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  1. #61
    Quelqu'un a testé le dernier patch avec la création de vaisseaux?

  2. #62
    Juste pour info, en gros la beta devrait arriver d'ici 1-2 semaines au prix de 49$, je ne sais s'ils feront la conversion en euros...

    Un des devs a également parlé de vouloir faire des cartes immenses avec dans les 130 factions différentes à se taper sur la tronche.

    Je prendrai certainement la beta, je pourrai faire quelques retours.


    The team is really excited to get Beta 1 of Galactic Civilizations III out there. The target date is one week away.
    The Founder's Edition, which is what provided access to the Alpha builds along with a lifetime subscription to everything we make for Galactic Civilizations III (all expansions, DLC) will not be offered anymore once the beta comes out. On the other hand, the beta Early Access edition will be $5 off the list price of $49.95.
    So what's up?
    They got a major graphics overhaul to the ships in. It was non-trivial and I think players will agree when they see it that no game has ever had better looking ship visuals than what will be in Beta 1. A big part of the reason is that the graphics engine is 64-bit and we're requiring DirectX 10 or better and as a result the materials and lighting on ships is something we've never seen before in games (though I suspect as 64-bit becomes more common and DirectX 10+ becomes required in more games you'll see the generational leap in visuals from the legacy DirectX 9 era we're still largley stuck in).
    The other thing they've been working a lot on is multiplayer. We have an Arena map in development that, believe it or not, should allow for 1 on 1 duels to be played in around half an hour. We still have a lot of work on the multiplayer front though. We need to make it easy for people to rejoin games so that friends can get together and play together on games that might take months to complete.
    Design Challenges
    One of our objectives is for people to have the option to play new "Immense" sized maps where there might be hundreds of empires playing. We have a lot of different ideas on how to make this work (few people are going to want to have to select 130 opponents to play against). We might use Steamworks Workshop to allow players to share their custom made players and once approved have automatically added as additional AI players into games where a player wants to play a game with a truly insanely large galaxy.
    Fleet Battles
    The marketing team is struggling in how to describe the fleet combat in GalCiv III. My suggestion has been to describe it in terms of Hearthstone. Your fleet is your desk and your ships are your minions that you crafted. However, where the analogy fails is that the actual "tactics" of fleet battles are handled AI vs. AI. So your skill is about how you design ships and assemble fleets. Looking closely at what your enemies are designing with their ships and organizing them and countering it will be crucial.
    Diplomacy and AI
    Beta 1 won't have diplomacy in. Some modder might figure out a way to turn it on but it's not ready to be shown yet. I am not scheduled to begin writing AI code until October.
    In less than 1 week, these forums will likely get very very busy.

  3. #63

  4. #64
    Fleet Battles the actual "tactics" of fleet battles are handled AI vs. AI. So your skill is about how you design ships and assemble fleets. Looking closely at what your enemies are designing with their ships and organizing them and countering it will be crucial.
    Un bon choix: dans MOO2 ça devenait facile de faire des tactiques abusées, et GSB montre qu'on peut bien s'amuser à mater les IA (et ça nous laisse moins de pouvoir pour abuser du système).

  5. #65
    Enfin du concret:

    Founder's Edition Off Sale, Beta Coming Thursday
    First off, a big thank-you to all our Founders for their assistance in Galactic Civilizations III's successful alpha program! The pages and pages of feedback, bug reports, ideas, and discussion have been invaluable to us.

    With the beta's imminent launch, the Founders' program is no longer available.

    The Galactic Civilizations III beta will be available for purchase very soon (Thursday August 14, if all goes according to plan) for $44.99, a five dollar discount off the game's regular $49.99 price.

    If you've been waiting to play Galactic Civilizations III for less than $99, now's your chance.

  6. #66
    De bonnes blagues, en tout cas :

  7. #67
    Sympa les options de réponses disponnibles

    Des retours sur cette bêta ?

  8. #68
    C'est pas mal, mais je reste sur ma faim. Il y a des trucs sympas, mais j'attends qu'ils finissent d'implementer les nouveautes pour me prononcer. Le systeme de combat, l'economie et la diplomatie feront ou detruiront le jeu.

