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  1. #481
    Citation Envoyé par ( Tchey ) Voir le message
    C'est pas faux.
    Je suis d'accord.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  2. #482

    Cette négativité alors que le jeu est bientôt terminé
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  3. #483
    Je découvre ce jeu que maintenant, je suis à deux doigts de craquer ... typiquement le genre de jeu que j'aime.

  4. #484
    C'est bien au moins t'auras pas à attendre des années pour qu'il soit à peu près complet
    Aucune idée de quand sort le prochain patch par contre.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  5. #485
    Le très bon côté, c'est que le jeu a une communauté forte, une pléthore de mods, et que grâce à son orientation graphique, il ne vieillit pas vraiment. Du coup, y jouer en 2011 (déjà...) ou en 2018, c'est pareil, c'est aussi bien, seulement plus garni via les mises à jour.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  6. #486
    Mmh ok, je vais me le prendre. Des mods à me recommander du coup ?

  7. #487
    Pour un premier contact le jeu vanilla est suffisamment riche.
    Il est d'ailleurs pas évident au début: fait le tutoriel sinon tu vas avoir du mal à démarrer.

    Après dès que tu trouves qu'il y a un peu trop les même vaisseaux, tu peux installer le Ship/Weapon pack qui rajoute un chiée de de nouveaux vaisseaux et armes tout à fait "lore friendly" ainsi que des combats contre des vaisseaux boss/uniques.
    Et ce mod te demandera d'installer au préalable LazyLib (nouveaux scripts) et GraphicsLib ( nouveaux effets visuel) pour fonctionner.

    Edit: Ça c'est si tu ne veux vraiment ne pas changer grand chose. Après dès que tu regardes pour ajouter de nouvelles factions, des possibilités de gameplay en plus, voire des total conversion ... Là faut aller fouiller, y a quelques gros incontournables qu'on pourra te conseiller, mais pour le moment t'en a pas besoin.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  8. #488
    Super merci, je viens de craquer aussi... Ce jeu me fait un peu penser à du X3 en 2d.

    Par contre ça à l'air bien touffu quand même pour un débutant, je sens que je vais passer des heures et des heures à comprendre les mécaniques de base

    Et cette communauté de moddeurs

  9. #489
    Citation Envoyé par Seloune Voir le message
    Super merci, je viens de craquer aussi... Ce jeu me fait un peu penser à du X3 en 2d.

    Par contre ça à l'air bien touffu quand même pour un débutant, je sens que je vais passer des heures et des heures à comprendre les mécaniques de base

    Et cette communauté de moddeurs
    Ce n'est pas vraiment du X en 2D, en particulier pour tout le gros côté combat qui est très différent. Pour du X en 2D il faut plutôt regarder vers Unending Galaxy par exemple :
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  10. #490
    @( Tchey )

    La vache, il à l'air bien sympa celui la aussi, à 2€ en plus

    Edit: Ha mais oui, c'est le fameux jeu développé par des moddeurs sur la série des X

  11. #491
    Citation Envoyé par Seloune Voir le message
    @( Tchey )

    La vache, il à l'air bien sympa celui la aussi, à 2€ en plus

    Edit: Ha mais oui, c'est le fameux jeu développé par des moddeurs sur la série des X
    Oui, et c'est un français, "Eska". Le prochain jeu serait dans la lignée de Rimworld, dans un univers post-apo. On en sait assez peu pour le moment sinon qu'il ne faut rien attendre de jouable avant plusieurs mois.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  12. #492
    Citation Envoyé par Seloune Voir le message
    Super merci, je viens de craquer aussi...
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  13. #493
    Citation Envoyé par Groufac Voir le message
    Pour un premier contact le jeu vanilla est suffisamment riche.
    Il est d'ailleurs pas évident au début: fait le tutoriel sinon tu vas avoir du mal à démarrer.

