Voir la version complète : [Folk Tale] Mais qu'est ce que ?!

12/06/2013, 20h28

Salut à toutes et à tous :) !

Voilà, il y a un petit moment déjà, le jeux Folk Tale s'est fait Greenlighté sur Steam.

Le jeux est un mélange de RPG, simulation et stratégie, bref tous les trucs que j'aime bien. J'aimerai pouvoir vous expliquer un peu l'histoire du jeux mais mon anglais est vraiment approximatif donc je ne préfère pas vous dire de bétise.

Je vous laisse découvrir le jeux via une vidéo:


Et aussi avec sa boutique Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/224440/

Je voulais savoir si parmi vous certains y avaient joué? Et avoir leurs ressentis. En effet j'hésite vraiment à me le prendre et il y a très peu de test sur Internet.

Merci à toutes vos réponses :)

[dT] Moustik
12/06/2013, 20h54
J'ai essayé.

Tout ce que je vais vous dire est à prendre avec des pincettes pour plusieurs raisons :
- Le jeu est en Alpha. Donc les problèmes sont susceptibles d'être corrigés et de nouvelles fonctionnalités peuvent arriver.
- Je n'ai touché qu'au tutorial.
- Les sauvegardes n'étant pas activées pendant le tutorial, je n'ai pas dépassé la demi-heure de jeu.
- Je ne me suis pas renseigné sur les features activées / désactivées / promises actuellement.

De ce que j'ai vu sur cette alpha, en vrac :
- On ne construit pas où on veut. Il y a des emplacements prédéfinis où l'on peut construire les bâtiments.
- Il y a plusieurs types de ressources (bois, pierre, fer, nourriture, etc...)
- Un citoyen peut devenir bûcheron, milicien, paysan, mineur, etc... lorsqu'on l’envoie se former dans un bâtiment de production.
- De nouveaux citoyens arrivent par bateau si il y a assez de place dans les maisons.
- Chaque citoyen gagne de l'expérience (et donc des niveaux) et possède un inventaire.
- je n'ai pas encore réussi à équiper un milicien avec des objets.
- On n'a pas accès à l'intérieur des bâtiments.
- Le tutorial est long.
- La map est assez grande mais les emplacements de constructions sont assez limités.
- le jeu est mal optimisé.
- La gestion de la caméra (et de la minimap) est mal fichue.
- les actions du clic gauche et du clic droit ne sont pas intuitives.
- l'interface est correcte, mais sans plus.

Malgré tout, je sens que le jeu à un bon potentiel. A suivre.

12/06/2013, 21h14
Merci pour le retour.

12/06/2013, 21h21
Merci àtoi Moustik! Donc en faite, il vaut mieux attendre un peu, histoire que le jeux rentre au minimum en bêta pour en profiter.

12/06/2013, 21h32
Pour compléter :

Actuellement, il n'y a que le tuto, le reste viendra par la suite.

Les devs avaient lancé un vote pour voir si les joueurs préféraient un jeu typé sandbox ou un jeu avec un scénario. C'est le sandbox qui a gagné et les devs sont en train de modifier le moteur afin de permettre la construction de bâtiments où l'on veut.

Pour équiper ses miliciens, il faut ouvrir leur inventaire et ouvrir l'inventaire général avec "i". Après c'est du drag and drop mais tout le monde ne peut pas porter n'importe quoi.

Pour la vision de l'intérieur des bâtiment, si ça n'est pas dispo ça le sera par la suite.

Y'a du potentiel et l'intro est débile bien comme il faut (Bernard qui se croit dans Assassin's Creed...), mais pour le moment c'est encore un pari : on ne sait pas vraiment comment va évoluer le gameplay avec les changements qui vont être apportés lors du passage en mode sandbox.

12/06/2013, 22h41
J ajoute qu'un des gros défauts de l'alpha est que tes gars ont beau gagné de l'xp, cela n'a pour le moment aucun effet. En gros, c'est un bug qu'ils doivent corriger mais ça a eu évidemment un réel impact sur le gameplay et sur le plaisir du coup pour le côté RPG.

Le jeu attend pas mal de modifs. Il est tentant sur le papier mais je conseille vraiment d'attendre l'évolution avant de vous lancer tant les améliorations à apporter sont encore réellement importantes selon mes critères. Les défauts majeurs ont été expliqués plus haut... J'hésiterai pas à revenir dès que quelques patchs feront leur apparition.

30/08/2013, 10h14
Coin ! Le jeu est actuellement en mini promo sur Steam (15euros30), qu'en est-il de son évolution ?

31/08/2013, 14h37
J ai pas retouché au bousin depuis... juin. Pas trop suivi si ça a évolué pour le moment mais j'te dirais que la promo est vraiment pourrie donc en gros attendre.

31/08/2013, 16h02
D'après les news, ils bossent dessus. Mais c'est pas encore prêt et on a encore rien vu de notre côté.

En gros, le mode sandbox va être introduit petit à petit, en commençant par un mode tower defense qui va s'étoffer au fur et à mesure des patchs.

Autant attendre la sortie des vrais gros patchs qui vont modifier le gameplay, y aura certainement d'autres promos pour l'occasion.

31/08/2013, 19h38
Merci de vos réponses :)

24/02/2014, 11h34

Je me permets de UP le sujet pour savoir si les MAj promis par les dev's sont concluant ?

Merci :)

12/03/2014, 11h33
Soeur-Anne??? Soeur-Anne??? Ne vois tu rien venir?

[dT] Moustik
12/03/2014, 19h59
Je réinstalle le jeu pour voir s'il y a des changements. Je vous tiens au courant. ;)

Edit :
Et bien comment dire...
Il n'y a pas grand chose de neuf.

Il y a un espèce de map editor et un outils de customisation implémenté dans le jeu.

Sinon le reste n'a pas l'air d'avoir bougé. Toujours que le tutorial de diponible, avec les mêmes problèmes que j'ai décris plus haut.

Un peu déçu quand même... :|

12/03/2014, 20h03
Le dernier gros patch ajoutait l'éditeur de carte (qui a été étoffé dans les patchs suivants). Ca a été fait en préparation du futur mini-mode tower defense qui est en cours de création et qui est lui-même un prélude au mode sandbox proprement-dit.

Donc, ils bossent toujours mais ce n'est pas encore jouable / fini.

archer hawke
25/01/2015, 08h05
Le jeu est toujours en early access et en promo là. Il donne quoi maintenant, il y a encore des canards qui jouent ?

25/01/2015, 10h16
pour l'instant, je ne sais pas ce qu'il vaut, je conseille de ne pas le prendre maintenant. Il manque beaucoup de choses.

