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  1. #301

    Pour toi Raoul, ça devrait aider :

    Dernière modification par Silver ; 19/03/2021 à 00h28.

  2. #302
    Yeqh !!

    Merci du coupde pate !!!!
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  3. #303
    Je suis retourné sur le serveur PVE qui est malheureusement vide, mais ça m'a permis de découvrir la grande ville de la carte, que je n'avais encore jamais visitée. Et bien, il y en a pour un moment avant d'en faire le tour.
    Je cherchais aussi à réparer la batterie d'une voiture et mettre de l'essence, mais je n'ai pas trouvé de jerrican ou de batterie, par contre, j'ai trouvé la station essence ainsi que des pinces de démarrage.

    Après, c'est pratique d'avoir un serveur vide pour découvrir le jeu sans risque, mais on perd la tension de tomber sur d'autres joueurs, sans compter que sur des cartes remplies, on peut aussi participer à des missions/death matches/etc.

    Je me rends quand même compte, après avoir joué avec Raoul qui découvrait, que le jeu n'est pas super accessible au débutant. Par contre, une fois qu'on a assimilé l'inventaire, les différentes façons d'utiliser des objets et surtout à quoi la plupart servent, je trouve qu'il y a une complexité qui apporte de l'intérêt.

    Et puis surtout, le jeu laisse pas mal de liberté. Quand on commence avec un nouveau perso on a le choix entre :
    - jouer la survie et crafter tous les outils et armes dont on a besoin, en plus de bâtir un camp en coupant du bois,
    - ou bien aller directement dans des zones habitées et looter les outils et armes, voire même de s'installer dans à peu près n'importe quel bâtiment en mettant des serrures et barricades.

    Donc si le craft a l'air repoussant à première vue, ce n'est pas la peine de se casser la tête avec. L'important est de savoir au moins se faire une lance (donc crafter le couteau, puis la lance) dès qu'on respawn, puisque ça permet de tuer des pantins, voire même des loups, vu que c'est ce qui m'est arrivé jeudi. En ville, on trouve d'ailleurs pas mal d'arcs ou arbalètes.

    Quelques images de la ville. Certaines grandes tours sont visitables sur presque tous les étages. Là encore, on peut aussi barricader certains appartements pour se faire une base si on le souhaite. Même si je doute que ce soit la bonne idée sur des serveurs PVP.

  4. #304
    Yop !! Je vais jouer ce soir si ya des motivés ! Ce coup si pas de craft ou très peu vu que j'ai oublié les enseignements de mon voisin du dessus... (pas tout)

    Ce coup si go dans les villes looter des gros trucs !!!!!
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  5. #305
    Spawn près de la grande ville, ok.
    Visiter deux villages assez proches, ok.
    Trouver un chouette sac a dos, de la bouffe, crafter une lance en metal, ok.
    Finir bouffer par trois cons de loup, ok.....

    Bon au moins j'ai pigé les bases
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  6. #306
    Gros patch !!!

    SCUM - DEAD WATER Update
    Hello everyone! The wait is over! Stretch out your sea legs because 0.5 has finally arrived!

    It has been a wild ride but we are finally here with the update, but you waited long enough so let's just get into the good stuff.

    Don't forget to check out the trailer as well:

    Vidéo YouTube™ : SCUM - 0.5 Patch Official Trailer
    Vues : 13 758
    It is finally here! The long awaited Dead Water update! Check out full patch notes here - Get the game -...

    Major update regarding the island, in more ways than one. Here is what awaits you:

    As you have seen before we have expanded the map with a new row and column of sectors!

    To the east you will find new wild lands, filled with cold tundra and dangerous mountain terrain, starting with a river that is moving south through lush forest area with a few buildings here and there giving that authentic rural feeling. Some bunkers remain here to there from former TEC01 operations , giving you access to that sweet high tear loot.

    These new sectors are named A0, B0, C0, D0 respectfully because where do you go from 1?

