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  1. #301
    J'ai découvert le jeu un peu à la même époque, effectivement je pensais pas que le développement allait être aussi long . Mais à chaque grosse maj j'ai passé des dizaines d'heures dessus et je me lasse pas

    D'ailleurs je l'ai peut être pas dit clairement mais la prochaine qui arrive:
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  2. #302
    Un GIF de plus

    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  3. #303
    Ça tease sur chépaquoi

    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  4. #304
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  5. #305
    De la nouvelle musique? Cool

  6. #306
    Je ne peux pas regarder la vidéo du boulot mais ... c'est juste à propos d'une nouvelle musique?!
    C'est un peu con de bosser là dessus je trouve. C'est clairement pas un truc important comparé au reste

  7. #307
    Il bosse pas que la dessus... Et faut bien s'y consacrer à un moment ou un autre, le son ça reste important dans un jeu.

  8. #308
    Le son oui, la musique moins.
    Surtout sur un jeu comme ca. En attendant d'avioir une playlist intégrée correct, facile de mettre du Star Wars ou n'importe quelle soundtrack de space opera en fond.

  9. #309
    Ouep le développement est vraiment leeent... Je veux bien que la musique serve l'ambiance... Prendre du temps pour la musique avec que des gros morceaux de gameplay sont encore à faire, ce n'est pas très pertinent, selon moi.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  10. #310
    Citation Envoyé par ( Tchey ) Voir le message
    Ouep le développement est vraiment leeent... Je veux bien que la musique serve l'ambiance... Prendre du temps pour la musique avec que des gros morceaux de gameplay sont encore à faire, ce n'est pas très pertinent, selon moi.
    Citation Envoyé par Safo Voir le message
    Je ne peux pas regarder la vidéo du boulot mais ... c'est juste à propos d'une nouvelle musique?!
    C'est un peu con de bosser là dessus je trouve. C'est clairement pas un truc important comparé au reste

    Le mec est sound designer, vous voulez qu'il bosse sur quoi d'autre ?

    On va pas lui demander de faire des sprites ou de coder le gameplay de l'industrie.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  11. #311
    Ben il fait quoi depuis 2010 du coup? Je veux bien qu'il ait fallu sonoriser les vaisseaux, armes etc mais ca fait un peu light depuis 5 ans non?
    Ptetre un souci d'allocation de ressources du coup

    Note que je ne connais pas du tout la team derrière, je croyais que c'était un seul mec comme Limith Theory

  12. #312
    Alors, dans l'équipe qui travaille sur Starsector il y a:

    - Alex Mosolov, le game designer et "lead programer", il bosse à temps plein sur le jeu depuis pas mal d'années (2011?), c'est lui qui fait la plupart des blog posts vu que c'est lui qui gère le plus gros du jeu.
    - David Baumgart, un artiste freelance et le "lore master" qui s'occupe des visuels du jeu mais qui écrit aussi aussi le background des factions, les descriptions des armes ou des vaisseaux, etc. Il bosse donc à temps partiel sur le jeu, le reste du temps il travaille pour Gaslamp Games.
    - Stian Stark, musicien et sound designer, lui aussi freelance, il a fait les sons et les musiques du jeu. Et il y a des updates sonores dans beaucoup des grosses maj. Notamment dès qu'il y a de nouvelles armes/vaisseaux mais il y a aussi eu une amélioration d'une partie des sons vanilla l'année dernière.

    C'est le dernier qui a fait la vidéo. Du coup son taff sur la musique ne ralentie absolument pas le boulot d'Alex sur tout le gameplay.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  13. #313
    Aaah ok. Ceci explique cela.

    Merci pour les précisions de rigueur.
    Much appreciated comme on dit ici

  14. #314

    Il y a eu d'autres personnes qui ont bossé ponctuellement dessus mais je crois pas qu'on ait eu les noms officiels et ça a jamais duré super longtemps, bref ce sont les réguliers ceux là
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  15. #315
    OK, OK, mea culpa.

    N'empêche que c'est lent.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  16. #316
    Ah ça c'est clair
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  17. #317
    Citation Envoyé par ( Tchey ) Voir le message
    N'empêche que c'est lent.
    Ça doit faire maintenant ~3 années que je n'ai pas touché au jeu, j'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a rien de nouveau

  18. #318
    Ben si t'as pas touché au jeu c'est normal que t'ai rien vu de nouveau
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  19. #319
    Bah hormis les nouveaux systèmes j'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a rien de concret, même pas de nouveaux vaisseaux ( ou alors très peu, parce-que j'ai rien vu ) en plusieurs années c'est assez consternant. Au final j'ai surtout l'impression que le jeu survie grâce au mod, ça évite que tous le monde perds patience.

  20. #320
    C'est plus de mécaniques de jeu qu'il a ajouté que du contenu, c'est vrai.

