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  1. #1
    Suite à la découverte via le sujet des Wargames de Operation Citadel, je m’y suis mis.

    Très bientôt, le jeu va changer de logo, de nom (a priori, Hex of Steel) et monter de prix (de environ 13€ à 25€).
    C’est développé par un jeune breton de Bretagne (France métropolitaine) de 21 ans aidé par son frère, c’est leur premier jeu, moteur Unity, et il est très présent et réactif sur le Discord.

    Disponible pour Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, Android, l’interface ne souffre pas trop du multi-support.

    Page Steam :

    Récemment, le visuel de toutes les unités à été modifié, donc les anciennes images et vidéo ne rendent pas compte de cet état (pré-mars 2021, premier anniversaire du jeu, version 3.0.0).

    Hex of Steel est déjà très ouvert aux mods, et le sera encore plus sous peu. Prochainement, la structure des dossiers va changer, et sera plus "naturelle" : un dossier par mod, un sous dossier pour les unités, les tuiles, etc. On pourra aussi activer les mods à la volée en jeu sans redémarrage. Reste plus qu’à trouver la communauté qui va y bosser.
    Dernière modification par Tchey ; 16/03/2021 à 08h11.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  2. #2
    Un wargame à suivre (et à jouer!) avec interêt.

    Je rajouterai que le développeur, francophone, est sympa et à l'écoute de sa communauté!

  3. #3
    Citation Envoyé par Loloborgo Voir le message
    Je rajouterai que le développeur, francophone, est sympa et à l'écoute de sa communauté!

    Citation Envoyé par Tchey Voir le message
    C’est développé par un jeune breton de 21 ans aidé par son frère, c’est leur premier jeu, moteur Unity, et il est très présent et réactif sur le Discord.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  4. #4
    Ben t'as dit qu'il est breton..pas inutile de rajouter qu'il est aussi francophone.
    Citation Envoyé par Grosnours Voir le message
    Reconnaitre qu'on ne sait pas est un premier pas sur le chemin du savoir...

  5. #5
    Haha, mea culpa !

    À part ça, le Valentin (le dév) est vraiment réactif et motivé, ça fait plaisir.
    Hâte d’avoir la nouvelle MàJ pour toutes les petites (et grandes) améliorations qui à mon avis rendront l’expérience plus agréable (même si elle n’est pas désagréable en l’état).

    A priori c’est pour dans la semaine.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  6. #6
    Je voulais attendre la mise à jour, mais si le prix augmente ça peut intéresser du monde avant.
    Donc un survol de Operation Citadel :

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  7. #7
    Citation Envoyé par Manu71 Voir le message
    Ben t'as dit qu'il est breton..pas inutile de rajouter qu'il est aussi francophone.
    J'ai effectivement trouvé que s'était utile à surligner!

  8. #8
    J’ai édité l’OP pour être plus clair, merci de vos participations irremplaçables.

    Dernières nouvelles, l’IA va également faire un bond vers l’adaptation et l’organique.
    Exemples :
    - au lieu de cibler n’importe quoi quand l’occasion se présente, chaque unité va cibler d’abord ses cibles favorites.
    - chaque unité va avoir une "mission" qu’elle va tenter de poursuivre, ou changer si c’est non pertinent.
    - un bombardier lourd sera escorté par des chasseurs, qui se réserveront pour la protection du bombardier
    -- mais si l’occasion se présente les chasseurs pourront attaquer d’autres cibles
    --- mais ce n’est pas une formation figée, c’est organique, chaque unité "décide" qu’elle doit garder le bombardier ou autre
    - en test IA vs IA, le dév dit avoir vu pour la première fois l’ordi se déplacer en formation fluide et choisir les "bonnes cibles".
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  9. #9
    Excellent , jusqu'ici l'IA était un peu farfelue , elle remue dans tous les sens sans vision opérationnelle

    dans ma campagne de France 1940 elle s'est focalisée sur les Hollandais puis sur les Belges

    puis elle a envoyée une reco jusqu'à Bastogne avant de s'en faire chasser par les Belges

    (depuis plus rien à signaler dans les Ardennes ou j'attend l'arme au pied devant Sedan , et nous sommes le 20/05/1940)

  10. #10
    Woups, j'ai dérapé sur le bouton acheter chef !

