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  1. #91
    Perso j'ai même pas essayé au clavier, manette direct.
    En plus ils préviennent au premier lancement du jeu que c'est mieux à la manette.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Citation Envoyé par Raoulospoko Voir le message
    Marrant chez moi il est écrit hdr arrive bientôt.
    Arf j'ai confondu avec le dlss...

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    Citation Envoyé par Le Doyen Voir le message
    Allez, j'arrête d'y jouer, il est trop bon pour être gâché à la release.

    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    C'est pour accéder à la Rookerie que tu connais déjà.
    Bof pourquoi se priver ? A moins que tu aies déjà exploré tout ce qu'il y a à faire, il va y avoir pas mal de zones de rajoutée.
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  2. #92
    Encore un crash, l'écran devient noir et quand l'image revient le jeu est figé.
    Je me demande si c'est pas depuis que j'ai activé le hdr.
    Je vais essayer sans ou je me demande si je ne peux pas désactiver le flou cinétique mais je crois que le gain de perf est minimale.
    D'ailleurs la mise à l'échelle horizontale est de 68% et la verticale de 80%, c'est normal ?
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  3. #93
    Nouveau patch :

    Today marks the one week anniversary since our Steam Early Access Launch and it warrants an extra beefy hotfix full of significant performance improvements, balance changes, stack size increases, 32:9 support, Quality of Life additions, 8 new shields, polish, localization and bug fixes.

    As always, please be sure to share any issues or feedback with us!

    ⚔️ Performance Improvements:
    Further improved Quality Settings for better performance when at higher visual quality
    Optimized rendering of volumetric Fog
    Optimized shadow rendering
    Reduced resolution transparency rendering tech for GPU heavy overdraw situations
    Significantly reduced unnecessary memory allocations across many game systems
    Improved handling of asset unloading to reduce performance degradation over time
    Tracked down and improved several sources of CPU-side stuttering when the game is loading assets
    Optimized instantiation costs for various often-used Visual Effects and Characters.
    Reduced mutex contention cases that caused performance stutter while streaming content
    Optimized icon texture resolutions and memory consumption
    Optimized Sacrament rooftop models and textures (rooftops, rooftops everywhere)
    Multiple smaller general CPU optimizations for better overall performance

    ⚔️ Quality of Life:
    Added ability to deposit all items from the players inventory that match the types already in the selected chest
    Default chest sorting changed to Sort By Type
    Enhanced durability system for tools and armor, ensuring correct values are displayed and used

    ⚔️ Settings:
    Increased supported aspect ratios to 32:9
    Remaining visual glitches with 32:9 will be addressed in future updates

    ⚔️ Loot:
    Increased stack size of cooking and crafting materials to 25, allowing for better management of resources
    Food can now be stored in cupboards
    Removed Blueprints from Fillmore shop before Anvil is unlocked

    ⚔️ Content Additions:
    Implemented eight new shields for better class diversity

    ⚔️ Localization:
    Widespread improvements to translations and localizations, we’ve fixed typos, updated NPC dialogues, and ensured consistency across various languages
    Fixed UI translations, including screens for house buying and management, equipment, and warning messages
    Implemented better localization handling mechanisms for NPC names and dialogue

    ⚔️ Balance:
    Major Balance Revisions to provide a smoother experience and prevent high level item drops too early
    Adding Stamina cost for parrying with Shields

    ⚔️ Enemies and Bosses:
    Adjusted Prisoner Wolf enemy to jump around less
    Added ability for Shackled Brute to dodge after attacking
    Updated Echo Knight fight initiation to reposition instead of attacking right away
    Polished Riven Twins taunt
    Polished Risen Axe Bruiser attack animation
    Polished parry animations for enemies

    ⚔️ Areas:
    Updated Cerim Crucible so that leaving the realm will end your run and return you to the atrium. This is to prevent abusing backups and other potential loopholes.
    Improved collision and faders in Cerim Crucible levels
    Improved collision and faders in Mariner’s Keep and The Shallows
    Improved faders and lighting in Sacrament
    Improved Sacrament rooftops