  9. #69
    J'ai regardé la courte vidéo de gameplay sur Steam, c'est un peu la douche froide: en fait c'est juste un (léger) update graphique du 2 qu'on va nous faire payer plein pot? L'écran de jeu est le même, les îcones sont les mêmes, visiblement pas mal de concept de jeu sont identiques (contructions des planètes, système pierre/feuille/ciseau de l'armement)...
    Notez que le concept d'une simple mise à jour pour un jeu que je trouve génial à la base, j'ai rien contre. Mais comme je trouve à Galciv2 autant de bon que de mauvais, je suis assez déçu pour le moment...

  10. #70
    Ben justement, qu'est-ce que tu trouves de mauvais dans le 2 ?

  11. #71
    Citation Envoyé par Maalak Voir le message
    Ben justement, qu'est-ce que tu trouves de mauvais dans le 2 ?
    Rien, jusqu'à ce je goute à Distant World

  12. #72
    Ouais, malgré tout le hype et l'engouement pour la licence, il sent le gros gadin ce GC3.

    A l'opposé on a le 'petit' Stardrive 2 qui suit son petit bonhomme de chemin tranquillou, certains le conchie d'avance suite à leur déception du 1, mais pour autant les différentes updates de développement sont très encourageante.

  13. #73
    Alors :

    -Pour le moment, c'est mou et chiant. A savoir qu'on passe trop de temps a cliquer sur "fin de tour".
    -Juger le jeu - encore en beta et pas complet au niveau des fonctionnalites - en se basant sur une petite video steam, pas forcement a jour, n'est pas tres pertinent. Surtout si ce que l'on critique, c'est la charte graphique. Donc oui, ils ont recupere les icones et le feeling general de l'interface, mais d'un autre cote c'est pas vraiment ca qui doit changer.
    -La mise a jour graphique n'est pas assez couillue (ici, je parle des textures, modeles, shaders, pas du feeling de l'interface et des icones). Wardell parle des plus beaux vaisseaux spatiaux jamais vus (dans un jeu? Dans un 4X? Dans les deux cas, de toute facon, c'est faux). Ceci dit, ils n'ont pas encore fini ce boulot, il reste des shaders a implementer, et il me semble que beaucoup de modeles/textures sont des importation temporaires de GalCiv2. Mais je ne suis pas optimiste, Stardock surestime ses capacites en la matiere (en general, leurs jeux sont graphiquement moyens et ils pensent qu'ils sont magnifiques...)
    -Juger le combat a ce niveau est absurde. Le systeme de combat n'est pas encore implemente, celui qui est utilise pour le moment est une importation temporaire de celui de GalCiv 2. On ne saura pas ce que le jeu vaut a ce niveau la avant decembre.

    Pour le moment, il y a des differences notables avec GalCiv2: On ne gere pas du tout les planetes ou les ressources de la meme maniere, les similarites dans la charte graphiques etant trompeuses. Ceci dit, impossible de savoir si la sauce va prendre avant decembre, quand le jeu sera "feature complete" ; beaucoup trop de choses dependent de la facon dont les differents elements interagissent entre eux (exemple : si le systeme de combat est pourrave, les ressources uniques pour produire des modules avec des effets interessants perdent leur interet). Pour l'instant, le probleme n'est pas "ca ressemble trop a GalCiv 2!", c'est "mais qu'est ce qu'on se fait chier :/".
    Rien, jusqu'à ce je goute à Distant World
    Pas la meme approche. Ils sont trop differents a trop de points de vue pour les hierarchiser.

  14. #74
    Impression similaire de mon coté.
    Le jeu est lent, et je trouve hyper frustrant de ne pas avoir un bouton "fin de tour" indépendant du fait que des unités n'aient pas fait leur action. Ça oblige à cliquer partout pour aller au tour suivant.
    Je pendrai le temps de l'approfondir quand même pour voir ce que ça donne sur une centaine de tours, mais c'est vrai qu'en l'état, il manque trop de choses pour se faire une idée de la chose.

  15. #75
    Beta 3 est arrivée, grosse maj de 1.1 go:

    source :

    Galactic Civilizations III Beta 3 is now available! See below for details on the mechanical Yor race, the first pass at combat animations, cinematics, and more:

    Added the Yor with their own line of spaceships, star bases, techs and general non-organic life weirdness. They aren’t exactly the best neighbors to run into when exploring space, but they do provide a fun opponent to go to war with.
    Added the Sentient Machines faction ability for the Yor. The Yor have no need for food and traditional growth. Growth bonuses or penalties on planets do not affect them. They don’t need to use tiles for farms. Conversely they don’t have any natural growth. Instead the Yor have a planetary project that allows them to create new Yor, which they have to do in place of building planetary improvements. So rather than relying on natural growth the player has to decide between making that research lab or increasing her population.
    Added a wide variety of weapons effects. Watch your fleets battle with whatever missiles, lasers and cannons you have outfitted them with.
    Ships now have damage states so they look different based on how much damage they have taken. That smoke and flame shooting out of your warship is probably a bad thing, you may want to let it go through some repairs before starting the next battle.
    Added the Likeable and Unlikeable race traits (modifies the starting attitude of other factions towards you).
    New colors for the Iridium ships. We removed the purple because it was to easily confused with the Yor colors and just let the Iridium be that mirror-like silver and gold lights and it looks really good.
    Added lots of new sound effects. Objects in space have 3d positional sounds (if you zoom in my a sun you can hear it), ships make sounds as the move and activate thrusters, UI sounds have been added for key events (such as notifying the player that it is their turn)

    Lots of Crash fixes
    Fixed a render issue in the Altarian leader scene
    Fixed an issue where the "act of war" popup doesn't come up if you right-click an object that you can't see anymore
    Fixed some multi-player desync issues
    Fixed bug where shipyards were not ejecting non-defender ships
    Fixed bug where only ships with destinations waiting to fleet up would try to upgrade
    Fixed bug where fleet that gets scared and tries to run away won't do it until the next turn if he has a pending move order
    Fixed bug where defenders sometimes wouldn't defend planets
    Fixed lots of events that weren't applying their bonuses correctly
    If you don't have the Universal Translator you will still be told that another faction is declaring war on you (rather than simply having them come up and say garbled text to you and not realizing you are now at war)
    Fixed an issue where a ship design wouldn't save if there was a tab in the ship name

    All weapons, range, rate of fire, defenses all redone. Defense in particular were changed to a new system where they can run out (if you blast shields enough they will fall and your beam attack can start getting through).
    Reduced Galactic Event frequency slightly
    Faction trait rebalance. In general less, but more specific traits, every faction (except Terran) now have a negative trait)
    Terran gain Likeable +1 and Productive +1, but lose Influential +2, Productive +2, Resilient +2 and Traders +1
    Drengin gain Discontent -2 and Courageous +1 but lose Adventuresome +1, Courageous +2 and Fast +1
    Altarians gain Content +2, Fast +1, Influential +1 and Fragile -2 but lose Content +1, Economical +2, Fast +2 and Influential +2
    Iridium gain Adventuresome +1, Clever +1 and Productive +1 but lose Adventuresome +2, Clever +2, Influential +2 and Productive +2
    Krynn gain Fast +1, Fertile +2, Unlikeable -1 and Militant -1 but lose Fertile +1, Handy +2, Militant +1 and Organized +2
    Approval calculation changed to smooth out the steps
    Increased the number of stars slightly on all maps
    Reduced Maintenance slightly
    Better distribution of Ascension Gates and Relics
    Blackholes are distributed more evenly throughout the map
    Changed the Open Borders treaty threshold to -4
    Changed the amount of Goods and Services provided by Capital buildings

    We now support color defines per faction, so your UI will be different if you are playing the Yor compared to the Terran
    Tons of new icons (if you were on the fence about buying GC3 I know this will push you over the edge!)
    Added 12 new cutscenes for first time events like the first time you colonize a world or invade a planet
    Added lots of new art for colonization events
    Added a new Battle Initiation window
    Improved choose sponsor window for setting planets that are providing resources for a shipyard
    Starbases, shipyards, and rally points now name themselves after the star system they are near
    Changed ship drawing order in fleets so most important ship is shown first
    All the trade categories in the diplomacy screen now start expanded, and made the height of the trade list area taller and dynamic to deal with very small and very large resolutions
    Added a description field to the planet tooltips to add a flavorful description for the planet
    Added an indicator for the turns remaining on the queue on the planet context screen, planet list entry, planet tooltip, shipyard tooltip, shipyard context screen and the shipyard list entry
    Added some advice on the diplomacy screen letting players know they have to meet other players before they can start diplomacy (if they haven't met anyone else yet)
    Added descriptions to the race traits tooltips explaining what they are

