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  1. #1

    Le jeu change de nom début 2017 et devient Rise to Ruins :

    You can't win !

    C'est ainsi que débute la présentation du jeu Retro Pixel Castles, développé par SixtyGig Games (un seul gars, du Texas). C'est fait pour Windows, Linux et Mac. Disponible Early Access pour un peu moins de 10 euros là (donne une clef Steam) :

    Steam : (un euro = un dollar pour eux...) :
    Indie Game Stand : (avec la conversion du dollar, c'est le moins cher).

    Le jeu utilise Steam pour la distribution et les mises à jour, mais sans DRM, et le développeur s'engage à ne jamais vendre autre chose que le jeu de base (toutes les mises à jour futur seront gratuites, DLC ou patch ou autre).

    C'est quoi, Retro Pixel Castles ? Gestion + Tower Defense + Godlike.

    C'est de la gestion d'un village sans control direct des villageois, village que des zombies et autres slims attaquent sans relâchent de plus en plus souvent et violemment, jusqu'à l'anéantissement du joueur, qui ne peut pas gagner mais seulement survivre pour un temps... Il faut construire les quelques éléments du village (un centre, de quoi récolter pierre, bois et cristal, des fermes pour la nourriture des habitations pour les soins et le bonheur, des postes de garde, des tourelles, des murs... A cela s'ajoutent les pouvoirs d'influence, directement inspirés par certains "godlike" et STR : boule de feu, soin de zone, téléportation, bannissement, pousse forcée des plantes...

    Le trailer de la dernière mise à jour, version .15 :

    Ma présentation :

    L'écran d'accueil change en présentant une carte aléatoire. Une fois entré un nom de profil, il est possible de fabriquer des cartes via l'éditeur intégré, ou de jouer sur une carte officielle ou communautaire.

    De taille et de difficulté variables, les cartes sont variées.

    Pour première tentative, j'arrive au jour 6, en me mettant dans un coin de la carte. Comme vous pouvez le voir en plissant les yeux, en haut à droite, il me reste seulement 7 habitants. La fin est proche.

    Je fais ce que je peux, mais j'ai plusieurs zombies et squelettes qui tabassent mes derniers survivants. En manque d'influence, je lance un sort naze, des flammes qui brûlent... tout.

    J'ai perdu. Il ne me reste plus qu'à détruire un nouveau village lors d'une prochaine partie.

    Je choisis une carte assez petite avec une forme rigolote, parce que j'aime bien les formes rigolotes

    La première étape est toujours de placer le Village Center, puis d'assigner des villageois à ce centre via le panneau en bas de l'écran.

    A gauche du village, les deux structures roses sont des entrepôts pour du bois et de la pierre. Au dessus on peut voir des points vert, jaune, orange, rouge : c'est une zone de travail que j'ai désigné. Les villageois assignés au Village Center vont se mettre à couper du bois et ramasser des pierres, pour ensuite construire les bâtiments. Une fois construits, je vais devoir assigner des travailleurs à ses bâtiments, et donc retirer des villageois du Center. Il faut donc gérer les stock de travailleurs. Les villageois se reproduisent. Pour ce faire, ils leur faut du temps libre. Ils discutent entre eux, puis s'unissent. Un couple dont le bonheur cumulé est supérieur à 100 a une chance de donner un enfant. L'enfant grandit, devient villageois, gagne de l'expérience, monte en niveau et résiste mieux aux attaquent. C'est pourquoi les villageois du départ sont importants pour la survie du village (les monstres étant de plus en plus fort, les villageois niveau 1 se font déchiqueter rapidement).

    Cette carte est très ouverte, les attaques peuvent venir de partout, il me faudra donc construire des murs rapidement pour détourner les attaquent. Comme le jeu est orienté "Tower Defense", les zombies ne cassent pas les murs s'il existe un chemin vers le village. On peut donc construire des murs pour faire des goulots protégés par des tours et des postes de garde.

    Le jeu est un peu lent parfois, mais les rush de zombies sont flippants (dans le sens mortels...). Il lui manque quelques options, plus de bâtiments, de pouvoirs, une meilleure gestion des gardes, etc, mais il reste actuellement plaisant à jouer le temps de quelques heures ou plus.

    Il a un excellent potentiel de godlikitude, à voir si le développeur est capable de le saisir.
    Dernière modification par Tchey ; 25/04/2017 à 00h04.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  2. #2
    Tchey, c'est le nouveau Barbazoul !

    J'achète quasiment tous les jeux que tu présentes mais j'y joue jamais, faute de temps. Vie de merde.

  3. #3
    Je ne trouve pas l'action très lisible avec tous ces pixels...

  4. #4
    C'était mieux avant les zombies

    Après la maj qui les installés, j'avais tellement morflé
    C'est la course contre la montre, tout le temps (et mon meilleur temps n'a jamais, de mémoire, atteint les 6 jours)
    J'ai ragequit les essais, avant

    Bonne chance les canards !
    Dernière modification par Kyrie ; 14/08/2015 à 14h58.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Je dirais "mwoui".

    En jeu on peut accéder au "Drawning Board", le plan de développement :

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  7. #7
    Ce serait quoi le but à long terme pour le joueur ? car si tu sais que tu vas perdre, pourquoi essayer de développer ton village ; juste pour voir jusque quand tu peux résister ? Honnêtement ça me paraît un peu bancal comme objectif.
    Si j'ai bien saisi au plus tu résistes et tiens dans le temps, au plus tu débloques différents éléments pour t'aider à tenir plus longtemps. Évidemment ça créer une certaine envie de vouloir toujours faire mieux et donc nous pousse à continuer à jouer au jeu. Mais j'ai un peu peur une fois le tout débloqué que le jeu ne s'essouffle :/

    Sinon j'ai une question par rapport à ce passage
    Comme le jeu est orienté "Tower Defense", les zombies ne cassent pas les murs s'il existe un chemin vers le village. On peut donc construire des murs pour faire des goulots protégés par des tours et des postes de garde.
    Est-ce que si on fait un labyrinthe, ou plus simplement un énorme goulot avec pleins de lacets les monstres vont s'y engager pour rentrer dans le village ou alors il n'y a pas vraiment de pathfinding et ils vont se mettre à tout casser ? Je pense en fait aux anciens mods tower défense de wc3 où l'on pouvait créer sois-même le chemin que les monstres devaient suivre, comme par exemple gemTD.