    And then we have South. You already saw it but we have a complete new island fleshed out and ready for players to entertain the SCUM audience worldwide on. New POIs docks and much more. As for the docks, more on that later but enjoy some screenshots for now.

    Brick factory

    First up of the new POI you will find, we have the brick factory. A common sight across Croatia as we are used to selling bricks to each other. If you are looking for them building materials, this will be a must visit location. Or just need bricks to throw at others, that works too.

    Weapons factory

    Next one up is the weapons factory. Highly dangerous new military area, filled with that sweet loot. Approachable by sea or land, just be careful about the still active mechs roaming around and other snipers waiting for you to exit with "their" loot.

    Small shipyard

    Here is something the RP community and fishermen will appreciate. A small shipyard in the middle of nowhere.


    It would not be true Croatian coastline without them windmills. One of the tallest landmarks on the island will make sure you will be able to meet your friends or foes with little issue on the island.

    And many more secrets wait for you on the island, but why spoil the surprise.

    Now new terrain is not the only change we have on the island. Let me introduce the next big change.

    We have completely revamped the weather system in the game. From day and night cycles, clouds and chance of rain to the night time and moon phases. It is a major overhaul, and it looks amazing if I may say so myself. Now I know what you are thinking, "Hey Dev team are you really gonna make it so just NASA computers can run this". Well worry not friends. Remember last patch how we mentioned 4.26 and how it was crucial for this one? There were a lot of optimizations for this, so the game will run smoother than it did. But without boring you with all the technical stuff let's just show you what we mean.

    The weather now also influences the waves as well, more wind and worse the weather is, the bigger the waves are.

    Now there were a lot of complaints about nights being too dark or too light depending on which version we are talking about. We promised we will look into it and do it properly and are now delivering on that promise. We now have simulated moon cycles. Depending on the weather and which moon cycle it is, you will now be able to see/not see more clearly at night.

    We have a new island, we have a new river, so it is time for some naval means of transportation. Boats
    are now available. There are different kinds of boats and we will divide them into 3 categories:

    Motor boats.

    Sail boats.

    Paddle boards

    By those categories it is pretty self explanatory, there are 3 different propulsion systems: Motors, sails and paddles. Let's start with the simplest one:

    Motor boats

    Well it's boat with a big ass motor attached to it, what more do you want? What more do you need? How they work is pretty simple. First off you will need some gas in the tank, then you need to enter the driver seat and start the engine. After that your boat goes brrrm and on your merry way you go.

    And if you happen to run out of fuel in the middle of nowhere, don't worry. The boats come with side paddles. Going to take a little longer and you will be prime target for snipers, but hey you are still moving.

    Paddle boards

    There are 2 in the game, the found on level PDU boards and craftable small rafts. The smallest and slowest in the game, but also the stealthiest. To operate it, you will not only need to craft or find the board you will also need to find or craft a paddle. Once you have both, you just climb on and paddle away.

    Sail boats

    Currently we only have one, but the support is there for possibly more. The improvised big raft is one of the new boats you can craft. it is a big one that can carry more people and inventory so it will require quite a bit of materials. On first hand sailing these boats might seem simple enough but it has nuances. Wind actually does matter. That is right, don't expect you will be able to just drop the sail and go whatever direction you wish. Direct the raft against the wind and it will slow you down, or even push you backwards. You will need to actually watch the wind and sail with it to get where you need to go.

    But the deep blue is not without it's dangers. Striking from the deep and just waiting for their prey, sharks now roam these waters. Sharp teeth, big fins, and swimming around humming dum dum dum dum dum, at least that's what moves showed me. So careful on the boats and don't fall off.

    If you do fall off and you see one of these magnificent creatures, swim hard and swim fast. Unfortunately for you, sharks are faster. So what happens when one snatches you? Well you still have a chance. A new minigame is set up: mash that F button, but not to pay respects, but to escape free. You have a little circle that you need to keep on green for the big circle to fill. Once full you have successfully escaped the jaws, for now.

