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  1. #31
    Hum en 1600x900 en réglage de base je trouve pas ça spécialement petit
    ☭ Albion Online. Hunt: Showdown. Helldivers 2. Backpack Battles. Forza Motorsport. Simrail. Session ☭
    ✈ DCS (M2000C - F16C - Mirage F1 - A10C II) ✈ Flight Simulator ✈ Gary Grigsby - Steam - Pico-8 - Mastodon

  2. #32
    Citation Envoyé par Ivan Joukov Voir le message
    Hum en 1600x900 en réglage de base je trouve pas ça spécialement petit
    Tu as essayé sur un écran de portable pour comparer avec ce qu'écrit Timequirrels ? Mais en effet perso ça ne m'a pas choqué
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  3. #33
    Bon, je joue quand même en plissant un peu les yeux.

    C'est fun ^^

    (C'est fou la vitesse à laquelle les armes sont détruites)

  4. #34
    The full Alpha 4 (0.10.151103) changelog:

    * NEW: Garrison Access points, hackable entryways used by the central AI to dispatch squads
    * NEW: "Special Map" (outside regular Complex 0b10, but not a normal branch)
    * NEW: 8 Trojans, a new category of unlisted unauthorized hacks that offer delayed or persistent benefits
    * NEW: 3 brute force hacks, a new category of unlisted unauthorized hacks that permanently disable a machine for some greater benefit
    * NEW: "Index(Garrisons)" terminal hack
    * NEW: 4 new terminal records
    * NEW: Phase Walls, a new form of hidden door (only found in one map)
    * NEW: Lots more sound effects to go with new content
    * NEW: Electromagnetic weapons have a "spectrum," capable of coupling with power sources and causing them to explode
    * NEW: Part/inventory data visualization now includes heat mode (toggle via energy 'e' command/button)
    * NEW: Inspect machines in sight via their own info window (RMB/d, as with other objects)
    * NEW: Structural Scanners give extra info about machines via info window
    * NEW: Any Signal Interpreter can decipher garrison signals to report time until future response squads from that garrison
    * NEW: Score sheet records 52 more stats (total: 390)
    * NEW: Speed wins receive bonus to final score ([5000 - #turns] * 3)
    * NEW: Some non-machine props have unique messages when partially destroyed, rather than all indicating "X disabled"
    * NEW: Unique sound effects for destruction of heavy doors and storage shells
    * NEW: Robot states "DORMANT", "UNPOWERED"
    * NEW: Sensor scrambling mechanic
    * NEW: Dropping/swapping containers always retains surplus resources (energy/matter) however possible
    * NEW: Move over loaded containers to extract their resources automatically, either to main stores or applicable containers in inventory
    * NEW: Resources can be collected/extracted while stationary over a source
    * NEW: Flying robots under the effect of a Stasis Beam/Projector lose their 10% bonus to dodge
    * NEW: Overweight flying robots lose their 10% bonus to dodge (your HUD overweight indicator will appear red)
    * NEW: At death, robots affected by corruption have a chance for otherwise salvageable sensitive components to be fried ([corruption - base part integrity]% chance)
    * NEW: For Cogmind, only parts at less than 50% integrity susceptible to critical strikes (excludes armor, which always takes double damage)
    * NEW: Storage Units immune to Saboteur attacks and critical strike instant destruction effect
    * NEW: Part rejection due to corruption is animated in your parts list, with sound effect
    * NEW: Where removing a Storage Unit will auto-drop excess inventory items, confirmation is required (repeat the command)
    * NEW: Instantly release all attached parts to "go naked," a free action (Shift-Alt-q)
    * NEW: Keyboard players can direct-drop an attached item, bypassing even an empty inventory, by first pressing ','
    * NEW: Cycle through all propulsion modes at the press of a key ( ; )
    * NEW: Toggle all weapons on/off with a single key (')
    * NEW: Press 'd' to open info for item at current location (even in mouse mode)
    * NEW: Both scan window and map labels display container contents, if any
    * NEW: Scan window automatically updates integrity indicator color for old robot/item scans
    * NEW: Robot Schematic()/Analysis() manual hacks can simply indicate robot class to auto-select best available (e.g. "Schematic(Swarmer)")
    * NEW: Manual hacking buffer contents stored in readable format (/user/buffer.txt), which you can ignore or edit as necessary
    * NEW: Options menu option descriptions also automatically shown in keyboard mode (on selection)
    * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 3 added to in-game list (see Credits menu)
    * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 3 added to the item collection gallery
    * MOD: Security levels rise faster, but assault force dispatch frequency reduced
    * MOD: Investigation and reinforcement squad response times significantly reduced
    * MOD: Ambush traps cap melee robot count, attempt to put them further from the trigger position where possible
    * MOD: Propulsion energy cost visualization in parts/inventory list shown based on cost per full turn, based on speed
    * MOD: Machines 50% less resistant to electromagnetic explosions
    * MOD: Blast/heavy doors +35% resistance to explosives
    * MOD: Rooms (not Storage Shells) in Storage now contain sets of parts akin to stockpiles, rather than numerous disparate parts
    * MOD: Engineers rebuilding walls/doors push blocking items out of the way rather than destroying them
    * MOD: Improved clarity of context help for robot damage resistances in info window
    * MOD: Reversed green/red coloring of damage resistance bars for robots
    * MOD: Behemoths equipped with Dynamic Insulation Systems
    * MOD: Tweaked damage against Programmers: TH = 125% (+25), EX = 75% (-25), EM = 25% (-25), (KI unchanged at 125%)
    * MOD: Robots killed via corruption (EM) or meltdowns now count towards score, and increase presence accordingly
    * MOD: Terminal damage from EM +50%
    * MOD: Terminal hacks inapplicable due to no valid targets now shown, but grayed out (includes Emergency Access, Purges, all Trap hacks)
    * MOD: "Index(Fabricators)" terminal hack 10% easier
    * MOD: Fabricators no longer produce faulty prototypes
    * MOD: Part rejection due to corruption blocks movement for 1000ms rather than 500ms
    * MOD: System corruption effect on machine/robot hacking chance reduced by 66%
    * MOD: Misfires due to corruption don't affect your weapons' active/inactive state (but does reset any OVERLOAD settings)
    * MOD: Storage Unit removal behavior consistent in all situations--detachment allowed regardless of kb/mouse mode and inventory size
    * MOD: Info window identifies permanently broken robots as "BROKEN" rather than the all-encompassing "DISABLED"
    * MOD: Improved robot meltdown mechanics, and hostiles will no longer meltdown on their own
    * MOD: Ctrl-[/] (or Ctrl-Wheel) scrolls inventory by page, rather than to beginning/end
    * MOD: Removed Undo Drop command (Shift-Alt-d)
    * FIX: Parts affected by hacking feedback and failed repairs/Scanalyzer analysis were only partially disabled [zxc, Draco18s]
    * FIX: "Inventory(Prototypes)" manual hack was being parsed as "Prototypes" [fernsauce]
    * FIX: Could get double item labels if opening manual labels before auto-label took effect [Adraius, bluemoo]
    * FIX: Main access points could rarely appear in narrow corridors, even hidden corridors [zxc]
    * FIX: Score sheet "Keyboard" value was inverted [zxc]
    * FIX: Allied Operator hacking bonus was giving +0 rather than +1 per Operator after the fourth
    * FIX: Dynamic Insulation System calculations were providing 20~33% greater benefit than intended
    * FIX: Typo in successful Scanalyze hack output when simultaneously identifying a prototype
    * FIX: Many hack results weren't reporting nouns in singular form if only one found
    * FIX: "Access(Main)" terminal hack was reporting current map name as destination
    * FIX: Item comparison window one line short when displaying Datajack vs. Remote Datajack
    * FIX: Derelict ambush trap encounter dialogue never triggered
    * FIX: Inactive Watchers were still able to jam sensors
    * FIX: Non-penetrating AOE projectiles that impacted a multi-cell door were using the door itself as the explosion origin (now outside)
    * FIX: Door open/close sound effects played in more instances than they should while robots passed through
    * FIX: Explosions out of sight but within audible range were playing their sound effects twice, simultaneously
    * FIX: Standing within range of two or more unique ambient sound sources while one is disabled could stop playing the wrong one
    * FIX: Closing the help/commands/game menu while in range of an ambient sound source didn't resume playing the sounds
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  5. #35
    Un long article sur la vie de Cogmind, récapitulant deux ans de développement, et ouvrant sur 2016. Et l'Alpha 5 arrive bientôt, sans plus de précision.