    Après dès que tu trouves qu'il y a un peu trop les même vaisseaux, tu peux installer le Ship/Weapon pack qui rajoute un chiée de de nouveaux vaisseaux et armes tout à fait "lore friendly" ainsi que des combats contre des vaisseaux boss/uniques.
    Et ce mod te demandera d'installer au préalable LazyLib (nouveaux scripts) et GraphicsLib ( nouveaux effets visuel) pour fonctionner.

    Edit: Ça c'est si tu ne veux vraiment ne pas changer grand chose. Après dès que tu regardes pour ajouter de nouvelles factions, des possibilités de gameplay en plus, voire des total conversion ... Là faut aller fouiller, y a quelques gros incontournables qu'on pourra te conseiller, mais pour le moment t'en a pas besoin.
    J'avais oublié de te remercier ! Je vais voir ça du coup, ça m'a piqué.

  14. #494
    Deux articles sur la création de stations spatiales de combats:

    Edit: Tiens d'ailleurs le dernier gif permet de voir que les stations ont des sections indépendantes en terme de gestion du flux, puisque certaines parties passent en overload alors que ce n'est pas le cas pour le reste de la station.
    Dernière modification par Groufac ; 15/03/2018 à 10h53.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  15. #495
    Les mines spatiales maintenant !
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  16. #496

    Je compte me faire une partie la dernière datant de 2015 ...

    Il y a quoi comme bon mod à installer ?

    - - - Mise à jour - - -


    Je compte me faire une partie la dernière datant de 2015 ...

    Il y a quoi comme bon mod à installer ?

  17. #497
    Tu cherches quoi comme contenu de mod?

    Par défaut je dirai Ship & Weapon Pack pour la variété supplémentaire
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  18. #498
    Citation Envoyé par Groufac Voir le message
    Tu cherches quoi comme contenu de mod?

    Par défaut je dirai Ship & Weapon Pack pour la variété supplémentaire
    Exactement ça; des mods de contenue

  19. #499
    Du coup dans le même genre et du même auteur, tu as Underworld:

    Ça ajoute plus de variété dans les vaisseaux pirates et ça crée une nouvelle faction pirate (la Cabale) plus intéressante en end-game que les pirates usuels.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    La liste complètes des mods principaux:

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Maintenant si tu n'as pas joué au jeu depuis 3 ans, je te conseille de pas non plus ajouter une tonne de mods pour commencer, le contenu du jeu est vachement plus riche depuis les dernières updates.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  20. #500
    Starsector 0.9a (In-Dev) Patch Notes

    Trois fois rien, et notamment, les colonies.