    ⚔️ Audio:
    Adjusted sound effects for better ambiance and clarity, including updated tree chopping SFX and ambient sounds in town areas.
    Improved audio cues for NPC interactions to minimize overlaps and ensure clearer dialogues.
    Improved spatial audio for Sacrament Rookery, Town Square, Slums and Training Grounds
    Improved Echo Knight slam down AOE sound effects

    ⚔️ Bug Fixes:
    Fixed bosses and a couple of bounty/quest variants of enemies spawning when not intended
    Fixed player being able to accidentally delete a character when hovering while having another character selected. Now the hovered character will be deleted
    Fixed and balanced Enchantment Effects across the board
    Fixed Heavy Bandit being able to be pushed off the edge of the ship and block progress
    Fixed Cerim Crucible run ending early if a realm save happens right after you finish a level
    Fixed Durability of Tools being the wrong value when bought from vendors
    Fixed turning in a Bounty showing the replacement prompt
    Fixed exploit with certain bounties
    Fixed shinies pulling a disappearing act (visually) in the Black Trench
    Fixed Squire’s Attire Armor Set not available for crafting at the anvil
    Fixed Tier on the Gangrenous Eel
    Fixed Finley remaining in his cell after you rescue him and leave Nameless Pass
    Fixed Finley’s missing sign in Sacrament
    Fixed missing enemy and loot spawners in the northern section of Orban Glades
    Fixed spot in Nameless Pass where you could go out of world
    Fixed position of a rooftop in Sacrament
    Fixed incorrect texture for the shipwreck in The Shallows
    Removed duplicate models in Sacrament and Nameless Pass
    Fixed bush clipping in the Inquisition Arrival cinematic
    Fixed rain occasionally being heard during Falstead Darak fight
    Fixed ragdolls blinking back into existence when going out of view and coming back in

    To give feedback and report bugs, please head on over to our No Rest for the Wicked forum!
    - - - Mise à jour - - -

    La note est bien montée depuis le début. 74% pour 15k votes.

  4. #94
    Ah c'est cool pour l'optimisation !
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  5. #95
    C'est pas que ca patch tout les jours mais on en est pas loin
    Citation Envoyé par poneyroux Voir le message
    c'est bien le seul aspect négatif du crack : ça coûte cher.

  6. #96
    Citation Envoyé par Makari Voir le message
    J'ai fini la mines et débloquer
    Spoiler Alert!
    le gauntlet
    c'est de ça dont tu parles ?
    Oui, c'est ça (ou un autre terme) !

  7. #97
    Encore un patch :

    We wanted to drop one more hotfix with important updates, new torch items, as well as additional performance and visual improvements to make sure all of you have a great time with the game this weekend! We also fixed the rings!

    Not to beat a dead Echo Knight Horse but please continue sharing issues or feedback you have with us!

    ⚔️ Art:
    Improved rim light rendering in the shadows to improve game readability in dark areas. This should help with the “game is too dark” feedback we were getting in some cases.
    Adjusted rim lighting looks even nicer and allows characters to feel more integrated into the environments!

    ⚔️ Performance:
    Reduced unnecessary memory allocations for general rendering, fog, and other game systems
    Optimized shadow rendering for all Visual Effects

    ⚔️ Quests:
    Changed Potion Seller quest reward from a Medium XP Potion to a Small XP Potion.

    ⚔️ Loot:
    Increased drop rate of gems

    ⚔️ Content Additions::
    Added new Torch offhand for purchase at Whittacker’s shop and crafting at the Workbench
    Torches can be used for more light in dark areas

    ⚔️ Balance:
    Replaced Risen enemies on Prologue ship with special instances so they won’t be affected by global balance changes
    Nerfed health on Risen enemies (except Risen Great Axe Raider) on Prologue ship by 40%
    Rebalancing Cerim Crucible by nerfing enemies in the most deadly room and buffing enemies in weaker rooms
    Increased timing of lowering platforms in Cerim Crucible so its more challenging and requires player to wait around less
    Rebalanced Plague Ring
    Increased Gain Health effect to 1-3%
    Decreased Lose Focus effect to -7-10%