    Alright survival fanatics, here is the one you've been wanting and asked for a long time. Fishy fish fishing. Lot of information here so pay close attention!

    Instead of making fish puns here, and trust me I have a lot of them, you will find the important details about fish, fishing equipment and how to actually fish. So let's start with fish and types.


    Size: S
    Weight: 0.1-0.4kg
    Predator: Yes

    Size: L
    Weight: 8-16kg
    Predator: Yes

    Size: L
    Weight: 5-10kg
    Predator: Yes

    Size: XL
    Weight: 2-4kg
    Predator: Yes

    Size: XXL
    Weight: 300-800kg
    Predator: Yes

    Freshwater fish.

    Size: M
    Weight: 1-3kg
    Predator: Yes

    Size: L
    Weight: 5-30kg
    Predator: Yes

    Size: M
    Weight: 1-3kg
    Predator: Yes

    Size: L
    Weight: 5-20kg
    Predator: No

    Size: M
    Weight: 2-5kg
    Predator: No

    Size: S
    Weight: 0.1-0.4kg
    Predator: No

    Size: M
    Weight: 2-4kg
    Predator: No

    Size: S
    Weight: 0.1-0.3kg
    Predator: No

    Prussian carp
    Size: M
    Weight: 0.2-1kg
    Predator: No

    Crucian carp
    Size: M
    Weight: 0.5-2kg
    Predator: No

    Now let's get to fishing itself.

    First thing you need the necessary tools: A rod, reel, line, bait, hook and floater.

    Here are all the available:

    You got it? Good, now read carefully.

    Once you have all of those equipped and the rod in your hands , if you enter combat mode or press left click, you will enter the first phase of fishing: casting the line. Depending how long you hold the left click, that's how far you will throw the line.

    After the line has hit the waters , you will have to keep an eye out for your floater. When it goes under water, press left click to yank the line and see if anything has been hooked. If a fish has bitten then you enter the second phase of fishing : the reeling.

    You will see a bar on your right side that will rise and fall as you reel and let go of your hooked fish. The fish will pull back and try to snap your line. Various fishing lines will have different strengths and you will be able to catch bigger fish. You can reel by using the scroll wheel (scroll down to reel the line closer, scroll up to release the line). You can also use the shift key to reel in faster. If you stay in the red zone for too long while trying to reel in your fish, your fishing line will snap and you will lose your line, floater, hook and bait so you will need to balance your reeling while fishing.

    If you manage to reel the fish in, you will see your catch in front of you, with a little window showcasing its length, weight, and if you want to keep the fish or release it back into the water.

    Keep in mind that you need different bait to capture different fish. We will let you experiment with that. A little hint, try converting the little fish into baits to catch bigger fish.

    Presenting the Automatic slingshot crossbow created by the one and only Jörg Sprave. Completely craftable this thing will make you one of the most feared people on the island. Especially once you load it with one of these:

    For all of you that wanted to RP Rambo we added explosive arrows and explosive bolts. Load it in, fire, wait for the beeping to stop, KABOOOM. We also added another new type of arrow and bolt to spread love on the island, but I'm not adding that here.

    As for audio changes, along all of the new sounds for the features implemented, we have another nifty little feature.

    You can now hear the direction the wind blows.

    Now Rale can't tweet I forgot about him in the patch notes again.

