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  1. #5401
    Citation Envoyé par Mepeanuts Voir le message
    Pas de canards sur les serveurs?
    J'ai voulu m'y remettre il y a quelques semaines mais j'ai pas trouver le serveur Canark.

  2. #5402
    Oui, ça fait depuis mi-janvier que le serveur a disparu. C'est triste, j'aime bien Ark mais y'a juste pas moyen que je recommence tout de zéro.

  3. #5403
    J'y joue sur un serveur officiel avec un pote, c'est sympa mais j'ai un peu l'impression de plafonner en terme de progression compte tenu de mon temps disponible.
    Passé l'âge de pierre tu peux plus crafter un truc sans une tonne de métal, et j'ai pas le temps (ni l'envie) de faire un farming intensif. Je sais que les dinos peuvent aider mais comme je ne me connecte que le week end je perds tous les tammés d'une semaine à l'autre, et c'est déjà bien quand ma base est intacte...

    Le jeu est sympa et riche mais c'est quand même pensé comme un MMO pour joueurs intensifs les tribus importantes, pour une connexion 2 fois par semaine avec un pote pour 2/3 h c'est clairement pas évident.
    Aaah, si seulement j'étais rédacteur à Canard PC, je pourrais signer mes articles Arthur Rambo, Alphonse de Lamar-steam, Alfred Demi-sec ou encore Michel Houellakbhar....

  4. #5404
    Je vois réapparaitre de temps à autre le serveur CPC, j'imagine que c'est en fonction des patchs et des mises à jour (là je ne le vois pas par exemple).

    Pour ton soucis Mepeanuts, jouez sur un serveur PvE pour éviter de perdre votre base et vos dinos. Ils peuvent rester plusieurs semaines sans nourriture donnée s'ils ne font rien, d'une semaine sur l'autre il n'y a pas de problème de ce côté là. Et avec un rate amélioré, genre x2-x3, ça compense les recettes et la tonne de matos nécessaire pour le craft. Ça et s'installer pas très loin d'un spot de métal pour aider le farm

  5. #5405
    effectivement c'est un bon conseil, que j'aurais du écouter avant d'aller sur un serveur PVP, sans aucune aide au farming, et poser ma base un peu au hasard, maintenant j'ai un peu la flemme de tout refaire
    Encore que c'est juste un tas de pierre avec des placards dedans quand on y pense...
    Aaah, si seulement j'étais rédacteur à Canard PC, je pourrais signer mes articles Arthur Rambo, Alphonse de Lamar-steam, Alfred Demi-sec ou encore Michel Houellakbhar....

  6. #5406
    Oui comme tu dis, c'est pas grand-chose surtout quand on connait le jeu, ça va plutôt vite pour repartir de rien. Et au moins, vous serez tranquilles en vous connectant la semaine d'après plutôt que de devoir refaire ce que vous aviez fait la semaine d'avant Pour le reste, on le sait depuis longtemps, le déséquilibre et l'investissement pour se refaire en PvP est trop important pour que ça soit amusant, surtout avec un petit temps de jeu/semaine. Ou alors, si c'est le PvP que vous cherchez, il faut trouver des serveurs PvP avec des règles bien strictes et bien encadrées, qui vont limiter les (nombreux) problèmes du jeu vanilla.

  7. #5407

    Avez-vous des conseils pour un choix de serveur PvE/PvP sympa pour commencer, je viens de prendre le jeu en promo sur steam (64 Go une fois installé la vache !). Merci.

  8. #5408
    Après pal mal d'heures de Rust, ça pique Ark ! Interface bizarre et graphisme étrange. Même en résolution native de mon écran j'ai l'impression de jouer en 640*480 tellement c'est aliasé et flou...

  9. #5409
    Vérifie que la Resolution Scale est bien à 100% (le slider réglé tout à fait à droite), sinon ça donne du 640*480 upscale à ta résolution, ce qui rend le tout bien flou.

  10. #5410
    Merci ! En effet, par défaut le curseur n'est pas à 100 %, ce qui est un peu con... Par contre maintenant c'est plus super fluide. Alors que Rust tourne très bien.

  11. #5411
    Ah ça, bienvenue sur ARK Il faut désactiver pas mal de choses si tu veux avoir une bonne fluidité ou un PC très performant. J'étais tombé sur ce guide il y a quelques jours qui pourra t'aiguiller sur ce qui bouffe les FPS, mais il doit y en avoir d'autres sur Google si jamais.

