and performance.
    Fixed numerous gameplay and visual issues.
    Made various visual improvements.

    Optimized assets to reduce memory usage.
    Reduced particle effects to improve performance and readability.
    Reworked C objective on Push Insurgents scenario.
    Fixed numerous gameplay and visual issues.
    Made various visual improvements.

    Optimized assets to reduce memory usage.
    Reworked HLODs to reduce draw calls.
    Reduced particle effects to improve performance and readability.
    Made various gameplay adjustments to improve Push Insurgents scenario.
    Made various visual improvements.

    Known Issues
    Getting killed while vaulting can cause animation issues on respawn
    Trees in the Summit map have broken lighting, so we have temporarily removed the map from matchmaking. The map is still available for play on community servers and in local play. We will reintroduce the map to matchmaking as soon as this is addressed.
    Doors can appear desynced for certain clients after a map change on community servers
    The competitive Firefight matchmaking has been removed temporarily to improve user flow. It will return before launch

  13. #133
    AI Improvements
    Added shotguns to AI loadouts.
    Oh oh.

  14. #134
    J'ai envie de tester la beta publique, des canards intéressés par une session mumble demain ?

  15. #135
    On était toute la soirée dessus dans le chan Call Of Duty A voir pour demain, je passerai sûrement dans l'aprem ou le soir, je sais pas trop encore.

    Suite à la soirée passée :
    -> Gros taff effectué par nos gars sûrs, toujours des trucs à corriger/améliorer mais on sent que la release approche (patch de 7GB suivi de 2 hotfix, un de 330 MO et un autre de 32 MO)

    Le message du patron de NWI qui donne envie d'acheter ce jeu 10x (au moins) :

    This upcoming Wednesday marks a special day for our team and Insurgency fans. We finally unveil to you the culmination of years of hard work and passion our team has put into not only this project, but to the Insurgency series as a whole. Insurgency: Sandstorm takes the original Insurgency game from 2014 to a new era, with vastly improved visuals and expanded gameplay. While December 12th is the day of our long awaited PC release, it is far from the end for this game. No matter what kind of financial results we see from the launch, we remain committed to the game and its players.

    For those of you who are familiar with the original Insurgency, you may recall a similar history. The Insurgency you can play today in 2018 is not the same game as it was at its launch in January of 2014. Today’s version of Insurgency is the result of years of improvements and new content. That included new weapons, new maps, new game modes, new characters, new voice over, expanded mod support, and even new mechanics. This is the same type of treatment we plan to provide Insurgency: Sandstorm for years to come.

    Although we are proud of the work we have accomplished and the product we are delivering, we acknowledge that even by Wednesday there may still be some issues. The Open Beta should help us uncover anything especially problematic which can be addressed before launch on the 12th. In the days and weeks to follow, we will support the game with hotfixes and patches as necessary.

    Here is a sneak peek of some of the post-release initiatives we have planned for the months to come:
    - New maps including an upcoming construction site map with a destroyed compound as well as remakes of Ministry and Sinjar from Insurgency 2014.
    - New weapons including the PF940, MP5A2, MP5A5, VHS-2, QBZ-03, M240B, MG3, and even some classic weapons from Insurgency 2014 and Day of Infamy.
    - Further optimization to target a lower minimum spec and get the game running smoothly on consoles.
    - Mod support for things such as custom maps, weapon model replacements, and more.
    - Custom game feature allowing users to configure and host a customized game experience using our servers.
    - Photo mode utilizing UE4’s replay system.
    - Night maps and associated equipment including flashlights and night vision.
    - Support for other PC platforms including Linux and MacOS.
    - More which will in large part be determined by community demand.

    We look forward to the weeks, months, and years ahead where we will work alongside players to keep improving and expanding the experience. We are hoping to deliver our first content update no later than February.

    Thanks for playing our game. We hope you have fun, and we look forward to your feedback. See you ingame!

    Jeremy Blum
    Founder & CEO
    New World Interactive
    Pour avoir suivi de très près le jeu original depuis 2014, je sais que le suivi sera à la hauteur. Je vous encourage à tenter le jeu, ça manque peut-être d'un peu de fun, c'est clairement mieux à plusieurs mais : laissez-vous tenter, c'est free ce weekend.