    D'ailleurs j'étais curieux de faire un peu le bilan de la vitesse d'avancement et donc si on regarde depuis que le mode campagne a été ajouté fin 2011:

    - Par la suite lors de l'année 2012 il a ajouté les factions, les niveaux et les skills pour l'avatar, les mécaniques de supplies et de réparations, la refonte de l'interface de commandement et une tonne d'équilibrage et d'améliorations (notamment l'IA de combat);
    - en 2013: la combat readiness (mécanique pour laquelle il a bien lutté à équilibrer le truc d'ailleurs) et l'hyperspace, avec l'arrivée du premier système extérieur;
    - en 2014: l'économie du jeu, avec les nouveaux systèmes solaire et toute les mécaniques de trades, de réputation et de news.
    - En 2015: il a pas sorti de patch, mais on sait déjà ce que le patch va contenir (missions, officiers, abilities, capteurs & furtivité, terrains)

    Ce que je vois, c'est que tous les "gros" patchs sortis à ce jour sont sortis autour de aout-septembre. Je dis ça je dis rien
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  21. #321
    D'un côté, à chaque patch c'est polished, ça buggue pas trop, etc etc... C'est plus de la limitation de perfos liée à Java qu'autre chose...
    Par contre c'est vrai que pour quelqu'un a temps complet on pourrait s'attendre à ce que le rythme de sorties des gros patchs soit plus bi-annuel qu'annuel.
    Il pourrait faire comme Josh :cross-topic-troll-please-ignore: (ou pas hein, surtout pas),

    Ce serait dommage qu'une fois arrivé à maturité, son jeu soit mort-né...

  22. #322
    Citation Envoyé par Fcknmagnets Voir le message
    Bah hormis les nouveaux systèmes j'ai l'impression qu'il n'y a rien de concret, même pas de nouveaux vaisseaux ( ou alors très peu, parce-que j'ai rien vu ) en plusieurs années c'est assez consternant. Au final j'ai surtout l'impression que le jeu survie grâce au mod, ça évite que tous le monde perds patience.
    Citation Envoyé par FAW_FoX Voir le message
    D'un côté, à chaque patch c'est polished, ça buggue pas trop, etc etc... C'est plus de la limitation de perfos liée à Java qu'autre chose...
    Par contre c'est vrai que pour quelqu'un a temps complet on pourrait s'attendre à ce que le rythme de sorties des gros patchs soit plus bi-annuel qu'annuel.
    Il pourrait faire comme Josh :cross-topic-troll-please-ignore: (ou pas hein, surtout pas),

    Ce serait dommage qu'une fois arrivé à maturité, son jeu soit mort-né...

    Pourquoi serait-il mort né?
    Des daleux comme nous qui veulent jouer à sa version finale il n'y en a pas des masses à mon avis hein (donc le "tout le monde perds patience" bon ...).
    Niveau comm ce n'est pas ca et pour une bonne raison, le jeu n'est pas finis
    Du coup logique que les masses n'accourent pas. Et donc à priori il n'y a pas de risque de mort prématurée (hors évidement un avortement du projet mais dans ce cas il n'est pas encore né tain c'est glauque tout ca ...).

  23. #323
    Des daleux comme nous qui veulent jouer à sa version finale il n'y en a pas des masses
    Le forum officiel est actif, surtout grace aux mods. Je pense qu'on est pas des masses, mais quand même "un certain nombre".
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  24. #324
    UN petit patch fr serait également le bienvenu mais je sais que ce n'est pas la priorité
    Il parait que je suis un type horrible mais ce n'est pas vrai : j'ai le cœur d'un enfant..... dans un bocal...sur mon bureau.

  25. #325
    Nouveau post de blog, qui fait suite au précédent sur les terrains, cette fois-ci ce sont les terrains en hyperespace.

    Le fond de l'article est un peu particulier, il détaille sa démarche de design visant à introduire ce genre de mécanique... En présentant une idée de terrain qui n'a pas fonctionnée (des vagues hyperspatiales sur lesquelles surfer pour accélérer les voyages) et ne sera pas présente dans le jeu a priori, puis une qui a l'air de mieux marcher (les tempêtes hyperspatiales qui ralentissent les flottes voir les endommages et donc qu'il faudra en général esquiver au mieux).

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Sinon du point de vue du développement on apprend qu'il a encore une grosse mécanique de jeu pour cet update qu'il n'a pas encore présenté mais qui est implémentée et dont il devrait parler dans les prochaines semaines (teasing toussa) mais qu'à côté de ça il est moins en train de rajouter des features que de faire en sorte que tout marche ensemble à présent.

    Et sinon pour cet update il a aussi bossé sur un nouveau vaisseau, une nouvelle faction mineure, de nouvelles armes avec un ré-équilibrage général, une meilleur génération des flottes, une amélioration de l'IA pour les officiers et une refonte des évènements "food shortage", notamment le retrait des pénalités que l'on se prenait lorsqu'on exploitait un peu trop l'évènement, là ce sera mieux intégré avec un prix dynamique en fonction de la quantité que l'on vend.
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  26. #326
    Que c'est bien !
    Que c'est lent...

    Heureusement qu'il a choisit un style visuel qui ne vieilli pas vraiment, je pense que le jeu restera attractif pour encore longtemps.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  27. #327
    Citation Envoyé par ( Tchey ) Voir le message
    Que c'est bien !
    Que c'est lent...
    Mais que c'est bien
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  28. #328

    Alex a donc révélé la (dernière) feature pour cette update qu'il a déjà implémenté: les expanded battles.
    C'est un truc que j'espérais voir depuis que j'ai commencé à jouer au jeu mais je me souvenais qu'il avait dit que ça serait trop compliqué avec le code du jeu en l'état. Ravi qu'il ait trouvé une solution !