    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  6. #36
    Je suis de près son blog de développement, et il va y avoir un truc très sympa dans l'alpha 5 avec la gestion des garnisons. En résumé, jusque là quand vous aviez un message disant qu'une patrouille partait à votre recherche, elle partait nécessairement de la case "Sortie" (que le joueur cherche). Donc en prenant le chemin d'où venait la patrouille, vous saviez que vous preniez le chemin de la sortie, ça pouvait aider (bon, aux portes secrètes prêts).
    Désormais il y a des garnisons (comme des terminaux à hacker), qui sont aussi des points d'accès pour les patrouilles qui popent pour vous courir après. Et vous pouvez donc aussi hacker les garnisons, par exemple pour fermer l'accès. Il y a aussi désormais des "hacks non autorisés", comme des trojans que vous pouvez installer. Par exemple un trojan qui permettrait justement de faire en sorte que les patrouilles qui sortent d'une garnison soient d'office vos alliés. Ou en force brute, vous pouvez récupérer quelques schematics d'un scanalizer, au prix d'une forte hausse du niveau de sécurité.
    Vous pourrez aussi hacker les garnisons pour carrément rentrer dans l'antre du mal à la rambo. Ca serait une branche de la map avec de gros dangers mais aussi quelques belles récompenses à la clé.
    Etc. plein de choses sympas, ça déchire tout
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  7. #37
    L'alpha 6 est sortie

