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Affichage des résultats 271 à 300 sur 314
  1. #271
    Vu le résultat qui a déçu pas mal de monde, l'équipe qui bosse sur une big mise à jour, a décidé de procéder à un relancement du jeu.

    C'est prévu pour dans pas longtemps donc on verra ce qu'il en est.

    J'avoue que des pistes plus larges pour profiter de la vitesse et plus de circuits ça ne serait pas du luxe.

  2. #272
    J'espère que cette refonte vaille vraiment le coup. D'ailleurs, j'ai pris Antigraviator. On n'a pas ce système de category qui fait qu'on pilote des engins de plus en plus puissant. On a dès le départ un vaisseau qui carbure.
    C'est vraiment très speed mais le vaisseau n'a aucune physique et se contente du minimum.

  3. #273
    C'est quoi, un "relancement" de jeu ?

    edit : ah, une refonte ?
    "Il y a des enfants en Afrique qui n'ont rien sur leur compte GOG !". "Le prix de 60 boules c'est juste pour choper les cons, les riches, les fans de la licence et les hardcore gamers."

  4. #274
    C'est une bonne nouvelle malgré tout.
    Dernière modification par oll ; 20/07/2020 à 18h27.

  5. #275
    Je suis également impatient de voir ce changement d'orientation de la part des développeurs. Je trouve que le jeu s'était vraiment bien amélioré lors de cette dernière année.
    Mon principal reproche concerne le système d'armes catastrophiques : tu choisis une arme défensive et une offensive avant la course et puis basta ! Bonjour le manque de variété....
    Surtout que la plupart des armes sont bien moisies !

    @paprikka6 : où as-tu trouvé cette info de "reboot" du jeu ? J'ai rien trouvé sur les différents forums. Merci.

    Edit : ah ok c'est ici :
    Dernière modification par Dicentim ; 24/06/2018 à 19h50.

  6. #276
    Je suis curieux de voir cette relance, le jeu était sympathique et les derniers patchs allaient dans la bonne direction.

  7. #277
    Quelques nouvelles viennent de tomber. Pour milieu 2019 le jeu devrait sortir sur PS4/XB1 et ressortir sur PC avec

    • Des nouveaux circuits
    • Une nouvelle interface
    • Des nouveaux modes de jeu
    • Une nouvelle IA
    • Un mode carrière
    • Un tutoriel
    • De nouvelles armes
    • Plus de musiques
    • Une refonte du multijoueurs

  8. #278
    Merci pour l'info.
    Dernière modification par oll ; 20/07/2020 à 18h27.

  9. #279
    La dernière mise à jour a vraiment bien optimisé le jeu qui maintenant tourne tout à fond à 60 fps (i7 2600k, GTX 1070), c'est franchement beau et speed à la fois.
    J'adore le principe du "double boost" qui t'incite à prendre des risques mais qui est gratifiant en terme de vitesse.
    Dommage que les temps de chargement soient aussi longs (mon jeu n'est pas sur SSD) et que le online soit désert.
    Citation Envoyé par Corneille Voir le message
    A vaincre sans péril on triomphe parce qu'on vient de loin...

  10. #280

  11. #281

  12. #282

  13. #283

  14. #284
    J'espère qu'ils ont changé la gestion des armes car contrairement à WipeOut on n'obtient pas les armes aléatoirement en passant sur des cases colorées mais on choisit son unique arme avant le départ de la course.
    C'est très ennuyeux et enlève un max de fun.
    Beaucoup de monde appelle l'ajout d'un écran splitté (au moins 2 jours...) ça ne me semble pas être prévu.
    Citation Envoyé par Corneille Voir le message
    A vaincre sans péril on triomphe parce qu'on vient de loin...

  15. #285

  16. #286

  17. #287

  18. #288
    Wishlist sur steam, j'attends ça avec impatience

  19. #289
    Oui moi aussi même si le système où on ne choisit qu'une arme est super frustrant.
    Où est passé le fun de la "loterie" des armes de Wipeout ?

