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  1. #301
    Cupidon :

    Pas mal le sort qui fait pop les coeurs pour se soigner et gagner de la mana quand les potes sont soignés.
    Dernière modification par Erkin_ ; 17/08/2012 à 11h16.

  2. #302
    J'ai recu une beta key, pas envie de jouer a ce jeu du pire developpeur jamais.


    ---------- Post added at 16h03 ---------- Previous post was at 15h48 ----------

    En fait j'avais une autre clé de Juin


  3. #303
    Deuxième clef utilisée, merci!
    Citation Envoyé par Pedrovasquez Voir le message
    Mouflon, fais-en ta signature

  4. #304
    Citation Envoyé par gregounech Voir le message
    J'ai recu une beta key, pas envie de jouer a ce jeu du pire developpeur jamais.
    Ben c'est pas de nadeo smite si?

  5. #305
    Citation Envoyé par BalloO Voir le message
    Ben c'est pas de nadeo smite si?

  6. #306
    Ca à pas l'air de soulever les foules ce petit jeu. Pourtant j'y suis j'ai testé, et j'etyais très septique au début. En faite c'est encore en beta mais je trouve que le feeling est fun. Et pourtant ça avais moyen d'etre catastophique !
    Citation Envoyé par Big Bear Voir le message
    [...] je suis fier d'avoir consacré autant à Genichiro, et pas aux gnomes voleurs de slip de la AAA next gen et du hipsterisme communautarisant débridé des jeux pour néo-fragiles de Twitter.

  7. #307
    Ça ne cause pas beaucoup mais perso j'adore le feeling, je le trouve beaucoup plus dynamique qu'un moba plus classique en vue rts.
    Dernière modification par Avinit ; 24/08/2012 à 09h51.
    Aka Vigor IG

  8. #308
    Oué, le seul défaut c'est que t'es tout le temps occupé, tu peux pas faire le fameux combo "clic-droit alt-tab répondre sur skype alt-tab".
    Bon sans exagérer c'est vrai que ca fait quand même pas mal de temps morts. Pendant les déplacement dans les vues RTS tu vas check ce que font les copinous, et la non

    Mais sinon c'est chouette.
    Pseudo Discord : GeorgesPaillette

  9. #309
    Petit patch aujourd'hui, fini enfin les blocages dans les murs! Plus de favor en first win et nerf de Cupid!!


    • First win of the day bonus for normal queue has been increased from 100 to 150 favor.
    • Players can no longer move for the first few seconds of a match.
    • The Looking for Group channel is now on by default.
    • Getting stuck in Ice Wall/Spears/Obelisk had been fixed (again)
    • The XP bar next to the chat window now displays correctly.


    • Small rank indicators have been added to the in-game hud to let players know what rank of the skills they have upgraded.
    • Lore pages now have scrollbars.


    An exclusive skin has been added for Pax Prime 2012 participants, and others that participate in targeted marketing events.


    God Tags – On the God Detail pages, Assassins are now called Fighters. It doesn’t mean that you can’t still assassinate the enemy with your fighting skills, it just means you won’t be labelled anymore!

    • Agni
      Flame Wave – Magical power contribution increased from 40% to 50%.
      Flame Wave – Base damage increased from 80/120/160/200/240 to 90/140/190/240/290
    • Cupid
      Floating Cupid should no longer be visible in the air after he dies.
      Heart Bomb – Reduced the slow from 35% to 25%.
      Share the Love – Hearts can be picked up as soon as they spawn now.
      Fields of Love – Physical power contribution reduced from 120% to 100%.
      Fields of Love – Purification Beads and Hel’s Cleanse now properly remove the Mesmerize effect.
    • Hel
      Hel’s disk should no longer be visible after she has died.
    • Odin
      Gungnir’s Might – Base damage increased from 70/115/160/205/250 to 90/145/200/255/310.
      Gungnir’s Might – Odin no longer loses the passive when activating this ability.
      Gungnir’s Might – Passive physical protection has been reduced from 20/30/40/50/60 to 10/20/30/40/50.
      Gungnir’s Might – Passive health regeneration reduced from 5/10/15/20/25 to 4/8/12/16/20 HP5
    source : patch note
    Aka Vigor IG

