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  1. #301
    Oui, le Grems reste totalement pété Enfin, comparé au Kamikaze R, ça va
    Bon, sinon j'ai pu acheter le Fiji avant la fin de la promo (merci les premiums), la malédiction est brisée ! Et même stock, quel navire ! Totalement en papier mais avec SI, le +20% Repair Party, il ne me manque que la skill Concealment pour bien faire chier.
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  2. #302
    Citation Envoyé par Kamicaz Voir le message
    Je sais plus si je suis à 3 ou 4 victoires justement et aucuns moyens de le savoir....
    sur ce site tu as un récap de tes rangs en RB de mémoire !
    Battletag : Penible#2867
    Raptr / Steam / PSN

  3. #303
    Ah oui en effet bon je suis bien à trois, merci beaucoup.

  4. #304
    Petites news :
    - les dévs sont en train d'examiner les stats des DD japonais, au moins jusqu'aux 2 prochaines màjs
    - il n'est pas prévu d'ajouter une capacité d'arrêt d'urgence (équivalent au frein à main de WoT je suppose) dans le futur, et pour les dévs, ce ne serait pas une bonne idée
    - pas de buff dans le futur pour l'Indianapolis, nni sur le ruddeer shift time de l'Iowa et du Montana

    Le patchnote de la 0.6.1 est paru sur le serveur NA :
    0.6.1 Update Notes

    The update happens February 8; preparation begins at 02:00 PT/ 05:00 ET until 04:00 PT/ 07:00 ET. THIS time is only valid for NA!! EU probably on the 9th of Februray

    New Upgrades
    We're launching a new system of special upgrades available after earning various achievements and completing various activities. As of this update, they can be found in Supercontainers or earned for reaching high ranks in Ranked Battles Season 6. You can install them on specific ship classes or specific nations, while some are available only for a single ship.

    New upgrades are not available for Arpeggio or Dragon ships.

    Update 0.6.1 has an inventory tool to view all the assets you earned, obtained from Containers, or otherwise gained from battle -- some can even be sold! Available from account level 12, this tool is accessed from the account menu (the same place as Clans -- the upper left corner, where your nickname is).

    The Service Record level at which the "Inventory" feature is unlocked is integrated into the existing Service Record structure. Because of this, the Service Record progress scale changed:
    If you've earned 32,000 account XP to less than 37,000 account XP, Service Record Level 10 and the "Camouflage" feature unlock
    If you've earned 37,000 account XP to less than 42,000 account XP, Service Record status will remain unchanged at Level 10
    If you've earned 42,000 account XP to less than 52,000 account XP, Service Record Level 11 and the "Combat Missions and Challenges" feature unlock
    If you've earned 52,000 account XP to less than 82,000 account XP, Service Record Level 12 and the "Inventory" feature unlock, and you'll get the reward for reaching Level 12
    If you've earned 82,000 account XP to less than 122,000 account XP, Service Record Level 13 and the "Inventory" feature unlock, and you'll get the reward for reaching Level 12

    Service Record Level 14 and the "Inventory" feature will be unlocked for players who have earned 122,000 or more account XP. Also, they'll receive the reward for reaching Level 12.

    Ranked Battles
    They're coming back! The sixth Ranked Season starts shortly after Update 0.6.1, so get your favorite tier VII ships prepared and don't forget about new arrivals! Test your battle tactics on proven maps from prior seasons and in "Epicenter" mode on "Warrior's Path." You can now fight in Premiere League on "Big Race," "New Dawn" and "Fault Line" as well! There's a handsome reward for getting the ranks, and champions will get a special prize for achieving Rank 1 five times not counting the first season: the tier IX destroyer USS Black. Details are coming soon, so stay tuned!

    We've ended the special discount Co-Op Battle service cost, instead reducing Co-Op battle service cost by 25%
    We increased the XP and Credit rewards for capturing and defending sectors in "Epicenter" though the rest of the rewards were not decreased
    We expect the average XP per battle earned in "Epicenter" will increase by 8%, while average amount of Credits earned each "Epicenter" battle will also increase by 3%
    We increased the reward for spotting enemy ship torpedoes, (There's no reward for spotting enemy aircraft torpedoes,) and we expect the average XP per battle across all game modes players will increase by 1.5% XP, while the average amount of Credits earned each battle will also increase by 1.5%

