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  1. #91
    Merci pour la distinction, on s'y perd vraiment entre tous ces DKlikes.
    "We need a man that is simple perfection ; There's nothing that's harder to find
    Someone to lead us protect us and feed us ; And help us to make up our minds"

  2. #92
    Un grand merci Abecrow, effectivement c'est plus clair. J'ajouterais juste le prix prohibitif de Dungeons 2, mais le fait qu'il est multi-plateforme, tandis que Dwelvers n'est que sur Windows.
    "Aemuli, Nec Invidi."

  3. #93
    Citation Envoyé par Silaith Voir le message
    Un grand merci Abecrow, effectivement c'est plus clair. J'ajouterais juste le prix prohibitif de Dungeons 2, mais le fait qu'il est multi-plateforme, tandis que Dwelvers n'est que sur Windows.
    Y aura peut etre un portage du jeu sur linux et mac si y a une demande. (Source forum steam via dev)

  4. #94
    Je remonte pour savoir si depuis le dernier post le jeu est devenu meilleur.

    J'aime bien l'idée "gestion du donjon" mais du coup il y a toujours des héros ou d'autre donjons qui viennent en découdre ?

    On peut faire des étages ? la caméra est pas trop dure a gérer ?

    La possession existe encore ?

  5. #95

  6. #96
    Citation Envoyé par Poussin Joyeux Voir le message
    Mouais, si un jour ils sortent un DLC interessant pourquoi pas, mais bon je me contenterais du jeu actuel

  7. #97
    Petit remontage, recu par mail :

    Hi all,

    It has been a while since my last news update here, or any post at all for that matter, sorry about that. It is just so hard to be engaged when I have no new game updates to show. I have noticed that the rating for the game has gone down a lot on Steam, which is understandable when no new updates are being made. I just hope that if I get back to working full time on Dwelvers this will change.

    Even if many of the reviews are "not recommended" they still give me some inspiration, because the main reason for these reviews is that the development has halted, and not that the game itself is bad. So I still feel hope to turn these reviews around at some point. That is also why I've taken the step to buy out SMP (The developers of Towns). I felt that if I'm going to get back to developing Dwelvers I can't have SMP's bad reputation following me around.

    So for the last months I've been working on the next update. It has only been about 10 - 12 hours a week, but at this point it is enough to be able to release a new update within a couple of weeks. The update is a big refactoring of the menu system so that it is much more intuitive. I will get back to you all with some more information about this in a week.

    Thank you all for your patience

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