    Le principe de base est très simple à résumer: ça va permettre au flottes du joueur ou des NPC de rejoindre des batailles qui sont en cours, en choisissant un des camps qui se frittent.

    Il a pas développé ça pour la beauté du geste, c'est en réponse à plusieurs problèmes du jeu, notamment l'early game qui est très rude dans SS.
    Ici on sera pas obligé de tourner pendant 5 minutes pour trouver une mini flotte prenable avec son vaisseau de noob, il suffira de rejoindre un combat entre deux factions non-hostiles (typiquement un hegemony vs pirates) pour pouvoir progresser en XP, thune, loot et en réputation. A l'inverse, si on se fait chopper par une grosse flotte avec son petit vaisseau, une flotte alliée proche pourra débarquer pour nous filer un coup de main, nous évitant de se faire dérouiller sans rien pouvoir faire.

    Je suppose que ces soucis étaient devenus bien plus problématiques dès lors que l'on n'a plus le maphack pour choisir ses combats

    Personnellement, je vois également que ça devrait rendre le end game bien plus dur (ce qui est bien aussi!) en transformant les planètes capitales/grosses bases des factions ennemies en zones hyper dangereuses: soit on veut se faire une petite flotte ou on se fait alpaguer par une patrouille et bam... c'est toutes les autres flottes ennemies proches qui nous tombe aussi sur le rable

    Ça permet manifestement aussi à plein de petites flottes de s'allier contre une grosse, ça rend les pirates intéressants bien plus longtemps pendant la partie du coup.

    Dernière info: les flottes NPC ont maintenant aussi des officiers !

    Maintenant faut qu'il fasse la realease de l'update !!! Naow!!!
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

  29. #329
    J'approuve ta dernière phrase.
    * Jeux1d100 ? Le blog sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

  30. #330

    L'update 0.7a est là !

    Pour rappel:
    - arrivée de la gestion des officiers de flottes (pour le joueur mais aussi pour les ennemis)
    - nouvelles mécaniques de détection/signature et d'identification par transpondeurs: c'est donc la fin du maphack, l'arrivée de la furtivité notamment pour ceux qui se la jouent pirates ou contrebandiers et ça annonce les prémices de l'exploration!
    - les batailles étendues: des flottes externes peuvent rejoindre un coté ou un autre d'une bataille lorsque celle-ci est en cours. Ça inclue le joueur aussi qui peut rejoindre deux camps en train de se fritter.
    - nouvelles mécaniques dans la partie "navigation" du jeu, qui prennent en compte les terrains de l'espace (astéroïdes, nébuleuses, étoiles, tempêtes spatiales, etc) et implémentation des premières aptitudes à utiliser dans ce mode là (boost d'urgence, arrêt des moteurs, ...)
    - ajout de plusieurs nouveaux systèmes, quelques nouveaux vaisseaux aussi
    - nouvelles musiques, nouveaux sons
    - ajout des premiers systèmes de quêtes/missions
    - plein de petites features, notamment pour le modding

    Le patchnote, très court comme d'hab

    Spoiler Alert!

    Changes as of November 17, 2015


    Increased salvage from combat by 50%
    Reduced number of system bounty events
    Ongoing battles will autoresolve faster if they're lopsided; i.e. several patrols vs a lone pirate frigate will not take a day to autoresolve
    Added current "suspicion level" to black market tooltip
    Emergency Burn:
    Halved CR cost (and thus, supply cost)
    Now prevents CR recovery while active
    Player respawn: will now pick random friendly market to spawn near, favoring larger and friendlier markets
    Requires and uses only marines
    Removed steps with picking boarding task force and number of marines/crew to use
    Always successful provided there are enough marines
    Faces more resistance from crew (more crew defending at better odds)
    Marine cost increased to 500 credits
    Reduced sell price of ships by half
    Successfully boarded ships are automatically mothballed
    Somewhat save-scum-proof
    Combined "trade disruption" updates into a single item under "Events"
    Added plus sign to icons of officers that can level up
    Removed easy/normal start choice from new game creation; added two difficulty choices:
    50% more salvage (supplies, credits, etc)
    Level of AI officers reduced by half
    10,000 extra starting credits
    "Trade disrupted" and "price update" reports only show up in the campaign-level message list if they're from the same system. Will still always show up in the intel screen.
    Price map in intel tab much more accurate


    Damage taken is set to "full" by default
    "All" button in deployment dialog will now select as many ships as possible for deployment when there aren't enough points to select all of them, instead of being disabled
    Safety Overrides:
    Now prevents active venting instead of increasing overload duration
    Non-missile weapon ranges past 450 units drastically reduced by SO

