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  1. #31
    Citation Envoyé par M0zArT Voir le message
    Mé wai poto, moi aussi
    T'y joueras plus qu'au dernier tour par tour backé sur Kickstarter ?

  2. #32
    Hop, premier stretch goal atteint ! Et normalement y aura une update cette nuit pour détailler les mécaniques du jeu.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  3. #33
    Core Game Rules

    As promised, here's a summary of the Duelyst core game mechanics. These rules will continue to be evolve in the upcoming months based on player feedback / behavior.

    Winning Objective

    As a Duelyst, you play the role of a Bloodborn General leading your own battle squad. You have the ability to call forth battle units and cast powerful spells to battle against your opponent's General.

    Victory is achieved by defeating your opponent's Bloodborn General.

    Squad Types

    Battle Units: Each Battle Unit has 4 key stats: ATK, HP, Core Cost, and Unique Ability. Only Battle Units can move and attack on the battle map.
    Battle Spells: Each Battle Spell has 2 properties: Core Cost and Spell Effect. Spells generally target empty tiles, allies, or enemy units. Spells targeting units will typically be permanent (but can be cleansed/debuffed).

    Squad Composition

    For Ranked Normal mode, you pick your Faction and then choose faction-specific battle units and battle spells. Additionally, you may pick neutral spells and mercenary units to complement your squad with no restriction on unit to spell ratios. There is an upper bound of 25 total units + spells per custom squad.

    Core Cost

    Cores are the primary resource cost for taking actions such as deploying units, casting spells, moving and attacking with your units (for those familiar with tactics / ccgs, this is essentially your AP / Mana Pool).

    At the bottom of your screen is an Action Bar with 6 Active Slots. Each turn, empty slots in your Action Bar are refilled and randomly drawn from your pre-built custom squad composition of Battle Units and Battle Spells.

    Battle Units in your Action Bar can be deployed on any empty tile around your General (assuming you meet the Core Cost requirement).
    Battle Units deployed on the battle map can move-attack or attack once per turn for 1 Core Cost.
    Battle Units cannot take another action per turn (unless modified by a unique ability / spell).
    Battle Units cannot take an action on the same turn as its deployment.
    Spells in your Action Bar can be cast on a target unit or tile based (assuming you meet the Core Cost requirement).
    Deployed Battle Units and cast spells are discarded from your pre-built custom squad.

    Turn Sequence

    The turn ends when the player runs out of Cores with no actions left to complete or 90 seconds (for live matches).
    At start of each turn, any empty slots in your Action Bar will be refilled and randomly drawn from your custom squad build of units / spells.
    The match begins with 1 Core for Player 1 (first mover) and 2 Cores for Player 2 (second mover).
    Player Cores will increase by 1 up to a maximum of 6 Cores (excluding terrain bonuses) at the end of the turn.
    If a player completely depletes all squad components, the player's General will continue to receive -1 HP each turn.

    Battle Units

    Movement: By default, Battle Units can move 2 tiles (unless modified by a Spell or Ability).
    Attack: Melee Units can only attack adjacent tiles. Ranged units can typically attack up to 2 tiles away (including diagonals).
    Combat Resolution: Units at 0 HP are immediately removed from the battle map (ie. no reviving).

    Terrain Tiles

    Tiles can offer temporary or permanent bonuses if a player's unit continues to occupy it (eg. +2 Cores).


    Allies can fire and move through friendly units (but not through enemy units). Some Battle Spells and Battle Units can deploy covering shields to block line-of-sight.

    I tried to summarize core concepts in as little space as possible. If you have questions, please contact me on Kickstarter so I can collect them all to build out a detailed FAQ.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  4. #34
    Modif des stretch goals.

    Faction 6 passe de 110k à 100k $.
    110k : traductions, dont le français (bonne idée ça !)
    125k : même goal qu'avant
    150k : PS4 (pfff)
    160k : vignettes de blabla
    180k : meilleure IA
    230k : iOS et Android (goal trop élevé, je suis deg...)
    250k : XB1

    Si on arrive aux 160 ce sera cool.