  20. #290
    Citation Envoyé par Dicentim Voir le message
    Où est passé le fun de la "loterie" des armes de Wipeout ?
    Réponse : dans BallisticNG ! ^^

    1.2 Changelog

    Music :
    Added Vonsnake - To The Cosmos
    Added Xpand - SpaceRaver
    Added Xpand - Eons
    Added Xpand - Telomere Extension
    Added Xpand - Partial
    Added Vonsnake - Caliburn
    Added Vonsnake - Out There
    Added Vonsnake - Orbitronix
    Added Vonsnake - Beyond
    Added Xpand - Lightspeed
    Remastered Wyvern, Nexus, Diavolt, Omnicom, G-Tek, Tenrai and Scorpio. For soundtrack DLC owners, you can find the original versions in the Legacy folder.
    Music introduced in expansions are now prefixed with the expansions now
    Fixed Shiftdelete - The Only Way Is Up not being streamed and causing a small frame hiccup when loading
    Shiftdelete - Worldwide is now the song played when returning to a lobby in multiiplayer

    VR :
    Added option to set which eye will be drawn in the desktop game window

    Custom Race :
    Menu rewritten from scratch to be consolidated into a single list that's generated on the fly
    Settings that are not relevant to a gamemode are now hidden
    Gamemode specific settings are now saved
    All settings are now saved when backing out
    Racers and lap settings now show the result of their settings instead of the internal values that the game uses
    Added options to disable any weapon in the game. This list also acts as a readout of weapons that gamemodes disable
    Menu progression/regression is now handled by inputs only (mouse interactable buttons are still available at the bottom of the screen)

    Tournaments :
    Added the ability to set which gamemode a tournament will use. Currently only the race gamemode is supported.
    Every setting available in custom race in now available to tournaments

    Settings :
    Added option to control the screen shake intensity
    Added option to toggle muffled audio when in vacuums
    Added option to toggle custom track music overrides
    Added option to toggle cockpit audio filtering
    Added option to control the resolution of portals
    Added option to disable engine sound loading from soundpacks
    Added options to fine tune the camera distance
    Added depth buffer based lens flare occlusion. It defaults to on but can be turned off in the Graphics -> Effects menu. This option only works on Windows when using DX11. Linux/Mac and OpenGL are not supported as they don't support the compute shader features needed to read the data back.
    Renamed gameplay options to game
    Moved camera settings into their own sub category in the game options menu
    Reworked realtime ship reflections so the high option now uses a higher resolution instead of a higher refresh rate

    Multiplayer :
    Code mod support
    Support for code mods has been added to multiplayer when using a direct IP connection. For security reasons we have not enabled this for Steam based multiplayer. This feature is primarily focused on groups of friends who want to play with each other with whatever mods they please.

    The server can decide whether code mods need to be disabled, can be enabled or whether all clients need the exact code mods they have installed running.
    If the server is running in host mods mode and you don't have the same setup, information on what you need to disable and what you need to install will be available in the game's console.

    Added controller navigation to the chat box and back
    Added ingame and lobby messages for when players join and leave
    Added sounds for the lobby start countdown
    The game's version number is now used instead of an internal multiplayer version. This now means everybody has to be running the exact same version of the game to play with each other.
    Skip detections are now broadcast to everyone
    Fixed the lobby chat in VR not being visible
    Fixed damage overflow on respawning ships
    Fixed the game trying to access a peer using the pper ID as an array index when retrieving a networked ship name, fixing performance drops when eliminating certain online players
    Fixed CSF ships being viewed in the ship turntable getting unloaded when a network peer changes ship
    Fixed desync with ship meshes in the lobby when peers disconnect
    Fixed tournament races not waiting for players to load before starting subsequent races
    Fixed a bug with rockets where finishing a race with them would have the AI fire them but not dispose them, causing more to be spawned until the game crashed
    Fixed a client softlock that would happen the race after a race where the host selected and played a track you don't have

    Campaign :
    Added support for forcing floor hugger. Use FloorHugger="True" in the mode group in custom campaign XMLs
    The gamemode description box for campaign events is now scrollable if the description is too long
    The Neon Nights finalist hardcore cup is no longer hardcore
    Campaign progress can bow be saved when debugging is enabled
    Custom gamemode settings loaded from campaign XMLs are now reported to the console for debugging purposes
    Added a short description next to the campaign difficulty option to make it clearer what both options are doing
    Fixed the Barracuda time trial events still using a legacy hard multiplier
    Fixed a crash that happens on game exit if you view a custom campaign that points to a non existent video file

