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  1. #91
    Bordel de cul. Pour l'instant, les seuls checksums qui sont les mêmes c'est moi et charmide en ULLL. Weird.

  2. #92

    En gros, les versions Steam/Autres sont pas compatibles...
    Dernière modification par jmp ; 11/04/2012 à 10h18.

  3. #93
    Ça c'est chiant. Et aucune information de la part de paradox en sus. Normalement, il devrait y avoir un fix dans le prochain patch ?

  4. #94
    On le dit, mais j'ai pas trouvé d'annonce officielle.
    Un type a posé directement la question mais n'a jamais eu de réponse...

    ---------- Post added at 10h48 ---------- Previous post was at 10h41 ----------

    Bon mais j'ai ULLL aussi, il suffit de virer de la partie les Steam /OJGE et ça roule
    Dernière modification par jmp ; 11/04/2012 à 10h42.

  5. #95

    Bon, qui a quelle version du coup?

  6. #96
    beau merdier les chercksum
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  7. #97
    Moi ULLL sur Mac. Je vais voir pour acheter une version Gamersgate du coup.

  8. #98
    ULLL c'est steam ?
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  9. #99

  10. #100
    Moi avec moi AIKA, j'ai l'air de quoi ?
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  11. #101
    D'un mec qui a foiré son installation

  12. #102
    Si on choppait tous le beta 2.3 ?
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  13. #103
    J'y ai pensé, il faudrait tester effectivement.

  14. #104
    On peut le choper où ce patch ?
    Dernière modification par MeianYume ; 11/04/2012 à 15h57.

  15. #105
    Ou un mod. Mais j'ai peur que ça se calcule avec ton csum de base
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  16. #106
    Pour le patch, c'est ici

    Et les mods calculent à partir du checksum de base. Je pense d'ailleurs pour toi tompalmer, que si tu as un checksum pourri en installant le patch dessus, ça pas régler la question. Est-ce que le patch résout les soucis avec Steam ? This is the question.

  17. #107
    Choppez un changelog
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  18. #108
    Avec le patch installé au dessus de la version Steam j'obtient ce Checksum là : Victoria 2 v2.3 BETA (XFPO)

    Gameplay Changes
    - Added Great Wars and mechanics
    - Early meiji grants land reform to prevent rebel disbandment
    - Schwabing Circles decision is now also available for the South German Federation
    - svenska_pansarbats_foreningen can only be taken by SWE or SCA
    - Added 2 straits so CLM and EGY can get past the canals if they are built and they lose access to the controler
    - rubber events fire even if owner doesn't have rubber techs after 1900
    - outlawing slavery is allowed for the USA/CSA if they somehow haven't resolved their issues by 1875
    - nationalistmovements events should be less spammy in large nations
    - scaled down the RGO efficiency spread event bonuses a bit
    - canceling movement on a unit now also stops attached units
    - congo conference decision now requires future congo provinces not to be taken
    - Fixed a serious issue when calculating assimilation numbers
    - Fixed an issue where countries that broke away following a rebel occupation still had a good relation with the country they broke away from.
    - Fixed bug where it was possible for a country to be in multiple spheres of influence simultaneously.
    - Land reform of uncivs does really affect RGO output eff now, not just empty words.
    - When country is released (as puppet), the part of armies of pops that belongs now to new country, are no longer disbanded, but transferred to new country and spawned in capital.
    - Fixed serious bug in calculating votes. order of scripted parties should no longer matter

    - Interface Improvements
    - factory construction window now has a tooltip on output amount showing cost of inputs and outputs to help with estimating profitability and values shown are scaled with active output/input modifiers.
    - factory construction: factory output text will turn red if outputs will sell for less than inputs under optimal situations.
    - New Zealand no longer boring and grey but lush and green
    - national focus indicator in topbar no longer turn red if its impossible to place more NFs due to lack of states.
    - added 2.3 french and german translation
    - can now see army and naval tech levels as tooltips on brigade/ship numbers on every country in diplo view
    - For non-player units, the tooltip with estimate arrival is shown for next province, not the final destination.
    - fixed broken localization of vassal_of trigger
    - fixed issue with ships pointing guns in the wrong direction during combat
    - added localization for IS_EMPTY trigger
    - Added notifications when a GP invests in you.
    - Unciv countries got now correct status desc due to civ progress in startup screen (primitive, uncivilized, partially westernized).
    - peace offer/demands now shown as such to reduce confusion. before only auto-accepted peaces showed as demands
    - Fixed problem with sum of country and province modifiers of mining/farming efficiency.
    - The "expand all factories" feature will now limit itself to factories near the employee limit.
    - Added war score markers for the "Show wars" tab in the diplomacy window to show how much score is required for all goals.
    - Fixed a bug in Politics->Movements where some icons displayed the wrong tooltip
    - Peace offer window is now showing both countries flags (actor + recipient)
    - Mapmode migrations: Fixed bug where provinces would sometimes get the wrong color code.
    - Mapmode migrations: Province tooltips now shows the total number of immigrants/emigrants
    - Fixed incorrect description for pop migrations, which was rather a tendency to move than true numbers.
    - In Peace offer window, added tooltip for each wargoal saying how much prestige will gain or loose if success or fail.
    - Map "Current" tooltip, no longer overlaps the mapmode buttons.
    - In Recruitment map mode, the provinces where are insufficient soldier pops to reinforce, got reddish color.
    - Single provinces with infra, now also has railroads drawn.
    - Fixed several outliner text overlaps (NF has now short names too)
    - Fixed old bug with disappearing rivers when camera zoomed in.
    - Leader selection panel - "No Leader" button displays the effect of having no leader (f.ex. atk -2, def -2, etc)