  8. #8
    Le "Retro Pixel" dans le titre me donne envie de me flinguer, mais sinon ça peut être intéressant comme petit jeu, je le garder à l’œil.
    Geeks love opening boxes full of cool shit that will be burned in an incinerator when they die.

  9. #9
    On peut faire un couloir et goulot avec des murs, du moment qu'il existe un passage, les monstres vont marcher plutôt que de casser les murs.

    Si j'ai suivi, à long terme, il y aura un système de carte globale, où plus on survit sur une carte, plus on gagne des points. On pourra sauver des villageois ou autre en les envoyant sur la carte globale, en réserve. Depuis la carte globale, on pourra acheter des savoirs avec ces points, pour modifier, améliorer, changer, les chances de survie sur la prochaine carte locale. On pourra aussi avoir plusieurs cartes locales en parallèle. Si j'ai compris, c'est un peu comme Rogue Legacy, ou tu perds parce que ça fait partie des conditions de victoires... mais pour reprendre autrement avec des améliorations globales partielles.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  10. #10
    Pas de nouvelle version encore, ça devrait tomber dans pas trop longtemps, mais Rayvolution donne des info régulièrement sur l'état du développement. Il travaille principalement sur la nouvelle génération du monde, avec l'idée d'avoir un metajeu où il faut gérer des ressources humaines au sens propre : récupérer des villageois d'une carte pour les envoyer sur une autre par exemple. Un gif intitulé "beam me up Scotty"...

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  11. #11
    à -50% sur Steam pendant une semaine pour les intéressés

  12. #12
    La version InDev 16 Unstable 1 est disponible.

    Le gros changement, c'est la World Map, comme rapidement expliquée plus haut.

    After what feels like an eternity of coding and drawing, I'm proud to announce the release of InDev 16 Unstable 1! This update welcome in the long awaited world map. It's a bit slim on content right now with only 4 maps available, but it gets the job done well enough for you guys to try it out while I continue to flesh out the new system. The next few unstable builds I'll be fixing the bugs that will no doubt creep up, refine the new mechanics, and add several new maps to play on. You're in for a hell of a new experience, I hope you enjoy it! Good luck!

    You can report bugs over at the official website's Support and Bugs Forum[], or on the Steam Discussion Board.

    InDev 16 Unstable 1 Change Log
    - The World Map! A whole new way to play. The world map allows you to play on several maps at once, creating a metagame where you can share resources between the maps. Now, rather than playing on a single map and started with a random pool of villagers, you will start the game with 50 to 60 villagers and 100 to 110 resources, you can send these resources to any map on the world map. You can also steal resources (and even villagers and monsters!) from one map and put them in another.
    - Limbo tab added to the game, now when you're in-game you can use the Limbo tab to bring in creatures and resources from storage, or pull them off the map and store them back in Limbo. Limbo will work on any map in the world map, and they all share the same storage pool.
    - When playing a World Map game you no longer start with villagers, but up to 25 are teleported in as soon as you place your Village Center, assuming that you have enough villagers in Limbo. Some starting resources are also sent along with the villagers, again if you have any stored to send.
    - You can no longer "lose" a game when playing on the World Map. Instead, you lose when your entire world runs out of villagers. If you run out of villagers on a World Map game you can reset the map manually inside the world map, or send in more villagers and "take back" your land.
    - The entire save system has been mostly rewritten, to allow the game to talk between save files and the world map.
    - The old single map play mode has been re-purposed and named "Skirmish" mode, it functions exactly like the play mode did before the world map was introduced and is not impacted by any of the changes in this patch.
    - The "Technology" button has been removed from the main menu, it will be re-added to the World Map screen once the feature has been added to the game.
    - Added 4 new maps, Survival Island (new), Quiet Forest, Outlands and Enchanted Shoreline.
    - Updated song "Skull Hunter"
    - Removed song "Try Again", replaced with updated "Goodbye Retro-Sky"
    - Added song "Azufre" and "Lonely Sunrise".

    Known Issues that will be resolved before the stable build
    - The new save system can introduce a heavy load to the game on initial load.
    - When you run out of villagers in the world map, the game does not "End" like it should. You will have to delete your profile, or your save folder to "reset" the game.
    - Lack of World Map maps, there are currently only 4. I will be adding several more before release.
    - You can "cast" the "Take Resources/Creatures From Limbo" spells in game, even if Limbo is empty, wasting mana.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  13. #13

  14. #14
    La version Stable 0.16 est disponible !

    Si vous n'avez pas joué aux versions Unstable, les grosses nouveautés sont la carte mondiale et les nouvelles cartes, avec le système de Limbo. On a maintenant des "réserves" de villageois que l'on peut placer sur la carte. Une fois une région évacuée, il est possible de renvoyer les villageois sur une nouvelle région, et ainsi de "conquérir" la carte globale petit à petit. On peut maintenant choisir la priorité de construction des différentes structures. On trouve aussi des nouvelles bestioles, d'autres pouvoirs, des ajustements, des corrections etc,.