    The full Alpha 6 (0.10.160119) changelog:
    * NEW: Branch map "Archives"
    * NEW: Branch map "Hub_04(d)"
    * NEW: 1 major plot event
    * NEW: 1 more story-related NPC encounter
    * NEW: 3 new NPCs (unique robot classes)
    * NEW: 1 new prototype robot
    * NEW: 2 new weapons
    * NEW: 2 new terminal records
    * NEW: New Trojan hack (secret)
    * NEW: Various additional sound effects (total now at 711)
    * NEW: Fourth way to enable access to final lift to surface
    * NEW: Removal/replacement of attached processors and hackware destroys them, with unique UI animation/sfx
    * NEW: Destroy-on-removal parts marked with a dark colon in parts list
    * NEW: Drag-dropping a destroy-on-removal part from the attached parts list shows in red rather than white, to indicate it will be destroyed
    * NEW: Disarmed combat robots shown at half brightness
    * NEW: All Field Recycling Units vastly improved with new behavior, acting as "vacuums" that convert salvage to matter over time
    * NEW: HUD matter readout displays Field Recycling Unit scrap storage and distribution rate when applicable
    * NEW: Interactive machines may be embedded in walls
    * NEW: Firing weapons in non-reinforced environments may cause cave-ins, where the chance depends on the class of weapon
    * NEW: Mouse players can left-click on a wall to enter fire mode (so that force-attacking can be achieved without the keyboard at all)
    * NEW: Manual entry of hacking commands is case-insensitive (including both the command itself and any optional arguments)
    * NEW: Schematics and analyses already obtained are grayed out when hacking terminals
    * NEW: Flying Cogminds can force-attack (Ctrl-Shift) adjacent robots to ram them when unarmed, rather than flying overhead
    * NEW: New font size, 8, enabling 640x480p UI (purely for fun, was easy to add)
    * MOD: Many propulsion stat values reworked!
    * MOD: Simplified propulsion mechanics and all known calculation oddities at very high speeds and overweight situations ironed out
    * MOD: Ground-based propulsion (wheels/legs/treads) no longer slows with each additional module
    * MOD: Airborne propulsion (hover/flight) no longer has a per-part limit on max speed (is type-based)
    * MOD: As a side effect of propulsion changes, most hostiles slightly slower
    * MOD: Wheels have an advantage now, but still suffer from low integrity
    * MOD: Backup Propulsion I/III/VII nerfed
    * MOD: Tread recoil dampening effect reduced to 1 per active tread slot
    * MOD: Hunter-class Slayer/Assassin/Terminator variants' firepower reduced
    * MOD: Reactive armors reduced in size; mass significantly increased to compensate
    * MOD: Removed Fabricators from Materials floors
    * MOD: Interactive machine placement weights use unique values for each machine, causing some to be more likely, or only, found in rooms
    * MOD: Complex 0b10 rooms are slightly less likely to be empty
    * MOD: Complex 0b10 contains more interactive machines, especially terminals, in Factory and Research floors
    * MOD: Non-combat robots no longer allowed to spawn in hidden corridors used by combat robots
    * MOD: Cave-ins caused by explosions are postponed for one or more turns after the explosion occurs, and are also more common
    * MOD: Explosions, especially more powerful ones, are more likely to cause cave-ins
    * MOD: "Go naked" command (Shift-Alt-q) switched to Shift-Alt-p, to avoid conflicts with non-Windows OS commands
    * MOD: Removed item "durability" stat; all slots have equivalent coverage for purposes of determining impact damage location
    * MOD: Removed system familiarity mechanic for both machine and robot hacking
    * MOD: Removed Footprint Analyzers and System Mapper hackware
    * MOD: Spectral Analyzer energy upkeep dropped to 0
    * MOD: All processor mass dropped to 0 (44 parts including all interpreters, analyzers, targeting computers, etc.)
    * MOD: All processor and hackware coverage dropped by 88%
    * MOD: Better hackware is available earlier, and also more consistently from Operators
    * MOD: Merged both offensive hackware types (strength/tunneling) into a single type, where base type = Hacking Suite
    * MOD: Merged all three defensive hackware types (stealth/evasion/defense) into a single type (base type = System Shield)
    * MOD: Condensed 20 hackware parts into a new set of 12
    * MOD: Removed terminal trace reset mechanic, and terminals no longer immediately test detection/tracing on reconnect (only after hacking)
    * MOD: Active terminal info shows trace progress instead of countdown
    * MOD: Manual updated to reflect all changes to propulsion, hacking, hackware, processors
    * MOD: Processors and hackware immune to rejection due to system corruption
    * MOD: Repair Stations can no longer repair processors or hackware if already attached
    * MOD: Manual hacking buffer removes earlier matching entries when a new command is entered (previously only removed consecutive entries)
    * MOD: Removed upkeep for malfunction blockers (e.g. Error Protection Suite), instead having it consume 20 matter on effect (if available)
    * MOD: Running via keyboard stops on stairs rather than ascending (regardless of auto-ascend setting)
    * MOD: Line-of-fire color no longer considers friend/foe relationship, just pure obstruction
    * MOD: Datajacks and Stasis Projectors no longer display projectile/hit data in info window (no meaning since based on special effects)
    * MOD: Field Recycling Units reduced to 1 slot, are heavier, and have both active heat and energy requirements
    * MOD: Particle Gun (G-47 Trooper armament) stats adjusted: shorter range, lower energy cost, higher heat, greater damage range
    * MOD: Removed Hcp. Storage Units, and mass of Lrg. units increase to 16 (+2)
    * MOD: Further improved effect of Launcher Guidance Computers
    * MOD: Hostile Grunt, Sentry, Specialist, and Programmer variants have better heat management
    * FIX: Crash when an assimilated Spotter explored to the edge of the known map [zill]
    * FIX: Crash on simultaneously destroying an entire array of ambush traps [Decker]
    * FIX: Signal Interpreter secondary effect description did not clearly indicate adjacency requirement for identifying exits [Sherlockkat]
    * FIX: Repair Station failure to repair an attached part which was broken in the process was not reflected in parts list [MJWkr]
    * FIX: Broken power sources continued contributing to energy storage capacity [greymedicine]
    * FIX: Alert(Check)-reported security level suffix was always 'Z', not A~Z as intended (to reflect progression towards next alert status)
    * FIX: Art for Imp. Fusion Compressor contained a few miscolored glyphs
    * FIX: Multi-tile doors played opening sound for every move along/through them, if move commands entered slowly
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  8. #38
    Pas joué depuis un moment, le jeu est maintenant en Alpha11 qui est la plus importante mise à jour à ce jour.

    La fin de jeu est en particulier plus développée, et l'interface est encore plus léchée.