  10. #310
    J'ai une clé dispo, envoyez moi un MP

  11. #311
    Les clefs sont illimitées maintenant, il suffit en jeu de faire "send beta key", donc juste demander à quelqu'un qui a déjà le jeu de vous en envoyer une.
    Dernière modification par Avinit ; 24/08/2012 à 14h24.
    Aka Vigor IG

  12. #312
    C'est normal que j'ai tous les gods d'unlock gratuitement ?

  13. #313
    Euh tu sors avec un dev ?

    Plus sérieusement j'ai rien eu de pareil à moins que t'ai payé le pack.

    Mon nom ingame c'est SuperFrelat
    N’hésitez pas a m'ajouter pour jouer entre coin ça sera fun !
    Citation Envoyé par Big Bear Voir le message
    [...] je suis fier d'avoir consacré autant à Genichiro, et pas aux gnomes voleurs de slip de la AAA next gen et du hipsterisme communautarisant débridé des jeux pour néo-fragiles de Twitter.

  14. #314
    Quel pack ? Celui au tout début de la beta ? Celui qui te donnait 15-17 dieux directement ?

    En ce moment je risque pas trop de jouer à Smite, je suis sur Guild Wars 2 avec les canards

  15. #315
    Je sais pas si vous avez vu mais y a plein de Dieux à prix réduit en ce moment : Bastet, Sobek, Vanama, Odin...
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  16. #316
    Bon j'ai eu une clé et j'ai un peu joué, je trouve ça plutôt rigolo!

    J'ai toujours été nul aux MOBA (sérieux LoL c'est une cata quoi. ) mais là je m'amuse bien! J'arrive à faire des trucs, à aider mon équipe, faire des beaux enchaînements de compétences pour pourrir la tête des autres... C'est chouette!

    Par contre la communauté est déjà bonne pour le lance flamme.
    Le canal LFG me fait rire cependant, j'ai jamais vu un débit de conneries à la seconde aussi élevé!

  17. #317
    Reçu une clé par mail, je donne au premier qui demande par MP.

  18. #318
    Nouveau patch demain, nouveau Dieu.


    New God: Thor!!

    Warrior’s Madness (Passive): Thor gains 20 physical power for each enemy god within 30 feet of him. Stacks up to 3 times.

    Mjolnir’s Attunement: Thor throws Mjolnir forward, doing 50/80/110/140/170 (+30% of your physical power) physical damage to all enemies in its path outward and half that damage on its way back. Enemy gods hit by the throw take double damage if hit on the return as well. Cost – 70/75/80/85/90 mana. Cooldown – 14s.

    Tectonic Rift: Thor slams his hammer on the ground, causing a fissure to appear in front of him, instantly slowing enemies by 20/25/30/35/40% for 3s. One second after the slam, spikes erupt from the fissure causing blocking movement for 4s. Cost – 75 mana. Cooldown – 17/16/15/14/13s.

    Berserker Barrage: Thor spins his hammer around him, doing 20/35/50/65/80 (+25% of your physical power) physical damage every .4s for 2s. Thor is immune to knockup and slows for the duration. Cost – 70/75/80/85/90 mana. Cooldown – 13s.

    Anvil of Dawn: After a short buildup, Thor leaps into the air. While in the air, Thor can target a great distance away to come crashing down in the area, dealing 150/200/250/300/350 (+120% of your physical power) physical damage and stunning all enemies in the radius for 1s. Cost – 80/90/100/110/120 mana. Cooldown – 90s.

    Skins: Thor has two initial skins: Heavy Metal and Righteous Hammer.


    At least one Phoenix must be down in order to attack the minotaur. If the minotaur is in combat and a phoenix is respawned then he can still be killed, however as soon as he is back to idle, he is immune until at least one phoenix is killed again.

