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01/09/2011, 11h21
World of Tanks avec des bateaux !

L’open beta vient de sortir, il n'y aura plus aucun wipe de la progression des joueurs.
Trailer de lancement :

Un bon guide sur Biendébuter:

Description rapide du jeu*

WoT est un "TPS" à classes (mais la vue à la première personne est disponible). A la manière d'un MMO, il faut jouer pour débloquer du contenu de plus haut level: l'expérience et les crédits obtenus lors des batailles en 15vs15 permettent d’acquérir des véhicules au "tier" de plus en plus élévé. Du blindé léger au gros mastodonte en passant par l'artillerie mobile, le jeu propose plus de 240 (nombre en constante augmentation au fil des patchs) blindés des diverses nationalités (actuellement français, russes, allemands, américains, anglais et chinois) de la première guerre mondiale aux années 60-70 pouvant être améliorés selon les besoins et le style du joueur.
Chaque nation et chaque "branche" de l'arbre technologique (chars légers, moyens, lourds,artillerie et tanks destroyers) ont leurs spécificités, leurs faiblesses et leurs points forts, apportant une assez grande variété au gameplay.
Vous trouverez ici toutes les infos détaillées sur les tanks disponibles ainsi que les arbres technologiques de chaques nations présentes actuellement.
* : pompée sur le topic de World of Tank, remplacez Tank pas Bateau dans le texte et ça colle assez.

Les navires :
Destroyer (DD) :
Petit, rapide, manœuvrable et discret avec un armement conventionnel faiblard mais des torpilles (non guidées) dévastatrice si elles touchent. Ils sont très peu blindés et ont un armement anti-aérien très faible.
USN : Avantage Canon
IJN : Avantage Torpille
RUS : Gros, rapides et canons a longue portée et trajectoire plate, les plus mauvaises torpilles et les moins discrets

Croiseur (CL/CA) :
Moyen partout, certains ont des torpilles ils ont une compétence qui booste fortement leur armement anti aérien pendant un certain temps. Selon le modèle ils sont tantôt petits canons rapide ou gros canons lent.
USN : Meilleur blindage, meilleur armement anti-aérien, Radar a partir du t8, Pas de torpilles apres le t5
IJN : Meilleures torpilles, meilleurs obus HE
GER: Moyens partout, excellents obus AP et meilleur Sonar que les autres
RUS : Assez peu blindés avec une grosse cadence de tir, radar a partir du t8 (aucun mauvais bateau)

Cuirassier (BB ) :
Gros, lent, patauds avec d’énormes canons qui tournent et tirent lentement mais font de gros dégâts quand ils touchent. Ils sont bien blindés et disposent d’une compétence pour se réparer (un peu).
USN : meilleur armement anti-aérien
IJN : meilleure précision, resistant face aux torpilles, AA moyen
GER : meilleur blindage, AA correct, mais des canons peu précis

Porte avion (CV) :
Souvent basés sur une plateforme de croiseur (donc vitesse et blindage moyen), ils n’ont pas d’armement principal mais sont capable d’envoyer des avions (chasseur, bombardier en piquet ou torpilleur) qui ont un très gros potentiel de dégât.
USN : Meilleur armement anti-aérien, plus d'avion par groupe
IJN : Plus de groupes d'avions, plus d'avions en réserve

Les obus :
High Explosive (HE) :
Explose au contact. Pratique contre les ennemis tres peu blindés qui seraient percés de part en part par du AP ou contre les ennemis trop blindés qui ne peuvent pas être percés par l'AP. En pratique ça cause des dégâts assez constants avec des chances de détruire un armement secondaire ou de causer un incendie.

Armor Piercing (AP) :
L'explosif est enveloppé d'une bonne couche d'acier et explose quelques instants après l'impact. C'est quitte ou double selon le calibre de l'obus, l’épaisseur du blindage de l'ennemis et l'angle d'impact de l'obus sur le blindage.
Si l'obus pénètre le blindage et explose dans la salle des machines ou dans le magasin de munitions c'est banco (les fameux "Citadel Hit").

Plus d'info ici :

Les degats sont calculé de maniere assez bizzare, pour faire simple une fois qu'une partie d'un navire a pris un certain nombre de points de dégâts, elle devient moins sensible aux dommages qu'elle recoit.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/d3d2e622-e02d-47df-8578-c24760d30dcd.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/d3d2e622-e02d-47df-8578-c24760d30dcd.jpg)

La dispersion est la même pour tous les type d'obus mais varie entre les navires.
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/4795163f-6746-4940-b11d-4fc4b64a47c6.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/4795163f-6746-4940-b11d-4fc4b64a47c6.jpg)

Capitaine :
Au niveau 5 on débloque le capitaine, chaque capitaine est lié a sa faction et gagne des points de compétences avec l'experience. On peut placer ces points dans des compétences qui sont réparties en plusieurs tiers de 1 point a 5 point, il faut avoir une compétence dans un tiers pour débloquer le tiers suivant.
Un capitaine peut avoir 19 points de compétences au maximum.

Amélioration de la vitesse de rotation des tourelles :
http://i.imgur.com/2wa0TPFl.png (http://imgur.com/2wa0TPF)

Replays :
On peut sauvegarder ses replays pour pouvoir les lire plus tart avec l'exe du jeu.

Tutorial via le lien suivant

Détection :
Chaque navire a une distance de detection visible dans ses statistiques (concealment), on peut la réduire avec une compétence de capitaine, un module a 2 millions ou un camouflage.
Mais certaines actions en fonction des actions en jeu augmentent cette distance :

Shot (20sec) + ~4 km + ~6 km + ~12 km -
Fire + 2-3 km + 2-3 km + 2-3 km + 2-3 km
AA + 1-2 km + 1-2 km + 1-2 km + 1-2 km

Oui les chiffres ne sont pas précis car ils varient pour chaque navire et pour chaque distance (spot par un navire ou un avion)

Les distances à laquelle sont détectées les différentes torpilles des DDs :

Le compte premium est commun avec World of Tank (2500 gold ou une dizaine d'euro par mois), il procure un bonus de 50% de crédits et XP.
Les navires premium sont cher et contrairement a WoT, ils ne permettent pas d’entraîner son équipage plus rapidement. Ils ont seulement un bonus de crédit et d’expérience (entre 30 et 50%), expérience qui ne sert qu'a être convertie en Free XP moyennant €uros (beaucoup).
On peut aussi acheter des consommables premium contre des gold ou des crédits, ça peut valoir le coup sur certains navires comme par exemple la réparation accélérée sur les battleships.


Loot Crates:

Noir le Lotus
01/09/2011, 11h26
Comme je l'ai déjà dit dans l'autre topic, sur WoBs, pour les sous-marins ça sent vraiment l'excuse foireuse des mecs qui veulent pas avoir à gérer les déplacements en 3D des sous-marins. Que les PA soient complètement gérés par l'IA me rassurent (les premiers retours indiquaient un PA géré par le joueur et des avions gérés par l'IA). Ils serviront sans doute de base à détruire pour remporter la victoire.

01/09/2011, 11h47
Bah ils auraient pu faire 2-3 paliers de profondeur pour les sous marins, et en appuyant sur + ou - on monte ou on descend, bêtement.

01/09/2011, 13h43
Surtout que les frégates n'auront pas beaucoup d'intérêt s'il n'y a pas de sous marins. Les destroyers peuvent s'en sortir grâce à leur torpilles et sa vitesse mais je ne vois guère l'intérêt de la classe frégate la tout de suite. Logiquement c'est plus lent, moins armé et plus petit.

Sauf si c'est le noobship peut être ^^

01/09/2011, 14h50
Surtout que les frégates n'auront pas beaucoup d'intérêt s'il n'y a pas de sous marins. Les destroyers peuvent s'en sortir grâce à leur torpilles et sa vitesse mais je ne vois guère l'intérêt de la classe frégate la tout de suite. Logiquement c'est plus lent, moins armé et plus petit.

Sauf si c'est le noobship peut être ^^

Il y a des chances. ;)

01/09/2011, 15h39
c'est sans doute les scouts pour spoter les cuirassés cacher derrière des buissons flottant


01/09/2011, 15h39
Commencer avec une frégate noobship et finir en Yamato :bave: .
La frégate c'est moins rapide qu'un destroyer et moins bien armé contre les navires de surface (dans les guerres modernes). c'est pire qu'un scout c'est le loltraktor des navires

01/09/2011, 15h44
c'est sans doute les scouts pour spoter les cuirassés cacher derrière des buissons flottant
Va savoir il vont peut être nous mettre un "brouillard de guerre" ^_^
Ou ptet même des gros paquet de Varech de 15m de haut !

01/09/2011, 15h45
Je me demande si on aura droit à des zones avec une mer très agitée.

01/09/2011, 15h52
La frégate aura ptetre une défense AA plus potable que le reste?

01/09/2011, 16h37
La frégate aura ptetre une défense AA plus potable que le reste?

Attention, la "frigate" dans la nomenclature Anglosaxone c'est un petit navire d'escorte lent et peu armé. En français on dirait une corvette ou un aviso par exemple.

La vrai "frégate" française, ça s'appellerait en fait un destroyer dans la nomenclature US.

C'est le destroyer (torpedo boat destroyer) qui a la vitesse, la défense AAA, les tubes lances torpilles et même les meilleurs outils de lutte anti-sous-marine et c'est aussi le meilleur scout.

01/09/2011, 17h23
J'ai hâte de les voir galérer pour amener les bateaux devant le Convention Center pour l'E3


01/09/2011, 17h26
J'ai hâte de les voir galérer pour amener les bateaux devant le Convention Center pour l'E3


Ils vont tracter un porte-avion :ninja:.

Ou bien mieux, ils peuvent louer l'HMS Belfast pour présenter le jeu dedans !

01/09/2011, 18h13
Dommage pour les sous marins, on aura pas de tier X SNLE :cry:

01/09/2011, 21h23
Dans Battlestation Pacific il y a sous marins navire de guerre et avions en même temps, dommage que Wargaming n'ai pas fait un petit repompage, là ya tout pour prendre son pied.

13/09/2011, 22h50
Maj du premier post avec le lien vers le site officiel ! Wohooo

18/11/2011, 11h36
Outpostgamez had the opportunity to sit down with World of Battleships project manager Alexander Zezulin, we asked some rather hard hitting questions.

OPG: What nations will be represented in World of Battleships?

WOB: World of Battleships final version will feature 7 nations (USA, Japan, Russia, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy), while beta will only field 2 of them: USA and Japan. Upon the release, we’ll probably add Russia, Germany, and Great Britain. As for the last two, France and Italy are to be implemented a year after the release.

OPG: Will World of Battleships field historic Aircraft Carrier Classes from WWII’s Greatest Naval Battles?

WOB: Yamato, Bismarck, Montana, Varyag, Aurora and other legendary aircraft carriers from WWII’s Naval Battles are a must-have for any battleship game and we'll definitely have these models in World of Battleships. Apart from them, we'll also add some less-famous ships that were not mass-produced or that took part in a relatively small number of battles. Our artists will do their best to make the battleship models as authentic as possible paying attention to small details.

OPG: What are the user options for hosting a battle?

WOB: Although World of Tanks, World of Battleships, and World of WarPlanes are standalone games they have much in common. Naval battles will be created and hosted on the game server just the way it’s done in World of Tanks.

OPG: What adjustments can be made for scenario weather performance?

WOB: World of Battleships will offer players an entire bunch of weather effects (for instance, hailstorm, wind and fog) as part of their challenge in combat. Moreover they will most likely change dynamically. It’ll contribute to creating an attractive and engaging gameplay forcing players to think and change their game strategy on the go.

OPG: Can you give us the reasons why Wargaming.Net’s World of Battleships will be better than “Battlestations Midway”?

WOB: To begin with, World of Battleships is an entirely different game. Its management and battle organization differ from those of Battlestations Midway greatly, not to mention that World of Battleships will enjoy a detailed ship damage system. And above all things, World of Battleships is an MMO where players don’t have to waste time and efforts looking for enemies ready to fight on their terms. Our mechanics considerably simplifies the matchmaking system.

OPG: Will there be an increased level of customization in World of Battleships, vice what has already been seen in World of Tanks?

WOB: WoT is the first one of ‘World of’ series and have a look at how far it has advanced during its not that long history. Mind that no one knows what level of customization WoT will have by the time World of Battleships is released. So let’s put it this way: what players have in WoT in only the tip of the iceberg and our developers team never stop elaborating and broadening the list of customization features for the entire series.

OPG: World of Tanks fields historic tanks from the early 20th Century, especially experimental tanks, i.e., the Maus. Will World of Battleships field Prototype vessels that did not make it past the drawing board, as well?

WOB: Work on the list of battleships that will be added to World of Battleships’ roster is still in progress, but we'll definitely have a number of prototypes. However, we're not revealing the details now.

OPG: Will we be expecting limited Submarine Activity in some World of Battleships scenarios?

WOB: There definitely will be no submarines sailed by players in World of Battleships. We are still considering whether the game will feature submarines in any other mode (for example, NPCs you need to either convoy or engage depending on which side you’re fighting for) .

OPG:The early 20th Century was the time where Radar and Sonar technology was in its infancy. Will we see shipboard Radar and Sonar on some of the advanced vessels?

WOB: Yes, vessels will make use of sonar and radar systems, and their quality on in-game models will depend on technologies used in real-life warships.

OPG: Will we be able to re-enact historic Naval Battles, i. e. “The Battle of Leyte Gulf”, or “The Battle of Midway”?

WOB: We won’t be re-enacting the battles you mentioned, purely for technical reasons. The Battle of Leyte Gulf is generally considered to be the largest naval battle of World War II. The size of the area is nearly a hundred to a hundred kilometers, which far exceeds those of our usual maps and makes it impossible to give a detailed picture. As for the Battle of Midway, it’s a highly tricky task to reproduce a battle where one of the opposing sides didn’t know about the other. When a battle is organized in World of Battleships, players have a general idea of whom they’ll be standing against.

OPG: Will players be able to “clan up” like they already do in World of Tanks?

WOB: Yes, sure, this is going to be the first step towards mutual integration of the two projects.

OPG: How will Carrier-Based Aircraft be implemented and operated by Carrier Commanders?

WOB: We are working on a special interface to enable players formulate accurate orders for air groups and inform them about flight course and direction of attack.

OPG: Will we be able to re-paint or re-skin our vessels in World of Battleships?

WOB: Yes, there will be such an opportunity.

OPG: Will Aircraft Carriers in World of Battleships act in the same fashion as Artillery does in World of Tanks?

WOB: No, they won’t. They will be considerably vulnerable to artillery though and thus will keep away from the actual battle.

OPG: Will there be Tier-Associated Match Making in World of Battleships?

WOB: No. It’s actually far too soon to talk about matchmaking system, but it is highly probable to resemble that of WoT.

OPG: Will there be subs, if not will you be creating World of Subs?

WOB: No, there won’t be subs, at least as controllable units, in World of Battleships and as for now we aren’t planning World of Subs.

Source (http://www.outpostgamez.com/outpostgamez/mmorogue/1085-world-of-battleships-opg-exclusive-interview.html)

18/11/2011, 19h19
Source (http://www.outpostgamez.com/outpostgamez/mmorogue/1085-world-of-battleships-opg-exclusive-interview.html)

J'ai quand même hâte qu'il sorte celui-là.
S'il y a des spécialistes, une idée de en quoi vont consister les "prototypes" dont ils parlent ?

18/11/2011, 19h27
Bah, suffit de regarder le TechTree de Navyfield (http://navyfield.com/GameInfo/Guide/Nation.aspx) pour imaginer ce que ça peut être (menu Game Info puis Ship Tree).
C'comme dans WoT, t'auras sûrement des proto basés sur des trucs existants, avec des plans/matos améliorés, etc, genre les proto H Class allemands (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H_class_battleship_proposals).

Le truc qui me fait marrer, c'est quand ils disent fièrement "ouai, y'aura aussi des navires qu'ont pas été produits en série, blablabla".
Ouai, comme l'essentiel des gros culs du 20ème siècle, qui étaient souvent construits par paire, gros max. Tu parles d'un special feature toi :rolleyes:

28/03/2012, 13h03
WoT’s Platoon System is a well-made grouping system. Should we expect WoB Task Group System to be familiar?

We think that WoB Task Groups will be similar to WoT Platoons, but considering specific naval themes, there may be some modifications of the base WoT system. Obviously, ships are quite different from tanks. These death machines of WWII used to have quite different strategy, tactics and technical features. Taking WoT Platoons as a base of a Task Group system, there will be some expected changes due to the distinct nature of naval warfare. At this time, it’s difficult to predict clearly what exactly these changes will be.

If WoB has the Task Group System, can a clan/fleet merge/link multiple Task Groups together on one large map to create a Task Force?

World of Battleships’ development is still in a rather early stage, so we cannot yet speak with certainty about specifics like this.

With WoT’s Clan Wars Commander’s Screen setup, can we expect a WoB Task Force Commander’s Screen setup as well?

We are going to take the main WoT features to WoB. Of course, there will be some changes driven by the differences between battleships and tanks. Concerning the screen, we are happy with the standard interface and see no reason to change it.

Will WoB use the same crew system as in WoT, like a Navigator, Chief Engineer, Fire Control Officer, Damage Control Officer, Communications Officer and Supply Officer?

Generally, the WoB crew system will be the same as the WoT system. We are going to use the same damage and regenerating systems for battleship crew. Also crew modifiers will be like those that we have in WoT and will depend on a member’s qualification. However, there will one difference: a battleship’s crew will be bigger than a tank’s crew. Due to Navy Regulations, a battleship’s crew structure is much more complicated than a tank’s.

Will each crew member be available to be trained in Core Quals as well as additional Qualifications?

The training system will also be similar to WoT one. Any crew member will be able to get lots of qualifications – both core and additional. I can’t reveal their names, but I can say that the system in general will be similar to WoT one.

Do crew members have the capability to repair certain parts of damaged systems or will a “Repair Token” be available as a single-use item?

A battleship’s crew and its qualifications won’t be connected with repair. There will be WoT-like “Repair Tokens”.

Will the Task Group / Task Force leader have certain powers available, like “Recon Planes”, “Underway Replenishment” or “Task Force Reinforcements”?

There will be no superpowers. As with a tank’s commander, a ship’s captain will be responsible for spotting enemy vehicles. He affects the view range of the vehicle, with more competent commanders being able to spot enemies at a greater distance.

Will Naval Gunnery and Targeting be set as a Range Circle around your ship and how will crew skills affect a player’s Reload Time and Accuracy?

Actually, there will be a dispersion ellipse, not a circle. We decided that ellipse-like sight would be more useful for a WoB player. Of course, higher crew skills will directly improve a vehicle’s reload time and accuracy. I can’t recall the exact rates of improvement, but in general it will follow the logic of real battle.

Are any “Special Weapons” available, like “Buzz-Bombs” or “Tactical Nukes”?

As with WoT, our goal is to create a realistic game based on WWII-era warfare. All of the weapons, vehicles, and battleships that we include in the game have a real historical basis. There will be very powerful guns and legendary premium ships. We are trying, with great care, to recreate the spirit of naval warfare from that time period and therefore are not planning to include any super weapons.

Will Destroyers be equipped with “Surface Firing Torpedo Launchers”?

Actually, torpedo launchers are the primary weapon of destroyers. We are very attentive to historical and technical details. Our 3D artists and game designers scan detailed literature, schematics and photos of ships closely. Moreover, we have a few professional historical consultants with naval backgrounds and experience who provide a lot of detailed information of how a ship looked and what weapons she was equipped with. Our game designers and historians both agree that we could never include a Destroyer without torpedo launchers.

Will the DPS for Torpedoes be equivalent or higher than the DPS for Large Caliber Shells, i.e. 12” or even the 16” shells?

Again, it’s a question of the level of historical accuracy that we want to achieve in World of Battleships and, as stated, our mission is to create a realistic game. All of the technical characteristics are taken from real documentation, so I can say with certainty that the damage of one torpedo will be, as in real life, much greater than the damage of one standard big caliber shell.

With radar in its infancy in WWII, could we see some classes of ship equipped with Navigation and Targeting Radars?

You are quite correct; we couldn’t ignore the important role that ship borne radar played in WWII. Moreover, radar will definitely bring more fun to gameplay. Our ships will be equipped with all types of radars and antennae that existed at that time.

If Radars are available, how will this affect Naval Gun Accuracy if used?

Obviously, the radars of the 1940s were not as precise as modern FCS. Nevertheless, they are still used as usual optical rangefinder replacement, so you shouldn’t expect much difference.

Will Manual Gun/Torpedo Targeting be available if the radar is not equipped, damaged or destroyed?

Radars will add some bonuses to accuracy, but don’t expect that they will be an overly dominant factor – it will not matter if the player uses radar or not. Only manual control will be available for main caliber guns and torpedoes and secondary guns and AA guns will be controlled by AI, to make the gameplay more pleasant.

Since WoB will not have playable submarines, will an available “Sub Patrol Power Up” be available to the players or Task Force Commander?

No, there won’t be anything connected with “sub-“. No submarines or sub patrols, at all.

What can you tell us will entail in regards to compartmentalized damage i.e.: rudder, guns, engine room, magazine (magazine explosions such as the battle cruisers at the battle of juland) or water entering a damaged section of the ship?

We try to take into account all of the main parts of the ship which affect gameplay more than others. Thus the damage model in World of Battleships will take into account rudders, guns, barbets, engine rooms and boilers, magazines, radars, rangefinders, as well as the exact thickness of armor plates.

In what time period will WoB start, Pre-Dreadnought?

World of Battleships will include vessels from the very beginning of 20th century – a time period known for its release of a great number of legendary navy ships. We are going to start with the dreadnought, which symbolized the origin of the Battleship Age. I can also reveal that some pre-dreadnoughts may appear in the game as premium ships later on.

How will Aircraft work with the CV’s that have been mentioned that will be in the game? As you might be aware or unaware many gamers have expressed that, they hope it will be better than that of Navy Field.

World of Battleships won’t disappoint them in this hope. Of course, both games are dedicated to naval warfare in the 20th century. The main difference is that World of Battleships will be RTS but more complex than the Navy Field’s system. Besides that, WoB is going to be an action game. You will be able to ingrain yourself deep in the strategy, but will also have the opportunity to just have fun, shoot at plenty of enemies and sink them all. I’m sure players will love it.

source (http://www.outpostgamez.com/outpostgamez/index.php/11-articles/422-opg-exclusive-interview-world-of-battleships/)

28/03/2012, 13h51
Une fois qu'on a passé les premières questions répondues par "Ça sera inspiré de WoT, mais comme le combat naval est différent du combat de tank, on ne sait pas à quel point ça diffèrera", y'a des news intéressantes.
Y'a même une référence à Navy Field, pour les connaisseurs. À savoir : ça sera plus complexe (au sens de "mieux") et plus stratégique, mais on pourra faire du boum-boum fun si on veut.

Bernard Renard
28/03/2012, 14h18
Un poil HS mais en attendant une bêta (j'attends toujours mon invite pour World of Warplanes... :'( ), c'est sympa Navy Field? Est ce que ça nourrit un fan de guerre navale prenant son pied sur WoT? Sinon je reste sur Battlestations Pacific!

28/03/2012, 14h34
Navy Field est assez difficile a prendre en main et le grind est très long d'un navire a l'autre.
Le jeu est en 3D iso ou un truc comme ça et le matchmaking...'fin non y'a pas de matchmaking, tu tombe direct face au plus gros.

Bernard Renard
28/03/2012, 14h46
ok merci. Battlestations alors ^^

28/03/2012, 15h34
Hum à suivre tout ça !

En tout cas, ça pourrait fortement m’intéresser :)

28/03/2012, 15h36
WoB sera un RTS ?

28/03/2012, 17h04
WoB sera un RTS ?

Avec des héros qui évoluent et ont des pouvoirs, un peu comme warcraft 3.

28/03/2012, 17h12
Et des QTE ?

28/03/2012, 17h16
Et des QTE ?

Ils ont dit :

Pas trop, comme dans Battlefield 3.

28/03/2012, 17h53
Avec des héros qui évoluent et ont des pouvoirs, un peu comme warcraft 3.

Not sure if serious :tired:

En tout cas je vous raconte pas comment je suis déception si c'est un RTS. J'ai horreur des RTS :sad:

28/03/2012, 18h58
Not sure if serious :tired:

En tout cas je vous raconte pas comment je suis déception si c'est un RTS. J'ai horreur des RTS :sad:


14/04/2012, 20h05
If everything goes smooth we can even expect alpha this year$

Aller, je sens que vous en mourrez d'envie : lâchez vos coms !!!


15/04/2012, 09h31

Aller, je sens que vous en mourrez d'envie : lâchez vos coms !!!

Sur eux, ou sur toi ? :ninja:

15/04/2012, 10h36
If everything goes smooth we can even expect alpha in a few years
Je verrais plus les choses comme ça, moi :rolleyes:

21/04/2012, 20h31
Mais au final WoB est annulé ou il va finir par sortir?

21/04/2012, 20h40
Mais au final WoB est annulé ou il va finir par sortir?
Il n'est pas annulé, mais de là à dire qu'il va sortir...

21/04/2012, 22h38
Mais au final WoB est annulé ou il va finir par sortir?


Sérieux ?

Au final de quoi ?

21/04/2012, 23h11

Sérieux ?

Au final de quoi ?

Juste savoir si il y avait eu une annonce de l'annulation ou de la poursuite de WoB mais ma question est peut être trop compliqué?

21/04/2012, 23h19
Juste savoir si il y avait eu une annonce de l'annulation ou de la poursuite de WoB mais ma question est peut être trop compliqué?

Il n'y a jamais d'annonce de poursuite de projet... Et en l'absence d'une quelconque raison pour qu'ils abandonnent, je ne vois pas pourquoi on devrait se demander s'il y a eu telle annonce.

Sinon, Bordelands 2 n'est pas annulé, rassure toi. Crysis 3 non plus.

Cod 12 non plus.

22/04/2012, 02h41
Trop agressive Keulz.

22/04/2012, 04h24
Trop agressive Keulz.

Merde, spoté. :ninja:

23/04/2012, 10h05
Modobell, direct !

23/04/2012, 10h20
Modobell, direct !

J'en connais un qui se fait chier au taf.

23/04/2012, 10h45
Ça se voit tant que ça ?

23/04/2012, 11h14
Wé, j'ai même pu te filer du taf ;)

23/04/2012, 12h55
J'en connais un qui se fait chier au taf.

Au lieu de te moquer de lui, tu devrais lui envoyer des documents à photocopier, ça l'occupera.

26/04/2012, 15h00
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/f9cc4d5d-74ab-41e0-94d1-18babbd59e38.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/f9cc4d5d-74ab-41e0-94d1-18babbd59e38.jpg)

Le Habakkuk est aux portes-avions, ce que le Ratte est aux tanks.


26/04/2012, 15h05
rojet Habakkuk (ou Habbakuk) était un projet des Britanniques pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Ils voulaient construire des porte-avions avec du pykrete (mélange de pâte à papier et de glace) pour les utiliser contre les U-boote allemands au milieu de l'océan Atlantique durant la bataille de l'Atlantique, qui était hors de portée des avions basés sur terre.


L'idée d'origine était de découper d'énormes morceaux de glace de la banquise arctique, de les remorquer jusqu'au milieu de l'Atlantique, et de les utiliser comme pistes flottantes pour les avions — un mélange d'iceberg et de porte-avions.


Ils avaient d'la bonne à l'époque.

26/04/2012, 15h06
Projet britannique construit (enfin qui aurais du être construit) dans un mélange de glace et de pâte à papier. et après on critique les allemands avec leur Ratte et les russes avec le KV-VI :p.

EDIT : grillé

Noir le Lotus
26/04/2012, 17h02
Alors pour info, les projets d'île artificielle pour servir de base arrière mobile ça existe encore. Le Pentagone a ainsi dans ses cartons une île mobile de 1 ou 2 miles de long pouvant servir de super porte-avions et de base arrière à une armée complète. Bon ok, il leur manque juste un super méchant pour justifier sa construction.

Le principe du bateau en pykrete a été testé dans l'émission Myth Busters et ça marche ... pendant un moment relatif à la taille du glaçon.

29/04/2012, 22h49
Y avait aussi le P1500 Ratte allemand. Successeur du P1000 Ratte. (oui ils imaginaient des véhicules qui succéderaient à des concepts de véhicules qu'ils ne produiront jamais. J'aime beaucoup)


Vouliez un TD tier 10? Un canon de 800mm avec des obus de 7 tonnes. ^^

http://www.unmuseum.org/ratte.htm (tout en bas)

Et vous pouvez apprécié la taille de l'obus ici:

29/04/2012, 23h00
800 mm pour sept tonnes ,ça fait quoi ? 4 tirs par jour ? Encore mieux que le freeze en clans wars :p

Projet 154
29/04/2012, 23h15
Y avait aussi le P1500 Ratte allemand. Successeur du P1000 Ratte. (oui ils imaginaient des véhicules qui succéderaient à des concepts de véhicules qu'ils ne produiront jamais. J'aime beaucoup)


Vouliez un TD tier 10? Un canon de 800mm avec des obus de 7 tonnes. ^^

http://www.unmuseum.org/ratte.htm (tout en bas)

Et vous pouvez apprécié la taille de l'obus ici:

Le P.1500 Monster n'est pas le successeur du P.1000 Ratte, loin de là.

C'est une idée proposée pour servir de plate-forme automotrice au canon géant Dora (aussi connu sous le nom de Schwerer Gustav) (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dora_%28canon%29).[/quote]

800 mm pour sept tonnes ,ça fait quoi ? 4 tirs par jour ? Encore mieux que le freeze en clans wars :p

14 par jour (ou 2 par heure)

30/04/2012, 18h14
14 par jour (ou 2 par heure)

30/04/2012, 22h57
Ils bossaient peut-être à temps partiel...

30/04/2012, 22h58
Ils bossaient peut-être à temps partiel...

Les ravages des 35H...

(attention, ceci étant devenu un topic politique, il se verra fermé dans pas longtemps)

01/05/2012, 01h07
Comme quoi, il faut toujours suivre l'exemple allemand.

06/06/2012, 12h52

Projet 154
06/06/2012, 13h07
Han! :o

Le Yamato! :wub:


06/06/2012, 13h23
Je veux voir de l'ingame !

06/06/2012, 13h35
Je trouve que plus encore que pour WOT, les équipages absents (en particulier les servants de pièces légères) ça fait ... bizarre

06/06/2012, 13h42


Ils avaient d'la bonne à l'époque.

Ils ont du lire "La compagnie des glace" une série de romans de science-fiction écrits par G.-J. Arnaud ou ils utilisent quelques bateau de glace réfrigérer :p (très bon romans a lire ^^)

06/06/2012, 13h44
Ouais ben j'espère que leurs bateaux seront plus maniables que leurs avions.:gglolmdr:

06/06/2012, 13h48
Ouais ben j'espère que leurs bateaux seront plus maniables que leurs avions.:gglolmdr:

Pourquoi, t'as peur que dans WoB avec ton skill tu arrives à te crasher en mer ? :ninja:

06/06/2012, 13h50

06/06/2012, 13h52
Je te sens aigri, qu'est-ce qu'il ne va pas ?
Tu as acheté trop de boites et il t'en reste sur les bras ? :ninja:

06/06/2012, 13h52
Déjà que la présence de tant d'eau l'empêchera pas de brûler, lui casse pas le moral Keulz ^_^

06/06/2012, 13h53
Il pourras toujours s'enliser sur un banc de sable :trollface:

06/06/2012, 13h55
J'pense qu'il va détester les "Received critical hit : fire emergency systems damaged" :trollface:

06/06/2012, 13h55
Et les gars, dites moi, il est apothicaire Valmon ?

06/06/2012, 13h55
Déjà que la présence de tant d'eau l'empêchera pas de brûler, lui casse pas le moral Keulz ^_^

Bof, pas sûr que ça marche si bien.
Par contre, lui faudrait quelque chose pour relâcher tout son fioul d'un coup, comme ça, quand il prend feu au milieu des ennemis, ils vide tout d'un coup et hop, mer de flamme. :bave:

06/06/2012, 13h56
Mais non Keulz, j'essaye de trouver un remède à ton agressivité en partant du postulat que t'es chiant parce que tu as en permanence le cul qui pique/gratte.

j'essaye de t'aider c'est tout !

