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Discussion: I have a question

  1. #1
    Hello my question is ... is it possible in anyway to O/C a dell branded desktop pc's?
    There are some people that hack for good and others just hack for the fun of it or to cause really big problems

    Me well im just new to windows because my mac (1996) was really slowing me down though i have used windows b4.

  2. #2
    Yes, it is !
    Mes propos n'engagent personne, même pas moi.

  3. #3
    do you know how to o/c a dell ?
    There are some people that hack for good and others just hack for the fun of it or to cause really big problems

    Me well im just new to windows because my mac (1996) was really slowing me down though i have used windows b4.

  4. #4
    Citation Envoyé par MrRazorBlade
    do you know how to o/c a dell ?
    No, I don't, because the only Dell I have are in my office !!! So I don't need and I don't want OCing on it.
    Mes propos n'engagent personne, même pas moi.

  5. #5
    What Dell is it ? :sarcastic:
    Born to stay Alive

  6. #6
    I have a Dell Dimension 4700
    There are some people that hack for good and others just hack for the fun of it or to cause really big problems

    Me well im just new to windows because my mac (1996) was really slowing me down though i have used windows b4.

  7. #7
    Dark Angel
    :evil: Good luck !
    It will be faster to get a new PC.
    You need minimun to =

    - Change Power supply
    - Change entire cooling system
    - Add cabinet Fan (two if possible)

    And then check if can start to o/c, using monitoring software for internal temperature

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