[dT] Moustik
26/01/2015, 20h08
Je n'ai pas réinstallé le jeu depuis mars 2014, donc je ne sais pas du tout comment ça a évolué (et si ça a évolué tout court).

Je verrais si j'ai le temps de le télécharger et d'essayer pour voir.

Je vous tiens au courant (si j'y pense...). :)

26/01/2015, 20h10
évolué ça évolue mais j'ai l'impression que ils ont vendu l'early access trop tôt. A en croire leur barre de progression, ils n'ont pas fini avant un moment.

[dT] Moustik
27/01/2015, 21h04
J'ai essayé pour voir les améliorations :
On a accès à un mode sandbox où l'on construit sont village sans contraintes scénaristiques.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/2f555be7-14db-46c5-8f26-6c523d5e9201.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/2f555be7-14db-46c5-8f26-6c523d5e9201.jpg)
(remarquez qu'il n'y a pas de bouton quitter dans le menu principal)

Plusieurs niveaux difficultés sont accessibles (facile, moyen, dur) avec chacun sa map correspondante.
J'ai pris le niveau facile.
On commence avec quelques colons sur une prairie paisible.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/6ab4e025-2cd5-4832-b13a-1888b9808411.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/6ab4e025-2cd5-4832-b13a-1888b9808411.jpg)

On peut maintenant construire là où on veux et on peut faire tourner les bâtiments.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/aa0260b5-2a60-4020-bdc7-183fac48658b.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/aa0260b5-2a60-4020-bdc7-183fac48658b.jpg)

Il reste des petits problèmes de finition, comme par exemple ici j'ai sélectionné une femme et j'ai un portrait de colon masculin en bas à gauche.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/eb51aecf-263a-41f8-9ca5-1a15267a8d3b.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/eb51aecf-263a-41f8-9ca5-1a15267a8d3b.jpg)
(remarquez le cycle jour/nuit toujours présent)

On peut effectuer des recherches dans chaque bâtiment de récolte/production.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/e7a383b2-6419-4e91-8349-bfb16858e26e.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/e7a383b2-6419-4e91-8349-bfb16858e26e.jpg)
J'ai vu aussi que les développeurs avaient prévu la possibilité d'améliorer les bâtiments, mais ce n'est pas encore implémenté dans le jeu.

Sinon le jeu a gagné en fluidité, la caméra est bien plus intuitive et ça reste toujours aussi mignon.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/3d3e74cc-d8eb-4e28-abac-cd5f6ab5da35.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/3d3e74cc-d8eb-4e28-abac-cd5f6ab5da35.jpg)

http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/17fdf298-ccf6-432f-89d8-7d3d1c4ba92b.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/17fdf298-ccf6-432f-89d8-7d3d1c4ba92b.jpg)

Voilà. J'ai été agréablement surpris et je trouve le jeu toujours aussi prometteur.
Néanmoins, le jeu manque quand même de contenu, de finition et surtout il manque encore pas mal des features promises.

archer hawke
27/01/2015, 21h18
Super, merci pour ce retour, le jeu est donc à surveiller, mais ça ne sert à rien de craquer maintenant :)

[dT] Moustik
03/05/2015, 11h58
Mise à jour de plus de 400 Mo ce matin. (C'est fou ça, ils bossent le week-end ces gens là ???)

Folk Tale Alpha 20 (0.3.0)
PC, Mac

Major Changes
Sandbox Player: Added Tier 2 and Tier 3 Building Upgrades
Sandbox Player: Added Sandbox Tutorial (Phase 1: Basics)
Sandbox Player: Added Active Quests UI (Integrated Into Workbench)
Sandbox Player: Added NPC Dialogue UI

Minor Changes
General: Frame Rate Capped On Main Menu (60fps), Game Pause Menu (120fps), and Editor (120fps)
Sandbox Player: Peasants Now Instantly Run When You Tell Them To Clear Land
Sandbox Player: Spiders, Goblins and Beastmen Now Have Being Hit Animations
Sandbox Player: Walls Now Use Same Placement Conventions As Buildings
Sandbox Player: Billboard Grass Now Turned Off When Environment Detail Medium Or Lower
Sandbox Player: Added Mouse, Scroll And Keyboard Sensitivity Settings For Camera Speed Control
Sandbox Player: 74 Loot Items Added (Armor, Weapons, Quest Items, Jewelry)
Sandbox Player: Yellow Spiders Are Now Faster
Sandbox Player: Scaled Monsters Now Run At A Speed Appropriate To Their Size
Sandbox Player: Advisor Warning Added When You Must Build A Supply Wagon
Sandbox Player: Snow Map: Fixed Navigation Issues In Werefu Monastery
Sandbox Player: Snow Map: Fixed Chests In Werefu Monastery
Sandbox Player: Building Cornerstones Are Now Removed After Construction
Sandbox Player: Yield Of Honeycomb Per Visit Reduced By 50%
Sandbox Player: Building Dialog Production Tab Layout Changed To Separate Villager Happiness And Efficiency Bonuses
Sandbox Editor: Systems Kit: Added Sphere And Box Triggers Inc. Integration With Workbench
Sandbox Editor: Systems Kit: Added Point (For Character Positioning With Workbench)
Sandbox Editor: Mordrich’s Factory Kit: Rusty Pipework
Sandbox Editor: Bones Kit: Adds Back In Missing Bones Props
Sandbox Editor: Spider Kit: Adds Back In Missing Cobweb Alphas And Eggs
Sandbox Editor: Water FX: Adds Back In Missing Water Alphas
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: Performance Improved (At The Cost Of Wire Smoothness)
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: Zoom Added (Mouse Scroll Wheel)
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: Flashing Red Dot Added To Incomplete Node Connectors
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: BuildingDemolish - demolishes a building
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: BuildingSelect - selects or deselects a building
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: BuildingUpgrade - upgrades a building
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Damage
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: CharacterDamage
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: AllCharacters
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: AllBuildings
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: NumberToString
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: TriggerCount
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Trigger
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Count
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: ListWorldObjects
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: ListAddWorldObject
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: ListDuplicateWorldObject
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Store
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Get
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: SetDay
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Format
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: ForEachCharacter
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: ForEachWorldObject
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Quest
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: SubQuest
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: SubQuestWhen
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Trigger
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: CharactersInTrigger
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Rotation
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: CountFields
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Index
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: SetResearchEnabled
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: IsResearchEnabled
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: ResearchProgress
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: ResearchAddProgress
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Happiness
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Need
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: New Node: Gate
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: Change: Sound File Added To Conversation Node
Sandbox Editor: Workbench: Change: When Node Checks Less Often After Some Time
Sandbox Editor: Updated Grasslands Neutral Ambient Loop (Chirping Birds)