    Tracks :
    Unity light objects are now disabled on track load. This should provide a performance boost on complicated tracks like Basin when using lower end hardware
    Reworked lighting on all tracks using the new vertex lightmapper
    Fully remade Marina Rush. The new layout is only ever so slightly shorter then the previous one, so all leaderboard scores have been left up since the top entries are possible to beat
    All tracks updated to fully support the new affine texture map setting
    Added AOOB flags and increased the jump zone force on the gravlift sections on Atlantica Reverse
    Added no anti skip volume to the final raised turn on Omega Harbour Reverse
    Omega Harbour's lower quality ocean now uses the BNG water shader
    The respawn areas on Hydrome Bed's drop turn are now less agressive and provide more wiggle room
    Luna's introduction intercom now uses the new processing used for the Outer Reaches tracks
    The texture maps used for the fancy oceans no longer have texture filtering
    Normals are now calculated for scenery floors that don't have any, fixing a major issue caused by Unity stripping normals on track builds (which is now disabled when using the latest Unity Tools build)
    The transform interpolator script now keeps track of the number of ships that have interacted with it so the animation doesn't play until all ships have left the collider
    Spawn tile discovery is now based on the user defined start line and not a hard coded section offset
    The spawn position now takes into account the section orientation (upside down maglock/floor hugger spawns are now possible)
    When using a standard ship with more then 8 contenders, each teams ship will now spawn side by side
    The Metro frontend mesh now only shows the routes you will take and not the entire track floor mesh
    Fixed 2280 pads on the start grid on Utah Project
    Fixed floating 2280 pad on Harpstone's jump
    Fixed anti-skip issue on Hydrome Bed
    Fixed a skip exploit on Arrivon Peak
    Fixed the train on Dover not being animated
    Fixed the palm trees on Atlantica Forward being disabled in survival

    Free Tracks :
    Updated the terrain textures on Europa to make them more icy in appearance
    Europa's introduction intercom now uses the new processing used for the Outer Reaches tracks
    Updated Europa and Yala Outpost terrain material with new terrain shader features to blend the UV scale over a distance

    Gamemodes :
    Added Rush Hour
    Added Team Race
    Speed lap will now respawn the player if they're eliminated (for damage zones)
    Tournament scores are now based on the amount of alive ships and not the total ships
    Ship places in tournaments now determine their position on the start grid for the next race (singleplayer only)
    Idle attract mode now uses a random ship, ship livery, ship livery scheme and track from all loaded content instead of just the base game content
    Fixed the idle attract mode using splitscreen if the previous race played was in splitscreen

    Race :
    Added option to toggle between the afterburner, turbo pickup or both as the boost mechanic

    Knockout :
    Added option to toggle between the afterburner, turbo pickup or both as the boost mechanic

    Survival :
    Survival now saves offline records
    Survival can now detect when the ship is spinning and begin heavily damaging it as an anti-cheat measure (for Port Ares and Kuiper Overturn)

    Eliminator :
    Double tapping the afterburner will now give you a boost when the spin finishes. Boost combat spinning will also increase your grip through the spin for better control when exiting it
    There is now a 200ms cooldown to the combat spin
    Added easing to the combat spin animation for an added sense of weight
    Ai can now combat spin
    Fixed combat spin not working for player 2
    Fixed players being able to combat spin in the results screen

    Ship collisions are now always disabled
    Increased difficulty in the higher AI levels
    Reduced the amount of points given for ship eliminations
    Doubled weapon impact scores so events are now shorter
    Ships must now hit another weapon pad before a previous weapon pad can be used again
    Speed pads are now disabled
    Removed hunter from the weapon roster

    Upsurge :
    A zone is now worth 20 shield instead of 10
    Increased shield time to 1.5 seconds

    Weapons :
    Rewrote the random weapon system to have much better fallbacks in place in case a weapon can't be given, such as only allowing a weapon that might only be available in specific race positions
    Weapons are now inserted into the weighting table at random positions instead of sequentially to improve the random selection
    Projectiles can now respond to trigger behaviours such as teleporters
    Projectiles now slide non player ships to the side instead of pushing them upwards
    The shield will no longer auto deploy when another shield is already active
    Fixed an issue where AI didn't recognise themselves being near an energy wall and would always fire one
    Mines now spawn using the ships full 3D rotation
    Fixed the hellstorm reticule not aligning with the camera in certain situations like through loops
    The ship detection for the AI rocket logic now uses a sphere cast to accommodate for the rocket spread
    Ai now have a stop delay for the cannon fire, making their usage of it more player like
    AI can now fire missiles backwards in the expert, elite and hardcore difficulties if they can't get a forward lock
    Ai now have a separate usage timer not affected by the aggression stat, allowing them to hold weapons for longer in Eliminator and Team Race where the fire aggression is increased further beyond its base value
    Improved AI accuracy with the rockets, scaled by the AI difficulty level
    Destroying mines with weapons will now given you the points the owner would have recieved if you had collided with them
    Improved missile and hellstorm reliability on non flat track surfaces
    Missile and hellstorms now aim torwards their targets much faster
    Improved projectile lockon reliability
    Fixed mine lifetimes being framerate dependant
    Fixed score increments from mines being based on projectile impacts instead of ship impacts
    Fixed the plasma not increasing scores on impact