    Colony building:
    Player can establish a colony on a planet they've surveyed
    Requires crew, machinery, and supplies
    Can change the planet's name, either when colony is established or at any point later on
    Can build "Industries" and "Structures" (same thing, mechanically) at a colony
    Some example ones:
    Heavy Industry
    Orbital stations (of several varieties)
    Military Base
    ... and a number of other ones
    Some industries can be upgraded, i.e. "Patrol HQ" -> "Military Base", or "Heavy Industry" -> "Orbital Works"
    Most industries are known from the start, but a few more exotic ones can be learned
    Can set a "stockpiling level" for a colony to have it build up extra resources the player can take
    Stockpiling costs credits, but somewhat less than the base cost of the commodities
    Stockpiles will be used to counter temporary shortages
    Player colonies have a "local resources" submarket where they can take from, or add to, stockpiles. There's a "storage" submarket for resources that must remain untouched.
    Player colonies do *not* have an Open Market unless there's a "Commerce" industry
    Colonies start at size 3; population growth depends on many factors and can be directly invested into
    Can assign AI cores to manage industries for various, significant benefits
    A Military Base produces patrols which will defend the colony
    Can hire Administrators (up to a limit) to manage your colonies
    Can learn skills that improve the colonies under your control
    Maximum number under personal control is soft-limited - reduced stability for going beyond
    Can assign Alpha Cores to manage your colonies, for a massive benefit
    Establishing the first colony also creates a new player faction
    Can set the faction name and select a flag
    Can adjust both at any point in the future
    Blueprints for ship hulls, weapons, and fighter LPCs:
    Required by Heavy Industry to build ships
    Ship production "quality" is based on many factors and affects the number of d-mods a produced hull will have
    Can be improved by certain items found during exploration
    Some basic blueprints always known from the start, rest have to be acquired
    Blueprints can be prioritized to get the desired fleet composition and weapon/fighter use
    Affect fleet production by player colonies
    Player can custom-order known ships and weapons
    Will be built based on the monthly production capacity of their heavy industry
    And delivered to a designated gathering point, along with some crew, fuel, and supplies
    New economy system to support colony mechanics
    Player buying/selling has direct impact on market's available commodity numbers
    Player colonies can become suppliers for other factions and generate export income for the player
    Relative "accessibility" of colonies determines who the best supplier is
    Player has several tools to manage this, from establishing waystations to piracy
    Officers found in sleeper pods can now be up to level 15 instead of 5
    Administrators can now be found in sleeper pods; likeliest place to find high-skilled ones
    Can now go over the maximum number of officers and administrators
    Can't use the ones over maximum
    Can't hire to go over maximum
    Mainly useful to be able to find officers/admins in sleeper pods, while already at maximum
    Factions have access to ships/weapons/fighters based on their blueprints
    AI ship loadouts are dynamically generated, based on what's available
    Factions have been adjusted so that their available blueprints and doctrine make each more distinct
    The Hegemony favors larger ships and high-quality officers
    The Luddic Church, while also mostly drawing from low-tech designs:
    Favors larger numbers of ships with lower-quality officers
    Makes extensive use of Converted Hangars
    Has access to a faction-specific "Perdition"-class torpedo bomber
    Faction doctrine: settings that affect faction fleet composition and ship behavior
    Each setting can go from 1 to 5
    Warships - proportion of regular combat ships found in fleets, on average
    Carriers - proportion of carriers
    Phase Ships - proportion of phase ships
    Warships, Carriers, and Phase Ships must add up to 7 points
    Officer Quality, Ship Quality, and More Ships - must also add up to 7 points
    Ship Size - independent setting, determines average size of ships preferred
    Aggression - determines personality of officers; does not affect the player's own fleet
    Also applies to combat personality/behavior of ships without officers, both for the player and for other factions
    This aspect *does* affect the player's own fleet
    Each faction now has an appropriate doctrine setting
    Monthly income and expenses:
    Base income from a population
    Upkeep for each industry; based on hazard rating of planet
    A lower-hazard planet can support more industries on the "base income"; exact numbers still TBD
    Can go above that for a negative income
    Exports: income for becoming the best provider of a commodity to another faction's colony
    Incurs "overhead" when there are many exports from the same colony
    *Always* better to have more exports, but the added benefit drops off quickly
    Storage - 1% of base value of stored ships/cargo
    Crew, officer, and administrator salaries
    Presented in a detailed monthly report