    Now that you can sell Signal Flags using the Inventory feature, it's important to note that they will be sold for Credits, using the exchange rate effective at the moment of selling.
    "Zulu" (20% to credits earned in the battle): 12,000 Credits
    "Papa Papa" (+300% to Free XP earned in the battle): 12,000 Credits
    "Equal Speed Charlie London" (+50% to XP earned in the battle, +50% to Commander XP earned in the battle): 24,000 Credits
    "India Bravo Terrathree (-10% to the cost of the ship's post-battle service): 6,000 Credits
    "Zulu Hotel" (+50% to Commander XP earned in the battle): 9,000 Credits
    "India Delta" (+20% to the amount of HP recovered when the Repair Party consumable is used): 15,000 Credits
    "India Yankee" (-20% to time of fire extinguishing): 12,000 Credits
    "Juliet Yankee Bissotwo" (-20% to flooding recovery time): 3,000 Credits
    "Juliet Charlie" (-100% to risk of magazine detonation): 12,000 Credits
    "November Foxtrot" (-5% to reload time of consumables): 12,000 Credits
    "Hotel Yankee" (+50% to damage caused when ramming the enemy; -20% to damage received when ramming the enemy): 1,500 Credits
    "Sierra Mike" (+5% to the ship's maximum speed): 15,000 Credits
    "November Echo Setteseven" (+10% to average damage per second of AA mounts; +10% to average damage per second of self-defense armament for aircraft with rear gunners): 12,000 Credits
    "Victor Lima" (+1% to chance of causing fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm; +0.5% to chance of causing fire for bombs and shells with a caliber up to and including 160mm; +4% to chance of causing flooding): 24,000 Credits
    "India X-Ray" (+1% to chance of causing fire for bombs and shells with a caliber above 160mm; +0.5% to chance of causing fire for bombs and shells with a caliber up to and including 160mm; +5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonation): 18,000 Credits
    "Juliet Whiskey Unaone" (+15% to chance of causing flooding; +5% to the risk of your ship's magazine detonation): 6,000 Credits
    "Mike Yankee Soxisix" (+5% to secondary battery maximum firing range;-5% to maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells; -5% to secondary battery loading time): 6,000 Credits
    "Dragon" (+333% to Commander XP earned in the battle): 75,050 Credits

    In addition, the prices for Type 1 and Type 2 camouflage reduced:
    Type 1 (-3% to detectability range by sea): price reduced from 8,000 to 7,500 Credits
    Type 2 (+4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship): price reduced from 12,000 to 7,500 Credits
    The price for Type 5, and all unique camouflages with the same bonuses (-3% to detectability range by sea; +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship): remained the same: 22,500 Credits

    You can sell camouflage with the bonuses specified below the same way as Signal Flags:
    (+200% to Free XP earned in the battle): 7,500 Credits
    (-3% to detectability range by sea; +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship; +100% to XP earned in the battle): 75,000 Credits
    (-3% to detectability range by sea; +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship; +250% to Commander XP earned in the battle): 75,000 Credits
    (-3% to detectability range by sea; +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship; +100% to XP earned in the battle; +20% to credits earned in the battle): 90,000 Credits
    (-3% to detectability range by sea; +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship; +50% to XP earned in the battle; +50% to credits earned in the battle): 105,000 Credits
    (-3% to detectability range by sea; +4% to maximum dispersion of shells fired by the enemy attacking your ship; +333% to Commander XP earned in the battle; +20% to credits earned in the battle): 112,500 Credits

    Container Changes
    We've changed the range of items to get via Containers!

    Look for more ships earnable in Supercontainers:
    Belfast, Dunkerque, Prinz Eugen, Krasny Krym; Leningrad, Perth

    Other Changes
    Removed crate with 250 Signal Flags from Supercontainer rewards in exchange for the chance to get one of the new special upgrades instead
    Increased Supercontainer chance by 1.5x for: "More Credits," "More Signals and Camouflages," "More Consumables" and "Try Your Luck" selectable Containers
    The chance of getting a Supercontainer when the "Try Your Luck" Container type is selected still remains higher (to the same degree as before), compared to this chance for other Container types

    You asked for it, so we listened and changed the contents of crates inside standard Containers so they suit the corresponding Container type:

    For the "More Credits" Container:
    Higher chance to get two crates with 50,000 Credits in each crate, and a lower chance of getting camouflage, consumables, Signal Flags, places in the Reserve, and Port slots

    For the "More Signals and Camouflages" Container:
    Higher chance to get three crates with four Signal Flags in each crate (with different ones in each crate), or two crates with four Signal Flags in each crate plus one crate with five uses of Type 1/2 camouflage or one crate with two Type 5 camouflage
    Lower chance to get Free XP and places in the Reserve
    No chance to get Credits or consumables when this Container type is selected

    For the "More Consumables" Container:
    Each Container now includes 2 crates with 3 consumables in each crate (with different consumables in each crate). Items inside the third crate will still vary between Credits, Free XP, signals, camouflage, places in the Reserve, and Port slots.

    For the "Try Your Luck" Container:
    Each Container now includes either a crate with four Signal Flags of the same type

    Two sets of rare camouflage
    Free XP
    A Port slot

    Balance Corrections
    Improved some performance characteristics for a number of ships:

    Increased traverse speed of main turrets on:
    Ibuki: Main turret traverse speed increased from 5 degrees per second to 6 deg.
    T-22: Main turret traverse speed increased from 10.0 degrees per second to 10.5 deg.