Les autres je vous merde.

06/06/2012, 13h59
[...]le cul[...] merde.

Hum, tu en es encore au stade anal. Courage, après, c'est l'adolescence, mais encore après tu pourras voter.

Ah ouai zut, nan, faut pas que tu puisses voter ! :o


06/06/2012, 14h05
lOL il a pa encor de poil O kiki en plus il panse pa kom moi fo pa ki vote.

J'arrête là on va prendre des points :D. (enfin surtout toi :trollface:)

06/06/2012, 14h15
J'arrête là on va prendre des points :D. (enfin surtout toi :trollface:)

Aucun risque, suffit que je serre fort les fesses. :cigare:

06/06/2012, 15h21
Ouais ben j'espère que leurs bateaux seront plus maniables que leurs avions.:gglolmdr:

Sois pas si dur avec toi-meme mon cher Valmon, je te trouvais largement assez maniable pour etre toujours devant mon viseur! :p

06/06/2012, 15h46
Sois pas si dur avec toi-meme mon cher Valmon, je te trouvais largement assez maniable pour etre toujours devant mon viseur! :p

Ah non mais quand il s'agit de faire des cabrioles pour se retrouver avec des gens dans le cul, il y a du monde; mais dès qu'il s'agit de tenir un canyon en 50b sans que la moitié de la team doive faire demi-tour pour tenter de sauver la situation, il n'y a plus personne !

Et merci mais je crois que tu m'as filé assez de préparation H pour quelques décénies.

06/06/2012, 16h31
Sympa le trailer :bave:
Maintenant je voudrais bien voir ce que ça donne ingame quand même... Enfin je pense qu'on a le temps de voir avant que le jeu ne sorte...

06/06/2012, 16h51
Ah non mais quand il s'agit de faire des cabrioles pour se retrouver avec des gens dans le cul, il y a du monde; mais dès qu'il s'agit de tenir un canyon en 50b sans que la moitié de la team doive faire demi-tour pour tenter de sauver la situation, il n'y a plus personne !

Et merci mais je crois que tu m'as filé assez de préparation H pour quelques décénies.

Tenir un canyon avec tout seul contre 4 T110, même toi tu le fais pas :ninja:
Puis on peut parler du "je joue à diablo pendant qu'on fait la strat et je switch sur wot dès que le décompte de la bataille est terminé".

Allez on stoppe le lavage du linge sale :)

04/08/2012, 12h42
"Wargaming Renames World of Battleships to World of Warships
New Title to Better Reflect Wargaming Universe
2nd August 2012 — Wargaming, the award-winning global video game developer and publisher, today announced that its upcoming naval MMO action game, World of Battleships, has been retitled to World of Warships™. All further references to the game and its development will continue under the new
“The company is gearing up, and so are its titles,” said Victor Kislyi, CEO of Wargaming. “In addition to more accurately reflecting the game's core essence, World of Warships™ will correspond more closely to the framework of our Wargaming universe.”

While the game has changed its title, the gameplay hasn’t. World of Warships™ will still focus on straightforward naval action gameplay, including accessible controls, historically accurate vessels and combat, as well as a deep and engaging upgrade and customization system.
World of Warships™ will also be included in the Wargaming.net common economic system that will allow players to distribute resources between the three titles.
World of Warships™ is scheduled to set sail in 2013."

Facebook Q&A:

Take a moment to read through the following exclusive Q&A, to get an insight into the current plans for the game!


Q: Can you share a few words about the game modes that will be included in World of Warships?

A: We don’t want to reveal too much at this stage – it’s just too early – but I’ll say that there will be some kind of "capture the base” scenario, much like World of Tanks.


Q: Historically, ships could conduct battle for half a day or more, and even take direct hits without being disabled or sinking. How are you going to represent the extreme might of these huge steel monsters without having really long fights?

A: We definitely value realism and historical accuracy, but we’re also trying to make a really fun game. There are actually many examples of “one-shot” battles. The pride of His Majesty’s fleet, the battle cruiser ‘Hood’, was sent to the bottom after a single successful hit. Don’t worry though; we’re dedicated to bringing the players a real feeling of being at the helm of a gigantic steel colossus.


Q: In your last interview you mentioned that aircraft carriers would be able to manage their air group, something like an RTS. Can you give us a few more details about this feature? Will the system be controlled by the player and dependent on their skill?

A: Players will have the ability to equip their planes, and select their deployment order at the beginning of the battle. This will determine what resources are available at any given moment, and will make the difference between successfully repelling an attack, or losing all the bombers while they’re still sitting on the deck.


Q: What about the depth of ship modifications? Will it be possible to change the caliber of individual guns? Will it be possible for carriers to customise their air group; for example, taking only fighters instead of torpedoes and dive bombers?

A: Players won’t be able to modify individual guns on their turrets, but will manage the entire weapon system platform for that turret. For example, when changing the caliber of the gun it’ll mean that there will need to be a change in the recuperation system, recoil system, breech mechanism, cradle mechanism, shells and filler feeding system and so on; there will be a lot of complex leveling. Aircraft carriers will be able to choose the type and quantity of aircraft they’d like to bring, but they do have a limited capacity.



Q: You have repeatedly mentioned that the arrangement of your ships will be an important part of gameplay, specifically you mentioned an effective anti-aircraft order. Can you elaborate?

A: It’s impossible to come up with the perfect formation, but if you’re going to be repelling an air attack then it makes more sense to protect your aircraft carrier with air defense cruisers than it does to put them out front with the destroyers. The aircraft carrier will supply the aircraft to defend those ships.


Q: Which ships and eras will be represented in the game?

A: The game will include ships from the beginning to the midpoint of the 20th century. We’re going to have four types of ships: battleships and battle cruisers, aircraft carriers (with some hybrids), cruisers (light and heavy), and destroyers. We plan on having two nations, the United States and Japan, ready for the release of the game.


Q: Can you explain how players will manage their groups of ships? What will the leveling system look like for these groups?

A: Actually, we’ve decided to go in a different direction. Players will not be controlling small groups of ships; every ship will be controlled by a player. Instead, each team will have 10 slots, where each slot can be filled by multiple combinations of ships. We’re still testing this structure, and we’ll be able to share more details about it after we’ve done some rebalancing.



Q: What about the scale of battles? How many players will be able to participate in the battle?

A: The battles in this game will be much bigger than World of Tanks. We’re looking at a number somewhere between 30-36 players per match. There are technical limitations that keep us from going much higher than that.


Q: Can you tell us anything about the crew for ships and how they’ll level up?

A: The crew will consist of various officers at different stations. It’s going to be reminiscent of World of Tanks.


Question: What is the game engine for World of Warships?

A: The same as World of Tanks – it’s an engine by BigWorld.


Q: Can you tell us about the damage model for ships? How is it going to be displayed on the models and in the gameplay?

A: The damage model is quite complex. We map out the interiors of the ships in detail. For example, all of the ships’ surfaces will have various armor ratings. If a shell penetrates the armor we’ll calculate the trajectory and depth, and thereby track which internal modules will be damaged by its path.
Ships will careen off course, they’ll trim differently to the fore and rear depending on what is hit, they will even keel over in some cases or completely break apart or explode when ammo or boilers are hit.


Q: How big will the maps be in comparison to World of Tanks?

A: The maps will be much bigger than those in World of Tanks or World of Warplanes; roughly 50km x 50km.


Q: We already know you’re planning on developing maps for the Pacific Ocean battle grounds, but will there be any unusual maps from other regions?

A: Absolutely, we’re planning to include many different climatic zones.


Q: Will there be a ship customisation features?

A: There will definitely be some degree of customisation. It will most likely be camouflage and other identifying paints and markers, as well as the ability to place a name on the ship.


Q: What stage is the game currently at?

A: The game is still in the development stage, but we’re working hard on it!

12/08/2012, 16h36
Tiens j'avais pas vu, mais une image IG de WoB a été publiée :lol:


Ben quoi ? :ninja:

14/08/2012, 11h34
Tu a oublié celle ci :
http://uppix.net/1/d/e/7dbdda11bbe93bc5beb60ec99a089tt.jpg (http://uppix.net/1/d/e/7dbdda11bbe93bc5beb60ec99a089.html)

Ca doit faire plaisir au mangeur de chips ...

14/08/2012, 11h53
Y'a pas de description sur ta photo :ninja:

14/08/2012, 13h12
Au fait, faut renommer le topic.

14/08/2012, 17h05
Don’t worry though; we’re dedicated to bringing the players a real feeling of being at the helm of a gigantic steel colossus.

Ça je demande à voir, c'est clairement pas le point fort de WoT.

14/08/2012, 17h36
Y'a pas de description sur ta photo :ninja:
J'ai parlé de l'homme chips alors que tu n'a pas parler de Mme Nez !!

15/08/2012, 18h00
Pas une seule pettite place pour WoWs durant la GC...:(

24/09/2012, 11h31
Dans BF1942:FH, il y avait des Cuirassé dans lequel on pouvait tenir à 15.
Dans WOB ca sera un bateau par joueur, peut importe la taille ?
Il est possible de s'inscrire pour une éventuelle possibilité de peut être participer à la beta/alpha ?

24/09/2012, 11h50
Non, il me semble si je me souviens bien des interviews que j'ai lu, que c'est un ou plusieurs bateaux par joueurs selon la classe. Et le joueur n'aura que le contrôle de l'armement principal, l'IA s'occupant du reste. Pas de béta ni d'alpha de prévu dans un avenir proche nonplus.

24/09/2012, 11h55
D'ailleurs faudrait mettre à jour le titre du topic.

Non, il me semble si je me souviens bien des interviews que j'ai lu, que c'est un ou plusieurs bateaux par joueurs selon la classe.
Tu as vu ça où ?
Il ne me semble pas du tout, par contre les porte-avions aurons des avions, mais ils ne devraient pas être contrôlables directement comme dans un str.

Et le joueur n'aura que le contrôle de l'armement principal, l'IA s'occupant du reste.
Pareil, tu as vu ça où ? Sachant qu'ils n'ont toujours pas décidé comment ils allaient gérer les multiples armements...
Bon après, pour ce qui est de la DCA, oui, je n'imagine pas qu'on la contrôle directement.

Pas de béta ni d'alpha de prévu dans un avenir proche nonplus, ils bossent à fond sur World of Warplanes il faut croire.
Rien à voir, ce sont deux équipes distinctes.
Mais ils se pourrait qu'on ait des infos après la période de Noël.

24/09/2012, 11h56
J'ai trouvé ça comme source en cherchant 2min. Ca n'est peut être plus d'actualité, j'en sais rien..


24/09/2012, 12h25
J'ai trouvé ça comme source en cherchant 2min. Ca n'est peut être plus d'actualité, j'en sais rien..


Lui non plus ne cite pas de source ;)

Merci pour les infos, je ne suis pas prêt d'y jouer ...

24/09/2012, 13h00
J'ai trouvé ça comme source en cherchant 2min. Ca n'est peut être plus d'actualité, j'en sais rien..


Oulà ça a l'air vieux, mais je ne trouve pas la date. D'ailleurs, je me demande si ce n'est pas le producteur avec qui j'ai discuté.
Toujours est-il qu'il semble y avoir beaucoup de choses qui ne sont pas encore fixées, comme la présence de sous-marins, du coup je ne comprends pas le ton affirmatif de l'interview, car il me semble que ce qui est incertain aujourd'hui devait l'être encore plus hier, non ?

24/09/2012, 17h09
Oulà ça a l'air vieux, mais je ne trouve pas la date. D'ailleurs, je me demande si ce n'est pas le producteur avec qui j'ai discuté.
Toujours est-il qu'il semble y avoir beaucoup de choses qui ne sont pas encore fixées, comme la présence de sous-marins, du coup je ne comprends pas le ton affirmatif de l'interview, car il me semble que ce qui est incertain aujourd'hui devait l'être encore plus hier, non ?

c'est marqué : post le 02/27/2012... c'est pas récent.
C'est pas dans le HS canard PC sur WOT, qu'il y'a une brève sur WOB qui dit que les joueurs pourrons contrôler plusieurs navire selon la classe?

Von Grabenstein
24/09/2012, 17h16
Si !
Un par classe je crois.

11/11/2012, 18h35
Trouvé çà en cherchant des news fraîches:


Je suis plus que sceptique devant l'interface et le "closed beta test" en descriptif, surtout que le site donné ne comporte que trois articles...

11/11/2012, 18h40
Trouvé çà en cherchant des news fraîches:


Je suis plus que sceptique devant l'interface et le "closed beta test" en descriptif, surtout que le site donné ne comporte que trois articles...

C'est du Battlestation, rien à voir.

11/11/2012, 23h10
Trouvé çà en cherchant des news fraîches:


Je suis plus que sceptique devant l'interface et le "closed beta test" en descriptif, surtout que le site donné ne comporte que trois articles...


World of warship qui tourne sur Xbox 360, ça ne te choque pas ?

Fais preuve d'un peu d'esprit critique, kikolle. :p

11/11/2012, 23h56

World of warship qui tourne sur Xbox 360, ça ne te choque pas ?

Fais preuve d'un peu d'esprit critique, kikolle. :p

Ouuuups effectivement, heureusement que les vacances se terminent je commençait à fatiguer.

29/11/2012, 18h18

29/11/2012, 18h19

29/11/2012, 19h07
Jolies images, ça donne vraiment envie.

29/11/2012, 20h33
Mais faut renommer le topic...

29/11/2012, 21h07
J'en peux plus là. :bave:

29/11/2012, 21h28
J'en peux plus là. :bave:
Rhooo, tout pareil :bave:

29/11/2012, 21h31
Tien Quitol , une autre vidéo de Warship



Sinon ça donne envie ces screen :o

29/11/2012, 21h33
C'est vrai que par rapport aux screenshots publiés lors de la révélation du titre, y'a pas photos ça en jette ! :O

Manque plus qu'un vrai trailer digne de ce nom ! :p

29/11/2012, 21h36
C'est bien joli. Je reste tout de même un peu sceptique pour le gameplay. On verra ...

29/11/2012, 21h39
Tien Quitol , une autre vidéo de Warship



Sinon ça donne envie ces screen :o


30/11/2012, 14h28
Tin ça va couter un bras en repas et en obus ces bateaux :ninja:

C'est bien joli. Je reste tout de même un peu sceptique pour le gameplay. On verra ...

Pas mieux

30/11/2012, 21h51
Le gameplay peut pas être aussi pourri que WoWp de toute facon... Y a un axe en moins :ninja:

Allez, faites péter l'alpha/bêta et prenez moaaaaaa !

30/11/2012, 22h09
1.1. Q: Since destroyers and cruisers are fully separate tech trees alongside battleships and carriers, how will they be balanced to survive matches with high end battleships for instance? Will a tier X destroyer have a lot of hitpoints or will they be balanced through other stats?
A: These ships will be balanced with the help of a new matchmaker system.

1.2. Q: How will Destroyers work in WoWS? Can you use the Main Armaments along side it's Torpedoes or just it's Torpedoes?
A: You can use your guns on DDs as well as torpedoes.

1.3. Q: Will air-defense dedicated craft (ex. carrier loaded with fighter-interceptors) significantly reduce CVs ability to effectively deal damage or will the AI-controlled anti-aircraft guns on our ships essentially be worthless special-effects features, in order to keep CV gameplay and economy on par with other ships?
A: CVs are not balanced yet, and not even in tests now, so this remains to be seen.

1.4. Q: You have acknowledged previously that smoke screens maybe available in the game. I would like to know if scout planes will be able to drop Smoke Bombs, Flares (for possible night battles) or other supporting roles.
A: No, scout planes are not planned to use any bombs.

1.5. Q: Multiple times, Devs have mentioned that there will be 2 lines of BBs (For example Iowa/Montana) Are you doing perhaps a BC style line and a BB style line? If not will there be two lines of other classes such as BCs or CVs?
A. There won’t be any BC specific line.

1.6. Q: For cruisers/escorts whose main job was mainly to defend carriers, will there be manual AA control of big flak guns? (Here I'm thinking CL. Emden for example from NF)
No, we are not planning this feature. AA fire will be fully AI controlled.

2.1. Q: Will the mass or size of the plane determine on how many you can carry at once? and will Carrier functionality be realistic as some carriers couldn't actually launch Jets due to their limited Flight Deck?
A: Partially yes, the size and mass of plane will determine the amount of such planes in a named CV. Jets are unlikely to appear.

2.2. Q: Will there be a possibility to upgrade also planes which ships carry? For example from F6U Pirate to F7U Cutlass?
A: Maybe it will be possible, maybe not. As was already revealed, carriers are not yet in the tests.

2.3. Q: Will you be able to use gun batteries of Carriers for surface engagements?
Yes, though carrier using his guns instead of his planes either noob or just not knowing what his role is.

2.4. Q: Will IJN CV's be able to Kamikazi the planes into ships? Or will all planes be treated Equal?
No kamikazes.

2.5. Q: Will you be able to use scout planes carried by cruisers and battleships?

3.1. Q: You spoke about using presets to upgrade weapons on ships.
3.2. Q: I was wondering why you chose to use that system and not the current system we have in WoT.
Because we don’t want players manually install each of Oerlikon on his BB.

3.3. Q: Will the spotting system be similar to Tanks? Or will it be a bit different? (would be kinda silly not to see a huge battleship right in front of you because he was hiding in Kelp)
It will be similar.

3.4. Q: Will World of Warships have EPIC naval fighting music, will you release an OST for people to download?
What is EPIC naval fighting music? Any reference, please.

3.5. Q: Will you ever consider adding FF (Frigates) into the game? As Frigates are still commonly used throughout navies. After all it is the smallest of the sea-fairing ships. Quite often part of Carrier Strike groups. Playing more of a supporting role.
No, Frigates are not planned. During WWII they played mostly the role of convoy escorts, being too slow and specialised in sub chasing to be included in Carrier task forces.

3.6. Q: Have you guys considered having AOE (Support ships aka Combat Support Ships) in the game? After all, they play an important role in all naval battles. In game they could help extinguishing fire's and repair badly damaged ship towards X% for a rough example. And playing the support role would be a unique way to play the game. Also. Some of them do have weapons. And also might be used as a key ship for an Escort type of battle in Organized battles like Company battles / Clan battles. Example of such ship used in WWII is the Sunosaki class for the IJN.

3.7. Q: Will there be dramatic and cool sinking animations of ships And different ways of the ship sinking depending on damage/weapon used against it? Or will it be like Navyfield where every ship breaks in half and sinks the exact same way? Give examples if you can.
Yes, there will be special critical hits and sinking animations.

3.8. Q: Will you have Ability to RAM into other ships? Desperate situation might need desperate tactics!

3.9. Q: What are the "main" special traits between Nations? As in Tanks, each nation seems to have their trait. Soviet being Armor and Close range combat. Germany being Accuracy and Long range combat, Americans being All-rounders and Medium range combat, French being Speed and Firepower. (in general, but not every tank falls within the category of course).
There are no special nation traits in our game, because we are not making the Orcs vs Elves MMO. Each nation made ships of different kind and role – for example Alaska is fast, poorly armored BC, while Montana is not so fast, but big, well armored and armed ship – this is the only „traits“ you should expect from World of Warships.

3.10. Q: Why do you not want the submarines in WoWs?
Because submarines of that era are strategic anti-supply weapons, not the part of naval combat.

3.11. Q: When you will be able to apply for some alpha version?

3.12. Q: What will be with clan wars? Is it going to be connected with WoT and WoWp or something else?
Yes, someday clan wars will be connected to WoT and WoWp.

3.13. Q: Would we be able to make custom 'Prefixes' such as 'USS' or 'KMS' etc or would we be stuck with the National 'Prefix'.
We haven't decided yet.

3.14. Q: Will there be different nation torpedoes (like Germans having Proximity magnetic fuse, Japanese more dmg etc) or will torpedo classes be universal (ie: Like deciding Ammo, you have a wide choice shared by all nations). Amending that question, if torpedo stock is open to all (ie everyone can buy all the types of torpedoes) will their stats vary slightly between the nations?
You cannot use German torpedoes on American torpedo launcher, as well as opposite. So you, as in real life, will be using nations torpedo launchers with nations torpedoes.

3.15. Q: Will the dual-purpose weapons be under player’s control, as on many ships they served both as anti-aircraft and as primary or secondary surface engagement weapons? (for example primary armament of many destroyers, AA cruisers, carriers, secondary armament of cruisers and battleships…
DP guns will be player controlled when firing on surface targets. The player will switch to AA ammo, these guns immediately will become AI controlled.

3.16. Q: Will we see crew skills like the ones in Tanks? If so how would this work for Carriers? Will they have a number of 'crew' pilots for whom you can choose different skills?
Yes, there will be crew skills like in WoT.

1.1 Q: It has been asked if Airplanes can kamikaze into warships, but should a carrier not want to recover his Airplanes can you simply let them run out of fuel and die? Let's say the situation called for it because the carrier did not wish the enemy to follow his airplanes back straight to his carrier if they were bombers. Adding to that, when an airplane runs out of fuel (or is shot down) and it falls from the sky and strikes a ship how much damage would it do?

A: Player can cancel the autoreturning order for planes. When plane is out of fuel it falls from the sky. The damage it can deal is not great – the bomb is much more efficient way to make damage.

1.2 Q: Would we be able to control how the planes attack their opponents? (example) so they can drop their Torpedoes on the Port and Starboard bow of a ship to give them little to no space to maneuver? Or will they attack how they see fit?

A: It is still to be decided

1.3 Q: How will you manage Pilots as crew? Can you have X number of Crew slots open for pilots (Each pilot representing a wing when you deploy it) or will you simply have 1 Pilot Space for each type of Aircraft?

A: It is still to be decided

1.4 Q: When deploying Aircraft from CVs will you be able to deploy shorter wings at a quicker rate? For exampe, if the Shukaku can deploy 8 aircraft at a time, would it be quicker to deploy 2 wings of 4 rather than a single wing of 8? I ask this since you have hinted previously that the flight wing controls would be reminiscent of NF

A: Yes, smaller wings can be deployed faster.

2.1 Q: Will we have different FCS to choose from? Say some which give you longer spotting range but worse spread or short spotting range with good spread?

A: There will be different FCS, but FCS will not have any influence on spread, because spread is the charecteristic of barrels of guns and guns mount.

2.2 Q: On the subject of Ship Customization will you be able to alter the density of the armour in different parts of the ship as long as you ensure it remains at the same displacement? Such as taking some armour off the bulge and putting it on the Deck/Belt? I don't think this has been addressed fully yet.

A: You cannot alter the density of armor, because armor is a part of hull of a ship.

2.3 Q: How will flooding of the ship work can you affect the ship repairs and damage control so you can stay in the fight a bit longer?

A: Ship with critical flooding will sink, and nothing can help it to be afloat. Even if it will still have some HP left.

2.4 Q: will the ships that dident have a radar have its as a thing you can research and equip, maybe the ships whitout has no mini map?

A: We will not turn the minimap off for the ships with no radar mounted.
Players will be able to upgrade ships with presets and some radars will possibly appear.

2.5 Q: Will you be able to decide crew focus on your ship? As in, focusing on Damage Controll to repair ship dmg / put out fire's and leaks. Offensive Focus for better reload and accuracy. Navigation focus, for better manuverbility and speed, Defensive focus for better AA and ability to withstand impacts better. Just as some rough examples. This would help, but also cripple your ship in different tasks.

A: No, you won’t be able to crew focus. Crew system will be close to WoT.

2.6 Q: Will there be various types of torpedoes in the game, with differing capabilities? For instance, differences in range/speed, magnetic abilities, and electric (wakeless) torpedoes?

A: Yes, there will be different torpedoes in game.

3.1 Q: Is it possible for the ships to use mines?

A: No. Mines were usually not used as a tactical weapon, their deployment required extensive time and resources.

3.2 Q: And will ships gain a Random Serial when Commissioned/bought such as DD-567 or CV-380 etc.

A: No. for more details re. ship names/designations check 3.9 and 3.10.

3.3 Q. Physics - will it be applied on ships or we will have simplified behavior like in WoT now?

A: It is already applied. We cannot make good naval game without physics.

3.4 Q: Will there be support for multiple displays? WoT and WoWp don't really have a need for these things, but I think this can greatly benefit from it, especially when playing hybrids, being able to have good overview of whats happening with the top down view on one screen and the normal view on the other, or something along these lines. If not for release, might this be something that'll be considered for post-release?

A: Maybe someday after release.

3.5 Q: For clan wars could we expect to see isles with Emplacements strategically located? I was thinking of, for example Shogun 2 Naval emplacements where a team could capture emplacements to harass the enemy.

A: Clan wars features are still to be decided

3.6 Q: Can we expect weapon emplacements like the ones in Warplanes during Random Battles? (Coastal artillery, coastal targets...)

A: That is possible, still in consideration.

3.7 Q: What kind of Crew abilities will we be able to expect? Not in details, but in rough manner.

A: We didn’t come to conclusion for Crew abilities by ourselves right now. We will keep you informed in the future.

3.8 Q: Will ships belonging to non major nations possibly be included as premium ships? (Examples could be the Dutch Eendracht class cruiser, Spanish Espana class battleship, Austro-Hungarian Tegethoff class battleship and more). I expect that these could be a good source of income for people that want to have a bit of fun in ships reflecting their own nations :P

A: We are planning to add a „Small naval nations“ combined tree some months (years?) after release, it would be a similar conceptr to planned World of Tanks "Small European nations" tech tree.

3.9 Q: I have read before that we can name our own ships, will these names be somehow visible on the ships?

A: You will be able to choose between sistership names. Maybe there will be also an option to use your own name for gold and with premoderation. Showing names in game directly on the ships would be challenging due to scale of the models and textures.

3.10 Q: Will ship names be unique or can multiple users have the same name?

A: Given the number of players expected, there will hardly be unique names.

1.1. Q: Will we have fire modes to choose from? (Ie: Simultaneous, by turret, by primary gun) I know for aiming the turrets will all point at one target, but I was wondering if you stagger your fire. This could help with the first couple of ranging shots and then you could go back to firing all turrets simultaneously.

A: No, there will be no firing modes to choose from.

1.2. Q: In tandem with that question, how much ammunition would, let's say an Iowa carry? Just wondering if it's never an issue or enough of an issue you do not want to waste too much on ranging shots/etc.

A: We are aiming on historical numbers right now, but this can be changed in future.

1.3. Q: Knowing AA guns are automatic, will we be expected to pay to reload them every game? or will they be excluded from re-supply?

A: These guns will have imited ammo, and of course player will pay for this ammo, but not too much.

1.4. Q: Will some nation ships have Auto Loaders like some of the French Tanks in WoT?

A: No.

1.5. Q: Does the guns on ships have different maximum ranges? If yes, would there be a nation that has range as an advantage?

A: Yes, the ranges are different, but not much. As long as there is no blockshots like in Navyfield (and there is a huge spread on maximum range, as it was IRL) the small range difference is not a problem at all.

1.6. Q: Will some ships be able to fire Rocket Artillery as some ships where designed and used in Battles like the Normandy Beach Landings?

A: That is unlikely. The LCS® and other rocket ships were designed for a close-in fire support just before the first wave hits the surf, since we will not do opposed landings. These ships were not exactly too seaworthy and would need to be generally at knifefight distance to make any impression on real warships.

1.7. Q: Will the Carrier tree be similar to the Arty tree in WoT were it stops at Tier 8 or will it go up-to Tier 10?

A: No, CVs will have their Tier10 as other classes. After all, WoT will also have tier X artilleries eventually.

1.8. Q: Will planes be researched separately to the Carriers or will they be Researched as Modules for each Carrier?

A: We are not yet final with decisions about the carrier aircraft handling.

1.9. Q: What would the reloading time be?

A: Faster than IRL, but not much faster.

1.10. Q: Will the game have Ap,He, premium ammo?

A: There will be many ammo types to choose from.

1.11. Q: Can water plumes destroy airplanes damage, smaller ships?

A: No. While water plumes can be dangerous to planes, they were not overly effective as anything except psychological weapon.

1.12. Q: Will ships have crew you can see? like AA gunners and brigde crew and so on,peope just walking running around?

A: No, we are limited by scale of the ships.

2.1. Q: As an update, do you know when you might be able to provide us with an early tech tree for the IJN & USN lines during the beta? Just curious if you knew which ships you were planning on placing in the beta so far.

A: Can’t tell this yet. Tech trees are still being worked upon.

2.2. Q: Will camouflage choices be available with release/beta? Or will it be like in Warplanes where it seems to automatic?

A: I think that you can see it in release version.

2.3. Q: I know you have yet to decide fully on Sailor Abilities, but will we be able to trade sailors with beta/release or are you planning to do that much later? (Ofc this is accounting for the fact there may be a lot of nice abilities to choose from)

A: There will be no crew trading.

2.4. Q: How long would you roughly estimate that World of Warships would be in Closed Alpha and Beta before it come into Open Beta?

A: CAT will be shorter than WoT and WoWp, that’s all I can say now.

2.5. Q: Do you have any other Projects planned for after World of Warships is released like World of Star-ships?

A: First of all we aimed at making a great game about warships – anything after will be after.

2.6. Q: There have been a lot of questions already about ships, crew management, Ai, carriers, etc etc. However, when i look at a naval game, my first concern is about the environment battles takes place in, in this case the sea, and how it affects the fights. So the question is, what kind of "physics" can we expect from the ships there? Will we have waves or the sea will be just a flat texture with special effects to resemble the sea? Will we have different maps with different sea conditions that influence ship accuracy, or force you to shoot in a certain situation and not in another one?

A: Right now we are in a process of testing the 3d waves, so this waves are likely to be seen in CAT/CBT already. As for maps – there will be maps of different seas and places of the world.

2.7. Q: Will we get camoflages/skins we can buy like in tanks?

A: This is possible.

1.1. Q: Will we have fire modes to choose from? (Ie: Simultaneous, by turret, by primary gun) I know for aiming the turrets will all point at one target, but I was wondering if you stagger your fire. This could help with the first couple of ranging shots and then you could go back to firing all turrets simultaneously.

A: No, there will be no firing modes to choose from.

1.2. Q: In tandem with that question, how much ammunition would, let's say an Iowa carry? Just wondering if it's never an issue or enough of an issue you do not want to waste too much on ranging shots/etc.

A: We are aiming on historical numbers right now, but this can be changed in future.

1.3. Q: Knowing AA guns are automatic, will we be expected to pay to reload them every game? or will they be excluded from re-supply?

A: These guns will have imited ammo, and of course player will pay for this ammo, but not too much.

1.4. Q: Will some nation ships have Auto Loaders like some of the French Tanks in WoT?

A: No.

1.5. Q: Does the guns on ships have different maximum ranges? If yes, would there be a nation that has range as an advantage?

A: Yes, the ranges are different, but not much. As long as there is no blockshots like in Navyfield (and there is a huge spread on maximum range, as it was IRL) the small range difference is not a problem at all.

1.6. Q: Will some ships be able to fire Rocket Artillery as some ships where designed and used in Battles like the Normandy Beach Landings?

A: That is unlikely. The LCS® and other rocket ships were designed for a close-in fire support just before the first wave hits the surf, since we will not do opposed landings. These ships were not exactly too seaworthy and would need to be generally at knifefight distance to make any impression on real warships.

1.7. Q: Will the Carrier tree be similar to the Arty tree in WoT were it stops at Tier 8 or will it go up-to Tier 10?

A: No, CVs will have their Tier10 as other classes. After all, WoT will also have tier X artilleries eventually.

1.8. Q: Will planes be researched separately to the Carriers or will they be Researched as Modules for each Carrier?

A: We are not yet final with decisions about the carrier aircraft handling.

1.9. Q: What would the reloading time be?

A: Faster than IRL, but not much faster.

1.10. Q: Will the game have Ap,He, premium ammo?

A: There will be many ammo types to choose from.

1.11. Q: Can water plumes destroy airplanes damage, smaller ships?

A: No. While water plumes can be dangerous to planes, they were not overly effective as anything except psychological weapon.

1.12. Q: Will ships have crew you can see? like AA gunners and brigde crew and so on,peope just walking running around?

A: No, we are limited by scale of the ships.