    Cannon :
    Fixed cannons not counting towards the minesweeper stat and achievement
    Fixed fire rate being framerate dependant
    Now only updates the weapon information readout per fire (small optimization)
    When a ship has a damage stat of 0 the cannon fire rate will now default to the base fire rate

    User Interface :
    Added advanced content selectors. Press the open leaderboard input bind when on the ship and track turntables to open it
    Added an onscreen keyboard to input fields when using a controller or when in VR. With an input field highlighted press menu submit to bring it up. Menu back, menu category left, menu category right, use pickup, drop pickup and pause will simulate you pressing space, left arrow, right arrow, backspace, caps lock and return respectively.
    Added the ability to edit ship stats in realtime using the F1 overlay when debugging mode is enabled
    Added controller input icons. This currently supports xbox and dualshock controllers
    You can now select the ship class and physics mod in the records menu
    The option menus are now automatically laid out and given automation, resolving any past and future issues with navigating through them
    The progress loading DLC is now shown
    The layout creator file browser can now back out to show all of the drives connected to the computer
    The lobby ship turntable now shows stats and the ship description
    The in-game leaderboards overlay will now download the top scores if you haven't set a score for surrounding scores to be based on
    Sliders now increment values faster over time when held
    Renamed back to cancel in the option menus
    Improved visuals of the code mods menu
    Bindings in the controls menu are now categorised for better readability
    Fixed the lobby ship turntable loosing the current content when a peer changes their ship
    Fixed seconds in the stats screen having 2 s's
    Fixed an issue where not having any custom ships installed would require a double tap to move past the last category of ships on the turntable
    Fixed the ship selection turntable using player 1's inputs for player 2
    Fixed the mouse having an influence on highlighted elements when it's not visible
    Fixed menus marked to not regress on menu back inputs being regressable when right clicking
    Fixed the code mods menu breaking when you back out, go back and the back out again
    Fixed the controls menu loosing selection focus when coming back in after a runtime generated element was selected
    Fixed various issues where UI elements would have the highlighted color stick when in-game
    Fixed various UI element issues where the highlighted color would stick when the game is paused

    HUD :
    Redesigned the speed lap HUD
    Updated the total time / lap time HUD design
    You now need to hold down the open leaderboard button to bring it up. An open progress bar is shown on screen as you hold the button down
    The notification buffer now uses the aldrich font, shows a kill feed and will scale down text if iti's too large to fit in the text area
    If you're using cheats or are in debugging mode the notification buffer will now let you know, in case you were wondering why stuff wasn't saving
    The position HUD element now updates every 100ms instead of every frame to stop the readout rapidly jumping about if you're rapidly trading places with another ship
    The race lap readout now keeps the perfect lap highlight updated for the active lap
    Improved the now plying display positioning so it can now show 2 lines without clipping and fixed the width so characters for longer names don't overflow off of the screen
    The notification overlay now cancels its animation coroutine and resets its alpha when disabled
    Improved positioning and scaling of the eliminator scoreboard, ship energy scoreboard and campaign awards panel
    Fixed the time looking at stats display not converting the milliseconds back to seconds when the stat overlay loads
    Fixed the ship energy overlays not flipping their position in mirror mode
    Fixed the race lap readout page switch being offset after 10 laps
    Fixed the wrong way notification showing in Eliminator