    Improved survivability of:
    Pensacola: Detectability range by sea reduced from 15.66km to 12.78km
    Marblehead and Marblehead Lima: Rudder shift time reduced from 7.8s to 5.7s

    Main battery loading time reduced on:
    Erie: From 7s to 6s
    New Orleans: From 14s to 12s
    Baltimore: From 13s to 10 seconds
    Des Moines: From 6s to 5.5s

    Flooding duration was reduced by 25% -- from 120s to 90s -- and the maximum amount of HP that can be lost during flooding was modified. It will decrease for low and mid-tier ships, and increase for high tier ships, by making the parameter of "damage per second for flooding" parameter unified across all tiers at 0.067% HP per second. this means that, when flooding, any ship loses HP that rate during 90 seconds unless they use the "Repair Party". This should raise the importance of torpedoes in fights with heavy high tier ships, positively impacting the battle performance of Japanese destroyers, which rely on torpedoes with the highest chance to cause flooding.

    Penalties applied to ship speed during flooding were corrected so the penalty value is the same for ships of the same type:
    The penalty to forward and reverse speed was reduced from 35% to 20% for König Albert, Kaiser, König, and Großer Kurfürst and all US battleships except Arkansas Beta
    The penalty to the forward speed was reduced from 20% to 15% and increased on reverse speed from 15% to 26% for T-22, Ernst Gaede, Z-46, Ognevoi, Kiev, Leningrad, Udaloi and Khabarovsk
    The penalty to forward speed was reduced from 20% to 15% for Storozhevoi, Derzki, Izyaslav, Błyskawica, Smith ,and Tashkent.

    You can now replace sounds for main guns, secondary guns, and torpedoes with custom "user" sounds in MP3 format
    For a collection of custom sounds like key firing or torpedo launch sounds available in-game last year, please check our forum.

    Two changes implemented in previous updates:
    The "Pirate" voiceover is now selected from the "Voiceover modification" list in the "Audio" tab, labeled "English (Pirate)"
    Voiceovers for Arpeggio ships are now accessible to all players (including players who do not have any Arpeggio ships) in the "Voiceover modification" list in the "Audio" tab

    Interactive music system with new transition states: The score now reacts to changes in combat. The old music score for the timer was replaced with quiet ambient music, which immediately begins playing. When there are enemies in a radius of 17km, and when the player is detected by an enemy, the music switches to the new “detection” state, and when the distance to the enemy decreases, it grows more intense. When engaged, the music switches to the “battle” state, and when there are no enemies in sight, the music returns to quiet ambiance.

    Maps and Locations
    Changed settings for maps "Ocean" and "Shards":
    "Ocean" now available only to tier X battles and probability of seeing it has been lowered by 2x
    "Shards" now available for tier VII-IX battles and probability of seeing it has been lowered by 2x

    The look of "Ice Islands" and "Northern Lights" was significantly changed.

    Some slight revisions and small fixes that do not affect gameplay implemented on the following maps and locations:
    "The Atlantic"
    "Hot Spot"
    "Fault Line"
    "Two Brothers"
    "The Philippines" Port
    "New York" Port
    "London" Port
    "St. Petersburg" Port

    We've disabled the Bastion game mode to completely overhaul it in response to statistics and your helpful feedback. Our goal is to make it easier to understand, more fun to play, and more distinct from other modes.

    Implemented an option to switch to "Tactical Map" view by pressing "M" (default binding) when the player is in the Spectator Mode camera after their ship is destroyed
    During the login (authorization) process, the in-game browser will now display the "authorization" status
    Improved notifications about new features and content in the game client -- see the red circle on elements like tabs with new information -- now, the "expanding circle" animation will be displayed on these notifications from time to time to attract your attention, though it has no impact on notifications you've already checked
    Fixed text for a popup hint displayed when the cursor is placed on ship type selection checkboxes in the ship carousel filter -- now the name of the corresponding type will be displayed instead of text that says "Show ships of this type"
    Changed backgrounds of the matchmaker/summary screens for Co-Op and Random battles
    Fixed showing of exact number of earned achievements in the form of xN multiplier, where N is the number of achievements earned -- previously, it was not shown when you earned several achievements of the same type during a battle
    Fixed overlap of loading indicators for torpedo tubes and main guns
    Fixed the bug where the for forced reloading of torpedo tubes (default "F") was shown for a destroyed torpedo tube
    Aircraft Carriers: approach point will not be displayed after the air squadron passes this point and starts the actual attack run
    Expressed ship tiers using Roman numerals instead of Arabic numerals in the mission-limiting criteria displayed to show what specific type or tier of ships a player should use

    With the introduction of new upgrades, we modified the display order for upgrade slots 2 and 3 -- New upgrades always display below the "normal" upgrades.
    Upgrade Slot 2: "Aiming Systems Modification 1" upgrade was moved to become the last of "normal" upgrades
    Upgrade Slot 3: "Gun Fire Control System Modification 2" upgrade was moved from the first to the third position in the list (second position for tier IX-X battleships)
    "Main Battery Modification 3" upgrade was moved to the first position

    Optimized popup hints shown when the cursor is on a ship in the carousel -- most noticeable if you have a low-performance computer or chose to display several rows of ships in the carousel.