2.1. Q: As an update, do you know when you might be able to provide us with an early tech tree for the IJN & USN lines during the beta? Just curious if you knew which ships you were planning on placing in the beta so far.

A: Can’t tell this yet. Tech trees are still being worked upon.

2.2. Q: Will camouflage choices be available with release/beta? Or will it be like in Warplanes where it seems to automatic?

A: I think that you can see it in release version.

2.3. Q: I know you have yet to decide fully on Sailor Abilities, but will we be able to trade sailors with beta/release or are you planning to do that much later? (Ofc this is accounting for the fact there may be a lot of nice abilities to choose from)

A: There will be no crew trading.

2.4. Q: How long would you roughly estimate that World of Warships would be in Closed Alpha and Beta before it come into Open Beta?

A: CAT will be shorter than WoT and WoWp, that’s all I can say now.

2.5. Q: Do you have any other Projects planned for after World of Warships is released like World of Star-ships?

A: First of all we aimed at making a great game about warships – anything after will be after.

2.6. Q: There have been a lot of questions already about ships, crew management, Ai, carriers, etc etc. However, when i look at a naval game, my first concern is about the environment battles takes place in, in this case the sea, and how it affects the fights. So the question is, what kind of "physics" can we expect from the ships there? Will we have waves or the sea will be just a flat texture with special effects to resemble the sea? Will we have different maps with different sea conditions that influence ship accuracy, or force you to shoot in a certain situation and not in another one?

A: Right now we are in a process of testing the 3d waves, so this waves are likely to be seen in CAT/CBT already. As for maps – there will be maps of different seas and places of the world.

2.7. Q: Will we get camoflages/skins we can buy like in tanks?

A: This is possible.

1.1. Q: Do you have enough drawings and information on Dutch ships to make those when you start with the Combined European tree? If not, I can help you order drawings from a scale model club here. I don't want to push you, take your time to do it right. This is just some information to help in case finding drawings on Dutch military stuff proves difficult.

A: We always are open to information. There will be Dutch ships in Combined European tree – that is for sure.

1.2. Q: You did not mention any Greek ships. Will they ever be added?

A: Yes, sooner or later.

2.1. Q: Can you tell us, which class will be Tier I ships? I think it should be destroyers, however it would be nice to have official confirmation.

A: I’ve answered this question on NA and RU forums. Tier 1 ships are training ships, gunboats, etc. For USN it is Erie gunboat, for IJN it is Katori training cruiser.

2.2. Q: Are most maps with islands (so you can "take cover") or more open maps? Since a lot RL battles happened on the open ocean, but this would make battles almost 2D.

A: We are aiming on having all maps with more or less islands. I doubt we will make a plain ocean map ever – it is too boring to fight there.

2.3. Q: Are the "flags" going to be harbours or more of an island where you have to destroy fortifications? Are those fortifications going the return fire?

A: This is what is not final yet – I can’t answer about flags right now.

2.4. Q: Are there airfields on islands where planes from carries can make emergency landings?
Will it be possible to land Your planes on a Friendly carrier if your carrier is Sunk but you get charged for using there Ammo and Fuel? If you haven't thought about this can I keep it here as a Suggestion?

A: No.

2.5. Q: In WoT it's a garage, in WoWp - hangar, so the place where you keep your ships in WoWs will be named a dock? :D

A: Dock or shipyard.

2.6. Q: Will the teams be strictly Allied ships vs Axis ships in WoWs, Or will we have to play games where it's all just thrown into an unhistorical basket?

A: Like in WoT – any ship of any nation on one side.

2.7. Q: Can we expect to see a Realism gamemode that only allows Nation-pure Teams. Say a team consisting of only German ships vs the Royal navy?

A: No.

2.8. Q: As a frame of reference, in the maps you are planning what would the maximum range of a torpedo be? Will it be 1/4 of the map or more/less? I don't expect a super accurate answer but an approximation might help us build a better understanding of map dimensions.

A: Ranges of torpedoes are +/- close to historical except Long Lances, of course – they are nerfed.

2.9. Q: We know that World of Tanks does not support multicore processors, while World of Warplanes does. What about World of Warships?

A: We support multicores.

2.10.1. Q: Are the maps big enough to actually first see the top of the distant ship and later, as we get closer, the whole ship (because the earth is round)? If yes, will that be implemented in the game?

A: Maps are flat. If you will calculate the curvature of Earth on a square of 60x60 kilometers you’ll understand why we decided not to include curvature in our game.

2.10.2. Q: When the weather conditions are implemented will the same weather be on the whole map or, for example, will there be areas with rain and others without?

A: Can’t answer that right now. It depends on how well we will make the weather system.

2.11. Q: Will there be eventually Night Time Engagements such as the ones at Guadalcanal?

Later – possible. In release version – no.

2.12. Q: We've talked about Weather previously, and you mentioned that it will have no adverse affect on Aiming due to FCS being very advanced during this time. I would like to expand that question and ask: Will you have weather mechanics in the game? Such as clear days, stormy days, foggy etc? If so will these just be cosmetic or will they impact on both ships and carrier planes?

A: As I’ve answered just a couple letters above – it depends on how well we will make the weather system. Right now I cannot provide you any 100% info.

3.1. Q: As a Carrier, will you be able to have all your aircraft launched, or will you have to land/lose a squadron before you can launch the next?

A: There will be a limit to number of squadrons in the air at a certain moment of time.

3.2. Q: Will the Hybrid BB/carriers and the likes strictly be able to launch scout planes, or will they be able to launch bombers that can hit lightly defended targets? (I suppose they wouldn't be as effective as a real carrier)

A: Hybrids will be able to launch some fighters and bombers, though these planes are almost no match to normal CV’s of a same tier.

3.3. Q: Will you be able to go back to port during a game, if so, in what situations would that be beneficial? (repair, refit, rearm, refuel, retreat, defend, anything?)

A: No plans of making that.

3.4. Q: Will the AI merchants be sinkable, if so, will there be a penalty if you sink "allied" merchants if you're an allied player?

A: I doubt there will be sinkable merchants at all.

3.5. Q: Will you make the matchmaking system so that only big ships fight big ships, and small ones small? if so, isn't that going to be a little ahistorical and boring?

A: No. No, that isn’t going to be a little ahistorical. If you read something about Jutland, you’ll understand why.

3.6.1. Q: Poster below asks if all AA will be automatic, I want to know if they are, will there still be ANY circumstance where we'll see manually fired AA? if not, how will you reward players that give Carrers AA support? What is the incentive if it's automatic?

A: No manually controlled AA. Period.

3.6.2. Q: I am slightly concerned that all AA will be automatic and there will be, as you said, "low" ammunition stacks for it. How accurate are you planning to have the AA be?

A: AA will be that accurate that we make them according to gameplay balance.

3.6.3. Q: Attached to that question, a lot of the bigger classes of Ships carried a lot of AA: Though AA is automatic, you've previously talked about how we still need to pay to resupply. How will you balance the much higher costs of AA on the bigger warships? (since they will have a lot more AA Guns firing/eating away ammo)

A: Answering the question “how you will balance costs” – we will balance them well.

3.6.4. Q: And the third amendment about AA: Based on the idea of automatic AA, will the accuracy of AA be more or less the same for all warships? Or will some warships have more Accurate AA? Will you be able to turn AA on/off to conserve the ammunition?

A: AA accuracy will depend on crew skills and pre-sets.

3.6.5. Q: Why not have the ability to change the AA Battery's and there adjacent Battery's manually, this way you can get an even spread of AA Machine guns. So if your selection is between Medium-Long range but slow firing machine guns and Short-Medium but Fast Firing Machine guns with the same initial Damage you can get an Even Split on the types used, if you get what I mean. Main and Secondary battery's I can understand.

A: Why not? Because we don’t think it is a good idea.

3.6.6. Q: Will naval Flak Guns pose a risk to Friendly CAP and kill/injure the Crew of Friendly Ships if it explodes above them? And if so will there be a way to stop your friendly Flak from gunning down your own or someone else Aircraft?

A: No.

3.7. Q: Will there be "dud" shells? No such thing exists in WoT, however it would be a great addition to have shells that can pierce your ship.... but fail to explode. I feel it would add an extra element.
Will you add a feature like this?
If not, why not?

A: No, we won’t. Because we don’t think it is a good idea.

3.8. Q: I just wanted your confirmation that the maximum gun calibre we can expect will be 18" apart from the Germans, since their ships had less guns, which might be 19". Is this true? Will you keep this as a rule while introducing more ships in the future?

A: Yes, it is true.

3.9. Q: How detailed will the micro management be of the airplanes? Will the player be able to choose when/where to drop bombs? if so, individually, or per squadron?

A: No. Players will choose what target to attack.

3.10. Q: How will the repair system work?

A: Repair system will work well.

3.11. Q: Will the Warships have pumps to pump out the water and will the crew experience affect the efficiency of the pumping?

A: Yes, but not player-controlled.

3.12. Q: Is it possible to ram ships and sink them? For example a battleship ramming a cruiser or DD?

A: Yes.

4.1. Q: In World of Warplanes the alpha test started with only one server and forum(excluding RU here), will there be more servers for World of Battleships since we have both NA and EU forums, in other words will each region get a test server from the start?

A: No.

4.2. Q: Dev. from WoWp said CAT veterans will get invite for CAT of WoWs... Who we need to contact? Will the activity on WoWs forums be also counted?

A: My workplace is the same room, where WoT and WoWp producers are working. Rumors about special preferences or granted invites to WoWs for WoWp CAT are just rumors, sorry.

1. Q: Before there was mentioned that the speeds would be as historical as possible. The speeds listed by the navies of the world during the Cold War were a lot lower then they actually could. The USS Enterprise has it's speed listed as 33+ knots, however there is reasonable evidence that it was indeed closer to or even in excess of 50 knots (insane I know). So will the post WW2 ships be based on their actual speed, or their listed speeds?

A: There is no evidence (documented) of USS Enterprise doing 50 knots. Moreover, USS Enterprise (CVN-65) isn’t hitting our time period. WWII USS Enterprise (CV-6) would definitely not be capable of reaching this speed.
Also note that some navies went to extra lengths during trials, but practical maximum speed was lower - this may lead to some discrepancies in the sources.

2. Q: In WW1 and WW2 it was common to rescue drowing sailors from sinking ships, in most cases ignoring the nationality of the sailors. Will this be somehow implemented IG? As some kind of credit/XP bonus for the savior, and decreased repair bills for the aided player?

A: No. Similar to carrier based aircraft recovery after their mothership was sunk, this will not be included in the game. Even in historical cases you would note that rescue of survivors was usually done after the battle - during the battle it was just too risky to stop. Even outside of direct battle - see for example the fate of survivors of USS Juneau after being sunk by a submarine - commander of US ships surviving the night battle did not conduct rescue ops and was later exonerated during the investigation, because the unknown threat posed by submarine was too great to risk his ships. on the opposite side there was the unfortunate case od HMS Aboukir, HMS Hogue and HMS Cressy sunk by U-9 in september 1941, later two after beginning rescue ops (thinking that HMS Aboukir struck a mine).

3. Q: Regarding Fog of War: Will we be able to see gun smoke from large ship batteries firing from the enemy team even if we cannot see the ship? (A bit like in tanks when you're playing arty you can sometimes tell where the shots are coming from due to smoke. Except much easier to tell due to size of guns involved).

A: Gun flashes will not be implemented. However, similar to World of Tanks, you will be able to spot shell tracers and guess the position of ships your forces did not spot yet.

4. Q: Will there be wakes to ships? If so, for how long and how easy will be they to spot?

A: Ships will leave wakes, however the wakes can not be spotted independently. It will be similar to tracks or smoke effects in Tanks.

5. Q: Will it be possible to swap a Main Caliber Gun for an Extra AA Machine Gun with Destroyers and will some AA Machine Guns be on top of the Turrets of the Larger Battleships which had them like that?

A: Yes. For example it will be possible to swap some 5“ for quadruple Bofors for Fletcher.

6. Q: What sort of guns can we expect at Tier 1?

A: Historical sorts of guns. IJN Katori had 5.5" and 5" guns, USS Erie 6" guns, plus an assortment of AA weapons in both cases.

7. Q: I know players will be able to choose the name between sister ships(for example either Yamato or Musashi), but will this name be displayed on loading screen? Or will it simply be "Yamato class" etc?

A: This is not decided yet.

8. Q: Could you give as an example of tier 5 ship? In WoT and WoWp on this tier there are legends like T-34, Sherman, Bf.109 and so on, so what can we expect in WoWs?

A: Unfortunately this is not finalised yet. We will be able to announce this later.

9. Q: Will it be possible to split enemy ship in two while ramming it from the side? Or make it flip over and sink?

A: Yes, this will be possible. Ramming speed!

1.1. Q: Can we take for granted that the AA firepower of a battleship will surpass that of a destroyer?
A: In most cases – yes, for ships of a same tier. Obviously, modern DD will have more AAA than older battleships in many cases.

1.2. Q: I know you've said that AA will be Automatic but will you still be able to shoot planes down manually with AP shells? And will you be able to set different options for your AA, like Passive for example where your AA Guns won't fire?
A: No. AA guns will be fully automatic.

1.3. Q: You've said before that AA will be automatic but will accuracy be affected by Weather and Crews Skill Level?
A: Only by skill level and modules of a current preset.

2.1. Q: Will there be gold ammo? ):
A: Cannot answer this question now.

2.2. Q: With a World of Tanks the max HP of a Tier one would be something like 115, in World of Warships would the HP of Tier 1 ships be Greater or Equal to this number?
A: Not decided yet.

2.3. Q: Is it possible for a Tier 5 destroyer to 1 shot a tier 8 cruiser with a single torpedo? (as in the torpedo blows the ships bow off the ship)
A: No. Even in reality it usually took more than that to sing a combat-ready warship unless ammunition exploded - many ships even of DD class survived having their bows/stern blown off (if nothing else happened to them).

2.4. Q: How would you be sorting the ship classes out? As in, with world of tanks you have, LTs, MTs, HTs, TDs and SPGs, so what ships would have similar rolls to these 5?
A: DDs are like LTs with damage equal to TDs, cruisers are like MTs combined with arty, BBs are like HTs combined with arty, and CVs are like arty combined to LTs in terms of speed.

2.5. Q: And another quick question, to statisfy myself for being able to play my favorite ship: Will the HMS Warspite (Queen Elisabeth class BB) eventually be playable?
A: Yes, of course, when we will add Great Britain.

2.6. Q: Will the weight of tiers be more like WOT or WoWp? Example: Fighting a tier 4 tank in WoT in a Loltraktor is not going to be successful, in WoWp you can easily take out a Tier4 with a Tier1 plane, if you got skills.
A: Closer to WoWp.

2.7. Q: Will Escort carriers play any part in World of Warships?
A: Yes, these carriers will be low tier carriers. As in World of Tanks, tiering will be done more by ship's capabilities than actual year of design.

3.1. Q: Will some ship be able to use anti-torpedo bulges which were used on the USS Enterprise CV-6 and a lot of the newer ships in that period?
A: Most ships of 30s usually had bulges as a part of construction, and many older ones were upgraded to use bulges. Of course there will be bulges in our game.

3.2. Q: I know you've said somewhere that guns will fire simultaneously, will there be any point that you might experiment by making the guns fire one barrel at a time? or even have it where you fire all at the same time but the Barrels fire in sequence?
A: Right now we don’t see the need of that.

3.3. Q: I've heard and read of use of "torpedo nets", sturdy nets hung from the sides of ship to catch torpedoes prematurely so they wouldn't explode, or explode but have reduced damage to to increased range. Will those be represented in game?
A: No, there won’t be nets in our game.

3.4. Q: How will the hull-mounted secondary guns work? (Comment: I assume this means casemate-mounted secondary batteries as on older battleships and cruisers – I guess they will work the same way as turrets.)
A: As intended according to firing angles of these guns.

3.5. Q: How will damage on the ship look like? In most warship games it's at most fire, exploded turrets, and black scorch marks. Will we be able to expect realistic damage models? I know this has been asked before, but I'm curious about the full depth of how you will show the damage.
A: More realistic, than in WoT, but don’t expect wonders. Do not forget that the scale of the models will always limit possible details.

3.6. Q: Does the version of the engine used for World of Warships have the same limitations World of Tanks have regarding the max range at which a ship can be rendered?
A: No.

3.7. Q: What's the average spotting range we'll get on ships, considering the way longer range of their guns?
A: 15-20 km.

3.8. Q: In WoWS how will radar work? Will you just see Echoes on the Horizon for Aircraft and/or Ships? (Comment: If I understand it correctly, radar = just longer spotting range, so spotting will not depend on the method of detection)
A: Radar is integrated in ship’s range of sight capabilities. there will be no difference between visual and radar spotting, game-wise.

30/11/2012, 22h32
Pas eu le courage de tout lire :wacko:

30/11/2012, 22h51
Pavé César !


30/11/2012, 23h04
Pas eu le courage de tout lire :wacko:

Moi si, pas mal de trucs intéressants, mais aussi beaucoup de limitations.
En vrac:
-AA complètement automatiques
-même système de spot que dans wot (:sad:)
-toutes les maps sont sensées comprendre un bon paquet d'îles
-même respect des carac historiques que dans wot, en gros ce sera à une louche près fidèle à la réalité
-MM adapté, plus proche de celui de wowp que celui de wot
-physique présente dès le départ, et visiblement améliorée (les vagues 3D sont en test)
-les porte-avions n'auront pas la possibilité de contrôler directement les avions après le décollage, çà se résumera juste à de la désignation de cible

01/12/2012, 00h51
-même système de spot que dans wot ()Bordayl, vous faites chier. Vraiment. Il est tard, et on parle de navires, donc pas de quartier, désolé. Mais :
- WoT marche comme ça et ça marche très bien.
- WarThunder marche comme ça et ça marche très bien.
- pleins d'autres jeux marchent comme ça et ça marche très bien.

T'aurais voulu quoi ? Ligne de vue réelle, et on passe 99% de notre jeu en vue "Jumelles *10" à chercher les 3 pixels qui vont devenir notre cible ? Sexy le jeu :mouais:
Vue omnichiante extérieure façon RTS ? Vachement plus réaliste :mouais:

---------- Post added at 00h51 ---------- Previous post was at 00h50 ----------

Merci Wanna. Super sympa de nous tenir au courant.
Perso, ça me fait bien baver. J'ai peur que le jeu ne tourne pas sur mon PC, mais je bave ;)

01/12/2012, 02h53
Ce sera le même moteur de jeu que WoT?

01/12/2012, 23h37
Ce qui m'inquiète, c'est la maniabilité et la réactivité des bousins....

Des gros tas d'acier comme ça, pas sûr que ça parte au quart de tour comme un T-50-2..... :p

02/12/2012, 09h13
Ce qui m'inquiète, c'est la maniabilité et la réactivité des bousins....

Des gros tas d'acier comme ça, pas sûr que ça parte au quart de tour comme un T-50-2..... :p

Libre à toi de jouer en Zodiac :p

02/12/2012, 09h55
Pour le gameplay je comprend l'utilité des iles mais si on commence à penser aux couverts de WOT ça va devenir bizarre... J'avance mon croiseur, j’envoie une bordée et je recule?

02/12/2012, 10h01
On peut probablement s’attendre à une dispersion beaucoup plus élevé sur ce genre d'artillerie, non ?

02/12/2012, 12h15
Je suis assez curieux de voir comment ça va marcher, parce que je suppose que la portée de tir va varier suivant les tiers, et j'espère que contrairement à ce qu'on peux voir sur les screen, les distances d'engagements ne se feront pas à 500m.

Von Grabenstein
02/12/2012, 12h20
Pour le gameplay je comprend l'utilité des iles mais si on commence à penser aux couverts de WOT ça va devenir bizarre... J'avance mon croiseur, j’envoie une bordée et je recule?

Pas très réaliste :).

02/12/2012, 12h58
Je pense que si i y a une vraie physique bien pensée ce sera pas possible. Parce que autant un tank tu peux piller net, tirer et repartir en arrière, autant un bateau si tu es lancé pleine balle tu met 100m à t'arrêter avant de pouvoir culer. Donc exit la "coucou je tir je recule" ou alors à très basse vitesse et ça laisse quand même une petite fenêtre de tir pour le mec en face.

Von Grabenstein
02/12/2012, 13h20
Je pense que si i y a une vraie physique bien pensée ce sera pas possible. Parce que autant un tank tu peux piller net, tirer et repartir en arrière, autant un bateau si tu es lancé pleine balle tu met 100m à t'arrêter avant de pouvoir culer. Donc exit la "coucou je tir je recule" ou alors à très basse vitesse et ça laisse quand même une petite fenêtre de tir pour le mec en face.

Beaucoup plus que 100m un monstre de plusieurs centaine de tonnes lancé à 25km/h sur l'eau, il mets une distance folle a s’arrêter un peu comme un train.

02/12/2012, 14h17
Ça dépend. Si tu enclenches les machines arrière tu peux être relativement rapide à t'arrêter.

02/12/2012, 22h53
Pour le gameplay je comprend l'utilité des iles mais si on commence à penser aux couverts de WOT ça va devenir bizarre... J'avance mon croiseur, j’envoie une bordée et je recule?

Quel couvert tu veux avoir en plein océan a part un récif près d'une ile ou un porte avions si tu es en dinghy :p ?

03/12/2012, 05h13
Gaffe, vont te sortir des brouillards aussi puissants que des buissons... ! :ninja:

03/12/2012, 08h00
Peut-être des effets météo? Genre des tempêtes ou la houle impose un gros malus de visée?

03/12/2012, 08h32
Génial, un simulateur de mal de mer..... :|


03/12/2012, 08h47
Génial, un simulateur de mal de mer..... :|


Imagine le résultat: visé...fe...beeeeurrrrrk...zut raté ^_^

04/12/2012, 09h53
Imagine le résultat: visé...fe...beeeeurrrrrk...zut raté ^_^Bah, ça ne changera pas certains canards du soir :ninja:

04/12/2012, 10h51
la Béta, la Béta, la Béta, la Béta, la Béta, la Béta, la Béta, la Béta,:p

Bernard Renard
04/12/2012, 11h03
l'alpha, l'alpha, l'alpha, l'alpha, l'alpha,l'alpha, l'alpha,l'alpha,:p
fixed :p

04/12/2012, 11h27
On va encore devoir passer sous le bureau pour obtenir un accès...

04/12/2012, 12h05
Encore ....pffffff

06/12/2012, 13h06
fixed :p
Hé, c'est de la contrefaçon ça.....^_^

16/12/2012, 22h06
So, let us start with the answers on previous World of Warships related post.

First of all, I'd like to say that many questions are already answered in corresponding topics on NA forums:


I'll try to answer all questions, that I consider worth answering.

1. What ships classes will there be in:
Battleships/Battlecruisers, Aircraft Carriers, Cruisers Light/Cruisers Heavy and Destroyers.

2. Maneuvering will be very important, because active maneuvering will help you to dodge incoming shells, like in real life. Of course I mean shells, that were fired from long distances - 20km and more.

3. We will start with WoT-like "capture the base" mode, with one or two bases. There of course will be more game modes at start, but I can't say anything about them yet.

4. Alpha testing of World of Warships will not begin this year. Expect Spring or even Summer 2013.

5. We will use our own matchmaker system, with some limits in quantity of some ship classes per battle.

6. For customization of ship's armament: we will use a preset system, which can be described as a whole bunch of weapons, FCS, etc, that can be researched and installed at once.
There of course will be some player-manually-selectable parts of ship configuration, but the main ship's fighting capabilities will depend on what preset is bought and installed.

7. There won't be upgradeable main caliber guns for Yamato and possibly for Montana and Iowa class BBs.
The reason is that these guns are good and more than enough to sink anything.

8. Players will be able to research and upgrade planes on their CVs; the mechanism will be similiar to research and upgrades of guns/turrets for tanks in WoT.

9. There will most possibly be a limit to at least one type of each plane type squadron on a CV, so that players cannot use fighters only or bombers only CVs.

10. No preliminary tech trees now, sorry. All I can tell, that I'm the person who is actually making the trees with the help of historical consultants, of course :)

11. CAs/CLs/DDs will be able to use torpedoes, of course. The question whether BBs and BCs will be able to use torpedoes is still open among our dev team.

12. Bismarck/Tirpiz class post-Washington BBs will of course be a part of HSF/KM BB tree.

13. About naval strategies, blueprints and so on - I'll make posts on this topics, of course.

14. No, our gameplay mechanics won't mimic Battlestations game series.

15. We are trying to make a balanced ship trees and a balanced differences between different classes.

16. Our first nations will be the USA and Japan, as nations with biggest navies in WWII.

That is all for today.
Feel free to ask more questions, though my next post will be about ship blueprints.


16/12/2012, 22h10
Merci de nous tenir au courant Wannamama. ;)

Bon, ce que je note, c'est qu'il n'y aura pas de sous-marins. :|

17/12/2012, 20h12
Bon, ce que je note, c'est qu'il n'y aura pas de sous-marins. :|

S'pas Silent Hunter non plus ! :p

17/12/2012, 21h10
Non bien sûr, mais je pense qu'il y avait moyen d'en faire quelque chose d'intéressant.

18/12/2012, 11h35
Non bien sûr, mais je pense qu'il y avait moyen d'en faire quelque chose d'intéressant.

Genre comme les arty sur WoT ? :ninja:

18/12/2012, 11h43
Genre comme les arty sur WoT ? :ninja:
A priori les arty de WoB semblent être les porte avions, je sent déjà poindre les topics de ouin-ouin sur le porte avion OP dans le forum officiel, topics alimenté par des rageux qui aurons vus leur Yamato disparaitre sans tirer un coup de canon... D'un autre coté je sais pas comment WG pense équilibré tous ça, par ce qu'historiquement les batailles aux canons durant la secondes guerre mondial se compte sur les doigts d'une main et demi.

18/12/2012, 16h49
D'un autre coté je sais pas comment WG pense équilibré tous ça, par ce qu'historiquement les batailles aux canons durant la secondes guerre mondial se compte sur les doigts d'une main et demi. Ça tombe bien, si on veut que le jeu soit équilibré faut surtout pas s'inspirer des faits historiques ;)

23/12/2012, 17h31
1. Q: Will aircraft affect sighting abilities, i mean if we send out aircraft and they spot a ship, will the whole team be able to see it or just the carrier driver?

A: Right now we are thinking on a concept where only recon planes will show enemy ships for everyone in your team, while attacking planes and fighters show enemy only for CV, who launched them.
This concept may be changed, though.

2. Q: Will hybrid aircraft carriers be counted as a CV in the MM, making it part of the 2 available CV slots in the battle or will they have their own MM?

A: It is very possible.

3. Q: Will there be options to add some 1 or 2 guns from your main Battery to Assist the Secondary Battery? (IE using main battery to fire at two targets at once)

A: No.

4. Q: Hello. When enemy will ship hit me and destroy for example one turret, other turrets can fire? In WOT when enemy damage my gun and this gun is repaired, its accuracy is bad. Will it work like this in WoWs as well?

A: Yes.

5. Q: Also, will we be able to repair while at sea? or will the damage sustained stay till back at port?

A: Some repairs will be possible.

6. Q: And when will we see first screenshots or/and video with interface? Can we expect to see ingame screenshots soon?

A: Not soon. (Note, you can already see some screenshots on the portal now)

7. Q: When firing the main guns on a battleship, will we have a top down view like the artillary in WOT or will we look through the gunsights of the main guns? (praying for the latter)

A: Both variants is possible.

8. Q: Can you guarantee that the sound and the blast of the main guns going off, will make the hair on the back of my head stand up, my nuts drop to the floor and the fillings in my teeth come loose?

A: Only insurance company can guarantee you anything. We are not insurance company.

9. Q: Any details on Soviet Aircraft carriers?

A: Not in near future.

15/01/2013, 12h19
Q: What will happen if you get shot below the water line will your ship begin to flood or will it just be normal damage
A: Both things will happen. You will have the HP bar as well as some kind of flooding bar. As for flooding mechanics - it is complex enough, but players do not need to now how internal things actually work, it is enough to know that after a certain number of hits under the waterline with big guns it is possible for the ship to capsize. And it can actually happen even before you loose your green HP bar points. Predicring further questions, there will not be any repair/flood micromanagement - everything that can be repaired will be repaired to at least of 50% effectiveness automatically, or to 100% with consumable used, same story with flooding.

Q: How will the upgrade system look like?
A: There will be predefined lists of what you can mount onto the ship, and all armament and machinery will be in that lists. We call them pre-sets. Everything that is listed in pre-set will be installable at once; players will not be allowed to mount each AA gun manually.

Q: Will there be scouting-specific aircraft launched from non-carrier warships?
A: Yes, you can launch hydroplane from non carrier warship. All planes will provide scouting for every allied ship. So spotting will be a little different from WOT, but based on the same principles.

Q: Will the firing range be much longer than the spotting range?
A: Yes, firing range for many ships (BBs especially) will be much longer than the spotting range - use your planes, Luke!

Q: What kind of ammunition will there be with the different classes of guns?
A: AP/HE/Common, etc. AA guns will have the HE and radio-controlled shells as well. Armament will be customizable like in WOT - you will be able to load shells you like most, though only historical types of shells for specific guns.

Q: Is there going to be weather on release?
A: There is going to be a wheather, but no guarantee for it to be in release version - though later it is very possible.

Q: Can you give me a tier number for the Bismark? it will be a tier 10?
A: 8 at best.

Q: With Aircraft carriers, How many planes will I be able to launch and how Do I control them? In a RTS view?
A: Many planes - at least tens of them. Yes, they will be controlled in RTS view

Q: Will we be able to lay smoke screens in the game?
A: Smoke screens are possible.

Q: After the testing is done do you expect Patrol boats (PT and Eboats), submarines, and destroyer escorts?
A: No. No U boats, no PT boats, no patrol boats. Our game is about big ships.

Q: Will waves and wind be a factor when shooting?
A: No! Ships of WWII had complex FCS and Gyroscope systems to avoid these factors.

Q: How will the interface of game play be like such as sniper mode torpedo mode and so on?
A: Third person view, binocular view, arty-style view for long-range firing and top-down view for aircraft managing.

Q: Will we be looking at realistic engagement distances and times?
A: Yes, realistic distances, though shells will have a tuned up speed (like 3-4 times higher to make game a little more fast-paced). Shells will also have their dispersion ellipse as in real life. You will have to predict the position of impact of your salvo, though the game will show you the exact dispersion ellipse of that zone. After first 3 salvoes, you dispersion ellipse will become minimal, which represents specification of target parameters

Q: Since ships have multiple gun turrets, how will that work?
A: Main caliber guns, controlled by player will aim all at one target. And no, this can not effect WOT problems. Second caliber huns are controlled by AI, though you can mark priority targets for them.

Q: Reading that players choosing a Destroyer will have a three accompanying AI-controlled destroyers, and choosing a Cruiser will have an accompanying Cruiser; How will that work?
A: That's very old info. We will have no AI controlled ships in PvP - if player choose a DD, than balancing tool will get another three players on DD in that team slot. Totally there will be 10 slots approximately.

Q: What's the tonnage of the biggest ship that'll be featured on WoWs?
A: Less than 80k. We are not considering ships with higher than 80k displacement to appear in game, because such ships are more about magic than about possibility of technology of 1940s.

Q: What Top Tiers will there be for release?
A: USN will have the Iowa and Montana as the tier10 BBs in game, while IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) will have Yamato and N13. There will not be any ships with higher tier than 10.

Q: If you run your ship aground would it be impossible for it to sink?
A: Yes. But it will also be almost impossible to live long after that with small HP left.

Q: Can you tell us why its only going to be the USN and the IJN at teh release of the game and not having a third nation?
A: Because it takes about 3 months for one person to make, for example, a battleship. Of course we have more than one 3d modeller, but you must understand, that ships are very complex things, and it takes time to build it and to tune it with a gameplay point of view. So we decided to concentrate on two nations with biggest fleets in WWII, and to implement other nations after.

Q: How far are you guys on getting alpha/beta out?
A: Well, we are already on a pre-alpha stage, so we have some maps, some ships and some gameplay features working. When we are done with core gameplay features and with polishing them, we will start the closed Alpha.
a) There are like 30 ships already made, but very few of them are actually tuned enough to be in game.
b) Already acceptable, though there are still things to remake and to polish
c) We already fight each other on a developer fightings.