  11. #11
    Citation Envoyé par MrKrev Voir le message
    Woups, j'ai dérapé sur le bouton acheter chef !
    C'est pas grave, donne le moi
    Le jeu vidéo est une chose trop grave pour le laisser aux canards

  12. #12
    Bonjour tout le monde !
    Eh, j'ai du mal à suivre ce qu'il se passe hahah je viens tout juste de voir qu'un thread avait été ouvert !

    Je remercie Tchey de faire le lien entre moi et les joueurs de son propre chef !
    Je vais essayer d'être un peu plus actif on va voir ce que ça donne, j'ai pas l'habitude des forums et je suis capable d'oublier, surtout si je suis occupé IRL.

    BREF, pour répondre à Griffon07, j'ai pas refait l'IA au sol encore, seulement les avions / bateaux, complètement. Pour le sol j'ai toutefois quelques modifications ! Tchey disait que ce serait bien si l'IA voyait qu'une ville / un point de victoire est bondé, qu'il aille ailleurs même si celui-ci est le plus prêt. J'ai donc fait ça et ça fonctionne
    J'ai aussi réparé ses débarquement qui marchait pas du tout.

    Et, oui, la MàJ 3.1.0 (Plus gros change log depuis la création du jeu) devrait sortir Vendredi
    J'ai pas envie d'en dire trop plus pour pas gâcher la surprise, mais, je suis en train de rajouter des cartes de campagnes dans la campagne du pacifique.

    Et, bien entendu un des points phares de cette mise à jour est le revamp total du modding

    Voilàà !
    Développeur d'Hex of Steel

  13. #13
    Ouf j'ai bien fait de l'acheter hier!

  14. #14
    Je l'avais repéré puis un peu oublié...Acheté y a deux jours avant que le prix explose !

    C'est bien !

  15. #15
    Bon je viens de le prendre, maintenant tu réussi a mener tout ça hein

    Bon courage en tout cas!
    A tout hasard, si tu recherches un parrainage pour star Citizen, ce code est fait pour toi! STAR-GHY6-HS3V

  16. #16
    C’est là :