    Ship Exterior Changes
    We made corrections to the appearance of several tier V-VI ships using a special technology for improved rendering of thin elements (mostly the ship's rigging; without affecting game performance,) on the following ships:
    Kamikaze and Kamikaze R
    Marblehead and Marblehead Lima

    Fixes and Improvements
    Now, unless you have more than 12 "clouds" of smoke when the "Smoke Generator" consumable deactivates (runs out of time) you'll always get one more cloud of smoke -- this is great for British cruisers, which have a short "Smoke Generator" duration
    Gnevny: Improved superstructure model by adding previously missing 10mm horizontal armor plate below range finder station
    Dunkerque: Fixed armor layout of secondary turret barbettes and added a 120mm horizontal plate between the turret and its barbette for all three quad turrets housing 130mm secondary guns, fixed flickering of middle secondary turret when in the "Armor Layout" viewer
    Commander Skill "Adrenaline Rush" now works for the secondary battery

    "Honorable Service" Campaign
    Task description amended for fourth task of the third mission and fourth task of the fifth mission: You should be the first to spot the enemy target
    Task description amended for 12th task of the ninth mission: Task can be completed only with aircraft carriers
    Now the ships and their accompanying effects like markers and shadows will "fade in" and "fade out" smoothly rather than appearing or disappearing instantly
    Replaced icon for "Propulsion Modification 2" upgrade
    Fixed where some ships received overpenetrating hits without taking any damage
    Fixed occasional issue with being unable to re-enter the battle after the game crashed
    Fixed error where victory music was played in Port after a battle that ended in defeat
    Updated text of popup hints in post-battle statistics screen
    Fixed issue when purchasing a ship without a Commander after selecting the "Assign Commander" option and opening the Commander screen before clicking "Purchase Ship" in the carousel -- it was impossible to proceed along the tech tree to purchase a ship unavailable in Port
    Fixed incorrect display of shell flight time if firing range upgrade was mounted and spotting aircraft was activated
    "Evasive Maneuver" Skill now works according to its description

    New Content
    Commemorative flag granted for achieving Rank 15 in the Sixth Season of Ranked Battles: "Flag of a Naval Fortress Commandant"
    Event flag: "The Award of Merit"

    Valentine's 2017:
    "Valentine's 2017" Commemorative Flag
    "Valentine's 2017" Temporary Camouflage
    Costs 60 Doubloons
    +100% to XP earned in the battle
    +100% to Commander XP earned in the battle
    Standard battle performance bonuses to detectability range by sea and to the maximum dispersion of shells fired by an enemy attacking your ship

    New Ships for Testing
    Added researchable Soviet destroyers; Okhotnik (Premium Soviet destroyer); and USS Black (Premium US destroyer).
    Cool on va pouvoir revendre les fanions inutiles, moins cool, on va avori droit à moins de containers intéressants ...
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  5. #305
    Pensacola: Detectability range by sea reduced from 15.66km to 12.78km
    Cool mais ça suffira pas seul. Mais vraiment cool.

    "damage per second for flooding" parameter unified across all tiers at 0.067% HP per second.
    Heu. Un Iowa ne perdrait alors que 53 HP/s/flooding soit 4770 sur une voie d'eau complète de 90 secondes. C'est un buff ça ?

    "Ocean" now available only to tier X battles and probability of seeing it has been lowered by 2x
    C'est toujours trop
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  6. #306
    La meilleure nouvelle de ce patch reste la suppression du mode Bastion.

    Autre truc cool avec la vente des drapeaux, hier j'ai récupéré un supercontainer avec 250 drapeaux "Juliet Whiskey Unaone" (le truc perave qui augmente le chances de provoquer une inondation de 15%), du coup ça me fait 1 500 000 crédit !

  7. #307
    le truc perave qui augmente le chances de provoquer une inondation de 15%
    Perrave ? La vache, dès que t'as un navire qui compte sur ses torpilles pour faire du dégât, c'est ultra violent. Foutre en feu un navire pour qu'il répare juste avant de lui foutre plusieurs voies d'eau, et ensuite le regarder paniquer
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  8. #308
    Vous pouvez désormais remplacer les sons des canons principaux, des canons secondaires et des torpilles par des sons personnalisés au format MP3

    Ahahah, alors ça si c'est pas un appel à la connerie je sais pas ce que c'est. In b4fore les vidéos en North Carolina avec les 203 millimètres qui tirent avec des rafales de bruits de pets.

    Edit: Eûark le camouflage spécial Saint-Valentin. Même ici on nous casse les couilles avec cette fête

  9. #309
    Citation Envoyé par fenrhir Voir le message
    Perrave ? La vache, dès que t'as un navire qui compte sur ses torpilles pour faire du dégât, c'est ultra violent. Foutre en feu un navire pour qu'il répare juste avant de lui foutre plusieurs voies d'eau, et ensuite le regarder paniquer
    Bof, les seuls navires comptant sur leurs torpilles que j'utilise sont les dd japonais et en général avec ces navires c'est plutôt la partie incendie du programme qui est difficile à réaliser.
    En plus il y a le risque accru de détonation qui me gêne, bref ça me parait tout perrave !