    Rebalanced Snake Ring
    Decreased damage dealt to player to 5%
    Changed damage type dealt to player and enemy to Physical Damage instead of Plague Damage

    ⚔️ Enemies and Bosses:
    Improved Risen Bruiser locomotion animations

    ⚔️ Areas:
    Improved collision, faders and texture in Mariner’s Keep
    Improved set dressing, collision and faders in Nameless Pass
    Improved faders in Sacrament
    Improved set dressing, collision and faders in Cerim Crucible

    ⚔️ Loot:
    Increased drop rate of gems

    ⚔️ Audio:
    Improved Falstead Darak intro audio timing

    ⚔️ Localization:
    Added and updated localized text in many places across multiple languages
    Added localization support for the attribute insights tooltips, new Quit menu and depositing stacks UI

    ⚔️ Bug Fixes:
    Fixed Crash on the Main Menu
    Fixed some transparency rendering artifacts
    Fixed Plagued Mutant Soldier bounty boss going invisible
    Fixed Fog of War not creeping back while the game is closed
    Fixed error spam on the Refinery
    Fixed Fierce Ring not dealing extra damage
    Fixed interior backgrounds no longer being black
    Fixed Bows not having full durability when being purchased at Whittacker's Shop
    Fixed spot in Black Trench where you can go out of world
    Fixed spot in Prologue ship interior where you can sidle and get stuck
    Fixed spot in Echo Knight arena that resets the fight
    Fixed shadow flickering at Campfire in Black Trench
    Fixed spot with texture flickering in Black Trench
    Fixed Chest inside a Chest appear in Orban Glades
    Fixed UI layout so that coins are evenly spaced

    To give feedback and report bugs, please head on over to our No Rest for the Wicked forum!

  8. #98
    C'est des grands malades !!
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  9. #99
    Le workflow doit être archi court/opti.

  10. #100
    Citation Envoyé par nAKAZZ Voir le message
    Le workflow doit être archi court/opti.
    Vu le nombre de signalement de nouveaux bugs à chaque patch certainement trop court / opti XD

  11. #101

  12. #102
    Heu ??? Non justement c'est une excellente nouvelle !
    Le jeu a un potentiel énorme pour fonctionner sur la durée.

    La 1.0 est prévue pour largement avant. Et avec la venue du multijoueur, ça va encore ouvrir des possibilités.

    Je mets le twitt ici :

  13. #103
    Ah j'avais pas suivi que ça allait être multijoueur, mais ça explique des choses.
    Je viens de commencer à jouer et je me suis fait surprendre par un ennemi alors que j'étais tranquillement en train de regarder mon inventaire.
    Si on doit mettre le jeu en pause c'est problématique, ou j'ai raté un truc ?

  14. #104
    Oui y a pas de vraies pauses, comme pour les Dark Souls par exemple.
    Je crois qu'ils ont pris en compte les remarques à ce sujet mais je ne suis plus certain s'ils allaient faire quelque chose à ce sujet ou non.

    Après le multi ça ne m'excite pas vraiment, mais j'ai confiance pour qu'ils arrivent à être sur un bon équilibre.

  15. #105
    Perso, je trouve ça cool qu'ils aient de l'ambition pour leur jeu !

    Ayant déjà mis 60 heures dans celui-ci, maxé le lvl d'un perso (30) et m'être fait rétamer par le boss du Cerim Crucible, j'ai toujours envie de relancer une partie et d'en voir plus...
    Après les succès des deux Ori, c'est bien qu'ils profitent de leurs ressources gagnées pour faire un projet plus dense et risqué. À voir sur la durée évidement, mais s'ils arrivent à bien peaufiner leur jeu et à faire un suivi dans le style d'un Path of Exile ou d'un Warframe ; ben ça donne bien envie !
    Dernière modification par Les Larmes du Styx ; 28/04/2024 à 12h45.

  16. #106
    Citation Envoyé par Itsulow Voir le message
    Faut voir par forcément. Si l'écriture, le world building et le renouvellement du gameplay est à la hauteur je reste ouvert.

