au fait c'est quoi tes jeux?
bon, comme je suis sympa, je vous balance le may developing report de transgaming (cedega):
bon grosso modo après avoir intégré les pixel shaders et vertex shaders 2.0, il s'attaque a ceux qui ont fait leur entrée avec dx9.0c, a savoir les shaders 3.0. Ils prevoyent donc de faire tourner supreme commander a la prochaine grosse mise a jour de cedega.
bon, on crache souvent sur cedega (sapu, caypaslibre, caypayant, caylemal) n'empeche que ça peut rendre des services. Je fais par exemple bien tourner BF2(sans punkbuster toutefois) et oblivion avec.
bon, comme je suis sympa, je vous balance le may developing report de transgaming (cedega):
May Development Status & Voting Report
Spring has finally arrived in full force, and with it some beautiful weather and new life! A number of TransGaming families have had additions to their numbers over the past couple of months. Congratulations and welcome to the new arrivals! We can't wait until they are ready to start coding! In spite of the lack of sleep, we released Cedega 6.0 and tackled a number of new projects. Read on for the full details.
Technology Progress
Last month we released Cedega 6.0, which added support for Shader Model 2.0. Following the release we started implementing support for Shader Model 3.0. So far, we've added preliminary support for most of the 3.0 shader syntax and have a number of samples and several games working with 3.0 shaders. Full 3.0 shader support still requires us to implement other rendering features in addition to the shader language changes.
We also took the opportunity to do some refactoring and add other improvements to our framebuffer object code. OpenGL restrictions for matching various types of rendering buffers are more stringent than their D3D counterparts and hence some of our error handling had become rather convoluted. Thus we have rewritten portions of it to be cleaner and at the same time we eliminated some potential memory leaks in certain error cases.
Continuing on the graphics side, we have been looking at various ways to increase our performance. As usual, this work is accompanied by lots of profiling and head scratching. We've been able to reduce some OpenGL state setting and eliminate some unnecessary OpenGL queries. We have also been doing some preliminary investigation into improving shader performance. Assuming this works out, it should help to minimize delays at loading time and take better advantage of the graphics hardware.
In the non-graphical areas, we have been working to improve Cedega's support for newer copy protection systems used by games such as Neverwinter Nights 2, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, Supreme Commander, and others. To help some installers along their way, we also made our DLL loading code more compatible with some quirky behavior seen under Windows.
On the Cedega User Interface side of things, we have started the design process for a GUI overhaul which will result in improvements such as self-updating packages, relocatable .cedega folders, and a better mechanism for sharing game installs between multiple users. Stay tuned for further details in the upcoming months.
Part of reaching that vast untapped Linux gaming audience is just being able to communicate, and as such we encourage everyone with the ability to aid us in doing so. Thanks to A. Põder for providing an Estonian translation for Cedega 5.2.3. We are still in need of a number of updated translations for Cedega 6.0. If you would like to help with this process, or maybe even create a completely new translation for your favorite language, please visit for directions. It doesn't take very long and gives you something to talk about at your local LUG. Be sure to include your contact information with your translations, so we can give you credit!
Elder Scrolls® IV: Oblivion™: This game is now fully supported in Cedega 6.0 on NVIDIA cards. The only graphics option not working at this point is HDR. ATI users should expect a lot of missing graphics and may wish to continue using the Oldblivion loader. The installer for the Shivering Isles expansion pack uses a version of copy protection which is not currently supported by Cedega.
Neverwinter Nights 2™: TransGaming has done some preliminary investigation into this title. There continue to be a number of installing, patching and copy protection related issues. We expect that this title will benefit from Shader Model 3.0 features.
Steam™: Steam continues to work in Cedega 6.0. If you are experiencing long loading and updating times, disabling the scheduler maybe help to reduce these. However, unless you are running on a multi-core system this may have a negative impact on other aspects of the games.
Civilization® IV: This game continues to work with Cedega 6.0. The 1.52 patch (or later) is highly recommended. This game should now work quite well on both ATI and NVIDIA video cards, when using the provided GDDB settings.