    InDev 16 Change Log

    The World Map! A whole new way to play. The world map allows you to play on several maps at once, creating a metagame where you can share resources between the maps. Now, rather than playing on a single map and started with a random pool of villagers, you will start the game with 50 to 60 villagers and 100 to 110 resources, you can send these resources to any map on the world map. You can also steal resources (and even villagers and monsters!) from one map and put them in another.
    Limbo tab added to the game, now when you're in-game you can use the Limbo tab to bring in creatures and resources from storage, or pull them off the map and store them back in Limbo. Limbo will work on any map in the world map, and they all share the same storage pool.
    When playing a World Map game you no longer start with villagers, but around 25 are teleported in as soon as you place your Village Center, assuming that you have enough villagers in Limbo. Some starting resources are also sent along with the villagers, again if you have any stored to send.
    You can no longer "lose" a game when playing on the World Map. Instead, you lose when your entire world runs out of villagers. If you run out of villagers on a World Map game you can reset the map manually inside the world map, or send in more villagers and "take back" your land.
    Building priority system has been added, you can now click the building drop down list on the top GUI and reorder building priorities. Higher priority buildings will be the first built, dismantled, delivered to or repaired when workers are looking for a job to do.
    The entire save system has been mostly rewritten, to allow the game to talk between save files and the world map.
    The old single map play mode has been re-purposed and named "Skirmish" mode, it functions exactly like the play mode did before the world map was introduced and is not impacted by any of the changes in this patch.
    Cullis Gates have been completely rewritten, they now resurrect nearby dead villagers when they are fully charged.
    Ghosts are now attracted to Cullis Gates.
    The "Technology" button has been removed from the main menu, it will be re-added to the World Map screen once the feature has been added to the game.
    Completely removed "Map Descriptions" from the game.
    The credits page formatting has been fixed.
    Villagers no longer carry resources on their head and forget they're there.
    (Related to above) Fixed the loading game bug related to incorrectly assigned resources being carried when the villager carrying them dies and the game is saved.
    Fixed dead mobs from resetting to the standing animation when reloading a saved game.
    Fixed the tool tip not rendering in the correct position at some zoom levels.
    Moved the InDev disclaimer to pop up before selecting a profile, and will only pop up once per game session rather than every time you try to play a game.
    Substantially improved the performance of the entire AI and Pathfinding system. Pathfinding runs about 16 times faster than previously, and most of the AI's search algorithms have also been improved greatly. This should give everyone a great boost in performance in high mob count games.
    Added "small slimes" to the game, these slimes have a lot lower overall stats, and can not split.
    Regular slimes can now split more often, but only split into the new small slimes.
    New monster; The fire elemental. A somewhat rare spawn, and can light your villagers and buildings on fire. Be careful!
    Added some extra information to the crash log.
    Changed how entering full screen mode works, this may resolve some issues Intel HD and Arch Linux users have been having switching to full screen, but has been untested due to not having access to either for testing.
    Added a small light source to the mouse pointer.
    Added a ton of new lighting effects to many of the spells and effects in the game.
    There's now a chance of a severe storm, with increased lightning and rain.
    Nighttime is now darker.
    The world is now a little darker when it rains.
    New spell; Magic Torch. Will create a long lasting light source in the specified area.
    New spell; Spotlight. Not as bright as a Magic Torch, but will follow your mouse around.
    Added fire particles to the SixtyGig Logo's eyes.
    Lightning bolts no longer cause the screen to shake.
    Fixed the map editor's grab tool from breaking the GUI at certain zoom levels.
    Rewrote how the game handles map and save deletion, fixing a bunch of file deletion bugs.
    Profiles no longer occasionally "Corrupt" when you try to delete them.
    Fixed a bug with ultra high resolution displays (Above 1080p) incorrectly rendering the lighting box at certain zoom levels.
    Fixed a bug where resources deleted from the game would remain taking up space on the map, so no other resource could be placed there.
    Spawn caps added, now no more than 750 monsters can spawn in Survival, and no more than 100 in Peaceful.
    Added colored rings below all mobs when your mouse gets near them, indicating if they're friendly or hostile.
    Mobs can no longer do "0" damage when they make a successful hit.
    Reduced the overall amount of blood.
    Mobs can now bleed for a period of time after taking heavy damage.
    Rewrote the entire shadow system, removing the dynamic moving shadows but increasing rendering performance by about 600%.
    Removed some very old and obsolete official maps.
    Removed map CaptainCal because it is no longer compatible with RPC.
    Added 11 new maps, "Greenham", "Woodhaven", "Wheatcastle", "Northoak", "Arid River", "Survival Island" (new), "Quiet Forest", "Outlands", "Gateway", "Narrow Path" and "Enchanted Shoreline".
    Updated song "Skull Hunter"
    Removed song "Try Again", replaced with updated "Goodbye Retro-Sky"
    Added song "Azufre" and "Lonely Sunrise".
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  15. #15
    Et voici la version .18, le plus grosse mise à jour jusqu'à présent, qui apporte beaucoup de changements et d'ajouts et de corrections, notamment une refonte du système de ressources et des bâtiments.

    Un Let's Play sur cette nouvelle version :

    InDev 18 Stable Change Log

    Building Changes

    The Stone Masonry has been renamed to Mining Facility, the Stone Shack renamed to Stone Cuttery, the Crystillery renamed to Crystal Harvestry, the Small Crystillery renamed to Crystillery and the Small Wood Torch renamed to Fire Pit.
    Village Center can now store a small amount of many resources.
    Harvesters can no longer deliver resources to construction sites.
    Harvesters can now store resources in any building allowed to store them.
    Harvesters will stop harvesting if there is no where left to store resources.
    Builders can now take resources from any work building on the map and deliver the resources to construction sites.
    Busy villagers are less likely to be interrupted by idle villagers to chat.
    Builders can now build other buildings before the Village Center is completed.
    Lowered the range of the Village Center from 64 to 42.
    Farmers can now plant resources picked up from anywhere.
    Builders tend to favor working closer to the building.
    Buildings no longer have storage caps on each specific resources, instead there is a total maximum the building can store, and it can hold any combination of the resources allowed.
    Many buildings have had their build requirements changed.
    The Lumber Mill, Stone Cuttery and Crystillery can no longer harvest resources, they can now have dedicated refinery workers assigned to them that will collect their resource on the map and return it to their building to be refined. Refinery workers assigned to the buildings can also assist builders occasionally.
    The Lumber Shack, Mining Facility, and Crystal Harvestry can no longer refine resources, but have had their harvest speeds doubled.
    New storage buildings have been added for all the resources in the game.
    Large Fire Pit added, works the same as the Fire Pit, it just requires more wood and has a larger light radius.
    The repair AI has been refined, now builders will only make repairing buildings a priority if there is no other work to be done, if the building's health is critical or if the building is starting to burn down.
    Reduced the maximum allowed builders who can repair a single building to 4.
    Repairing buildings now increases the building's health by 25 rather than 5.
    Cullis Gate mechanics have been rewritten. You can now use the grab spell on a Cullis Gate to grab a random creature or resource from Limbo. You can also drop creatures and resources into the gate, sending them to Limbo.
    If used too much too fast, Cullis Gates will start ejecting things randomly, or explode.
    Buildings no longer catch fire unless they take fire damage.
    New Ancient Cullis Gates have been added to the game, they work exactly like the regular Cullis Gates, but can be found naturally on the map.
    New Ancient Radiance Pools have been added, they cannot be built. They attract creatures to them and take essence from other sources on the map, then convert it into an energy that will both heal and give experience to nearby creatures.
    New Bowyer and Rock Tumbler building has been added to manufacture ammo for the new Bow and Sling towers.
    Two new towers have been added, the Bow and Sling tower, mechanical towers that only cost basic resources to build. But requires ammunition to fire.
    The Fire Bolt Tower's mechanics have been completely rewritten.
    Fire Bolt Tower now requires crylithium to be built.
    Bow Towers and Fire Bolt tower can now fire over short walls and other objects.
    Reduced the cost of Sturdy Walls and Wood Walls to 2, and Stone Walls to 4.
    Cullis Gates are now completely disabled in Skirmish mode.
    Increased the Small Hovel's occupancy from 12 to 16.
    Added some more color to the fill stages for the essence collector and radiance pool.