    Et ils pensent vendre le jeu à 25$ une fois fini mais rien de sûr encore.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  5. #35
    Dommage pour la version android, oui. Enfin, j'imagine qu'il la feront quand même si le jeu se vend bien.

  6. #36
    Espérons. Déjà qu'on attend celle de Scrolls depuis un bon moment...
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  7. #37
    @Marco De Santos: Yes, the browser version will not need any pre-installed data and you will be able to play the game on the browser. It'll just load and play seamlessly on Chrome / Firefox without the need for any plug-ins. The copies will work both interoperable between PC and browser.
    Bon bah du coup les versions tablettes on s'en fiche non ?
    Ce serait sans doute trop beau mais bon. ^^
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  8. #38
    15 minutes de gameplay/questions chez Gamespot. C'est les 15 premières minutes de la vidéo.

  9. #39
    Citation Envoyé par P1nGou1N Voir le message
    Ouais bah moi ça pourrait m’intéresser. J'y avais pensé en plus.
    Si tu es toujours tenté, j'en suis.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  10. #40
    Citation Envoyé par xasalja Voir le message
    Si tu es toujours tenté, j'en suis.
    Tout bien réfléchi je crois que je vais quand même me faire le pledge à 20 dollars.
    15 dollars de plus ça fait quand même un jeu indé que je peux m'acheter à côté en plus et les rewards m'intéressent pas tant que ça en fait.

    Désolé j’espère que tu trouveras un deuxième intéresse !
    Dove sur sens critique.

  11. #41
    Pas de soucis, ça se comprend.
    Je cherche donc un(e) intéressé(e) pour le pledge à 70$ (ou 60$, au pire).
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  12. #42
    Pour info, est-ce que tu sais si les bonus des versions à 60 et 70 brouzoufs sont bien pour les deux licences ?

    Je me souviens de certain KS où ce n'était pas le cas (Faëria par exemple où les bonus des pledges à multi-licences n'étaient en fait attribués qu'à une seule clé).
    Sauvez un arbre, mangez un castor.
    Arknights: Dr Dolittle et le syndrome de la tourelle

  13. #43
    Oui, ça l'est.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  14. #44
    Ah bah si c'est pour les 2, je veux bien moi. Par contre je vois pas de pledge à 70$ qui inclut 2 licences. Donc je suis partant pour le 60$. J'ai déjà pledge donc si tu veux je me charge juste d'augmenter mon pledge actuel. Par contre t'as le lien qui confirme que c'est pour les 2 licences? Parce que sur celui à 60$ y'a marqué "PLUS another copy (key or download) of the game".

  15. #45
    Oui, le pledge à 70 inclut tous les bonus du pledge à 60 plus les spells et les mercenary minions bonus. Preuve en image.


    Et quote de leur réponse à ma question dans les commentaires (je demandais pour le Humble Widget sur leur site mais ça marche aussi pour le KS, bien entendu) :
    Counterplay Games
    @Cotopaxi: Using the Humble Bundle Widget for the equivalent $ Tier will give you the exact same rewards as the one on the Kickstarter page. In other words, you'd get 2 copies of the game if you bought Secret Powers Tier on the Humble Widget on
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  16. #46
    Ok mais je ne suis pas sur que les bonus soient pour les 2 exemplaires. (J'ai peut-être mal tourné ma question dans mon post précédent)

    Edit : my bad c'est effectivement écrit sur l'image qui présente les rewards KS... Du coup quel pledge te dit?

  17. #47
    Celui à 70 ? Tant qu'à faire.

    Mais si tu préfères celui à 60, ça me va aussi.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  18. #48
    Ok vendu. Bon bah j'augmente mon pledge du coup.

  19. #49
    Ok, on voit le reste en MP.

    Si quelqu'un veut un jeu à 15$ au lieu de 20, je vais bientôt enlever le mien, on peut se coordonner.