Q: Some battleships such as the German H class designs had a large set of main guns AND torpedoes. In these case, which of those would be the main armament, or would they both work as such?
A: You will be able to switch between torpedoes and main caliber guns.

Q: Somewhere above the devs said smaller nations like sweedan, and dutch ships would be in game, would this be as a tech tree or more likely premuim ships?
A: It depends on how many ships we will find

Q: When your carrier (or any ship with aircraft flying) is sunk, will your aircraft instantly be destroyed or can you still control them until they run outa ammo and fuel?
A: You will be able to control the rest of your planes until they are out of fuel.

Q: Also, will ships be able to become "beached" or will the battle ground be out in open water further from shore to prevent this?
A: There won't be any special radar sight of any kind. Radars will just bring bonuses to accuracy and range of sight.

Q: Will there be a team damage occur? Will there be a fine system in place similar to WoT?
A: Yes, there will be similar system

Q: What will be German Top Tiers, once the Tree released some time after?
A: Currently we are planning to have their H39, H41 and H42m though thing may change closer to release date.

Q: You've already disclosed Top Tier available upon release. And what will be Tier 1?
A: Erie for USN and Katoriclass for IJN

Q: Okay. I wasnt posistive on the exact range of the secondary batteries. I was mostly curious about the ability of using them seperately from the Main battery. As well as being able to use them as AA when needed..
A: Player will use only Main battery by himself. Secondary battery, as well as DP guns and/or small AA automatic guns will be handled by AI.

#2 can we switch between lines? eg, from BB to CL or from CA to DD or CL/CA to CV?
or do we need any transaction ships like the KV-13 in WoT?

2. There will be some transaction ships, yes.

Q: what will be your basic game mode, will it be similler to that of WoT where you have a base and your objective is to cap or destory
or has this yet to be decided
A: Of course our game modes will be somehow similiar to WoT, but I can't tell you the details right now.

Q: For large ships will we have the ability to choose how we want our guns to fire? eg. a full broadside where all guns are fires sumultaneously, a staggered broadside when each turret fires one gun at a time, or a rolling broadside where each gun is individualy fired
A: No, there likely won't be the selection of firing method. Only full broadside. There are so many things to watch at in the game, that you probably will forget where you are heading right now, when a duel with another BB will take place. So we don't want to burden player with too many options - all the same, this is a MMO action game, and not a simulator.

Q: When you release new nations will you release all basic lines (ie one for each class) at once or staggered?
A: It depends on different factors. I'm not ready to talk about it right now.

Q: how are the multiple turrets on some ships going to be aimed
A: All main caliber guns will point at one target.

Q: In public matches you have stated that there will be a basic limit between battleships destroyers and such to make teams more balanced. In clan wars will
we see a similar feature or will it be you bring what you bring. Becasue if so i see most cw teams to be all BB and carriers
A: It is also the question yet to be answered between devs - we are not decided yet.

Q: It's known that Gold and Free EXP will be shared between WoT, WoWP, and WoWS. However, will premium account status be as well?
A: Yes

Q: Some battleships such as the German H class designs had a large set of main guns AND torpedoes. In these case, which of those would be the main armament, or would they both work as such?
A: You will be able to switch between torpedoes and main caliber guns.

Q: One more question. Given the layout of the main batteries, either in a turrent all forward design or a split 2/2 or 2/1 forward and aft turrets. Will we have to align our ships to bring all guns to bear or will only the guns that are on target fire? Basically I would hate to have an HMS Rodney and fire at a traget in front of me, only to find that my third turret blew off the second turret.... Another question.... Will we be able to mount extra equipement? Like these from WoT: http://wiki.worldoftanks.com/Equipment If so can you give a sneak peak into what they might be?

A: 1. If a turret has some obstacle to the vector of shooting, it will not fire.
2. There will be some kind of extra equipment

Q: Quite a few of the early dreadnought-style battleship classes that may be included in this game had underwater torpedo tubes included in their design. Do you have any idea at this stage if these will be included in this game, or might that step on the toes of early destroyers and cruisers too much?
A: BBs with torpedo tubes would be able to use torpedoes.

Q: Just a few questions here 1.Will we be able to adjust the torpedo's speed ( with speed also the range ) and depth? 2.Will there be different torpedo's available, not so much as in each launcher has its own specific torpedo but like shell choice. A variety per launcher. Aswell as different options for loadouts of a torpedo bomber on CV's. 3.Will the Type 93 be available for IJN? If so will it stand out as much as in real life ? 4.Does IJN have dedicated Torpedo vessel's in the tech tree ( Kuma class and Fubuki class for example )? 5.How will the wave mechanics look like. Will the water behave somewhat realistic ? 6.Will there be upgradable bulge / torpedo nets for vessel's ingame ? 7.Will there be a chance for a torpedo to "dud" on a vessel ? 8.Is there going to be a minimum arming range for torpedo's in the water ? To prevent some fast destroyer to just sail close to the enemy CV for example and launch a salvo of torpedo's. Or is this not going to be necesarry ( other mechanics in play )? 9. Will there be splash damage from shells and torpedo's ( Area of effect )? 10. If planes crash on the deck will they do a certain amount of damage ? 11. Will we be able to disable the propeller / rudder of a vessel and make them immobile ? 12. If two Tier 10 CV's from the same nation battle 1v1, both launch the same amount of Fighter Planes what decides the outcome of the winning CV Is it going to be crew experience somewhat like WoT ? 13.Can I get a ticket for the alpha testing ? :p Thank you

A: 1. Only the angle of firing.
2. That is possible
3. Type 93 It will be balanced from a gameplay point of view
4. Yes
5. Waves will be just visuals.
6. Upgradeable bulges are possible
7.Torpedoes will always work as intended
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Some amount of damage - yes
11. Only for a certain period of time
12. Players skill wil determine that.
13. Not right now.

Q: There a couple of ships like Furious, Alaska, Deutschland that fall awkwardly in between Heavy Cruiser and Battleship will they require there own MM or do you have a way balance them as Cruisers / Battleship.
A: Some of them are more close to BBs and some are more close to CAs, so we will balance them as BBs and CAs.

Q: Will the super yamato be part of the game? If i remember my ships correctly its pictured on one of the pictures on the main page.
A: No. Ships with guns larger than 18" are not going to appear in game. The exception is made only for Germany, as there are only 8 guns on their battleships, which is lower then on normal BBs of 1930s-1940s.

Q: Will homing torpedoes engineered by Germany http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G7es_torpedo be included in some way?
Can ships go dead in the water i.e. still be afloat but dead?
Can individual batteries be disabled?
Can INDIVIDUAL ammo loads explode? For example, say the secondary aft battery is destroyed. Will there be, say, a thirty percent chance that its ammo load explodes and does sizable damage to the ship?
Will listing occur?
How will ships be arranged at the start of a battle?
Can rudders be damaged so that the ship only turns in one direction?

A: 1. That is possible.
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Like tanks in WOT
7. Yes

Q: Am I correct in assuming that certain similar ship classes will be consolidated into single units? For example, the Mutsuki, Kamikaze, and Minekaze class destroyers were all basically the same ship type with small differences in armament, and the Tennessee and Colorado class battleships were basically the same design, with one mounting triple 14" guns and the other mounting twin 16" guns. If this is the case, will the consolidated classes have all the names from all component classes available?
Secondly, I've heard rumors that the guys at World of Tanks are working on a hull model replacement system that will allow you to customize the look of your tank's hull. If this is the case, will there be a similar system in place in World of Warships to allow us to pick from various sub-types of the ship classes?

A: 1. Consolidated classes will have the names from all component classes, though your examples are not correct for our game.
2. As I've said earlier, we will have presets, that determines the armament, engine, equipment, etc for a ship.

Q: i know the turrets (if the tank had them) were and are interchangeable what will this amount to? EG. hull, turrets, island.
A: Many things will be upgradeable.

Q: There actually might be a better way to do this. In a game like this it gets hectic, yes, but not too hectic to fire on multiple targets with a single cannon load. This is the situation I picture: You are in an Iowa class engaged in a closing battle with a Yamato. He's flanked by a destroyer that's closing quickly to torpedo range, hoping to catch your broadside with a full volley. You would normally be able to square off in an even fight with a Yamato but that destroyer WILL cripple you if it hits you with even a few torps but, if you take down the destroyer with your next volley then that leaves you one volley down on the Yamato giving him a significan advantage if you're taking the hits. If the only option was to fire a full broadside then you'd have to choose which target to hit. However, if the guns would always stagger, and fire the first available or the lowest numbered gun first, you could put a round or two into the destroyer(and hit hopefully) crippling him if not exploding him outright, then fire the remaining rounds into the Yamato. Why not just have the guns auto stagger?

A: You forget about secondary guns of Iowa, that will sink a destroyer.

Q: The Japanese Type 93 Long Lance torpedo is notorious for its warhead size, and very long range. Will they be unique among all other torpedoes in game, or will they be balanced with similar ranges and firepower to other countries? If they are unique, will the specalized Kuma Class cruisers Oi, or Kitakami
have a chance at appearing in game?
A: We will balance the Type93 to other torpedoes in game.
There will be Kuma, yes.

Q: Torpedoes were sensative equipment and could misfire, not detonate, or just steer off course. Will torpedos in game function with the same level of unreliability, if so willl histories more dubious torpedoes be equally dubious in game?
A: Torpedoes will always work.

Q: Some WWI era ships were built with En Echelon style wing turrets, usually done to allow for larger broadsides when it was unclear if superfiring turrets would work, will ships with en echelon turrets appear in game?
A: These kind of ships will be able to fire broadside from all turrets.

Q: Will there be other types of carriers in game other than Aircraft carriers, either as premium or unique lines...such as (just examples not asking for a specific on each ship)
Flying Boat Tenders, Full on seaplane carriers (not Hybrid warships which are already confirmed), Kaiten (manned torpedos) Submarine Carrier.
A: These types are unlikely to appear, at least in release.

Q: The Germans were well known, but not alone in convertnig merchant ships into warships for various reasons. Will converted merchants appear in game at all, be it as a unique tree, premium, etc?
A: No

Q: Anti aircraft vessels, or ships whos primary armament is against aircraft, rather than surface ships. (but usually dual purpose)
A: You will see such ships in game.

Q: In WoT theres is a system to deter everyone from just playing high tier tanks (all be it not a very good one) will WoWS use a similar system to stop every man and his dog from just playing Iowa and Yamato.
A: There is no system, it is just plain economy - the higher games you play, the higher the stakes are.

Q: 1. When firing the main cannons on a ship i assume you can zoom in like the shift key in WoT?
2. If yes, will that be more like a standard tank zoom in or more like an artillary piece overhead view in WoT, would if be possible to switch between artillary view for far tartgets and tank veiw for close up stuff?
3. What is the tier for the Flethcer class Destroyer, i very much look forward to that ship .(its in the game right?)
4. Somewhere above the devs said smaller nations like sweedan, and dutch ships would be in game, would this be as a tech tree or more likely premuim ships?
A: 1. Players will be able to zoom
2. I'm not ready to tell the details.
3. I cannot tell that kind of things now.
4. It depends on how many ships we will find

Q: 1. Carriers get close to the historic number of planes right? (i believe this might have been asked before)
2. Will the luanch of aircraft be historical to or will it be sped up to make the game more fun?
3. How long will a standard game last? Since 15 minutes like WoT and WoWp does not seem to be enough for carriers to launch all their planes let alone rearm them and send them out again.
4. Will planes have much smaller ranges than historically accuate, since in the real world they could go some 1000+ km which would make them be able to stay in the air for the full game without worry of refeuling.
5. If the range is reduced will aircraft automactically return to the carrier if the fuel is running low or will you have to micro-manage each plane to make sure they don't run outa fuel and crash.
A: 1. Yes
2. It will be sped up
3. 15-20 minutes
4. Yes
5. Yes

Q: 1: Will we see early carrier based jets? if so, will they be the ones currently under testing in WoWp?
2: Will bombs be able to penetrate the deck and explode inside ships?
3: Will we be able to see catastrophic hits that cause chain reactions of explosions and massive damage without actually destroying the ship? eg. U.S.S. Franklin
4: Will planes have armor piercing rockets?
5: Will we see large anti-ship rockets like the Tiny Tim or the even larger Richard rockets?
6: Will a plane that crashes onto a ship after being shot down cause damage and fires?
7: Will we be able to order fighters and out of ammo attackers to strafe ships with machineguns to keep AA down for the next strike plane attack?
A: 1. This is unlikely
2. That is likely to happen
3. There will be critical hits, yes
4. Unlikely
5. No
6. Yes
7. No, fighters are for dogfighting.

Q: one question concerning CVs
will my aircrafts got a chance to crash when landing?
A: No

Q: when a ship is listing (ie lean on one side when one side of the hull is filled with water)
will the main gun be unable to aim on target due to the gun elevation / depression?
A: At some angle of listing - yes.

Q: 1. Will Light Carriers be included in the game? If so will they be paired up with another player controlled Light Carrier like the devs said would happen with the Destroyers?
2. When your carrier (or any ship with aircraft flying) is sunk, will your aircraft instantly be destroyed or can you still control them until they run outa ammo and fuel?
3. If the anwser to question 2 is a yes, then could you land your planes on another carrier and give that player control over your planes? This is to help replace their losses and help the team even after your ship was sunk. (this is what occured in real life once a carrier went down here planes still in the air landed on the next carrier to save pilots and keep the fight going)
A: 1. Yes. Carriers will not be paired.
2. You will be able to control the rest of your planes until they are out of fuel.
3. No

Q: I also have a question about scoutplanes/hydroplanes: will large ships (like heavy cruisers and up) all have scoutplanes as mandatory equipment? As in: it wont be possible to leave port with such a ship without a scoutplane?
A: Cannot say yes or no right now.

Q: Due to radar use in ships, will ships be spotted at long distance eliminating any need for scouting?
A: There won't be any special radar sight of any kind. Radars will just bring bonuses to accuracy and range of sight.

Q: 1). Will there be a team damage occur? Will there be a fine system in place similar to WoT?
2). Do you plan on offering pre-order type packages like you did for WoT?
3). Can you tell what the tier 1's will be for the Japanese adn American lines? And can you tell us why you started at that point in History?
4). How do you plan on breaking out the Destroyers/Cruisers/CV's from the tier 1? Is it going to be a similar system to WoT? Or are there going to be Tier 1's for each class?
5). Can you explain in greater detail the MatchMaker at this point?
6). On the ships which have both a main battery of High caliber guns and Torpedoes, like the early Battelships/Dreadnoughts. Will you be able to fire each type of weapon seperately, or will both the Main Battery and the Torpedoes fire together?
7). What will the main armament be for the Destroyers? Because many of them had both 5" guns and torpedoes. the 5" guns being generally Dual purpose AA/AS. So would the player have control over both the guns and the Torpedoes? Or will the guns count as the AI controled AA batteries?
A: 1) Yes
2) That is still TBD, but almost 100% yes.
3) Erie for USN and Katori class for IJN
4) DDs, CAs/CLs, BBs/BCs and CVs will start at tier2
5) MatchMaker is still in work.
6) You will be able to fire torpedoes and guns separately
7) Main armament for destroyers will be their torpedoes

Q: since the H39 and H41 might end up being T9 and T10 german battleships, and the yamato is ijn T10. May i correctly also assume that that iowa and montana will be T9 and T10 as well?
A: There might be H42 for T10 aswell. Yamato/N13 are T10 for IJN and Montana/Iowa are T10 for USN.

Q: so then i could only assume that the germans will get more of something else to make up for it like how the devs are doing WoTs tech trees.
A: We will still think on the German tree.

Q: how similar will fires be compared to tanks?
A: Fires won't be similar.

Q: We can expect some similarity with navyfield in matters of gameplay and controls ?
No similarity to Navyfield in terms of gameplay, except of some part of a CV gameplay.

Q: The USN is starting here?
A: USN tier 1 ship:
IJN tier1 ship:

Q: Some battleships have secondry armament of a non AA nature
will those weapons be aimed along with the main armament (with precautions made so that they don't fire at a target that is hopelessly far away) or auto aimed?
A: DP and AA guns as well as secondary guns will be auto aimed only.

Q: Will the Pennsylvania class BB ships be included?
A: Yes

Q: So, correct me if I am wrong, but we start out with this tier 1 training vessel,the USS Erie. Then when we progress to tier 2, we move into the different types of ships (ie BB/D/CA/CV) at which point we start with the USS Michigan as the USN Tier 2 BB?
A: That is correct

Q: Will salvo chasing be possible, at least to some degree of success? Salvo chasing is the technique of steering into the fall/splash of enemy's last salvo in order to throw his range estimate off.
A: Yes, it will be possible in some way.

Q: Will the ships Awash?
Will there be Flank speed?
Will there be many fouls?
Will any maps have jettys?
Will we be able to Kedge?
Will the computer controlled ships line astern?
Will you Touch and go or compleately get stuck in shallow water
A: Ships will awash
There will be any kind of speed you can imagine, though restricted to real digits
There will be or there will not be fouls - who knows...the truth is out there
If you mean jetties - yes, but only as a landscape beauties
As for kedge...it is yet unknown even for me
There won't be any computer controlled ships aside from the training missions
You will have the ability to brake free from shallow waters

Q: Question, will you be trying to keep to ships that only actually appeared in history, or will we inevitably see some "Wargaming specials" like the T28 and T28 Prototype? On a related note, will you be keeping to the actual drawings and mockups, or will we be seeing "Wargaming optimized" designs like the T110 series, where the in-game model barely resembles the actual mockups?
Also, will the Kamikaze-class destroyers be in-game? I want to drive one badly.
A: T28 and T28 prototypes do existed in history; as well as there were many different mockups of T110. The only tank in WOT that is not in history is E-50M, and even this tank was made after a couple of engineers and historical consultants had a long discussion.
As for will there be any ships like E-50M...I cannot answer yes or no. Right now we don't see the need for such kind of ships, but if we will not find any ships for some certain conditions, we will invent some.
I will not share the info about what tier and whether there will be or not any certain ships. The exception are ships I've named already.

Q: Do you plan to include the large light cruisers in both their pre and post-conversion states?
A: Yes.

Q: will the xp and credit be the same as WoT?
A: The same system - yes, but not the same digits.

Q: Quite a large number of ships had their hulls extensively upgraded during their lifetime (like the Revenge class or the New York class), will we be ablte to do this (like upgrading a turret in WoT) or will these upgraded ships be on another tier?
A: It depends on a certain ship. Kongo and Kongo 1937 are actually different ships of different tiers, but New York is almost 100% one ship on a certain tier.

Q: Will we see the county class heavy cruiser on the British tech tree?
A: Yes, you will.

Q: Will you consider adding role specific ships to this game. Some vessels were designed as ASW (Anti-Sub warfare) or as AA (Anti Air) ships. Basically will we have ships that are filled solely with AA Guns to ward off Arial attacks?
If not in the direct tree, would you consider having them as premium vessels? Due to their Specified and rigid roles, they would fit into the model WG has used in the past for premium vehicles...
A: There will be AA ships, but no ASW ships due to absence of subs in WoWs.

Q: will another Q&A thread be opened?
A: Dunno

Q: Will there be currents in the game that will make your ship go faster sort of like hills in WoT with physics
A: I am not sure.

Q: 1 - Will ships that operated aircraft by means of lowering/raising them out of the water for launch/landing and just storing them on deck be able to operate aircraft in game.
An example of this is the Tier 1 US ship, Erie Class.
A: Yes

Q: will you be able to choose aircraft loadouts like ammo loads in WoT for CVs?like lets say theoretically the yorktown class CVs get access to the B-25 bombers,can i lets say choose to put 30 wildcats and 30 avengers onboard, could i also equip like 4 B-25s?
A: Yes, you will be able to choose loadout.

Q: Will spotting work in a similar way to WoT with radio signal/telegraph relaying? Maybe flag-signals :P?
And if so, will scouts planes need to be in radio range of a friendly ship or plane to re-transmit target coordinates or does it have a direct communications link to it's carrier?
A: Spotting will work in a similar way to WoT

A: i am curious as to how much influence you guys will have from navy field?
will submarines be intagrated as well?
i also would like to know if there has been a first build of the code yet or is the base code and engine still being writen?
and last: what programing languag(s) are being used for the game?
A: 1. Not much, though we know what this game is
2. No
3. There were many builds aready
4. I just don't know

Q: Many of the early tier ships are dreadnaught era ships and ships of that time were, for the lack of a better word, dirty. They would send up collums of smoke just from being under powere that were visible for fifty miles or more. Will ships like be easier to detect?
A: No, no difference between ships in spotting depending on engine type.Hey kgb thanks for answering my question.

Q: Why is the r backwards in Russia?
In Russia snow makes a man out of you true?
A: In Russia Vodka makes everything out of anything.

Q: 1. What will the highest tier destroyer be for USN and IJN ?
2.Will destroyers get increased HP at the higher tiers ( to prevent most BB's from oneshotting them ) or will they have some other perks to increase survivalbility.
3. Will there be anny loadouts to DD's that focus on AA or dedicated AA vessel's
4. If a vessel spots a torpedo in front of the bow and the torpedo is in such a bad angle that it will glance. Will glancing occur or will it still explode ( Somewhat related to proximity torpedo's ). I dont know if I explained this correctly
5. I guess torpedo's will leave a wake ? If yes and later on in the game when more nations are released will there be a wakeless torpedo within the game ?
6. If the WoWS team goes to an event ! Will they bring along a pocket battleship ?
A: 1. Ships of all classes will have tier10 for the top
2. More HP, agility, etc, but no perks
3. Yes
4. Torpedoes will not glance at any angles
5. TBD
6. Nah, we will bring Kirov with us

Q: quite a few types of naval guns were not capable of reloading unless their elevation was set to or near zero degrees, such as the US Navy's 14"/45 cal guns. Will this be reflected ingame (meaning, will the guns automatically lower and then raise again to fire once reloaded)?
A: Rather no than yes

Q: Will ships taken over/bought by Britain in WWI fly their colours or their original owners? Examples are HMS Canada, HMS Erin and HMS Agincourt
A: No, that ships will be HMS ships.

Q: Q1. will the damage system in WoWS more complex than in Pacific Storm, or at least at the same level of complexity?
follow up, I know WoWS would have a "easy to get-in" arcade-action-style of gameplay, which minimizes the control intensity and info complexity. Meanwhile you will surely offer a very complex and realistic game mechanic and damage system (I have faith on Lesta Studio who can do it perfectly).
Q2: wiil there be still TRIM, ROLL and DRAFT attributes for each ship, no matter they are displayed on the UI or hidden?
I have no doubt about compartment system, I know it will be as great as in Pacific Storm. Actually I assume these would be be (and should be) how the flooding system consists of. That's my faith on you guys in Lesta.
Next is a question about CV mechanic. Well, IRL CV shouldn't change course while launching or landing aircrafts, this makes CV extremely vulnerable against any kind of attack (because it becomes a sitting duck).
Q3: In WoWS, will launching/landing airplanes requires a fixed course of CVs, otherwise the launching/landing code will be suspended, force to launch or land in this situation will cause crash? (it sounds more like a suggestion than a question:P)
A: 1. It will be a little more complex
2. Yes
3. No, fixed course is not required.

Q: When the game launches will it have a clan wars beta like WoT?
A: Maybe not at release date, but later on - sure.

Q: Since bb's and ca's mostly had multiple propeller shafts (screws) and more then 1 engine, will a ship which takes damage to 1 engine be able to continue on, obviously on diminshed power? say if it had 4 engines, you could continue on 3 till the 4th was brought back into action?
Also in steering, say i needed to make an evasive manouver, a port around for example, would i be able to reverse two of my engines in the direction I ordered the rudder turned? and as well operate all in full reverse for a crash stop if need be?
A: As for engines and steering - there will be WASD stye controls. No reversing of one engine out of three

Q: Is there any possibility of us seeing the America class carrier in game? If my memory serves me it was a very large carrier, something in the realm of 1000-1200 feet long designed to launch B-29's.
A: Midway is the tier10 CV for USN, there won't be any ships with higher tier.

Q: will the kuma class be intagrated into the game i love its versitility wou can load either cannons or torpedo tubes to the sides of the ship
A: There will be Kuma in game.

Q: 1-Are you really thinking of considering H42?
2-What kind of profits are we to expect for destroying enemy aircraft?
A:1. Yes, we are still not finished the German tree.
2. EXP and creds, as usual.

Q: When a ship rams another ship or gets struck by a torpedo or salvo, is the damage visualized similar to World of Tanks (unchanging hull models and textures for bullet strikes and holes), or more complex (deformation of hull where the impact occurred and as the damage develops)?
A: The visualization will be more complex than in WoT.

Q: Will early (World War I) ships that still have a ram bow have a bonus to ramming?
And will the Settsu have problems with fire control due to it having two separate gun caliber lengths (four 50 caliber and eight 45 caliber) for its main guns?
A: 1. If you can call that bonus...yes.
2. We will balance that, and anyway - it would be possible to upgrade Kawachi class to all 50 caliber guns, for example.

Q: We all know tk-ing and accidental team damage will be a common...occurrence ingame, will the tk system be programmed to appropriately deem intentional damage from accidental damage?
say for example a kuma class in my fleet pulls up beside my yamato and decides to unload his torpedo load into my broadside, will he turn blue so i can eat him alive with my secondary barrage?
secondly will torpedoes have certain distances they can be fired from to prevent occurrence of a friendly ship accidentally being in path of said torpedo.....or in worst case scenario.....torpedoes....?
on the damage model with flooding. if i take on water from damage, will it have the effect of forcing me to decrease speed to lessen the flooding, say for example i take torp damage, will proceeding at full steam increase the flooding, will I have to come to a stop to decrease flooding?
will we have the option to close compartments before we engage an enemy to have a pre-emptive flood control ready?
A: 1. It is too early to talk about tk system.
2. Torpedoes will have a certain distance of arming
3. Damage model will not force players to do things; but also players won't be able to decrease flooding by going slower or reverse.

Q: Do you expect long-distance encounters or will there be any mano a mano brawling?
A: Taking into consideration or weekly battles, I can say that we are expecting both.

Q: Will you introduce the Royal Navy after the USN and IJN? (ie the third in game nation)
A: I can't tell what the third nation will be right now.

Q: How much posts do you need to enter in alpha testing?
A: Right now you need over 9000 posts to enter a considering state

Q: Could we pretty please see a screenshot of the current build?
A: Sorry, you can't.

This concludes the first Dev Q/A on the US forums, many thanks to KGB and the NA community.
As requested the answers are in a different colour.

18/04/2013, 12h11


18/04/2013, 16h14


Presque aussi classe que le trailer de FC3 : Blood Dragon

18/04/2013, 16h21
Presque aussi classe que le trailer de FC3 : Blood Dragon

En tous cas, ça a l'air mieux que navyfiled. Ca pourra peut-être faire un peu patienter pour WarShip.

18/04/2013, 16h29
Oui j'avoue.

18/04/2013, 16h32
Oui j'avoue.


18/04/2013, 16h40
Ba j'ai cru a des nouvelles sur WoB donc comme je suis abonné au topic je réagis.

18/04/2013, 16h46
Non mé keulz il é lol.

18/04/2013, 16h53
Ba j'ai cru a des nouvelles sur WoB donc comme je suis abonné au topic je réagis.

Franchement, je ne pense pas qu'on en ait de si tôt.
D'ici là, je vous ferais signe quand je serais sur l'alpha. :ninja:

---------- Post added at 16h53 ---------- Previous post was at 16h52 ----------

Non mé keulz il é lol.

Continue à t’entraîner sur WoT au lieu de poster, noob.

18/04/2013, 16h55
D'ici là, je vous ferais signe quand je serais sur l'alpha. :ninja:

traduction: d'ici là je vous fais signe quand j'aurai terminé de sucer 4000 km de queues pour avoir le privilège de tester un jeu injouable :cigare:

18/04/2013, 16h58
traduction: d'ici là je vous fais signe quand j'aurai terminé de sucer 4000 km de queues pour avoir le privilège de tester un jeu injouable :cigare:

Rira bien... :trollface:

29/05/2013, 15h01
Bon c'est pas World of Battleship mais ça a l'air sympa quand même :




29/05/2013, 15h28
T'as encore du mal avec les noms, toi... :p

29/05/2013, 15h35
Bon c'est pas World of Battleship mais ça a l'air sympa quand même :

29/05/2013, 15h50
Comprends plus rien du coup ; c'est quoi ces vidéos ? C'est le World of Battleships de WG ou c'est un autre jeu sous un faux titre ? Parce que si c'est la solution 1, j'avais cru comprendre qu'il y aurait pas de sous marins, non ?

Bernard Renard
29/05/2013, 15h56
A la vue de l'interface, je dirais Battlestations: Pacific au moins pour la dernière vidéo

29/05/2013, 16h18
Toutes les vidéos sont du Battlestations : Pacific. Un putain de bon jeux sous exploité.

29/05/2013, 16h22
Toutes les vidéos sont du Battlestations : Pacific. Un putain de bon jeux sous exploité.

Entre ça et War Thunder, j'ai peur que WG, ne gardant que WoT comme super jeu, ne se décide à lancer WoT II trop vite pour que j'aie le temps de grinder un tier X... :cry:

29/05/2013, 16h24
C'est pas Battlestations qui fera de l'ombre à World of Warships, le multi est mort né.

Bernard Renard
29/05/2013, 16h26
Entre ça et War Thunder, j'ai peur que WG, ne gardant que WoT comme super jeu, ne se décide à lancer WoT II trop vite pour que j'aie le temps de grinder un tier X... :cry:
Battlestations Pacific, date de sortie : 15 mai 2009
Niveau concurrence, ils n'ont pas trop à s'en faire par contre niveau inspiration ils peuvent y aller, c'est du tout bon!

edit : grilled

29/05/2013, 16h39
C'est toujours plein de plaisantins sur Youtube qui mettent leurs vidéos sous de faux titres.
Pour moi c'était clair que c'était pas du World of Warships (et non Battleships), mais un ersatz quelconque.

Mais Kami en vrai passionné a su démêler le vrai du faux d'un regard ! (Si tu reviens pas en CW à la 8.6 avec ça...)

29/05/2013, 17h18
J'ai beaucoup joué à Battlestations ;).

29/05/2013, 18h05
Mention spéciales aux matelots BaddAss qui se baladent sur le pont, tranquilou, détendus du gland en pleine bataille navale !

29/05/2013, 18h24
Hey attend, tu voudrais pas qu'on travail non plus non mais oh!

04/06/2013, 15h21

04/06/2013, 15h25

Waaa bordel ! J'en peux plus d'attendre !!!!! :bave::bave::bave::bave::vomit::bave::bave::bave:: bave::wacko::bave::bave::bave::bave:

04/06/2013, 15h26


Ca m'a donné envie de revoir Battleship.

04/06/2013, 15h27

Ca m'a donné envie de revoir Battleship.

Faut pas pousser quand même !

04/06/2013, 15h29
Je bande.

04/06/2013, 18h03

Vivement la beta

04/06/2013, 23h33
Owi, le destroyer rapide et agile full torpedos, future M4 trollgun de WoWs :bave:

05/06/2013, 07h22
C'est clair que ça donne envie :bave: Relisant la FAQ sur le forum:

Q: Will you integrate all 3 projects in one battlefield.
A: No, because it's impossible

Dommage j'imagine bien le tankiste dans son Maus fier avoir ruiné la moitié de l'équipe adverse avant de se prendre un obus et d'être pulvérisé par un cuirassé, cinq minutes avant qu'une nuée de forteresse volante n'envoie ce même cuirassé au Royaume de Neptune :p

05/06/2013, 16h00
J'espere que la video ne reflete pas quand même le gameplay car une flotte avec des Portes avions / cuirassés / croiseurs / destroyers qui se mettent sur la gueule à 3 bornes de distance ça va refroidir tres vite les fans du réalisme. Bon là c'est pour faire joli sur le trailer je le sais bien.

Je suis vraiment tres curieux de voir ce que va donner le gameplay.

Bernard Renard
05/06/2013, 16h15
J'espere que la video ne reflete pas quand même le gameplay car une flotte avec des Portes avions / cuirassés / croiseurs / destroyers qui se mettent sur la gueule à 3 bornes de distance ça va refroidir tres vite les fans du réalisme. Bon là c'est pour faire joli sur le trailer je le sais bien.