Bug Fixes
#0150 Sandbox Player: Kobolds Are Not Highlighting On Mouse Over
#0164 Sandbox Player: Settings Button On Topbar Doesn't Pause Game
#0165 Sandbox Player: Many Loot Items Not Stacking, Causing Inventory Clutter
#0166 Sandbox Editor: Workbench: Declining Performance
#0167 Sandbox Player: Research Failing To Unlock Crafting Options
#0168 Sandbox Editor: Roads Not Saving
#0169 Sandbox Player: Tailor Research Not Progressing
#0170 Sandbox Player: Destroying Resources During Construction Doesn’t Cancel Worker Animation
#0171 Sandbox Player: Research Bonuses Not Working
#0172 Sandbox Player: Decals In Snow Map Showing Hard Black Lines When SSAO On
#0173 Sandbox Player: Waterfall And Particle FX Not Respecting Fog
#0174 Sandbox Player: Arrow Trails Not Always Showing
#0175 Sandbox Player: Research And Crafting Complete Sounds Playing At Start Of Game
#0176 Sandbox Player: Crafting Recipes Not Affected By UI Scale
#0177 Sandbox Player: Skeleton Bones Clipping Through Armor

Known Issues
Research won't work in the Barracks and Storehouse.
Tutorial Quest ‘Chop Chop’ sometimes fails to complete.
Wolf Chow’s animations are glitched.
Undead Characters Kit/Skeletal Archer should be hidden.

03/05/2015, 15h24
et concrètement ca devient interressant?

[dT] Moustik
03/05/2015, 16h45
Je n'ai pas relancé encore ^^

04/05/2015, 09h14
lol, c'est comme caste story ca faut que je trouve une bonne ame pour aller au casse pipe :o

06/05/2015, 14h06
Le jeu est à -40% sur Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/224440/).

Chers canards possédants le jeu, ça vous semble être une bonne affaire où bien il faut patienter encore ?
Le jeu me fait les yeux doux mais je dois dire que les évaluations steam donnent des sueurs froides.

09/05/2015, 02h05
retester 1 heure ce soir :

bcp de progrès depuis mon dernier test d'il y a ... pfiou... 2 ans? (après verif steam apparu le 30 mai 2013 sur steam donc oui deux ans). Franchement le jeu prend une bonne tournure jcompte tester de façon plus approfondie sous peu.

Il reste des points quelque peu rédhibitoire pour moi :
*Il est difficile de savoir qui fait quoi. En gros, en l'état du jeu, il faut attribuer des paysans aux différents corps de métier en les sélectionnant et en les attribuant au batiment de production. ca c'est pas compliqué. Sauf que, aucun menu/ liste/affichage ne nous dit combien coupe du bois, combien peche, combien se touche la nouille, etc... C'est assez pénible. Ca l'est encore plus lorsqu'il s'agit de se defendre contre une invasion aussi petite soit-elle. Comment sélectionner uniquement les chasseur (equipé d'un arc) ou bien les guerriers?
* la camera ... elle est mieux foutu que la première version mais reste pénible à gérer.
* un menu de stat manque : c'est un jeu ou il y a une bonne part de gestion mais les infos donné sont trop faible et limité (etat du stock - etat global de la population)
* le brouillard de guerre et ce choix étrange de juste grisé les partie non explorée mais de les afficher quand même. Pour être clair on voit la carte mais pas si quelqu'un s'y déplace. On sait dès le début où sont les chateaux, grotte, camp gobelins et autres joyeusetés. Pour le coup, l'explo en prend un coup.

les points positifs qui me feront y retourner sous peu :

* les graphisme pas degeu pour un jeu de ce genre qui mêle gestion fight et explo
* des recherches par bâtiments qui semble bien complète et propose pas mal d'évolutions avec visiblement des paliers d'évolutions pour debloquer de nouveaux trucs.
* la gestion d'inventaire par citoyens. une super idée que je mitige et que je mets aussi dans les défauts du jeu. On peut crafter pas mal de stuff et équiper chaque citoyens indépendamment. On retrouve cependant un défaut cité au dessus. Si je craft 4 paires de bottes en cuir et 6 épées, je saurais les équipées mais je ne saurais plus sur qui je les ai mit si je ne le note pas sur un bout de papier. Il manque ce putain de menu a la Gnomoria où je peux définir quel corps de métier ou d'armée prend tel équipement et pas un autre au hasard.

En un mot comme en cent; ceux qui ont déjà racker pour le jeu, retournez y , y faire eun tour il semblerait que les progrès qui vont fournir un vrai jeu soit la; Ceux qui n'ont aps racker : attendez.

---------- Post added at 02h05 ---------- Previous post was at 00h34 ----------

jviens de repasser du temsp de dessus et j'ai perdu faute d'une bonne gestion du bonheur. Mes citoyens quittaient ma ville car je n'arrivait pas a replanter des arbres. visiblement ya une comp que je n'ai asp du voir pour les bucheron qui permet de leur faire utiliser automatiquement les graines de sapins que j'avais loot sur les araignées.

J'ai trouvé comment attribué simplement mes citoyens dans un batiment mais ca reste difficile de de retrouver ses peons guerriers. Faut que je test voir si on peut créer des groupes.

[dT] Moustik
08/08/2015, 19h34
Petite mise à jour 235Mb

Folk Tale Alpha 23

Major Changes
Player: Camera Rotation Changed To Orbit
Player: Added Hero System *
Player: Added All Remaining Weapon Models
Player: Gear Is Now Class-Restricted (See Tooltips)
Editor: Prefabs System Added **
Workbench: Cutscene Camera System Added inc. Cutscene Node, CameraPath Node ***
Workbench: Scripts Can Now Be Added To Objects Via The Inspector