  12. #5412
    Yo, je cherche une clef steam ark pour pas trop cher dans les 10€ environ. Si vous avez un reste de 4 pack qui traîne ou autre merci de me mp (je paye par paypal direct).

  13. #5413
    Ark sort donc en version finale le 8 août, ils vont utiliser le temps qu'il leur reste pour optimiser le jeu correctement

    Ils en profitent pour sortir un nouveau DLC gratuit dans le style de The Center, avec une map que certains connaissent peut-être déjà, à savoir Ragnarok.

    Bref, si le jeu vous intéresse et que vous ne l'avez pas encore, guettez une bonne promo avant le 8 août, le jeu sera apparemment vendu 60$ pour la release.


    J'en profite pour signaler qu'on vient de monter un serveur privé avec 3 potes, si ça vous intéresse tout le monde est le bienvenu. Le serveur est tout récent donc vierge de toute construction, à part chez nous.
    Pour faire bref, c'est un serveur PvE avec rates modifiés et quelques mods pour le confort, taillé pour du solo/petite tribu. J'ai bricolé une petite page web qui détaille tout ça.

  14. #5414
    Citation Envoyé par Fredox Voir le message

    J'en profite pour signaler qu'on vient de monter un serveur privé avec 3 potes, si ça vous intéresse tout le monde est le bienvenu. Le serveur est tout récent donc vierge de toute construction, à part chez nous.
    Pour faire bref, c'est un serveur PvE avec rates modifiés et quelques mods pour le confort, taillé pour du solo/petite tribu. J'ai bricolé une petite page web qui détaille tout ça.
    J'ai créé le mien hier, ras le bol de passer de serv en serv... on est trop compliqué je suppose :x
    Comme Mepeanuts, pas facile de profiter du jeu quand tu ne joues pas beaucoup (perso une dizaine d'heures par semaine, ce qui me semble déjà pas mal) et que tu vois les timers de taming/breeding...
    Boulet, j'ai joué une semaine sur un serv "All x10" pour découvrir que la croissance des dinos est en x1 à la naissance de mon premier Argentavis

  15. #5415

    J'ai vu ta proposition Fredox il y a quelques jours. Je ne connais rien au multi puisque que je n'ai joué qu'en solo jusque là. Toutefois je suis très tenté par l'expérience de vivre dans un monde commun avec d'autre joueurs.

    Comment fonctionnez vous ? avez vous une place pour un architecte amateur ?

  16. #5416
    Tiens je reposerai bien les papattes sur Ark et ton serveur pourrait bien correspondre... je vais peut-être vneir faire un tour d'ici peu

  17. #5417
    rejoins moi, je viens de poser mes valises sur la côte sud.

  18. #5418
    @Hargun> Oui même chose pour nous, le dernier sur lequel on était a disparu sans préavis, un peu chiant après plusieurs mois dessus... Et pareil pour les rates/mods, là au moins on se fait nos propres règles et on peut ajuster en fonction de notre ressenti plutôt qu'attendre qu'il y ait éventuellement des modifications de la part de l'admin.

    @loulou> On ne recrute pas vraiment dans notre tribu, et on a déjà une architecte attitrée qui malgré le fait qu'elle n'est jamais satisfaite de ce qu'elle fait, a plutôt bien avancé C'est juste qu'on avait commencé à jouer sur un serveur fermé (avec mdp) mais on s'est dit que ça serait bien de l'ouvrir pour d'autres joueurs, qui pourraient être intéressés par la configuration du serveur. Puis vu la taille de la map, il y a suffisamment de place pour d'autres joueurs. Après, on est sur serveur PvE, et on est en général disponible pour aider à filer un coup de main à ceux qui auraient besoin (pour tame ou du matos qu'on aurait en trop par exemple).

    Quant aux autres qui viendraient sur le serveur, bienvenue à vous. Je m'occupe de l'administration du serveur donc si vous avez des questions/remarques, n'hésitez pas à me pm ici ou sur steam, ou encore me bipper ingame

  19. #5419
    Citation Envoyé par moutaine Voir le message
    rejoins moi, je viens de poser mes valises sur la côte sud.
    DL en cours

  20. #5420
    Vous êtes combien Fredox ?

  21. #5421
    Sur le serveur ? Peu de joueurs pour le moment, on l'a ouvert il y a une semaine et je fais pas particulièrement de pub non plus (à part sur les forums que je fréquente), ça évite d'avoir à modérer ou quoi pour l'instant

  22. #5422
    Massive update incoming ! Il y aura sûrement un down du serveur, le temps de voir si tout fonctionne bien ( ) et de wipe les dinos sauvages pour le patch. Le patch notes est déjà disponible, la maj ne devrait plus trop tarder. Je fais un c/c pour ceux qui n'y ont pas accès, en gras les changements importants.