  10. #310
    Citation Envoyé par Agano Voir le message
    Vous pouvez désormais remplacer les sons des canons principaux, des canons secondaires et des torpilles par des sons personnalisés au format MP3

    Ahahah, alors ça si c'est pas un appel à la connerie je sais pas ce que c'est. In b4fore les vidéos en North Carolina avec les 203 millimètres qui tirent avec des rafales de bruits de pets.
    C'est seulement côté client, comme les skins.

    Citation Envoyé par fenrhir Voir le message
    Perrave ? La vache, dès que t'as un navire qui compte sur ses torpilles pour faire du dégât, c'est ultra violent. Foutre en feu un navire pour qu'il répare juste avant de lui foutre plusieurs voies d'eau, et ensuite le regarder paniquer
    A part sur les porte-avions, oui c'est quasi inutile car le gain est ridicule.

     Name                       |   Speed   |   Max    | Damage |  Detect  | React  |  Arm   | Flood%  |   Nation   | Ships
    ----------------------------|-----------|----------|--------|----------|--------|--------|---------|------------|------ - - -
    533 mm 53-38                |  65.00kts |   4.02km |  14400 |   1.30km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 240.00% | Pan-Asia   |  Anshan
    533 mm 53-51                |  60.00kts |   8.01km |  14400 |   1.20km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 240.00% | Pan-Asia   |  Anshan
    533 mm Mk15 mod. 0          |  55.00kts |   9.15km |  11600 |   1.10km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 190.00% | Pan-Asia   |  Lo Yang
    533 mm Mk31                 |  68.00kts |   6.00km |  16633 |   1.40km |  7.41s |  1.00s | 279.00% | Pan-Asia   |  Lo Yang
    533 mm Mk 10                |  57.00kts |   8.01km |  14400 |   1.20km |  7.58s |  1.00s | 240.00% | Poland     |  Błyskawica
    533 mm Mk II                |  53.00kts |   6.00km |  10000 |   1.10km |  7.47s |  1.00s | 160.00% | U.K.       |  Danae, Caledon
    533 mm Mk IV                |  57.00kts |   7.50km |  11966 |   1.20km |  7.58s |  1.00s | 196.00% | U.K.       |  Campbeltown
    533 mm Mk IX                |  61.00kts |   8.01km |  15433 |   1.30km |  7.67s |  1.00s | 257.00% | U.K.       |  Fiji, Leander
    533 mm Mk IX*               |  61.00kts |   8.01km |  15866 |   1.30km |  7.67s |  1.00s | 265.00% | U.K.       |  Edinburgh, Fiji
    533 mm Mk IX**              |  62.00kts |   9.99km |  15533 |   1.30km |  7.55s |  1.00s | 259.00% | U.K.       |  Neptune, Edinburgh
    533 mm Mk IXM               |  62.00kts |   9.99km |  16766 |   1.30km |  7.55s |  1.00s | 282.00% | U.K.       |  Neptune, Minotaur
    533 mm Mk V                 |  59.00kts |   6.00km |  11966 |   1.20km |  7.32s |  1.00s | 196.00% | U.K.       |  Danae, Emerald
    533 mm Mk VII               |  59.00kts |   6.00km |  15733 |   1.20km |  7.32s |  1.00s | 262.00% | U.K.       |  Emerald, Leander
    533 mm Mk15                 |  55.00kts |   9.15km |  11600 |   1.10km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 190.00% | U.S.A.     |  Mahan, Benson
    Bliss Leavitt Mk3           |  48.00kts |   4.50km |   6400 |   1.00km |  7.50s |  1.00s |  99.00% | U.S.A.     |  Wickes
    Bliss Leavitt Mk7 mod. 0    |  54.00kts |   4.50km |   6033 |   0.90km |  6.00s |  1.00s |  94.00% | U.S.A.     |  Smith, Sampson
    Bliss Leavitt Mk7 mod. 5A   |  35.00kts |   3.21km |   8500 |   1.10km | 11.31s |  3.50s |  63.00% | U.S.A.     |  Langley
    Bliss Leavitt Mk9 mod. 1    |  49.00kts |   8.22km |   6233 |   1.00km |  7.35s |  1.00s |  96.00% | U.S.A.     |  Marblehead
    Bliss Leavitt Mk9 mod. 1b   |  56.00kts |   5.04km |   9900 |   1.10km |  7.07s |  1.00s | 159.00% | U.S.A.     |  Clemson, Wickes
    Mk11                        |  56.00kts |   5.49km |  11733 |   1.10km |  7.07s |  1.00s | 192.00% | U.S.A.     |  Nicholas, Clemson, Phoenix, Omaha, Farragut
    Mk12                        |  64.00kts |   6.39km |  11733 |   1.30km |  7.31s |  1.00s | 192.00% | U.S.A.     |  Mahan, Buffalo, Farragut
    Mk13 mod. 0A                |  34.00kts |   3.66km |   9866 |   1.50km | 15.88s |  3.40s |  71.00% | U.S.A.     |  Bogue, Midway, Essex, Ranger, Lexington, Independence, Saipan
    Mk15 mod. 0                 |  65.00kts |   5.49km |  11600 |   1.30km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 190.00% | U.S.A.     |  Sims
    Mk15 mod. 3                 |  55.00kts |   9.15km |  16633 |   1.10km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 279.00% | U.S.A.     |  Fletcher, Flint, Benson
    Mk15 mod. 3                 |  65.00kts |   4.50km |  16633 |   1.30km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 279.00% | U.S.A.     |  Atlanta
    Mk16 mod. 1                 |  66.00kts |  10.50km |  19033 |   1.40km |  7.64s |  1.00s | 323.00% | U.S.A.     |  Fletcher
    Mk17                        |  66.00kts |  16.50km |  17900 |   1.40km |  7.64s |  1.00s | 301.00% | U.S.A.     |  Gearing
    Mk8 mod. 2B                 |  49.00kts |   9.15km |   8500 |   1.00km |  7.35s |  1.00s | 135.00% | U.S.A.     |  Sims
    Whitehead Mk5               |  49.00kts |   4.50km |   5900 |   0.80km |  5.88s |  1.00s |  91.00% | U.S.A.     |  Sampson
    G7                          |  58.00kts |   4.02km |  10433 |   1.10km |  6.83s |  1.00s | 170.00% | Germany    |  Karlsruhe
    G7a T1                      |  64.00kts |   6.00km |  13700 |   1.30km |  7.31s |  1.00s | 227.00% | Germany    |  Nürnberg, Tirpitz, Hindenburg, Roon, Gneisenau, Hipper, Königsberg, Yorck