    Changes as of November 03, 2015


    Turned off comm sniffer investigations (at least for now)
    Smuggling investigation:
    Will no longer find the player guilty if they were wrongly suspected
    Lasts 2-3 months
    A chief investigator is assigned and can be talked to to resolve any misunderstandings
    Guilty finding drops reputation with faction to inhospitable
    Can be covered up (reducing chances/avoiding investigation entirely) by also selling on open market
    Added "Faction ties" investigation
    Started by major factions when the player has a positive reputation with another major faction
    A chief investigator is assigned and can be talked to to resolve any misunderstandings, but only a couple of times before that's no longer effective
    Maintaining positive reputation with more than one major faction (Diktat, Hegemony, Tri-Tachyon, Luddic Church) is not possible for very long; will eventually become hostile to all but one
    Can avoid by keeping reputation at favorable or below
    Added confirmation to player transponder activation/deactivation (have to use twice in a row to do either)
    Added three new passenger liner type ships
    Added liner fleets carrying passengers to and from different systems
    Market procurement mission: now requires coming into port with transponder off if contact is an underworld figure
    Added tooltip showing markets in a star system to stars in intel map
    For now, "vengeful" reputation can be improved by doing bounties
    Can also be achieved by normal combat, not just pursuit
    Added "radio chatter" sounds when near a market
    Commander personality now has some effect on fleet behavior
    Evenly-matched or weaker fleets may follow you around waiting for an opportunity instead of fleeing or ignoring your fleet
    Valhalla: improved accessibility of Ragnar Complex and nearby markets
    Terrain adjustments:
    Nebulas and asteroid rings/fields now reduce fleet speed based on fleet size instead of reducing the burn level of individual ships
    Magnetic fields now reduce speed and sensor range by 50%
    Nebulas, asteroid rings/fields, magnetic fields, and hyperspace storms now reduce speed by a percentage rather than a multiplier, allowing "Emergency Burn" to take full effect
    Battles in deep hyperspace no longer have nebula patches on the battlefield
    Navigation skill: now reduces burn level penalties from terrain by 5% per level


    Cruisers will now be assigned to "capture" assignments as needed
    Safety Overrides: now also extends overload duration by 50%
    Hardened Subsystems: reduced CR degrade speed reduction to 25%
    Reaper: made engine glow more prominent for improved visibility
    Atlas: removed flight deck
    Helmsmanship level 5 perk: now grants maneuverability bonus instead of top speed with zero flux


    Reduced save file size by ~50%
    Upgraded to Java 8 (should resolve issues on newer versions of OS X)
    Reduced logging verbosity
    "resolutionOverride" in settings.json should now work for oddball resolutions in windowed mode


    Added ShipAPI.setWeaponGlow(float glow, Color color, EnumSet<WeaponType> types)
    Orbital junk removed from savefiles; regenerated on game load
    Added ModPlugin.onGameSaveFailed()
    Refit in neutral-owned stations/markets no longer offers free weapons from non-free submarkets
    Added SectorEntityToken.getCustomData(), returns String->Object map for custom persistent per-entity data storage
    Asteroids are no longer persisted in save files, unless they have something in their memory they are regenerated on game load
    addMessage(int newLineIndentIndex, Object ... params)
    float getPhaseCost();
    float getPhaseUpkeep();
    float getFluxPerDamageAbsorbed();
    ShieldType getType();
    Color getRingColor();
    Color getInnerColor();
    float getUpkeepCost();
    float getArc();
    float getRadius();
    float getCenterX();
    float getCenterY();
    float getFlightTime();
    void setFlightTime(float flightTime);
    boolean isGuided();
    void setVentCoreColor(Color color);
    void setVentFringeColor(Color color);
    Color getVentCoreColor();
    Color getVentFringeColor();
    void setVentCoreTexture(String textureId);
    void setVentFringeTexture(String textureId);
    String getVentFringeTexture();
    String getVentCoreTexture();
    String getHullStyleId();
    WeaponGroupAPI getWeaponGroupFor(WeaponAPI weapon);
    void setCopyLocation(Vector2f loc, float copyAlpha, float copyFacing);
    void setHitpoints(float hp);
    Color getEngineColor();
    Color getContrailColor();
    enum ShipSystemAPI.SystemState
    float getCooldown();
    void setFluxPerUse(float fluxPerUse);
    void setFluxPerSecond(float fluxPerSecond);
    void setCenter(Vector2f c);
    AutofireAIPlugin getAutofirePlugin(WeaponAPI weapon);
    boolean isUsingDefaultAI(WeaponAPI weapon);
    List<FleetAssignmentDataAPI> getAssignmentsCopy()
    ViewportAPI getViewport();
    boolean isShowingMenu();
    List<String> getAllVariantIds();
    List<String> getAptitudeIds();
    List<String> getSkillIds();
    LevelupPlugin getLevelupPlugin();
    String getVersionString();
    JSONObject loadJSON(String filename, String modId) throws IOException, JSONException;
    JSONArray loadCSV(String filename, String modId) throws IOException, JSONException;
    String loadText(String filename, String modId) throws IOException, JSONException;
    ModManagerAPI getModManager();
    List<ModSpecAPI> getAvailableModsCopy();
    List<ModSpecAPI> getEnabledModsCopy();
    boolean isModEnabled(String id);
    List<ModPlugin> getEnabledModPlugins();
    ModSpecAPI getModSpec(String id);
    boolean isUtility();
    String getModPluginClassName();
    boolean isTotalConversion();
    String getName();
    String getId();
    String getVersion();
    String getDesc();
    String getPath();
    String getDirName();
    String getGameVersion();
    Set<String> getFullOverrides();
    List<String> getJars();
    String getAuthor();