    Edit: MàJ faite, wipe des dinos sauvages effectué, respécialisation des persos à faire suite à l'ajout du Crafting Skill.

    Spoiler Alert!

    * New Item: Tek Tapejara Saddle!
    * New Skill: Crafting Skill! Replaces Crafting speed. Crafting Skill increases crafted item quality by 33% for 100 points into Crafting Skill. The item then displays your name and your tribe name and indicates what percent bonus you received when crafting.
    * New Feature: Corpse Locator! Upon death, a beam of light shoots into the sky to help the player locate where they died. Enabled on Official Servers by default. (sera activé sur le serveur)
    * New Host Option: Disable Structure Placement Collision! Unofficial Servers and single-players can enabled this feature to allow them to place structures that clip into terrain. (sera activé sur le serveur)
    * New Host Option: Use Singleplayer Settings! When enabled, this edits all game settings to be more balanced for an individual player experience.
    * New Host Option: Fast Decay! Enable this option for a fixed constant decay period for "Fast Decay" structures (such as pillars or lone foundations).
    * New kill, death, speech, and talking icons added.
    * Fixed graphical issue with crops appearing massive.
    * Fixed player ragdolls becoming malformed when falling from great heights.
    * Fixed player getting stuck in rocks/trees/structures when logging out in single player.
    * Fixed dino spawning issues in single player that caused over-spawning of certain creatures over time and issue where spawns were becoming depopulated.
    * Fixed single player settings via the slider from resetting.
    * Fixed BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier setting via the host menu.
    * Fixed traps not working after a game/server restart (bear traps, species Y traps, narcotic traps, alarms).
    * Fixed various lighting issues on The Island and The Center.
    * Fixed low landscape LODs on both the Center and the Island when using low viewing distance (certain landscape will stream in better quality from further away, e.g. skull island on the Center).
    * Improved war paint on female model around the hairline.
    * Fixed issue where player appeared to be floating above the saddle when boarding a dino while crouching.
    * Fixed electrical cables appearing unpowered when reloading a single-player game.
    * Fixed issue where logging out in single-player while holding a shield showed the player holding two shield on relog.
    * Fixed dossier sorting.
    * Fixed ATV from repeatedly honking when leaving and entering render distance.
    * Changed the Tribe Manager to have Tribe Log highlighted by default when using a controller.
    * Fixed grappling hook being enlarged when shooting at a Large Storage Box.
    * Colorized boss health bars to indicated boss difficulty.
    * Added featured to allow players to set the light level of their lamps.
    * Changed static mesh of Plant Species X to remove swaying and firing animation to reduce client FPS drops.
    * Added on-screen indicator icon when structure placement is in rotation-mode.
    * Fixed issue where the cooking pot provided infinite dye.
    * Buffs that prevent firing (such as the shock buff) now cause the player to lower their weapon.
    * Made Alt-Fire on the paintbrush now “Paint Yourself”.
    * Added new live versions of all in-game music.
    * Fixed issue in singleplayer where logging out with a tool equipped caused the inventory to lock up.
    * Implement kill zone under the sea floor.
    * Fixed Supply Crate SFX to always be audible.
    * Fixed issue where respawn animation was not playing in singleplayer.
    * Added new music stinger when you tame a creature.
    * Increased range of boss music in the arenas.
    * Obelisks in singleplayer/non-dedicated now have each boss spawned from a specific obelisk. Transfers can only be done via the obelisk.
    * Days are now 25% longer. Night time remains unchanged.
    * Tribe ownership settings now default to Personally Owned in singleplayer/non-dedi.
    * Fixed issue that causes sitting on a chair on a platform saddle not to calculate player temperature and location appropriately.
    * Fixed issue where being unconscious would cause the player not to receive lava damage.
    * Tek rifles now stop working in thunderstorms.
    * Homing rockets no longer target your own turrets.
    * Mindwipe tonic can now only be applied once per level up.
    * Stat decrease of blueprints from fishing.
    * Reduced max fish size that is catchable with a fishing rod with: Honey to 2.2, Leech Blood to 1.88, and Sap to 0.94.
    * Reduced fishing rod effectiveness by 35%.
    * Increased Liopleurodon loot quality buff by 20%.
    * ATV engram is available in singleplayer after reaching max ascension.
    * Fixed issue where walking through electrical cables and pipes would cause the camera to move around in unintended ways.
    * Fixed issue where feeding trough was not updating spoilage timers.
    * Fixed issue where the player could get stuck inside doors by closing the door on themself.
    * Removed boss arena and Tek Cave timers in non-dedicated.
    * PVE no-build functionality has been removed from non-dedi.
    * Increased difficulty of the Cavern of Lost Faith.
    * Prevented regular dinosaur gateways from supporting behemoth gates.
    * Added final statted items to loot crates.
    * Fixed canvas not being visible when placed on Tek walls.
    * Added lots of crystal, obsidian, and rich metal to all caves except the Tek Cave.
    * Re-added metal to the volcano, approximately 70% of its previous resources.
    * Added categories for maps in the host menu.
    * Added an alternate engram points per level array to non-dedi.
    * Fixed issue where wooden cages would heal themselves when picked up.
    * Fixed issue where player could wield a riot shield and chainsaw at the same time.
    * Decreased mutton effectiveness by 20%. (additional changes to the Kibble system to come)
    * Rebalanced speed gained per player level up.
    * Fixed not being able to sit in chairs/benches when placed too close to a table.
    * Increased radius of house buff by double. Also flagged gate frames as walls which allows them to give the indoor buff.
    * Fixed issue where dinos placed in cages would float upwards and glitch out of the cage.
    * Fixed an issue where players could not walk inside of fallen redwood trees.
    * Corrected specimen implant colors after ascending.
    * Obelisks now save inventory in singleplayer.
    * Boss biomes no longer hear time of day transition sounds
    * Fixed Frozen vacuum chamber walls showing as windows in localized clients
    * Reduced Club effectiveness scaling with quality by 55%.
    Dino Specific Changes:
    * Fixed issue where dino attacks could not do damage under low server FPS.
    * Fixed the dino fleeing mechanic so that dinos should no longer run into walls endlessly.
    * Fixed the dino fleeing mechanic so that dinos should attempt to run towards the player and not towards water, previously causing them to torpor out in water and drown. In the case where the dino cannot reach the player, it may still end up running towards water via picking a random direction.