    Weather, Time and Seasons

    New Seasons system added, every 5 days the game will change from Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer.
    Added a temperature system, villagers internal body temperatures are affected by the current region's temperatures, if they get too hot or cold they will start to move slower, take damage and possibly freeze to death or catch fire.
    It can now snow if the temperature drops too low.
    All vegetation and crystal growth is now affected by the temperature, in extremely cold or hot weather farm crops can die, and nothing will grow. But, they will grow twice as fast in good weather.
    Villagers will attempt go home to cool down or warm up as needed.
    Mobs will slow slightly when it rains or snows.
    Mobs who are affected by temperatures have a temperature bar on their information tab when selected.
    Optimized the weather system, improving frame rates during intense weather and adding more efficient particle generation based on the game's zoom level.
    Added color to the time of day. Now the sky will be tinted blue, yellow or orange depending on what time it is.
    Midnight has been renamed to Night.
    Dawn, Morning, Evening and Dusk are now shorter, but Night and Midday are longer. The overall day also lasts longer.
    Added a time of day progress bar to the clock.
    The next day now starts at Dawn, rather than Night.
    Monsters aggressiveness is now based on the time of day. Most monsters are extremely aggressive at night, and timid during the day.
    Slightly increased villager walk speed to compensate for the new season system affecting movement speeds.
    When doing work, mobs can warm up now.
    Villagers now refuse to work if they're too hot or cold.

    Influence, Magic and Essence Changes

    Moved all the spells to the center top GUI.
    You can now "Poke" dead bodies, making them decay faster and release some extra essence.
    New spell; The Grab Spell. You can now pickup monsters, villagers and resources on the map and move them around. You can even grab resources directly out of buildings, or harvest them yourself right off the terrain.
    New spell; Resurrect. You can now resurrect dead villagers if you see any ghosts wandering around in your village.
    Dissolve spell now also dissolves corpses turning them into essence.
    The Limbo spells have been removed from the game.
    Essence now tends to float to the nearest collector, rather than a random one.
    Increased the cost of the Motivate Land spell.
    Motivate Land's effectiveness is based on the region's temperature. In extreme hot or cold it is less effective, but extremely effective in good weather while it is raining.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the "Running in place" bug where the AI would freeze.
    Fixed a bug that would cause some AI assignments not to reload correctly, crashing the game.
    Fixed a bug that would sometimes return the wrong object to the AI, causing it to crash.
    Fixed an endless loop villagers would get trapped in trying to assign themselves to their mates home if the home was full.
    Fixed a bug causing villagers to ignore their work chance flags.
    Fixed a bug where workers would not stop working, even if their hunger or energy is too low.
    Increased villager chat rates and the chance a villager will become a mate with another villager they are chatting with.
    Fixed a bug where new children would display the wrong name in the console when they were born.
    Fixed a bug that would sometimes make mobs needlessly recalculate path finding when stuck.
    Fixed a bug that would make sleepy villagers or villagers trying to give birth try to find a "Safe place" on the wrong side of walls in dangerous areas.
    Fixed a bug where the "excite" icon when a mob is aggro'ed would only appear the first time the mob was ever aggro'ed.
    Fixed a bug where if a building is under construction, on the range map, but completely inaccessible to the builders they would harvest resources endlessly.
    Fixed a bug causing the "On Fire" AI from not saving correctly.
    The Guard Outpost now displays the proper information box when clicked on in the build tab.
    Fixed the overlay on the bottom panel for villagers from popping up under the mouse when you hovered over them.
    Fixed map name/author box sizes in the map editor.
    Changed default key to use accent mode or cancel work to left shift (Formally left control).
    Resource totals no longer count resources that were destroyed alongside a building.
    Fixed a minor bug where the path coordinates list wouldn't always reset, wasting memory and returning erroneous path data to the GUI.
    Fixed particle movement trails from "throwing" the particles rather than pooling them.
    Game no longer crashes at the main menu when loading a corrupted map.
    Fix a bug where the game was wasting memory creating lights that didn't need to be created when loading mob data.
    Fixed the overlay GUI for mobs in play mode and the world map.

    Data View System

    Added a new "Data View" system, allowing you to see all kinds of geographical information about the map, including the terrain movement costs, resource values, desirability, and tower firing distances.
    You can now view a tower's firing range when hovering over, selecting or placing it.