  17. #107
    Nouveau gros patch :

    Patch Notes - Early Access Patch 1

    Celebrating our 2 week launch anniversary of No Rest for the Wicked we are releasing our first Early Access Patch!

    This patch brings significant CPU and GPU performance improvements (especially when it comes to traversal and “heavy” areas), keyboard control remapping, a new mouse/keyboard control scheme, increased inventory stacks, chest inventory access at vendors / crafting, bows using stamina, earlier housing access, Quality of Life and 45+ bug fixes.

    With all of the performance improvements since launch, we are updating our recommended PC specs! See the image below for details.

    As always thank you for sharing your feedback, please keep it up!

    ⚔️ Performance:
    Optimized Prologue Outro, Ship Attack, Phalen Armada, and Sacrament Intro Cinematics
    Mountain Pass Gate area optimizations
    Significant optimizations to content loading and unloading in order to reduce dropped frames and improve baseline performance while traversing through environments
    Improved performance for Ice and Frost enchantment and combat effects
    Optimized enemies making them faster to instantiate across the board
    Improved GPU visibility culling and general handling of off-screen content
    Optimized micro physics objects across the entire game
    Various cumulative improvements to baseline CPU performance
    Fixed various cases where internal errors were firing rapidly and constantly, leading to potential performance degradations
    Added preloading for frequently used objects to further reduce performance drops during gameplay
    Additional timeslicing systems for streaming performance improvements
    Optimization of the Pooling System to further reduce performance spikes
    Optimized vast amount of meshes and textures
    Optimized numerous Visual Effects
    Optimized pre-placed and dynamic enemy ragdolls
    Optimized Character Rendering across the board
    Rendering performance optimizations for better GPU performance across the board
    Cleaned up and archived duplicated content for decreased memory usage
    Cleaned up legacy content in all areas across the game to reduce memory usage

    ⚔️ Quality of Life:
    Vendors and Crafting Tables/Refineries can now access resources directly from storage
    Housing is now available sooner right after completing the “Sacrament” quest instead of after completing the “Of Rats and Raiders” quest
    Updated sorting for inventory to these categories:
    Gear - weapons, armor, rings, offhands, tools, runes, housing items and item blueprints
    Food - ingredients, food, and recipes
    Combat Consumables - Bombs, Vials, Oils, and Embers
    Resources - Resources, Gems, Components
    Realm - Ream and Key items

    Last equipped food/quick item will be saved when leaving and rejoining realm
    Deprioritized ingredients being the next auto selected food when the last currently selected food is eaten.
    Cinematic Skip prompt will appear upon pressing the button instead of holding it
    Improved legibility of some controller icons on the Steam Deck

    ⚔️ Settings:
    Added custom key rebinding options for Keyboard (controller rebinding coming soon!)
    Menu key rebinding currently not available
    Localization in progress

    Added an additional Mouse and WASD Keyboard control layout (on by default)

    ⚔️ Content Additions:
    New house “The Knot” for purchase near Sacrament Cemetery for 8 silver
    Tier 3 Armor Sets: “False Ones”
    False Guardian
    False Harbinger
    False Oathkeeper
    False Remnant

    New Character animations to Main Menu and Customization Screens

    ⚔️ Loot:
    Increased number of slots of all chests and cupboards
    Engraved Hearthside Chest raised from 35 to 40
    Medium Chest raised from 20 to 30
    Small Chest raised from 10 to 20
    Large (and Large Noble) Cupboard raised from 30 to 40
    Medium (and Medium Noble) raised Cupboard from 20 to 30
    Small (and Small Noble) raised Cupboard from 10 to 20

    Nerfed Focus grant on all Focus Vials
    Large Focus Vial decreased from 300 to 150
    Medium Focus Vials decreased from 200 to 100
    Small Focus Vial decreased from 100 to 50

    Cupboards can now also store ingredients
    Increased Armor and Weapon Shard stack size to 25
    Increased buy/sell value of all Tools and Rings at Vendors
    Removed Refined Resources from Vendors
    All Weapon Oil Recipes are now Tier 1
    Dracaena Dumpling now requires 2 Potatoes and 1 Dracaena Herb instead of 1 Potato and 2 Dracaena Herbs
    Improved shinies visual effects

