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  • JeyG
    • July 2006
    • 994

    Envoyé par XWolverine
    Bon, admettons que j'insiste et que je veuille installer un nunux sur mon vieux portable à base de P3 1 Ghz et d'ATI Radeon première du nom.
    Ubuntu étant instable (freeze), quelle distrib pour neuneu me conseillez vous (non, Ducon, pas Debian), à base de Xfce (un truc pas gourmand, quoi), sachant que c'est mon 3ème poste et que j'ai pas envie de me prendre la tête à paramétrer.
    Fedora Core 6 !


    • Aellon
      • May 2006
      • 481

      On va dire que c'est le bon topic pour demander, sinon je vais me faire troller violement

      Bon je me suis installé Wow sur mon Ubuntu, avec Wine 0.9.29. Tout marche niquel, jusqu'a l'installation du patch 2.0.3... SAUF QUE, La fenetre me dit "en attente de la fermetures des fichiers" ouai moi je veux bien, mais ça fait un moment que j'attends... Et rien d'autre n'est ouvert. Du coup, bah je suis bien emmerdé. A votre avis c'est quoi la manip ?


      • flibulin bulard
        • June 2006
        • 5139

        Envoyé par Aellon
        On va dire que c'est le bon topic pour demander, sinon je vais me faire troller violement

        Bon je me suis installé Wow sur mon Ubuntu, avec Wine 0.9.29. Tout marche niquel, jusqu'a l'installation du patch 2.0.3... SAUF QUE, La fenetre me dit "en attente de la fermetures des fichiers" ouai moi je veux bien, mais ça fait un moment que j'attends... Et rien d'autre n'est ouvert. Du coup, bah je suis bien emmerdé. A votre avis c'est quoi la manip ?


        Wine 0.9.29 released.

        Wine version 0.9.29 works without any special patches on Nvidia and ATI 8500 series & higher cards and also on ATI X series cards although I haven't personally been able to test this.. Some other makes ie Intel have not worked and may still not work with 0.9.29, unless somebody tells me otherwise [NL].

        Adding the DisabledExtensions key to the registry can still be done for any video card if a boost to FPS is required.

        Any known problems with Wow 2.0.5 and Wine 0.9.29 are minor and should not stop you playing the game.

        Numeric keypad may need patching (if you use it) for it to work properly, see forum posts for details.

        D3D Mode

        * Double cursor, you get the standard arrow superimposed on the wow 'hand' cursor.
        * D3 mode doesn't seem to be working too well in 0.9.29, on ATI 9550 hardware at least. I assume it's the same on Nvidia cards as well ? i.e. If you don't add the SET UIFaster “2” in then wow may hang after logging in. Even with SET UIFaster “2” the buildings and other objects are transparent or missing. With SET UIFaster “0" nothing is improved. FPS is poor at least halfthat of opengl. In conclusion, unplayable in D3D mode, use opengl mode which you should find almost perfect.

        OpenGL Mode

        * The text corruption problem that ATI users suffered from and was fixed by adding DisabledExtensions to the registry is no longer an issue in 0.9.29. It is not necessary to add the DiasabledExtensions entry to the registry. However I recommend you still add the DisabledExtensions entry as it still does boost your FPS by a significant amount (as tested on ATI 9550 + fglrx driver). One interesting thing I found as regards adding the DisabledExtensions value is that GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object will disable this extension and boost your FPS but also anything appended to GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, for instance GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object_donuts will also disable the object and boost your FPS. I mention this because if your testing your system and think that you are invalidating your key value just by appending something to it, the DisabledExtension will still be valid. Changing the key value to GL_donuts_ARB_vertex_buffer_object will invalidate the key. Hope that makes sense !
        * By adding DisabledExtensions there is a dramatic improvment in FPS without any apparent reduction in graphical quality. Why is this and doesn't it indicate some openGl extension needs optimising ?

        This is a list of things that need fixing for ATI hardware

        * Fix DisabledExtensions = , why is it necessary to add this entry to boost FPS.

        Binaries and Diffs available via ED2K (Amule, Emule, EDonkey, Shareaza, MLDonkey, Morpheus etc..)

        For those that can't access the rapidshare website ...I've added the diff patches and binaries for
        0.9.24 as ED2K links. Just startup emule and click on the link or copy and paste the link into your
        ED2K client.