    LFG channel is no longer subscribed to by default. You must now type /lfg in the System channel to subscribe. (NOTE: Once you join the channel, there is still a bug in which the channel does not close properly until you leave the game. This should be fixed in the next patch).

    If a player disconnects while in combat, the god he was playing will now attempt to find a safe place and initiate a recall (closes an exploit in which some players would avoid a kill by disconnecting).

    Initial surrender votes in ranked modes are now properly set to 15 minutes.

    The range for placing wards has been increased.

    Several crash conditions have been fixed.

    Several improvements to the in-game web browser. Expect additional improvements in future patches.

    Several bug fixes to the Goodwill system.

    First win of the day favor bonus has been increased to 150.

    Effects that were on gods when they jump now continue to effect them during jumps and dashes now. For example, Zeus’ Detonate or Cupid’s Heart Bomb will now affect players that are in the air.

    Inviting another player to your team while you are queued now properly leaves the queue.


    There have been changes to how the “GODS” menu works in the game lobby. Further changes are expected in future patches. Among the changes, you can now rotate the god’s 3D scene by dragging the mouse with left-click depressed.

    Unlocking gods and skins is now done through the Gods menu and has been removed from the store.


    When you are out of LOS of an enemy, your sounds will be significantly lower. If you are out of LOS and a further distance away, your sounds will be muted.
    Buff camp locations have changed.


    Rank 1 and 2 of boots have had their prices tweaked for starting build modifications.

    Hand of the Gods: Price has been increased from 500g to 700g.


    Eat Minion
    The amount of healing has been reduced from 100/150/200/250/300 to 70/120/170/220/270.
    The cooldown has been increased from 15/14/13/12/11 to 18/17/16/15/14s.

    Cat Call
    Health of the cats has been changed from 300/350/400/450/500 to 650/700/750/800/850.

    Issue has been resolved where his buff icons would stop updating.

    Guan Yu
    Tranquil Gift
    The amount of healing has been reduced from 50/85/120/155/190 to 50/80/110/140/170.
    The magical power contribution has been reduced from 35% to 30%.
    Plus moyen de ninja-kill le minotaure et d'esquiver le cœur de Cupidon qui stun avec un saut.. Je pensais pas que c'était des bugs ça..

    Et je viens d'apprendre qu'à partir du niveau 25, on ne gagne plus que 500 favor par gain de niveau (à moins qu'ils aient mis 500 à tous les niveaux ?).
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  19. #319
    500 à tous les niveaux. Ca a changé quand je suis passé du level 3 au 4. J'avais un peu les boules et je les ait toujours.

    J'trouve que pour avoir un nouveau God il faut s'accrocher sévère, et le fait que y'ait pas de roulements pour tout test rend le système d'achat méga frustrant.
    Pseudo Discord : GeorgesPaillette

  20. #320
    Moi j'ai un bug qui fait que j'ai tous les héros de débloqués sans rien faire

    Le pire c'est que c'est la vérité vrai
    Dernière modification par Shinpokomon ; 07/09/2012 à 11h38.

  21. #321
    Citation Envoyé par Piruz Voir le message
    500 à tous les niveaux. Ca a changé quand je suis passé du level 3 au 4. J'avais un peu les boules et je les ait toujours.

    J'trouve que pour avoir un nouveau God il faut s'accrocher sévère, et le fait que y'ait pas de roulements pour tout test rend le système d'achat méga frustrant.
    La vache, sacré malus en effet... Mais en contrepartie on gagne plus de favor durant chaque partie avec les boosts etc.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  22. #322
    Citation Envoyé par xasalja Voir le message
    La vache, sacré malus en effet... Mais en contrepartie on gagne plus de favor durant chaque partie avec les boosts etc.
    Question de quelqu'un de l'extérieur : quels sont ces boosts ?
    Citation Envoyé par Raaaaaaaah Voir le message
    Bordeaux... C'est la ville où on fait les crêpes en forme de couille?