Minor Changes
Player: Attribute Points Now Auto-Gained For Non-Hero Units To Reduce Micromanagement ****
Player: Characters Now Gain 50XP When Completing A Workpoint, Enabling Them To Level Up
Player: Return To Editor Option Added To Pause Menu
Player: Quit To Desktop Added To Pause Menu
Player: Disabled Camera Height Auto-Adjustment To Reduce Glitching
Player: Crypts Map Reworked To Standardize Wall Heights
Player: Tooltips On Crafting Recipes Improved
Player: ‘F’ Key Changed To ‘Tab’ For Finding Units
Player: Removed Significant Delay When Clicking Construction Options For First Time
Player: Added crossbow and bow research to Blacksmith
Player: Added second zombie melee attack animation
Player: Added skeleton reaction animations (hit, dazed, knockdown, stunned)
Player: Added yeti reaction animations (hit, feared, dazed, knockdown, stunned)
Player: Added werefu monk hit animation
Player: Added zombie hit animation
Player: Added wolf reaction animations
Player: Arbalists gain +20 str and +5 vit from training
Player: Crossbows damage doubled
Player: Removed navmesh cuts from berry bushes
Player: Temporarily removed research from Barracks and Storehouse
Player: Added Magic Essence to lots of chests to support crafting of uncommon and rare items
Editor: Added Play Button - Will Load Map Into Player For Testing
Editor: Groups Now Show Only Blue Selection Box, Not One White Box Per Object
Editor: Added First Interactable Doorways (Classic Dungeon Kit)
Editor: Added Vertical Fog To Underworld Ambient Theme For Dungeons
Editor: Maps Can Now Be Marked As Village Or Dungeon In Environment Settings
Editor: Added Toggle Tool For Hiding Visual Helpers (e.g. Colliders, Triggers, Lights)
Editor: Added Nara (Gladefolk)
Editor: Added Willow (Gladefolk)
Editor: Added Spriggan (Gladefolk)
Editor: Added Murp The Dentist (Ogres)
Editor: Added Quixl The Thief (Goblins)
Editor: Added Mordrich (Withering Dead)
Editor: Added Brom (Withering Dead)
Editor: Added Skeleton Archer (Withering Dead)
Editor: Added Skeleton Champion (Withering Dead)
Editor: Added Kenny The Scar (Bandits)
Editor: Added Bandit (Bandits)
Editor: Added Ogre Warrior (Ogres)
Editor: Added Mighty Rhog (Toadkin)
Workbench: Conversation Node Can Now Accept Input From New Loot Node To Show Quest Rewards *****
Workbench: CharacterInventory Node Provides Access To A Character’s Inventory (Not Useful At The Mo)
Workbench: Added RevealFOW Node for revealing an area in the fog of war (use systems kit/point)
Workbench: Added NameOf Node (Use In Conjunction With Format, And Feed Into Conversation)

Bug Fixes
New Game, but instead of loading with file browser, click settings; no way back to browser
Fixed Stonecutters Not Carrying Stone To Supply Wagon/Storehouse
Fixed Expanded Boundary On Hunting Lodge Using Wrong Name

Known Issues
The cursor caret is vertically too high in the Editor. This is a known engine bug that should receive a fix soon.
Lava rivers are playing water flowing sound.
Keep an eye out for wave points having changed monster type.
One of the male hair styles is missing from the portrait.
Mossclaw (Swamp Beast) is creating undead arms instead of roots in a special attack.
Targeting heroes for heals is challenging when fighting lots of enemies.
The Toadkin walls are messed up and need remaking
Water might turn a rich green, but we haven’t got reproducible steps as yet.

[dT] Moustik
11/03/2016, 19h38
Hop, on a raté quelques MAJ

Alpha 24

Major Changes
Economy has undergone major rebalancing
Needs have been replaced with overall happiness
Destructible props have been added (e.g. doors and barrels)
Campaign now includes two dungeons: Bandit Caves and Mordrich’s Sandal Factory
Civics dialog now includes an overview of all building activity in one place
Civics dialog now includes a breakdown of all villager happiness, and rationing controls
World Editor added for organizing multiple maps (portals can be used to connect them)
Terrain sculpting tool added to the Editor

Totalité du patch note ici : http://www.gamesfoundry.com/patches/#patch0390

Alpha 25

What's new?
Player: Marketplace building added including UI (you can now buy and sell resources)
Player: Gold no longer occupies space in storehouses, and is no longer capped
Player: Tree stumps are now destroyed after 10 minutes (preferably when off-screen)
Player: Close button on building dialog now returns to civics building list if that’s where you came from
Player: Pathfinding for straight lines improved
Player: Implemented bounties (currently under Marketplace research)
Player: Improved shaders and materials used on characters and in dungeons (subtle)
Player: Research complete notification icons now open building dialog on click
Player: All shields updated to reduce geometry intersection
Player: Introduced dedicated cotton fields, herb fields, and farmer’s fields (wheat and carrots), locked until you’ve built the associated building
Player: Herbalist fields must now be built close to the Herbalist’s Den building otherwise construction will be invalid
Player: Cotton fields must now be built close to the Weaver’s Hut otherwise construction will be invalid
Player: Wheat and carrot fields must now be built close to the Windmill otherwise construction will be invalid
Player: Workbench cogs can now be revealed while playing using the console command ‘workbench’
Player: Wall stair direction arrow improved
Player: Added a command named 'spawn' to the console. Type help spawn for guidance. e.g. spawn spider queen
Player: ‘Spider Bounties’ “research” on Marketplace now gives you 30 gold per spider queen as well as the earlier 10 gold per normal spider
Player: Campaign extended. Players can now deliver the cog to Brom in Mordrich’s Factory
Player: Added setting for disabling edge of screen scrolling
Player: If a screen resolution of 1366 x 768 or lower is used, UI scaling is set to -1 (85%)
Map: Sandbox (Easy) and Tutorial map changed, replacing Monastery and some of landscape to resolve pathfinding glitches
Balancing: Reduced cost of Windmill from 100 iron ingots to 50
Balancing: Reduced production time for bread by 40% to tackle the flour mountain
Balancing: Ser Gregory can now equip normal shields (not just Tower shields)
Balancing: First spider wave from each spider den is now only 2 spiders instead of 4
Editor: Added backups to map saving, so no need to save multiple versions now (see new 'Restore from backup' Editor: Added more tower shields, spears, tomes
button in Location Editor near the near button)
Workbench: DestroyAll node added for destroying a list of objects in one go
Workbench: Added RandomCharacter node
Workbench: AllCharacters node can now filter by occupation as well as allegiance
Workbench: Added WhenQuestGiverInteraction - adds a ! quest market to a character. NPC highlights on mouse hover, and walks the lead character in selection group to an optional interaction point. Then removes ! marker. This node deprecates previous questgiver nodes which have been removed
Fix: Added navmesh cut to hill_rocky_01
Fix: Fixed oscillating camera rotation near cliff edges
Fix: Some conversations always being skipped over
Fix: Rendering glitch when placing stairs and other upgrades to walls
Fix: Teleporting by clicking on the minimap not working that well
Fix: Trebuchet on walls now works again
Fix: Spider queen feet being below ground due to import scaling issue
Fix: With hero selected, clicking train as profession caused modal dialog to appear
Fix: Contrast graphics setting should now work
Fix: Apply Resolution button wasn’t appearing in graphics settings after changing the desired resolution
Fix: Save games not always loading to the correct location (would always load starting location or world map)
Fix: Fixed potential race which could cause locations to fail loading
Fix: Introduced guards aimed at working around several exceptions
Fix: Fixed null ref exception in text rendering system
Fix: Fixed null ref exception in wall placer when exiting game
Fix: Pressing train Arbalist button was training City Watch
Fix: Heroes getting stuck on props in Kenny’s throne room in the Bandit Caves
Fix: Unlocking shield research at the Blacksmith’s doesn’t unlock the corresponding crafting recipe
Fix: Giant Snails couldn’t be killed in the easy sandbox map (they were marked as neutral by default)
Fix: Fishing animation visual glitch
Fix: Fixed input events being missed if duration was less than 1 frame
Fix: Console now opens after first keypress instead of second
Fix: Resource converters now always take number of workers into account (fish didn’t)
Fix: Tooltips not adjusting to correct size immediately
Fix: Tooltips margins were causing line breaks too early
Fix: UI scaling / downsampling should now work better
Fix: Music from main menu not fading out in Editor
Fix: Prevented static characters from receiving buffs
Fix: Prevented 'Other' from showing up as the occupation in the character sheet
Fix: Fixed workbench OrderMove node not being able to run immediately after a move was completed
Fix: Fixed layers on various characters (fixes Quixl not being able to activate triggers)
Fix: Problems loading custom and saved games
Fix: Editor could experience CPU spike when inspecting some character spawn points
Fix: Ogre material brightness reduced
Fix: Characters getting stuck on wooden stairs in Swamp Map near goblin ambush
Fix: Saving and loading a game after Kenny dies would revive him
Fix: Tutorial was loading an old map (monastery has been updated)