    * Fixed issue with Thylacoleo, Kaprosuchus, Megalosaurus, and Tuso where when attacking, the creature was able to force the target under world geometry and make them unrideable/unmovable.
    * Rebalanced speed gained per tamed level up on all dinos.
    * Fixed issue where unconscious player could be pushed through terrain by a Kaprosuchus.
    * Fixed issue where Tuso could grab through Iceberg geometry.
    * Fixed issue where babies were consuming less food when floating.
    * Fixed issue where babies were consuming more food than intended as they tried to regain health. Regaining health no longer costs food for babies.
    * Changed all creature names to use their long form.
    * Made Troodons scared of light sources.
    * Raised Ptero saddle level requirement to 38.
    * Added damage scalers to Trike and Stego which makes them more resistant to damage.
    * Increased Parasaur stamina by 50% and increased its speed in water.
    * Increased Angler light radius underwater.
    * Decreased amount of fall damage for tamed Giga’s.
    * Made Moschops easier to tame.
    * Increased insulation ability of Dimetrodon.
    * Fixed fur cap on Mesopithecus.
    * Fixed Santa hat on Gallimimus.
    * Fixed alignment of metal water taps on pipes.
    * Rebalanced Equus saddle cost.
    * Reduced the gather rates of the Therizino.
    * Reduced base damage of wild and tamed Gigas.

    * Fixed issues with Ovis and Kentro where their baby/egg would fall through the floor.
    * Creatures will no longer drown when they are encumbered.
    * Fixed an issue where fish did not appear in Lower South Cave (Cave 1).
    * Removed piranha spawns from the shallow pools in the redwoods.
    * Decreased wild Carno damage by 15%.
    * Reduced Terrorbird spawns in the redwoods.
    * Removed Titanosaur spawn from Herbivore Island.

    * Fixed issue where beehives were stacking on top of each other.
    * Wild Ichthyornis HP reduced by 50%.
    * Added HUD notification for Pegomastax when it is not pickpocketing.
    * Added HUD message for Ichthyornis stealing, and for Ichthy making you drop your weapon.