  23. #323
    Le goodwill (t'as un bonus de x% de ta favor (max 30%) si tu es pas reporté AFK, si tu leaves pas etc) et first win (150 favor pour la première victoire de la journée).
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  24. #324
    Merci !
    Citation Envoyé par Raaaaaaaah Voir le message
    Bordeaux... C'est la ville où on fait les crêpes en forme de couille?

  25. #325
    J'ai pu acheter qu'un seul dieu en farmant bien comme il faut, faut avouer que c'est un peu lourd sans rotation... Mais bon, je pense que ça viendra prochainement.

    J'ai acheté Sobek que je n'ai jamais vu dans une seule partie et que j'adore! J'ai fait de belles séries de frags avec lui! Piéger ses adversaires sous la tour grâce à sa charge est un régal également (la charge envoie le dieu derrière Sobek).

  26. #326
    Citation Envoyé par Agathia Voir le message
    J'ai pu acheter qu'un seul dieu en farmant bien comme il faut, faut avouer que c'est un peu lourd sans rotation... Mais bon, je pense que ça viendra prochainement.
    Y a déjà des baisses de prix mais elles sont pas mises en avant. Toujours Vanama, Sobek et Bastet pour le moment.
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  27. #327
    Hello y'a pas mal de clef à prendre sur playitlive sinon vu qu'on a sortit la preview il y a peu ! et faudrait lacher vos ID histoire de pouvoir jouer ensemble car je cherche du monde pour jouer je suis souvent seul et niveau 20+ =)

    Id : Feeldanyu

    N’hésitez pas à venir me parler si jamais vous voulez jouer.

    tient ils ont re nerf le heal de Guan encore :/

    Ps : pour les nouveaux il faut faire attention car il y a une league débutant et vous devez finir vos matchs afin de pouvoir jouer avec les plus gros niveau

  28. #328
    Il n'y a pas de roulement mais tous les dieux sont jouables en mode solo : donc de quoi bien les tester avant de faire son choix !

  29. #329
    C'est tout mort ici, mais nouveau patch (et oui, un jeudi). Source


    RENT GODS: You may now “rent” an unowned god for a single match using Favor. To rent, choose the unowned god during the God Selection process and follow the prompts.

    : Both skins and gods may now be purchased while in the God Selection process (Match Lobby).

    : The “Joust” Gamemode has been added. This game mode allows you to play against a friend in a 1v1 format, using a map similar to the one used in the Solo Practice Map. To play Joust, you must first create a party with the friend you want to play against, and then join the queue. First to kill the opposing minotaur wins! Normal XP and Favor are earned for one match a day playing this mode. There is no First Win of the Day bonus for this gamemode.

    ASSIST CHANGES: Significant changes have been made to how you earn assists inside the game. Under the new system:

    The killed player has an array of players that have "affected" the player within the last 10 seconds (non damaging spells like slows or stuns are included). Anyone that is in this array will receive an assist upon the killed players death
    Any players within 80 ft of the killed player that have not "affected" the killed player will receive an assist also. So gods like Ymir who only placed a wall to help with the kill will receive an assist.
    Any player within 80 ft but is dead will receive an assist if they have been dead < 10 seconds, else they are removed from an assister.
    XP and Gold earned from proximity kills stops after 10 seconds

    SPECTATOR IMPROVEMENTS: Major improvements have been made to the game’s Spectator mode. This feature is currently still usable only by GM’s or other persons that are Casting games. Watch the HirezStudios channel on Twitch.TV Monday through Friday for daily casted High Elo matches.

    FIRST BLOOD ACCOLADE: The first player to earn a player kill in the game gains the First Blood Accolade, which includes 100 gold.

    EXCLUSIVE SKIN FOR FACEBOOK FANS: The Red Demon Skin for Sun Wukong has been added. This skin will be available as a promotion to those players that have liked the game on Facebook. Visit for more information. NOTE: If you are already a fan of SMITE on Facebook, there will be a button on the SMITE Facebook page to claim your code for the skin.