Known Issues
The Marketplace does not currently show in the civics building list.
If you have a custom map and spider dens are showing with human names, you’ll need to delete the dens from your map and create new ones from the kit list..
Bee Yards will be locked until a Monastery is built in a future patch.

Avec une petite vidéo :

Les développeurs commencent à faire des petits DevBlog :

Alpha 26

Patch Notes
This public build incorporates experimental patches through The patch notes are too long to fit in a Steam announcement, and continue over on our website (link at bottom).

Player: Added faction standing system (precursor to allies and enemies)
Player: Extended the Campaign (it’s still very much WIP)
Player: Dynamic loot generation system implemented
Player: Magic weapons now have visual effects when they have a suffix enchantment
Player: Added hero death and revival. including Willow’s ability
Player: Enabled potion consumption via character portrait wheel
Player: Potion Making now functional
Player: Added water to the types of resource peasants can gather
Player: Added clickable event notification to warn of impending attack (mostly spiders at the mo); mob will be shown briefly, then Fog Of War will fade back
Player: Added find peasants button to minimap including headcount
Player: Restricted some of Willow's abilities to targets that make sense (e.g she can no longer heal enemies)
Player: Ability targeting improved so now only valid targets are highlighted
Player: Z and X now adjust camera zoom, especially useful in construction mode
Player: Mouse cursor is now constrained to the window when in fullscreen mode (Windows only)
Player: Added audio settings toggle to disable transition to battle music
Player: Save games now always create a new save instead of overwriting the last one
Player: Added Ser Gregory’s missing voice lines
Player: Edited Lilith’s voice files to flow into sequential dialogue more smoothly
Player: Tweaked when healthbars appear (hiding for neutral and friendly non-human factions)
Player: Active Quests: Added red x for when quest failed
Player: Active Quests: Added find icon next to subquests
Player: Added connection cost smoothing to pathfinding code to try to improve path quality
Player: Increased speed of number transitions in marketplace
Player: Added impact sound effects when weapon has suffix enchantment
Player: RTS: F1..F9 single press now only selected hero, double press to zoom camera to them
Player: RTS: Single clicking on hero portrait now selects, double click to pan the camera to that hero
Player: RTS: Double pressing on control group keys (0..9) will now zoom to that control group
Player: Willow's purify ability now removes bad buffs from characters (and prevents them from getting any new bad buffs for 5 seconds)
Player: Characters and weapons are now 36% bigger*
Player: You can now select a peasant and right click on a profession building to train
Player: Added VFX to Willow's revive ability
Player: Made Q,E camera rotation frame rate independent in the game
Player: Scaled camera movement speed by height above the terrain (70% - 120%)
Player: Building healths doubled
Player: Increased size of wheat sprites
Player: Construction options now close when a villager/hero is selected
Player: Added levelup sfx and vfx to heroes. Increased sound range for abilities
Player: Changed the behaviour of the minimap back to what it was (which was less confusing)
Player: Moved leather armor research from Blacksmith’s to Tailor’s Emporium
Player: Moved bows research from Blacksmith to Hunting Lodge
Maps: Tutorial: UI blocking removed so game responds to input from keyboard and/or mouse during dialogue
Maps: Glade: Added new campaign map and linked to Shirebrook (home of the Gladefolk)
Maps: Mordrich’s Factory: Temporarily removed option to fight Mordrich as it stops campaign from advancing
Maps: Mordrich’s Factory: Locked two doors unless you are a faction friend of Withering Dead
Maps: Bandit Caves: Overhauled Kenny’s Throne Room in the Bandit Caves to resolve pathfinding issues
Maps: Bandit Caves: Fixed navmesh causing characters to stick where mine tracks cross stream
Maps: Bandit Caves: Added ladder portal in Kenny’s throne room to save players running back to entrance
Maps: Bandit Caves: Traps now do enough damage to kill Quixl (who will revive)
Maps: Bandit Caves: Quixl’s cage is now locked in the cutscene and opens if you release him
Maps: Sandbox: Swamp: Removed annoying big tree near quarry, tweaked quarry and mine areas
Maps: Added dialog at end of campaign to let players know that’s as far as we’ve got
Balancing: Villagers require fewer carrots to become full
Editor: Q and E now change elevation, Z and X zoom
Editor: Expanded Swamp Ruins Kit with pieces being used to make Bla’tu’s Palace dungeon
Editor: Defined all the proper factions for drop downs
Workbench: Cross-map tracking of quests
Workbench: StartSubQuest node added
Workbench: Added SubQuestInProgress node
Workbench: Added SubQuestCompleted node
Workbench: Added CompleteSubQuest node
Workbench: Added FailSubQuest node
Workbench: Popup dialog appearance improved
Workbench: Conversation node portraits can now be explicitly set via categorized dropdown (portrait input still optional). A mini portrait icon will appear above the node to help readability.
Workbench: Conversation node option checkboxes are now hidden in the inspector to reduce clutter; inputs work as usual
Workbench: Added FactionStanding group of nodes (...)
Workbench: Added ifFactionStanding node
Workbench: Added FactionStandingSimple node

Le patch note continue ici : http://www.gamesfoundry.com/patches/#alpha26

11/03/2016, 19h47
Cool ;)

30/03/2016, 18h58

Me revoilà avec une autre alpha oubliée (et sortie trop tôt) :p

Folk tale est passé à l'alpha 26 accompagné d'un loooong patch note disponible ici : http://www.gamesfoundry.com/patches/#alpha26

Je fais une petite série de vidéos en mode sandbox pour voir et montrer l'état du jeu : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIdK9o9oljc

En espérant que les devs tiennent leurs promesses car il a un bon petit potentiel

30/03/2016, 19h24
Le jeu est déjà plutôt agréable dans l'état actuel.