    New tab: "Command", shortcut "D". Allows player to:
    Manage colonies
    Can also see which markets you have storage at and what's stored where
    View latest income report
    Manage the doctrine and blueprint priorities
    Make custom production orders
    Cargo screen
    Can quick-transfer (or sell) a lot of cargo by holding down Alt then mousing over the stacks
    Can be turned off via settings.json
    Improved quantity selection slider for picking up part of a stack
    Supplies/fuel/crew/marines/heavy machinery now shown first in sorted cargo; other commodities also shown before weapons/fighter chips/etc
    Revamped intel screen
    Tag-based filtering system
    Always shows map
    UI is updated based on the current state of missions and such
    Can accept and abandon certain missions directly from the intel screen
    Can flag pieces of intel as "important"
    Intel is now "live" and does not require a new message for the information displayed to change
    Person bounties:
    Will now pay out and increase reputation when hostile or worse with offering faction
    Information given re: where to find target now includes constellation and some planet/star system type hints, but no actual star system unless it's a lone star
    Reward no longer based on market stability
    System bounties:
    Will now pay out and increase reputation when hostile or worse with offering faction
    Most likely in systems containing markets hostile to each other
    Faction commissions:
    Have to talk to a high-ranking faction official to get one
    Pays a level-based monthly stipend in addition to a small bounty for enemy ships
    Partially restores standing with other factions as hostility status changes
    Can be resigned; smaller reputation penalty if in person
    Restores standing with factions that became hostile as a result of holding the commission
    Faction hostilities: fixed various issues re: hostilities properly ending and total number/frequency
    Last for at least 6 months, and rarely more than a full cycle
    Hostilities between Hegemony-TriTachyon and other starting hostilities between major factions (i.e. not pirates/pathers) are no longer permanent
    Smugglers now have a low reputation impact if attacked, i.e. won't turn entire faction instantly hostile
    Chance to have advance intel about departures of trade fleets/smugglers, including timeframe and cargo
    Changed options for colony interaction
    Can open all core UI tabs with corresponding shortcut instead of just a subset
    Added "visit dockside bar" option; details are WIP
    Added "Consider your military options" option; sub-menu allows player to attack orbital station
    Will also contain a few TBD mechanics re: planet-based military actions
    Dropping cargo pods may now distract pirate fleets; duration of distraction (if any) depends on quantity of goods ejected
    Autoresolve (AI vs AI, and auto-resolved pursuit battles):
    Takes d-mods/production quality into account
    Works with stations and modular ships
    Made various improvements to "where is this entity" mission/bounty/etc description text
    Toned down bounty level-scaling
    Added "Compromised Storage" dmod, reduces cargo/crew/fuel capacity of ship by 30%
    Added to Mudskipper Mk.2
    Added Gremlin-class lowtech phase frigate, with pirate and Luddic Path versions
    Buy and sell cost of ships now includes the base supply cost of their current combat readiness (i.e., no/minimal credit loss for recovering CR on a ship and then selling it)
    Similar CR-based modifier added to supplies etc recovered when scuttling a ship
    Added two new torpedo bomber wings: Perdition and Cobra
    Fleet AI:
    Much less easily sidetracked by chases; patrols in particular will largely focus on defending their objectives
    When orbiting a planet, will spread out to try to avoid overlap with other orbiting fleets
    Reduced number of campaign ship contrails; improves performance a lot and should generally not be noticeable
    Sensors: combined detection range in hyperspace now limited to 2000 units (was 5000)
    Added "generate name" option to colony renaming dialog
    Installed fighters now shown in the fleet screen
    Trade fleet routes will stop by a waystation if appropriate
    Fighting independent scavenger fleets will now only slightly reduce standing with the independents
    Temporary/event-based market conditions no longer have "event" label, grouped to the left of other conditions instead
    Condition icon size scales down if there are too many to fit in the available width
    Lava planets will no longer show up as part of the combat background (too bright)
    Jump-point tooltip no longer shows planet types in unexplored star systems
    Number of d-mods is now shown for each fleet member in the campaign fleet tooltip
    D-mods are now also highlighted in the ship tooltip's list of hullmods
    Made "fleet despawning" animation smoother
    Number of supplies UI indicator will now include the picked-up supply stack, if any
    When a course is laid in and you approach a jump-point, selecting "leave" will also disable autopilot


    Updated to use newer version of xstream (1.4.10)
    Cleaned up controls screen - updated text and removed commands that are no longer in the game
    Made some improvements to game-saving code that should speed it up on non-SSD drives
    Made in-combat "exit game" button red to avoid potential confusion with "claim victory"
    Vertical scrollbar active area now wider, indicator expands when mouse is in active area
    Improved algorithm for automatically generating weapon groups
    Improved game startup speed when sound is enabled by up to around 40% total, depending on the system specs