    * If a tamed Yutyrannus has carno followers, the followers now properly attack the same target.
    * Fixed issue where riding on a Phiomia/Carbonemys caused the players size to increase by twice the normal size.
    * Added functionality to allow the Gigantopithecus to gather fiber using the ‘C’ key.
    * Added cooldown to Tuso so that it’s ink ability cannot be spammed.
    * Increased Trilobite spawns to be more common in shallow areas.
    * Made it so that Fertilized eggs do not count towards the egg count in the given area. This was causing fertilized eggs to be laid and the dino to go on breeding cooldown but no actual egg dropped.
    * Increased unstasis range on Trilobites, Eurypterids, and Ammonites.
    * Deep Ocean Coel added, with increased unstasis range and bias towards being larger sized.
    * Land creatures now only receive 50% of their regular additional speed increase while swimming (does not include Spino or amphibians).
    * Fixed dung beetles not processing fertilizer correctly after server restart.
    * Prevented Pegomastax from attacking when the player has nothing it can steal.
    * Added 30s cooldown after the player is stolen from unless the player attacks the Pego, in which case it will ignore the cooldown.
    * Prevented Pegomastax from robbing same-team.
    * Fixed issue where passive tames would not resume eating after being knocked out and eventually starve.
    * Increased SFX distance for Ichthyornis and Hesperornis.
    * Fixed the Egg Hatching bar from disappearing in singleplayer when relogging.
    * Fixed issue where torpor stat for newly tamed dinos was not displaying correctly.
    * Fixed issue where stasis was reducing the food consumption of dinos.
    * Hyaenodon taming now scales properly with taming server settings.
    * Reduced turning speed of tames by 0.5s their current speed when they are in combat, so creatures like the Manta and Ptero can turn fast enough to properly attack.
    * Enabled pack buff to tamed Kentros.
    * Increased duration of Giga roar.
    * Fixed Quetzal platform not being paintable.
    * Added Spinosaur roar.
    * Added missing eating animations and sounds for creatures (should all have a proper animation now!).
    * Prevented baby Thylacoleo’s from spawning on redwood trees when born.
    * Improved landing AI for Quetzal and Wyvern.
    * Fixed an issue where flyers out of stamina would not auto-land and would get stuck in the air.
    * Fixed Megalosaurus breeding to prevent babies from needing/going to sleep.
    * Fixed Thylacoleo from always roaring when coming out of stasis.
    * Fixed Thylacoleo from assuming a “superman” pose when jumping on a surface it couldn’t climb.
    * Fixed Thylacoleo from getting into a state where it would walk forward without player input.
    * Fixed server crash caused by Thylacoleo.
    * Reduced tail collision on medium and large creatures.
    * Fixed babies from ‘growing’ into the ground over time as they aged.
    * Improved logic to minimize Sarco tails from gravitating towards ceilings.
    * Fixed Move To command to work after dismounting a dino if the dino is in a group.
    * Fixed the player from taking damage while riding on a Griffin in singleplayer.
    * Added Griffin icon and level up animation.
    * Fixed the spyglass not functioning properly while flying on the Griffin.
    * Fixed issue where the Griffin gained unintended speed when equipping a weapon.
    * Fixed an issue where dinos could aggro turrets even though no damage was being done.
    Dernière modification par Fredox ; 22/06/2017 à 19h04.

  23. #5423
    Citation Envoyé par Fredox Voir le message
    Massive update incoming ! Il y aura sûrement un down du serveur, le temps de voir si tout fonctionne bien ( ) et de wipe les dinos sauvages pour le patch. Le patch notes est déjà disponible, la maj ne devrait plus trop tarder. Je fais un c/c pour ceux qui n'y ont pas accès, en gras les changements importants.

    Edit: MàJ faite, wipe des dinos sauvages effectué, respécialisation des persos à faire suite à l'ajout du Crafting Skill.

    Spoiler Alert!