    Fixed the bug where some windows could not have window fortifications but they should.
    Cleaned some typos from descriptions.
    Multiple level fixes.
    Fixed the bug where it was able to drag traps after exploding.
    Fixed the bug where the game would sometimes crash when interacting with metal detectors.
    Fixed the bug where a cabin destroyed by decay would not destroy the doors as well.
    Fixed the bug where PROM mines were not detectable by metal detectors.
    Fixed the bug where you could place multiple doors on one frame.
    Fixed the bug where it would cost the same amount of resources to build 5m and 10m walls.
    Fixed the bug where the options menu could remain open when you resume the game.
    Fixed the bug where handguns could disappear when placed in damaged weapon holster.
    Fixed the bug where clients would not see chopping animations.
    Fixed the bug where chopping equipped clothes would not unequip them.
    Fixed lockpicking mouse sensitivity being overridden with drone mouse sensitivity.
    Fixed the bug when pistol is dropped when being dragged from container to prisoner back holsters
    Fixed items sometimes not dropping when destroying bb towers.
    Fixed the exploit where players could sometimes pass through walls.
    Reduced wetness extra weight for improvised bulletproof armor.

    Added new rebindable hotkeys for weapon malfunctions.
    Added Vulkan support to the launch options (experimental).
    You can now get full AKS47u, RPK and SVD sets in killboxes.
    Added craftable improvised bucket.
    Added ability to put out fires with liquids.
    Added ability to fill Gas Canisters with water.
    Added major streaming optimizations.
    Added the option to adjust Streaming speed
    Better FP animations when entering vehicles.
    The malfunction widget will now restrict the mouse cursor to pick one of its options, making aiming for those buttons a bit easier.
    Mines are now always triggered when walking over them.
    Added mouse raw input support.
    Wooden chests now decay faster if burried.

    Trap kills will now be logged even if the mine does not have an owner.
    Added new command:
    #SetTimeSpeed <Value>
    Sets the time of day speed to a specified value.

    New Jack City

    Two Servers dedicated to the players. Looking for a real adventure.
    Whether it’s on an official like server or maximum action PVP setting.
    You can find it with New Jack City servers.

    NEW JACK CITY - VANILLA -US EAST provides an Official Like experience with active and experienced admins. All are encouraged to come play and get their New Jack Hustle on. All the settings are the same as an official server. Play the game it was meant to be played with an admin staff watching out for true scum (cheats and hacks).

    NEW JACK CITY MAX provides an action packed and loot filled experience without the distractions of MECHS, MINES, and PLAYER MADE BASES (all those are turned off). What is turned on is loot and loot drops and the puppet hordes....We took the base game to the MAX on NEW JACK CITY MAX.

    PK condemned island

    PK initially brought Pathfinder back to SCUM , then Pathfinder reached out and invited PK to create a server within his community. Path-House-Condemned started 7 months ago, during this time we have been finding ways to build a unique server to offer our community some "purpose" during the development of the game, integrating QOL features within Discord and the server. We have Automated systems married with the organic interaction between players on the server, allowing players to complete Missions & Quests, hand in their hard earned bucks -efficiently, which are wipe protected and they are stored in our Trade Network in Discord, for you to complete player to player trade with. The Core of the server promotes survival and it offers many challenges for New and Veteran Prisoners a like, with a Boot camp with tutorials courtesy of Alistarz. Players here choose how they play, We just set the stage and all server features are Strictly optional. The servers actual debut will be at 0.5. The servers Season 2: Insurgence -'New Dawn' and will be under a NEW name: PK's -Condemned due to the sad departure of Pathfinder plays. Pathfinder plays leaving video:

    Vidéo YouTube™ : I'm Leaving... and I don't know when I'll be back
    Vues : 2 720
    Title: __________________________________________________ ___ ✔️SCUM SERVER: PH - Condemned: [PVPVERP] Trade Network, Survival, Low Loot, High Puppets, Missions, Bank System, Bounty System, Uber...

    Come and give us a try. We hope to see you there. Any questions feel free to DM PK ,Gunslinger or Kairos, who will be more than happy to help. Even though Pathfinder won't be around, feel free to join the community at Pathfinder Playhouse Discord
    -Thank you once again Pathfinder! x


    Survival heroes

    Established on May 1, 2019, our then still German community SH-Gaming has expanded further and has now been made accessible to English speakers.