     Ever wondered what happens when I don’t update the game everyday ? This.
    I would advise you to read the changes, because this is the most important part from this change log.
    Well, here we are, after 3.0.0, already 4.0.0 ! Why directly 4.0.0 ? Hehe, because this update marks a new step in the history of ... Operation Citadel ? No ! HEX OF STEEL !
    The game changed name ! Hopefully, by the time you read those lines, Steam will already have updated everything properly.
    The game's price is now 24.99 USD.
    So ! I will let you read this change log
    book, and see you in the comments ! ;)
        New main menu wallpaper (Thank you Jules for this new awesome piece of art !). He spent 26h this week working just on that one, bravo !
        Battle of the Coral Sea for the American campaign.
        Battle of Midway for the American campaign.
        Battle of Guadalcanal for the American campaign.
        Campaign of New Georgia for the American campaign.
        Bougainville campaign for the American campaign.
        New Britain campaign for the American campaign.
        Philippines campaign (1944) north and south campaign for the American campaign.
        Pacific 1942 configuration big scenario.
        Hiyo class carrier, Wasp class carrier, Mitsubishi A5M, Mitsubishi G3M, Kawanishi H6K
        Shortcuts (new key binding, go check them in the settings) for going through only a certain type of unit, ex: naval, air, ground (CTRL / ALT / SHIFT) + click on the 'next unit' or 'prev unit' button.
        Eyedropper for tiles in the map editor. Default key binding is middle mouse button. By pressing it the tile that is under your mouse will replace the currently selected tile that you were using to paint with. Just like in minecraft.
        Possibility to have the camera move to where your mouse is on the screen while zooming. You can turn it ON or OFF in the settings.
        Map size in the quick game panel in order to provide a bit more info about the map you are about (or not) to play.
        Tooltip on the save button in the map editor, to inform you you can press CTRL + S or CMD + S to save your map.
        Tile coordinates in the tile info UI element. X and Y coordinates are now shown there.
        Key binding for moving the unit. Some people complained they were selecting / moving units unintentionally because the click was the left one for both actions, so, now you can choose what you want to make the unit move :)
        Completely remade from ground up the way mods work. It is now way easier and more clear how to proceed. This includes a mod manager in the main menu for you to toggle ON or OFF your mods at will ! (And even have a preview + see their size !)
        New strategic map, way more beautiful and accurate compared to the old pixel sh*t :) A french player showed me a wargame he is working on using Unity, and I noticed the minimap, so I said HEY I LOVE YOUR MINIMAP how did you do it ? And he explained me :)
        Plane's attack behaviour ! Remember when planes attacked from any side of the unit ? This is OVER ! Planes now need to be on top of the unit you want to attack in order to attack it ! I decided to go this way because of balance issues, you could really wipe out entire units really quickly by just placing a few planes around a single unit. Planes are support god damnit !
        Fighters will now automatically attack enemy bombers when they are bombing friendly units in range. Just like AA would protect them.
        AI air system COMPLETE revamp
        ! AI fighters will now be hunting down bombers in priority, if there are none they'll move to destroying enemy fighters, if there are none they will look for enemy ground targets, if there are none they will be looking for friendly carriers to escort, if there are none , they will look for friendly bombers to escort, if there are none, it means the area really is empty and they'll move to some other part of the map where they are needed (recon planes are obviously not counted as fighters and left out of all of that). For bombers now, strategic bombers will look for infrastructures to destroy first, targeting what's producing the most first. Yes, this is gonna be painful. Next primary target for bombers is going to be CARRIERS. If there are none, then ground targets, if there are none, then there really isn't anything for them to do where they are and they will be flying just like fighters to another point on the map where they will be needed. AI planes won't be staying around empty VPs anymore, it will move to the next as soon as their duty is fulfilled in one place.
        AI naval system COMPLETE revamp
        All AI ships will now have as a primary task to escort aircraft carriers (if there is any). Then secondary tasks are based on the ship's class. Subs will focus transport ships and carriers. Destroyers will focus submarines. I have seen the AI move its ships in formation, this is no joke. They will look for ground targets to attack if there is no one to follow, and finally, ships won't be staying around any empty victory point ANYMORE. They will move as soon as their duty is fulfilled.
        Since I had a lot of fun improving the AI, and since someone suggested me, I just made it so that then a VP is crowded with enemy units, and the AI sees that, he won’t try to send more units there if there are other VPs it could take. So it will send forces somewhere else if the closest can’t be reached. Yes, this means flanking.
        Adapted AI behaviour to the new plane rule. Bombers and CAS planes will fly directly over the units in order to attack them (this might not sound like a change because the AI should follow the new rules, but it actually took me half a day so, I thought I'd let you know everything I work on).
        Quick games map will now be ordered by name !!!! (youhou).
        All campaign scenarios are now available to host / play in multiplayer ! :D That’s a lot of new possibilities. GO CRAZY. I wanna see many match being hosted in multiplayer !
        When unselecting your unit, you will not be able to do “Undo” anymore with this unit even if you select it again. I think it was too forgiving and you could exploit that, it would be fine in solo but in multiplayer it is cheating. Example: Exploiting the undo by encircling an enemy unit, to get its damage low, then just undo and move your forces somewhere else.
        Save button in the map editor has been placed in the main UI and removed from the settings panel.
        Moved the map settings button in the map editor to the main UI.
        Reduced the fuel for a bunch of fighters / CAS planes and even bombers. Some really had insane values.
        Reduced ships firing range. Max is now 3 for BBs and CAs and BCs. 2 for LCs, 1 for DDs SSs and CVs.
        Instance of AI crash.
        AI planes that are carrier based didn’t use friendly carriers to resupply.
        Bad / stupid / inexistent AI landings. It will now perform good landings.
        You couldn’t resize maps it would crash.
        The retaliation damage could not be calculated properly in some rare cases.
        Bombers could make ground units retreat.
        With NATO counters ON, units in the FOW would be fully toggled, their background would be transparent.
        Issues with encirclement and damage calculation.
        AI would invite Neutral country, not faction, but the country neutral used in MP maps.
        When AI planes would go over ground units they would tend to simply disappear and the ground unit would be shown. Visually disturbing.
        Game would have FPS drops when AI was playing, it is still not perfect but I made it better.
        End of scenario would not be working properly in some cases.
        There was a weird glitch in the map editor that allowed you to spawn 2 units of the same type on one tile.
        I think the AI was cheating and saw through the FOW, sorry about that, it wasn’t so important though since it didn’t have accurate targets like it has now, so, now it’s all good :)
        Glitch with 2 units visible when the AI was playing its second turn.
        If there were 2 units on 1 tile and one of them died (let’s say ground unit), then the air unit wouldn’t be shown, it would stay invisible until the next turn or until you pressed the toggle air/ground view.
        Douglas SBD Dauntless couldn’t carry bombs.
        Issue with the FOW.
        Ships staying around empty victory points and thus being useless.
        Explosions animations would take place even through the FOW.
        Kill count for paratroopers in their transport plane didn’t work, it didn’t count the kill.
        Main menu wallpaper being not sharp.
        On mobile you couldn’t load your saves.
    - Fix : Some issues with selecting / unselecting units that would hide/show allied planes even though there were enemies around. It is now all by the currently selected unit’s type now. If you have a ground unit selected, only ground units will be shown, if you have an air unit selected, all air units will be shown. It was the case before, but not in some cases, that I removed now.
        All editors from mobile. Except the map editor.
        Infantry support, will be replaced in your saves by heavy infantry. I decided to remove it to keep the strategic scale, it was too tactical scale.
    Well, if you made it until here, I can only applaud you hahaha. This really was a long one, I didn't rest the entire week, so I will now ! Will be answering on the forum and discord, but I'll try to take a little break from coding for a little while, I fixed everything I could find, so, this should be the most stable version so far :D
    I also did a LOT of testing, so.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  17. #17
    Citation Envoyé par Elemorej Voir le message
    Bon je viens de le prendre, maintenant tu réussi a mener tout ça hein