    NEW ITEMS: Four new items have been added. See below for additional information.

    SCOREBOARD ITEM FOG OF WAR: Your ability to see the items of enemy players on the scoreboard is now limited by the Fog of War rules inside the game (that is, you will only be able to see enemy items when the enemy player is viewable on the mini-map).


    Several improvements and fixes to how disconnected players are handled inside the game.
    Among other changes, disconnected players are now shown on the scoreboard with a special icon. Disconnected gods also no longer twitch in the spawn area.
    Several improvements to how Friends availability is handled.
    On the god screen and in the match lobby, skins now appear in the order in which they were released, with the default skin always appearing first in the list.
    Fixed a handful of crash conditions.
    Several improvements to the in-game web browser. Among other improvements, the browser now includes back and forward buttons.
    Any time you are in the queue, there will be a “Leave Queue” option on the bottom bar (where the chat is).
    There is now a visual indicator on the Gods menu when you have enough Favor to unlock a god.
    When viewing a god, skins are now sorted based on the order they were released.
    Fixed skins not showing up in the lobby sometimes.
    A new panel has been added to the chat window showing channel members.
    Buying Void/Aura items will no longer affect the area where you died.
    Fixed an exploit that would allow multiple items to be upgraded of the same type.


    Purification Beads
    This item now protects you from knockback as well.

    Hand of the Gods
    Price has been increased from 700g to 750g.
    Cooldown has been increased from 60s to 90s.

    Rank 1 price of Reinforced Boots, Warrior Tabi and Boots of the Magi have been increased to 750g.

    Boots of the Magi
    Magical power has been changed from 10/30/50 to 20/35/50.

    New Items:

    Ankh of the Golem
    +30 Magical Protection
    +300 Mana
    +15 MP5
    PASSIVE - You gain physical power equal to 1.5% of your maximum health.

    Death’s Toll
    +15 Physical Power
    +15 Physical Penetration
    PASSIVE - You are healed for 75 when your basic attack deals a killing blow. Only occurs once every 10 seconds.

    Spear of the Magus
    +30 Magical Power
    +300 Health
    +30 Magical Penetration

    Winged Wand
    +60 Magical Power
    +150 mana
    +10% Movement Speed
    PASSIVE - When hit by a slow, you are immune to slows for 2s. Only occurs once every 90 seconds.


    Desert Fury
    Now properly hits all targets up close.

    Ao Kuang
    Now properly hits all targets up close.

    Poison Claws (Passive)
    Base damage increased from 5 to 8.
    Physical power contribution increased from 10% to 15%.
    Drain Life
    Arachne no longer falls off of enemies that jump when Arachne attaches.

    Heart Bomb
    Full stack damage now properly damages enemies that are leaping.
    Attack speed buff decreased from 15/20/25/30/35% to 4/8/12/16/20%.
    Cooldown increased from 17/16/15/14/13s. to 19/18/17/16/15s.

    Guan Yu
    Fortified Defense
    Passive is no longer active near destroyed structures.

    Devour Souls
    Removed the delay between hitting and the detonation of blighted enemies.
    Base damage increased from 50/75/100/125/150 to 75/110/145/180/215.

    Movement speed buff has been removed.

    He Bo
    Crushing Wave
    Aegis now cancels the ultimate and also consumes the cooldown.
    This no longer goes through deployable walls.

    Sobek Tail Spin now hits the first time it is used, where as it did not before (bug fix).

    Updated descriptions for a few of Thor’s abilities to be more accurate.
    Mjolnir’s Attunement

    The base damage has been increased from 50/80/110/140/170 to 50/90/130/170/210.
    Tectonic Rift
    The rock wall now comes up quicker than before.
    Berserker Barrage
    The damage per tick has been increased from 20/35/50/65/80 to 20/40/60/80/100.
    Anvil of Dawn
    Stun has been increased from 1s to 1.5s.