    Et sinon, le jeu sera traduit en quelques langues dont le français, stretch goal atteint ! Ca devrait le faire aussi pour celui à 125k$. Espérons.

    Et autre vidéo, un match entier en 1 vs 1.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  20. #50
    Dernier jour pour backer. Le goal de la PS4 semble difficile à atteindre. Dommage surtout pour les goals à 160 et 180 k$.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  21. #51
    Oui bon la PS4 en même temps... Mais effectivement, c'est bien dommage pour les deux goals suivants.

  22. #52
    Vraiment sympa ce jeu je pense backer pour les dernières heures ce soir avec un léger pledge à 15 doll

  23. #53
    Ce sera plutôt 20$ je crois, enfin si tu veux le jeu.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  24. #54

  25. #55
    Quelqu'un souhaite backer pour un pledge à 60 ou 70$ ? la clé bonus avec le pledge offre les mêmes avantages que le donneur. Si motivé, me MP

  26. #56
    Le site web a un peu changé de gueule (et rame chez moi). Mais surtout, on peut toujours préco le jeu (pour la beta, c'est 40$). Et on dirait que la campagne continue, cf le compteur des pledges en haut de la page.

    Par contre ils ont dégagé les stretch goals de leur page KS...
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  27. #57
    Pas de news des "nouveaux" stretch goals" mais quelques images.

    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  28. #58
    Des news !

    In the last three weeks, we've designed and implemented 80 new Units -- 52 Battle Units and 27 Battle Spells (spread across Lyonar, Abyssian, and Neutral Units). This week we'll spend our time tuning them before starting on the next batch.

    Besides Battle Units and Spells, we're also experimenting with a third Unit Type called Artifacts. These gear items are exclusively worn by Generals to offer them additional abilities (each with their own Durability).

    In parallel, we're working on rarity unit design, general progression, player collection economics/mechanics, and draft format rules.

    We've hit a pretty massive User Interface debt so we're spending most of this week catching up on readability / simplicity of the UI/UX. In terms of information hierarchy, our three top priorities are:

    Easily distinguish between Friendly and Enemy Units at all times
    See Attack and Health stats for all Units on the board (when needed)
    Easily distinguish between Ready and Exhausted Units

    Ultimately, our goal is to avoid visual clutter by dynamically introducing UI elements only when needed/necessary.
    Pixel and Concept Artwork

    Glauber Kotaki's been cranking away and here's a small selection of his recent Neutral Units:

    Last but not least, here's an amazing new concept art for the Vetruvian faction.
    Duelyst - World Map

    There's still quite a lot of unique locations that aren't shown in this very early preview. It's also small on purpose so you can't see everything yet :P
    Quick Announcements

    For those who pledged in a tier to help us design Battle Units/Spells, we'll be contacting you over email in September to schedule time for you to brainstorm/discuss/chat with the team and start designing units together.
    We apologize for any delays in response to emails or the forums. We've been super heads down on the game, but we'll be sure to swim up for air more often. Thanks for your understanding!
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  29. #59
    Un long post du dev lead sur le forum Duelyst :

    Hi everyone!

    I've been working like crazy on DUELYST for the last few months, and Keith graciously reminded me that I should surface and come in for a chat.

    I'm Eric Lang, the lead game designer of DUELYST. I've been a game designer for the last 17 years, starting in the tabletop game industry (where I worked primary on trading card games and other customizable games). I've worked on customizable games and expansions for Star Wars, Warhammer, Game of Thrones, Duel Masters, even a bit of Magic: the Gathering. I've also worked on board and miniatures games These games are in my DNA, and I love them!

    DUELYST represents a long time dream of mine; to design a customizable tactics game. Before I came on board, the game was already pretty awesome - stunning visuals, sweet backstory and IP, flavorful and compelling factions.

    My job has been to refine DUELYST into a well-oiled machine that delivers on all the promises we made while still being fun and accessible enough to appeal to a critical mass of players (always key for multiplayer duel games).