    Orbital Stations

    Can be built at a colony to provide defenses and support nearby friendly fleets in combat
    Existing colonies have these as appropriate
    Three tiers: Orbital Station, Battlestation, and Star Fortress
    Three tech levels/styles: low tech, midline, and high tech
    Roughly similar combat power of each style, but different tactical approaches
    Dynamically fitted with weapons based on faction weapon availability
    Higher-tier stations are bolstered with drones and minefields


    Improved proximity fuse range detection vs longer/thinner ships
    Phase ships:
    Doom: new ship system, "Mine Strike", spawns high-damage, high-delay proximity fuse mines
    Huge buff overall
    Harbinger: system changed to Quantum Disruptor
    Afflictor: system changed to Entropy Amplifier
    Various performance improvements, should be around 20-30% faster
    Toggling autofire on on an already-selected weapon group will make that group autofire
    Can override and get manual control by selecting the group again
    Fixed bug that caused the fighter rate replacement multiplier to apply twice
    New graphics for Annihilator Pod medium weapon
    Greatly improved missile tracking
    And fixed issues with ECCM sometimes making it worse; it should now be a significant improvement
    Hurricane MIRV:
    Made missile and warheads more visible
    Reduced number of warheads to 7
    Warheads are now two-stage (aim then unguided burn), but much more accurate
    Integrated Targeting Unit: increased OP cost for frigates to 4
    Centurion: middle two turrets can now face front; arcs expanded
    Low CR no longer reduces missile weapon ammo
    Renamed "Guardian PD System" to "Paladin PD System" (reasons REDACTED)
    Colossus Mk.3: removed fighter bay and Ill-Advised Modifications
    Added "Converted Cargo Bay" that adds 2 converted fighter bays

    Ship AI

    Fixed issue that was causing small weapon groups made up of hardpoints to not be set to autofire
    Will no longer fire low-ammo missiles vs overloaded fighters
    Fixed issue with too many carriers auto-escorting nearby combat ships
    Reduced tendency of carriers to assign their fighter wings to escort nearby ships instead of attacking
    Carriers assigned a "search & destroy" order will no longer use nearby ships to hide behind
    Improved logic for multiple ships not using too many total missiles vs a single target
    Fixed issue that was causing carriers to order fighters to "engage" too far from target, causing unnecessary loss of the 0-flux boost
    Fixed issue that was causing carriers with some support fighters to not order the other fighters to engage
    Fixed bug that caused a retreating ship with front shields to keep them on when it was not necessary
    More likely to set smaller groups to autofire when flux is low, including hardpoint groups
    Improved autofire flux management
    Will autofire most kinds of weapon groups, depending on flux level and dissipation
    Able to keep on pressure with low-flux weapons when on high flux
    Improved flux management for high-flux weapons such as Heavy Blasters
    Fixed bug that was causing fighters to only rarely fire missiles/torpedoes at low-hitpoint targets
    Improved omni shield use vs phase ships
    Fixed bug that was causing the AI to improperly evaluate where it has the most remaining armor
    Ships gradually get more aggressive when their peak time and CR tick down