Supreme Commander™: Some people rave that this is the greatest RTS game ever. Unfortunately, this game is not working under Cedega, although some of the improvements mentioned above will ultimately be required for this game. This game will also benefit from having 3.0 shaders available to enable additional eye candy.
Spring has finally arrived in full force, and with it some beautiful weather and new life! A number of TransGaming families have had additions to their numbers over the past couple of months. Congratulations and welcome to the new arrivals! We can't wait until they are ready to start coding! In spite of the lack of sleep, we released Cedega 6.0 and tackled a number of new projects. Read on for the full details.
Technology Progress
Last month we released Cedega 6.0, which added support for Shader Model 2.0. Following the release we started implementing support for Shader Model 3.0. So far, we've added preliminary support for most of the 3.0 shader syntax and have a number of samples and several games working with 3.0 shaders. Full 3.0 shader support still requires us to implement other rendering features in addition to the shader language changes.
We also took the opportunity to do some refactoring and add other improvements to our framebuffer object code. OpenGL restrictions for matching various types of rendering buffers are more stringent than their D3D counterparts and hence some of our error handling had become rather convoluted. Thus we have rewritten portions of it to be cleaner and at the same time we eliminated some potential memory leaks in certain error cases.
Continuing on the graphics side, we have been looking at various ways to increase our performance. As usual, this work is accompanied by lots of profiling and head scratching. We've been able to reduce some OpenGL state setting and eliminate some unnecessary OpenGL queries. We have also been doing some preliminary investigation into improving shader performance. Assuming this works out, it should help to minimize delays at loading time and take better advantage of the graphics hardware.
In the non-graphical areas, we have been working to improve Cedega's support for newer copy protection systems used by games such as Neverwinter Nights 2, Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, Supreme Commander, and others. To help some installers along their way, we also made our DLL loading code more compatible with some quirky behavior seen under Windows.
On the Cedega User Interface side of things, we have started the design process for a GUI overhaul which will result in improvements such as self-updating packages, relocatable .cedega folders, and a better mechanism for sharing game installs between multiple users. Stay tuned for further details in the upcoming months.
Part of reaching that vast untapped Linux gaming audience is just being able to communicate, and as such we encourage everyone with the ability to aid us in doing so. Thanks to A. Põder for providing an Estonian translation for Cedega 5.2.3. We are still in need of a number of updated translations for Cedega 6.0. If you would like to help with this process, or maybe even create a completely new translation for your favorite language, please visit for directions. It doesn't take very long and gives you something to talk about at your local LUG. Be sure to include your contact information with your translations, so we can give you credit!
Elder Scrolls® IV: Oblivion™: This game is now fully supported in Cedega 6.0 on NVIDIA cards. The only graphics option not working at this point is HDR. ATI users should expect a lot of missing graphics and may wish to continue using the Oldblivion loader. The installer for the Shivering Isles expansion pack uses a version of copy protection which is not currently supported by Cedega.
Neverwinter Nights 2™: TransGaming has done some preliminary investigation into this title. There continue to be a number of installing, patching and copy protection related issues. We expect that this title will benefit from Shader Model 3.0 features.
Steam™: Steam continues to work in Cedega 6.0. If you are experiencing long loading and updating times, disabling the scheduler maybe help to reduce these. However, unless you are running on a multi-core system this may have a negative impact on other aspects of the games.
Civilization® IV: This game continues to work with Cedega 6.0. The 1.52 patch (or later) is highly recommended. This game should now work quite well on both ATI and NVIDIA video cards, when using the provided GDDB settings.
Supreme Commander™: Some people rave that this is the greatest RTS game ever. Unfortunately, this game is not working under Cedega, although some of the improvements mentioned above will ultimately be required for this game. This game will also benefit from having 3.0 shaders available to enable additional eye candy.
bon, on crache souvent sur cedega (sapu, caypaslibre, caypayant, caylemal) n'empeche que ça peut rendre des services. Je fais par exemple bien tourner BF2(sans punkbuster toutefois) et oblivion avec.