    Ships :
    Added a 2 second shield when ships respawning
    Added Outer Reaches liveries (unlocked by getting a gold or platinum in every Outer Reaches campaign event)
    Added a secret ship. We'll leave discovering the code to unlock this up to you
    Added Orbitronix
    Added support for user variables (for use with the custom ship module system)
    Added a bounce response for front - front ship collisions
    All ships now have Neon Nights liveries
    The Barracuda Model 0 now has it's own unique cockpit
    Re-uv'd and retextured the Barracuda Model S
    Caliburn now has its own engine sound
    Added support for infinitely nested physics mod zones
    Steer sliding is now applied over time instead of instantly, adding some smoothness to the drift of ships so it doesn't abruptly cut in and out
    Steer tilting is now more visually coherent with how it would affect the ships rotation
    Floor hugger now allows full 360 pitching and no tilt zeroing when airbourne in zero-g
    The drag ship trails no longer turn blue when boosting and have been made shorter
    All ships have been updated to the newer engine effect backend and now have their own unique, thicker player trails
    Increased the width of the AI trails to match the width of the players
    The AI trail is now used when using the reverse camera in the legacy mode
    The controls and navigation lights are now hidden when in internal cameras and normal reverse cam mpde
    Moved hyperions contrails to the back side of the hull
    Updated Tenrais engine colors so they better match the teams primary color
    Secondary thrusters no fire when start boosting
    Updated drift ships with animated airbrakes, new engine effects, new engine sounds, reflection masks and lowered top speeds and altered handling
    Ship shadows now project onto scenery floors
    Updated the ship elimination animation and physics
    Updated the drag engine sound
    The rear chase camera no longer offsets itself based on the ships vertical distance to the track when in floor hugger
    Fixed ships refetching track normals and triangles every physics step when hovering over scenery floors (huge optimization)
    Fixed the survival ship trail remaining when using custom ships in Survival
    Fixed the scrape sound continuing to play if a ship is scraping when eliminated
    Fixed engine trail Uvs now updating if update colors is disabled
    Fixed ship effects being disabled when the camera switches to the race finished view and the player is in first person

    The INTERNAL_TEMPEST module is now depreciated an will be removed in a future update.
    Added updateColors, useBoostColors and useTurboSounds boolean variables to the drag module

    AI :
    The AI grounding force now respects physics mod zones gravity settings
    The AI no longer have section wall avoidance when the side of the track they're on doesn't have a wall
    Improved the autopilots vertical movement
    Fixed the autopilot junction control not having its inputs mirrored in mirror mode

    Engine :
    Moved UserData folder to User. All of your data will be automatically transferred over. Make sure you have read the section on this above
    Outside of the campaign there is no longer a restriction on what content is available where. All standard ships can now be used on drag tracks and the drift ships can now be used everywhere.
    Added CRT filter option (Graphics -> Retro menu)
    Added -skipintro launch argument
    Added an option to control how custom menu music plays, similar to the soundtrack options (Audio -> Mods menu)
    Implemented a new settings backend to handle settings and preferences
    Implemented custom HUD support. Examples and documentation will be coming in the future
    Asset bundle loading for DLC and generating custom track caches is now asynchronous
    When splitting faces for virtual environments, the game now uses Unity's new 32-bit index buffer to allow the output mesh to have more vertices if needed
    Implemented affine texture mapping. This can be toggled from the Graphics -> Retro menu
    Implemented an uber shader to consolidate many shader types into a single source
    Custom content shader to internal shader translation is now handled with a database instead of having everything hard coded
    Depreciated the ingame ship importer
    Replaced the rich presence rank readout with a speed class /w speed modifiers readout
    Countdown displays are now rendered into the depth buffer
    Extra laps being a negative value now activates cheat mode
    The anti-skip system is now disabled for ships that are respawning
    Fixed Unity based skybox's not being disabled when using the ship render only mode in photo mode
    Fixed the skip detected sound playing for AI ships
    Fixed the machinima camera tool not functioning (accessed via console command)
    Fixed ship liveries for DLC campaigns not installed being unlocked when using the unlock all feature
    Fixed a major issue in position tracking that would affect the accuracy of positions on tracks like Dover Reverse
    Fixed the photos taken stat not being incremented

    Controls :
    Controller configs are now stored to an XML file
    Fixed only mapped inputs working for skipping the startup scenes and added mouse input support for skipping
    Fixed controller vibration not being stopped when the game pauses

