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  1. #871
    Citation Envoyé par Sim's Voir le message
    Est ce qu'il serait possible d'avoir un ou deux serveur pour Bloody Good Time ? l'un serait en mode chasse et l'autre serait en mode vengeance.
    Je viens de regarder et ce n'est pas possible, comme plein de jeu mal pensé (représenté à 70% par ubisoft) il n'est possible de lancer un serveur dedié uniquement via Steam et en possédant une copie du jeu. TTT mis à jour.
    Dernière modification par Flubber ; 03/11/2010 à 10h58.

  2. #872
    Citation Envoyé par Flubber Voir le message
    Je viens de regarder et ce n'est pas possible, comme plein de jeu mal pensé (représenté à 70% par ubisoft) il n'est possible de lancer un serveur dedié uniquement via Steam et en possédant une copie du jeu.
    Comment c'est possible de foirer un multi de cette façon surtout sous Source ?

    Citation Envoyé par Flubber Voir le message
    TTT mis à jour.
    Yeah !

    New features

    * Knife now kills instantly if thrown into a target that is some distance away. It flies faster than before, making such throws a bit easier to make as well.
    * The Poltergeist can now charge up to make long-range shots (yellow beam) using secondary fire.
    * Two round highlight awards were added for players who die at unfortunate times in the round.
    * Spectators now see possessed props with a glowing outline.
    * The Teleporter's functions have been switched: left mouse now teleports, right mouse marks a spot.
    * Dead bodies can be picked up by their limbs again, and will not fall as easily when carried.


    * Traitors can no longer disarm the C4 of a fellow living Traitor, to prevent stealing of C4 and other griefing.
    * Teleporter can no longer mark in an elevator or on a prop, as it let you get yourself in otherwise unreachable places.


    * Fixed error that prevented Defuser from working.


    * ttt_fretta_mapvoting (def. 0): If fretta_voting is set to 1, then this convar will make the votes only map votes, not gamemode votes. This should make it an easy way of adding map voting without using server plugins. It will start a map vote if players request it or the time/round limit is reached. By setting ttt_always_use_mapcycle 1, reaching the time/round limits will instead switch to the next map in the cycle, so the vote only comes up if players request it.
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  3. #873
    Regardez qui l'on voit dans les nominés des meilleurs mods multi de 2010.

    Au passage :

    New features

    * New language/translation system. Allows switching between languages while playing, as well as setting a default language on the server. Guide on how to translate will be added to the site soon.
    * Improvements to the look and layout of certain HUD elements.
    * DNA Scanner ease-of-use improvements:
    o DNA Scanner now has auto-repeat enabled by default.
    o Scanner menu now remembers your selected sample, and selects the first sample you scan automatically.
    o If auto-repeat is enabled when you gather a new Killer's DNA sample from a corpse, the scanner will automatically start scanning for the killer.
    o Sample that was last scanned is now displayed differently from other samples.
    * Added setting to display your health status (eg. "Near Death") as other people see it.
    * Added ttt_print_playercount console command (not a cheat/admin), which prints the number of players that were present when the round started. Potentially useful if people have disconnected.


    * C4 owner now receives a message when his bomb is disarmed.


    * Fixed Glock wrongly flagging servers as having custom content.
    * Fixed more cases of thrown barrel kills being seen as suicide by the game.
    * Fixed players who were moved into spectator-only mode being unable to spectate players and possess props.


    * Damage log now has timestamps.
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  4. #874

    Ca en tente quelques uns pour fêter ça ?

  5. #875
    J'ai trouvé cette map pour TTT, même si l'extérieur est un poil trop ouvert à mon goût il serait quand même de bon ton de la tester.
    Dernière modification par Sim's ; 27/12/2010 à 04h14.
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  6. #876
    Nouvelle map TTT avec plein de pièges
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  7. #877
    Update TTT

    New features

    * Ammo can now be dropped with the Z key ("undo" in your keyboard settings). You drop a box containing the bullets in your current clip. Needs at least a quarter of your clip filled.
    * Added option to avoid becoming Detective. When enabled, the server will not make you Detective unless there are no other options. This does not make you more likely to be Traitor. Detectives are selected from the remaining Innocent player after Traitors have already been picked.
    * Added option to disable TTT's Fretta splash screen.
    * Player ragdoll behaviour when a player is killed should be a bit nicer (especially for non-bullet kills).
    * Spectators now see a nickname above all players, coloured according to their health.