Je suis vraiment tres curieux de voir ce que va donner le gameplay.
Les fans de réalisme n'ont pas leur place chez Wargaming (ou juste pour justifier des nerfs :D)

05/06/2013, 16h30
J'espere que la video ne reflete pas quand même le gameplay car une flotte avec des Portes avions / cuirassés / croiseurs / destroyers qui se mettent sur la gueule à 3 bornes de distance ça va refroidir tres vite les fans du réalisme. Bon là c'est pour faire joli sur le trailer je le sais bien.

Je suis vraiment tres curieux de voir ce que va donner le gameplay.

Nanmélol, quoi. La portée, faut déjà voir ce qu'ils en font dans WoT... Un tank un peu bien foutu de la fin de la WWII ça touche à 1000-1500 m, hein... WoT limite la visi à la moitié ou au tiers de ça... :siffle:

Après, 3 bornes ça fait encore plus abusé comme réduction qu'à WoT, je suis d'accord... Vu les 40 km+ de portée max des Yamato et USS Missouri, par ex.

Mais c'est pas nouveau que les portées sont ridicules pour des raisons d'adaptation dans la plupart des jeux de PC ou de plateau...

05/06/2013, 17h19
Les devs ont prévu des maps de 50km par 50km avec une portée visuelle entre 15 et 20 (sujet a possible changement).

05/06/2013, 18h50
Les devs ont prévu des maps de 50km par 50km avec une portée visuelle entre 15 et 20 (sujet a possible changement).

Là c'est de l'ordre du réalisme. Notamment pour les Lourds.

---------- Post added at 17h50 ---------- Previous post was at 17h46 ----------

Nanmélol, quoi. La portée, faut déjà voir ce qu'ils en font dans WoT... Un tank un peu bien foutu de la fin de la WWII ça touche à 1000-1500 m, hein... WoT limite la visi à la moitié ou au tiers de ça... :siffle:

Après, 3 bornes ça fait encore plus abusé comme réduction qu'à WoT, je suis d'accord... Vu les 40 km+ de portée max des Yamato et USS Missouri, par ex.

Mais c'est pas nouveau que les portées sont ridicules pour des raisons d'adaptation dans la plupart des jeux de PC ou de plateau...

C'est pour ça que je suis assez impatient de decouvrir le gameplay.

05/06/2013, 20h10
Là c'est de l'ordre du réalisme.

Tu sais ce qu'on en a à faire du réalisme ? :tired:

Et tu ne veux pas jeter un oeil à ton avatar ? Voilà, nous sommes d'accord. :tired:

05/06/2013, 21h55
Q&A N°1 3 Sept 2012

Surface units

1.1. Q: Since destroyers and cruisers are fully separate tech trees alongside battleships and carriers, how will they be balanced to survive matches with high end battleships for instance? Will a tier X destroyer have a lot of hitpoints or will they be balanced through other stats?
A: These ships will be balanced with the help of a new matchmaker system.

1.2. Q: How will Destroyers work in WoWS? Can you use the Main Armaments along side it's Torpedoes or just it's Torpedoes?
A: You can use your guns on DDs as well as torpedoes.

1.3. Q: Will air-defense dedicated craft (ex. carrier loaded with fighter-interceptors) significantly reduce CVs ability to effectively deal damage or will the AI-controlled anti-aircraft guns on our ships essentially be worthless special-effects features, in order to keep CV gameplay and economy on par with other ships?
A: CVs are not balanced yet, and not even in tests now, so this remains to be seen.

1.4. Q: You have acknowledged previously that smoke screens maybe available in the game. I would like to know if scout planes will be able to drop Smoke Bombs, Flares (for possible night battles) or other supporting roles.
A: No, scout planes are not planned to use any bombs.

1.5. Q: Multiple times, Devs have mentioned that there will be 2 lines of BBs (For example Iowa/Montana) Are you doing perhaps a BC style line and a BB style line? If not will there be two lines of other classes such as BCs or CVs?
A. There won’t be any BC specific line.

1.6. Q: For cruisers/escorts whose main job was mainly to defend carriers, will there be manual AA control of big flak guns? (Here I'm thinking CL. Emden for example from NF)
No, we are not planning this feature. AA fire will be fully AI controlled.

Carrier and planes

2.1. Q: Will the mass or size of the plane determine on how many you can carry at once? and will Carrier functionality be realistic as some carriers couldn't actually launch Jets due to their limited Flight Deck?
A: Partially yes, the size and mass of plane will determine the amount of such planes in a named CV. Jets are unlikely to appear.

2.2. Q: Will there be a possibility to upgrade also planes which ships carry? For example from F6U Pirate to F7U Cutlass?
A: Maybe it will be possible, maybe not. As was already revealed, carriers are not yet in the tests.

2.3. Q: Will you be able to use gun batteries of Carriers for surface engagements?
Yes, though carrier using his guns instead of his planes either noob or just not knowing what his role is.

2.4. Q: Will IJN CV's be able to Kamikazi the planes into ships? Or will all planes be treated Equal?
No kamikazes.

2.5. Q: Will you be able to use scout planes carried by cruisers and battleships?

General questions

3.1. Q: You spoke about using presets to upgrade weapons on ships.
3.2. Q: I was wondering why you chose to use that system and not the current system we have in WoT.
Because we don’t want players manually install each of Oerlikon on his BB.

3.3. Q: Will the spotting system be similar to Tanks? Or will it be a bit different? (would be kinda silly not to see a huge battleship right in front of you because he was hiding in Kelp)
It will be similar.

3.4. Q: Will World of Warships have EPIC naval fighting music, will you release an OST for people to download?
What is EPIC naval fighting music? Any reference, please.

3.5. Q: Will you ever consider adding FF (Frigates) into the game? As Frigates are still commonly used throughout navies. After all it is the smallest of the sea-fairing ships. Quite often part of Carrier Strike groups. Playing more of a supporting role.
No, Frigates are not planned. During WWII they played mostly the role of convoy escorts, being too slow and specialised in sub chasing to be included in Carrier task forces.

3.6. Q: Have you guys considered having AOE (Support ships aka Combat Support Ships) in the game? After all, they play an important role in all naval battles. In game they could help extinguishing fire's and repair badly damaged ship towards X% for a rough example. And playing the support role would be a unique way to play the game. Also. Some of them do have weapons. And also might be used as a key ship for an Escort type of battle in Organized battles like Company battles / Clan battles. Example of such ship used in WWII is the Sunosaki class for the IJN.

3.7. Q: Will there be dramatic and cool sinking animations of ships And different ways of the ship sinking depending on damage/weapon used against it? Or will it be like Navyfield where every ship breaks in half and sinks the exact same way? Give examples if you can.
Yes, there will be special critical hits and sinking animations.

3.8. Q: Will you have Ability to RAM into other ships? Desperate situation might need desperate tactics!

3.9. Q: What are the "main" special traits between Nations? As in Tanks, each nation seems to have their trait. Soviet being Armor and Close range combat. Germany being Accuracy and Long range combat, Americans being All-rounders and Medium range combat, French being Speed and Firepower. (in general, but not every tank falls within the category of course).
There are no special nation traits in our game, because we are not making the Orcs vs Elves MMO. Each nation made ships of different kind and role – for example Alaska is fast, poorly armored BC, while Montana is not so fast, but big, well armored and armed ship – this is the only „traits“ you should expect from World of Warships.

3.10. Q: Why do you not want the submarines in WoWs?
Because submarines of that era are strategic anti-supply weapons, not the part of naval combat.

3.11. Q: When you will be able to apply for some alpha version?

3.12. Q: What will be with clan wars? Is it going to be connected with WoT and WoWp or something else?
Yes, someday clan wars will be connected to WoT and WoWp.

3.13. Q: Would we be able to make custom 'Prefixes' such as 'USS' or 'KMS' etc or would we be stuck with the National 'Prefix'.
We haven't decided yet.

3.14. Q: Will there be different nation torpedoes (like Germans having Proximity magnetic fuse, Japanese more dmg etc) or will torpedo classes be universal (ie: Like deciding Ammo, you have a wide choice shared by all nations). Amending that question, if torpedo stock is open to all (ie everyone can buy all the types of torpedoes) will their stats vary slightly between the nations?
You cannot use German torpedoes on American torpedo launcher, as well as opposite. So you, as in real life, will be using nations torpedo launchers with nations torpedoes.

3.15. Q: Will the dual-purpose weapons be under player’s control, as on many ships they served both as anti-aircraft and as primary or secondary surface engagement weapons? (for example primary armament of many destroyers, AA cruisers, carriers, secondary armament of cruisers and battleships…
DP guns will be player controlled when firing on surface targets. The player will switch to AA ammo, these guns immediately will become AI controlled.

3.16. Q: Will we see crew skills like the ones in Tanks? If so how would this work for Carriers? Will they have a number of 'crew' pilots for whom you can choose different skills?
Yes, there will be crew skills like in WoT.

---------- Post added at 21h33 ---------- Previous post was at 21h29 ----------

Q&A N°2 11 Sept 2012

Carriers and planes

1.1 Q: It has been asked if Airplanes can kamikaze into warships, but should a carrier not want to recover his Airplanes can you simply let them run out of fuel and die? Let's say the situation called for it because the carrier did not wish the enemy to follow his airplanes back straight to his carrier if they were bombers. Adding to that, when an airplane runs out of fuel (or is shot down) and it falls from the sky and strikes a ship how much damage would it do?

A: Player can cancel the autoreturning order for planes. When plane is out of fuel it falls from the sky. The damage it can deal is not great – the bomb is much more efficient way to make damage.

1.2 Q: Would we be able to control how the planes attack their opponents? (example) so they can drop their Torpedoes on the Port and Starboard bow of a ship to give them little to no space to maneuver? Or will they attack how they see fit?

A: It is still to be decided

1.3 Q: How will you manage Pilots as crew? Can you have X number of Crew slots open for pilots (Each pilot representing a wing when you deploy it) or will you simply have 1 Pilot Space for each type of Aircraft?

A: It is still to be decided

1.4 Q: When deploying Aircraft from CVs will you be able to deploy shorter wings at a quicker rate? For exampe, if the Shukaku can deploy 8 aircraft at a time, would it be quicker to deploy 2 wings of 4 rather than a single wing of 8? I ask this since you have hinted previously that the flight wing controls would be reminiscent of NF

A: Yes, smaller wings can be deployed faster.

Ships and weapons

2.1 Q: Will we have different FCS to choose from? Say some which give you longer spotting range but worse spread or short spotting range with good spread?

A: There will be different FCS, but FCS will not have any influence on spread, because spread is the charecteristic of barrels of guns and guns mount.

2.2 Q: On the subject of Ship Customization will you be able to alter the density of the armour in different parts of the ship as long as you ensure it remains at the same displacement? Such as taking some armour off the bulge and putting it on the Deck/Belt? I don't think this has been addressed fully yet.

A: You cannot alter the density of armor, because armor is a part of hull of a ship.

2.3 Q: How will flooding of the ship work can you affect the ship repairs and damage control so you can stay in the fight a bit longer?

A: Ship with critical flooding will sink, and nothing can help it to be afloat. Even if it will still have some HP left.

2.4 Q: will the ships that dident have a radar have its as a thing you can research and equip, maybe the ships whitout has no mini map?

A: We will not turn the minimap off for the ships with no radar mounted.
Players will be able to upgrade ships with presets and some radars will possibly appear.

2.5 Q: Will you be able to decide crew focus on your ship? As in, focusing on Damage Controll to repair ship dmg / put out fire's and leaks. Offensive Focus for better reload and accuracy. Navigation focus, for better manuverbility and speed, Defensive focus for better AA and ability to withstand impacts better. Just as some rough examples. This would help, but also cripple your ship in different tasks.

A: No, you won’t be able to crew focus. Crew system will be close to WoT.

2.6 Q: Will there be various types of torpedoes in the game, with differing capabilities? For instance, differences in range/speed, magnetic abilities, and electric (wakeless) torpedoes?

A: Yes, there will be different torpedoes in game.


3.1 Q: Is it possible for the ships to use mines?

A: No. Mines were usually not used as a tactical weapon, their deployment required extensive time and resources.

3.2 Q: And will ships gain a Random Serial when Commissioned/bought such as DD-567 or CV-380 etc.

A: No. for more details re. ship names/designations check 3.9 and 3.10.

3.3 Q. Physics - will it be applied on ships or we will have simplified behavior like in WoT now?

A: It is already applied. We cannot make good naval game without physics.

3.4 Q: Will there be support for multiple displays? WoT and WoWp don't really have a need for these things, but I think this can greatly benefit from it, especially when playing hybrids, being able to have good overview of whats happening with the top down view on one screen and the normal view on the other, or something along these lines. If not for release, might this be something that'll be considered for post-release?

A: Maybe someday after release.

3.5 Q: For clan wars could we expect to see isles with Emplacements strategically located? I was thinking of, for example Shogun 2 Naval emplacements where a team could capture emplacements to harass the enemy.

A: Clan wars features are still to be decided

3.6 Q: Can we expect weapon emplacements like the ones in Warplanes during Random Battles? (Coastal artillery, coastal targets...)

A: That is possible, still in consideration.

3.7 Q: What kind of Crew abilities will we be able to expect? Not in details, but in rough manner.

A: We didn’t come to conclusion for Crew abilities by ourselves right now. We will keep you informed in the future.

3.8 Q: Will ships belonging to non major nations possibly be included as premium ships? (Examples could be the Dutch Eendracht class cruiser, Spanish Espana class battleship, Austro-Hungarian Tegethoff class battleship and more). I expect that these could be a good source of income for people that want to have a bit of fun in ships reflecting their own nations :P

A: We are planning to add a „Small naval nations“ combined tree some months (years?) after release, it would be a similar conceptr to planned World of Tanks "Small European nations" tech tree.

3.9 Q: I have read before that we can name our own ships, will these names be somehow visible on the ships?

A: You will be able to choose between sistership names. Maybe there will be also an option to use your own name for gold and with premoderation. Showing names in game directly on the ships would be challenging due to scale of the models and textures.

3.10 Q: Will ship names be unique or can multiple users have the same name?

A: Given the number of players expected, there will hardly be unique names.

---------- Post added at 21h38 ---------- Previous post was at 21h33 ----------

Q&A N°3 17 Sept 2012

Ships and weapons

1.1. Q: Will we have fire modes to choose from? (Ie: Simultaneous, by turret, by primary gun) I know for aiming the turrets will all point at one target, but I was wondering if you stagger your fire. This could help with the first couple of ranging shots and then you could go back to firing all turrets simultaneously.

A: No, there will be no firing modes to choose from.

1.2. Q: In tandem with that question, how much ammunition would, let's say an Iowa carry? Just wondering if it's never an issue or enough of an issue you do not want to waste too much on ranging shots/etc.

A: We are aiming on historical numbers right now, but this can be changed in future.

1.3. Q: Knowing AA guns are automatic, will we be expected to pay to reload them every game? or will they be excluded from re-supply?

A: These guns will have imited ammo, and of course player will pay for this ammo, but not too much.

1.4. Q: Will some nation ships have Auto Loaders like some of the French Tanks in WoT?

A: No.

1.5. Q: Does the guns on ships have different maximum ranges? If yes, would there be a nation that has range as an advantage?

A: Yes, the ranges are different, but not much. As long as there is no blockshots like in Navyfield (and there is a huge spread on maximum range, as it was IRL) the small range difference is not a problem at all.

1.6. Q: Will some ships be able to fire Rocket Artillery as some ships where designed and used in Battles like the Normandy Beach Landings?

A: That is unlikely. The LCS® and other rocket ships were designed for a close-in fire support just before the first wave hits the surf, since we will not do opposed landings. These ships were not exactly too seaworthy and would need to be generally at knifefight distance to make any impression on real warships.

1.7. Q: Will the Carrier tree be similar to the Arty tree in WoT were it stops at Tier 8 or will it go up-to Tier 10?

A: No, CVs will have their Tier10 as other classes. After all, WoT will also have tier X artilleries eventually.

1.8. Q: Will planes be researched separately to the Carriers or will they be Researched as Modules for each Carrier?

A: We are not yet final with decisions about the carrier aircraft handling.

1.9. Q: What would the reloading time be?

A: Faster than IRL, but not much faster.

1.10. Q: Will the game have Ap,He, premium ammo?

A: There will be many ammo types to choose from.

1.11. Q: Can water plumes destroy airplanes damage, smaller ships?

A: No. While water plumes can be dangerous to planes, they were not overly effective as anything except psychological weapon.

1.12. Q: Will ships have crew you can see? like AA gunners and brigde crew and so on,peope just walking running around?

A: No, we are limited by scale of the ships.


2.1. Q: As an update, do you know when you might be able to provide us with an early tech tree for the IJN & USN lines during the beta? Just curious if you knew which ships you were planning on placing in the beta so far.

A: Can’t tell this yet. Tech trees are still being worked upon.

2.2. Q: Will camouflage choices be available with release/beta? Or will it be like in Warplanes where it seems to automatic?

A: I think that you can see it in release version.

2.3. Q: I know you have yet to decide fully on Sailor Abilities, but will we be able to trade sailors with beta/release or are you planning to do that much later? (Ofc this is accounting for the fact there may be a lot of nice abilities to choose from)

A: There will be no crew trading.

2.4. Q: How long would you roughly estimate that World of Warships would be in Closed Alpha and Beta before it come into Open Beta?

A: CAT will be shorter than WoT and WoWp, that’s all I can say now.

2.5. Q: Do you have any other Projects planned for after World of Warships is released like World of Star-ships?

A: First of all we aimed at making a great game about warships – anything after will be after.

2.6. Q: There have been a lot of questions already about ships, crew management, Ai, carriers, etc etc. However, when i look at a naval game, my first concern is about the environment battles takes place in, in this case the sea, and how it affects the fights. So the question is, what kind of "physics" can we expect from the ships there? Will we have waves or the sea will be just a flat texture with special effects to resemble the sea? Will we have different maps with different sea conditions that influence ship accuracy, or force you to shoot in a certain situation and not in another one?

A: Right now we are in a process of testing the 3d waves, so this waves are likely to be seen in CAT/CBT already. As for maps – there will be maps of different seas and places of the world.

2.7. Q: Will we get camoflages/skins we can buy like in tanks?

A: This is possible.

---------- Post added at 21h43 ---------- Previous post was at 21h38 ----------

Q&A N°4 25 Sept 2012

Nations/Ships included

1.1. Q: Do you have enough drawings and information on Dutch ships to make those when you start with the Combined European tree? If not, I can help you order drawings from a scale model club here. I don't want to push you, take your time to do it right. This is just some information to help in case finding drawings on Dutch military stuff proves difficult.

A: We always are open to information. There will be Dutch ships in Combined European tree – that is for sure.

1.2. Q: You did not mention any Greek ships. Will they ever be added?

A: Yes, sooner or later.


2.1. Q: Can you tell us, which class will be Tier I ships? I think it should be destroyers, however it would be nice to have official confirmation.

A: I’ve answered this question on NA and RU forums. Tier 1 ships are training ships, gunboats, etc. For USN it is Erie gunboat, for IJN it is Katori training cruiser.

2.2. Q: Are most maps with islands (so you can "take cover") or more open maps? Since a lot RL battles happened on the open ocean, but this would make battles almost 2D.

A: We are aiming on having all maps with more or less islands. I doubt we will make a plain ocean map ever – it is too boring to fight there.

2.3. Q: Are the "flags" going to be harbours or more of an island where you have to destroy fortifications? Are those fortifications going the return fire?

A: This is what is not final yet – I can’t answer about flags right now.

2.4. Q: Are there airfields on islands where planes from carries can make emergency landings?
Will it be possible to land Your planes on a Friendly carrier if your carrier is Sunk but you get charged for using there Ammo and Fuel? If you haven't thought about this can I keep it here as a Suggestion?

A: No.

2.5. Q: In WoT it's a garage, in WoWp - hangar, so the place where you keep your ships in WoWs will be named a dock? :D

A: Dock or shipyard.

2.6. Q: Will the teams be strictly Allied ships vs Axis ships in WoWs, Or will we have to play games where it's all just thrown into an unhistorical basket?

A: Like in WoT – any ship of any nation on one side.

2.7. Q: Can we expect to see a Realism gamemode that only allows Nation-pure Teams. Say a team consisting of only German ships vs the Royal navy?

A: No.

2.8. Q: As a frame of reference, in the maps you are planning what would the maximum range of a torpedo be? Will it be 1/4 of the map or more/less? I don't expect a super accurate answer but an approximation might help us build a better understanding of map dimensions.

A: Ranges of torpedoes are +/- close to historical except Long Lances, of course – they are nerfed.

2.9. Q: We know that World of Tanks does not support multicore processors, while World of Warplanes does. What about World of Warships?

A: We support multicores.

2.10.1. Q: Are the maps big enough to actually first see the top of the distant ship and later, as we get closer, the whole ship (because the earth is round)? If yes, will that be implemented in the game?

A: Maps are flat. If you will calculate the curvature of Earth on a square of 60x60 kilometers you’ll understand why we decided not to include curvature in our game.

2.10.2. Q: When the weather conditions are implemented will the same weather be on the whole map or, for example, will there be areas with rain and others without?

A: Can’t answer that right now. It depends on how well we will make the weather system.

2.11. Q: Will there be eventually Night Time Engagements such as the ones at Guadalcanal?

Later – possible. In release version – no.

2.12. Q: We've talked about Weather previously, and you mentioned that it will have no adverse affect on Aiming due to FCS being very advanced during this time. I would like to expand that question and ask: Will you have weather mechanics in the game? Such as clear days, stormy days, foggy etc? If so will these just be cosmetic or will they impact on both ships and carrier planes?

A: As I’ve answered just a couple letters above – it depends on how well we will make the weather system. Right now I cannot provide you any 100% info.

Armament, tactics

3.1. Q: As a Carrier, will you be able to have all your aircraft launched, or will you have to land/lose a squadron before you can launch the next?

A: There will be a limit to number of squadrons in the air at a certain moment of time.

3.2. Q: Will the Hybrid BB/carriers and the likes strictly be able to launch scout planes, or will they be able to launch bombers that can hit lightly defended targets? (I suppose they wouldn't be as effective as a real carrier)

A: Hybrids will be able to launch some fighters and bombers, though these planes are almost no match to normal CV’s of a same tier.

3.3. Q: Will you be able to go back to port during a game, if so, in what situations would that be beneficial? (repair, refit, rearm, refuel, retreat, defend, anything?)

A: No plans of making that.

3.4. Q: Will the AI merchants be sinkable, if so, will there be a penalty if you sink "allied" merchants if you're an allied player?

A: I doubt there will be sinkable merchants at all.

3.5. Q: Will you make the matchmaking system so that only big ships fight big ships, and small ones small? if so, isn't that going to be a little ahistorical and boring?

A: No. No, that isn’t going to be a little ahistorical. If you read something about Jutland, you’ll understand why.

3.6.1. Q: Poster below asks if all AA will be automatic, I want to know if they are, will there still be ANY circumstance where we'll see manually fired AA? if not, how will you reward players that give Carrers AA support? What is the incentive if it's automatic?

A: No manually controlled AA. Period.

3.6.2. Q: I am slightly concerned that all AA will be automatic and there will be, as you said, "low" ammunition stacks for it. How accurate are you planning to have the AA be?

A: AA will be that accurate that we make them according to gameplay balance.

3.6.3. Q: Attached to that question, a lot of the bigger classes of Ships carried a lot of AA: Though AA is automatic, you've previously talked about how we still need to pay to resupply. How will you balance the much higher costs of AA on the bigger warships? (since they will have a lot more AA Guns firing/eating away ammo)

A: Answering the question “how you will balance costs” – we will balance them well.

3.6.4. Q: And the third amendment about AA: Based on the idea of automatic AA, will the accuracy of AA be more or less the same for all warships? Or will some warships have more Accurate AA? Will you be able to turn AA on/off to conserve the ammunition?

A: AA accuracy will depend on crew skills and pre-sets.

3.6.5. Q: Why not have the ability to change the AA Battery's and there adjacent Battery's manually, this way you can get an even spread of AA Machine guns. So if your selection is between Medium-Long range but slow firing machine guns and Short-Medium but Fast Firing Machine guns with the same initial Damage you can get an Even Split on the types used, if you get what I mean. Main and Secondary battery's I can understand.

A: Why not? Because we don’t think it is a good idea.

3.6.6. Q: Will naval Flak Guns pose a risk to Friendly CAP and kill/injure the Crew of Friendly Ships if it explodes above them? And if so will there be a way to stop your friendly Flak from gunning down your own or someone else Aircraft?

A: No.

3.7. Q: Will there be "dud" shells? No such thing exists in WoT, however it would be a great addition to have shells that can pierce your ship.... but fail to explode. I feel it would add an extra element.
Will you add a feature like this?
If not, why not?

A: No, we won’t. Because we don’t think it is a good idea.

3.8. Q: I just wanted your confirmation that the maximum gun calibre we can expect will be 18" apart from the Germans, since their ships had less guns, which might be 19". Is this true? Will you keep this as a rule while introducing more ships in the future?

A: Yes, it is true.

3.9. Q: How detailed will the micro management be of the airplanes? Will the player be able to choose when/where to drop bombs? if so, individually, or per squadron?

A: No. Players will choose what target to attack.

3.10. Q: How will the repair system work?

A: Repair system will work well.

3.11. Q: Will the Warships have pumps to pump out the water and will the crew experience affect the efficiency of the pumping?

A: Yes, but not player-controlled.

3.12. Q: Is it possible to ram ships and sink them? For example a battleship ramming a cruiser or DD?

A: Yes.

Alpha test

4.1. Q: In World of Warplanes the alpha test started with only one server and forum(excluding RU here), will there be more servers for World of Battleships since we have both NA and EU forums, in other words will each region get a test server from the start?

A: No.

4.2. Q: Dev. from WoWp said CAT veterans will get invite for CAT of WoWs... Who we need to contact? Will the activity on WoWs forums be also counted?

A: My workplace is the same room, where WoT and WoWp producers are working. Rumors about special preferences or granted invites to WoWs for WoWp CAT are just rumors, sorry.

---------- Post added at 21h46 ---------- Previous post was at 21h43 ----------

Q&A N°5 5 Oct 2012

1. Q: Before there was mentioned that the speeds would be as historical as possible. The speeds listed by the navies of the world during the Cold War were a lot lower then they actually could. The USS Enterprise has it's speed listed as 33+ knots, however there is reasonable evidence that it was indeed closer to or even in excess of 50 knots (insane I know). So will the post WW2 ships be based on their actual speed, or their listed speeds?

A: There is no evidence (documented) of USS Enterprise doing 50 knots. Moreover, USS Enterprise (CVN-65) isn’t hitting our time period. WWII USS Enterprise (CV-6) would definitely not be capable of reaching this speed.
Also note that some navies went to extra lengths during trials, but practical maximum speed was lower - this may lead to some discrepancies in the sources.

2. Q: In WW1 and WW2 it was common to rescue drowing sailors from sinking ships, in most cases ignoring the nationality of the sailors. Will this be somehow implemented IG? As some kind of credit/XP bonus for the savior, and decreased repair bills for the aided player?

A: No. Similar to carrier based aircraft recovery after their mothership was sunk, this will not be included in the game. Even in historical cases you would note that rescue of survivors was usually done after the battle - during the battle it was just too risky to stop. Even outside of direct battle - see for example the fate of survivors of USS Juneau after being sunk by a submarine - commander of US ships surviving the night battle did not conduct rescue ops and was later exonerated during the investigation, because the unknown threat posed by submarine was too great to risk his ships. on the opposite side there was the unfortunate case od HMS Aboukir, HMS Hogue and HMS Cressy sunk by U-9 in september 1941, later two after beginning rescue ops (thinking that HMS Aboukir struck a mine).

3. Q: Regarding Fog of War: Will we be able to see gun smoke from large ship batteries firing from the enemy team even if we cannot see the ship? (A bit like in tanks when you're playing arty you can sometimes tell where the shots are coming from due to smoke. Except much easier to tell due to size of guns involved).

A: Gun flashes will not be implemented. However, similar to World of Tanks, you will be able to spot shell tracers and guess the position of ships your forces did not spot yet.

4. Q: Will there be wakes to ships? If so, for how long and how easy will be they to spot?

A: Ships will leave wakes, however the wakes can not be spotted independently. It will be similar to tracks or smoke effects in Tanks.

5. Q: Will it be possible to swap a Main Caliber Gun for an Extra AA Machine Gun with Destroyers and will some AA Machine Guns be on top of the Turrets of the Larger Battleships which had them like that?

A: Yes. For example it will be possible to swap some 5“ for quadruple Bofors for Fletcher.

6. Q: What sort of guns can we expect at Tier 1?

A: Historical sorts of guns. IJN Katori had 5.5" and 5" guns, USS Erie 6" guns, plus an assortment of AA weapons in both cases.

7. Q: I know players will be able to choose the name between sister ships(for example either Yamato or Musashi), but will this name be displayed on loading screen? Or will it simply be "Yamato class" etc?

A: This is not decided yet.

8. Q: Could you give as an example of tier 5 ship? In WoT and WoWp on this tier there are legends like T-34, Sherman, Bf.109 and so on, so what can we expect in WoWs?

A: Unfortunately this is not finalised yet. We will be able to announce this later.

9. Q: Will it be possible to split enemy ship in two while ramming it from the side? Or make it flip over and sink?

A: Yes, this will be possible. Ramming speed!

---------- Post added at 21h48 ---------- Previous post was at 21h46 ----------

Q&A N°6 8 Oct 2012

Anti-aircraft artillery

1.1. Q: Can we take for granted that the AA firepower of a battleship will surpass that of a destroyer?
A: In most cases – yes, for ships of a same tier. Obviously, modern DD will have more AAA than older battleships in many cases.

1.2. Q: I know you've said that AA will be Automatic but will you still be able to shoot planes down manually with AP shells? And will you be able to set different options for your AA, like Passive for example where your AA Guns won't fire?
A: No. AA guns will be fully automatic.

1.3. Q: You've said before that AA will be automatic but will accuracy be affected by Weather and Crews Skill Level?
A: Only by skill level and modules of a current preset.


2.1. Q: Will there be gold ammo? ):
A: Cannot answer this question now.

2.2. Q: With a World of Tanks the max HP of a Tier one would be something like 115, in World of Warships would the HP of Tier 1 ships be Greater or Equal to this number?
A: Not decided yet.

2.3. Q: Is it possible for a Tier 5 destroyer to 1 shot a tier 8 cruiser with a single torpedo? (as in the torpedo blows the ships bow off the ship)
A: No. Even in reality it usually took more than that to sing a combat-ready warship unless ammunition exploded - many ships even of DD class survived having their bows/stern blown off (if nothing else happened to them).

2.4. Q: How would you be sorting the ship classes out? As in, with world of tanks you have, LTs, MTs, HTs, TDs and SPGs, so what ships would have similar rolls to these 5?
A: DDs are like LTs with damage equal to TDs, cruisers are like MTs combined with arty, BBs are like HTs combined with arty, and CVs are like arty combined to LTs in terms of speed.

2.5. Q: And another quick question, to statisfy myself for being able to play my favorite ship: Will the HMS Warspite (Queen Elisabeth class BB) eventually be playable?
A: Yes, of course, when we will add Great Britain.

2.6. Q: Will the weight of tiers be more like WOT or WoWp? Example: Fighting a tier 4 tank in WoT in a Loltraktor is not going to be successful, in WoWp you can easily take out a Tier4 with a Tier1 plane, if you got skills.
A: Closer to WoWp.

2.7. Q: Will Escort carriers play any part in World of Warships?
A: Yes, these carriers will be low tier carriers. As in World of Tanks, tiering will be done more by ship's capabilities than actual year of design.

Weapons, Game Mechanics

3.1. Q: Will some ship be able to use anti-torpedo bulges which were used on the USS Enterprise CV-6 and a lot of the newer ships in that period?
A: Most ships of 30s usually had bulges as a part of construction, and many older ones were upgraded to use bulges. Of course there will be bulges in our game.

