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  1. #1
    Suite à la semande de plusieurs amis d'un moyen d'imprimer facilement des planches de photos d'identités, j'ai développé un petit logiciel gratuit qui fait celà très simplement.

    Déposez votre photos d'identité sur la fenêtre principale, indiquez le nombre de photos d'identité que vous souhaitez (30 par page par défaut) et imprimez !

    Les photos sont au format standard 45x35.


    Page officielle :
    Dernière modification par Kyle_Katarn ; 01/01/2009 à 16h04.

  2. #2
    Ce n'est pas formellement interdit de donner pour les documents administratifs des photos imprimées ?
    Je me suis toujours fait jeter les miennes sans ménagements alors que l'impression était quasi-parfaite pourtant....

  3. #3
    Pour tout ce qui est carte scolaire, etc etc ça ne pose aucun problème.
    Pour les passeport, il faut le faire proprement je pense ....

  4. #4
    Cay normal son slibard sur la tête?

  5. #5
    Non, ce n'est nullement interdit. Les photos doivent respecter certains standards. Les préfectures ont aussi reçues des consignes pour le respect de ceux ci, et certains agents sont plus pointilleux que d'autres (même des photos faites chez un pro, un vrai, sont parfois refusées).
    voir ce lien pour la prise des photos : http://www.prefecture-police-paris.i...port_photo.htm
    Ou ici (pdf):
    Ps : l'expression doit être 'neutre'. Il parait que le sourire aurait tendance a susciter la sympathie des forces de l'ordre...

  6. #6
    Les logiciels que tu codes sont vraiment très sympa, bien que je n'ai pas extrêmement besoin de celui-là, on ne sait jamais.
    Continue !

  7. #7
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.6

    - 0000916: [Bug] Uninstall icon is incorrect, displays as recycling bin.
    - 0000937: [New Feature] User shall be notified if aspect ratio is incorrect

  8. #8
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.7

    - 0000985: [New Feature] Country selection shall be memorized
    - 0000984: [New Feature] Worldwide support (tons of new countries)

  9. #9
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.12 (Released 2013-09-01)

    - 0002093: [Refactoring] New icon set (for action buttons) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002091: [New Feature] Estonian laguage support (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  10. #10
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13 (Released 2013-11-27)

    - 0002314: [Refactoring] words mispelled in help.htm file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002319: [Refactoring] 0 needs to be removed from number of pictures (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002316: [Refactoring] Language dropdown menu needs widened (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002318: [Bug] french? error message pops up (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002317: [Bug] sepia and language have the same keyboard shortcut (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002320: [Bug] show norm mask does not return to english after choosing to translate to Czech (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002322: [Refactoring] the word mode is spelled wrong in log file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002323: [Refactoring] the word format is mispelled in log file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002315: [Refactoring] dropdown menu needs to be widened (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002227: [New Feature] Log shall indicate if administrator rights are granted (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002251: [New Feature] Windows 8.1 support in log file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  11. #11
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.1 (Released 2014-06-18)

    - 0002463: [Refactoring] India photo format is 2x2in (not 35x35mm) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.2 (Released 2014-12-13)

    - 0002667: [Bug] Misdetection of Windows 8.1 (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0002607: [New Feature] Swedish Translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  14. #14
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.3 (Released 2015-03-07)

    - 0002740: [Bug] GUI problems with 120 DPI (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  15. #15
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.4 (Released 2015-04-10)

    - 0002821: [New Feature] Italy driving licence : 40x33mm (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  16. #16
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.5 (Released 2015-07-09) [ View Issues ]

    - 0002936: [Refactoring] Update of "invalid licence" message (due to revocation machanism) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  17. #17
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.6 (Released 2015-08-17)

    - 0003066: [New Feature] Shall log if "portable" version is used (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  18. #18
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.7 (Released 2015-09-21)

    - 0003144: [Bug] "Norm mask" unduly temporarily displayed (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  19. #19
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.8 (Released 2015-12-06)

    - 0003229: [New Feature] ALSR (Address space layout randomization) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0003305: [Refactoring] Upgrade of internal JEDI Libraries (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0003269: [Bug] Windows 10 support in log file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  20. #20
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.9 (Released 2016-01-17)

    - 0003476: [Bug] Unable to determine picture format (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  21. #21
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.10 (Released 2016-03-19)

    - 0003501: [Bug] Wrong language file used (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  22. #22
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.11 (Released 2016-04-20)

    - 0003630: [Bug] Options > OK always resets Number of pictures (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0003629: [Bug] Crash when selecting a size that uses comma delimiters (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0003603: [Refactoring] Updated Turkish translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  23. #23
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.13.12 (Released 2016-07-23)

    - 0003768: [Bug] "30 x 40 mm (USA)" Option listed between Bolivia and Brazil (wrong position in list). (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  24. #24
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.14.1 (Released 2016-09-10)

    - 0003981: [Bug] Update detection module not free'd when program closes (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  25. #25
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.14.2 (Released 2016-10-17)

    - 0004091: [Refactoring] Updated French translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
    - 0004051: [Refactoring] Notification of "up-to-date" version when manually check using menu item (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

  26. #26
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.14.3 (Released 2016-12-27)

    0004185: [Bug] Update of internal ICS library from 8.06 to 8.34 (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004092: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)

  27. #27
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.14.4 (Released 2017-03-25)

    0004215: [New Feature] ICS shall be set in NO_DEBUG_LOG (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004234: [Refactoring] Updated Dutch translation (Kyle_Katarn)

  28. #28
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.14.6 (Released 2017-12-19)

    0004541: [Refactoring] Update of internal ICS library from 8.34 to 8.50 (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004510: [Refactoring] Spanish translation (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004495: [New Feature] Greek translation (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004433: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)

  29. #29
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.14.7 (Released 2018-01-15)

    0004626: [Refactoring] All links to shall use HTTPS, not HTTP (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004680: [New Feature] 45mm x 60mm ID photo format (Turkey) (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004645: [Refactoring] Update of email for contact in "About" dialog (Kyle_Katarn)

  30. #30
    IDPhotoStudio - 2.15.1 (Released 2018-08-14)

    0004936: [Bug] Language setting is not saved in Portable version (Kyle_Katarn)
    0004920: [Refactoring] Updated Dutch translation (Kyle_Katarn)

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