    The full Alpha 11 (0.10.161011) changelog:

    * NEW: Branch map "Testing"
    * NEW: Branch map "Quarantine"
    * NEW: Branch map "[redacted]"
    * NEW: 55 new items (total now at 739)
    * NEW: 10 more alien artifacts
    * NEW: 6 unique items
    * NEW: 10 superweapons
    * NEW: 13 prototype robots (including new classes)
    * NEW: 1 new common robot class (2 variants)
    * NEW: 1 major new NPC (unique robot class)
    * NEW: 51 new machines
    * NEW: Taking electromagnetic damage animates HUD window borders (scales with damage, and can be disabled via Corruption Glitches option)
    * NEW: Item swap assist UI feature (Ctrl-RMB on attached or inventory item, or '/' followed by a~z/1~0)
    * NEW: Part-based volley time manipulation mechanic
    * NEW: Disposable heat sink/coolant injection mechanic
    * NEW: Momentum boost mechanic
    * NEW: Thermal cannons with a charge effect include a UI-draining animation while preparing to fire
    * NEW: Access points discovered via terrain scanning, Layout(Zone) hacks, or drone spotters all now auto-labeled as if seen within FOV
    * NEW: Movement blocked for a short duration after spotting a new enemy (adjustable via options menu)
    * NEW: Inserting unidentified prototypes in a Scanalyzer automatically identifies them
    * NEW: Equipping (or swapping in) a known faulty prototype requires confirmation
    * NEW: Non-part item info includes general category description
    * NEW: Non-part item info shows inventory slot count (now that some might require more than 1)
    * NEW: Segregator and Tearclaws info includes explicit descriptions of their unique mechanics
    * NEW: All Maneuvering Thrusters / Reaction Control Systems also provide automatic +1 to effective momentum for melee attacks and ramming
    * NEW: State information available for items on the ground as well, where the info page reflects their non-functional or temporarily disabled status
    * NEW: Option to completely disable manual hacking code assistance, added by request (cogmind.cfg only: see disableManualHackingHelp)
    * NEW: Confirm ally command targets with KP5 or Enter (alternatives to 'o' and LM
    * NEW: Score sheet meta data includes current lore and gallery collection percentages
    * NEW: Score sheet includes breakdown of critical strikes
    * NEW: Scores and basic stats from all local runs also recorded in /user/scorehistory.txt
    * NEW: Tutorial message explains bump-to-talk mechanic for robots with dialogue on the first time spotted
    * NEW: Messages for insufficient slots/inventory space on attaching/picking up items report size of item in question
    * NEW: /user/ files (config, meta data, command buffer, save...) automatically backed up to /bak/ once per day for emergency recovery purposes
    * NEW: All supporter names registered since Alpha 10 added to in-game list (see Credits menu)
    * NEW: All item-attribution names registered since Alpha 10 added to the item collection gallery
    * MOD: B-90 Cyclops buffed with new type of utility
    * MOD: Fighter/Swordsman Duelist variants buffed with new type of utility
    * MOD: Minimum volley time reduced from 100 to 25
    * MOD: Increased Cold Fusion Reactor energy output
    * MOD: Increased effect of Network Hub destruction by 50%
    * MOD: Coolant Network dissipation effect +10 (=90), integrity +100
    * MOD: Component Analysis Suite converted from duration-based to random application, effects much more frequent
    * MOD: System Backup/Restoration utilities converted from duration-based to random application, effect frequency slightly increased
    * MOD: Mining Laser/Welding Torch/Plasma Cutters converted from Special Weapons to Special Melee Weapons; enables bump-to-attack
    * MOD: Weakened Hub_04(d) defenses
    * MOD: Behemoths are more aggressive
    * MOD: AI-controlled flying robots out of view can no longer jump other robots at no extra time cost (easier to shake Swarmers with a fast build)
    * MOD: Lowered high-tier drone bay ratings, making them somewhat easier to fabricate
    * MOD: Parts list integrity visualization always shows at least one bar, even where high-integrity parts are approaching 0
    * MOD: Operators can no longer be stationed at unique named terminals
    * MOD: Implicit bump-to-melee-attack works on all permanently disabled robots found in cave regions, rather than only some of them
    * MOD: No warning shown when moving onto traps that will not trigger, e.g. treading into a stasis trap
    * MOD: Signal Interpreters activated while adjacent to an exit can determine where it leads on the next turn without requiring a move
    * MOD: State changes in sight range-modifying utilities update FOV on each new turn without requiring a move
    * MOD: Garrison access points much less likely to be found near each other
    * MOD: Important NPCs that follow player now stick closer by instead of running off to engage or chase down hostiles
    * MOD: AI distress signals only go out to armed and active (or dormant) allies (excludes rebooting/disrupted/broken/unpowered/disarmed bots)
    * MOD: Large heavy/blast door resistance against melee attacks increased
    * MOD: Buffed Greatsword damage
    * MOD: Falx better differentiated from Power Sword--slower but more damaging, and much higher critical chance
    * MOD: Efficiency of all Thermal Generators more than doubled
    * MOD: Non-resistant armors' integrity +50%
    * MOD: Resistant armors' integrity +100%; also more rare
    * MOD: Reflective/Insulated armors heavier
    * MOD: Reactive/Reflective/Insulated armor naming scheme changed to types of "Plating"