    Bon courage en tout cas!
    Hehe tu as fais une bonne affaire tu as économisé 10eur
    Profite bien de la dernière MàJ :D
    Développeur d'Hex of Steel

  18. #18
    Je fais mumuse avec l’éditeur de cartes qui permet de faire des trucs simples mais fonctionnels en quelques instants (environ 5 minutes la première, 25 minutes la seconde).

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  19. #19
    Ah oui très sympa, ça laisse inaugurer de bonnes choses du côté des créateurs talentueux qui accrocheront au titre

  20. #20
    Je viens de percer la défense à El Alamein

    Direction la Tunisie

  21. #21
    Operation citadel
    Hex of Steel
    Plusieurs mises à jour sont sorti depuis le mois dernier, et un nouveau manuel PDF est dispo, qui rend compte du doublon simple/riche du jeu.

    Types de troupe, tirs de soutiens, ponts, logistique, sous-marins, attrition, etc

    Ça fait seulement une trentaine de pages, à partir de la page Steam ou un lien dans le menu du jeu :

    J’ai bidouillé un peu ma carte, et testé plusieurs fois IA contre IA, tour 40-50, personne ne prend le dessus, c’est intéressant.
    Une fois que j’aurai joué quelques fois pour de vrai avec, je le publie si ça intéresse des gens.

    Le scenario est palpitant : la France tente d’envahir la Soviétie pour y vendre des croissants au beurre.
    Les soviets résistent. Le joueur est Soviet de préférence, la France étant l’IA, mais on peut inverser.

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  22. #22
    Je viens de faire deux tentatives pour boucler le tutorial et je n'y arrive pas En facile j'ai roulé sur les soviets la main dans le calbar jusqu'au dernier objectif sans pouvoir le prendre pendant quinze tours et en normal je bute directement à la première ville.

    Mon problème, outre celui d'être une buse, est que je n'arrive pas à me débarrasser de certaines unités en ville. Je peux les encercler, les pilonner à l'artillerie, les bombarder, les allumer au tank, au blindé léger ou avec l'infanterie, rien n'y fait. Même avec 7 unités full hp qui attaquent j'enlève presque rien de vie à l'unité ennemie qui se soigne au tour suivant. C'est quoi le délire ou le truc que je n'ai pas compris ?

    Autre question. L'ia est elle sujette aux mêmes contraintes économiques que le joueur ? J'ai l'impression de jouer face à Crésus qui génère des ennemis alors qu'elle n'a plus qu'une ville assiégée.