    * New Item: Tek Tapejara Saddle!
    * New Skill: Crafting Skill! Replaces Crafting speed. Crafting Skill increases crafted item quality by 33% for 100 points into Crafting Skill. The item then displays your name and your tribe name and indicates what percent bonus you received when crafting.
    * New Feature: Corpse Locator! Upon death, a beam of light shoots into the sky to help the player locate where they died. Enabled on Official Servers by default. (sera activé sur le serveur)
    * New Host Option: Disable Structure Placement Collision! Unofficial Servers and single-players can enabled this feature to allow them to place structures that clip into terrain. (sera activé sur le serveur)
    * New Host Option: Use Singleplayer Settings! When enabled, this edits all game settings to be more balanced for an individual player experience.
    * New Host Option: Fast Decay! Enable this option for a fixed constant decay period for "Fast Decay" structures (such as pillars or lone foundations).
    * New kill, death, speech, and talking icons added.
    * Fixed graphical issue with crops appearing massive.
    * Fixed player ragdolls becoming malformed when falling from great heights.
    * Fixed player getting stuck in rocks/trees/structures when logging out in single player.
    * Fixed dino spawning issues in single player that caused over-spawning of certain creatures over time and issue where spawns were becoming depopulated.
    * Fixed single player settings via the slider from resetting.
    * Fixed BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier setting via the host menu.
    * Fixed traps not working after a game/server restart (bear traps, species Y traps, narcotic traps, alarms).
    * Fixed various lighting issues on The Island and The Center.
    * Fixed low landscape LODs on both the Center and the Island when using low viewing distance (certain landscape will stream in better quality from further away, e.g. skull island on the Center).
    * Improved war paint on female model around the hairline.
    * Fixed issue where player appeared to be floating above the saddle when boarding a dino while crouching.
    * Fixed electrical cables appearing unpowered when reloading a single-player game.
    * Fixed issue where logging out in single-player while holding a shield showed the player holding two shield on relog.
    * Fixed dossier sorting.
    * Fixed ATV from repeatedly honking when leaving and entering render distance.
    * Changed the Tribe Manager to have Tribe Log highlighted by default when using a controller.
    * Fixed grappling hook being enlarged when shooting at a Large Storage Box.
    * Colorized boss health bars to indicated boss difficulty.
    * Added featured to allow players to set the light level of their lamps.
    * Changed static mesh of Plant Species X to remove swaying and firing animation to reduce client FPS drops.
    * Added on-screen indicator icon when structure placement is in rotation-mode.
    * Fixed issue where the cooking pot provided infinite dye.
    * Buffs that prevent firing (such as the shock buff) now cause the player to lower their weapon.
    * Made Alt-Fire on the paintbrush now “Paint Yourself”.
    * Added new live versions of all in-game music.
    * Fixed issue in singleplayer where logging out with a tool equipped caused the inventory to lock up.
    * Implement kill zone under the sea floor.
    * Fixed Supply Crate SFX to always be audible.
    * Fixed issue where respawn animation was not playing in singleplayer.
    * Added new music stinger when you tame a creature.
    * Increased range of boss music in the arenas.
    * Obelisks in singleplayer/non-dedicated now have each boss spawned from a specific obelisk. Transfers can only be done via the obelisk.
    * Days are now 25% longer. Night time remains unchanged.
    * Tribe ownership settings now default to Personally Owned in singleplayer/non-dedi.
    * Fixed issue that causes sitting on a chair on a platform saddle not to calculate player temperature and location appropriately.
    * Fixed issue where being unconscious would cause the player not to receive lava damage.
    * Tek rifles now stop working in thunderstorms.
    * Homing rockets no longer target your own turrets.
    * Mindwipe tonic can now only be applied once per level up.
    * Stat decrease of blueprints from fishing.
    * Reduced max fish size that is catchable with a fishing rod with: Honey to 2.2, Leech Blood to 1.88, and Sap to 0.94.
    * Reduced fishing rod effectiveness by 35%.
    * Increased Liopleurodon loot quality buff by 20%.
    * ATV engram is available in singleplayer after reaching max ascension.
    * Fixed issue where walking through electrical cables and pipes would cause the camera to move around in unintended ways.
    * Fixed issue where feeding trough was not updating spoilage timers.
    * Fixed issue where the player could get stuck inside doors by closing the door on themself.
    * Removed boss arena and Tek Cave timers in non-dedicated.
    * PVE no-build functionality has been removed from non-dedi.
    * Increased difficulty of the Cavern of Lost Faith.
    * Prevented regular dinosaur gateways from supporting behemoth gates.
    * Added final statted items to loot crates.
    * Fixed canvas not being visible when placed on Tek walls.
    * Added lots of crystal, obsidian, and rich metal to all caves except the Tek Cave.
    * Re-added metal to the volcano, approximately 70% of its previous resources.
    * Added categories for maps in the host menu.
    * Added an alternate engram points per level array to non-dedi.
    * Fixed issue where wooden cages would heal themselves when picked up.
    * Fixed issue where player could wield a riot shield and chainsaw at the same time.
    * Decreased mutton effectiveness by 20%. (additional changes to the Kibble system to come)
    * Rebalanced speed gained per player level up.
    * Fixed not being able to sit in chairs/benches when placed too close to a table.
    * Increased radius of house buff by double. Also flagged gate frames as walls which allows them to give the indoor buff.
    * Fixed issue where dinos placed in cages would float upwards and glitch out of the cage.
    * Fixed an issue where players could not walk inside of fallen redwood trees.
    * Corrected specimen implant colors after ascending.
    * Obelisks now save inventory in singleplayer.
    * Boss biomes no longer hear time of day transition sounds
    * Fixed Frozen vacuum chamber walls showing as windows in localized clients
    * Reduced Club effectiveness scaling with quality by 55%.
    Dino Specific Changes:
    * Fixed issue where dino attacks could not do damage under low server FPS.
    * Fixed the dino fleeing mechanic so that dinos should no longer run into walls endlessly.
    * Fixed the dino fleeing mechanic so that dinos should attempt to run towards the player and not towards water, previously causing them to torpor out in water and drown. In the case where the dino cannot reach the player, it may still end up running towards water via picking a random direction.