    * MOD: All part-Shielding integrity increased approximately 50%
    * MOD: Stasis link color changed from green to purple to match newer stasis-related mechanics
    * MOD: Stasis field strength around self/allies reported to log in dark orange instead of dark green
    * MOD: Data Core description explicitly indicates base duration before expiry
    * MOD: Molecular Deconstructor damage type changed to match effect description
    * MOD: Cannibalization Unit effect description explicitly states that required duration is part-dependent
    * MOD: Adv. Integration Mediator effect changed from -99% to -90%
    * MOD: All Integration Mediators apply effect to energy costs of equip/unequip as well; also increased mass
    * MOD: Sensor Array and Terrain Scanner effect descriptions explicitly state scans performed on a per-turn basis
    * MOD: Zion generally contains some number of derelict logs
    * MOD: Destroying unpowered and permanently broken robots no longer counts towards score/kills
    * MOD: Fleeing combat robots rearmed by Mechanics will reengage hostiles immediately rather than continuing to original goal
    * MOD: Evasion status summary hotkey switched from '/' to '\'
    * MOD: Removed from options menu: "Auto-wait on Low EN" (still available via cogmind.cfg as "autoWait")
    * MOD: Screenshots output to /screenshots/ rather than base directory
    * MOD: Win speed bonus score formula now = (50000000/turns); previously ((8000-turns)*5)
    * MOD: Score sheet excludes a wider variety of entries where their value is zero
    * MOD: Hvy. Battle Rifle rating dropped from 5 to 4
    * FIX: Failed to tally score on ending a game with no inventory items (regression fixed in earlier stealth update, credited here: [zxc])
    * FIX: Crash while equipping a certain secret item from the inventory via swap command [zxc]
    * FIX: Network Hub destruction alert reported old/incorrect efficiency value [Decker]
    * FIX: Results of a particular major event (spoiler) did not propagate to all expected circumstances [Decker]
    * FIX: A different particular major event (spoiler) could wipe some previously-learned manual hacking codes [Decker]
    * FIX: Switching to a different monitor or changing the desktop resolution between games didn't perfectly resize the font and map dimensions [@phi6]
    * FIX: Description for Motion Trail Duration option referenced older default value [Amphouse]
    * FIX: Burnout entry in propulsion data listing displayed a faint 'N' in front of valid non-zero single digit values [Amphouse]
    * FIX: Receiving Backup parts from a Repair Station or Mechanic didn't count as having attached them for gallery collection purposes [Amphouse]
    * FIX: Exit positions forgotten to corruption would still show exit labels [Amphouse, magi163]
    * FIX: All derelict class destruction counts were recorded incorrectly in score sheets (since Alpha 8 ) [Amphouse]
    * FIX: Routes through through Waste or a Garrison caused score sheet to record incorrect core remaining percent [Sherlockkat, Amphouse]
    * FIX: Analysis accuracy bonus as displayed in robot info was always +0 (but correct value was applied) [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: Attempting to insert unidentified prototypes into a Scanalyzer revealed their true name [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: Melee Analysis Suites provided 100 times the stated benefit [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: Guided weapon waypoints could path through, but not be set to, wall rubble locations [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: Weapons that failed to fire due to system corruption still applied their heat/recoil effects [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: During a particular cave encounter a Sentry could request backup even while rebooting after a Datajack hack [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: Mouse-scrolling a schematic list greater than 26 items before any selection, then selecting one via LMB, selected the wrong item [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: Repair Station vAl.05a was the only interactive machine with a shape that that might eject an item to an unexpected location [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: A stalled one-way network connection could hang the game on exit (now quits after 5 seconds) [Chad]
    * FIX: Font and map dimensions not automatically set for largest size possible with resolutions above 1440p [veryfoodverygood]
    * FIX: Part autoswapping to a different item of same category where there are multiple options might choose the one with less integrity [zxc]
    * FIX: Long item names could cause truncation of output message for damage during Scanalyzer analysis [zxc]
    * FIX: Incorrect word in component fabrication time context help message [Amphouse]
    * FIX: Typo in manual section on Hackware [Amphouse]
    * FIX: Typo in Stasis Canceller effect description [Kalkkis]
    * FIX: Loading a game with a status-caused glowing UI border effect in progress (overheating/low integrity/stasis) would not resume the animation
    * FIX: Thermal damage context help indicated incorrect amount of heat transfer (based on half damage, not full damage)
    * FIX: Score sheet "Robots Hacked" total wasn't including all possible cases
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  9. #39
    Coin coin les canards!
    Je viens de lire cet article sur RPS et comme je zieute ce jeu depuis longtemps, je me décide enfin à l'acheter!
    Du coup j'me disais, ça vous dirait de prendre le $60 Improved Tier pack à 3?
    (je sais pas si c'est le bon endroit pour ça, dites moi )