    - Database Changes
    - corrected MEX '61 setup
    - slavery outlawed in DEN in '61
    - corrected URA '61 setup
    - many nations have a better ruling party in 1861
    - halfed MTTH on reform jealousy events
    - improved GRE oob/pops in '61
    - added some decision pictures
    - added arab culture group
    - La Perouse Strait is now gone for good (and there was much rejoicing!)
    - Added Poland-Lithuania, United Baltic Provinces, Belarus and Arabia and Gran Colombia

    - Performace and Stability
    - optimized AI evaluation of safe province moves for units
    - fixed crash on issue trigger for depopulated islands
    - optimized AI path tracing for invasions (large intercontinental wars no longer ruin game speed as much)
    - Fixed an issue where sounds were still audible even though the volume was set to zero.
    - Map cache is refreshed if dependencies checksum changes, not the file timestamp.

    - AI Improvements
    - AI now mobilizes properly when in multiple small wars and when having strong neighbors no matter how powerful its allies are
    - the taxation AI is now more aggressive and clever
    - AI can no longer add two wargoals at the same time nuking itself with infamy
    - taxation priorities tweaked, should no longer over-spend on administration when not needed
    - fixed AI issue with wargoal counts
    - AI will not declare war against a neighbour, if adjacency totally impassable.
    - improved ai's abilities for adding war goals
    - Ai will now be a lot smarter how to pick free people wargoals
    - ai now makes sure it doesnt accept mutiple alliances same day to stop illogical blocks forming.
    - ai will try and limit its GP allies before great wars are unlocked so that small countries can do stuff
    - Fixed bug in AI evaluating war targets (very strong countries never attacked very weak ones, because they think have no chances!) - rare situations like England vs Johore.
    - AI is a little bit less afraid of being a bad boy
    - FRA can now only take the the_lambert_charter decision if MAD is in their SoI or not in any SoI to avoid multi-sphere problems.

    - User Modding
    - Assorted defines to tweak behaviour during Great Wars (see GW_*).
    - adjacencies file can now contain comments
    Dernière modification par MeianYume ; 11/04/2012 à 16h03.

  19. #109
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  20. #110
    Rien sur le checksum à ce que je vois. Je tente l'installation. Mais c'est foireux, c'est sur une version mac. Les patch sont pas censés fonctionner.
    Dernière modification par Gigax ; 11/04/2012 à 16h19. Motif: orthographe

  21. #111
    On va essayer de tous se mettre en ulll
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  22. #112
    Comme je le pensais, ça plante totalement quand je fais le changement à la mano. Je peux pas updater le launcher aussi.

  23. #113
    Citation Envoyé par GigaX Voir le message
    Comme je le pensais, ça plante totalement quand je fais le changement à la mano. Je peux pas updater le launcher aussi.
    Oui mais t'aura une version PC

    La on va faire en sorte que tous le monde ai une gamersgate, tipiakée ou non
    Dernière modification par tompalmer ; 11/04/2012 à 16h21.
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  24. #114
    Bah si on a la version Steam et que ça fonctionne pas, Tipiaker devient normal.

  25. #115
    Faut pas le crier sur les toits mais je suis d'accord avec toi

  26. #116
    J'invite ceux qui peuvent à aller poster sur le forum paradox, si tu leur met pas la pression a ces cons là ...
    Dernière modification par tompalmer ; 11/04/2012 à 16h30.
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  27. #117
    Citation Envoyé par jmp Voir le message
    Faut pas le crier sur les toits mais je suis d'accord avec toi
    Nan mais t'as acheté le jeu. C'est simplement pour une incompatibilité de multi.

  28. #118
    Lament of the queen est il un vrai dlc ? ça pourrait être ça
    Grand maître du lien affilié

  29. #119
    Ce Lament of the Queen, j'ai rien de comparable dans mes fichiers. C'est une musique non ? En tout cas, c'est possible que ça modifie le checksum. D'autant que sur steam, les seuls DLC, c'est les trois trucs de sprites graphiques pour les uniformes.

  30. #120
    Oui c'est un morceau de la BO.

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