    Changes as of October 19, 2015


    Added visual indicators of other fleets' sensor ranges when the player is near the edge of it
    Hireable officer personalities (i.e. combat behavior) now based on the faction of the planet on which they're located
    Headquarters, Orbital Station, Spaceport, and Military Base now affect the number and quality of officers in fleets from their market
    Defeating ships captained by officers/fleet commanders now grants up to 5x increased experience based on the captain's level
    Revamped campaign fleet generation; added officers and faction-specific fleet compositions
    Revamped food shortage event
    No more tracking of sales before event starts or investigations for overselling
    Only affects markets of size 6 and below
    Smaller markets are affected more, both in reduced stability and food price increase
    Intercepting relief fleet increases unrest (i.e. reduces stability) at market
    Selling food on open/black market has an increased impact on reputation while event is ongoing
    Selling food on black market produces high unrest after event is over
    Updated food shortage and trade disruption events to have prices smoothly decrease with player selling commodities and filling demand
    Made intel message detail area slightly taller
    Revamped trade, pirate, and mercenary fleet spawning
    Reduced high-end system bounty rewards by about 33%
    Removed post-engagement options of "maintain contact" and "stand down"
    Ships on winning side now automatically recover some CR if the engagement was limited in scope
    Recovery amount depends on total deployment cost of destroyed losing ships vs each winning ship's deployment cost
    Maximum of 75% recovered if any enemy ships were destroyed
    Added Luddic Path faction, radical arm of the Luddic Church
    No markets, but launches small raider fleets from Luddic Church worlds
    Hostile to player, but individual fleets may be bought off with a "tithe"
    Auto-resolving pursuit: greatly increased effectiveness
    Expanded battles
    Can join one side of an ongoing campaign battle that may involve several fleets and last up to several days
    When engaging another fleet or joining a battle, nearby fleets - both allied and enemy - will join in
    Adjusted bounty payments and reputation gains when done with the aid of an allied fleet
    Salvage and bounty split will depend on how much hull damage the player dealt to enemies
    Friendly fire incidents will cause a reputation drop depending on the severity
    Very serious incidents will drop reputation all the way to hostile
    Fighting a faction's enemies in their system will no longer improve reputation with them
    Adjusted crew losses from battle so that you don't end up being heavily over crew capacity after losing ships
    System bounties now last longer
    Disengaging from a non-hostile fleet will only drop your reputation to hostile if you destroy any of their ships (or entire fighter wings), previously would on doing any hull damage
    Improved visuals for ship engine glows in campaign; improved fleet movement behavior
    Turned off customs inspections, at least for now - sneaking into market w/ transponder off fills the same role


    Added several new missile weapons (one small and two large)
    Hurricane MIRV - changed to be a medium range finisher weapon rather than long-range
    Removed ammo regeneration
    Increased number of warheads to 10
    Reduced refire delay to 5 seconds
    Reduced range to be in line with MRMs
    Increased missile hitpoints and range at which the main missile splits
    Increased flight time of individual warheads
    Added new midline missile cruiser
    Hammerhead: changed small energy mounts to hybrid (can slot in energy/ballistic)
    Added officer portrait to target reticle for ships with officers
    Added "Safety Overrides" hullmod. Boosts speed and flux dissipation at the expense of a drastic loss in peak performance time. Can not be installed on capital ships.
    Assault Chaingun: increased damage and flux cost by 50%, reduced range to 450 (from 700)
    Heavy Machinegun: reduced OP cost to 10, range increased to 450 (from 400)
    Harpoon, Sabot 3-racks: reduced OP cost to 4 (from 5)
    Salamander 3x/Pod: increased refire delay to 25 seconds (from 20)
    IR Pulse Laser: reduced OP cost to 5
    Plasma Cannon: damage and flux use increased by 25%
    Tachyon Lance: range reduced to 1000, damage increased by 200%, flux use increased by 100%
    Ion Cannon: flux/shot reduced to 30 (from 80)
    Heavy Mauler: damage reduced to 200 (from 250)
    Ship AI:
    Aggressive officers more aggressive
    May use strike weapons against frigates if considers itself in trouble
    Will now consider any non-civilian ship with weapons to be a combat-capable ship
    Non-autofiring weapon groups will try to follow the mouse if they're not selected but the target is close to their arc


    New graphics for some ships (Eagle, Enforcer, Falcon, Dominator, and a few others)
    Updated portrait graphics
    New graphics for Arbalest Autocannon
    Added text scrolling for standalone (non-campaign) mission descriptions
    Many missions updated; extensive backstory added
    Added "alwaysUndecoratedAtFullscreen" key to settings.json, controls whether full-resolution windows are always undecorated or not. Set to true by default.
    Falcon: added two small energy turrets, added 10 ordnance points. (D) variant does not get the extra turrets, does get +10 ordnance points
    Fixed sound loop playback issue where loops would not fade out properly but would cut off abruptly
    Built-in hullmods (Flux Shunt, Repair Gantry, etc) no longer show up in mission refit