  10. #40
    c'est le bon endroit.
    Perso, ça fait cher pour moi en ce moment donc j'attendrai plus tard.

  11. #41
    Les sorties des Alpha continuent à s'enchaîner, avec à chaque fois un superbe boulot a priori (j'attends une release pour remettre les pattes dessus désormais, elle devrait arriver cette année). La newsletter nous apprend que Cogmind est sur Steam Greenlight, donc vu la qualité du boulot je ne doute pas que ça passe, mais vous pouvez quand même donner un coup de pouce.

    Je me permets aussi de communiquer un code promo, vu qu'il le suggère lui-même

    That being the case, if any newsletter subscribers who don't already own Cogmind would like to join us for the final alpha stretch, feel free to use the coupon code "GSGNEWS" to get a 20% discount on the Alpha tier, bringing it down to the future 1.0 release price ($19.99). (Sharing the code with others is cool, too.)
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  12. #42
    Ca fait le jeu à 19,52 avec la TVA. J'ai sauté le pas du coup, merci !

  13. #43
    Il cause aussi de faire un client linux, enfin, un truc pas vraiment client mais un "wrap" (je crois). Enfin m'en fout mais si on a un petit logo Linux sur steam et que ça fonctionne je passe à la caisse.

    Il me fait vraiment de l’œil depuis un moment celui là.

  14. #44
    Je peux lire sur la page Greenlight :

    Grid Sage Games [créateur] Il y a 20 minutes
    And thanks so much to everyone again--only a day and a half in and we're #90 on Greenlight with the highest rate of yes votes among... all 2,603 games!!! o_O

    Grid Sage Games [créateur] Il y a 1 heure
    @Booker DeWitt: Linux/Mac info can be found both in the description and in the responses on the previous page of comments. TL;DR is essentially yes, there are lots of Linux/Mac players already.

    Grid Sage Games [créateur] Il y a 15 heures
    @ASCII ☩ SORCERER: Right now we have quite a few Linux and Mac players, but I removed the Linux/Mac tags from the Greenlight page for now because technically it's not a native build. (But yeah, it's perfectly playable due to how it's built!)

    nullzero Il y a 17 heures
    ASCII SORCERER, from the FAQ in the game website:

    Windows only at first. The engine is old, large and not built for cross-platform use, making native ports extremely time-consuming and unlikely. Cogmind does, however, work flawlessy under Wine and similar solutions, which many Linux/OSX players are already using to run Cogmind. (There are reports Cogmind runs more smoothly in this manner than many games ported natively!) Eventually, an official click-to-play wrapper will be provided for Mac players (such a release underwent a successful public test in December 2015), but until then you might have to wrap it yourself using the official Windows release.
    Bon de ce que je comprends il n'y a pas de build natif, on ne propose que de jouer via Wine. Je vais lui poser la question tout de même
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  15. #45
    Depuis les premières alpha, le jeu tourne sur Linux sans problème chez moi et chez beaucoup, mais pas chez tout le monde, et surtout, pas natif, uniquement via WINE.
    Aux dernières nouvelles, il ne prévoit pas de Linux, mais éventuellement un enrobage "un bouton" qui en fait ne serait qu'un script qui passe par WINE, ou quelque chose comme ça.
    Idem pour Mac.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  16. #46
    Effectivement il me confirme qu'il n'y a pas de build natif à prévoir
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  17. #47
    C'est dommage, il est basé sur SDL. Mais si il n'a pas dès le début pensé à développer multiplateforme, ça peut devenir un enfer. Surtout qu'il me semble être tout seul à derrière le code !