    Audio :
    Added support for Steam Audio HRTF. You can enable it in the Audio -> Mixing menu (spatial audio)
    The track introduction voice is now played through the voices audio channel
    The intro FMV now respects the music channel volume
    Oneshot environment sounds are now processed by the audio source enumerator to ensure they have the right mixer channel assigned
    Removed the airbourne high pass filter from the music in 2280 (linux compatibility fix)
    The ship bump sound no longer plays for AI to AI collisions
    Optimized what sounds AI play to keep voice counts below the 64 ceiling against 16 AI
    Fixed the ambient audio culling not working on some tracks where the culling manager has empty object entries
    Fixed custom shield hit sounds not playing

    Layout Creator 2.0 :
    Made the background darker
    Added support for changing the per-node track shape interpolation method. A dropdown has been added to the node tools window to set this.
    Added camera orbit using the middle mouse button while there is an active selection. You can also use W and S to move towards and away from the selected nodes.
    Added teleporter node (press ; to toggle it)
    Fixed physics mod zones being wiped on undo/redo
    Fixed physics mod zones blocking selection inputs

    Debug Console :
    Any logs before the console is loaded will now be buffered and logged as soon as it's available
    Rewrote console and commands to use Mojangs Brigadier backend
    The console now suggests as you type and tab can be used to autocomplete
    The help command now uses Brigadier to list out all commands instead of relying on an external commands help doc
    Using the help command and then the name of a command will now show usage details on that command
    Reworked the command history so pressing up and down will now cycle through a stack of previous commands

    Photomode :
    Implemented tonemapping effects menu
    Fixed the UI not scaling properly with ultra widescreen resolutions
    Fixed camera movement not being analogue when using a controller

    (Le jeu est à 7€).

  21. #291
    Jolis graphismes pour de la PS2.

    Pour les parties bien sur route, pourquoi pas, mais alors celles ou on la quitte ou on fait des rotations à la descent, non, sans façon.

  22. #292
    Ce n'est le cas que d'un circuit (je crois). J'en ai un peur aussi, à voir en jeu !
    "Il y a des enfants en Afrique qui n'ont rien sur leur compte GOG !". "Le prix de 60 boules c'est juste pour choper les cons, les riches, les fans de la licence et les hardcore gamers."

  23. #293
    Idem, j'ai flippé en voyant ça dans le trailer.

  24. #294
    BallisticNG 1.2.1 is now available. This update focuses on reworking the precision runs with a new simplified time attack design and opening them up to custom tracks!

    Precision Update :
    Removed scrape medal reduction mechanic. The mode is now based on time only with bronze, silver, gold and platinum medals.
    Grades from previous versions of the game are read as silver, bronze and gold awards.
    The precision delta is unlocked by getting a gold in every non custom precision run. Platinums are not required and are there for those who want the extra challenge.
    Skip detection in precision runs is now disabled. Skips are required for the platinum times.
    Afterburner is now enabled. Use of it is required for the platinum times.


    Music :
    Added continuous playback. This is enabled by default and can be toggled from the audio menu if you prefer the previous new song every race behaviour.

    Ships :
    The airbrake open sound is now muted when the ship is being controlled by an AI

    Engine :
    Added custom track support to precision runs
    Available resolutions are now written to the log file on launch

    Tracks :
    All precision tracks updated with new bronze, silver, gold and platinum times
    Gave the precision tracks a slight visual and lighting update
    Animation scripts for custom tracks no longer update when the scripts object is disabled

    Achievements :
    Updated the Precision Perfect achievement description to reflect the new medal system.

    VR :
    Fixed the medal render on the precision run HUD not displaying
    Portals now render black. Because the game is configured to use a single camera for both eyes and because of optimizations in portal rendering, we only get access to the camera after the right eye is about to render, not giving us any opportunity to configure the portal for the left eye. This created the double vision that has been reported. For the time being we have disabled portal rendering in VR to save your eyes.
    Les mecs ne chôment pas!

  25. #295
    Salut les pilotes !
    Pour ceux qui sont intéressés le jeu rebooté sous le nom de Pacer sortira le 17 septembre.
    Si vous voulez chopper une clé Formula Fusion à vil prix grouillez-vous.

  26. #296
    Bah, FF n'est plus en vente de toute façon, donc il ne restera qu'à attendre la sortie de Pacer pour ceux qui seraient intéressés.

  27. #297
    Merci pour l'info. Hâte d'être à dans un mois.

  28. #298
    Le trailer de Pacer avec sortie le 17 septembre.

  29. #299

  30. #300
    Sont censés avoir du cross play? Sinon un peu bête de subir l'approval console pour PC

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