    Edit : Pas de problème particulier hors tutorial, c'était peut être un bug.
    Dernière modification par MrKrev ; 26/05/2021 à 17h31.

  23. #23
    Le dernier patch ajoute la recherche technologique hors campagne ainsi que le multijoueur en coop.

    Si ça branche du monde je suis partant pour une partie. Coop dans un premier temps vu mon piètre niveau, la bagarre attendra quelques temps.

  24. #24

    Bon, oui, le gros morceau annoncé est la traduction dans plusieurs langues, mais le reste des notes est dense égalememt :

    Operation Translate: International Offensive
    Hello, salut, hola, hallo, привет, 你好!
    Make yourself a tea/coffee, because today's log is gonna be a long one...
    . This was one of the topic that was discussed quite a bit. Lot of people asking me if I could translate the game in this
    or that
    language, and the answer I gave was always the same: No. I'd rather make a brand new game at this point. Why? Because the game simply was not made in such a way that localizing (the process of making a game fit to implement translation) was possible
    And I mean, boy
    , I was right.
    I spent a full non-stop 10 days of simply re working the UI to support translation. Text element by text element, it was a nightmare, by the end I just felt like a robot honestly.
    The first two days, I even felt like I should simply give up given the huge amount of work that was needed to make this possible.
    But I did not give up. And here we are, the game is finally translated... I, obviously, do not speak all languages on this planet, but you (the community), do! I therefore asked on the discord server if we had some volunteers to translate the game in their native language, and some of you rose their hands and actually did it! Big shoutout to all of you who helped translating the game (over 1800 lines of text, or over 40 pages in Word).
    There is one thing, however, that did not make it into the translation, and it is all of the scenarios' briefings. I know it's a shame the game is not 100% translated, but gosh, there are over 130 scenarios, and each have an intro, defeat, and victory text, each being several lines long. The amount of work required for these is simply enormous and the benefits are simply not worth the work (they only give historical background, the actual important informations is located in the 'Objectives' panel).
    The translation of the game is not limited
    to the current amount of languages. If your native language is not present in the game, feel free to write to me and I can send you the translation file so that everyone can enjoy the game in your language, starting with you!
    If there are any issues with the translation, let me know too so that I can fix it.
    This update comes with a -50% sale, in case some of you were waiting for a translation of the game in your language to pick the game up... Now is the perfect time!
    Update 7.0.0 and all its changes
    is coming to the iOS/Android version of the game as well today! On top of this whole rework on PC, I decided to make a brand new port
    of the game for mobile devices with an improved gaming UI, taking into account safe areas with phone edges etc. New and improved!
    And without any further ado, I will let you enjoy this change log...
        Localization system to the game, allowing me to translate it into any amount of languages.
        Zone of Control mechanics (optional, you can turn it ON in the settings). Many of you wanted this, so here it is (a little late, but hey, it's here now!). In its current form, and after debate with the discord members, we chose to apply ZoC only to land units (so, not applying to planes or ships). ZoC does not apply to several units: Commanders, Land mines, buildings (except bunkers), partisans, garrisons, militia/volkssturm, units having less than or 30% HP, units having no ammo.
        Possibility to access the upgrade menu with a unit from another country.
        Possibility to upgrade any unit from your reserve (very useful in campaign scenarios).
        New setting: Instant season change. If you turn this ON, there will no longer be any animation/smooth transition, but the map will instantly convert all the tiles graphics to match the proper season.
        Right clicking in the editors will now unselect the currently selected item (unit, tile...)
        In the Leaderboards menu, the game will now let you know if there are no entries for a specific leaderboard, instead of not displaying anything at all which could be confusing.
        Changing the country of a unit in the units editor will now instantly refresh its counter.
        Thanks to the UI upgrade, sharing links is now possible in the chat. Sending links has been disabled for those who do not have an account, this is to prevent potential spam. Guests will not be able to send links.
        New 'Water Freezes' mechanics. I have added two new properties to tiles: 'Can Freeze' and 'Frozen'. The 'Can Freeze' property will be directly set in the map editor, you will have the possibility to choose what water / river tiles can freeze during winter. The 'Frozen' property will be set at runtime whenever the season changes in the game. When a body of water freezes, it becomes walkable for regular ground units, and unwalkable for ships. I have added this to all Europe scenarios to all Northern Areas of the game, such as Finland, Norway, Sweden, and East/North Russia. This should change the battle dynamic during winter and make it pretty interesting to play ;)