        PLEASE be sure to look at the emule fileID I post here and ONLY download the file from emule that
        has a matching ID, irrespective of what the filename says!. This will make it much less likely that you
        pickup anything nasty... If you click on the links below you should be fine, if you want to be extra sure
        use md5deep to check the md5 checksum matches the md5 number I've posted here.

        Corrupt or Missing Text in 0.9.25 and 0.9.26 - here's the fix for ATI cards, please note that the corrupt/missing text that ATI users experience has been fixed in 0.9.29. However adding the DisabledExtensions entry, as described below will still give a dramatic boost to FPS (tested on ATI 9550).

        If you are suffering from corrupt or missing text or want to boost your FPS you will need to add the
        DisabledExtensions key to the registry. This method is for wine 0.9.25 or 0.9.26. It will not work for early
        versions. See the Archive section below if you want to apply the DisabledExtensions key to 0.9.24 and
        earlier versions.

        Here's how you do it for 0.9.25/26 ...0.9.29

        Open a terminal window, (konsole/terminal/x terminal etc..) and type regedit. This will start the wine server
        and the wine equivalent of the windows registry editor will be displayed. If your familiar with using the registry
        editor under windows then this is pretty much the same.

        Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\

        Highlight the wine folder in the left hand pane by clicking left on it. The icon should change to an open folder

        Click right on the wine folder and select [NEW] then [KEY]

        Replace the text "New Key #1" with OpenGL

        Click right in the right hand pane and select [NEW] then [String Value]

        Replace "New Value #1" with "DisabledExtensions"
        (Notice it's case sensitive)

        Then double click anywhere on the line, a dialog box will open.
        In the value field type "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object" (without the quotes).

        Here's what regedit should look like once you have finished adding this new key and it's value.


        Do you need 100% boost to your FPS ?

        Then apply the same DisabledExtensions registry key as described above. This works for ATI & Nvidia plus
        others but only in opengl mode, not D3D.

        18/01/07 NL

        How To Install Wine so that World of Warcraft Works on Linux !

        ** Last Updated : 16/01/07 by N.Law **

        HowTo added : 17/Mar/2006, N.Law

        For a history of changes to this HowTo, see end of document

        While we try to keep this HowTO as accurate & detailed as possible, there is always room for improvement.
        If you spot any errors or would like to see additional sections added. Feel free to post a comment or
        contact me at


        This how to describes how to install the latest copy of wine that works almost perfectly with World of
        Warcraft. (see below for known deviations). It describes how to download the wine source archive, how to
        apply any patch to Wine, if required. How to compile and link the wine sources,
        download a couple of important .dll files, initialise wine for the first time, make some mandatory
        changes to Wows file, check you really are running 3D graphics drivers on your video card and
        finally run the game. References to the wine source archive, patch file and dll files are all hyperlinks. Just
        click on them to download straight away.

        Also before you start, read through the troubleshooting section at the end
        of this howto, which lists some of the common problems that you may encounter.

        Finaly, make sure you follow the procedure carefully as a single line missed out will mean your installlation
        will not work properly with wow. if you find any errors please let either Nick, Julian or Alexander know.
        [The WoW AppDB maintainers].

        Mandatory Requirements

        Because we may be applying a patch to wine's source code, the computer you are running this procedure
        on needs to be setup so that all the necessary libaries / sources / headers that are required to compile wine
        are available. By far the easiest method to use is to select the development option from your
        distributions installer. For example if you are using the Suse distribution, use YAST and select the entire
        development package to install. This takes care of all the dependencies required by wine.

        If however you wanted to select the packages one by one, then the wine wiki has a list of all the libraries that
        are required.

        But my recommendation is to do it the easy way and install all the development software from your

        If you have a 64-bit version of a linux distribution then please read this
        first. You will need to change or add things to the installation procedure below depending upon what is
        mentioned in the 64 bit howto.

        Wine bz2 archives and the Wine Patches needed for WoW

        Please note, it is this necessary to apply the regedit entry to correct for corrupt text & image on
        ATI hardware. See latest news section above.

        For reference, older versions of wine and the corresponding wow patch can be found below in
        the note 'Older wine Archives and Patches.

        Compiling and Installing Wine

        This procedure assumes you are downloading Wine version 0.9.29. It also assume you have the gcc development environment installed, this is standard on most if not all Linux distributions.

        First check gcc is installed, this displays the version number of gcc, for instance on my system it displays
        gcc (GCC) 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux), what version it displays is not important just as long
        as it displays something, rather than any file not found messages.

        > gcc --version

        Next you need to download and install wine from a source archive and compile and link it.
        Here is how you do it..