    Fixed crash from left-clicking station in hyperspace
    Error message due to incorrectly configured music set is now comprehensible
    Ships with modules:
    Modules are no longer configured using weapon groups
    Added "modules" section to .variant files instead
    Modules will be ordered in listed order provided "modules" is an array of objects
    Station/ship-with-module weapons no longer rendered in separate pass above everything
    Use module order to control rendering order instead
    Variants, hulls, skins, skills, weapons, projectiles: will be merged with core files when loaded
    Meaning, a mod can now provide a partial file with just the changes rather than a complete file
    Renamed FleetDespawnListener to FleetEventListener
    Added reportBattleOccurred() method to FleetEventListener
    Fixed bug to do with beamFireOnlyOnFullCharge and venting while firing at max charge
    Proximity fuse projectiles with a trigger range of 0 will now only explode at end of range
    MutableStat values no longer capped to be >= 0
    Added better error message when game crashes due to an invalid ship system id being specified
    Added MissileAPI.interruptContrail() - needs to be called twice, once at old and once at new location
    Added MarketAPI.get/setEconGroup()
    Markets within the same econ group only trade with each other and are not visible when viewing nearby markets etc from a market in a different group. Default group is null (the value, not the string).
    Added ShipAIPlugin.getConfig() method that returns a ShipAIConfig (or null if a custom ship AI doesn't support the core config parameters)
    Added "tags" and "rarity" columns to ship_data.csv
    Skins do NOT inherit tags from the parent ship, but can have their own tags specified via a "tags" json array
    Default d-hulls also do not inherit any tags from the base hull
    Added "tech/manufacturer" column to ship and weapon data
    Defaults to "Common" if unspecified
    "manufacturer" key to override in ship skin file
    SectorEntityTokens and MarketAPIs stored in a MemoryAPI will be replaced by their ids in save files, and restored on load
    For this and other reasons, code must gracefully handle a case where an entity is put into memory but then is no longer there or *is* there but is no longer in any LocationAPI
    Removed dHullOverlaySmall/Large from hull_styles.json; replaced with single dHullOverlay, which should be large-ish and will tile to cover bigger hulls (instead of being upscaled)
    hull_styles.json: now 3 d-mod overlays per style; light/medium/heavy, in only one size
    d-mod overlays tile for larger ships
    Moved get/setModuleVariant() methods from FleetMemberAPI to ShipVariantAPI
    Weapon group generation:
    Added "GROUP_LINKED" and "GROUP_ALTERNATION" AI hints to weapon_data; will attempt to place weapons with those in separate groups and set them to linked or alternating
    Added groupTag column to weapon_data; when set, will heavily favor placing weapons with same groupTag into the same group, without other weapons in it
    Will not auto-generate weapon groups for AI fleets until combat starts, for performance reasons
    Fixed word-wrapping issue when a single word is too long for a line
    Added limited support for drones with SHIP collision class; will no longer crash into mothership
    Added "canUseWhileRightClickSystemOn" to ship system definitions
    Missiles now support the "jitter" effect, above the missile sprite only
    Changes to fleet despawn logic: listeners will now be notified before the fleet member list is cleared
    Allows seeing fleet state at time of despawn if it wasn't snapshotted
    Fleet members removed afterwards
    Added CollisionGridAPI that gives access to internal bin-lattice used to speed up collision checks/AI
    void addObject(Object object, Vector2f loc, float objWidth, float objHeight);
    void removeObject(Object object, Vector2f loc, float objWidth, float objHeight);
    Iterator<Object> getCheckIterator(Vector2f loc, float checkWidth, float checkHeight);
    Added to CombatEngineAPI:
    CollisionGridAPI getAllObjectGrid();
    CollisionGridAPI getShipGrid();
    CollisionGridAPI getMissileGrid();
    CollisionGridAPI getAsteroidGrid();
    Added to SettingsAPI:
    String readTextFileFromCommon(String filename)
    void writeTextFileToCommon(String filename, String data)
    Load/save text data from the <installdir>/saves/common/ folder
    Limited to 1MB per file, 50MB total files per session
    Hull mods tagged with "no_drop_salvage" will not drop from campaign salvage operations
    Different from "no_drop", which will only make them not drop from defeated ships in combat
    Added alternate system for listening to campaign events, see: ListenerManagerAPI
    Allows registering to listen for only one type of event
    Not everything converted to use it, but will only use this system going forward
    Added event-listening interfaces:
    Added IntelManagerAPI to manage player-visible pieces of information
    See: Global.getSector().getIntelManager()
    Replaces EventManager etc
    CommMessageAPI, SectorAPI.reportEventStage, etc deprecated/removed
    Game no longer loads/uses reports.csv
    Missions are re-implemented as "IntelInfoPlugin" rather than a events
    A few events that were essentially scripts (such as OfficerManagerEvent) remain for legacy reasons
    MissionBoard and related APIs removed
    All of these are now handled through IntelManager
    Removed concept of "comm channels"; channels.json no longer loaded
    Added CombatEntityAPI.getAI() method to get at proximity fuse AI from projectiles
    Added ProximityFuseAIAPI, with an updateDamage() method, so changing damage via script can work on flak and similar
    Added SettingsAPI.getMergedJSONForMod(String path, String masterMod)