30/03/2016, 19h54
d'ici 2 3 ans , jpense que ya moyen d'avoir un bon jeu en effet ^^

jme demande si il(s) ont/ une grosse team ou si c'ets un mec solo.

jme moque mais en l’état c'est jouable et ca avance doucement au fur et a mesure.

[dT] Moustik
30/03/2016, 20h32
Folk tale est passé à l'alpha 26 accompagné d'un loooong patch note disponible ici : http://www.gamesfoundry.com/patches/#alpha26

2 messages plus haut... :tap:

30/03/2016, 20h39
Le jeu est déjà plutôt agréable dans l'état actuel.

A fond, ça a beau être une alpha , techniquement le jeu est très "propre"

d'ici 2 3 ans , jpense que ya moyen d'avoir un bon jeu en effet ^^

jme demande si il(s) ont/ une grosse team ou si c'ets un mec solo.

jme moque mais en l’état c'est jouable et ca avance doucement au fur et a mesure.

je suis d'accord dans le sens ou le jeu est fort axé sur sa campagne et une campagne c'est mieux...ben ...quand c'est fini ^_^
Mais il est vraiment jouable et je n'ai pas encore rencontré de bug gênants

sinon voilà l'épisode 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikn2GtI04Kc

le suite demain ^^

Edit: sorry Moustik, je me suis focalisé sur la 25 et sa vidéo , du coup j ai zappé la 26 en dessous .....:siffle:

30/03/2016, 21h50
Bon jeu mais le developpement est (trop) lent, même stonehearth a des maj plus souvent. Cependant a terme oui il peut devenir un bon jeu (si un jour il vois la fin).

30/03/2016, 22h34
d'ici 2 3 ans , jpense que ya moyen d'avoir un bon jeu en effet ^^

jme demande si il(s) ont/ une grosse team ou si c'ets un mec solo.

jme moque mais en l’état c'est jouable et ca avance doucement au fur et a mesure.

en 2014, j'avais lu que un des dév avait passé les 5000 heures sur Unity et voulait un succès Steam pour ça en rigolant. ^^

Il parlait aussi du reste du travail de la team, donc ils sont plusieurs, je ne connais pas le nombre exact et ça date de 2 ans l'info.

[dT] Moustik
16/05/2016, 19h36
Alpha 27 disponible. (http://steamcommunity.com/games/224440/announcements/detail/604984356235171322)

Both the Gladefolk and Withering Dead storylines are now playable from start to end, albeit in a rough first pass. Much of the work has focused on extending Workbench, the visual scripting editor to support the functionality required by campaign.

Heroes receive ability targeting including AOE circles and directional arcs, making it easier to see which monsters will be affected. Lilith the necromancer is now unlockable in the campaign by siding with the Withering Dead. Units can now also move short distances to engage in melee combat, reducing instances of them standing around while a battle rages just a few feet away.

Needs & Happiness
The 'Needs Wall' (especially noticable with basic clothing and mead) has been addressed. Unhappiness is much slower to set in, is capped, and can be offset by doing well in other areas or through the use of rationing. Rationing now has a lagging effect. While the UI looks the same, indicators have been added to the rationing bars to indicate whether happiness is rising or falling. The yellow warnings have also been removed as they were a distraction.

The tutorial has been completely remade across two entirely new maps (including a short dungeon) to cover many of the new gameplay elements. The narrator voice over has been omitted for the time being as we'll be adding to the tutorial in future patches.

Le patch note :
Patch Notes

This public build incorporates experimental patches through The patch notes are too long to fit in a Steam announcement, and continue over on our website (link at bottom).

Player: Modified happiness system to prevent the ‘Needs Wall’
Player: Characters can now move a small distance to engage in combat even when selected
Player: Added controls settings UI
Player: Nerfed Ser Gregory’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Nerfed Quixl’s starter gear - more opportunities to find upgrades
Player: Forage cursor now only shows when there are berries on the bush
Player: Added code to make small areas unwalkable (navmesh auto refinement)
Player: Temporarily disabled Tier 3 walls due to construction bug causing rippling effects
Player: Holding down MMB and moving mouse now pans the camera
Player: Holding down LeftAlt and moving mouse now changes the camera angle
Player: Some hero abilities can now be targeted; hero will rotate to face target before releasing
Player: Added Quixl’s special abilities (WIP): Shuriken Throw, Eviscerate, Hamstring, Backstab
Player: Added Lilith’s special abilities (WIP): Raise From Dead, Disease Cloud,
Player: Added Freya’s special abilities (WIP): Quick Heal, Divine Shield, Smite, Inspire Courage
Player: When interacting with a quest giver, characters now runs to the interaction point rather than walking
Player: Improved character movement by making velocity changes faster when running into obstacles
Player: Added visual effects for consuming health and power potions
Player: Halved the rate that cottages burn firewood
Player: Heroes now receive automatic attribute points when levelling up in addition to the +1 player assigned ability point
Player: Combat sounds can now be heard at a greater distance
Player: Camera behavior improved, free rotation should feel a lot better now in dungeons
Player: Mouse at edge of screen will now cancel camera following (e.g. hero camera tracking and after clicking an event notification icon)
Player: Mouse actions (e.g abilities) can now be aborted using Esc. Pressing again will bring up the pause menu as usual
Player: Willow's thorns now only prevent the target from moving and attacking, but does not play any particular animation on the target
Player: Animation speed buffs now only affect movement animations
Player: Added a message when the UI is hidden with the keypad 0 key
Player: LMB actions are now blocked for a duration of 0.8 seconds after the player has tried to activate an ability that could not be activated (due to e.g no mana) to prevent accidental deselection
Player: Heroes now regain full health and power when they level up
Player: When A.I. agents are grounded, the velocity is no longer set to 0, instead it is clamped so that the agent can move downwards or upwards along the current slope with a correct speed
Player: Doubled gravity because of some really steep stairs in the ruins kit
Player: Buffs now update much more often which among other things improves healing smoothness
Player: Freya's divine shield no longer requires her to face the target
Player: Freya's divine shield can now only be cast on heroes
Player: Dungeons are now hidden on the world map when playing the game
Player: Improved quests UI aesthetic