        To start, login in as a normal user, not root. (You will need to be root when you enter the
        "make install" command later)

        -Download your wine source archive (see the download links above) and save it somwhere. For the
        purposes of this explanation I will use /home/[yourlogin]/downloads/wine

        > cd /home/[yourlogin]/downloads/wine // change to directory

        > tar -xvjf wine-0.9.29.tar.bz2 // extract the source from the archive, this will create the directory

        > cd /home/[yourlogin]/downloads/wine/wine-0.9.29 // change to directory

        then compile & link wine as follows ..

        > cd /home/[yourlogin]/downloads/wine/wine-0.9.29

        > ./configure //if using ubuntu Edgy use CFLAGS="-fno-stack-protector" ./configure --verbose
        // instead of just .configure.
        // Always check the last few lines of the ./configure output for missing dependencies errors etc.
        // If configure reports any problems then in most cases you will need to resolve the problem reported
        // before continuing with the installation. With the release of 0.9.12 configure may complain about a
        // couple of missing font programs, download and install fontforge, however wow will run ok without
        // fontforge.

        > make depend

        > make // Time to make a coffee

        The next command requires root privileges. Although you should never run Wine as root, you will need to install it this way.

        > su
        then enter the root password

        # make install

        Exit superuser or root, then type ...

        > winecfg // Run the wine configuration tool in order to create the .wine directory in your home
        directory. The .wine directory contains the "drive_c" directory and its subdirectories "Program Files",
        "Windows" etc ... If .wine already exists, then that is ok, it will not delete any of the existing contents
        i.e. your already installed wow installation or other windows programs will not get deleted.

        Also, if your fonts in winecfg look a bit small and strange compared to how they would look under windows
        copy the windows font files into /home/name/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts. This will make
        a big improvement to this and other applications.

        You can also set whether you run wow in a virtual desktop on top of your actual desktop. ( My preference ).

        If wine crashes when you run wincfg and you have a ATI FireGL graphics card, this is a known problem,

        > wine --version // This command reports the version of wine, it should match the version you just installed.
        If it does not match the version you think you installed, you have done something wrong. See if you can figure
        out what went wrong. If you can't figure out what went wrong, just start again from the beginning.

        DLL Files

        The following DLL file is required. Click on the name below in order to download it,
        then unzip it and place it in the following directory ...
        /home/[your login]/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/


        You may also need to install riched20.dll and riched32.dll in
        /home/[your login]/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32
        if experience the wow installer crashing when you click on the "Install Wow" button.
        (See troubleshooting for further information)



        Installing WoW

        The installation is hopefully quite straightforward, but varies slightly between distrubutions. See the HOWTO -
        WoW Installation" on this page for how installation works on SuSE. The installation procedure that follows
        should hopefully work on your system, if not take a look at the way installation works on a SuSe system. The
        procedure below assumes your CD mountpoint is /mnt/cdrom, substitute it with what it is on your system.

        # cd /mnt

        Insert the first CD

        # mount cdrom

        # wine cdrom/installer

        Start the installation. When it wants the next CD, do the following

        # umount cdrom

        Insert next CD

        # mount cdrom

        Press the OK/Continue button

        WoW Configuration

        Do not forget to apply the following settings to ../.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of
        Warcraft/WTF/ otherwise you may not get any or stuttering sound!

        SET gxApi "opengl" //forces wow to run in opengl without having to append --opengl to wow.exe
        SET ffxDeath "0"

        If you experience stuttering, bad sound or no sound what so ever, then add the following options as well.

        SET SoundOutputSystem "1"
        SET SoundBufferSize "150"


        SET SoundBufferSize "232"

        on seems to work better with this card
        # lspci |grep Multimedia
        00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC97 Audio Controller (rev 03)

        3D Acceleration

        # glxinfo | grep rendering // And finally maksure you really do have a working 3D graphics card driver.

        If it says that you do not have direct rendering, you need to install and activate the appropriate drivers for
        your graphics card.

        Starting WoW

        If everything has worked so far, try playing the game ... (note the different command if you are using
        Fedora Core 5 )

        # cd "/home/[yourlogin]/.wine/drive_c/Program File/World of Warcraft"

        For most distributions (other than Fedora Core 5 ) use this command to start Wow ...

        # wine WoW.exe // you will not need to use the -opengl suffix with our (although you can if want to)

        however if you are using Fedora Core 5 then use this command ..