    Added "AMMO_RELOAD" ship system and ship system AI type
    Added "cr/u" column (cr per use) to ship_systems.csv
    Added to SoundPlayerAPI:
    void restartCurrentMusic();
    String getCurrentMusicId();
    void playMusic(int fadeOutIfAny, int fadeIn, String musicSetId);
    void setSuspendDefaultMusicPlayback(boolean suspend);
    Added GameState enum (COMBAT, CAMPAIGN, TITLE)
    Added SettingsAPI.getCurrentState() to return current state
    Added LocationAPI.setBackgroundOffset()
    Added "doctrine" section to .faction file; affects fleet compositions and officer numbers/levels
    Fixed bug where animated beam weapons would not glow properly during phase skim/teleport style animations
    Decorative weapons now render in the campaign view and on ship icons
    Dev mode only, edit variants from main menu only: shift + letter jumps to variants starting with that letter
    Added baseValueMult to .skin files. baseValue still supported.
    Made some breaking changes to FleetEncounterContextPlugin/CampaignFleetAIAPI, related to removal of maintain contact/stand down options
    Added CombatTaskManagerAPI
    Added CombatFleetManagerAPI.getTaskManager(boolean ally)
    Moved assignment related methods from CombatFleetManagerAPI to CombatTaskManagerAPI

    CampaignPlugin.pickBattleAutoresolverPlugin() changed to take BattleAPI as a parameter instead of two fleets

    Other related API changes re: passing in a BattleAPI where appropriate
    FleetDespawnReason.DESTROYED_BY_FLEET changed to DESTROYED_BY_BATTLE; param is now a BattleAPI
    Added CombatEngineAPI.getDamageData() to get running hull damage dealt totals by each fleet member


    Fixed erroneous rate of fire being shown for burst beam weapons
    Fixed turret alignment on Tarsus-class freighter
    Fixed music-related out of memory crash if game was left running for a long time
    Fixed faction description textbox size in faction intel display screen
    Fixed bug where boarding action CR cost was based on the deployment cost of the ship being boarded instead of the ships doing the boarding
    Fixed bug where Heavy Armor was not correctly applying the maneuverability penalty

    Changes as of June 23, 2015


    Added campaign sensors; can now only see other fleets when they're nearby
    Added abilities that can be used by fleets, both player and AI: Transponder, Go Dark, Active Sensor Burst, Emergency Burn
    Transponder, turning it off:
    Reduces visibility, attracts attention of patrols
    Allows trade with otherwise-hostile factions on the black market
    Allows open trade with hostile factions for independents, pirates, and free ports
    Combat officers:
    Can be hired at markets using the comm directory to contact "mercenaries"
    Can be assigned to command specific ships
    Have combat-effective skills and gain experience

    Player can pick one of two skills to gain/increase on each levelup

    Navigation skill: while waiting for skill revamp, reversed the skill gains with larger ships gaining more and smaller ships gaining less. Also reduced burn level gain; does not affect frigates. (Yes there are some levels that don't have any bonus; see: revamp)
    Augmented Engines: burn speed increase reduced to 1, now also reduces sensor strength by 50%/increases sensor profile by 50%, removed capacity penalty
    Degraded Engines: burn level penalty is now uniformly 1
    Removed speed boost after losing battle
    Added terrain with fleet-affecting effects:
    Asteroid belt
    Ring system
    Star corona (with solar flares)
    Magnetic field (with auroras)
    Removed logistics rating mechanic
    Ships have explicit "supplies/month" and "supplies/recover from deployment" stats, set to the same value (i.e one deployment costs as many supplies as operating for a month)
    High Maintenance hullmod: increases supplies/month only
    Automated Repair Unit hullmod: removed penalties; increase in CR recovery does *not* reduce the overall recovery cost
    Removed supply cost per day for crew and marines (assumed to be negligible compared to ship maintenance)
    Logistics skill, Leadership aptitude: now reduce maintenance supply use 30%/20% respectively
    Fleet size hard-limited to 25 ships total
    Removed "deployment points" as an explicit ship stat, battle size now based on supply recovery costs
    Adjusted deployment supply costs - up a bit for smaller ships, significantly down for capital ships and cruisers

    Combat balance:

    Improved missile aim
    Changed damage back to single-shot with 750 damage
    Added variance in Sabot launch range to make it a bit more unpredictable
    Increased projectile speed to where the AI can't always react and lower shields in time
    Non-missile projectiles that are fading out after reaching maximum range now deal soft-flux damage to shields
    Slightly improved Harpoon missile target tracking
    Accelerated Ammo Feeder: reduces flux cost of ballistic weapons by 30%
    Pilum: reduced hitpoints to 50 (from 125)

    Ship AI:

    Ship aim will improve as time is spent firing at the same target; time from worst aim quality to best is ~15 seconds
    Autofire aim will improve as time is spent firing at the same target; time from worst aim quality to best is ~15 seconds.

