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Affichage des résultats 91 à 120 sur 10594
  1. #91
    Mais c'est trop bien ce truc :D

  2. #92
    Merci ! J'ai participé.
    "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate." Dante
    "Distinguer sans disjoindre pour relier sans confondre." Edgar Morin

  3. #93
    A ce sujet, bien que ne participant pas à toutes les raffles (celle de Pataya par exemple), je prends tout de même le temps de me connecter pour mettre un +1. Ca ne mange pas de pain

  4. #94
    He ceux qui ont participé oublié pas mon +1
    Fin dans environ 45 minutes

  5. #95
    Ca sert à quoi concretement de mettre des +1 ?

  6. #96
    Voici ma participation pour une clé du dernier Indie Royale Bundle (

    C'est ici que ça se passe et interdit aux attachés de presse and co... =>

  7. #97
    moi je participe à tout et je mets +1 systématiquement. si je gagne quelque chose je le remettrai en jeu

  8. #98

    You are the chiken from the kitchen and you ain't kidding although nothing is written !
    anime list (en cours)

  9. #99
    Merd' j'ai gagné...
    Bon... plan d'action:
    - étudier le site pour comprendre comment ça marche CHECK (ou pas )
    - récupérer le jeu CHECK
    - remettre un jeu en compet' CHECK

    Merci Vanlock!
    Dernière modification par fucosyl ; 09/01/2012 à 21h31. Motif: avancement du plan
    ♫ "When I sin, I sin real good
    When I sin, I sin for sure"

  10. #100
    Félicitationnnssss !

  11. #101
    Citation Envoyé par fantinoo Voir le message
    Ca sert à quoi concretement de mettre des +1 ?
    Pas mal de raffles publics demande un minimum de réputation pour participer pour éviter que des gens qui ne donne jamais rien gagne les lots.

  12. #102
    (re-)merd' je voulais acheter un jeu pour le mettre en raffle, mais...

    Citation Envoyé par Steam
    Gifts become tradable after a Steam account has been in good standing for at least 90 days. This gift will become tradable on 31 January 2012. See the Steam Trading FAQ for more information.
    31 janvier!!

    Je vais donc remettre Company of Heroes en jeu alors... (quelqu'un peut confirmer que c'est faisable, je voudrais pas promettre un don et ne pas pouvoir honorer ma parole...)
    Ça me casse les "coudes" d'être un nouveau
    Dernière modification par fucosyl ; 09/01/2012 à 20h06.
    ♫ "When I sin, I sin real good
    When I sin, I sin for sure"

  13. #103
    Citation Envoyé par fucosyl Voir le message
    (re-)merd' je voulais acheter un jeu pour le mettre en raffle, mais...

    31 janvier!!

    Je vais donc remettre Company of Heroes en jeu alors... (quelqu'un peut confirmer que c'est faisable, je voudrais pas promettre un don et ne pas pouvoir honorer ma parole...)
    Ça me casse les "coudes" d'être un nouveau
    Normalement, tu peux quand même l'envoyer à un ami de ta liste ou à une adresse email. (et la personne choisit si elle l'ajoute à sa bibli, le met en inventaire, ou refuse)

  14. #104
    Oui, tu peux pas l'echanger via le steam trade, mais tu peux toujours le gift

  15. #105
    oh, je vois... un don pur via email, n'est pas un trade...
    Pas mal
    ♫ "When I sin, I sin real good
    When I sin, I sin for sure"

  16. #106
    meme directement entre ami via steam, tu peux juste pas utiliser le systeme d'echange ^^

  17. #107
    un CPC qui fait un raffle public au lieu de privé

  18. #108
    @ fucosyl

    T'aurais du mettre ton concours non-public si tu voulais que du CPC.

  19. #109
    Le pauv piti nouveau

  20. #110
    J'ai refusé le lot (sur le site), car je n'ai rien à proposer pour continuer (je n'y ai pas pensé sur le coup) sauf un chapeau écossais et de la peinture verte (en même temps).

    Merci quand même et désolé pour le dérangement ...
    Dernière modification par Typhonarick ; 09/01/2012 à 21h26.

  21. #111
    T'es pas obligé de continuer, un autre canard continuera surement.

  22. #112
    moquez-vous... moquez-vous
    Mais participez !!
    ♫ "When I sin, I sin real good
    When I sin, I sin for sure"

  23. #113
    Je me suis pris l'indie Royale, donc Norochj si le concours s'est bien déroulé, je le garde, sinon tu me le passes et je remets en jeu un autre.

    edit : Ce ne sera peut être pas facile de faire de cette manière là ... Il faudrait oublier cette idée ^^
    Je donnerais peut être un ou deux petits jeux qui ne m'intéressent pas trop (il faut que je regarde mieux).
    Dernière modification par Typhonarick ; 09/01/2012 à 21h58.

  24. #114

  25. #115
    Citation Envoyé par fucosyl Voir le message
    moquez-vous... moquez-vous
    Mais participez !!
    Je participe !

    (ainsi qu'à d'autres mais je ne l'ai pas forcément dit, et d'autres encore où j'ai mis "+1" mais ne voulais pas m'encombrer d'une caisse )

  26. #116
    Citation Envoyé par Typhonarick Voir le message
    Je me suis pris l'indie Royale, donc Norochj si le concours s'est bien déroulé, je le garde, sinon tu me le passes et je remets en jeu un autre.

    edit : Ce ne sera peut être pas facile de faire de cette manière là ... Il faudrait oublier cette idée ^^
    Je donnerais peut être un ou deux petits jeux qui ne m'intéressent pas trop (il faut que je regarde mieux).
    Félicitation Typhonarick !!!
    Je te donne par pm le code du humble ensuite tu en fais ce que tu veux (j'ai pas compris si tu l'avais déjà ou non du coup).

  27. #117
    J'ai été ban de TRF2R pour avoir mis un lien pour le site de canardpc après avoir écrit CPC, best community ever dans le chat de la raffle de pataya...
    Dernière modification par Alab ; 09/01/2012 à 23h19.

  28. #118
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link 
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    Your raffle has ended. - Link
    Your raffle has ended. - Link
    Winners don't use drugs -- Williams S. Session, Director, FBI
    Steam / Config

  29. #119
    Citation Envoyé par alx Voir le message
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link 
    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    Your raffle has ended. - Link
    Your raffle has ended. - Link

    The raffle you participated in has ended but you didnt win anything. - Link
    You have won an item! - Link
    Your raffle has ended. - Link
    You have won an item! - Link

  30. #120
    Je participe a celle pour Dungeons of dredmor.

    Et j'en fais une en même temps , je voulais attendre qu'il y'en ai plus en cours mais a chaque fois quelqu'un relance avant moi

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