    The design goals for DUELYST are:
    1. Rich tactical complexity with minimum rules overhead.
    2. High action with exciting decisions rather than incremental action with agonizing decisions.
    3. Factions that feel fresh and meaningfully different from each other, both obviously and subtly.
    4. Short session time, with as little downtime between turns as we can manage.
    5. Rich combos. This is a customizable game; minion and spell combos should excite the imagination.
    6. Catch-up features - try to avoid steamrolling as often happens in tactics games once a player has an advantage.

    I also brought some personal design goals to the table:
    1. Player's option tree each turn is rich but not overwhelming
    2. Each faction has three viable broad strategies even in the first release: control, midrange-combo and aggro.
    3. Each faction features familiar elements (to ease learning curve) and at least one cool, uniquely DUELYST thing
    4. Each faction cares about DUELYST's positioning and movement mechanics in a unique way.
    5. Each faction's control strategy feels unique. Same with aggro and midrange-combo
    6. Minions are flavorful and generally SIMPLE to understand. No piling abilities on units unless cohesive and intuitive.

    All of these goals needed to be accomplished while making the rules simpler and at the same time not sacrificing depth. At the end of the day, FUN is what matters - the rest is noise.

    To address many of these issues, I worked on toning down what I call "aggregate complexity." During a game of DUELYST, you have many balls in the air - ramping mana development, action bar management (known as hand management in card games), tempo of your units (building your attack capability in relation to your opponent)...and on top of that you have a board, where the relative positions of minions and Generals are important.

    That's a lot to take in, and we have all these cool abilities to boot. So in the design, I worked to minimize small, incremental advantage mechanics and simplify (and punch up) many core game abilities. Ranged minions can attack anywhere, Flying minions can move anywhere, Provoke minions root and "taunt" everything around them ... and minions themselves can now be summoned nearby ANY friendly unit, not just your General. This allows for lots of tactical play styles (General and his advancing swarm, pincer maneuvers, hold the line, etc), while freeing user bandwidth to concentrate on the "cool" parts of the game - the minion abilities and how they combo.

    And trust me - while some of these changes examined in a vacuum may seem simplified, when you look at the game as a whole, we haven't sacrificed an iota of depth or richness. Aggregate complexity and challenge level is still above games like Hearthstone, but I believe we have achieved a mechanical baseline that allows the fun and cool parts of the game to really shine through.

    At this time of writing, I have completed the designs for most of Lyonar, Songhai, Abyssian and Vetruvian, and a bunch of cool neutral minions (usable by anyone). I'm currently tuning beginning squads for each (making sure they are punchy and simple), lots of constructed squads to test balance with the team (Colin is breaking face over here!), and polishing up designs for Magmar and Vanar.

    To give you guys some broad strokes design vision, the factions currently look like this:

    - Military tactics (minions with strong health and area buffs)
    - Zeal (minions that are truly badass while they are nearby your General)
    - Retribution (effects that get better against enemies that have attacked you. Ever.)

    - Cloak & Dagger (abilities like backstab that do huge damage from behind)
    - Spell Mastery (direct damage and unique ways to maximize spell casting efficiency)
    - Guarded (minions that are badass on your opponent's turn)

    - Deathwatch (they care when anything dies, and reap wonderful rewards).
    - Sacrifice (getting great second use out of your units to mess with opponents).
    - Shadow Creep (creating spaces that damage your opponent; and get stronger as more Shadow Creep enters play).

    - Sapping (effects that take advantages away from opponents and give them to you).
    - Token creation (lots of effects that create extra minions for you).
    - Blasting (attacks that hit all forward enemies in the same row)

    I look forward to sharing more as we get deeper into development and tuning. The team is already playing the heck out of the game, which is a good sign.

    Meanwhile, I'm happy to answer questions on this thread. All I ask is that we keep the topics a bit broader for now, as we are in tuning and details can still change daily smile

    Looking forward to seeing you on the battlefield!

    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  30. #60
    Topic solo, même pas peur.
    Encore des news

    Sur le fofo, ils disent que la beta est toujours prévue pour octobre/novembre. On verra...
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

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