    As will AI manual targeting

    Improved fighting vs drones somewhat (prioritizes them less)


    Campaign terrain effects:
    Campaign combat maps now spawn with appropriate nebula graphics and amount for the location
    Effect of nebula changed to align with in-campaign effect
    Fighting in corona: reduced peak time, increased CR degradation, slight screen glow
    Fighting in ring system: lots of small, non-collision-damaging asteroids on battlefield


    Added custom graphics for the following hullmods: civilian-grade, hardened subsystems, high maintenance, high-res sensors, phase field
    Added "Solar Shielding" hullmod - reduces effect of travel and fighting inside a star's corona; reduces beam damage taken slightly


    Fixed NPE caused by using ship AI flags for drones
    Fixed issue where EveryFrameScripts added to an entity would never run while the game is paused
    Fixed bug where using an area-of-effect exploding missile as a MIRV projectile would cause an NPE
    Added to CampaignEventListener:
    Added HYBRID weapon slot type that allows ballistic and energy weapons, but not missiles
    MutableFleetStatsAPI.addTemporaryModXXX methods now key off the source parameter - multiple changes with the same source id are no longer possible
    Added LocationAPI.getPersistentData()
    Fixed NPE caused by assigning quad trails to ships; quad trails for ships still have artifacts
    Added BattleCreationPlugin.afterDefinitionLoad() method
    Added ModPlugin.configureXStream method that allows customization of XStream, which is used to create save files. In particular, can be used to alias class and field names to shorter names.
    Added DynamicStatsAPI
    Allows creating new mutable stats using string ids as keys
    MutableFleetStats.getDynamic() and MutableShipStats.getDynamic()


    Fixed bug where player gender would revert to "ANY" on saving and then loading a game
    Fixed bug where selling a not-in-demand commodity one at a time would produce a better price than selling in bulk

    Changes as of April 05, 2015


    Added 5 new star systems
    Added "Hydroponics Complex" market condition
    Added market conditions for a variety of new planet types
    Added alternate shortcuts to interaction menu options, in addition to number keys (i.e. Esc = Leave, etc)
    Price list in commodity tooltip will now compress multiple entries for the same commodity into one, provide the prices are the same/very similar
    "Move in to engage" will show a confirmation dialog when vs non-hostile target
    Fixed autoresolve issue that incorrectly penalized ships with good shields and benefited ships with poor shields
    Greatly increased CR penalty from refitting in flight, especially for hullmods
    Locally-produced goods now available on the black market even if they're not available on the open market due to being mostly exported
    Added support for campaign missions (e.g. quests)
    Added "market procurement" mission - acquire and deliver X commodity to a contact at market
    Added browseable comm directory and mission board to markets
    Can be used when docking with hostile markets
    Can improve relationships with specific people
    Generally, people with a positive relationship will offer missions even if the faction is hostile
    Other effects TBD
    Person info panel updated to show relationship, faction affiliation, player relationship with faction, person rank, and current post
    Added new music for Luddic Church faction
    Added combat officers
    Can hire by talking to "mercenaries" via market comm directory
    Can be assigned to any ship (not fighter wings)
    Have the following pool of skills: all combat skills, Gunnery Implants, and the effect of the combat aptitude as a "skill"
    Start with one level 1 skill
    Have one of four personalities affecting in-combat behavior:
    Timid, cautious, steady, and aggressive
    Player can choose one of two (randomly picked) skills to learn or improve at each level-up
    Not limited by aptitude level when increasing skills
    Only grant the combat portion of their skills
    Current maximum level is 20, learning a skill learns it at level 1, improving gains 3 levels
    Gives exactly 5 maxed-out skills at level 20, or some combination of lower-level skills
    Numbers may change
    Gain experience based on time spent in combat, experience split among all officers deployed
    Player can have a maximum of 10; can be dismissed

    Combat balance:

    Autopulse Laser: increased damage by 20% and flux generation by 25%
    Proximity Charge Launcher: now has the PD tag
    Lasher: increased flux dissipation, armor, and shield arc

    Ship AI/orders:

    Found and fixed an issue that could cause occasional suicidal behavior (would attempt to pursue an enemy perceived as trying to kite it, into a very bad situation)
    Added "Avoid" order, can be set on enemy ships to make all your ships try to avoid getting near them
    Ships can be explicitly assigned to the "avoid" target, in which case it'll work as an "engage" order
    Improved order-following
    Ships assigned to capture/control/assault/defend will do a better job of both avoiding enemy contact and moving towards the objective
    Improved conservation of HE missiles (i.e. Harpoons) vs unshielded frigates. Test case of Wolf (CS) vs 2x Hound (D), 2x Cerberus (D), and 1x Lasher (D) -> Wolf saves enough missiles to effectively take out the Lasher
    Improved conservation of kinetic missiles (i.e. Sabots) - less likely to fire off when high on flux and unable to follow up
    Improved behavior with regard to re-engaging a target while having higher flux than target
    Improved map-border-avoiding behavior
    Improved maneuvering to facilitate the use of Reapers and other rocket-type weapons
    Improved spreading out by multiple ships facing a single target
    Reduced propensity to get very close to a vulnerable target and stay there
    Autofire AI will now consider whether an enemy is blocking a friendly from being shot at, for purposes of friendly fire danger detection
    Improved broadside AI:
    Will now turn more into a broadside if its frontal firepower is significantly lacking
    Will pursue (by turning towards enemy) less