    With us, the community decides on PvP and PvE zones as well as the strength and number of PvE opponents through regular voting.
    You too can take part!

    We have a successful roleplay trading system in which many people are involved and take on different roles. After 22 months we have managed to improve the whole system more and more.
    The dealers are waiting for you!

    With us you also get access to a very extensive bot system with:

    - Zombie hordes
    Huge hordes that appear randomly on the map.
    Equipped with high loot and guarded by zombies.
    - Vote Day and Vote Weather
    Voting for nice weather or time of day.
    - Kill ranking
    The top 3 expect big prizes every week.
    - lotteries
    The winner receives some 100 coins.
    - Drones shop
    240 different packages to buy.
    - Welcome package
    Everything you need including a car!
    - Free pack
    Every day a free pack for you.
    - Bank system
    Everything with money goes through the BOT and is not lost at WIPE.
    - Drones PvE protection
    The drone throws you in jail if you shoot one of them.
    - many more...

    PvP and PvE zones are drawn every 2 weeks by a random generator.

    Our admins have different rules, they are mostly there but don't play very much themselves. Admin abuse is strictly prohibited.

    You are also invited to be part of the totally different community of SH - Gaming. In which from young to old, PvP and PvE, everything is there.

    Server IP:
    Steam Group

    See you on the hotfix.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  7. #307
    Du monde pour tester le patch ce soir ?
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  8. #308
    J'aimerais me construire un abri ou une petite base... J'ai l'impression que c'est impossible vu les quantités de matériaux...
    Quelqu'un a déjà fait ?
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  9. #309
    À mon avis, ce n'est pas fait pour un joueur seul, ou alors il faut avoir beaucoup de temps devant soit. C'est surtout que c'est très long de devoir révolter et transporter le bois.

    Je trouve que c'est plus simple de barricader un bâtiment existant, même si pour verrouiller une porte il faut avoir suffisamment de prestige à dépenser. Et ça, on ne ne l'accumule qu'en faisant des actions (craft, kills, missions) pendant plusieurs heures sur un même serveur.

  10. #310
    Hum je vais voir pour trouver un verrou alors... juste histoire de pouvoir mettre un lit et un coffre.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  11. #311
    Alors, d'après mon dernier test, il faut looter 10 ou 12 cadenas pour crafter un verrou. Mais ça va très vite, il y en a plein dans les bâtiments avec des bureaux.

    Ensuite, il faut quand même 50 ou 100 de prestige pour faire le craft.

  12. #312
    Cool j'ai presque 200 de prestige !! Le truc c'est que claim une maison c'est bien mais apres il faut la trouver. Impossible de la marquer sur la carte, en ville elle va se faire piller direct et une maison isolé pareil...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  13. #313
    The long wait is over, we have another update for you! Highly requested features, from new location to new features and much needed bugfixes and optimizations, check out what awaits you:

    Introducing a new City down in the Z2 sector! That is right a city. Novigrad has been established and it truly shows the lure of Adriatic coastline cities.
    A bit smaller than the big City we have, but it still has all the good stuff. From beautiful beachfront, construction sites (always something under construction in Croatia), a once luxury hotel to small apartment buildings. If you can't take a trip to the Adriatic sea this is the next best thing, including mindless puppets and all!

    What is the name of the new city you ask? Novigrad. See you there!

    Well we teased it and some of you already guessed it, we have some updates on the base building front.

    Remember how we added the brick factory and some other construction sites, telling you how important they will be? Well the time is now. Introducing 2 new layers to the BB elements: brick and concrete.

    That is right. What you are still on your old wooden or metal walls? Weak. Time to go heavy construction.

    These new layers are hard and sturdy and will make explosive solutions to your defenses a bit more nullified. But there is a kicker. The materials for them are extremely rare. So rare in fact you can only gather them in 2 locations. Bricks in, well the brick factory. Cement and concrete materials we will leave for you to find.