    * Health Station now requires holding E (+use) to heal, similar to HL2 healing stations.
    * C4 now shows spark effects when destroyed, so you can distinguish a player destroying C4 from picking up C4.
    * HUGE now has a slightly smaller spread and fires slightly slower.
    * Silenced Pistol now has 20 bullets (like pistol and M16), so reloading it does not give you a suspicious ammo count. To balance, firing speed is now identical to the pistol.
    * When voice drain (voicechat battery) is enabled, the admin settings are now also applied to Detectives, meaning their battery lasts longer.


    * Fixed grenades sometimes exploding twice when cooked until the fuse is up.
    * Fixed blood created during Preparation still showing when the round starts.
    * Fixed number slot keys still opening the menu when fast weapon switch was enabled.
    * Fixed wrong attribution for kills caused by player A pushing player B onto player C. Previously player B would be blamed, now player A is (correctly) blamed for the death of player C.
    * Fixed wrong attribution for C4 when player A drops it and player B arms it. Player A was getting the blame, this has been fixed to be player B.
    * Fixed quickchat/radio commands showing up in the speaker's language rather than your own.
    * Fixed issues with using quickchat with an unidentified body as target.
    * Fixed some places where other text showed up wrong since the language system was added.
    * Fixed error in Last Words.
    * Fixed case where spectators could spectate a dead player.
    * Fixed NPCs targeting spectators sometimes.
    * Fixed DNA Scanner showing a spectator's position when scanning for a sample that points to a corpse that has been destroyed.
    * Fixed DNA Scanner auto-repeat setting resetting between gmod sessions. The sound cues setting now also saves.
    * Fixed Radio containing DNA when it should not.
    * Detective hats have been reworked, might be fixed now. Still default off.


    * ttt_spectator_spawn added. When a player dies and goes into roaming spectator mode, he will start out at this entity. For spectator rooms.


    * Custom events for in the Event Log are now much easier to add. See cl_scoring_events.lua.
    * SetPlayerModel(ply) is now a proper hook as it is in standard gmod, should make custom playermodel stuff easier.


    * Damagelog is now enabled by default.
    * Damagelog now shows timestamps with the time since start of the round, instead of start of the map.
    * ttt_damagelog_save (default 0): enable to save the damage log in a .txt on the server in /garrysmod/data/ttt/logs/
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  8. #878

  9. #879

  10. #880
    Citation Envoyé par MoNg Voir le message
    Mort ce jeu ?
    Carrément pas

    New features

    Added gestures linked to some of the quickchat (radio) commands. Note that these are just graphical effects and won't prevent players from shooting while performing a gesture. In fact, you can disable the gestures by setting the convar ttt_show_gestures to 0. Other players will still see them, but you won't (like any other graphics setting).


    Traitors get a lower team bonus on their score if they lose because the time limit is reached. The old team bonus could encourage traitors to prefer surviving and running down the clock, instead of attempting to accomplish their goals.


    Fixed bug in the credit transfer command that could be exploited by traitors/detectives to give themselves more credits.
    Fixed persistent karma not always resetting properly for players who get banned.
    Fixed error in grenades if the thrower disconnects before it explodes.
    Fixed C4 and smoke grenades exploding even after the round has ended, which could cause their effects to occur right when the new round starts.
    Fixed visleaf problems (invisible parts of the map) when spectating a player who is far from your place of death.
    Traitors no longer see other traitors who are traitor-chatting do the ear gesture.
    Trying to drop ammo with insufficient bullets in your clip now shows a message instead of failing silently.
    Health Station should now be easier to use when ammo is lying nearby. You don't have to aim directly at the station anymore as a result.


    Added TTTPlayerRadioCommand hook, allowing you to prevent or override quickchat/radio commands sent by players. Info is available in the TTT hook documentation.

    Bon le truc que je n'ai pas dit c'est que cette update à un mois.
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  11. #881
    Faut qu'on s'en refasse maintenant que j'ai de nouveau le net !

  12. #882

  13. #883
    TTT ce soir !!!
    Viendez, ça va être con !

  14. #884
    Je regarderai les nouvelles maps TTT qui sont sorties dernièrement lorsque je serais chez wam la semaine prochaine. J'espère que ça a bougé en 3 mois quand même.
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  15. #885
    Ca marche
    "Les gens soit ils sont mal informés, soit ils sont con" - Colbaq
    Les piti liens de Vader

  16. #886
    Update TTT

    New features

    Server tags: TTT servers now get some automatic tags with info about them, a bit like in TF2. There are tags for: the version number, whether custom weapons exist, whether the gamemode has been modded (or only the knife), which language is the server default (if not english), and whether it runs "vanilla" (= no modifications or custom weapons, karma and haste mode enabled).
    Spectators can press WALK+USE while targeting a corpse to look through its eyes.
    During pre- and post-round phases it now shows the time until the next phase begins (ie. until the round starts and until a new one starts, respectively).
    Radar blips now become more transparent when you're aiming near them, so they don't obscure your vision.