        You can now easily purchase units from other countries in the map editor.
        New Soviet Unit: NKL-26 aerosan.
        New toggle in the units editor: Cannot be captured. Does what it say ;) Prevents a given unit to be captured.
        New toggle in the units editor: No Lend Lease. Does what it say as well, the unit will not appear in the store when trying to purchase units from other countries.
        Foldered saves support. You can now create folders in your Saves folder, the game will recreate the hierarchy in the UI. Meaning you can have a Europe playthrough, and place all your relevant saves in that folder, they will be grouped in the game/UI.
        Support for mods and Research. Since there is a finite amount of historical periods, I have added some supported time periods that the Research menu will support. 5 new time periods have been added: (Napoleonic Wars) 1790-1820, (American Civil War) 1861-1865, (World War 1) 1914-1918, 1947-1991 (Cold War), 2000-2030 (Modern Era). Regular base game time period now is 1936-1946.
        New toggle in the Tiles Editor: is Capturable. By default, this toggle is ON for every tile, except the reinforcement tiles.
        New toggle in the Tiles Editor: is Reinforcement tile. You can now make any tile behave as a reinforcement tile.
        New toggle filter in the Order of Battle to display only core units. This is replacing the old top of the UI core units menu.
        Possibility to generate High Res. screenshots by pressing F12. They will be saved in the new Screenshots folder, alongside the other more usual Saves and Maps folders.
        War declarations from Italy to Greece and Yugoslavia on Europe 1939.
        You can now set a player target for the 'Show Message' event action to show messages only to certain players. If you leave the player target empty, it will be considered as 'Everyone'.
        Button in the mod menu that links directly the youtube tutorial about how to mod the game.
        AI will now finally use the 'strategic redeployment' for its units. It has been a little tough to find good use cases for it, but Europe 39 was as good test map for it, as for example Germany would have all its army on the eastern front when declaring war on Denmark, and moving it all from the east to the west was super long, now it simply sends everything back to the reserve (just like a human player would do through the Order of Battle) and redeploys them where it's needed.
        Strategic redeployment is now authorized/enabled in real time multiplayer matches too (previously was not possible).
        Upgrade of the entire UI across the game. Lots of optimization were made, as well as QoL. Enjoy :)
        Pretty much all tooltips got their text updated and clarity was improved.
        Paratroopers while in airborne mode have a reduced autonomy. From 100 tiles (before) to 35 (now). This change was made to make paratrooper use closer to reality, and not use them as a ballistic missile which could fly across the entire map.
        Paratroopers now can be resupplied at and around friendly airfields while in airborne mode.
        The 'Random Damage Modifier' setting is now a percentage, no longer a flat damage. Goes from 0% to 100%. Works the same as before. Default value is 15%.
        Mentions (@) in chat will no longer stay forever and remind you that you got tagged in a message every time you load the game scene. They will be shown a single time per message where you were tagged per game session.
        In online chat, the real time at which messages were sent will now be displayed.
        Spain (Axis) in the Spanish Civil War scenario will now properly perform landings from Africa.
        Changed graphics of major Victory Points circles when opening the Objectives panel.
        Changed the look of flags on Victory Points on the map.
        The files auto refresh in the Saves / Maps folders is now properly working / more sensitive. The UI in the game will now properly refresh when a file is renamed or moved or deleted.
        Various UI improvements.
        Flamethrower bonus is no longer a flat 15 damage, but is now a 30% damage bonus.
        When setting 'Auto Supplies for all' in the Order of Battle, it will now be saved per player. No more need to enable this every time you load a save.
        Newly spawned in units will now properly have their 'auto supplies' set according to the toggle value in the Order of Battle.
        Your local game settings will now be saved before joining an online game (PBEM or real time) and be restored properly after going back to the main menu.
        When changing a player's country in the map editor, all units owned by the player that are on the map will see their counter refreshed (they used to keep the old counter).
        In the Tiles Editor, changing the biome of a tile will now refresh the tile's graphics.
        Events panel will no longer disable the currently active event when closing the scenario settings.