        # setarch i386 -L wine WoW.exe -opengl

        If you find that your login screen is upside down, your not running in opengl mode, then review the section
        above regarding modifying Did you forget to add the opengl line to ?

        After you login does wow appear to hang ?, then review the troubleshooting section below, specifically
        regarding changing the permissions of Survey.mpq

        Additional Notes regarding deviations:

        SP = Stops Play
        mPC = Prevents configuration but the game is still very playable.
        MPC = Prevents configuration but introduces limitations to make the game difficult to play.
        Co = Cosmetic - Nice if it worked but not important as regards playing the game.

        Deviation #1

        (mPC) Changing video setting in game has been reported as crashing the game. (Details required)

        Troubleshooting - common errors and their solutions.

        This section lists many of the common problems you might encounter while
        compiling & patching wine and installing & running WoW. So if you know of a problem & solution
        let us know and we will put it here.

        Problem #1 - opengl32 not found when running wow.exe

        You installed the patch,compiled and installed wine & wow then when you try to run wow you get the
        following error message which may also mention glu32 as well as opengl32 not being found:

        guest@linux:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of Warcraft> wine wow.exe

        err:module:import_dll Library OPENGL32.dll (which is needed by L"C:Program Files/World of
        Warcraft/wow.exe") not found err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:/Program
        Files/World of Warcraft/wow.exe" failed, status c0000135

        Solution : check that /usr/local/lib/wine/ has ownership of root:root and permissions
        -rwxr-xr-x, if it does not then you may have not been super user when you ran the "make install" command.
        become superuser and repeat the make install command as shown in the howto. Do not just change the
        ownership/permissions of as probably all the other files are wrong too, so do a make install.

        Problem #2 - Wow appears to hang when downloading dialog pops up on screen

        This problem is caused by the Survey.mpq file, the solution is to give it write permissions.
        In the majority of cases this should be sufficient to correct the problem, however
        for some people (myself included) simply deleting it has worked. So the advice is, FIRST try changing
        the permissions as described below, and then only if this does not work (if almost certainly will work), then try
        deleting it. It has been reported that if you delete Survey.mpq, wow simply creates it again and you have
        the same problem, hence why you should try changing the permissions first.

        cd /home/[yourlogin]/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/World of Warcraft/WDB
        chmod ugo -w Survey.mpq

        if chmod for some reason did not work, then try
        rm Survey.mpq

        Problem #3 - When installing WoW, clicking on the "Install World of Warcraft" button
        causes the Wow installer to crash.

        To fix the Wow installer from crashing when you click on the "Install World of Warcraft" button
        just download these two dlls (riched20.dll and riched32.dll) into
        /home/[your login]/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32

        You will also need to add riched20 and riched32 to the dll overide section on the Libraries tab in wincfg.
        Select native then builtin for each of these. You may only need to have these overides in place while you
        install the game. Although I have both these files in my system32 folder I do not have any overides set for
        playing the game. [Nick]



        Problem #4 When I start WoW it minimises to an icon in the bottom left of the screen.

        You are probably clicking on the OK button when the Blizzard Downloader Dialoge appears.
        Don't click on either OK or Cancel. Just leave it alone, the Blizzard Downloader will disappear
        of its own accord. If you do click OK on the Blizzard Downloader screen Wow will start but will
        be minimised to an icon on thebottom left of the screen. In this situation just double click the
        icon to restore it to full screen or full screen within the virtual desktop, if that's the mode you
        are in.

        Problem #5 - Wow won't start, displays error message X Error of failed request: BadWindow (detail below)

        ATI 9550 driver 8.26.18 ( may or maynot be hardware specific, unknown at this time)

        X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
        Major opcode of failed request: 3 (X_GetWindowAttributes)
        Resource id in failed request: 0x3c00007
        Serial number of failed request: 361
        Current serial number in output stream: 362

        Solution :
        Exit all x-windows sessions and login back into your x-windows
        session then try wow again. It should work.

        Problem #6 - Wow crashes even though the patch above has been applied

        If wow crashes each time your character moves from outdoors to indoors, even though the patch above
        was applied, then try disabling double buffering. Unchecking "Enable desktop double buffering"
        under the "Graphics" tab in winecfg. It has been reported that this solved the problem.

        Alternatively try using the linux minimap add-on, possible compatibility issue with XGL. Thanks to Brad Murray

        Problem #7 - Error #134, "Unable to associate local address with socket:...
        The socket is already bound to an address, or the parameter is a listening socket".