    Btw told you that you will be selling bricks like a true Croatian.

    Removing elements made of metal, brick and concrete require blunt tool equipped not sharp tool.

    Doors on BB walls have only one new upper upgrade.

    We added a lot of new content since we introduced achievements so it is about time we caught up with them on the achievement side. Added a couple of new ones for all of you achievement hunters and stats comparison junkies. With the new achievements new stat trackers are in naturally as well.

    So here they are:

    Arrrlright you scurvy dogs. Yer might've seen the new pirate themed achievements here, yet what is a proper pirate without proper arrrtirre! Gear yourself mate and sail the sea.

    Are you hungry? Starving? Want some more food? We got you. First up traditional Croatian meal Mlinci! These bad boys are a must have for any real holiday meal.

    Next up we have the African Biltong! A special shoutout to our SA community, we see you, we hear you and are happy to provide.

    So here is the kicker. we heard your feedback and we took a deep dive into the optimizations. Both client and server side so you should see improvements, especially in populated areas where people like to build their own bases and the coastline. We are still, as always, monitoring the situation and looking into the feedback.

    Fixed the bug where sentries would sometimes duplicate themselves.
    Fixed the bug where WASD keys would not end autorun.
    Fixed the bug when player is underwater at night and there was no light.
    Fixed the bug where holographic sights would mess up when aiming at rivers.
    Fixed the bug where in some areas puppets would not spawn properly.
    Fixed the bug where crafting a torch could use stick bundles.
    Fixed the bug where some wrong icons would show up.
    Fixed the bug where closing chest inventory would prevent players form using the map.
    Fixed the bug where catching fish and releasing them would sometimes make them stuck in your hands.
    Fixed the bug where AKs would show wrong max ammo when RPK drum mag is equipped.
    Fixed the bug where practice trap did not have infinite defuse attempts.
    Fixed the bug when charging NVG the icon would not show charge level properly.
    Fixed the bug where alt tabbing out of the game in the middle of fishing would bug out the game.
    Fixed the bug where crafting explosive arrows would not use up arrows.
    Fixed the bug where censor mode would not work on corpses.
    Fixed the bug where improvised raft and bottom bed would not use materials properly.

    Disabled chats will now skip automatically when going through them in chat box.
    Reworked the item naming system ingame. This will result in chests loosing their names and will need to be set again.
    You can now store tree branches in log sheds.
    BB doors will now show absolute HP instead of percentages.
    Reduced the amount of gunpowder needed to craft explosive arrows/bolts.

    Other player markers now have different color on the map.

    New commands

    #ShowFlagInfo true / false (shows location and information of the flag on the map)
    #ShowFlagLocations true / false (shows location of the flag on the map)
    #ShowVehicleInfo true / false (shows location and information of vehicles on the map)
    #ShowVehicleLoactions true / false (shows location of vehicles on the map)

    New server settings
    EnableLockedLootContainers=1 / 0 (If this setting is set to 1 lockers in the world will be locked and players will need to either lockpick them or open them by force and if it's set to 0 all lockers will be unlocked and they will be free to search, this dose not include cargo drops whatever setting is set to cargo drop will always be locked)

    DisableBaseBuilding=0 / 1 (It was already functional and in the game but it wasn't shown in the ServerSettings.ini) (If commands are set to 0 players will be able to build BB elements and if it's set to 1 BB element's will not be able to get placed)

    Drone additions
    As a drone admins will now able to move items on the ground and in the chest, due to some limitations it won't be able to move items from chest to the ground. Moving the items can be done by pressing TAB that will then show mouse icon on the screen and you will be free to interact with items and chests in vicinity.

    New logs and addition to already existing logs
    Mine interactions like arming the mine, triggering the mine and disarming the mine will now be written down in Mines.log file with both owners of the mines / traps and victim.
    Now it is possible to see comatose logs under kill.log as separate input in the log file with information of the comatose player and the one responsible for his state.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  14. #314
    J'ai peut-être raté des trucs, mais il y a des nouvelles d'une éventuelle campagne solo (ou coop) ?