  16. #136
    Citation Envoyé par KiwiX Voir le message
    On était toute la soirée dessus dans le chan Call Of Duty

  17. #137
    "New maps including an upcoming construction site map with a destroyed compound as well as remakes of Ministry and Sinjar from Insurgency 2014"

    Alors Ministry OK pourquoi pas mais Sinjar, noooooon je suis tristesse.

    J'aurais largement préféré Tell et Embassy les deux meilleurs maps au monde

  18. #138
    Sinjar c'est une très vieille aussi, elle date du mod.

  19. #139
    Ah Sinjar, que de bons souvenirs. Le mieux je pense c'était sa version nuit, avec juste quelques lampadaires et des phares de voitures

  20. #140
    Oui Sinjar et Buhriz doivent être les deux maps les plus jouées, mais bizarrement se sont celles que je déteste le plus.

    Déjà il faut une cohésion d'équipe incroyable (je parle pour le mode push) pour capturer les premiers objectifs et on voit bien que ces maps favorisent les snipers et les adeptes du camping.

    Alors c'est un style de jeu hein, mais je préfère largement des maps plus "urbaine" avec de moins grand couloirs, avec plus d’embranchements qui permettent de flank etc...
    Je trouve ça plus équilibré.

  21. #141
    Le mosin, c'est la vie.

  22. #142
    Ce jeu me fait grave de l'oeil (et on cherche un nouveau jeu multi avec un pote depuis que Hunt Showdown m'a un peu soulé).
    Mais j'ai joué très peu au premier car j'aimais pas trop le foutoir que c'était (vu que je jouais avec des random et que le respawn permanent n'aide pas), par contre j'adorais le feeling.
    Du coup on fait comment pour débuter sur ce jeu dans de bonnes conditions ? Il faut forcément jouer qu'avec des gens qu'on connait ? Y'a des modes de jeux à éviter ? Y'a beaucoup de canards dessus ?

  23. #143
    Citation Envoyé par schouffy Voir le message
    Du coup on fait comment pour débuter sur ce jeu dans de bonnes conditions ? Il faut forcément jouer qu'avec des gens qu'on connait ? Y'a des modes de jeux à éviter ? Y'a beaucoup de canards dessus ?
    Débuter dans de bonnes conditions ? Je ne sais pas ce que ça veut dire.
    Tu n'es pas obligé de jouer avec des gens que tu connais.
    Il n'y pas de mode de jeu à éviter, ça dépend de tes préférences.

    Sinon tu l'achètes, tu le test deux heures avec ton pote, et tu refund si ça ne te plaît pas. Difficile de répondre à des questions qui ne dépendent que de toi.

  24. #144
    Du coup ça tournait comment cette bêta ouverte ? Grosse amélioration ou c'est poussif ?

  25. #145
    Citation Envoyé par Stelarc Voir le message
    Du coup ça tournait comment cette bêta ouverte ? Grosse amélioration ou c'est poussif ?
    Les deux. Je tournais enfin à 60 FPS mais ce qui est affiché n'est vraiment pas foufou. Ils doivent revoir encore leurs copies. Ah et les chargements sont toujours très long : pour moi c'était des textures qui ne s'affichent pas au début pendant une longue minute, pour d'autres ils sont une éternité en chargement de la carte et ne peuvent même pas spawner pour le premier point en coop.
    Ma config pour info : 8 Go RAM, i5 @3.2GHz, AMD R9 390 8Go en 1080p.
    Dernière modification par Shep1 ; 11/12/2018 à 13h18.
    Uplay/Origin : Shep_FR -Steam
    Citation Envoyé par Willyyy Voir le message
    Au fond, on est bien

  26. #146
    Le SSD joue beaucoup j'ai l'impression.

  27. #147
    Environ 80 FPS tout en low c'est vraiment pas terrible pour le rendu affiché.
    BattleTag : Redlight#2926 - Origin : Redlight078 - Steam : Redlight - Uplay : Redlight-

  28. #148
    C'est ce que j'ai mais tout en ultra, t'as quoi comme matos ?

  29. #149
    J'espère que les cartes de nuit ne tarderont pas trop, c'était très cool pour varier les plaisirs. Si ils continuent sur leurs bonnes habitudes côté suivi ça devrait pas trop traîner.
    Jeux du moment : Hades, TEKKEN 8

  30. #150
    De mémoire : 1060 6Go, i5-4690, 16go DDR3.

    De quoi faire tourner Rainbow 6 en 120-140 fps.
    BattleTag : Redlight#2926 - Origin : Redlight078 - Steam : Redlight - Uplay : Redlight-

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