3.2. Q: I know you've said somewhere that guns will fire simultaneously, will there be any point that you might experiment by making the guns fire one barrel at a time? or even have it where you fire all at the same time but the Barrels fire in sequence?
A: Right now we don’t see the need of that.

3.3. Q: I've heard and read of use of "torpedo nets", sturdy nets hung from the sides of ship to catch torpedoes prematurely so they wouldn't explode, or explode but have reduced damage to to increased range. Will those be represented in game?
A: No, there won’t be nets in our game.

3.4. Q: How will the hull-mounted secondary guns work? (Comment: I assume this means casemate-mounted secondary batteries as on older battleships and cruisers – I guess they will work the same way as turrets.)
A: As intended according to firing angles of these guns.

3.5. Q: How will damage on the ship look like? In most warship games it's at most fire, exploded turrets, and black scorch marks. Will we be able to expect realistic damage models? I know this has been asked before, but I'm curious about the full depth of how you will show the damage.
A: More realistic, than in WoT, but don’t expect wonders. Do not forget that the scale of the models will always limit possible details.

3.6. Q: Does the version of the engine used for World of Warships have the same limitations World of Tanks have regarding the max range at which a ship can be rendered?
A: No.

3.7. Q: What's the average spotting range we'll get on ships, considering the way longer range of their guns?
A: 15-20 km.

3.8. Q: In WoWS how will radar work? Will you just see Echoes on the Horizon for Aircraft and/or Ships? (Comment: If I understand it correctly, radar = just longer spotting range, so spotting will not depend on the method of detection)
A: Radar is integrated in ship’s range of sight capabilities. there will be no difference between visual and radar spotting, game-wise.

---------- Post added at 21h49 ---------- Previous post was at 21h48 ----------

Q&A N°7 20 Dec 2012

1. Q: Will aircraft affect sighting abilities, i mean if we send out aircraft and they spot a ship, will the whole team be able to see it or just the carrier driver?

A: Right now we are thinking on a concept where only recon planes will show enemy ships for everyone in your team, while attacking planes and fighters show enemy only for CV, who launched them.
This concept may be changed, though.

2. Q: Will hybrid aircraft carriers be counted as a CV in the MM, making it part of the 2 available CV slots in the battle or will they have their own MM?

A: It is very possible.

3. Q: Will there be options to add some 1 or 2 guns from your main Battery to Assist the Secondary Battery? (IE using main battery to fire at two targets at once)

A: No.

4. Q: Hello. When enemy will ship hit me and destroy for example one turret, other turrets can fire? In WOT when enemy damage my gun and this gun is repaired, its accuracy is bad. Will it work like this in WoWs as well?

A: Yes.

5. Q: Also, will we be able to repair while at sea? or will the damage sustained stay till back at port?

A: Some repairs will be possible.

6. Q: And when will we see first screenshots or/and video with interface? Can we expect to see ingame screenshots soon?

A: Not soon. (Note, you can already see some screenshots on the portal now)

7. Q: When firing the main guns on a battleship, will we have a top down view like the artillary in WOT or will we look through the gunsights of the main guns? (praying for the latter)

A: Both variants is possible.

8. Q: Can you guarantee that the sound and the blast of the main guns going off, will make the hair on the back of my head stand up, my nuts drop to the floor and the fillings in my teeth come loose?

A: Only insurance company can guarantee you anything. We are not insurance company.

9. Q: Any details on Soviet Aircraft carriers?

A: Not in near future.

---------- Post added at 21h51 ---------- Previous post was at 21h49 ----------

10 Avril 2013

is there any more detailed "date" when the alpha may open ?
will there be possibility to send on board planes for "scouting" ?
how will look like throttle ? will it be like in WoT that we have to hold all the time key? or like on real ships that we can just put 1/3 half og full ahead or half ahead, emergency astern etc etc ?

1. We are trying to avoid specific dates since we don't want to disappoint you but the alpha is currently planned for around Autumn this year.
2. Of course there will be scout-planes :)
3. A. Like on real ship. Player will set required speed by engine's telegraph.

How many ships from the Japanese tree do you currently have rendered?

About 7. BB Fuso, Nagato, Yamato, CA Aoba, DD Kagero, CV Akagi, Zuikaku.

is WG going to add camo like they did in world of tanks and is there going to be a weather system

that adds rain, thunder, big waves to make it reallistic.
Yes to the camo question and we are planning to have weather implemented but we currently don't know when.

If weather is implemented will it affect Carrier operations in anyway?
What is the largest Calibre Anti-Air Gun currently ingame?
Will AA be set into fire groups?

1. Carriers won't be affected by weather
2. Technically – 460mm (Yamato main guns). Normally – 152mm universal guns.
3. Yes. But this is not noticeable - air defense is automatic.

How effective will ramming ships of similiar size be, will it be efficent strategy in some cases or will it cause severe damage to both ships?
What is planned typical view distance of a ship without assistance from other sources?

Ramming will cause severe damage to both ships. As in reality.
And view distance will be like in reality – 11-12 sea miles (clear weather conditions).

Hi Kabazabak and welcome to the forum
1.Can you tell us something about yourself Kabazabak?
2.I know that USS Arizona (BB-39) will be in the game, can you tell us what tier will be that ship?
3.Whether we will have on higher or beter ships AA guns (Bofors 40mm) on their turret?
4.Are we going to have this on our ships? (for example: how many ships we are sunk or how many planes we shot down...etc.)
In the middle right corner
5.Whether the Battleships have recon planes, if yes how much?

1. I am the EU Producer for World of Warships from our office in Paris. My job is it to work closely together with everyone in our St. Petersburg office and make sure that the game will be successful in Europe.
2. We are currently aiming to have it around Tier 6
3. Yes
4. Of course you will have killmarkings on your ships. :)
5. Yes, from 1 to 7.

Ok my question, as carrier captain can you give your plane squadrons specific orders how to attack enemy ships, for example ordering my planes to make torpedo runs from multiple directions which could make avoiding them harder?.

Yep, we have this option planned.

What parts of a ship can be upgraded by the player? (for example: turrets, guns, loadingmechanism, radar, radio, engines??)
and how will the costs be? in WoT a T10 tank costs 6 mil credits, will the ship costs be the same? (i guess not, but just asking)

All of what you've mentioned can be upgraded. But often only simultaneously (in presets). Guns, engines, planes can be upgraded like in WoT.

And economics is still in development. Hard to say anything definite.

Will it possible to destroy an enemy battleship in the same manner as the U.S.S. Arizona was destroyed?
The Arizona was destroyed when a bomb penetrated the deck and detonating the powder stores under Turret 1, the explosive pressure was then diverted upwards when it hit the front bulwark causing a large explosion in front of it's turret one which then triggered a secondary explosion in the ships Ammo.
A similar incident happened also with the H.M.S. Hood

Yes. A lucky shot could detonate the ammo storage and destroy the ship.

Anyways, my question: The game will include,as smallest ships, destroyers. However, during the twenties and thirties,due to the limitations of the Washington treaty, the size of fleets was limited (destroyers too), wich caused nations such as Italy to build small destroyers, that officially were classified as torpedo boats,but were closer in size to DE's or DD's. Will these be considered for the game?

We are considering that - yes. Whether the ships will be in the game - not clear right now.

---------- Post added at 21h55 ---------- Previous post was at 21h51 ----------

15 Avril 2013

Will carriers also be able to launch Scout Aircraft?

Of Course.

Will the ship icons be similar to this? Hehe


Remove your battleship icon and rename "battlecruiser" to "battleship&battlecruiser" - and you almost got it :)

1) Will carrier be able to launch fighters (e.g. the Littorio's had the ability to launch 3 Re 2001s.)
2) how many ships from the US tree do you have rendered?

1. Carriers – of course. But Littorio is a battleship.
Maybe some of our battleships and cruisers will can launch hydro-fighters. We don’t sure now.
2. Seven so far.

Will the aircraft carrier tree will begin from tier 2 for all nations planned (as artillery in Wot)?
will all nations will have a tier 10 aircraft carrier?
Will there be a delay when launching aircrafts from AC (like irl, you wait for one to take off then another one takes off etc...) and will it be possible to manage 1 aircraft or only a squadron (and if so do we define the number of planes in each squadron or is it preset?)?

Yes to all your questions, but you can't control attack planes on their own as single planes

What would the Pros and cons be of each ship class? (assuming that these would be the ship classes in-game)

Let's keep this as short and brief as possible. :P
There is 4 classes of ships in game – BB (included BC), CA&CL, DD (included DE), CV (included CVE).
BB – heavy armour and gun, but vulnerable for torpedoes
DD – fast, maneuverable and has torpedoes, but unarmoured and has small guns
CA&CL – a cross between BB and DD
CV – planes can sink everyone, but weak in close combat

tl;dr: In general BB beats CA, CA beats a pack of DD and a pack of DD beats BB. CV beat everyone else at long range and will beaten at close range.

But from what I gather from this, the plan is that ships would need to use air spotting at greater ranges than 11-12nm? I guess the advantages that air spotting brings to optically directed gunnery might be tricky to model otherwise ingame. Does radar change this at all, as radar was preferable over aircraft for spotting both deflection and range (that is, there isn't much air spotting can provide if you already have a good gunnery radar)?

Ship has limited visibility in any case. Next it needs spotting (aircraft or other ship - no matter). This is the plan.
The main thing is that the normal range of optical visibility equals ~12 naval miles, radar can increase the range, but not very much.

1.How much premium ships you gonna finish by the beginning of aplha, I know for one is there another ships?
2.We know that the battleships,battlecruisers,heavy and light cruisers and some destyoyers will have recon planes, can we put some bombs on recon planes (250kg or 500kg) and can we upgrading recon planes?
3.Whether we see these ships in the game and that they are not premiums?
4.Whether is USS Montana (BB-67) completed and whether we will soon see some pictures of that ships?
5.Will we soon see a new WoWs trailer?

1. Several but we don't have a precise answer yet
2. Bombs on recon – no. Upgrading recons – very unlikely.
3. It is very likely that you will these ships ingame. Most likely they will be premiums though.
4. No, USS Montana is being modeled right now.
5. We hope to share something new in the next few months (around E3?) :)

Will the maps in WoWS have areas that can only be traversed by Destroyers such as Rivers coming from islands and Atoll lagoons?


What's the Max range of Light, Medium and Heavy AA Weapons on Warships?

This will depend on each ship and will be according to historical data.

Will it be possible to take an Aircraft carrier out of Action by damaging or destroying either it's Fore or Aft elevators?
Would we see Aircraft Carrier Flight Decks full of parked Aircraft like this?

1. Temporarily, until repairs.
2. Of course! :)

If planes crash onto the deck of the CV or planes get destroyed when they are taking off, will that mean that the CV can't launch any planes for a specific time?

Something along those lines, yes.

Will there be a possibility that a plane will crash land on the deck of an carrier if it has taken a certain amount of damage?
Will it be possible to destroy a ship's steering and engine controls? (so they can't slow down, speed up or turn)
What is the smallest calibre naval gun in game so far?
Will aerial rockets have any effect on a warship?
Will there be ground targets for us to shoot at?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. That would be a 12.7mm machinegun.
4. That will depend on the type of rockets
5. Unlikely that there will be ground targets to shoot at as of now
6. An African swallow or European swallow? :P

Can we assume that damage which ship is capable of doing will be similiar to this list: http://en.wikipedia....ld_War_II_ships
As in Yamato doing roughly 19% more damage than Iowa etc?

No. Canon damage will be proportional to the third degree caliber.

Will planes automatically head back to their mothership to land before they reach the Point of No Return?

Yes. :)

05/06/2013, 22h10
23 Avril 2013

How many Carrier Planes do you have currently modeled?
Will Fighters, Torpedo Bombers, Dive Bombers and Fighter/Bombers be upgradeable?
Will the Dauntless SBD be able to act as a scout as well as a Dive Bomber like it would historically?
If a carrier can carry 90 Aircraft then how many aircraft would it be able to launch at anyone time?
Will we see Coastal Defence Cruisers in game?
Will it be possible to remove a main battery to help increase the speed of a ship?
Will it be possible to add Dummy Turrets and Funnels to ships?
What can we ships can we expect at Tier II for the IJN and USN tech tree?

1. Five to six are modeled.
2. No. Player will change the type of aircraft.
3. Yes. But not at the same time.
4. It depends on carrier. Up to 10 squadrons (6-10 aircrafts in each).
5. Maybe.
6. No.
7. Maybe. We are currently researching that question in detail.
8. Old battleships, cruisers and destroyers. And air transports with hydroplanes.

Will exploding Flak (if close enough) kill/injure ship crewmen? Usually those that are unprotected or at AA stations with no blast shield
Will the AI in planes be intelligent?
Will we be seeing any Russian Aircraft Carriers?
Will some nations be receiving Fantasy Ships?
How many paper Ships will we have in game currently when the Alpha tests start?
Will Destroyers have Depth Charge Launchers? (As in props since Submarines won't be in game)
Could we be seeing Convoy Escort type Game modes in the games future?
Will any of the mid tier Battleships be using Quadruple Turrets?
Will the Allen M. Sumner class be an upgrade to the Fletcher Class or a separate ship?

1. We don’t plan crew on ships. Only main officers.
2. AI will be smart enough to sink enemy ships.
3. At a later stage, yes
4. Fantasy – no. Paperships – yes.
5. Zero. All ships are real.
6. What for? Just for fun? :)
7. There's a possibility for convoy game modes. But not any time soon.
8. If such turret was on ship or was planned - it will be on the ingame ship.
9. Separate ships.

Will battleships be able to launch fighters rather than scouts?

Already answered. Maybe, but we don’t sure for now.

will there be a limit on aircraftcarriers? like in WoT its really frustrating to have 4 or more (huge) arties

In one battle? Yes.

Since AA guns will AI controlled will there still be an option to set maximum engagement range and/or minimum engagement altitude to each type of gun?

It's been said that there won't be any Jets in game but will they be considered in the future or are they not to be included for balancing?

1. No. Player will can set only primary target.
2. They will be considered in the future. (This doesn't mean that we will have Jets in game. Just that we are talking about possibilities)

1.Whether the WoWs will have the similar medal as WoT or will have different?
2.Whether we will be able soon to see how it will looks our damage panel or crosshair?
3.Whether we will be able soon to see how it will looks our dock?
4.Whether we will be able to see the planes on catapults and when they take off from catapults, because I do not see recon planes on the USS North Carolina in this pics?
5.For USS Montana (BB-67) you gonna put the planned 406mm guns or something better?
6.Whether we will see on deck sailors who are moving?

1. Part of medals will be similar.
2. At some point, yes. :)
3. On CBT and OBT.
4. You will see them right when they are launching
5. Maybe we will place 457mm/48 Mark 1 or Mark A. We shall see.
6. Nope.

Seeing that you have confirmed that the Zuikaku is already rendered, and in the US forums it was confirmed that the Shokaku will be tier 8, does that mean that we will have both in the game? They were part of the same CV class.
Regarding the Akitsushima, what branch will it be in? CVs, cruisers?

There are no Zuikaku or Shokaku in the game. Only Shokaku-class carrier in various configurations.

1)And would you mind sharing any more pictures?

2)Will Battleships and Cruisers play more like Ships in the old "Battlestations Midway" game or will the gameplay feel like an ultra heavy armoured WoT-SPG? (Both have long range big caliber guns and barely come close to enemy ships)

3)What will you do with lines that had very few historic ships, for example german carriers? Making a one carrier line, that somehow leads to battleships or something, bring those in as premium vessels or fill it up with paper projects?

1. We will share more screenshots over time, yes.
2. 50/50.
3. All nations will have four full lines of ships. We fill it with paperships if necessary.

You said in an answer to an earlier question that you had 7 ships modeled from the US tech tree. Can you tell us which ones?

Erie-class gunboat, Fletcher-class destroyer, New Orleans-class cruiser, Baltimore-class cruiser, North Caroline-class battleship, Iowa-class battleship, Essex-class carrier.

Will we be able to name our ships to the names we want ourselves, or will there be a sort of prefilled list to chose from, so all ships from a certain class will have historical names?

Will we be able to "paint" our ships?

There will be historical names and you will be able to "paint" your ships. :)

---------- Post added at 22h09 ---------- Previous post was at 22h00 ----------

29 Avril 2013

1. Will Carriers have the ability to launch a one off squadron of Medium bombers? Such as the B-25 during the Doolittle raid
2. Will Carrier Catapults be implemented to make it easier to launch planes with Tricycle landing gear?
3. Will a Top Tier Aircraft carrier be able to withstand several Salvos from a Battleship before sucumbing?
4. How many maps do you have rendered?
5. Will we be able to see wildlife in the maps such as Whales and Dolphins?
6. Will Fire control Systems be modules or Equipment in game? And will share the names of the historic ones?

7. With Destroyers and some Light Cruisers (Atlanta) will it be possible to set some of their main armament to AA and use the rest of it's main Battery for destroying Naval Targets? - Question also goes to ships with Multi-Purpose Secondary guns as well

1. No.
2. All aircraft will be launched from catapults equally
3. Maybe. That depends on the Battleship
4. Four at the moment.
5. Maybe, but that won't happen anytime soon
6. FCS will be modules. You need name of modules? Sorry, there are too many. :)
7. Players will can to switch universal guns in two modes – AA mode or second artillery mode (against naval targets).

Will there be crewskills like in WoT?
Will they be quite the same, or very different?
If 1 turret on a ship cant turn becouse of damage, and you turn and shoot the other turrets, will the locked one shoot too (bigger chance on teamdamage) or will all turrets lock up?
if one turrets guns are destroyed, will all guns suffer from damage penalty, or just the damaged guns?
How will that be displayed in the aiming circle?
Will we be able to shoot every turret apart, or in firegroups?

1. Yes, but with several differences.
2. Locked turrets will not shoot.
3. If other guns in turret were damaged too - then yes. If not – no. Aiming circle will be same for all cases.
4. Players will shoot all turrets simultaneously. But our testers quickly learned to shoot groups of towers for different targets. :)

Could you please answer mine as well? I'm curious because we were originally told this:
Which also made sense to me. But third degree caliber only gives you an estimate of weight that only really applies if shell design is the same.

Is it a question? If yes – I don’t understand it.

Are the Essex class carriers tier 9?


Do you plan to add Averof later in the game? If yes it would be a regular ship in a tech tree, or a premium ship?

It would be much appreciated by the greek players.


Probably yes, but not any time soon. Probably when we'll start working on the European ship tree.

1: How many torpedoes will be required to sink a ship?
2: Will the destroyer carry more torpedoes then battleships and cruisers?
3 can aircraft carriers will be able to carry torpedoes for defense against other ships?
4: Can the aircraft carry torpedoes?

1. On average - 3-4. But it may be one lucky shot.
2. Depends on ships. There is a four-tubes destroyers and 16-tubes cruisers.
3. In WoWs – no.
4. Of course.

1: When can we see moving pictures or 3d renders?
2: When can we expect gameplay videos?
3: What gamemodes have you planed for the future?
4: Will we have the Myoko class right from the start in the game?
5: Will there be any other objectives to win a game than just destroying all enemy vessels? (Somehow I ave missed that point so far) Something like supperiority by destroying enemys AI controlled tankers or coastal batterys, or can we cap a base?
6: How high is the chance that we will see granates dropping into the chimney of a ship and destroying it from the inside out?
7: Will early japanese carriers (not sure about US ones) have great their great caliber guns?

1. Later
2. Maybe after OBT, or a bit earlier
3. It's too early to say, sorry.
4. Yes
5. Yes, in random battle you can capture a base. In other modes, there may be other possibilities.
6. Handgrenades? No chance. Artillery shell – that’s possible.
7. If they had it - yes.

1. Will it be possible to shoot the colors (flag) off a ship?
2. If a ship can see a max of 11-12 nmi then how far can a Scout plane see?
3. Will we be seeing the A6M2-N "Rufe" Fighter?

1. Unlikely.
2. Scout planes will be able to see about the same or little less. But their advantage is that they can travel faster than a ship.
3. Yes


Q1: How many type of torpedos we will have? (electric, pneumatic,...)
Q2: How many light of torpedos we will have? (impact, magnet torpedo,...)
Q3: Will torpedo shoot narrow and wide?
Q4: We will shoot salvo or gradually?
Q5: When do you plan post tech trees (IJN, USN)? (just: week before alpha, soon,...)
Q6: How many planes have you modeled? And if you can say which they are :)


1. How many torpedos you will have? I don’t know… really… In game – several dozens. :)
2. Impact for long time.
3. Already have.
4. Salvo.
5. IA :) We prefer not to set a certain date
6. B5N "Kate", D3A "Val", А6М "Zero", F1M “Pete”, OS2U “Kingfisher”, F4F “Wildcat”, SBD “Dauntless”, TBF “Avenger”.

as Aircrafts are the "gun" of the aircraft carrier and as they are not upgradeable (see answer above), what CV tech tree will look like (except AA, engines etc...) ? will we upgrade aircrafts weapons (torpedoes bombs...)? we will change aircraft type (eg we research Kate then we can research Jill or Grace)??

Players will can research and change aircraft types. Aircraft weapons will not be researchable.

---------- Post added at 22h10 ---------- Previous post was at 22h09 ----------

07 Mai 2013

As in WoT you can choose gold ammo, will there be gold ammo for ship's surface guns?
If so, How this will work for aircraft carrier? will there be a "gold type" of aircraft (for instance fighter/bomber type?)
Is there also gold ammo for AA guns?

If you loose, for instance, 10 of your aircrafts, will this cost credits to have them back in next battle? (i presume yes)

a CV can have all his air squads destroyed (but CV itself still alive) with no option to replenish its aircrafts?

Is it possible to mix aircraft types (eg. in a CV with 40 max airplanes capacity having 10 fighters and 30 torpedoes bombers or 10 fighters, 10 dive bombers and 20 torpedoes bombers)? (sorry if this question was still answered but i don't see it)


1. We do not plan gold ammo at this stage. Ammunition of various types will be available for silver
2. Yes, if you lose aircrafts you will have to pay to replace them (as well as their ammunition)
3. The aircraft carrier will have some aircrafts in hangar to replenish his squadrons. If this reserve also was destroyed - then yes, it can't send aircrafts to attack (in this battle).
4. Players will be able configure their wing in the dock before a fight.
You'll be able to select the number of squadrons of each type. For example, if an aircraft carrier can carry eight squadrons, you can take a 5 fighter squadrons 2 dive-bomber squadrons and 1 torpedo squadron. Or conversely 5 dive-bomber squadrons 2 torpedo squadrons and 1 dive-bomber squadron. Easy as that. :)

Still thinking about it as a game with similarities with WoT, so, my question is about aiming time.

On average, how much time will it take to fully aim? Feel free to answer me about a single ship class if it makes it easier, just want to get an idea.

From 3 to 20 seconds (depends on ship-type).

when a ship sinks, is it possible that an other ship collapses with the wreck and sinks?

No. The wreck just blocks the way.

This question make me think of hood...
If you trigger ammunition expolsion, will neighbourings ships (closest ones) will take damage?

No lik with previous question
Can attack planes spot ennemy ships, or do they only spot for the CV they belong (duty to CV player to indicate by chat where they are...)?
Can you send fighters to stop ennemy planes and also spot ennemy ships?

1. No
2. Attack planes can spot enemy ships, but will be less effective than scout planes.
3. Stop and shoot down enemy planes - yes. To spot enemy ships - see above.

1.We know that the USS North Carolina (BB-55) will be in the game, can you tell us what tier will be that ship?
2.Do you plan to put training mod like in WOT when the game comes out?
3.When will we see screenshots of the USS Arizona (BB-39) and USS Montana (BB-67)?
4.What is your best Battleship in WW2 Kabazabak?
5.Which nation will you play first when the game come out Kabazabak?
6.Will USS Alaska (CB-1) large cruiser or battlecruiser be tier 10 in USN tech tree?

1. Tier 8
2. Yes.
3. Not soon. This ships are rendering now.
4. From a ship perspective I think I'd choose the Bismarck
5. I am not sure yet, I will probably decide spontaneously
6. Nope.

1. How many guns and turrets do you have rendered?
2. How will carriers in game economically?
3. What tier would we be seeing the Clemson-class at?
4. What is planned to be the Tier II CVs for the IJN and USN Tech trees?
5. What tier will the Casablanca class Escort Carrier be at?
6. What tier would the Shimane Maru-class escort carrier be at?

1. Too many. We stopped counting them.
2. Just as planned :)
3-6. The approriate levels. :P

1.Will some ships be invunerable to MAIN GUN fire of ships of the same tier?
2. Will carrier aircraft somethimes bounce their bombs off a ship,or cause zero damage hits (for example,when you drop a delayed fuse AP bomb on a lightly armored DD/DE)?

1. It depends on distance.
2. Unlikely.

When will we see screenshots of the IJN Yamato and the IJN Musashi?
Will we see the Japanese aircraft carrier Shinano?
If the Midway class is a Tier X Carrier then will the post-war Essex class carrier with the Angled deck be the second Tier X Carrier?

1. More screenshots will get published over time. But we hope to have some soon.
2. In game - yes.
3. No.

There was in the previous post:
Underlined part. That is, we were told previously that damage per shell would be based on (presumably historical) shell weight and explosive filler in NA Q&A. You stated that it would be based on cube of the bore (which gives an estimate of shell and filler weight), which would obviously mean that all 16-in guns would have the same damage an so on. So can you confirm that you are currently going with system where damage is based only on the bore of the gun (balance tweaks aside, of course)?
This is perhaps most relevant for the American fast battleships (North Carolina, South Dakota, Iowa), which used a 16-in shell that was essentially a 17-in version (in terms of mass and filler) of the earlier, less massive U.S. 16-in shell squeezed into 16-in bore.

Hello, Gigaton :)
Not really. Damage will be calculated based on the amount of explosive in the projectile. Usually this amount proportional to the third degree caliber. Although there are exceptions.

What is planned to be the Tier II CVs for the IJN and USN Tech trees?
Maybe the aircraft carrier Long Island (CVE-1) for USN
Maybe the aircraft carrier Hosho for IJN

Sorry, trees are still confidential.

Will we be seeing the Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye?
What types of Aircraft will the Naval Planes tree consist of in WoWS?
What is the largest ship you have currently planned for the game?
Can you tell us any history around the first Aircraft Carriers?
Non-World of Warships question: Can you give us any new about World of Tanks Generals?

1. No
2. Fighters, dive-bombers, torpedo-bombers, scouts
3. Yamato-class battleship.
4. Sorry, guys. I unfortunately don't have enough time for that story. But you can find it on the Internet.
And regarding Generals: We have started looking for Closed Alpha candidates on the RU region already. So the other regions will follow soon. :)

05/06/2013, 22h16
16 Mai 2013

1.How long it will last training in WoWs?
2.Do you have any candidates for alpha test from EU forum?
3.How much will tier X Battleships have HP?
4.Are you able to show us any picture of sinking or destroyed ship?
5.Do you have some more renders except New Mexico?
6.New Mexico was fitted with a "flying off platform" in 1919.Then why she do not carry at least one plane?

1. That depends on each person but you should be able to know about the basics of the game once you are done.
2. We will discuss this once we are closer to Alpha. :)
3. A lot. Several tens of thousands.
4. We will share more pictures over time.
5. Actually, yes. I have posted renders of the Zuikaku yesterday here.
6. Because it's New Mexico - 1918, before install the aircraft.

I hope these questions were not asked before. I apologize if they were.

1 Ship parameters
Can you tell us, which key ship parameters (only the key ones - I understand, there is a lot more) are historical and which are balancing (I assume that even the balancing factors take in account historical stats where available, but are modified per game needs)? Partial list I could think of:

3 Other
3.1 Are large ships generally able to turn faster or slower than their main gun turrets (e.g. in WoT both situations can occur)?
3.2 Can we expect some significant “non standard” ship features pushing play style of some specific ships out of general standard for their class, similarly to autoloaders in WoT (I admit, I have no idea what it could be)?
3.3 Can you confirm my assumption, that as user accounts and therefore also gold accounts / free XP are supposed to be shared among all Wo_ games, therefore also general parameters of the game economies will be similar? In other words roughly similar amounts of XP and credits to get to the 10 tier (same order of magnitude)?
3.4 I do not expect answer, but still I will ask (do not shoot me pls ). Do you expect go live (opening to general public) still in 2013?
I will keep the answers brief on that one:
1. There are 3 hundreds parameters for every ship. May I don’t describe it? You write all correct in your list.
3.1 Both situations can occur :)
3.2 Yes. For example, a hybrid vehicle, "Ise", which a battleship and an aircraft carrier at the same time.
3.3. Not really. Exchange rate of silver in different games can be different. With experience, is likely to be similar.

Thanks for taking your time to answer the questions Kabazabak

With Regard to CV:

1. I assume the fighters on the CVs will be wrestling for arial control of the battlefield, how important a role would that be?
2. How does WG plan to balance a 'strong in long range, weak in short range' class such as the CV? One direct comparison would be artillery in WOT, which remains the most controversial, and the most difficult to balance, class in an otherwise excellent game.
1.Important, of course.
2. We're going to balance the aircraft carriers very carefully.

Since my last question stayed unanswered and I'm not sure if ignored or forgotten, my second try:

Will the systemrequirements be roughly the same as for tanks and warplanes?
It will be more in line with the WoWP requirements, rather than WoT.

Hi Kabazabak,

forgive me if this has been asked before but searching &reading the answers threads just sending me round in circles,

How will the FCS work? auto point click , a little like arty in WoT now? or manual - player controlled gun elevation/rotation etc? and fire modes ? salvo ? gradual? maximum speed?
Little like arty in WoT now. If we allow player to manage guns manually, player will play game «Turret's commander», not WoWS.

Will we be able to name our ships after those from the past and those currently in Service?
Will the Ship Serial Number (such as CV-186) be randomly generated or will we be able to choose the number between 1-999?
What is the mean average amount of AA Guns on the top tier Battleships?
Will some ships be able to add another turret such as the KMS Admiral Graf Spee? (Yes I am aware that this was a decoy on the actual ship to make it look like it's sister ship)
What is the Tier X Carriers for each nation? As you've said before that each ship class will get 2 tech trees
Will the Mugami be split into two classes or be as one? As the IJN Mogami had it's aft turrets removed so it could act as both a Seaplane carrier and a cruiser at the same time
In the future will you plan on allowing fully custom names? Or not to make sure that nothing inappropriate goes round?
1. Yes. Player can choose ship name from the list.
2. Is unclear. We will see what is the best case.
3. I didn’t count them. And which cruiser do you mean?
4. Unlikely
5. Trees is still confidential
6. Yes.
7. Maybe. We shall see.

will players be able to choose what aircraft they use on a CV or will the plane types be determined by the tier of ship?
i.e T2 Cv can only use low lvl weaker planes ...T5 Cv has choice of 2-3 variants of planes?
if so would the level of planes you are allowed to use depend on say a crew skill? the more perks the more planes available?
Also will a CV be able to switch to its Armament to defend itself from incoming DD's? like the illustrious had 16 × QF 4.5 inch naval guns fitted, or will CV's just have to rely on bringing their bombers back? (if this has been asked before im sorry and im sure somebody will point it out to me )
sorry im a cv junkie and cant work out how this will work in game:)
many thanks in advance!
Types of aircrafts will be determined by the ship. Each carrier will have at least 2 different aircraft of each type. Player will can choose one of them (for each type). No, level of planes will not depends from the crew's skill.
Something like that.

how will damage from common/SAP and HE/HC type shells be handled? A common shell, for example, might have twice the explosive filler of APC, but surely we are not looking at it doing twice the damage in game?
Why not? :) Common also has weaker AP-rate, and sometimes can not cause any damage. It depends on target. Common will be effective on weak-armored target, AP - on heavy-armored.

also how many places for alpha testing will you be looking to fill?
As mentioned above, this will be be discussed once we are closer to that date.

Will there be any hint in the scope when aiming, like wot (armor penetration indicator) or wowp (a small circle which shows where to shoot)?
For artillery - no, for torpedoes - yes.

?will there be some kind of realistic rolling and pitching while going against waves or will the ship roll much if we stay in one place and the waves hit one of the boards ? also as how it is in real ships will the turning be like in real ship ? more speed = better maneuverability ? or ships will be able to turn easily from the beggining. Also we know how tanks starts. planes starat in air and have problems sometimes that ppl fly into other by mistake. How will look start of ships in one side ? mixed like in WoT ? or by priority like fast destroyers in front, then BBs etc and CV in the very aft ?
This will depend on each ships characteristics. Big and heavy ships will obviously be slower and less maneuverable compared to smaller ones, but will have other benefits (e.g. fire power).