    Apogee's Sensor Drones can no longer be set to free roam
    PD weapons with charges will now conserve up to 10 ammo vs non-PD targets
    Thumper and Storm Needler no longer show "x9999" burst size on tooltip
    Clarified "High Maintenance" hullmod description
    Fixed occasional unnecessary background texture reloading when starting battles/simulations in the campaign


    Added DamagingProjectileAPI.getBaseDamageAmount();
    Economy shouldn't crash if there are no markets configured
    Added ShipVariantAPI SettingsAPI.getVariant(String variantId)
    Very large turrets should no longer cause visual artifacts on disabled ships
    Fixed bug that caused prices for markets of size >7 to be computed incorrectly
    shipBuy/SellPriceMult now properly affects fighter wings
    OptionPanelAPI now sets alternate shortcut that works in addition to the number key matching the option. It's always bracketed and put at the end.
    CampaignEventListener.reportPlayerOpenedMarket() now called when player opens interaction dialog rather than when player actually opens the trade UI
    Added CampaignEventListener.reportPlayerClosedMarket(); called when interaction dialog is closed
    Added OptionPanelAPI.addOptionConfirmation
    tips.json now merged on load instead of always replacing the vanilla one
    Added FactionAPI.getMemoryWithoutUpdate()
    Added PersonAPI.getMemory()
    Added PersonAPI.getMemoryWithoutUpdate()
    Added to MarketAPI:
    void initCommDirectory();
    CommDirectoryAPI getCommDirectory()
    void addPerson(PersonAPI person);
    void removePerson(PersonAPI person);
    List<PersonAPI> getPeopleCopy();
    Added to SectorEntityToken:
    PersonAPI getActivePerson();
    void setActivePerson(PersonAPI activePerson);
    CampaignEventManagerAPI.primeEvent(CampaignEventTa rget eventTarget, String eventType, Object param)
    CampaignEventManagerAPI.startEvent(CampaignEventPl ugin primedEvent)
    Added ReportAPI (for accessing data from reports.csv)
    Added SectorAPI.getReport(String eventType, String eventStage, String channel)
    Added LocationAPI.getAllEntities()
    Improved performance of:
    Fixed minor on-rack missile rendering issue
    Highlighting in reports/tooltips/shortcuts/etc now requires a non-alpha-numeric char after a match (i.e. a space, punctuation, etc)
    Added support for modding person ranks and posts (default_ranks.json, "ranks" section in .faction)
    Expanded PersonAPI
    Added CampaignMissionPlugin, CommDirectoryAPI, etc (as necessary to support new campaign functionality)
    Added SectorAPI.getImportantPeople()
    Added to ShipEngineControllerAPI:
    Added SettingsAPI.getPlugin() to retrieve plugins defined in the "plugins" section of settings.json
    Added SettingsAPI.getSortedSkillIds(), returns skill ids sorted by "order" in skill_data.csv
    Added SkillSpecAPI
    Fixed crash bug caused by ship name Roman numerals getting up to 4000
    Added "combat officer" column to skill_data.csv; governs if skill is available to combat officers
    Made CoreReputationPlugin easier to mod without replacing entirely
    Added RepActions.CUSTOM
    Specifics of reputation change specified via CustomRepImpact class
    CustomRepImpact impact = new CustomRepImpact();
    <set fields in impact to desired values>
    Global.getSector().adjustPlayerReputation(new RepActionEnvelope(RepActions.CUSTOM, impact, message, true), factionId)
    Added "evenSpread" parameter to mirv spec


    allowShipControlWhilePaused now set to true in settings.json, as was intended
    Fixed rare crash bug caused by weapon group going away due to a critical malfunction but the AI still thinking it exists and wanting trying to fire it
    System-activated engines no longer show up on ships in the campaign view
    Fixed rare crash while adjusting music volume
    Fixed bug where repair-at-market cost would be extremely high if ship crews were understrength
    Fixed issue where leaving X cargo and then picking up exactly X cargo would lead to the listed cargo space used being incorrect
    Thunder-class fighters no longer immediately go to refit after firing off their Harpoon missile
    Captured enemy ships will no longer ship up in the "disabled" category in the enemy fleet in the fleet encounter dialog
    Fixed bug where intel prices would occasionally not update correctly when docking at a market
    Fixed issue where player-sold commodity stockpile value used for pricing would reset on a save/load for commodities not in native supply or demand
    Fixed bug where market music would continue playing in the campaign after running a combat simulation in-market and then leaving
    Fixed crash caused by adjusting music volume after music has erroneously stopped playing
    (Probably) fixed issue with music stopping to play (seems to only be an issue with some mods?)
    Fixed bug where fighter wings would not properly lose CR for taking losses in combat in some circumstances
    Fixed bug where initiation a transaction at a military submarket and then cancelling would result in the items in the submarket being re-sorted incorrectly
    Increased Hound shield radius so it works properly when a Front Shield Generator is installed

    Faut que je teste tout ça
    Some days, some nights, some live, some die in the way of the samurai
    Some fight, some bleed, sun up to sun down, the sons of a battlecry

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