    * Fixed issue with Thylacoleo, Kaprosuchus, Megalosaurus, and Tuso where when attacking, the creature was able to force the target under world geometry and make them unrideable/unmovable.
    * Rebalanced speed gained per tamed level up on all dinos.
    * Fixed issue where unconscious player could be pushed through terrain by a Kaprosuchus.
    * Fixed issue where Tuso could grab through Iceberg geometry.
    * Fixed issue where babies were consuming less food when floating.
    * Fixed issue where babies were consuming more food than intended as they tried to regain health. Regaining health no longer costs food for babies.
    * Changed all creature names to use their long form.
    * Made Troodons scared of light sources.
    * Raised Ptero saddle level requirement to 38.
    * Added damage scalers to Trike and Stego which makes them more resistant to damage.
    * Increased Parasaur stamina by 50% and increased its speed in water.
    * Increased Angler light radius underwater.
    * Decreased amount of fall damage for tamed Giga’s.
    * Made Moschops easier to tame.
    * Increased insulation ability of Dimetrodon.
    * Fixed fur cap on Mesopithecus.
    * Fixed Santa hat on Gallimimus.
    * Fixed alignment of metal water taps on pipes.
    * Rebalanced Equus saddle cost.
    * Reduced the gather rates of the Therizino.
    * Reduced base damage of wild and tamed Gigas.

    * Fixed issues with Ovis and Kentro where their baby/egg would fall through the floor.
    * Creatures will no longer drown when they are encumbered.
    * Fixed an issue where fish did not appear in Lower South Cave (Cave 1).
    * Removed piranha spawns from the shallow pools in the redwoods.
    * Decreased wild Carno damage by 15%.
    * Reduced Terrorbird spawns in the redwoods.
    * Removed Titanosaur spawn from Herbivore Island.

    * Fixed issue where beehives were stacking on top of each other.
    * Wild Ichthyornis HP reduced by 50%.
    * Added HUD notification for Pegomastax when it is not pickpocketing.
    * Added HUD message for Ichthyornis stealing, and for Ichthy making you drop your weapon.