    Misc/AI Changes

    New mob; Specture. A ghost-like mob that's extremely slow moving, and will only spawn after day 4.
    Monsters can now attack under construction buildings.
    Max energy, happiness and hunger are now capped at 100.
    Villagers will mostly-ignore monsters if they are carrying a resource unless they are hit.
    Mobs walk off of blocked tiles faster now.
    Large banner notifications will now pop up when night starts, the next day begins, a villager dies or is born.
    You can no longer reset specific regions on the world map.
    Starting a new map on the World Map will now always send 32 villagers, and 50 resources is available.
    Deleted the Combat Alert AI branch. Mobs will no longer trail out following other mobs in danger.
    The village range map now generates more natural ranges, and accounts for terrain movement speeds.
    A new construction/dismantle progress indicator has been added to under construction buildings, showing the percentage completed and remaining resources required.
    Villagers are less likely to be confused when being teleported in from Limbo when you start a new region.
    Villager wandering behavior greatly improved.
    Added an "Available Worker" count to the top bar on the GUI in parenthesis next to the total villager count.
    A bunch of new particle effects have been added, and some older ones altered.
    Ghosts now appear much more often and are no longer attracted to the Cullis Gate.
    The wandering rates of monsters have been reduced slightly.
    Main menu's background is now set to the user's system time again.
    Villagers are confused less often, and the effect is shorter.
    Mobs fade in/out faster when spawning or entering/exiting a building
    Mobs now automatically aggro when hit.
    Reduced amount of stun that's taken on damage.
    Redid the range map artwork when placing buildings.
    Optimized the aggro system a bit, making it slightly less response but more natural feeling.
    Hit points regeneration is mostly percentage based now, allowing extremely high hit point creatures to heal much faster.
    Added a bunch of new loading messages and help tips.
    Added new sounds effects for when night starts, the next day starts, or a villager is born.
    When a building is destroyed some of the resources are left behind.
    Increased search radius when starving to find food.
    Villagers who get stuck in blocked terrain or buildings while carrying a resource no longer drop the resource when they become unstuck, unless they no longer have anywhere to take it.
    Chatting villagers no longer drop the resource in their hands when they're done talking, unless they no longer have anywhere to take it.
    Tons of other minor optimizations and tweaks.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  16. #16
    La version 19 Unstable 1 qui vient de sortir apporte notamment les chemins et routes pour que les petits bonshommes se déplacent plus rapidement d'un point à un autre.

    InDev 19 Unstable 1 Change Log

    There are now 5 tiers of roads, you can now build roads starting from tier 1 all the way up to 5. For example, if you wanted a tier 2 road, you'd first have to create a tier 1 road and build a tier 2 road on top. The roads will be built and maintained by new workers from a new building.

    Tier 1: Basic path. Villagers will automatically generate a basic paths in the ground in high traffic areas, offering a minor speed boost. The paths can also be built manually, for no resource cost, and function as the foundation to build roads on.
    Tier 2: Wood path. Costs 1 log resource per tile.
    Tier 3: Cobble and wood path. Costs 1 rock resource per tile.
    Tier 4: Board and cobble road. Costs 1 board resource per tile.
    Tier 5: Board and cut stone road. Costs 1 stone resource per tile.
    Note that because you need to have the previous road built in order to build the next tier, bringing terrain from nothing to tier 5 actually costs 1 log, 1 plank, 1 rock and 1 stone per tile.
    All road types will decay over time, requiring basic maintenance. The more traffic a road gets, the faster it will decay.
    A new Way-Maker Shack has been added to build and maintain the roads. The workers will automatically repair the roads as they start to decay, and facilitate any new road construction you assign.
    You can assign road work (to either construct, upgrade or dismantle) on the left hand work tab under the harvesting assignment buttons.
    The map editor now has a full complement of buttons and tools for placing and erasing roads.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed a crash that would sometimes cause the villagers and other mobs from being told there is a mob in range to interact with, when there actually wasn't. This effected multiple branches of the AI, like chatting, finding a mate, or finding a pack leader.
    Fixed a bug that would prevent a mob from finding something directly at it's feet, sometimes causing some search algorithms to run too frequently and slow down the game.
    Fixed a bug that would corrupt a mob's AI on load, causing the game to crash.
    Fixed a bug where deleting an already previously loaded profile and creating a new one in the same slot would clone the settings from the old profile.

    AI Changes

    Most harvesting and clearing work is now assigned based on the closest location to the villager, rather than at random.
    Optimized the path finding and search algorithms, generally speeding up several areas of the game, mainly the AI.

    Miscellaneous Changes

    Cleaned up a lot of the mob movement cost code and velocity calculations
    Adjusted mob tile positioning so their feet is center of a tile rather than their body.
    The debug menu (F3) is now a little prettier.
    The maps have been converted from a 8 layer system to a 7 layer system. The game will automatically convert old maps to the new system.
    Tons of small code cleanups.
    Minimap rendering process changed slightly to make topography more visible.
    Rewrote all of the tile set movement costs, giving costs to many tile sets on the map, like flowers, foods, stumps.
    Resources on the ground now increase movement costs on that tile.
    Added shadows to cactus, flowers, crystals and all foods.

    Known Issues that will be resolved before the stable build

    If your village starts to starve and there's no food anyone on the entire map, the game can hang.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  17. #17
    Pas eu le temps encore de tester, mais la version 19 puis la version 20 sont sorties ces derniers temps. Les notes de version sont bien garnies !

    InDev 19 Change Log

    There are now 5 tiers of roads, you can now build roads starting from tier 1 all the way up to 5. For example, if you wanted a tier 2 road, you'd first have to create a tier 1 road and build a tier 2 road on top. The roads will be built and maintained by new workers from a new building.

    Tier 1: Basic path. Villagers will automatically generate a basic paths in the ground in high traffic areas, offering a minor speed boost. The paths can also be built manually, for no resource cost, and function as the foundation to build roads on.
    Tier 2: Wood path. Costs 1 log resource per tile.
    Tier 3: Cobble and wood path. Costs 1 rock resource per tile.
    Tier 4: Board and cobble road. Costs 1 board resource per tile.
    Tier 5: Board and cut stone road. Costs 1 stone resource per tile.
    Note that because you need to have the previous road built in order to build the next tier, bringing terrain from nothing to tier 5 actually costs 1 log, 1 plank, 1 rock and 1 stone per tile.
    All road types will decay over time, requiring basic maintenance. The more traffic a road gets, the faster it will decay.
    A new Way-Maker Shack has been added to build and maintain the roads. The workers will automatically repair the roads as they start to decay, and facilitate any new road construction you assign.
    You can assign road work (to either construct, upgrade or dismantle) on the left hand work tab under the harvesting assignment buttons.
    The map editor now has a full complement of buttons and tools for placing and erasing roads.