---------- Post added at 22h16 ---------- Previous post was at 22h15 ----------

28 Mai 2013

Since the Mogami is split into CV hybrid and CL/CA, does that mean that we will have Mogami at 3 different tiers/branches (light cruiser with the 15x155mm guns, heavy cruiser with the 10x203mm guns and CV hybrid)?
Not really. Now we plan 2 variants of Mogami - light cruiser+CV-hybrid and heavy cruiser+CV-hybrid.

1.Whether we will have in WoWs the guess what contest like in WoTs or something similar?
2.We know that IJN Akitsushima will be a premium ship and It will carry 1 flying boat Kawanishi H8K, whether will Kawanishi H8K carry some bombs or torpedoes?
3.Why you put for Tier 1 USS Erie (PG 50) which is Gunboat and for Tier 1 you put IJN Katori which is Light Cruiser. For me it does not make sense...Gunboat vs Light Cruiser. Do you plan to change this, for example to put for all nations Gunboats to be Tier 1?
4.Whether it will be in the game the USS New York (BB-34)?
5.Did you create any camouflage for any nation?
1. I hope soon.
2. Yes
3. Because 1 tier ships should act as training ships. Katori is such a training ship.
4. In release.
5. Not yet

What maps will we have? Artic, Pacific, Mediterrenean?
All of those and several others. :)

will the Virbus Unitis class be in the game?
Yes, but not any time soon.

Will Hiryu and Soryu be different carriers or just presets for the Soryu-class? Since the island is on the port side on the Hiryu, it might be too much of a difference for a simple preset.
Also, the Ikoma class carriers will be a preset for Unryu class carriers or entirely different ships?
1. Now - presets of Soryu-class. Later – we shall see.
2. Preset of Unryu-class

1. When can we expect another Teaser Trailer?
2. Can we expect battles to be just as intensive as the ones we have in WoT or more intensive?
3. Will the Battles have a standard time limit of 30 minutes? As in WWII the Naval Battles can last upto hours if the Ship Commanders use the correct tactics
1. The plan is during E3
2. More intensive. Because ships can’t hide in the bushes ;)
3. The maximum time of a battle will be 20 minutes.

Is it possible to tell at this stage of development that the Town Class Light Cruisers (and possibly sub-classes; Edinburgh, Gloucestershire and Southampton) will be added to the Royal Navy Tech Tree? The HMS Belfast took part in the sinking of the Scharnhorst.

What will happen when ships get very close, alongside eachother? Will there be any short range fire aside from the secondary smallcaliber guns? Will there perhaps be any boarding?
You will be able to shoot on the ship next to your normally. No boarding involved.

06/06/2013, 00h41
GG pour les post hotuunamama.

06/06/2013, 01h17
Tu sais ce qu'on en a à faire du réalisme ? :tired:

Et tu ne veux pas jeter un oeil à ton avatar ? Voilà, nous sommes d'accord. :tired:

Merci mais en fait,

1) j'avais pas percuté que cétait Keulz "Domain and Decision", mais au final pas grave quand même si ça ne te plait pas, Fofo Libre! :tired:
2) Je te laisse t'interesser à mon avatar, moi je vais m'interesser à ce qu'il ressort du jeu, :tired:
3) Merci on se sent chez soi! :ninja: home sweet home!

---------- Post added at 00h17 ---------- Previous post was at 00h09 ----------

16 Mai 2013

---------- Post added at 22h16 ---------- Previous post was at 22h15 ----------

28 Mai 2013

Ouch 20 min de durée de bataille Max?

06/06/2013, 03h01
*critical hit by a wall of text*

06/06/2013, 08h06
Hottuna lance Wall of Text !

C'est très efficace !

La productivité de TreeShepherd diminue !

06/06/2013, 09h42
Très intéressant en tous cas. Ca me tente bien plus vu comme ça que WoWP ou même War Thunder.

07/06/2013, 12h56
07 Juin 2013

Is there going to be a Yugoslavian tech tree?

There won't be a Yugoslavian tech tree but instead a EU-tech tree. If not, there's a possibility that it might be a premium ship.

1.Is there the possibility to see the PBY catalina in wows?
2.Can we see also the TBM Avenger with the tiny tim rocket instead of a torpedo?
3.Can you share any info about papership ships? Such as if they were crazy ideas or the were close to reality? (remember Landkreuzer ratte). Of course I don't want you to reveal any crucial info about the ships, just your opinion about them

1. Maybe, but not soon.
2. See 1
3. I asked our Lead Producer and he mentioned the US battleship Montana which I agree with, nice ship
We actually plan to use a number of paperships in our game.

1. If several Main Gun turrets are out of the firing arc of the target you're concentrating on, will those turrets assist the secondary batteries?
2. On the main Portal it says "Alpha Coming soon", can you confirm how soon? Will it be 2-3 weeks or 2-3 months?
3. I know submarines won't be in game but will you still make renderers for them for those who are fans of the Submarine?
4. Will Aircraft be able to land on a full flight deck or was the screenie of the Essex class with the impending disaster a mistake?
5. Which will be the third tech tree will you plan on releasing?

1. No.
2. As soon as needed. КТТС © SerB
3. No.
4. Yes. It’s game convention.
5. Already answered. Britain.

1.Whether we will have in the game accelerate crew training?
2.Can you tell us what is your next ship for render?
3.How many planes can carry USS Arizona (BB-39)?

1. Yes, after release.
2. You will see it soon. :)
3. Up to 3

I think they'll call it Accelerated Officer Training, since ships are going to be split into sections with each having an Officer in charge of that section.
1. How Many sections will there be per ship class?
2. Will Flight Groups be separate to the ship were crew is concerned? So each Squadron has there own Officer sort of thing?
3. Will a carrier have the ability to defend itself against Destroyers?
4. Will a carriers Hit Points be between that of a Heavy Cruiser and a Battleship? Which would be realistic.
5. Will it be possible to set an option to have planes ditch next to your carrier? Ofc you'd have to replace the plane but if this is possible would the Pilot still level up from the experience they've gained?
6. Will there be Neutral ships on the maps?
7. Will islands have props on such as Bunkers, tank barriers, Airfields, tanks, shipyards, washed up wrecks etc.

1. I don’t understand the question. What do you mean?
2. Something like this.
3. Yes. Secondary guns will and can shoot at destroyers.
4. HP will be proportional to displacement. It turns out that something like it is.
5. Aircrafts – no, squadron leaders – yes. And they will keep their exp.
6. maybe, but not soon.
7. Yes.

Which skills are going to have the officers?
Counterflooding, repair, firefighting.....
Some carriers have heavy guns for selfdefense, but are this guns able to fight enemy ships or only acts as AA guns? (Like shokaku, it has 16x127mm guns)

1. List still in development. But these skills is in it already.
2. Universal guns can fire ships and aircrafts equally. Some carriers had 8” guns (USS Saratoga). 8” can’t fire aircrafts.

Will the US battleships USS Wyoming and USS Arkansas of the Wyoming class be included?


Is there any chance that the HMS Nimitz (us supercarrier) would be introduced in the game? If so, I suppose it will be a tier X carrier?

Are you kidding? :)

On what tier will the famous german 'Bismarck' be placed in the tech tree?

Currently we're aiming for around tier 8.

At what tier will H.M.S. Enterprise be placed at?

Also around tier 8.

Sorry. If these have been answered
Q1 will they be equipment?
Q2 will they be consumables?
Q3 is there going to be bases to capture like wot?
Q4 is there going to be battles at different times of day like sunrises :D
Q5 what will you do if a ship is OP?

1.-4. Yes
5. Sink it (or re-balance)

When will the Royal Navy come?

As mentioned above, we are currently working on American and Japanese but British will be following as third nation. More information once we are ready. :)

07/06/2013, 14h44
Trop de teasing, pas assez d'alpha :bave:

07/06/2013, 16h07
Trop de teasing, pas assez d'alpha :bave:

Clairement. :bave:

Merci pour les rappels des Q&A Hottuna.

Bon par contre j'ai pas vu d'info sur les niveaux de "Damage Control" selon la nation ( mais j'ai descendu le mur de texte rapidement) C'est prévu aussi? vu que sur Wot certains chars prennent plus facilement feu, je dis ça je dis rien....:siffle:

Sinon :need:

08/06/2013, 14h00
Hottuna lance Wall of Text !

C'est très efficace !

La productivité de TreeShepherd diminue !

I saw what you did there...

09/06/2013, 15h26
Q&A NA forum

Q: What will happen if you get shot below the water line will your ship begin to flood or will it just be normal damage
A: Both things will happen. You will have the HP bar as well as some kind of flooding bar. As for flooding mechanics - it is complex enough, but players do not need to now how internal things actually work, it is enough to know that after a certain number of hits under the waterline with big guns it is possible for the ship to capsize. And it can actually happen even before you loose your green HP bar points. Predicring further questions, there will not be any repair/flood micromanagement - everything that can be repaired will be repaired to at least of 50% effectiveness automatically, or to 100% with consumable used, same story with flooding.

Q: How will the upgrade system look like?
A: There will be predefined lists of what you can mount onto the ship, and all armament and machinery will be in that lists. We call them pre-sets. Everything that is listed in pre-set will be installable at once; players will not be allowed to mount each AA gun manually.

Q: Will there be scouting-specific aircraft launched from non-carrier warships?
A: Yes, you can launch hydroplane from non carrier warship. All planes will provide scouting for every allied ship.So spotting will be a little different from WOT, but based on the same principles.

Q: Will the firing range be much longer than the spotting range?
A: Yes, firing range for many ships (BBs especially) will be much longer than the spotting range - use your planes, Luke!

Q: What kind of ammunition will there be with the different classes of guns?
A: AP/HE/Common, etc. AA guns will have the HE and radio-controlled shells as well. Armament will be customizable like in WOT - you will be able to load shells you like most, though only historical types of shells for specific guns.

Q: Is there going to be weather on release?
A: There is going to be a wheather, but no guarantee for it to be in release version - though later it is very possible.

Q: Can you give me a tier number for the Bismark? it will be a tier 10?
A: 8 at best

Q: With Air craft carriers, How many planes will I be able to launch and how Do I control them? IN a RTS view?
A: Many planes - at least tens of them. Yes, they will be controlled in RTS view

Q: Will we be able to lay smoke screens in the game?
A: Smoke screens are possible.

Q: After the testing is done do you expect Patrol boats(PT and Eboats), submarines, and destroyer escorts?
A: No. No U boats, no PT boats, no patrol boats. Our game is about big ships.

Q: Will waves and wind be a factor when shooting?
A: No! Ships of WWII had complex FCS and Gyroscope systems to avoid these factors.

Q: How will the interface of game play be like such as sniper mode torpedo mode and so on?
A: Third person view, binocular view, arty-style view for long-range firing and top-down view for aircraft managing.

Q: Will we be looking at realistic engagement distances and times?
A: Yes, realistic distances, though shells will have a tuned up speed (like 3-4 times higher to make game a little more fast-paced). Shells will also have their dispersion ellipse as in real life. You will have to predict the position of impact of your salvo, though the game will show you the exact dispersion ellipse of that zone. After first 3 salvoes, you dispersion ellipse will become minimal, which represents specification of target parameters

Q: Since ships have multiple gun turrets, how will that work?
A: Main caliber guns, controlled by player will aim all at one target. And no, this can not effect WOT problems. Second caliber huns are controlled by AI, though you can mark priority targets for them.

Q: Reading that players choosing a Destroyer will have a three accompanying AI-controlled destroyers, and choosing a Cruiser will have an accompanying Cruiser; How will that work?
A: That's very old info. We will have no AI controlled ships in PvP - if player choose a DD, than balancing tool will get another three players on DD in that team slot. Totally there will be 10 slots approximately.

Q: What's the tonnage of the biggest ship that'll be featured on WoWs?
A: Less than 80k. We are not considering ships with higher than 80k displacement to appear in game, because such ships are more about magic than about possibility of technology of 1940s.

Q: What Top Tiers will there be for release?
A: USN will have the Iowa and Montana as the tier10 BBs in game, while IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) will have Yamato and N13. There will not be any ships with higher tier than 10.

Q: If you run your ship aground would it be impossible for it to sink?
A: Yes. But it will also be almost impossible to live long after that with small HP left.

Q: Can you tell us why its only going to be the USN and the IJN at teh release of the game and not having a third nation?
A: Because it takes about 3 months for one person to make, for example, a battleship. Of course we have more than one 3d modeller, but you must understand, that ships are very complex things, and it takes time to build it and to tune it with a gameplay point of view. So we decided to concentrate on two nations with biggest fleets in WWII, and to implement other nations after.

Q: How far are you guys on getting alpha/beta out?
A: Well, we are already on a pre-alpha stage, so we have some maps, some ships and some gameplay features working. When we are done with core gameplay features and with polishing them, we will start the closed Alpha.
a) There are like 30 ships already made, but very few of them are actually tuned enough to be in game.
b) Already acceptable, though there are still things to remake and to polish
c) We already fight each other on a developer fightings.

Q:Some battleships such as the German H class designs had a large set of main guns AND torpedoes. In these case, which of those would be the main armament, or would they both work as such?
A: You will be able to switch between torpedoes and main caliber guns.

Q: Somewhere above the devs said smaller nations like sweedan, and dutch ships would be in game, would this be as a tech tree or more likely premuim ships?
A: It depends on how many ships we will find

Q: When your carrier (or any ship with aircraft flying) is sunk, will your aircraft instantly be destroyed or can you still control them until they run outa ammo and fuel?
A: You will be able to control the rest of your planes until they are out of fuel.

Q: Also, will ships be able to become "beached" or will the battle ground be out in open water further from shore to prevent this?
A: There won't be any special radar sight of any kind. Radars will just bring bonuses to accuracy and range of sight.

Q: Will there be a team damage occur? Will there be a fine system in place similar to WoT?
A: Yes, there will be similar system

Q: What will be German Top Tiers, once the Tree released some time after?
A: Currently we are planning to have their H39, H41 and H42m though thing may change closer to release date.

Q: You've already disclosed Top Tier available upon release. And what will be Tier 1?
A: Erie for USN and Katoriclass for IJN

Q: I was mostly curious about the ability of using them seperately from the Main battery. As well as being able to use them as AA when needed..
A: Player will use only Main battery by himself. Secondary battery, as well as DP guns and/or small AA automatic guns will be handled by AI.

Q: can we switch between lines? eg, from BB to CL or from CA to DD or CL/CA to CV?
or do we need any transaction ships like the KV-13 in WoT?
A: There will be some transaction ships, yes.

Q: what will be your basic game mode, will it be similler to that of WoT where you have a base and your objective is to cap or destory
or has this yet to be decided
A: Of course our game modes will be somehow similiar to WoT, but I can't tell you the details right now.

Q: For large ships will we have the ability to choose how we want our guns to fire? eg. a full broadside where all guns are fires sumultaneously, a staggered broadside when each turret fires one gun at a time, or a rolling broadside where each gun is individualy fired
A: No, there likely won't be the selection of firing method. Only full broadside. There are so many things to watch at in the game, that you probably will forget where you are heading right now, when a duel with another BB will take place. So we don't want to burden player with too many options - all the same, this is a MMO action game, and not a simulator.

Q: When you release new nations will you release all basic lines (ie one for each class) at once or staggered?
A: It depends on different factors. I'm not ready to talk about it right now.

Q: how are the multiple turrets on some ships going to be aimed
A: All main caliber guns will point at one target.

Q: In public matches you have stated that there will be a basic limit between battleships destroyers and such to make teams more balanced. In clan wars will
we see a similar feature or will it be you bring what you bring. Becasue if so i see most cw teams to be all BB and carriers
A: It is also the question yet to be answered between devs - we are not decided yet.

Q: It's known that Gold and Free EXP will be shared between WoT, WoWP, and WoWS. However, will premium account status be as well?
A: Yes

Q: Some battleships such as the German H class designs had a large set of main guns AND torpedoes. In these case, which of those would be the main armament, or would they both work as such?
A: You will be able to switch between torpedoes and main caliber guns.

Q: One more question. Given the layout of the main batteries, either in a turrent all forward design or a split 2/2 or 2/1 forward and aft turrets. Will we have to align our ships to bring all guns to bear or will only the guns that are on target fire? Basically I would hate to have an HMS Rodney and fire at a traget in front of me, only to find that my third turret blew off the second turret.... Another question.... Will we be able to mount extra equipement? Like these from WoT: http://wiki.worldoftanks.com/Equipment If so can you give a sneak peak into what they might be?

A: 1. If a turret has some obstacle to the vector of shooting, it will not fire.
2. There will be some kind of extra equipment

Q; Quite a few of the early dreadnought-style battleship classes that may be included in this game had underwater torpedo tubes included in their design. Do you have any idea at this stage if these will be included in this game, or might that step on the toes of early destroyers and cruisers too much?
A: BBs with torpedo tubes would be able to use torpedoes.

Q: 1.Will we be able to adjust the torpedo's speed ( with speed also the range ) and depth?
2.Will there be different torpedo's available, not so much as in each launcher has its own specific torpedo but like shell choice. A variety per launcher. Aswell as different options for loadouts of a torpedo bomber on CV's.
3.Will the Type 93 be available for IJN? If so will it stand out as much as in real life ?
4.Does IJN have dedicated Torpedo vessel's in the tech tree ( Kuma class and Fubuki class for example )?
5.How will the wave mechanics look like. Will the water behave somewhat realistic ?
6.Will there be upgradable bulge / torpedo nets for vessel's ingame ?
7.Will there be a chance for a torpedo to "dud" on a vessel ?
8.Is there going to be a minimum arming range for torpedo's in the water ? To prevent some fast destroyer to just sail close to the enemy CV for example and launch a salvo of torpedo's. Or is this not going to be necesarry ( other mechanics in play )?
9. Will there be splash damage from shells and torpedo's ( Area of effect )?
10. If planes crash on the deck will they do a certain amount of damage ?
11. Will we be able to disable the propeller / rudder of a vessel and make them immobile ?
12. If two Tier 10 CV's from the same nation battle 1v1, both launch the same amount of Fighter Planes what decides the outcome of the winning CV Is it going to be crew experience somewhat like WoT ?

A: 1. Only the angle of firing.
2. That is possible
3. Type 93 It will be balanced from a gameplay point of view
4. Yes
5. Waves will be just visuals.
6. Upgradeable bulges are possible
7.Torpedoes will always work as intended
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Some amount of damage - yes
11. Only for a certain period of time
12. Players skill wil determine that.

Q: There a couple of ships like Furious, Alaska, Deutschland that fall awkwardly in between Heavy Cruiser and Battleship will they require there own MM or do you have a way balance them as Cruisers / Battleship.
A: Some of them are more close to BBs and some are more close to CAs, so we will balance them as BBs and CAs.

Q: Will the super yamato be part of the game? If i remember my ships correctly its pictured on one of the pictures on the main page.
A: No. Ships with guns larger than 18" are not going to appear in game. The exception is made only for Germany, as there are only 8 guns on their battleships, which is lower then on normal BBs of 1930s-1940s.

Q: 1.Will homing torpedoes engineered by Germany http://en.wikipedia....ki/G7es_torpedo be included in some way?
2.Can ships go dead in the water i.e. still be afloat but dead?
3.Can individual batteries be disabled?
4.Can INDIVIDUAL ammo loads explode? For example, say the secondary aft battery is destroyed. Will there be, say, a thirty percent chance that its ammo load explodes and does sizable damage to the ship?
5.Will listing occur?
6.How will ships be arranged at the start of a battle?
7.Can rudders be damaged so that the ship only turns in one direction?

A: 1. That is possible.
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. Yes
6. Like tanks in WOT
7. Yes

Q: Am I correct in assuming that certain similar ship classes will be consolidated into single units? For example, the Mutsuki, Kamikaze, and Minekaze class destroyers were all basically the same ship type with small differences in armament, and the Tennessee and Colorado class battleships were basically the same design, with one mounting triple 14" guns and the other mounting twin 16" guns.
1. If this is the case, will the consolidated classes have all the names from all component classes available?
Secondly, I've heard rumors that the guys at World of Tanks are working on a hull model replacement system that will allow you to customize the look of your tank's hull.
2. If this is the case, will there be a similar system in place in World of Warships to allow us to pick from various sub-types of the ship classes?

A: 1. Consolidated classes will have the names from all component classes, though your examples are not correct for our game.
2. As I've said earlier, we will have presets, that determines the armament, engine, equipment, etc for a ship.

Q: i know the turrets (if the tank had them) were and are interchangeable what will this amount to? EG. hull, turrets, island.
A: Many things will be upgradeable.

Q: The Japanese Type 93 Long Lance torpedo is notorious for its warhead size, and very long range.
1. Will they be unique among all other torpedoes in game, or will they be balanced with similar ranges and firepower to other countries? If they are unique, will the specalized Kuma Class cruisers Oi, or Kitakami
2. have a chance at appearing in game?

A: 1. We will balance the Type93 to other torpedoes in game.
2. There will be Kuma, yes.

Q: Torpedoes were sensative equipment and could misfire, not detonate, or just steer off course. Will torpedos in game function with the same level of unreliability, if so willl histories more dubious torpedoes be equally dubious in game?
A: Torpedoes will always work.

Q: Some WWI era ships were built with En Echelon style wing turrets, usually done to allow for larger broadsides when it was unclear if superfiring turrets would work, will ships with en echelon turrets appear in game?
A: These kind of ships will be able to fire broadside from all turrets.

Q: Will there be other types of carriers in game other than Aircraft carriers, either as premium or unique lines...such as (just examples not asking for a specific on each ship)
Flying Boat Tenders, Full on seaplane carriers (not Hybrid warships which are already confirmed), Kaiten (manned torpedos) Submarine Carrier.
A: These types are unlikely to appear, at least in release.

Q: The Germans were well known, but not alone in convertnig merchant ships into warships for various reasons. Will converted merchants appear in game at all, be it as a unique tree, premium, etc?
A: No

Q: Anti aircraft vessels, or ships whos primary armament is against aircraft, rather than surface ships. (but usually dual purpose)
A: You will see such ships in game.

09/06/2013, 18h13
C'te pavé :p A quand Google Résumé :p ?

10/06/2013, 21h14
Ptite séquence video diffusée aux USA en 2012, Wargaming ne confirme pas s'il s'agit d'une version officielle ou d'un montage :


Le topic ici :


11/06/2013, 18h16
Pour avoir parcouru le topic des FAQ du site, gross modo j'ai trouvé toutes les réponses à mes questions ( et craintes) :

Alpha prévue en automne, elle ne portera que sur 2 Nations : USA et Japon. Environ 20 navires seront testés ( 10 par nation 1 pour chaque Tier) et ils en prévoient une centaine pour la sortie du jeu.

4 à 5 cartes sont déja pretes, il semble que toutes offriront des reliefs ( Iles / continent).

En ce qui concerne le réalisme, à priori c'est plutot tout bon pour moi, les caracteristiques des navires étant bien prises en compte ( Blindage, portée, même parfois la sensibilité au feu de certains navires...)

Seuls changement par rapport à la réalité : des équilibrages d'armes assumés ( Pas de Longlance Japonaises qui OS un croiseur) et l'augmentation du ROF pour accelerer le jeu.


12/06/2013, 10h33
Pour avoir parcouru le topic des FAQ du site, gross modo j'ai trouvé toutes les réponses à mes questions ( et craintes) :

Alpha prévue en automne, elle ne portera que sur 2 Nations : USA et Japon. Environ 20 navires seront testés ( 10 par nation 1 pour chaque Tier) et ils en prévoient une centaine pour la sortie du jeu.

4 à 5 cartes sont déja pretes, il semble que toutes offriront des reliefs ( Iles / continent).

En ce qui concerne le réalisme, à priori c'est plutot tout bon pour moi, les caracteristiques des navires étant bien prises en compte ( Blindage, portée, même parfois la sensibilité au feu de certains navires...)

Seuls changement par rapport à la réalité : des équilibrages d'armes assumés ( Pas de Longlance Japonaises qui OS un croiseur) et l'augmentation du ROF pour accelerer le jeu.


Ouais fin réalisme... le vrai combat naval style WWII c'est chiant, sur mer ouverte, toussa. Je me demande vraiment ce que ça va donner le gameplay, comment des terriens qui ont créé WoT vont aborder la mer (si c'est comme le ciel... Ahem...) Parce que bon le peekaboo en croiseur, façon je sors du couvert d'une ile, je balance une bordée et je me recache.... :|

Après, ça sera peut-être un très bon jeu, mais bon faut pas trop parler de réalisme.

12/06/2013, 20h08
Après, ça sera peut-être un très bon jeu, mais bon faut pas trop parler de réalisme.

Je parle de réalisme mais je n'en attends pas non plus une simulation hardcore, ne t'inquiete pas. Mais entre une mêlée ou on balance 20 navires dans 4km² et savoir qu'ils ont pris en compte les blindages, leur inclinaison, portées de canons etc...et un tas d'autres facteurs ( à l'instar de WOT) laisse supposer comme pour Wot des gameplay differents selon les navires d'un même tiers.

le vrai combat naval style WWII c'est chiant, sur mer ouverte, toussa.

C'est aussi tactique ou technique que n'importe quel autre affrontement sur terre ou en l'air ; il est essentiellement plus long : couler un navire de 15000 tonnes prend en effet un certain temps. Mais c'est ce que je préfère.:p

Je me demande vraiment ce que ça va donner le gameplay, comment des terriens qui ont créé WoT vont aborder la mer (si c'est comme le ciel... Ahem...) Parce que bon le peekaboo en croiseur, façon je sors du couvert d'une ile, je balance une bordée et je me recache.... :|

C'est la grande question en effet réponse avec l'alpha.

12/06/2013, 20h18
Non je pense pas qu'ils tombent la dedans, je pense qu'il faudra plutôt jongler entre plusieurs positions le plus rapidement possible, en larguant ses salves lorsqu'on passe du couvert A au couvert B. Ne pas oublier non plus que (comme ils l'ont annoncés quelques lignes plus haut d'ailleurs) leur système de visée se basera sur ce qu'il se fait en réalité, à savoir on balance une salve, on étudie les points d'impact, on recoupe les infos et on corrige le tir, on re-balance une salve, on re-corrige, etc... Difficile donc d'imaginer faire un pikaboo et placer son shot de façon fiable. (pour les destro-torpille à la rigueur peut être)

Personnellement j'imagine une vue d'artie, avec un cercle qui rétrécie au fur et à mesure que nos tirs tombent prêt de notre cible.

13/06/2013, 03h05
De toute façon le relief n'a jamais vraiment servi dans les conflits navals. Bon Allez disons qu'ils ont foutu le bordel pour les operateurs radars US à Guadalcanal... Quel est l’intérêt de toute façon d'aller se foutre dans un fjord ou autre crique pour un navire? Le Tirpitz a fini achevé à coup de bombes tallboy -si bien planqué qu'il était-! :cigare:

13/06/2013, 09h41
De toute façon le relief n'a jamais vraiment servi dans les conflits navals. Bon Allez disons qu'ils ont foutu le bordel pour les operateurs radars US à Guadalcanal... Quel est l’intérêt de toute façon d'aller se foutre dans un fjord ou autre crique pour un navire? Le Tirpitz a fini achevé à coup de bombes tallboy -si bien planqué qu'il était-! :cigare:

100% d'accord, mais dans ce cas pourquoi insister sur le fait que les maps ne seront pas ouvertes ? Si ce n'est pour faire jouer au décor un élément tactique totalement pas réaliste ? Leur comm' est bizarre si ce n'est pas pour cela qu'ils en parlent.

13/06/2013, 11h08
100% d'accord, mais dans ce cas pourquoi insister sur le fait que les maps ne seront pas ouvertes ? Si ce n'est pour faire jouer au décor un élément tactique totalement pas réaliste ? Leur comm' est bizarre si ce n'est pas pour cela qu'ils en parlent.

Ils n'ont pas dit qu'elle ne seront pas ouvertes, juste qu'elles ne seront pas vides.

13/06/2013, 11h28
Ils n'ont pas dit qu'elle ne seront pas ouvertes, juste qu'elles ne seront pas vides.

Ha, c'est une nuance importante, en effet. Merci pour la précision, Keulz. ;)

13/06/2013, 11h30
Pis c'est pas mettre 3 ilots au milieu d'une carte qui obligent à faire du peekaboo, heing, surtout si les navires ne le permettent pas (inertie, etc).
Changer d'allure et de cap sera à mon avis plus utile...

Après, comme on en est au stade des rumeurs floues... Ça ne sert à rien de se monter le cerveau.

13/06/2013, 13h15
Va faire du peekaboo avec un machin de 70000t...
Les ilots te donneront peut etre un petit instant de répit quand tu passera derrière mais je pense pas que tu puisse "camper" derrière, en tout cas pas avec les gros cul.
Puis de toute façon avec les porte-avions tu pourra pas te planquer.

13/06/2013, 13h19
C'est pour profiter de l'auto regen les planques derrière les îlots... :ninja:

13/06/2013, 13h21
C'est pour profiter de l'auto regen les planques derrière les îlots... :ninja:

Tu veux dire les yeux qui piquent puis la pleine forme au bout de 5 secondes ?

14/06/2013, 01h07
Pis c'est pas mettre 3 ilots au milieu d'une carte qui obligent à faire du peekaboo, heing, surtout si les navires ne le permettent pas (inertie, etc).
Changer d'allure et de cap sera à mon avis plus utile...

Après, comme on en est au stade des rumeurs floues... Ça ne sert à rien de se monter le cerveau.

Pour l'instant sur les 4-5 maps officielles aucune n'est en open.

Je pense que de toute façon qu'on aura aucune map en open et que WG planche sec sur le gameplay pour le rendre fun.

La raison en est simple : en open ( comprendre sans relief) aucune chance de se planquer, et de jouer les skills individuels ( rush, solotage) ou la psychologie ( comme ça a été le cas pour tellement de batailles justement).

En open tous les navires doivent répondre à une discipline hyper rigoureuse et jouer de concert. ( c'est déja le cas sur WOT on dira... mais entre la théorie et la pratique :p)

Détecter, manœuvrer, les Destroyers en avant, placement de la ligne des croiseurs, les cuirassés, la force de protection des CV, barrer le T etc... Bilan : c'est chiant pour ceux qui veulent de l'action, et trop compliqué à mettre en place quand on joue des batailles de 20 minutes...

Moi j'adorerais ça perso mais je ne fais pas la fine bouche alors je prends ce qui va en sortir!
Exemple de positionnement : bataille du détroit de Suriago -Leyte 1944- ( Ok à 3 contre 1 mais si vous râlez sur l'exemple je vous sors un cours magistral sur la Bataille de Samarr! :cigare:)

http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/86369b06-537f-4492-a5f5-cf6af13667ea.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/86369b06-537f-4492-a5f5-cf6af13667ea.jpg)

C'est beau, limpide, fluide :emo: et les japs ont rushé chacun de leur coté en crachant sur les noobs de leur propre team. ( véridique). Les Américains ont pris des gavées d'xp et topé des médailles de sniper. Alors qu'ils avaient masse d'obus HE et quasi pas d'AP.

Leyte.... Raaah lovely...:wub:

19/06/2013, 18h23
19 Juin 2013

Q1 What era are the warships based on and till eg tier 1 pre ww1 tier 10 post WW2 :P ?
Q2 Will the officers have randomly generated name or will they be historical?
Q3 Will we ever see dynamic maps like eg close to the north pole and you crack ice or glaciers fall ? :)
Q4 Will the elements play a big part in the game, EG Wind, Waves, that will affect movability and like view range ?
Q5 Are premium ships going to be paper ships?

1. Ships will be from the mid-1900s to the early 1950s.
2. Randomly generated names.
3. Unlikely.
4. Yes.
5. Nope.

What is the tier 2 US destroyer?
Something appropriate. :P

1.Are you planning to put some monitors (USS Wyoming BM-10 or HMS General Wolfe 1915) to be a premium ships?
2.How much will tier X battleship have approximately AA guns?
3.Are you able to show us how it will look port or dock in WoWs?
4.Can you tell us something more about Alpha now?
5.How much amoo for main guns will tier X battleship be able to carry?