    Added high level objective planning to the AI (so it knows what empire goals it is currently pursuing)
    The AI now considers UP voting according to their personal agendas
    Added personalities to all the AI factions. Personalities like Cruel or Scientific don’t give game bonuses but influence how that leader makes decisions. It means that Lord Kona won’t play the game like Akari Malara.
    The AI now builds and Upgrades starbases
    AI now does a better job of defending its empire (figuring out what is worth defending, and how much resources should be allocated to defending it)
    In general the AI is slightly less conservative when attacking
    Changed defender behavior to race towards planets and ignore everything else.
    Changed fleetup behavior to wait for as many reinforcements as possible, but always attack if fleet is full.
    War Endurance is now set per faction, so AI players have different thresholds for when they like to declare war (hint: the Drengin are bad neighbors)

  16. #76
    Arrivée de la beta 4 avec le très attendu "battle viewer", cette fois on pourra enfin voir les combats :D


    Galactic Civilizations III - Beta 4 changelog

    By Derek Paxton on January 20, 2015 10:30:31 PM from Galactic Civilizations III Forums

    –RELEASED 01/22/2015–

    Galactic Civilizations III Beta 4 is now available! See below for details on the battle viewer, ideology revamp, extreme worlds, and more:

    Reduced 29%

    Original 1920 x 1200

    Added a prototype version of the battle viewer, now you can see your fleets shoot lasers, launch missiles and blow each other up in glorious detail
    Added the ability to pause, restart or change the battle speed
    Added a free camera so you can view the battle form whatever angle you’d like
    Added a cinematic, top down, side, chase, orbiting and front camera to the battle viewer
    Added the ability to click on any ship in the battle to see its stats
    Added a full battle log if you want to see the log of what is happening
    Added lots of explosions, weapon and defense effects. There are more to come.
    Added lots of sound fx for the various shots and explosions, more to come.
    Reduced 29%

    Original 1920 x 1200

    Added a new ideology system. Instead of the old pyramids new paths have been implemented and lots of new ideology unlocks that do crazy things from giving all your fleets free fighter escorts to allowing you to discover a hidden planet.
    New Benevolent traits:
    Pioneering- Grants a free, fully loaded, colony ship.
    Explorers- A previously unnoticed class 10 planet is revealed near your home system.
    Prolific- All new colonies start with 5 extra population.
    Adept- Each existing colony receives 1 additional tile.
    Beacon- Grants a Class 16 planet.
    Dignified- Home world Approval increased by 50%.
    Elevated- Unlocks the Elevation Foundation achievement.
    Appreciative- Your first 5 worlds receive an Approval bonus.
    Noble- All colonies receive a 50% Approval bonus.
    Mindful- Planets with a high Approval receive additional production.
    Admirable- Doubles the Influence of your first 3 worlds.
    Eminence- Unlocks the Missionary Center improvement.
    Enticing- All planets and starbases within our Influence join our civilization.
    Alluring- All starbases generate Influence, regardless of type.
    Radiant- All worlds have their Influence increased by 50%.
    Educated- Grants 125 free Research points.
    Skilled- All starbases give an extra 10% research bonus to colonies in their Area of Effect.
    Breakthrough- Grants 250 free Research points.
    Enriched- Unlocks the Temple of Enlightenment Achievement.
    Quantum Leap- Grants 500 free research points, and all colonies gain 5 research per turn.
    New Pragmatic traits:
    Prepared- Unlocks the Preparedness Center improvement which grants Pragmatic Ideology for each center that is built.
    Favored- Anyone at war with us receives a 25% penalty to Approval.
    Reserved- Enemy ships in our Zone of Control receive a 25% penalty to their sensor and ship range.
    Cautious- All planets receive 3 free defending ships.
    Watchful- All our ships receive a free Escort fighter when in our Zone of Control.
    Constructive- Grants 3 free constructor vessels.
    Coordinated- Our shipyards operate at 100% at twice the distance from your colonies.
    Resourceful- All mined resource yields increased by 2.
    Efficient- All construction modules now gives 2 points instead of 1.
    Inventive- All existing starbases get one free construction module.
    Exporters- Grants a free freighter and trade license.
    Merchants- All trade income increased by 25%.
    Luxury- Allows Civilization to establish luxury trade routes.
    Indispensable- Improves relations with civilizations we have trade routes with.
    Shrewd- Diplomatic trades for credits pay an additional 25%.
    Neutral- No one will declare war on us for the next 100 turns.
    Amiable- Improves relations with all races.
    Popular- Races that declare war on us anger all other races in the galaxy.
    Arbiters- Unlocks the Arbitration Center improvement.
    Venerable- All civilizations declare war on any race that invades our home world, unless they are allies.
    New Malevolent traits:
    Militaristic- Grants a free frigate.
    Eager- Every planet we conquer provides our people a permanent boost to Approval.
    Threatening- Grants 5 free, fully loaded, transports.
    Dangerous- Unlocks Advanced Transport Modules that come with their own escort fighters.
    Bloodthirsty- All planets receive a fully armed Overlord class ship.
    Relentless- Grants free production to our home world.
    Intimidating- Unlocks the Intimidation Center improvement.
    Ruthless- Doubles the Military production of our home world.
    Implacable- Unlocks the Death Furnaces achievement.
    Unforgiving- All colonies receive a 25% Production bonus and unlocks the Culling planetary project.
    Uncharitable- Provides a 10% increase to planetary income.
    Utilitarian- Improves the class off our first five worlds by 1.
    Slavemasters- All trade routes now bring back slaves in addition to credits.
    Tightfisted- Unlocks the Citadel of Revenue achievement.
    Relentless- Each planet receives additional usable land.
    Scary- No penalty from sharing borders with another civilization.
    Unnerving- Enemy ships in our Zone of Control suffer a 25% penalty to their hit points.
    Undaunted- Our planets and starbases are immune to culture flipping.
    Feared- Minor races in our Zone of Control will trade more favorably with us.
    Exalted- A foreign colony near your borders defects to your civilization.
    Added extreme planets which are planets that can’t be colonized until a particular tech is unlocked like Aquatic, Frozen, Radioactive and Toxic worlds. New worlds give midgame colonization opportunities for the players that research the correct techs and can offer significant advantages to the players that own them.
    Enabled Gigantic and Immense map sizes.
    Added a new option for Yor players for a fixed population manufacture amount (instead of using an open ended project for it).
    Reduced 29%