    Pendant pas mal de temps j'ai fait joujou et j'étais bien content, mais à un moment j'ai laché le jeu en espérant un truc un peu plus structuré à faire.

  15. #315
    Non rien a se sujet...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  16. #316
    Nouvelle grosse mise à jour avec la révision complète du menu de métabolisme et de soin, expliqué dans une annonce qui fait pratiquement office de Wiki pour la création de personnage :

    On a aussi droit à l'arrivée des motos, des revolvers, un terrain de motocross, une gare abandonnée et d'une ville isolée sur une île.

  17. #317
    Et oh !! c'est moi qui envoie les patchnotes !!!!

    Bon j'ai pas le temps en se moment mais c'est pas une raison ;p
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  18. #318
    C'est un peu des dingos les devs, maintenant il y a carrément des avions.

    Je préférerais un mode solo avec une progression dans le challenge et un peu de narration environnementale / textuelle, mais bon...

  19. #319
    Faudra que j'y refasse un saut... *Invoque Silver*

  20. #320
    Du gros travail dans ces mises à jour !

    J'y retournerais bien, mais pas avant quelques mois. J'ai plusieurs jeux spatiaux sur le feu là.

  21. #321
    Une nouvelle saison de Canard is the new black?

  22. #322
    On s'y met avec Sapro, Rust c'est trop simple !
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  23. #323
    On a réussi a se retrouver !!!




    Par contre j'ai un arc, des flèches et impossible de les tirer...
    Mon perso tire la corde mais le coup ne part pas...
    J'ai zéro en compétence arc mais quand même...
    Et c'est vraiment des bâtards de filer des flingues avec les munitions mais sans le chargeur ou celui d'une autres armes...

    Vla ya un nouveau clan cpc en ligne !!
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  24. #324
    J'AI réussi à te retrouver, nuance. Pendant que tu te gavais de bière à la ville j'ai crapahuté 1h30 à poil pour aller au point de rdv.
    Mais bien sûr une fois sur place le mec était pas là
    Alors j'ai traversé le pont et je l'ai trouvé tout bourré à l'autre bout.

  25. #325
    QUOI ! Je t'ai ramené une bière au point de rdv t'as même pas été foutu de la ramasser...
    C'est qui le bourré !
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  26. #326
    T'as pas réussi à la prendre non plus hein
    C'est facile d'inventer des histoires ensuite

  27. #327
    Tu as un carquois, pour les flèches ? Sinon, je crois que ce n'est pas possible de les décocher si elles sont dans un sac à dos. On peut crafter les carquois aussi.

  28. #328
    Ah non...
    Mais en vue interne mon perso met bien une flèche sur l'arc...
    Bon c'est ptet bugé...
    Jvai crafter ça j'espère que ça ne prendra pas la place de mon holster...
    Sinon ça te dis pas de reprendre du service avec nous ??
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  29. #329
    Ça me dirait mais je suis en décalage horaire complet par rapport à vous avec mon nouveau boulot. Si je joue le matin chez moi, ça ferait 15-18h pour la France.
    Et pour le moment, je ne suis pas vraiment dispo les weekends.

  30. #330
    Citation Envoyé par Silver Voir le message
    Ça me dirait mais je suis en décalage horaire complet par rapport à vous avec mon nouveau boulot. Si je joue le matin chez moi, ça ferait 15-18h pour la France.
    Et pour le moment, je ne suis pas vraiment dispo les weekends.
    Yop Silver.
    Ça m'arrive parfois de jouer dans tes créneaux horaires. Mais je joues en dilettante, pas très assidu... Je passe par du cloud gaming donc tu ne me verras pas jouer sur steam. Si je joue et que je te vois online sur steam je te laisse un message au cas-où

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