1. That’s possible.
2. Depends on ship. Some around 100.
3. Later.
4. Alpha coming soon
5. According to their historical values

1. Will it be possible to sink a high tier ship with a single salvo of Torpedoes?
2. Will the ship balancing in this game also affect them in WoWP?
3. Since we are going to have reefs will they play an important role for ships such as Destroyers and Light Cruisers?

1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Yes (for destroyers).

Q1 Wich tier will HMS Hood and HMS KgV be at?
Q2 Will Germany have the Graf Zeppelin?
Q3 Will there be historical maps. Like Pearl Harbor and Okinawa?

1. Top half.
2. Yes.
3. No.

Wich tier will Lexinton class and Fletcher be at?
Matching their capabilities.

Q1 Which will be the first aircraft carriers you can get
Q2 Will you show any gameplay at E3

1. For example, AV Wright.
2. Yes, gameplay footage has been shown to press during E3.

How many torpedo hits from an Tier X enemy will a Tier X Battship (e.g. Yamato, Iowa) approx. be able to withstand before sinking?
Depends on ship, torpedo capabilities and points of hit. May sink after one (like Taihō).

If a carrier has bigger guns will then be able to use them against aircraft and other vessels. As such USS wasp eight 12.5cm guns mounted in four turrets in front and behind the control bridge
Aye! (If these guns are universal guns).

Are we getting the fire gong and the gunnery officer reporting the fall of shot?
"short", "over" , "straddle".
Also, depending on Nation and size of ship...alarm bells, general quarters and bugles for action stations?
Finally, will we be able to "make smoke" and lay smoke screens for torpedo attack by destroyers?

1. Unlikely. Sounds too much already.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.

will we be-able to equip a class of ship to just deal with AA duty to protect the rest of the fleet? it would add to the game in clan wars and would be a risky fit for someone having to rely on his team mates to protect him and him to protect them.
Unlikely. Just several ships will have special AA-presets.

Q1: Can you show one tech tree that you are working on?
Q2: Now, if it should happen all aircraft would be shot down, what then has the aircraft carriers for armament to eventuelt use against other vessels?
Q3: Can the aircraft be destroyed on the deck?
Q4: If a bomb goes through the flight deck and into the hangar will the aircrafts be destroyed?
Q5: How long does it take to reload the aircrafts?
Q6: The first aircraft carrier thet you can acquired will it have AA?

1. Nope, tech tree are still confidential.
2. Secondary guns and ram.
3. Unlikely.
4. Unlikely.
5. Several dozens seconds for one squadron.
6. Yes.

Hi, Well i'll try to sum my previous off-topic questions, and add some news :
1. Will under water reef, or dead ships, have FX effect at surface of water ?
2. Will there be current effect in the game that make them derivates ?
3. Is there a difference between a sink above reef, shallow water and deep water ? Are all sink have no influence ?
4. Are shallow water sink became surfce reef, and could block a pass entrance ?
5. What if a shot touch shallow water under/near a destroyer ?
6. What if a shot touch under/near a ship in deep water ?
7. What if a shot touch a reef /land near a ship ?
8. While aiming with goggles, can a shot bounce one or more above water ? Old time ship, you know Galion, Fregate, wind powered and wood ships. Well when the canon powder was the only one sailor sometimes used the bounce effect to shot an enemy. Will it be possible ?
9. Will a pathway of a friend have an effect on my ship ?
10. Will there be a Collision warning ?
11. Will we be finally able to Horn as will ?
12. Will my crew sometimes crying : "I'm the master of the world ?" easter egg ?

1. Most likely, yes
2. Sorry, I don’t understand the question.
3. For the destroyed ship – no differences
4. Yes.
5. If it will be close enough – the destroyer will feels bad.
6. The same.
7. Nothing.
8. No
9. Maybe later
10. Of course.
11. Maybe in the future. :)
12. It’s a very special option. Only for large amount of gold

1. Will the minimal PC configuration be the same as WoT and WoP ? Since there is many water effect and wery large map aren't you afraid that the game will be very hard to support for small PC's ?
2. Will vessels be in one color (like the tank in WoT, gray for german, green for URSS) or will they have they original camo ? And will we see Razzle Dazzle camo (maybe as an option) ?
Thank you for answering our question, it is very good to feel listen.

1. They will be more similar to WoWP than to WoT.
2. Original and special camo is possible, but not soon.

which tier will the radar be introduced?
1. Around Top 3

I think some kind of special damage will be Fire and Flooding.About Fire, its going to have posibilitiy to close compartiments to avoid fire spread?About flooding, its normal if u got a torpedo hit in one side u start to load water by tons. Its gonna be possible to counterflooding when ship start listing?Or both kind of damage are going to be controlled automatically?
Another question. It could be posible a Single torpedo hit in the unarmored belt and slow down a Battleship like Yamato class or Iowa class transforming it in a slow target? (Mushashi was hit in the unarmored prow slowing him down a lot)

1. Counterflooding and firefighting will be automatic.
2. Answered above (kinda, depends on ship, torpedo capabilities and points of hit.)

hello kabazabak, are there any updates regarding Italian navy? I know that its too early, but i would like to know if:
A-Is Italy still planned to have a separate tree ?
B-If yes, can you share some info about it ?
We planning Italian tree, but there is nothing concrete to say. It is too early

I don't know if anyone asked these, if yes then you guys are free to flame me like there's no tomorrow. :D
Here goes: what about clan wars? Will CW beta start with closed/open beta of WoWS?
Will they (clan wars) use more or less the same mechanics like these in WoT?
What about landing zones - will those be the provinces with major ports in them?
Will each ocean and sea get it's own prime time (like for example: the Baltic Sea gets different prime time than the Atlantic)?
As already mentioned, this will be something which we will talk about once the game is closer to release. Right now we have other priorities. :)

20/06/2013, 13h52
Finally, will we be able to "make smoke" and lay smoke screens for torpedo attack by destroyers? Yes.
Are shallow water sink became surfce reef, and could block a pass entrance ? Yes.
Since we are going to have reefs will they play an important role for ships such as Destroyers and Light Cruisers? Yes (for destroyers).:bave:


02/07/2013, 00h38
J'me suis loupé...

02/07/2013, 00h54
Ptite séquence video diffusée aux USA en 2012, Wargaming ne confirme pas s'il s'agit d'une version officielle ou d'un montage :


Je doute que ce soit une vidéo ingame ; les explosions et la fumée des batteries sont vraiment très bien faites, typiques d'un rendu 3D.

06/07/2013, 13h52
06 Juillet 2013

What are the tiers for the following confirmed ships (all of which are Premiums)
Wickes (British Premium)
Akitsushima (Japanese Premium)
Fletcher + Kingfisher (American Premium)
And can you tell us any more?

Akitsushima - tier 3 or 4, Flether - 7 or 8. HMS Courageous - 3 or 4.
Russian CL Aurora – tier 2.

What tier will the KGV (King George V) be at?
Will we be seeing the Carrier Courageous?
When can we expect the British Tree? During Before, after or during Closed Beta?
Will some nations go without a Carrier Line?
Will British Carriers have to ability to launch the Martlet?
Which is your favourite Carrier Plane?

1. Appropriate :)
2. Most likely yes.
3. After release of the game.
4. No.
5. That’s possible
6. American F4U Corsair

Q1: So, USS Wright will be II. tier and after this ship will be USS Long Island? Or L.I. will be in second line?
Q2: Do you plane add to game experimental/prototype airplanes too?
Q3: Will we see the crew on ships?

1. Second line
2. Most likely not
3. No.

1-will we have some kind of environmental covers? (like bushes and trees in WoT)
2-will the guns have a maximum range? (like the small guns in WoT)
3-what about the damaged models? will we able to see a single turret explode?
4-will there be birds? (lol)

1. Yes. For example raining zones.
2. Yes.
3. Sure.
4. Maybe

How many alpha testers will be selected fom EU?

We’ll see.

Thank you very much for all the last answers :)
I let all others ask very specific questions about tree tech and ship knowledge... I'm dumb at it ;)
BUT you don't answer about the Ceremony Animation when a ship first appear in our Dock. Will it be in ?
About funny things, will WG implant animations (workers, sailors, crane ar work, etc.) at Dock ?
More generaly, will there be some kind of "life" at Dock and during play ? I mean that I don't think it will bosering many if 1 time per match a sailor shout a funny thing
I'm pretty sure many here have some good "life" ideas !

1. We will think about having something like a “first time ceremony”
2. “life” at dock? In the dock itself, maybe. In game? Nope.

With a more serious way :
- What is the most enthousiastic features you and your collegues have implanted in the game ? The feature can be a gameplay, a ship, a technological achievment you made, etc. What you want :)
- For WG what ius the most difficult part in letting another developper making the game ?

1. Torpedo shooting is a feature which we are really enthusiastic about.
2. To see the results of our work. :)

Q: Will you be able to mount that types of guns on aircraft carrier?
http://tof.canardpc.com/preview/8931d480-4e9a-4055-a00f-ec6af207ff5d.jpg (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/8931d480-4e9a-4055-a00f-ec6af207ff5d.jpg)
Q: what class of ship will be best as AA?

1. Yes
2. Battleships

Will be able to see ingame the LSM ( R )?

Maybe in the future

I hear / read that the Bismarck will be ~T8 , so it is maybe possible that H39 are T9 and the H44 will be T10 ?
Or there are other pendants, and the H-line could be a secondary line?

1. Maybe
2. You will see :P

1)if arty shot like artillery in WoT, how can you control the ship when you are in atry shigt? Becuase if you play in Wot this option is very easy, you dont move and you can shot, but in a ship this option is a sentece of dead.
And the mini map is too small and you can't see more information for move in good conditions.
We can make a rute like RTS, or someting similar?
2)I sopouse that when you shot a toperdo is first person sight, but a torpedo is not like a shell, and dont have the same speed.Do we have in the panel any kind of tool for easy calculate the rute of the torpedo? or we need shoot all and pray that some one hit a ship?
3) In the destroyers you use a double propouse cannons,( AA-normal), Do we have a button or a comand to transform this option? Because you say that the AA cannons are controled by IA. Or you need control the main cannons when you need shot like AA?
4) I know that in this game the maps are minimun size of 50Kmx50Km and posible in the future more big, and we can't found a map with only sea, but I like know if the maps are like busy like WoT or are more open? I dont like see a map like mountain pass, when we only have tree routes

1. By motion buttons. No one complained so far.
2. Player will have something like a torpedo prediction calculator.
3. Yes, there will be a switch mode button.
4. Maps will be more open than in WoT.

Will the Iowa Carrier be a Tier X for the US line?

Most likely, yes.

are there any plans for the monitor class to be included in the future?

We have such plans, but maybe a bit later.

Is there a chance WoWs Aplha test will start right after WoWp release, so WG will have some dedicated resources moved from WoWp to WoWs production and testing?

Alpha tests will start once we feel ready for them. We don’t make them depending on WoWp and instead whenever we feel ready for them.

I have another question:
about the scouts planes, when use a scout plane is like a RTS and you can control the scout? or is automatic you launch the scout to one zone he make a scout and return autmoatic when is out of fuel?

You will be able to control the plane, like in a RTS

On the NA forum, one of the developers stated that the tier 8 battleship on the first British battleship line will be "Lion-1937 or Vanguard". So, what ship do you mean by "Lion-1937"? Do I think correctly it is a preliminary sketch (i.e. not the Lion laid down in 1939), most likely one of these two: 16A/38 or 16B/38?
And the second think, does the "Lion-1937" thing mean that the real Lion (as laid down in 1939) will be tier 9 battleship in the same line?

1. Yes, it’s one of preliminary sketches of «Lion».
2. You got it :)

When you have fired the guns, will they go down reload position?

You mean a reload after each shot? Yes.

I am curious about how and when you choose the alpha testers? Same like WoT or something different?

That’s our secret.

15/07/2013, 18h48
15 Juillet 2013

Is Project 21 of the Soviet Navy a suitable tier 8 for that nation?

Also you said that the British tree will come after release, other than those nations at the start of Alpha, will any other nations be released before the British?

1.We are considering this option.
2. Most likely no.

1) Are the safety depression gears on turrets disabled for close quarters fighting. If that's the case will you take damage from your own guns like HMS Warspite did in the second Battle of Narvik where she lifted her fo'c'sle deck because of it.
2) will you take damage from prolonged firing of the main guns on a battleship like they did in real life as with HMS Rodney after her encounter with the Bismarck
3) will you be stopped from firing your second turret above your first turret-

1. Yes, safety depression gears on turrets disabled.
2. No.
3. Why? No need.

1.You said that reconnaissance planes will not carry bombs.Why?When they were worn as in the pictures
2.When will you put the new section? On the NA forums they get contests section.What about us?
3.How far you have come with making of the USS Montana?
4.Did you have finished making a damage panel or aim?
5.Did you have finished making a dock?

1. Because recons can carry only small bombs (anti-subs), and this bombs almost can’t damage other ship. That’s why it is no need.
2. More sections will come over time, that is more of a community question though
3. Getting there
4. Not sure if I know what you mean. You mean a HUD ingame? Then yes.
5. Top Secret!

hello my question is Project 82 Russian battlecruiser apply what tier your designs?
Tier 8 or 9-10?

Appropriate :)

How will the unified account work? - example how much will it cost to get unified account status.
Will WoT who have plenty of gold and free experience be allowed to buy tier X ships when WoWS goes live? Or will there be a lock to prevent abuse and imbalance when WoWS goes live?
experience generated per days depends on the win and the number of battles i can do. running a premium account

1. We plan free united account status from game release.
2. Yes. If player has _enough_ free experience to unlock all ships from tier 1 to tier 10 (in one line).

Will there be any AA Dedicated Battleships?
Which type of ships will be more prone to having their Ammo Storage hit?

1. No.
2. Any ship that is controlled by a unskilled player.

Will there be many low tiere aircraft carriers? Can you name some of them? And thanks for answers

Yes. But there is seaplane tenders will be on low tiers (for example, Mizuho or Wright)

I'm not asking for specific details,but can you tell us wich nations are currently being worked on (I mean,i know that most of your time and effort for ships is going to the IJN and the USN,for obvious reasons,but are you working on any other ships already? even if it's just renders,wirhout actually modelling them for the game)
Anyways,thanks for the answers!

British, German and USSR trees (all lines). But images for this ships (renders, screensots, etc.) we don’t plan until release.

Will there be high-end contents for WoWS (like the clan war campain in WoT or some small PVE event) ?

Currently we are focusing on main gameplay but there will be endgame content, sure :)

Will we be able to use special weapons such as mines etc?

Not planned.

15/07/2013, 19h01
Which type of ships will be more prone to having their Ammo Storage hit?

2. Any ship that is controlled by a unskilled player.

Sont forts pour le Coup! Claquer un Ammo rack à 8-10km! :ninja:

Pas sur que ça ne dépende que du skill de la cible quand même!

Merci pour le Compe rendu!

16/07/2013, 12h51
16 juillet 2013

1. You said that the tier 8s for the British slow line would be KGV or Vanguard, but aren't they rather fast for a slow BB line?
2. If there was a communication error, what is the tier 8 for the slow British BB line?
3. Also will you include the 12" prototype Kongo or the 13" Proto-Kongo?
4. Is the Queen Elizabeth class in the Fast BB line as it is currently?
5. Is Colorado tier 7 in the Slow US BB line?
If not, what is?

1. Vanguard is not from slow BB-line. It is from BB-line  From BC-line (fast BB-line) is BC Hood and BC Repulse.
2. BC Hood or BC J-3 (or G-3)
3. We will see.
4. She is from BB-line. As Vanguard.
5. Don’t hurry, you will see this soon.

1. Will each Aircraft type (Fighter, Bomber, Torpedo Bomber) each be effective at different roles but also be able to do other roles which they would be less effective at?
2. Will Scout Planes be able to dogfight other planes such as the Pete?
3. What is the largest Carrier plane you plan on putting in the game?
4. What is the largest Float Plane you plan on putting in the game?
5. Will there be some sort of reward fine system for accidentally shooting down allied planes with your own flak?

1. No.
2. If it being attacked – yes.
3. Maybe it F4U Corsair or something like that.
4. I think, Kawanishi H8K.
5. Most likely no.

1. It was previously stated, that Kongo and refitted Kongo will be on different tiers. And what about the Queen Elizabeth class? Will the refitted Qeen Elizabeth class (i.e. Warspite as reconstructed in 1934-37 or Valiant and Queen Elizabeth as reconstructed in 1937-41) end up as a higher tier than the "as built" Queen Elizabeth?
2. Since the K3, L3 and Lion 1944 are confirmed (please correct me, if I'm wrong) as the British tier X battleships, does this mean that G3 and N3 will be tier IX ships?

1. Maybe. We shall see on playtests.
2. No for both tiers.

Will we be seeing the A-150 or Super Yamato with it's 8x 20.1inch guns?
Will we also be seeing the rumoured K-1000 Battleship (minus it's missile armament)?

Unlikely for both qestions. And for Tillman battleships too.

Q1: If there will be jets, will be able to drop torpedoes (if it is a jetbomber)

1. No
2. No, not yet.

If there was a Atlantic map is there a possibility we'll see the Habakuk as a Prop?
Later on in the games release will it be possible to fight of the coast of Miami or under the Golden Gate?
How many maps do you plan on implementing before the games final release in 2014?
Will we see the H42? I know you've said that there won't be any ships above 80,000t and this ship is 90,000t, but will it still be possible that we can use this ship ingame?

1. Maybe.
2. Maybe :)
3. 7-8
4. Unlikely.

In World of Warplanes aircraft gain Kill Marks on the side of the plane so in World of Warships will Ships earn Battle Stars in the Statics?

Maybe. We haven't made a final decision yet.

07/08/2013, 13h44
05 Aout 2013

how far are u now with the netherlands tech tree!?

We are currently working on other tech trees.

In WW2 Soviets and Germans didn't use Aircraft carriers will they have them in game?

Yes. Graf Zeppelin (for example).

Are you will be at gamescom 2013 if so then you show gameplay?

We will be at Gamescom but don’t expect anything big for WoWS (yet).

1) Wath is pc requierement for wows ?
2) What tiers is Fuso ?
3) what tiers is Akagi ?
4) kamikaze present in the game ?

1) Similar to WoWP
2) and 3) Approriate ;)
4) Not planned right now

Will you be taking any action against videos like these? Or will you keep them there for the Comedy Value?
Since Submarines will no be playable in game will it still be possible to see them ingame as props?

1. Yes, we are going againt those videos. Feel also free to report them to Youtube directly. Teamwork! 
2. That’s possible. We’ll see.

1.Any chance we could see the J7W Shinden in WoWs?
2.Whether we will see the holes from medium and large caliber guns on our ship?
4.What is tier IV BB for Montana line?
5.Will we see some ships in the game, premium or ordinary from here: (not counting Yashim, Tosa, Hiryo, and some cruisers)

1. This chance is not equal Zero ;)
2. 2. You mean whether you can see your own guns? Sure!
4. Appropriate
5. Maybe ;)

the shinden it's not a carrier aricraft,ok is a navy plane, but it was desing for landbase, most problably we can see the J2M raiden for a top jap plane
One question:
say yes or no:
a5m2 Claude - no
Aichi D1A "susie" - yes
Yokosuka B4Y - yes
H6k2 Navys - no
A6m2 zeke - yes
D3A "Val" - yes
B5N2 "Kate" - yes
H8k2 "Emily" - no
A6M5 "Zeke" - no
D4Y "Judy" - yes
B6N "Jill" - yes
J2N "Jack" - no
D4Y5 "judy" with armor protecction and raidal engine - no
B6N "jill" - no

Can be a Anti air Battlemode during drive closer to enemys?


Will there be Night Battles?

Maybe in the future, yes.

Will speed and manoeveribility from the ships be increased compared to the originals?
20 minutes for a game is not so much, so it may have sense to make all vessels a little faster than in reality...

Yes, the general gameplay will be faster than a real-life ship battle. They usualy took a bit longer than 20 minutes ;)

How big will each map be in Micrometers?
Will the speed of Warships be measured in Knots (kts) or Miles/Kilometers Per Hour?

1) A lot!
2) Knots

07/08/2013, 16h24
Pfff des pavés encore des pavés et toujours des pavés...on veut du game même en pré-alpha 0.0000000.1 :p !!

14/08/2013, 18h21
one question: If I sopouse the fu4 is the top tier fighter, how is the jap top tier fighter?

F4U is not the top tier fighter. So… :) Top tier fighters will be jets (like McDonnell F2H or Kyushu J7W2).

1. Do you have any plans for a British Royal Navy tier 8 premium ship ?

We'd like to have one.

When a bomb falls on an aircraft carrier deck, can then an air traffic still exist?

Depends on the damage done. If the deck takes too heavy damage, traffic will be stopped until it's repaired.

1. If a ship is damaged (direct hit or better torpedo), will it tilt to the side and will this affect its targeting abilities?
2. How many slots will there be for equipment and/or consumables?
3. If you upgrade skills on your aircraft carrier crew, will this affect the AI on the airplanes on that carrier to fly faster, hit more precise, make more damage on enemy ships or something like that?
4. Will direct hits on the runway of an aircraft carrier affect landing of his planes, or will there be a health bar/percent?

1. Yes, a ship will take list and/or trim for this side. No, the effect for its targeting abilities will be negligible.
2. Most likely 3 each.
3. Yes, except “make more damage”.
4. See above. The flight deck will not have its own health bar.

Is there new information for the alpha test?

Not yet.

Have you decided on what the consumables will be? If so, can you name a few? If not, will you take our suggestions even if they are a bit silly?

The list is still in development, but repair kit or fire extinguisher are very likely.

Gold on WoT, Token in WoWp, ________ in WoWs?

Pieces of Eight. :)

How many ships are modeled and ingame so far, per each navy?

14 (7 for Japan and 7 the USA).

When you will relase date of alpha?

When we're ready.

On a serious note, when will we get some in game videos from the devs?

Public gameplay videos? Not very soon.

1. Could we see the alternative for North Carolina (30knots, 3 x 3 14" guns, protection against 14" guns) in the game?
2. What is the current tier of Scharnhorst?
3. The Equivalent to Tosa in the 1st Japanese BB line? (Thats tier 8 when last stated)

1. Possible.
2. Appropriate. :)
3. Don't really understand the question.

What will be the lowest level carriers for IJN/USN?

Most likely seaplane tenders.

When do you plan on giving us a portal like World of Tanks and World of Warplanes for World of Warships?

When we need it and it's ready.

1) How many officers (teams) have a ship? for example a ship like a Takao or Aoba CA.
2) We know the damage control is automatic, but we have a officer for especific abilities? like control of flood, fires, reparations, etc... I think this officer it is one fo the most important.
3) How work the flood control? We know that is a extra bar, and we can lost the ship if the flood is too hevy. But can we recuperate or is premanent?

1. We're planning on having 9-10 crew.
2. Skill distribution is still in development.
3. We're planning on including pumps as equipment.

14/08/2013, 22h54
Merci Hottuna pour les news.

15/08/2013, 02h16
Vivement qu'ils le sortent en beta avec des critères d'entrée raisonnables.

18/08/2013, 12h35
Déjà qu'en juin ils disaient que l'alpha était "very soon", ça commence à faire long :x

17/10/2013, 21h49
How quickly will carriers "change" their planes, or re-arm planes that come back from a bombing run? 20seconds? 2minutes?

Each aircraft needs about 6-7 seconds of preparation (refueling, reloading) and about 5-6 seconds to take off. Landing requires about the same time as taking off.
For example, a squadron of six aircraft will require up to 40 seconds of preparation (fighters prepared a little faster, attack aircraft - slowly) and about half a minute to take off.
Data are preliminary, the results of play-tests may change it (but not strongly).

I know secondaries will be AI controlled, but will we have an option to turn them on or off?

We plan such option. Plus the ability to choose the priority target.

Why was it decided to make large calibre guns more accurate at range instead of closer in? Was this for balance so that a BB wouldn't be able to dominate at any range?
Similarly, what range does the "long range/short range" split take place?

Er... I hope, it's some kind of misunderstanding. Because the size of the ellipse of dispersion at long distances much greater than at close.
So, at close range any ship is more accurate than at long range.

Can you state anything in that tech tree that is incorrect and what the correct thing is please?

I will not write that the trees are the same. Because trees in the development process may change. But - almost the same :)

They are not more accurate, merely a tighter spread. The mean point of impact will not necessarily be the center of the aiming reticule, which brings up my question:
Will shot fall be computed like in WoT? That is, will we experience shots going/landing outside of the aiming circle?

1. The shot falls will computed not like in WoT.
2. Only if you move your aiming reticule while shells are flying after shot :)

"What do you mean of "accurate numbers of AA"?"
I mean for each ship, no matter what ship it is, can we expect the same numbers of AA put onto it as the real ship (Whatever model you're using will probably be awesome)
Iowa Class (1943):
9 × 16 in (406 mm)/50 cal Mark 7 guns (Main Battery)
20 × 5 in (127.0 mm)/38 cal Mark 12 guns (Secondary Battery) (Dual Purpose)
80 × 40 mm/56 cal anti-aircraft guns (AA)
49 × 20 mm/70 cal anti-aircraft cannons (AA)
If you are going with the 1943 Iowa Class, then can we expect ALL of these weapons to be put on the ship, or will the number be reduced so aircraft will have a better chance to get to me.
Keep up the good work.

I understood you.
But Iowa at the time of entry service (1942) had a 15*4*40mm + 60*1*20mm, her sisterships - 20*4*40mm + 49*1* 20mm (and Wisconsin had additional 2*2*20mm).
Then (in 1944) "Iowa" was added 4*4*40mm, but removed 8*20mm. On the "New Jersey" and "Missouri", on the contrary, further was mounted 8*2*20mm. So ... :)
Other classes of ships may have much more complicated history and differences between sisterships :)
I had this in mind.

I got questions about the crews.
Using the Yamato as an example:
1.Is the gun crew located in the main turrets?
2a.If yes:
I. will there be one gunnery crew in each of the main turret or
II. will there be just one out of all the main turret?
2b.If no:
where is he located?
3a.If yes to number 2a part I:
Will killing one of the gun crew in one of the main turret effect the whole accuracy of all guns?
3b.If yes to part II:
I.Will it be a randomize position of the three main turret to score an injury?
II.or will there be a fixed position for them?

I'll try to explane.
We don't plan to make crew of each turret or compartment. Only commanders of primary functionals (cap of the ship, artillery, air defense, engine, detection systems, air wing, etc.).
Their locations are not fully defined yet.

will we be able to send fighters to escort scouts from other players?
will scouts be able to shoot down other scouts?

1. Yes. And friendly ships to.
2. No. Because scouts will can't to attack.

Teit, this popped up in my head
What kind of skills can we expect to see for squadron leaders and pilots, like in WoT you have sixth sense, eagle eye, etc, so what will be the skills for pilots, can we see something like
Fuel efficiency: makes your fuel last longer so they can stay on target longer
Recon: makes your aircraft's view range increase
accuracy (or something): increases chance of hit while bombing/ increases critical damage
gunnery: increases chance to down enemy aircraft/ downs enemy aircraft faster
Also, will there be something like, spotting range for class of ship, because IRL aircraft werent able to tell which class of ship , only after getting closer can you see the class of ship, will this be implemented or will it be like WoT, where you can tell what kind of tank it is the first time you spot it.

Yes, it will be something like you wrote. But I still can't exactly say how it will be.

18/10/2013, 12h26
RdJ : Hott est en vie ! :lol:

18/10/2013, 14h37
Je serais de retour avec une vraie connection dans 1-2 semaines (si tout se passe bien)

27/10/2013, 00h26
Allez hop une video issue de la beta/alpha, enjoy Messieurs ;)


27/10/2013, 00h27
sauf que c'est World of Warships et que ça risque pas d'être WoBS vu q'on y voit des sous-marins...

27/10/2013, 00h36
Je suis confus, il me semblait pourtant que "World of Warships" était justement le nouveau nom de "World of Battleships" :huh:

Sur wikipedia il est bien indiqué en tant que tel et donc comme étant le jeu de Wargaming.

27/10/2013, 00h49
Je suis confus, il me semblait pourtant que "World of Warships" était justement le nouveau nom de "World of Battleships" :huh:

Sur wikipedia il est bien indiqué en tant que tel et donc comme étant le jeu de Wargaming.

Oui oui, mais ce n'est pas le bon jeu. Check ce topic, cette vidéo est déjà passée. C'est juste pas le bon nom.

27/10/2013, 00h52
Ah ok. Mais alors c'est lequel ce jeu du coup?

EDIT: c'est bon j'ai trouvé. Je m'auto-flagelle pour cette erreur impardonnable....

27/10/2013, 01h25
Attends, explique parce que moi aussi je pensais que "World of Warships" c'était juste le nouveau nom de WoBS.

27/10/2013, 01h26
Attends, explique parce que moi aussi je pensais que "World of Warships" c'était juste le nouveau nom de WoBS.

C'est le cas, mais le truc présenté dans la vidéo n'a rien à voir. C'est un fake.

29/10/2013, 12h22
Issu de battlestations Pacific ou Midway

05/11/2013, 11h54
Inscriptions Alpha ouverte, mais pas à tout le monde :

If you meet the criteria below, feel free to post your interest in this topic. We will be looking at (in decreasing order of importance):
• World of Warships forum activity (at least 150 good posts, no spamming)
• WoT and WoWp alpha test veterans
• experience in alpha testing other games
• being a professional tester, or an IT specialist
• proactivity and decency
What has NO effect on the application:
• amount of battles in WoT and WoWp
• win rate
• age
• country
• city


06/11/2013, 18h01
Inscriptions Alpha ouverte, mais pas à tout le monde :



06/11/2013, 21h21
Alpha test, en même temps, hein. Ça se comprend. Si ce n'était pas du jeu vidéo, ça serait confié à des professionnels, cette phase de test. Une équipe dédiée. Qu'ils cherchent des gens ayant une expérience, qui soient impliqués, etc, ne me choque pas. Enfin, sauf la partie "faut avoir posté sur un forum qui n'a aucun contenu interactif, où on peut juste glaner une news et poster du vide", je ne vois pas trop l'intérêt...

06/11/2013, 22h55
Sur WoWp fallait juste envoyer sa config si je ne m'abuse.

06/11/2013, 23h26
Ouais, mais c'était pour la deuxième vague d'invitation je crois.

06/11/2013, 23h43
Me semble que c'était pour la beta et non l'alpha.

07/11/2013, 10h56
Non c'était bien pour l'alpha mais c'est possible comme le dit Gtag que c'était plutôt vers la fin de l'alpha.

07/11/2013, 11h30
Me semble que c'était pour la beta et non l'alpha.

Non, j'ai eu la première invit' et c'était l'alpha.

14/11/2013, 18h30
World of Warships Alpha-testing started
Posted on November 14, 2013 by Silentstalker — 19 Comments ↓
Source: http://blog.worldofwarships.ru/start-zakry-togo-al-fa-testirovaniya/

Hello everyone,

just so you know, WoWs entered its alpha stage officially today (14.11.2013) – it’s still a long way to go, but it looks promising.

14/11/2013, 22h27
Non, j'ai eu la première invit' et c'était l'alpha.

Je confirme que c'était pour la global alpha, apparemment il y a une autre alpha avant l'alpha. Une sorte d'alpha fermée ^^.

07/02/2014, 11h26


07/02/2014, 11h41
Si une bonne âme peut faire un rapide résumé, j'ai pas de son au boulot (ou plutôt je ne peux pas l'activer :p).
D'avance merci. :)

07/02/2014, 14h00
Pas grand'chose. La seule info que je n'avais pas c'est que les navires de 1910 ne seront pas Tier I, ça sera plutôt des navires des 20-30's. Ceux de 1910 arriveront plus loin dans les Tiers.

07/02/2014, 14h20
Pas grand'chose. La seule info que je n'avais pas c'est que les navires de 1910 ne seront pas Tier I, ça sera plutôt des navires des 20-30's. Ceux de Tier I arriveront plus loin dans les Tiers.

Euh Fen', je pense que t'as pas du te relire, ou alors j'ai du mal.