    G7a T1                      |  64.00kts |   6.00km |  13700 |   1.30km |  7.31s |  1.00s | 227.00% | Germany    |  Prinz Eugen
    G7a T1                      |  64.00kts |   6.00km |  13700 |   1.30km |  7.31s |  1.00s | 227.00% | Germany    |  Scharnhorst
    H8                          |  57.00kts |   6.00km |  11200 |   1.40km |  8.84s |  1.00s | 180.00% | Germany    |  Karlsruhe
    53-27                       |  65.00kts |   5.01km |  13200 |   1.30km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 217.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Krasny Krym
    53-36                       |  64.00kts |   4.02km |  14400 |   1.30km |  7.31s |  1.00s | 240.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Gnevny, Kirov
    53-36 mod. 2                |  55.00kts |   8.01km |  14400 |   1.10km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 240.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Udaloi, Tashkent, Dm. Donskoi
    53-38                       |  65.00kts |   4.02km |  14400 |   1.30km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 240.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Gnevny, Ognevoi, Budyonny, Molotov
    53-38U                      |  65.00kts |   4.02km |  17933 |   1.30km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 302.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Chapayev, Kiev, Tashkent
    53-39                       |  55.00kts |   8.01km |  14400 |   1.10km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 240.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Gremyashchy, Murmansk
    53-39 mod. 1                |  70.00kts |   4.02km |  15100 |   1.40km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 250.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Ognevoi, Kiev, Shchors
    53-39 mod. 2                |  60.00kts |   8.01km |  15100 |   1.20km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 250.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Leningrad
    53-39 mod. 2                |  60.00kts |   8.01km |  15100 |   1.20km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 250.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Udaloi
    53-39 mod. 3                |  56.00kts |   9.99km |  15100 |   1.10km |  7.07s |  1.00s | 250.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Khabarovsk
    53-51                       |  60.00kts |   8.01km |  14400 |   1.20km |  7.20s |  1.00s | 240.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Kutuzov
    ET-46                       |  53.00kts |   6.00km |  19500 |   1.10km |  7.47s |  1.00s | 332.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Khabarovsk
    Torpedo Model 1908          |  45.00kts |   4.02km |   6133 |   0.70km |  5.60s |  1.00s |  96.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Storozhevoi
    Torpedo Model 1910          |  51.00kts |   4.02km |   6166 |   0.80km |  5.65s |  1.00s |  96.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Derzki, Storozhevoi, Izyaslav
    Torpedo Model 1912          |  52.00kts |   5.01km |   7233 |   0.80km |  5.54s |  1.00s | 115.00% | U.S.S.R.   |  Izyaslav, Svietlana
    Type 92                     |  68.00kts |   6.99km |  14400 |   1.40km |  7.41s |  1.00s | 240.00% | Japan      |  Isokaze, Minekaze
    450 mm Type44 mod. 2        |  48.00kts |   8.01km |   6800 |   0.80km |  6.00s |  1.00s | 107.00% | Japan      |  Umikaze
    533 mm Type44 mod. 2        |  57.00kts |   6.99km |   9066 |   1.20km |  7.58s |  1.00s | 145.00% | Japan      |  Katori, Tenryu, Wakatake
    533 mm Type6                |  57.00kts |   6.99km |  10833 |   1.20km |  7.58s |  1.00s | 175.00% | Japan      |  Kuma, Isokaze, Wakatake
    Type 92                     |  68.00kts |   6.99km |  14400 |   1.40km |  7.41s |  1.00s | 240.00% | Japan      |  Kamikaze R, Fūjin, Kamikaze
    Type F3                     |  76.00kts |   8.01km |  21366 |   1.90km |  9.00s |  1.00s | 361.00% | Japan      |  Kagero, Shimakaze, Zao
    Type42 mod. 1               |  44.00kts |   5.01km |   6133 |   0.70km |  5.73s |  1.00s |  96.00% | Japan      |  Umikaze, Tachibana
    Type8                       |  63.00kts |   6.00km |  14600 |   1.60km |  9.14s |  1.00s | 240.00% | Japan      |  Furutaka, Yūbari, Mutsuki
    Type8 mod. 2                |  59.00kts |   9.99km |  16266 |   1.50km |  9.15s |  1.00s | 269.00% | Japan      |  Myoko, Hatsuharu, Furutaka, Iwaki A, Aoba, Mutsuki
    Type90 mod. 1               |  62.00kts |   9.99km |  17233 |   1.60km |  9.29s |  1.00s | 287.00% | Japan      |  Atago, Tone, Ibuki, Mogami, Myoko, Hatsuharu, Fubuki, Kitakami
    Type90 mod. 2               |  57.00kts |  15.00km |  17233 |   1.40km |  8.84s |  1.00s | 287.00% | Japan      |  Fubuki
    Type91 mod. 1A              |  35.00kts |   3.36km |   8566 |   1.30km | 13.37s |  3.50s |  63.00% | Japan      |  Taiho, Hosho, Shokaku, Hiryu, Hakuryu, Ryujo, Zuiho
    Type93                      |  62.00kts |  20.01km |  20966 |   2.50km | 14.52s |  1.00s | 355.00% | Japan      |  Kagero, Shimakaze
    Type93 mod. 2               |  67.00kts |   9.99km |  20966 |   1.70km |  9.13s |  1.00s | 355.00% | Japan      |  Ibuki, Kagero, Fubuki
    Type93 mod. 3               |  67.00kts |  12.00km |  23766 |   1.90km | 10.21s |  1.00s | 406.00% | Japan      |  Shimakaze
    Citation Envoyé par multiplex66 Voir le message
    bande de naze