    A new Golem system has been added, this system replaces the old Guard and Heroes system. Golems can be built fairly early in the game, and consume resources and energy to create, resurrect or repair golems that will defend your village.

    New Mobs; The Stone and Wood Golems. They will defend your village to their death, and if their Golem Combobulator is powered, will be resurrected or repaired when not in combat.
    New buildings; The Stone Golem Combobulator and Wood Golem Combobulator. These buildings will take in essence and resources, converting them into energy to create, resurrect or repair Golems defending your village.

    Spawn System

    Monsters now will not start spawning until day 2. Giving the player one free day to build in peace.
    Monsters can now spawn anywhere on the map that has adequate space, that is not in range of the village or blocked by topography.
    The monster's global spawn rate now never increases.
    The monsters can create their own small spawn points that will spawn monsters locally. Meaning that while the global spawn rate never increases the spawn points will generate their own monsters. As more spawn points are generated, more monsters will spawn on the map in those areas.


    Added a new "headless" mob. An extremely weak mob that attacks in large groups.
    All monsters are less hostile in the day time.
    Small Slimes can now spawn on their own.
    Slimes are less hostile overall.
    Slowed Fire Elementals down slightly.
    Added a breakaway chance for hostile monster behavior if it's no longer their ideal attack time.
    Fire Elementals spawns now start at day 5, instead of day 3.
    Specture spawns now start at day 8, instead of 5.
    Changed Fire Elemental's level range from 1 to 7 to 4 to 7

    AI Changes

    Builders can now harvest crystals.
    Improved combat targeting, now mobs will target the nearest mob that isn't being attacked first, if none exist, it'll help other mobs. This helps reduce the frequency a group of mobs will focus on only one target at a time, rather than the entire group.
    Most harvesting and clearing work is now assigned based on the closest location to the villager, rather than at random.
    Optimized the path finding and search algorithms, generally speeding up several areas of the game, mainly the AI.
    Decreased hunger decay rate for villagers by 20%. (Meaning they'll need less food!)
    Mobs now have more intelligent object, resource and mob search selections, and will not path to nearby targets that they can see, but would require a very long path finding route to reach (Example: Other side of a low wall with a long path to get around).
    All harvested resource searching patterns now look for resources nearby, if none are found, they only check whats in range of the village. This prevents villagers from going on long hikes into unknown land to grab resources far out of reach.
    Rewrote how starvation search works, making it much more efficient.
    Builders now more intelligently decide when they need to harvest resources, preventing them from ignoring high priority buildings because the resources don't exist anywhere on the map, but others for lower priority buildings do.
    Villagers no longer repair abandoned buildings in range of the village.
    Monsters now focus on attacking buildings until they're attacked.
    Mobs now only wander to radiance pools within a pre-set distance.
    Completely removed the old AI Pack behavior system, and replaced it with a new more intelligent system.
    Increased the time between pregnancy and coitus that actions can happen again.
    Female villagers can now only have a maximum of three children in their lifetime. This is to prevent "runaway birth rates" late game, but still keep the same birth rates early game.
    Villagers now interrupt working villagers to chat much less frequently.
    Workers will now store refined resources in storage buildings correctly.
    Decreased the amount of food that can be stored in homes, but increased the amount that can be stored in farms and farm storage.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed a crash that would sometimes cause the villagers and other mobs from being told there is a mob in range to interact with, when there actually wasn't. This effected multiple branches of the AI, like chatting, finding a mate, or finding a pack leader.
    Fixed a bug that would prevent a mob from finding something directly at its feet, sometimes causing some search algorithms to run too frequently and slow down the game.
    Fixed a bug that would corrupt a mob's AI on load, causing the game to crash.
    Fixed a bug where deleting an already previously loaded profile and creating a new one in the same slot would clone the settings from the old profile.
    Fixed a bug where overlapping collision maps wouldn't merge.
    Fixed a bug in the path finding, search and range building algorithms that was causing erroneous data on initial load.
    Fixed a crash if you attempted to select a map in the world map while the reset world function was running.
    Fixed a bug causing monsters to ignore non-hostile buildings.
    Fixed a rare crash when a mob would try to walk to a 1x1 sized object that was only accessible by its corners.
    Fixed a very rare save corruption when a tower was destroyed, but its projectiles were still active on the map when the game was last saved.
    Fixed a bug that allowed farmers to plant and harvest farmland in paused buildings.
    Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause object and mob bounding boxes to not be properly update, causing the player to be able to click on off screen objects and mobs.
    Fixed a bug causing essence collectors and radiance pools to stop collecting any essence over an extended period of time.
    Fixed a save corruption bug when a mob's AI was trying to interact with a removed/destroyed object at the moment of saving.
    Fixed grab tool accuracy when dropping resources on small objects.
    Fixed a minor bug that could sometimes cause mob damage to be zero.
    Fixed a bug that could sometimes trigger a severe storm instantly.

    Building Changes

    New Tower: The Bullet Tower. Uses the same ammo as the Sling Tower, but can shoot over walls. A good close-range fast firing, low damage tower.
    Bow Tower now requires a small amount of crystals to build. (Note: Builders can now harvest crystals)
    Build requirements for the Mining Facility has been reduced from 64 logs and rocks to 42.
    Farmland no longer completely dies (deletes itself) if it has been frozen or fried too long.
    Increased the max occupants of all homes.
    Increased Bow Tower damage from 10-20 to 20-30
    Heroes, Guards and Guard buildings have been completely removed from the game. (Note: Replaced by the new Golem system)
    Slightly increased tower missile accuracy.