        You need to make sure your loopback interface is up, by running "ifconfig lo up" or "sudo ifconfig lo up" thanks
        to Brad Murray for highlighting this problem.

        HowTo History of Changes

        16/01/07 by N.Law
        Changed howto to take account of wine version 0.9.29

        18/01/07 by N.Law
        Updated HowTo with more information about DisabledExtensions and notes about poor quality D3D mode

        Keywords : Installation of WoW on Linux wine World of Warcraft

        bon voila le copier/coller du howto wow, je regarderais plus tard, promis!


        • Aellon
          • May 2006
          • 481

          mmh, merci c'est du lourd ça, je vais voir si je trouve une réponse dans tout ce how to. Visiblement non, avec une recherche de mot dans firefox y a pas d'histoire de "waiting to close files".

          Juste une question, parce que trouver une réponse fiable sur google c'est un peu hardcore... L'utilisation de Wine pour jouer à Wow, est-ce toléré ou pas par Blizzard ? Avec ces histoires de ban plus ou moins mal expliqué...


          • flibulin bulard
            • June 2006
            • 5139

            Envoyé par Aellon
            mmh, merci c'est du lourd ça, je vais voir si je trouve une réponse dans tout ce how to. Visiblement non, avec une recherche de mot dans firefox y a pas d'histoire de "waiting to close files".

            Juste une question, parce que trouver une réponse fiable sur google c'est un peu hardcore... L'utilisation de Wine pour jouer à Wow, est-ce toléré ou pas par Blizzard ? Avec ces histoires de ban plus ou moins mal expliqué...
            oui, toléré, surtout apres le scandale du ban des 3/4 des utilisateurs de cedega.


            • Aellon
              • May 2006
              • 481

              ok tant mieux alors

              Bon je vais le patcher sous windows là, vu que je trouve rien pour résoudre mon probleme (déjà vu quelques thread sur le net, mais jamais de réponse aux mecs). comme ça au moins, c'est réglé jusqu'au prochain patch

              Edit : ok, après avoir passé une bonne partie de l'aprem à config le jeu, tout fonctionne.


              • XWolverine
                • April 2006
                • 17131

                Envoyé par ducon
                Je ne connais pas assez BeOS pour savoir comment remplir /etc/lilo.conf pour lui dire de démarrer sur BeOS, et surtout pour ne pas toucher à celui de BeOS. Peut-être que tu peux coller lilo sur une partition et pas sur le MBR, ce qui pourrait t'arranger. Cela dit, tu peux très bien coller lilo sur une disquette.
                man lilo et man lilo.conf sont tes amis.
                Bon, comme j'ai plus internet (Freebox V2 en rouge / vert depuis vendredi), j'ai installé un XP pour voir. Evidemment, ça flingue le bootmanager, mais en lançant BeOS en liveCD, et remettant la partoche en active et en restaurant le boot manager, c'est OK :-)
                Je suppose que ce sera la même chose avec nunux (ben oui, je vais pas laisser XP sur un P3 1 Ghz avec 256 Mo).


                • flibulin bulard
                  • June 2006
                  • 5139

                  nouvelle version de wine qui apporte plein plein d'amélioration dans la gestion de directX, et pour une fois ca se voit!
                  a cs source, la flotte est enfin de la flotte, pas un morceau de pixel vert
                  les textures ont arrétés de deconner

                  bon reste que le bug du "sol au plafond" a corriger. font du bon boulot les dev de wine!


                  • Daeke
                    • May 2006
                    • 2004

                    Envoyé par XWolverine
                    Rien compris à quoi toi dire.
                    J'ai 2 partoches, avec BeOS en 1 et Haiku nightly en 2. Je veux installer un nunux sur la 2, sans flinguer le boot manager de BeOS, ce qui me permettra de re-paramétrer le boot manager depuis BeOS pour qu'il pointe en 2ème choix sur nunux (je ne veux pas le gérer avec un boot manager de nunux).
                    C'est tout simple, à l'installation de Linux, tu choisis de ne pas installer de Boot Manager et tu configures ensuite celui de BeOS.

                    Sinon je te conseille Xubuntu .


                    • XWolverine
                      • April 2006
                      • 17131

                      Envoyé par Daeke
                      Sinon je te conseille Xubuntu .
                      Ben non, c'est ce que j'avais mis seul (avant de mettre BeOS et de repartitionner) et j'avais des freezes de l'OS (pointeur souris bloqué, clavier sans effet).