Maps: Tutorial: Remade entirely, two new maps including a new mini dungeon; voice over temporarily disabled; phase one complete, phase two to cover building dialog (research/crafting etc)
Maps: Campaign: Gladefolk story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Withering Dead story now implemented through to completion (rough first pass)
Maps: Campaign: Bandit Caves:: If player has already met LIlith, she now won’t appear in the Bandit Caves and player has to fight Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Opened up land for construction over the stream
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added continuous raids by Bandits until you deal with Kenny
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Added Gladefolk raids if you ally with the Withering Dead
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Replaced Bandit Mines entrance placeholder with proper portal
Maps: Campaign: Shirebrook: Modified Desecrated Cathedral area to work better with default camera angle
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended the map with the addition of the Everbloom Pastures
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Gladefolk storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Extended Withering Dead storyline
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Everbloom corruption into Rotwold
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Added Withering Dead everbloom corruption storyline quest
Maps: Campaign: The Glade: Fixed Willow and Lilith scripting issues that deal with defeat rather than death
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Vault chest now contains Rotwold Antidote allowing Gladefolk storyline progression
Maps: Campaign: Mordrich’s Factory: Added interaction text to locked doors to provide hints
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Added Bonefinger interaction
Maps: Campaign: Bonefinger’s Lair: Updated
Maps: Campaign: All: Heroes are now positioned during cut scenes

Assets: Kits: Added Ice Palace kit (Glacian)
Assets: Kits: Added Dungeons/Human Interior kit
Assets: Kits: Added Beastman ‘Bullock’ (Dual Wielder)
Assets: Added 6 halberds, 1 spear, 8 tower shields, 4 bows to 3D weapons
Assets: Updated 9 sword 3d models to improve edges
Assets: Added 5 tower shields, updated 3 icons for existing tower shields
Assets: Added Grasslands/Scarecrow prop
Assets: Added Dungeons/Glade/Sprinkler interactable (part of Campaign)
Assets: Added Swamp Ruins lever prop
Assets: Added carried Meat Pies for delivery from Butchery to storage
Assets: Added Hill Quarter Water (River) Straight piece to Core Tiles
Assets: Added Dungeons/Ice Palace pieces (next area to be overhauled)
Assets: Added 8 new character portraits
Assets: Setup Chest Of Horrors (Undead Kit) as an interactable chest
Assets: Added ½ floor tiles to Classic Dungeon kit
Assets: Added corruption effect to Everbloom when converted to Rotwold
Assets: Added UI quest sfx for quest start, subquest progress, quest complete
Assets: Added blood decals
Assets: Added mine track supports to mine kit
Assets: Added Ogre Zombie Butcher
Assets: Reduced the scale of Bonefinger and The Mighty Rhog
Assets: Increased the scale of Wood Imps so they are easier to target and see
Assets: Updated skeleton idle animation
Assets: Updated Fenrin’s melee attack animation to resolve jerk in left arm
Assets: Updated Spriggan and Ambassador O’Kleefe: increased walk speed; reduced scale; increased weapon combat distance for improved spacing
Assets: Animations: Updated Freya’s idle animations
Assets: Animations: Added Acolyte Grey's animations
Assets: Animations: Added defeated animation to Nara
Assets: Animations: Tweaked Willow’s walking and hit animations speed
Assets: Animations: Shortened Ser Gregory’s taunt animation so it feels more responsive
Assets: Animations: Added missing reaction anims to Toadkin worker and warrior
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Toadkin cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang chainmail armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Cult Of Pyros cloth armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Order Of The Fang leather armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Glacian Chainmail armor set
Assets: Loot: Added Toadkin Plate armor set
Assets: Loot: Added 5 Quest Items: Sqi Qi Toi, Map Fragment, Automaton Part, Burgundy Boar, Everlight
Assets: Loot: Added 2 further Withering Dead themed keys
Assets: Loot: Added Hammers 07-15
Assets: Loot: Added missing bracers and belt from Goblin Leather armor set
Assets: Audio: Added weapon impact sound effects
Assets: Audio: Added missing weapon inventory grab sound effects
Assets: Audio: Tightened up animation event audio syncs on some combat animations
Assets: Audio: Added kobold sfx
Assets: Audio: Added ogre sfx and voice back in
Assets: Audio: Added bandit combat sfx

Editor: Checkbox added to inspector to allow toggling of navmesh adds (default is on)
Editor: PortalEntry point now has an index value and a friendly name**
Editor: PortalEntry point ‘Use Current View’ button records the camera starting position for when the party enters
Editor: Added 'Use Current View' to environment inspector in editor for the first time a village map starts
Editor: Added wp_animation to the systems kit (aka Work Point Animation)

Workbench: Added GetGlobalCharacter and StoreGlobalCharacter nodes
Workbench: Added GetBool, StoreBool nodes for local context
Workbench: Added GetNumber, StoreNumber nodes for local context
Workbench: Added FailQuest node which cancels all subquests
Workbench: Added Exists node for checking if an object still exists in the world
Workbench: Added StoreGlobalList and GetGlobalList nodes
Workbench: Added StatisticDialog to track when a dialog was opened
Workbench: Added DialogOpen node the returns a bool if the specified dialog is open
Workbench: Added CloseDialog node to close a dialog if it’s open (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added CharacterSelect node to select a unit (for tutorial scripting)
Workbench: Added WorldText node to show text within the game world; disappears after 3 seconds
Workbench: Added SetCharacterDetectionRange node to control agro ranges; number acts as multiplier 1 being the default
Workbench: Added ToggleNeed node
Workbench: Added SetPartyFormation node
Workbench: Added yOffset to WorldText node
Workbench: Added CountAlive node
Workbench: Added LessThan and LessOrEquals nodes to reduce use of Not node
Workbench: Added GetParty and GetHero nodes
Workbench: Added Revive node to revive all fallen heroes
Workbench: Added SpecialAbility node to make a hero use a non-targeted ability
Workbench: Added GetHeroByAsset node
Workbench: Added GetHeroByIndex node
Workbench: Added OrderInteract node to send character to selected wp_animation
Workbench: Added SetCharacterBehaviour node
Workbench: Added duration scale field to WorldText node
Workbench: Added 'spawned' output (list of characters) to the TriggerWave node
Workbench: Added 'failed' output event to WorkPointTrigger node
Workbench: LockFactionStanding node now overwrites any previous locks
Workbench: Move node now stops character movement and matches character to object rotation
Workbench: Improved item search - can now search faction and material keywords
Workbench: VSOrderMove now has an 'aborted' output event as well as a 'reached' output event. The 'reached' event will no longer be triggered when the character does not reach the target
Workbench: WorldText node labels are now visible during cut scenes
Workbench: Changed how ListWorldObject and Index nodes work (deprecated the old nodes and added new ones)
Workbench: Now saves the panning position during the session
Workbench: Door behavior has changed slightly and now deactivates when open. They are also now set to allow multi-use to better facilitate control via Workbench
Workbench: Renamed almost all 'complete' events to 'done' to signal which nodes are blocking and which ones are not