    Original 1920 x 1200

    Lots of crash fixes
    Fixed an issue where Ascension points weren’t being calculated and tracked correctly.

    Generally lowered the cost of starting ships to get players into the game faster.
    Decreased the amount of techs required to get to the 2nd age (the Age of War).
    Map generation significantly altered to make tight clusters (the default map type) create more interesting pockets of inhabitable worlds instead of the more even process it used to use.
    Lowered the maintenance of ship components slightly.
    Lower influence growth of capitals.
    Lower starting influence of starbases
    Reduced 29%

    Original 1920 x 1200

    AI now creates and sends out trade ships.
    AI will now try to max the range for colony ships and freighters.
    New AI process for determining a research strategy that does a much better job of having different AI player pursue different tech goals.
    AI is much better at pursuing a Conquest victory.
    AI logic added for dealing with extreme worlds.
    AI logic added for selecting ideological traits.
    Reduced 29%

    Original 1920 x 1200

    Added a new intro window that introduces the player to the game and the faction he/she is playing as.
    New full screen research unlocked window.
    Added support for dynamic adjustment of particles from strategic to normal view (so black holes transition to a less hot color when you are viewing the universe from strategic view).
    You can no long see other players rally points (we were using this to watch the AI).
    Sarah went and added real code to show the planet description instead of my modtastic weekend version (modtastic sounds like a compliment, but I think the programmers here use it to refer to any time I’ve added a feature that they will then rewrite correctly).

    Reduced 29%

    Original 1920 x 1080

  17. #77
    Citation Envoyé par Railgun Voir le message
    La grande question c'est: combat tactique ou pas? Le probleme, tel que je le vois, est le suivant:
    -Sans combat tactique, on risque de se retrouver avec un systeme simpliste a la GalCiv 2 (et beaucoup d'autres 4X), ou l'aspect militaire se limite presque a celui qui a la plus grosse. En fait, implementer tout un systeme de design de vaisseau sans combat tactique derriere, c'est *en general* inutile. Ce n'est pas une fatalite: il est possible de rendre la conception de vaisseaux et d'armees subtile, interessante et utile, mais ca demande une equipe de dev' qui ont oublie d'etre cons.
    -Avec combat tactique, il y a trois problemes principaux: le systeme simpliste et bancal qui se limite a ramener la plus grosse armee et matraquer l'adversaire (on revient au probleme precedent, mais avec du temps de dev' gache en plus), le systeme qui fonctionne mais desequilibre et exploitable, et l'IA moisie. Elemental est passe par les 3 phases.