  18. #48
    Oui en effet il est seul dév
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  19. #49
    C'est chaud quand même. Mais très prenant. Et ça marche effectivement très bien avec Wine.
    May the Glandouille be with you !

  20. #50
    Cogmind passe en bêta, avec 10000 features
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  21. #51
    Tiens, je viens de regarder les dernières news sur Cogmind, et il semblerait que le dev' ait pris un coup sur la tête? (littéralement s’entend, métaphoriquement parlant, ça fait surement quelques années )

    Du coup il retarde l'arrivée sur Steam et prépare une beta 1.3. Bon, pourquoi pas.

    En l'état, c'est à peu près complet comme jeu?

  22. #52
    Citation Envoyé par Tankodesantniki Voir le message
    En l'état, c'est à peu près complet comme jeu?
    C'était déjà "complet" en alpha, c'est seulement encore plus complet et riche et fignolé au grès des versions.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  23. #53
    Par rapport a un DCSS on a quelque chose de proche en terme de richesse ou ca tourne en rond ?
    "A game is a series of interesting choices" S.M.

  24. #54
    Franchement, il faudrait comparer plutôt à Brogue, dans le sens où il n'y a pas de classe/race de perso et que c'est le matériel trouvé qui te rend plus fort (même s'il y a aussi une prise de niveaux à "chaque" fin de tableau hors branche - même si contrairement à Brogue il y a bien une gradation dans la qualité du matos trouvé au fur et à mesure que tu t'enfonces dans le "donjon").
    Mais la quantité de matos et les typologies de run différentes que ça implique sont vraiment très intéressantes (donc pour répondre à ta question : ça ne tourne carrément pas en rond). Avec en plus le gimmick que contrairement à un Brogue (ou DCSS ou autre) où, une fois ton matos "optimal" trouvé pour jouer ton run comme tu l'entends tu fonces bille en tête, là tu es contraint à toujours t'adapter : la versatilité t'est imposée. Et ce concept est tout simplement génial.

    Sérieusement, Cogmind est un achat obligatoire, car il transcende les codes du roguelike (:wink: :wink: le topic d'à côté aux gros sourcils), tout en apportant des évolutions énormes qui représentent un challenge original.
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

  25. #55
    Oué mais il est pas dispo sous linux. :jamaiscontent
    Spoiler Alert!

    (en vrai je sais que je le prendrais à l'occaz', il parait qu'il tourne impec' avec Wine... Mais je joue pas mal en ce moment sur un tout petit écran et j'ai peur que ce ne soit pas très lisible...)

  26. #56
    J'y joue assez peu parce qu'il est justement extrêmement massif dans ses possibilités et le contenu est assez énorme, aucun risque de trouver que ça tourne en rond ou que c'est léger en contenu.
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  27. #57
    Citation Envoyé par Super_maçon Voir le message
    Oué mais il est pas dispo sous linux. :jamaiscontent
    Spoiler Alert!

    (en vrai je sais que je le prendrais à l'occaz', il parait qu'il tourne impec' avec Wine... Mais je joue pas mal en ce moment sur un tout petit écran et j'ai peur que ce ne soit pas très lisible...)
    Oui, mais.

    Cogmind fait partie de mes petites exceptions au tout Linux. Enfin, presque, WINE reste du Linux, m'enfin, on s'comprend, on s'comprend.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  28. #58
    Oué et moi de mon coté j'ai acheté Unexplored qui n'est pas encore sous nunux non plus (il arrive)... En plus je suis passé du coté obscure avec une GPD win (la honte du coup maintenant j'ai même un windows 10 legit... Je vieillis).
    Mais du coup je joue sur un écran de 5.5 pouces, a titre d'exemple ça passe avec brogue mais c'est la limite. Sur les autres c'est très bien mais du coup j'ai peur pour Cogmind.

  29. #59
    dites... ca se joue en touchscreen ? je viens d'hériter d'une tablette sous Win10 et je cherche un roguelike...
    merci d'avance
    Tool new album Fear Inoculum

  30. #60
    Aucune idée. Au clavier comme à la souris. Mais en tactile
    Tutos Youtube Dwarf Fortress, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, Cataclysm DDA et Aurora 4X : Gobbostream (synopsis et vidéos à télécharger ici). Chaîne Twitch. Chan CPC mumble Dwarf Fortress dans la section Divers

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