    Interface Changes

    The debug menu (F3) is now a little prettier.
    Minimap rendering process changed slightly to make topography more visible.
    Increased transition fade speed moving from the main menu state to the play state, map editor state, etc.
    Controls are now locked during transition fading.
    Increased tool tip pop up speed, font size and moved the tool tip location over to below the mouse.
    Added the resource requirement list on the object overlay when placing an object.
    Moved "Hold <Hotkey> to unselect" message to the mouse.
    Corrected a typo in the "Overheat" tip.
    Added sparkles to the construction outlines.
    Added a "low energy" message to essence based buildings.
    When the game is paused, the GUI will now freeze in place rather than closing all the tabs.
    Buildings with multiple errors now align the warning text correctly.
    Added the game version to the top right of the GUI.

    Miscellaneous Changes

    New Map: Applemeadow.
    Cleaned up a lot of the mob movement cost code and velocity calculations
    Adjusted mob tile positioning so their feet is center of a tile rather than their body.
    The maps have been converted from a 8 layer system to a 7 layer system. The game will automatically convert old maps to the new system.
    Rewrote all of the tile set movement costs, giving costs to many tile sets on the map, like flowers, foods, stumps.
    Resources on the ground now increase movement costs on that tile.
    Added shadows to cactus, flowers, crystals and all foods.
    Optimized the load speeds of the Depth, Collision and Shadow modules.
    Improved the memory usage of the shadow module.
    Increased movement cost of water and tar.
    Villagers no longer randomly spawn in unusable areas in Skirmish mode.
    New adult villagers now randomly generate between levels 1 and 3.
    New children (Not from parents) now generate between levels 1 and 2.
    Map "Leaf" has been removed from the game.
    Improved the art slightly when mobs are in water, tar or other terrain with depth.
    Reduced the frequency of weather in all seasons.
    All mobs are now worth slightly more essence when killed.
    Changed how stat points are given during level up.
    Fire Elementals now uses the new Golem's animation.
    Added some leftover fire ember looking particles to the fire blast particle effects.
    Radiance pools now heal more per tick, and can level monsters up to 3 levels above their level cap.
    Early construction can no longer be damaged before it receives any resources. (Mainly by lightning)
    Reduced the amount of rain particles by roughly 50%
    Reduced the amount of clouds during rain by 25%
    Decreased the spread rate of food, crystals and trees (but not the regrowth rate)

    InDev 20 Change Log

    Workforce System

    A new work tab has been added to the left hand GUI, where you can assign worker across the entire village in one panel.
    Buildings no longer house workers, rather they provide more maximum worker slots for their job type.
    Workers are no longer assigned jobs instantly. Instead, you set how many desired workers you'd like (up to the maximum allowed), and the available villagers will go to the nearest work site and assign themselves.
    You can set the desired workers higher than your population, and as new villagers grow into adults, they will try to fill those open slots. Additionally, if a villager dies, his slot will open up and an unassigned villager will take his place if one is available.
    If you set the desired workers lower than the amount of current workers you have, your workers will go to their work site and quit their job as soon as they have time.
    Villagers will assign themselves as builders as soon as they teleport in when starting a new game in the World Map.


    New Spell: Send to Limbo. This spell will send whatever you target to Limbo with a simple quick button click, no more tediously dropping things in Cullis Gates!
    New Spell: Take From Limbo. This spell allows you to pull stuff directly from Limbo. a new indicator has been added to the cursor that will slowly rotate through the various creatures and resources in Limbo, allowing you to pick what you want to bring in.

    AI Changes

    AI no longer randomly wanders to their work site.
    AI no longer flees to their work site.


    Updated bundled Java JREs to 8u29.
    Greatly improved the internal mob sorting system, improving the game's performance across the board.
    Improved mob aggro performance when there's are no nearby hostile targets, but a large amount of friendly mobs.
    Improved worker assignment detection performance in large villages.
    Improved all path finding, searching, range map generation and light map generation algorithms slightly.
    Tons of small micro-optimizations in the AI.
    Optimized the resource damage methods, speeding up various aspects of the engine that "damage" terrain.
    Optimized the range map generation code slightly,
    Reduced memory footprint of the sound module.
    Fixed minor memory leak in the sound module.
    Decreased sound module load time.
    Minor optimizations to the mob reach map generation system.

    Bug Fixes

    Inverted mouse scrolling now works on the world map.
    Sandbox tools tab button now highlights properly when selected.
    Fixed a floating resource bug when planting resources that were stored in a building.
    Fixed a bug where the main menu time of day would sometimes load incorrectly.
    You can no longer accidentally click on maps in the world map mode that are behind the GUI.
    Fixed a bug where when reloading the world map, the wrong game mode was highlighted.
    Fast moving missiles will no longer occasionally pass straight through a target without hitting them.

    Interface Changes

    The background on tool tips are now darker.
    Many small areas on the GUI have been updated to reflect the new work assignment system.
    Improved accuracy of the grab spell when grabbing mobs.
    You can now sort the population tab by villagers, adults, children, golems or all.
    Now when selecting harvest work, the corresponding resource highlights in-game to find it easier.

    Miscellaneous Changes

    Recall no longer can recall villagers to a work site.
    Added two new maps, Coastbridge and Springland.
    Added golems to the population tab and top GUI.
    Added 2 new songs "Sun's Spirit" and "Stardust".
    Added 2 variations to the Main Menu theme that play in the day or the night, depending on what time you launch the game.
    The main menu theme now loops.
    The initial warp in particles when starting a new game have been changed and the warp in speed slowed down slightly.
    Added new mob naming system, using real world names and pop culture references.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  18. #18
    Je viens de tomber dessus sur Steam et je l'ai instabuy (malgré le titre kikoo-racoleur tout pourri)...
    Typiquement le genre de jeux dont je raffole et pourtant j'étais toujours passé à côté jusqu'ici.
    Winners don't use drugs -- Williams S. Session, Director, FBI
    Steam / Config

  19. #19
    InDev 21, Inventory Upgrade, est disponible depuis le 8 août, et l'inDev 22 est à suivre, avec cette fois une refonte de l'interface.

    nDev 21 has been released! This update brings in a ton of gameplay balance changes, some bug fixes, and most importantly, an entirely new inventory system. I hope you guys enjoy this version, it's took almost 2 months of code overhaul and a ton of content to make happen.

    You can report bugs over at the official website's Support and Bugs Forum, or on the Steam Discussion Board.