    Je pense que je prefere ne pas voir de combat tactique, et qu'a la place ils construisent un systeme d'auto-resolution solide et subtil.
    Excellent post

    Les rares solutions impliquent une gestion rigoureuse des coûts de maintenance et des pénalités d'empilement version Arsenal of Democracy

  18. #78
    GalCiv 3 à -50% sur Steam... c'est censé inspirer confiance dites?
    Steam - Marcarino // FFXIV - Kwak

  19. #79
    Je le guettais perso mais déjà un gros -50% bien sale, ça doit pas être bien glorieux.

  20. #80
    Euh, ils se foutent de ma gueule chez Stardock la ?

  21. #81
    Vous vous plaignez d'avoir dese jeux en promo ?

  22. #82
    Non, je me plains d'avoir commandé un jeu avant la promo et le voir en promo alors qu'il n'est même pas sorti et que jusqu'ici, il n'était pas vraiment dans un état que je qualifierais d'interessant. Je me suis bien fait baiser. La seule chose que j'ai gagné a avoir essayé de croire en eux un dernière fois, c'est de me faire avoir.

    Du coup, Offworld Trading Co, je le prendrais en solde.

  23. #83
    Les soldes sur des early access sont de plus en plus fréquentes, rien de nouveau à ce niveau. Quand tu achètes un jeu à présent, même en EA, il faut s'attendre à ce qu'il peut y avoir des soldes dessus par la suite. Le système est peut-être critiquable mais on peut difficilement jeter la pierre à Stardock, ils suivent le mouvement.
    Après pour l'absence de jouabilité des précédentes versions... Bah c'est généralement le risque lors de l'achat d'un produit en cours de dev.

  24. #84
    Qu'une pratique détestable soit partagée pas plusieurs développeurs/éditeurs ne la rend pas moins détestable.

    Et l'absence de jouabilité était assumée. Je savais ou je mettais les pieds, je pensais juste que SD ne me ferait pas un sale coup dans le genre quelques mois après.

  25. #85
    Citation Envoyé par Erkin_ Voir le message
    Les soldes sur des early access sont de plus en plus fréquentes, rien de nouveau à ce niveau. Quand tu achètes un jeu à présent, même en EA, il faut s'attendre à ce qu'il peut y avoir des soldes dessus par la suite. Le système est peut-être critiquable mais on peut difficilement jeter la pierre à Stardock, ils suivent le mouvement.
    Après pour l'absence de jouabilité des précédentes versions... Bah c'est généralement le risque lors de l'achat d'un produit en cours de dev.
    Des petites promos, oui. Après, y a des jeux comme Prison Architect qui est souvent à -40% mais côté contenu, on est à des années lumière de Galciv III. Ils doivent pas en vendre beaucoup...

  26. #86
    Il parait qu'ils en ont vendu un seul.

  27. #87
    Une promo sur un EA, et en plus une promo à -50%! o_O

    Qu'est ce qu'il se passe, ils ont plus de sous pour assurer le premier DLC c'est ça?

    Petite vidéo d'un des lead dev :

    Malgré la promo même à ce prix je suis tièdasse, y a du bon voir très bon même (la diplo, les IAs custom) mais beaucoup trop de mauvais encore d'après-moi (essentiellement l'héritage des GalCiv - le manque de caractère, les starbases qu'ils ne veulent toujours pas faire bouger! >_< ...).

    Heureusement que SD2 arrive bientôt. ^^

    EDIT: Foutues balises YT!
    Dernière modification par Kruos ; 28/02/2015 à 08h58.

  28. #88
    Citation Envoyé par Railgun Voir le message
    Non, je me plains d'avoir commandé un jeu avant la promo et le voir en promo alors qu'il n'est même pas sorti et que jusqu'ici, il n'était pas vraiment dans un état que je qualifierais d'interessant. Je me suis bien fait baiser. La seule chose que j'ai gagné a avoir essayé de croire en eux un dernière fois, c'est de me faire avoir.

    Du coup, Offworld Trading Co, je le prendrais en solde.
    Je comprends ton enervement pour le reste du post, mais honnêtement galciv 1 et 2 étaient très bons tout de même

  29. #89
    Citation Envoyé par Karralar Voir le message
    Je comprends ton enervement pour le reste du post, mais honnêtement galciv 1 et 2 étaient très bons tout de même
    Le problème c'est que le dernier contact de Railgun avec Stardock c’était les sacs de gravier sous la forme des Elementals : War of Magic de tout poils. Du coup les douces caresses des Gal Civs ont été oubliées.

  30. #90
    N'exagérons rien, il n'a pas détesté tant que ça la dernière itération des Elementals.

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