    Fixed issue with market/planet name mismatch for some procgen planets
    Fixed issues w/ small dormant remnant fleets not engaging and sometimes dropping loot if harassed
    Ship AI: fixed issue where 4+ carriers could get stuck in an escorting-each-other loop
    Fixed bug that caused Fleet Logistics 1 to make destroyed ships only have a 50% chance of recovery rather than 100% as intended. Disabled ships still got the 100% chance.
    Fixed issue with Plasma Cannon not being properly affected by Safety Overrides
    Save bar no longer get stuck if saving the game throws an error for any reason
    Fixed issue with scavenger fleets stuck in "returning to <market>" state
    Fixed issue that was sometimes preventing carriers from properly obeying "Full Retreat" order
    Fixed rendering issue with black holes on radar
    Fixed issue with Strike Commander causing projectile weapons from fighters to hit multiple times
    Fixed crash when a mission variant had a fighter wing from a mod installed and the mod was then disabled
    Fixed visual issue with jump-point in Westernesse star system
    Fixed issue with debris fields not despawning properly and causing savegame bloat (thanks, Tartiflette!)
    Fixed issue where could select civilian/unarmed ships for pursuit autoresolve
    Fixed issue where fighter chips would disappear from inventory when opening refit screen for a ship with that fighter built in
    Fixed issue with fighters returning to a retreated carrier getting stuck off-map without retreating
    Fixed station rendering issue in campaign where module placement wasn't quite right
    Fixed bug that caused phasing mid-burst to improperly shorten some weapon cooldowns
    The resolutionOverride config file setting now works with fullscreen mode
    Fixed issue that cause a black hole to appear in the middle of the sector map in some games
    Fixed bug that caused the player to have to wait for their allies to finish the battle after full-retreating from it
    Fixed issue that caused REDACTED fleets to respawn extremely quickly in some situations
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  21. #501
    J'ai vu sur twitter un aperçu d'une station spatiale qui a l'air légèrement orientée sur le combat

    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  22. #502
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  23. #503
    Nouvelles mécaniques de jeu:

    Pirate Bases, Raids, and Objectives
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  24. #504
    Ah, intéressant!

    Je ne post pas des masses ici mais sache que j'apprécie beaucoup pouvoir lire les différentes news, maj et updates du jeu dont tu nous fais part ici.
    Bref, merci!

  25. #505
    De rien
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  26. #506
    Raids, Bombardements et Défense planétaire:

    Dev Status
    This should be the last major feature for the .9a release! There’s still a lot of minor stuff to clean up, but I’m hoping to get into playtesting fairly soon. Given the scope of this release, that’ll probably take longer than usual, too, but still – progress!
    Dernière modification par Groufac ; 17/08/2018 à 07h57.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  27. #507
    Citation Envoyé par ( Tchey ) Voir le message
    Je suis d'accord.
    Mais carrément, oué.

    Dev Status
    This should be the last major feature for the .9a release! There’s still a lot of minor stuff to clean up, but I’m hoping to get into playtesting fairly soon. Given the scope of this release, that’ll probably take longer than usual, too, but still – progress!
    Haha !

    N'empêche, une fois fini, le jeu sera génialissime.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  28. #508
    Citation Envoyé par ( Tchey ) Voir le message
    N'empêche, une fois fini, le jeu sera génialissime.
    C'est pas demain la veille

  29. #509
    Citation Envoyé par ( Tchey ) Voir le message
    Mais carrément, oué.

    Haha !

    N'empêche, une fois fini, le jeu sera génialissime.
    Oui, il est vraiment excellent.

  30. #510
    Citation Envoyé par Seloune Voir le message
    C'est pas demain la veille
    On n'a jamais été aussi près de la sortie quand même !
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

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