    InDev 21 Change Log

    Inventory System, Items and Equipment

    Mobs can now equip items in their head, chest, tool, weapon or item slots.
    New items/resources added: Iron and leather helmets, Iron and leather chest armor, swords, axes, pickaxes, hoes, hammers, shovels, bandages, medkits, healing potions, food rations, iron ore, iron ingots and silk.
    You can now harvest iron ore from rock and silk from forests.
    When a mob is equipped with the preferred tools for their job, they will do their work twice as fast.
    Items equipped on the head and chest will reduce damage taken.
    Weapons will increase damage given, but if no weapon is equipped and a tool is, they will use a tool to fight with instead.
    All items have durability and uses counts, and will be destroyed when either are exhausted.
    New Building: Toolsmithy. Used to manufacture tools and weapons from iron ingots.
    New Building: Armorsmithy. Used to manufacture iron armor from iron ingots.
    New Building: Forge. Used to smelt raw iron ore into iron ingots to be used at the smithy buildings.
    New Building: Kitchen. Converts raw food into food rations, that last much longer and restore more hunger.
    New Building: Clinic. Used to manufacture medkits and bandages, and house medics who can walk around the town with a medkit and heal seriously injured villagers.
    New storage buildings have been added to accommodate all the new items and resources.
    Resources now decay if left on the ground. The decay rates are faster in the summer, and frozen in the winter. The decay rate is also boosted when it's raining or snowing.
    Monsters can now hold items, but can be looted if killed.

    AI Changes

    Villagers will no longer refine many resources (mainly equipment) that isn't actively needed in the village. For example, if you only have 4 Lumberjacks, the Toolsmith will usually never manufacture more than 4 axes even if the supplies to do so are available.
    Removed harvest restrictions, now AI will harvest regardless if there is space to store the resource.
    Clearing terrain AI now has priority over building.
    Clearing and repairing road AI now has priority over building new roads.
    Adjusted work AI priorities to favor delivering and refining resources over storing them in certain situations.

    Food Changes

    The entire hunger AI has been rewritten. Mobs can now carry around food with them in their inventories, and eat them as needed.
    All food now restores substantially more overall hunger.
    Food storage and homes can now hold food rations.
    Added eating animation for villagers.
    All raw food now takes roughly 4 times longer to grow.
    You can now only have 2 farmers in a small farm, and 4 in a regular farm.
    Harvesting food now takes slightly longer.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed a bug that would cause way makers to "drain" a building's entire stock if the road they're trying to work on becomes blocked.
    Removed errant 1.1 GB actors.list file.
    Refine resources now properly calculates it's refine time reduction in the AI as they level up.
    Fixed a few typos in the problem panel and help tips.

    Interface Changes

    Redesigned the bottom mob selection panel to make space for the new inventory system.
    Tool tip now responds to resources on the ground.
    Added a dark background to tool tips to make them easier to read.
    Increased tool tip speed.
    Added a resources list to left tab.
    The assigned workers GUI color is no longer miscounting by 1, causing the text to change red prematurely.
    Fixed a bug where children were counted as available workers in some areas of the GUI.

    Miscellaneous Changes

    Rock resources last twice as long now.
    Spectures now start spawning at day 10, rather than 8.
    When the game crashes, the current crash log now automatically opens up in the user's default text editor.
    Improved particle performance by dynamically assigning threads based on particle count.
    There are now errant particles when it is very hot or cold.
    Added a persistent resource selection system, resources now stay selected after being completed consumed if they can regrow.
    A "Incorrect Java Version" warning has been added to the Linux launcher if you do not have Java 8 installed. (Thanks to Lemtzas of /r/gamedev)
    Added most of the new villager names supplied by the community to the name database.
    Broke the storage buildings list up into categories so it will fit in the GUI.
    Added new song "Winter is coming"

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  20. #20
    Vraiment sympa comme jeu, par contre chez l'ecran clignote par moment qui rend le jeu plutot chiant. Mais sinon, plutot addictif.

  21. #21
    Le jeu a changé de nom et s'appelle maintenant Rise to Ruins. Je n'ai pas vu de topic avec ce nom, alors je ressuscite celui-là.

    Toujours en Early Access, toujours aussi addictif, j'en parle un petit peu ici : https://cabinetdechaologie.wordpress...shed-fortress/

  22. #22
    Citation Envoyé par Ruvon Voir le message
    Le jeu a changé de nom et s'appelle maintenant Rise to Ruins. Je n'ai pas vu de topic avec ce nom, alors je ressuscite celui-là.
    Oui, j'ai changé le titre, je l'ai fait sur JoL et j'ai oublié ici.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  23. #23
    ça m'a l'air sympa !
    Dernière modification par Siscka ; 25/04/2017 à 22h25.
    Discord : Siscka#5183

  24. #24
    Bon déjà le jeu est plus jolie "en vrai" que dans le trailer du premier post.

    Bon j'ai tenu 2 jours, j'ai un peu fait n'importe quoi au niveau des bâtiments à placer en premier puis des zz sont venus me rendre visite :D

    Dernière modification par Siscka ; 25/04/2017 à 23h39.
    Discord : Siscka#5183

  25. #25
    Par contre mes villageois ne veulent pas s"hydrater.

    Y'a surement un truc que j fais mal au niveau des structures.

    J'ai un puis un water catcher une fontaine...

    Une idée ?

    Discord : Siscka#5183

  26. #26
    Aucune idée pour le moment, je n'ai pas rejoué depuis plusieurs MàJ majeures.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  27. #27
    Bon alors j'avais pas construit de centre d'épuration...
    Discord : Siscka#5183

  28. #28
    Le jeu est à -50% (5 balles).
    L'offre prend fin le 23 octobre

    Pour ceux qui y jouent, les dernières mises à jour ont apporté beaucoup de contenu ?
    Il vaut le coup ?
    Mon ID steam pour du Helldivers 2 (remember Klendathu) : 37946824

  29. #29
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  30. #30
    Le jeu est (encore) à -50% (5 balles).

    Si je le prends, je ferai part de mes impressions ici.
    Mon ID steam pour du Helldivers 2 (remember Klendathu) : 37946824

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