  11. #311
    En plus il y a le risque accru de détonation qui me gêne, bref ça me parait tout perrave !
    Ben, flag -100% Détonation, dans tous les cas sur un DD...

    A part sur les porte-avions, oui c'est quasi inutile car le gain est ridicule.
    Hmwokay, mais comment ça marche exactement ? Parce que toutes les torpilles ne font pas de flooding (ce qui devrait être le cas avec genre 355% sur le Tier 9 IJN). Loin de là. Du coup, est-ce que ce petit bonus ne permet pas de franchir un seuil, le rendant utile (façon IFHE) ?
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  12. #312
    -100% + 5% = 5% de risque de détonation.

    Pour les floodings, c'est une formule assez proche comme celle pour les incendies. Grooso modo, chaque tier a une chance de base d'avoir une voie d'eau, et la protection anti -torpilles est soustraite des chances de voie d'eau de la torpille.

    Mais sur le principe, Wanna a raison, ce fanion est à réserver aux CV (qui ne peuvent pas détonner et ont des chances de voie d'eau assez faibles).

    Edit : ras le cul d'enchaîner des teams de merde que je peux pas carry en Gaede. Un peu de free XP et me voilà avec un Maas. 5 canons de 128 mm, ça devrait au moins permettre d'avoir un peu plus que ces saletés de 150 ...
    Hannibal Smith : "Overkill is underrated !"

  13. #313
    Citation Envoyé par fenrhir Voir le message
    Hmwokay, mais comment ça marche exactement ? Parce que toutes les torpilles ne font pas de flooding (ce qui devrait être le cas avec genre 355% sur le Tier 9 IJN). Loin de là. Du coup, est-ce que ce petit bonus ne permet pas de franchir un seuil, le rendant utile (façon IFHE) ?
    Je n'ai pas trouvé de formule et le wiki indique seulement ceci :

    Flooding Chance

    The probability of a ship flooding depends on where it is struck by the torpedo (or rammed by the enemy ship), the presence of upgrades on the damaged ship (specifically, Damage Control System Modification 1), and the signals mounted on both ships (Juliet Whiskey Unaone increases the chance of causing a flood; Victor Lima increases the chance of receiving one). Many ships — most battleships and aircraft carriers, as well as some heavy cruisers — have torpedo bulges built into their citadel armor that reduces not only damage taken from the torpedo, but the chance that the torpedo will cause flooding.
    Un changement doit être possible suivant les cas mais de l'avis général c'est relativement imperceptible sur les DDs .

    Citation Envoyé par Noir le Lotus Voir le message
    -100% + 5% = 5% de risque de détonation.
    Note: This flag reduces detonation chance to zero, regardless of other modifiers that may increase the chance of detonation (such as India X-Ray and Juliet Whiskey Unaone).
    Dernière modification par Wannamama ; 08/02/2017 à 00h08.
    Citation Envoyé par multiplex66 Voir le message
    bande de naze

  14. #314
    OK merci tous les deux.
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  15. #315
    Hindenburg débloqué. Roh les salves à 13k sur un yamato de flanc.