                      • Daeke
                        • May 2006
                        • 2004

                        Envoyé par XWolverine
                        Ben non, c'est ce que j'avais mis seul (avant de mettre BeOS et de repartitionner) et j'avais des freezes de l'OS (pointeur souris bloqué, clavier sans effet).
                        Le ninja c'était pour signaler "second degré" ;p.

                        Enfin donc pour un Linux, Debian est pas mal dans le genre configurable. Sinon Fedora peut-être ? Ou Gentoo (si tu aimes regarder ton ordinateur compiler c'est le top ) ?


                        • XWolverine
                          • April 2006
                          • 17131

                          Envoyé par Daeke
                          Le ninja c'était pour signaler "second degré" ;p.
                          Désolé, avais pas vu
                          Fedora revient souvent dans les conseils. Vais p'têt tenter ça pour mettre à la place du test XP.


                          • AsM0DeUz
                            Rookie II
                            • June 2006
                            • 37

                            Envoyé par Daeke
                            Ou Gentoo (si tu aimes regarder ton ordinateur compiler c'est le top ) ?
                            Si tu veux du sur mesure sans une tripotee de trucs inutiles ... Gentoo est ton ami ! D'ailleur c'est mon ami :mrgreen:
                            Mais si t'as jamais touché a un Nunux :

                            - Xubuntu

                            Pour une machine + puissant :

                            - Ubuntu
                            - Mandriva
                            - Suse (mais Novell ... bof bof)
                            Ne pas reconnaitre ses qualités, c'est favoriser la réussite des médiocres.



                            • XWolverine
                              • April 2006
                              • 17131

                              Envoyé par JeyG
                              Fedora Core 6 !
                              Oui, bon, mais avec 5 CD, ça va pas le faire (non, le portable cible n'a pas de lecteur de DVD).

                              A part xubuntu, y'a une distrib simple (orienté neuneu), peu gourmande (xfce) et light (1 seul CD d'install) ?


                              • ducon
                                • April 2006
                                • 45966

                                Si tu aimes les CD, tu peux toujours graver les 21 CD de Debian Etch. h34r:
                                une balle, un imp (Newstuff #491, Edge, Duke it out in Doom, John Romero, DoomeD again)
                                Canard zizique : q 4, c, d, c, g, n , t-s, l, d, s, r, t, d, s, c, jv, c, g, b, p, b, m, c, 8 b, a, a-g, b, BOF, BOJV, c, c, c, c, e, e 80, e b, é, e, f, f, f, h r, i, J, j, m-u, m, m s, n, o, p, p-r, p, r, r r, r, r p, s, s d, t, t
                                Canard lecture


                                • XWolverine
                                  • April 2006
                                  • 17131

                                  Envoyé par ducon
                                  Si tu aimes les CD, tu peux toujours graver les 21 CD de Debian Etch. h34r:
                                  Tu te lève tôt, dis donc, pour dire des Duconneries comme ça

                                  Dire qu'on se foutait de la gueule de W95 avec sa vingtaine de disquettes d'install, on arrive à la même chose en CD.


                                  • greub
                                    • September 2006
                                    • 344


                                    Juste une petite info en passant, je me suis fait un thème smileys Kopete à base de lapins de ce forum. Si il y en a que ça interresse, je suis prêt à poster le lien ici-même.


                                    • flibulin bulard
                                      • June 2006
                                      • 5139

                                      tu as pas ça pour gaim?

                                      tu as pas ça pour gaim?


                                      • JeyG
                                        • July 2006
                                        • 994

                                        Envoyé par XWolverine
                                        Oui, bon, mais avec 5 CD, ça va pas le faire (non, le portable cible n'a pas de lecteur de DVD).

                                        A part xubuntu, y'a une distrib simple (orienté neuneu), peu gourmande (xfce) et light (1 seul CD d'install) ?
                                        En même temps, seul le CD1 est indispensable, les autres ne contiennent que des paquetages.
                                        (vraiment pas sur du tout de ce que je dis, mais presque )


                                        • greub
                                          • September 2006
                                          • 344

                                          Envoyé par MCpaul34
                                          tu as pas ça pour gaim?
                                          Je sais pas comment ça marche pour Gaim, mais si c'est un format xml ça devrait marcher.
                                          Essaye toujours. Voila le zip des fichiers. Tu me diras si ça marche chez toi.


                                          Il y a actuellement 8 utilisateurs connectés. 0 membre(s) et 8 invité(s).

                                          Le record de connectés est de 27 084, Aujourd'hui à 09h22.