Fix: Help link on Editor toolbar needed updating
Fix: Scale on daggers was too big
Fix: Scale on some bows was too big
Fix: Refined colliders on goblin village buildings
Fix: Updated box colliders on all props to improve selection in editor following rescale in Alpha 26
Fix: Stopped skeleton raids if player is allied to Withering Dead
Fix: Fixed spider that attacks Willow at entrance to Glade from being pullable prior to the cutscene
Fix: Navmesh connection problem resolved on Glade kit ramps
Fix: Ability icons weren’t greying out when the hero lacked the power
Fix: Move node now sets ToMove object rotation to same as target
Fix: Trebuchet turning sound was set to 2D sound rather than 3D
Fix: Carding research at the Weaver’s wasn’t incrementing production output
Fix: Navmesh on drawbridge props now behave properly
Fix: Fixed navmesh adds not working if there was no terrain tile in that XZ cell
Fix: Prevented heroes from gaining xp by just completing random workpoints
Fix: Mordrich’s Factory kit sewing machine navmesh wasn’t rotating when piece was rotated
Fix: RevealFOW node was potentially leaking and revealing areas when it wasn’t supposed to
Fix: Reduced default master volume
Fix: You now cannot talk to Lilith until you’ve completed Brom’s tasks
Fix: Fixed failing multiple quests in a single frame will still only show as a single quest failed
Fix: ConversationWhen node will now stop triggering after the first time the player has clicked one of the conversation options
Fix: Fixed spacebar skipping multiple conversation dialogs if completing one opened a new one in the same frame
Fix: Fixed weird info text in VSAllCharacters
Fix: Now trimming names in VSInstantiateCharacterAt as tabbing from firstname to lastname fields would insert an unwanted tab into firstname
Fix: After loading a location, the ambience manager is called to do blending immediately
Fix: Completing a subquest whose label uses format would show the subquest name and not the formatted string
Fix: Renamed 'Corpse Loot' to 'corpse_loot_prefab' so that it shows up in Workbench instantiate lists
Fix: SetLoot node in Workbench now works as intended; accepts output of Loot node
Fix: Info text bug for RandomCharacter node now shows the correct value
Fix: Character names not being used in the conversation when setting them using the portraitCharacter input
Fix: Disabled stacking for 'improved foundations', 'set square' and 'taxation'
Fix: Skeleton Archer idle animation had broken bow string
Fix: Workbench IsResearchEnabled and ResearchProgress nodes were logging warnings until a target item had been set
Fix: Villagers marked as ‘Dead’ were revealing fog of war
Fix: Mouse rectangle selection was still working when a conversation was blocking other mouse input
Fix: Kobold hit reaction was incorrectly configured
Fix: Typo 'Pupulation' -> 'Population' in topbar tooltip
Fix: A field wasn’t being serialized
Fix: Quixl's eviscerate being able to target all characters instead of only aggressive enemies
Fix: Changed alignment of portal entry point when entering Mordrich’s Factory via Bonefinger’s Lair so heroes face correct direction
Fix: Dropping Cemetery Kit / Mausoleum 01 into a map and dragging it caused a crash to desktop
Fix: Quest progress is now also hidden using numpad 0
Fix: Swamp ambience zone looks better once more
Fix: Chest of horrors not properly linked to its inventory holder
Fix: Crash reporter sometimes throwing exceptions
Fix: Buildings list throwing exceptions when opening it after some buildings have been destroyed
Fix: Freya’s abilities (House Hraun Paladin)
Fix: Removed Ser Gregory voice over from some other heroes
Fix: Music volume can now actually be set to 0 instead of the previous minimum value of approximately 0.016
Fix: Characters turning in the wrong direction for a fraction of a second before the new path was calculated
Fix: Swamp Ruin kit stairs had lost navmesh geometry
Fix: Defeated anim is now stopped when a character is revived
Fix: Music sometimes not working when playing from the editor
Fix: Glitch at start of Mordrich campaign voice file starting ‘Back so soon’
Fix: SetLoot node wasn’t working as intended
Fix: Disabling 'DefeatInsteadOfDeath' on a defeated character will now revive them with 1 hp
Fix: Renamed GlobalGetList node to GetGlobalList for consistency
Fix: Reduced fog by 66% in Grasslands ambient zone to improve visual fidelity when zoomed out
Fix: Workbench: Pan wasn’t being properly reset to 0 when changing scripts (could cause connections to hang in the air and look disconnected from the nodes)
Fix: Workbench: SetCharacterBehavior wasn’t triggering the ‘complete/done’ event
Fix: Goblin Berserk didn’t have a weapon configuration and did no damage
Fix: Camera zoom was enabled even when the mouse was over a UI element
Fix: Population sometimes wasn’t able to decrease when there were dead villagers in the location
(je l'ai mis dans une balise spoil car il est gros le bougre ! :p

16/05/2016, 21h42
Du très bon ;)

02/01/2017, 10h19
Des feedbacks récents dessus ? Quelqu'un y a joué ces derniers temps ?

Assez fan de Majesty, ce titre m'intéresse assez bien. Mais est-il bien en l'état ? Apparemment, il n'est pas prêt d'être finalisé (et du coup, le sera-t il vraiment un jour)...

03/01/2017, 12h38
Apparemment ils ont fait une update dernièrement, début de l'année ce jeu avait l'air très bien mais la durée de vie était bof à cause du peu de contenu.

03/01/2017, 14h04
Des feedbacks récents dessus ? Quelqu'un y a joué ces derniers temps ?

Assez fan de Majesty, ce titre m'intéresse assez bien. Mais est-il bien en l'état ? Apparemment, il n'est pas prêt d'être finalisé (et du coup, le sera-t il vraiment un jour)...

Je l'ai pris y a fort fort lointain, mais vite abandonné car on y fait vite le tour. Après cela a peu etre changer entre temps, ce que j'espere pour eux car le jeu est pas mauvais en soi.