    * If a tamed Yutyrannus has carno followers, the followers now properly attack the same target.
    * Fixed issue where riding on a Phiomia/Carbonemys caused the players size to increase by twice the normal size.
    * Added functionality to allow the Gigantopithecus to gather fiber using the ‘C’ key.
    * Added cooldown to Tuso so that it’s ink ability cannot be spammed.
    * Increased Trilobite spawns to be more common in shallow areas.
    * Made it so that Fertilized eggs do not count towards the egg count in the given area. This was causing fertilized eggs to be laid and the dino to go on breeding cooldown but no actual egg dropped.
    * Increased unstasis range on Trilobites, Eurypterids, and Ammonites.
    * Deep Ocean Coel added, with increased unstasis range and bias towards being larger sized.
    * Land creatures now only receive 50% of their regular additional speed increase while swimming (does not include Spino or amphibians).
    * Fixed dung beetles not processing fertilizer correctly after server restart.
    * Prevented Pegomastax from attacking when the player has nothing it can steal.
    * Added 30s cooldown after the player is stolen from unless the player attacks the Pego, in which case it will ignore the cooldown.
    * Prevented Pegomastax from robbing same-team.
    * Fixed issue where passive tames would not resume eating after being knocked out and eventually starve.
    * Increased SFX distance for Ichthyornis and Hesperornis.
    * Fixed the Egg Hatching bar from disappearing in singleplayer when relogging.
    * Fixed issue where torpor stat for newly tamed dinos was not displaying correctly.
    * Fixed issue where stasis was reducing the food consumption of dinos.
    * Hyaenodon taming now scales properly with taming server settings.
    * Reduced turning speed of tames by 0.5s their current speed when they are in combat, so creatures like the Manta and Ptero can turn fast enough to properly attack.
    * Enabled pack buff to tamed Kentros.
    * Increased duration of Giga roar.
    * Fixed Quetzal platform not being paintable.
    * Added Spinosaur roar.
    * Added missing eating animations and sounds for creatures (should all have a proper animation now!).
    * Prevented baby Thylacoleo’s from spawning on redwood trees when born.
    * Improved landing AI for Quetzal and Wyvern.
    * Fixed an issue where flyers out of stamina would not auto-land and would get stuck in the air.
    * Fixed Megalosaurus breeding to prevent babies from needing/going to sleep.
    * Fixed Thylacoleo from always roaring when coming out of stasis.
    * Fixed Thylacoleo from assuming a “superman” pose when jumping on a surface it couldn’t climb.
    * Fixed Thylacoleo from getting into a state where it would walk forward without player input.
    * Fixed server crash caused by Thylacoleo.
    * Reduced tail collision on medium and large creatures.
    * Fixed babies from ‘growing’ into the ground over time as they aged.
    * Improved logic to minimize Sarco tails from gravitating towards ceilings.
    * Fixed Move To command to work after dismounting a dino if the dino is in a group.
    * Fixed the player from taking damage while riding on a Griffin in singleplayer.
    * Added Griffin icon and level up animation.
    * Fixed the spyglass not functioning properly while flying on the Griffin.
    * Fixed issue where the Griffin gained unintended speed when equipping a weapon.
    * Fixed an issue where dinos could aggro turrets even though no damage was being done.
    Je crois que c'est elle qui viens d'être déployée.
    1.7Gb le bébé.
    et une deuxième dans la foulée de 766.9Mb.

  24. #5424
    Yep c'est bien elle, le serveur est à jour et le wipe des dinos sauvage a été fait

    La vitesse des dinos a été remaniée, les persos sont de nouveau au niveau 1 (il faut redistribuer les points), l'inutile Crafting Speed a été remplacé par le Crafting Skill (1 point investi = +10), une lumière de beacon verte s'affiche pour indiquer l'emplacement de votre mort et pour le reste, c'est à découvrir en jouant ou en lisant le (long) patch notes !

  25. #5425
    je viendrais voir ça un peu plus tard pendant la soirée.

  26. #5426
    Le jeu et le DLC sont en promotion à -50% pour les soldes steam d'été. Le Community Manager d'ARK rappelle qu'à la fin de ces soldes (le 5 juillet), le prix du jeu sur PC sera augmenté. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore, c'est le moment

  27. #5427
    salut les canards !

    à la recherche d'un serveur à la cool, je me demandait si vous acceptiez les vieux reacs, du genre qui jouent sans micro.
    et si il y avait une tribu prete à m'accueillir, ou d'autres joueurs prets à en créer une

    on se fait toujours mieux bouffer par un rex à plusieurs

  28. #5428
    Citation Envoyé par Ranxx Voir le message
    salut les canards !

    à la recherche d'un serveur à la cool, je me demandait si vous acceptiez les vieux reacs, du genre qui jouent sans micro.
    et si il y avait une tribu prete à m'accueillir, ou d'autres joueurs prets à en créer une

    on se fait toujours mieux bouffer par un rex à plusieurs
    Serveur 197 ile aux herbivores

  29. #5429
    salut a tous ,
    eternel dbat mais actuellement j'ai 2 ssd sur l'ordi , un de 68 et un de 128 , avec ark sur ceelui de 128 mais il est bientot full , il vaut mieux racheter un autre ssd a 500go pour le mettre , ou un dd classique ? merci de votre reponse .

  30. #5430
    Citation Envoyé par Fredox Voir le message
    J'en profite pour signaler qu'on vient de monter un serveur privé avec 3 potes, si ça vous intéresse tout le monde est le bienvenu. Le serveur est tout récent donc vierge de toute construction, à part chez nous.
    Pour faire bref, c'est un serveur PvE avec rates modifiés et quelques mods pour le confort, taillé pour du solo/petite tribu. J'ai bricolé une petite page web qui détaille tout ça.
    Je viens de poser une cabane sur votre serveur, les multiplicateurs sont intéressants pour commencer sans être trop frustré. Je suis au sud 2 sur une petite île, si vous voyez que le propriétaire est Silver, c'est bien moi.

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