    Fixed how C4 would remain carryable after being armed, if it was armed while the bomb was airborne. This allowed players to carry armed C4.
    Fixed DNA Scanner sometimes still repeating a scan after the auto-repeat box was unchecked.
    Locational 3D voice is now automatically disabled after a round ends until the next one starts. Makes talking to spectators easier.
    Fixed language files not loading if the gamemode folder was not called "terrortown".
    Fixed Lua error when (somehow) receiving a broken radiocommand.


    Scripted entities can now also set ENT.AutoSpawnable to true. They will be spawned by random ammo spawns (though the entity doesn't have to be ammo).


    Damagelog now shows milliseconds.
    Damagelog now shows it when a player damages a health station.

    This GMod update was rushed out after an engine update broke the game. There are still some bugs in there that affect TTT, like corpses not showing a name when aiming at them. These are bugs in gmod and/or the engine, I can't fix them.
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  17. #887

  18. #888
    Hello les canards ! Je referais bien des parties de TTT, y a encore des parties qui sont organisées ? J'avais cru comprendre qu'il fallait obligatoirement acheter CS Source depuis une màj pour des histoires de texture, c'est toujours le cas ?

  19. #889
    Tien un serveur netrisk ça pourrait être pas mal ça h34r:

  20. #890
    Oui un serveur netrisk !
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  21. #891
    vous avez pas une soirée de prevu de sa ? actuelement comme serveur francais y'a les terrible testicule du traitre, mais il est infesté de gosse de 14ans qui revengekill, et de traitre moche qui vont afk snipe a l autre bout de la map et attendre les 7m30 du round.

  22. #892
    Va falloir apprendre à écrire maintenant monsieur.

  23. #893
    Citation Envoyé par Boitameuh Voir le message
    Va falloir apprendre à écrire maintenant monsieur.
    Rab à joie.

  24. #894
    nop, il est de mon devoir de faire rager les grammar nazi. Sinon ils s'ennuiraient, les pauvres.

  25. #895
    Citation Envoyé par inespie Voir le message
    nop, il est de mon devoir de faire rager les grammar nazi. Sinon ils s'ennuiraient, les pauvres.

    - Règle N°3 : Vous n'êtes pas dans une garderie. Écrivez correctement (pas de langage SMS, de la ponctuation et une orthographe correcte). Pas d'agressivité gratuite, de provocations ou de règlement de comptes (on ne publie pas les conversations privées sans l'accord des deux parties), pas d'humiliation des nouveaux arrivants et des néophytes.

  26. #896

  27. #897
    En parlant de TTT j'aurais des maps à proposer pour le map cycle, faut juste que je les retrouve
    Le stream de la nullité
    Débute en tant que Heavy tout en faisant du spawnkill.

  28. #898
    Serveur No More Room In Hell :
    "Les gens soit ils sont mal informés, soit ils sont con" - Colbaq
    Les piti liens de Vader

  29. #899
    Pour le no more, changement du port

  30. #900
    Bonjour, je me permet de répondre à inepsie avec plusieurs mois de retard.

    Tous d'abord, le serveur que tu a tenter de citer est : Les Terribles testicules de Traitres

    Ensuite, les RDM ou revanche-kil sonts sanctionner par une équipe de 15 administrateurs.

    Pyj de 14 ans? Pour nous l'age na aucune importance, nous préféront sanctionner au cas par cas plutot que de s'acharner sur un âge en particulier, si tu connaissais l'age de certains de nos meilleurs joueurs/codeurs...

    Sache également que la moyenne d'age est de 15 ans et demi et non 14.

    Pour ton histoire des traitres qui AFK pour faire de l'anti jeu, c'est du n'importe quoi, en 1 ans et demi, cela n'a dut arriver que quelques fois, prendre son temps ou ne pas savoir comment passer à l'action et faire de l'anti jeu sont 2 choses TRES différentes ...

    De plus en cas de conflit, contacter un admin est une solution évidente.

    Pour te lancer un petit pic, Quand on insulte les autres de Pyjama, la moindre des choses est d'écrire proprement, je suis sur mon téléphone et je ne pense pas écrire aussi mal ...

    J'achève mon post par un petit coup de pub, Canard PC vien de faire un passage sur le TTT et a fait un petit article visible ici :

    Merci de m'avoir lu et peut être à bientot !

    Mon id steam : Ghis88

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