  16. #316
    Citation Envoyé par Psychocouac Voir le message
    Hindenburg débloqué. Roh les salves à 13k sur un yamato de flanc.
    Attends de découvrir les salves à multiples citas sur des Iowas de flanc.
    Citation Envoyé par Ivan Le Fou Voir le message
    Mais il y a pas mal de gens ici qui confondent "Ils ont fait des choix différents de mes goûts & habitudes" avec "c'est de la merde".

  17. #317
    Ça va être plus dur une fois qu'il aura sa citadelle rabaissée.

  18. #318
    Citation Envoyé par Krogort Voir le message
    Ça va être plus dur une fois qu'il aura sa citadelle rabaissée.
    Ca marche aussi sur le NC.
    Citation Envoyé par Ivan Le Fou Voir le message
    Mais il y a pas mal de gens ici qui confondent "Ils ont fait des choix différents de mes goûts & habitudes" avec "c'est de la merde".

  19. #319
    Déjà hier en Fiji, les salves à 6K sur le Colorado à 10 bornes, c'était bien moche, avec le RoF
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  20. #320
    Citation Envoyé par ERIC PAPE Voir le message
    Ca marche aussi sur le NC.
    C'est vrais que même en Dimitri Donskoi ça m'est arrivé de citadel des NC. Mais c'était assez aléatoire.
    Le blindage des BB US prend un sacré coup après le T7.

  21. #321
    C'est marrant j'avais des coques (A) d'Amagi et de Nagato dans mon inventaire.
    J'ai pourtant vendu ces navires il y a longtemps.

  22. #322
    Moi aussi, ca montre bien que les procedures de reprise de WG sont pas forcement bien testees.

    L'inventraire c'est tellement bien qu'on se demande encore pourquoi ce n'etait pas dans le jeu des le depart. En me connectant ce matin j'avais 200k credits. Apres avoir revendu mes modules stocks et 500 fanions pour CV gagnes dans des super containers, j'ai 16 millions ...

  23. #323
    Ha vous faites bien d'en parler j'avais oublié

    Edit : bon, j'ai que 7 miyons en banque mais parce que j'ai pu me payer les 10 miyons de modules en retard
    OP mis à jour avec quelques infos (par contre certaines images du blog de WG ont dégagé, je vais devoir trouver des remplaçantes, zut).
    Dernière modification par fenrhir ; 09/02/2017 à 11h34.
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  24. #324
    Gros nerf sur les recompenses en RB : moins de credits, de golds, de fanions et de camos mais a la pace vous pouvez gagner ces stupides upgrades qui affectent les conso.

    Bref encore moins de raison de vouloir jouer les RB cette saison. Faites au moins une partie pour chopper les recompenses des premiers rangs et ceux donnes par les etoiles gagnees lors des RB precedentes, mais ca ne vaut pas le coup d'insister on dirait ...

  25. #325
    Ouais clairement, je crois que je vais farmer le ranked trèèèèèèèèèèès tranquillement.
    Hi, I'm Elfo !

  26. #326
    Hier soir: 500k crédit. Ce matin: 18 000 000 rien qu'avec les éléments. 20M l'ensemble et encore j'ai revendu aucun camo/fanions/équipe de réparation II (j'en ai 611).

  27. #327
    J'ai un soucis avec l'inventaire, impossible de l'ouvrir. Le jeu reste bloqué avec l'icone de chargement (l'ancre avec le cercle bleu qui tourne autour) et quedalle.

    Edit : ah si c'est bon, bordel c'était long à s'ouvrir.
    Hi, I'm Elfo !

  28. #328
    Citation Envoyé par Noir le Lotus Voir le message
    Gros nerf sur les recompenses en RB : moins de credits, de golds, de fanions et de camos mais a la pace vous pouvez gagner ces stupides upgrades qui affectent les conso.

    Bref encore moins de raison de vouloir jouer les RB cette saison. Faites au moins une partie pour chopper les recompenses des premiers rangs et ceux donnes par les etoiles gagnees lors des RB precedentes, mais ca ne vaut pas le coup d'insister on dirait ...
    Oui mais rien que le Flint a lui seul vaut le coup de se bouger le cul avec le Black j'en parle même pas.

  29. #329
    D'ailleurs, c'était sympa là, division Flint/Belfast, comment dire...
    Ça va être sympa en Ranked
    Après, nul doute que le mec en Flint le mérite, heing. Mais pouvoir ramener ce genre de truc en Ranked, c'est juste...
    Citation Envoyé par ackboo
    La torpille de World of Warships est l'arme la plus jouissive depuis le railgun de Quake 3.

  30. #330
    Ou qu'il a une carte bleue. Le Flint était en vente à Noël.

    Erreur de ma part, c'était le Smith qui était en vente.
    Dernière modification par Sigps220 ; 09/02/2017 à 14h24.

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