        Removing a player from the map in the map editor will now properly refresh the 'unit is target' for secondary victory conditions.
        Updated version of the multiplayer compatibility.
        Units slots generation in the Units Editor has been increased by 2.
        Pausing the game will now instantly pause the AI (previously the AI would keep playing for some time).
        Policies are now available in campaign scenarios, given you enabled it in the settings.
        Winter season Lake tile graphics now show the lake as frozen.
        IMAM Ro. 44 can now be launched from ships having a catapult.
        Re. 2000 can now be launched from ships having a catapult.
        Destroyers attacking submerged submarines have a 30% chance at every attack to force the sub to the surface.
        Several tiles' variable types (from integers to shorts), doesn't have any impact on gameplay but cut the weight of save files. On Europe 39 for example, save files now are 1MB lighter.
        AI planes purchase rate has been reworked. It will no longer 'spam' air units. It will stop buying planes when it is not needed.
        Adjusted research time for units, more granular now.
        Updated manual with Zone of Control.
        AI not 'fighting back' against submarines, it will now properly produce destroyers in priority to match enemy subs.
        Typo on Europe maps with the tile 'Fort Maddalena' in North Africa.
        For some reasons autosaves were made during PBEM games.
        Tooltips were always shown, even when option turned OFF in the settings.
        Newly imported overlays would not show in the game, their opacity would be at 0% by default.
        In the store, it would always be written 'Remove core unit' even if the selected unit was not a core unit.
        Lag spike issue in the Diplomacy menu when hovering with your mouse over a country when it displayed the relationships.
        Multiplayer online leaderboard is now responsive again and will no longer freeze the game when you click on the button. I have applied some filtering to only display relevant information. Players will need to complete at least a game (losing or winning) to appear in the leaderboard.
        Clicks going through the musics playlist background.
        Fallschirmjäger name display. Properly showing the 'ä'. This is a save breaking change, it will take effect only if you start a new playthrough or purchase a new unit. Existing Fallschirmjäger will have the "?" graphics show.
        Upgraded units lost the Flamethrower bonus.
        Modded tiles did not carry their Manpower and Occupied Manpower values.
        Random Damage Modifier is now properly synced in multiplayer.
        No more lag spike when pressing TAB and using numbers on counters when having a huge amount of units on the map (Ex: Europe scenarios). Probably improved performances as a whole too.
        File Locked game settings would be saved after you went back to the main menu, and if you created a new map in the map editor right after that, you would lock your new map and you could never open it again.
        Partisans never spawning.
        Carrier/Naval planes could resupply at battleships using their catapult rendering carriers useless.
        Pressing 'escape' while in the map editor menu did not close it.
        Units disappearing (planes) when they were above a land/naval mine and the mine was from an enemy team (= unseen). Your plane would simply disappear when swapping air/ground view.
        Units getting a hero in battle did not refresh their counter to show the hero icon on it.
        Placing supply depots on cities/towns/villages would confuse the game and they would get ignored and it would use the tile instead of the unit (as a supplies source).
        Issue campaign scenarios and HQ points when playing with the Policies option ON.
        Issue with season change. When season was changing already and another season change request was made before the first completed.
        Tech Tree tooltip research time did not take into account some policies.
        Showing low ammo icon on units that have a max of 1 ammo (V1s, V2s...)
        Core Units panel from the top of the UI. No longer needed since I added a toggle 'sort core units' in the Order of Battle.
    Alright, it was a big one! I will be around to fix any potential issues, so let me know if anything is wrong or missing...
    I hope you will all enjoy this MASSIVE update!
    Cheers and see you in the comments/forum ;)
    PS: This is not it for Hex of Steel quite yet, there is another update in the works, a whole ships rework with new mechanics and options for ship customizations... Stay tuned for more...
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  25. #25
    Le travail de mise à jour constante pour cette toute petite équipe est franchement colossal. Chapeau à eux franchement.
    Mon coin de web. "Quand ça change, ça change... Faut jamais se laisser démonter."

  26. #26
    Toujours en développement, Hex of Steel propose aussi un éditeur de carte, unité, tuile etc, accessible et intégré au jeu.
    J’ai donc fait mumuse pour créer une carte entièrement, et dans cette vidéo je joue dessus :

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

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