    Colossal Fury
    Vamana is no longer slowed when using his basic attacks in giant form.
    Vamana is immune to slows for the duration of Colossal Fury.

    Known Issues

    On Arachne’s Drain Life, if she uses it on someone while they are jumping, then the person jumping retains their cooldown.

    When purchasing skins in the Match Lobby, text says “Purchase God” instead of “Purchase Skin”.

    ---------- Post added at 13h17 ---------- Previous post was at 13h03 ----------

    Citation Envoyé par Nyu? Voir le message
    Hello y'a pas mal de clef à prendre sur playitlive sinon vu qu'on a sortit la preview il y a peu ! et faudrait lacher vos ID histoire de pouvoir jouer ensemble car je cherche du monde pour jouer je suis souvent seul et niveau 20+ =)

    Id : Feeldanyu

    N’hésitez pas à venir me parler si jamais vous voulez jouer.
    J'ai essayé de t'ajouter mais ça veut pas... >_<
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

  30. #330
    Nouveau patch - Source

    SMITE Closed Beta Patch Notes Version 0.1.1080
    General Features:

    Players may now view their recent match history and other statistics in-game from the Profile menu. This is a VERY EARLY version of the player profile functionality. Additional functionality and refinements will be coming in future releases.
    New “God Killed God” accolades have been added when a player is killed.
    Several cleanups and fixes have been made to the Joust gamemode, including:
    Proper character cards on the loading screen.
    The ability for Joust matches to be spectated (for those with access to the spectate functionality).
    Ability to chat with your opponent in game.
    If you disconnect from the match, you can now reconnect.
    Buff camps have been adjusted to be more balanced.
    Gods may not be rented if you are playing in a Ranked match.
    For the first approx. one to two weeks after their release, new gods will not be rentable in Normal matches, and they will not be playable in Ranked matches.
    There have been a variety of updates to the spectator mode.
    Fixed issue with watch tutorial popping up multiple times.

    General Gameplay:

    No longer affected by slows.
    Regenerates his health over time when all of the Phoenix are standing.
    Moves faster when in combat.
    No longer stops moving while attacking.
    Does even more damage when defending structures are standing.
    Maximum cooldown reduction is now 30%, up from 25%.
    Maximum bonus gold and xp gain moved from 10% to 20%.
    An effect now plays on all players receiving extra gold after the Gold Fury is killed.


    Ankh of the Golem
    This item has been changed from providing Magical Protection, Mana and MP5 to provide Physical Lifesteal, Attack Speed and Health instead.
    Frostbound Hammer
    Basic melee attacks now slow your target by 25% instead of 35%. Ranged attacks remain at 15%.
    Overall price has been increased from 2350 to 2575.
    Gem of Isolation
    Only damaging abilities proc the slow on this item and only when the damage is done.
    Abilities now slow your target by 20% instead of 35%.
    Overall price has been increased from 2650 to 2850.
    The benefit gained from stacks is now over 60 stacks instead of 40.
    Midas’ Boots
    Gold and XP from kills bonus is increased from 10% to 15%.
    Rod of Will
    Overall price has been reduced from 2200 to 1950.
    This item now properly buffs the owner with +95 Physical Protection instead of +85.
    Staff of Mana
    MP5 has been removed from this item.
    Item now provides 10/20/30 physical protection.
    Overall price has been reduced from 2700 to 2600.


    CDR Buff camp
    The CDR buff camp now provides a 15% cooldown reduction buff instead of 20%.
    Various changes to the AI aggro behavior on minion camps and Fire Giant.



    Colossal Fury
    Vamana again has the same movement penalty while attacking during his ultimate.
    Glacial Strike
    Reduced the delay between firing this ability and Ymir being able to move.
    Le minotaure va commencer a faire bobo !
    Vous savez ce que c'est que le CDR ?
    You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth. You must gather your party before venturing forth.

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