    ⚔️ Balance:
    Attacking with Bows now costs Stamina instead of Focus
    Rebalanced enemy levels in Nameless Pass
    If neither “Of Rats and Raiders” or “Servant of God” quests were completed, entry of Nameless Pass is Level 8 and the rest of Nameless Pass is Level 15
    If only “Of Rats and Raiders” quest was completed, all of Nameless Pass is Level 15
    If both “Of Rats and Raiders” and “Servant of God” quests were completed, entry of Nameless Pass is Level 15 and the rest of Nameless Pass is Level 20

    Nerfed attribute scaling on all Staves
    Nerfed Focus Gain for Focus On Damage Dealt enchantment
    Nerfed Health Gain for Health On Damage Dealt enchantment
    Increased Focus cost on Elemental Throw runes to 75

    ⚔️ Enemies and Bosses:
    Nerfed damage for Grab attack on Riven Twins and Nith Brute
    Updated timings for Breaker archetype and slightly changed behavior so now after some of attacks they will try to land additional attack
    Updated Risen Armored Great Axe patrol animation
    Polished backstab animation on Nith Screamers and Shackled Brutes
    Polished jump attack animation for Plague Boomer
    Polished heavy combo attack on Risen Axe Bruiser

    ⚔️ NPCs:
    Polished multiple NPC portraits

    ⚔️ Housing:
    “The Roost” house price reduced from 20 silver to 14 silver

    ⚔️ Areas:
    Improved collision, faders and set dressing in Mariner’s Keep, Orban Glades, Black Trench Nameless Pass, Sacrament, Cerim Crucible and Potion Seller Cave
    Improved lighting and volumetrics for the ship in Prologue
    Improved lighting in the interior of Whittacker’s building
    Updated models and textures for pipes in the Black Trench
    Removed sidle from multiple locations where it was not needed

    ⚔️ Audio:
    Updated ambience at Cerim Gate
    Updated audio for Sacrament Cemetery
    Updated audio zone for Sacrament Slums to include the river
    Improved audio for lanterns in Sacrament
    Improved female bandit voices
    Polished Nameless Pass Prisoner audio

    ⚔️ Bounties and Challenges:
    Plague ichor for Duo Bruiser Bounty now drops when the second Bruiser is killed instead of given for the Bounty reward

    ⚔️ Tutorialization:
    Large sidebar tutorial screen increased in size, now adjusts width based on content with added scrollbar

    ⚔️ Localization:
    Added and updated localized text in many places across multiple languages
    Added support for multiple missing localized elements
    Fixed text overlapping for tutorials in multiple languages
    Fixed Russian font sizing

    ⚔️ Bug Fixes:
    Fixed exploit where after removing a furnace/tanning rack, all resources used to refine are returned
    Fixed enemies t-posing when leaving camera view and coming back
    Fixed Danos stealing resources and putting them towards other upgrades
    Fixed being unable to activate a new bounty while there is an existing completed unclaimed bounty
    Fixed wrong prompts used for abandoning and replacing bounties and challenges
    Fixed attribute requirements on Ripper, Tongue Splitter, Coral Piercer, Falstead’s Fury and Brutish Cudgel weapons
    Fixed hitbox on Plagued Boomer’s worm lunge attack being too big
    Fixed players not getting a Rested bonus when sleeping in beds (literally No Rest for the Wicked)
    Fixed Old Leather Tome quest item failing to be added to inventory if Misc section is full. Item is now a realm key item.
    Fixed Character Avatar still showing the last worn helmet
    Fixed spots inside the ship in Prologue where you can dodge through collision and get stuck
    Fixed broken ladders in Orban Glades
    Fixed Focus Regeneration enchantment to regen correctly
    Fixed Plagued Boomer hitboxes
    Fixed Plagued Rat’s ability to see and react to the player
    Fixed Huntsman falling when using roll back
    Fixed Caged Exile being unable to path toward player correctly
    Fixed Health on Damage Dealt enchant on Wind of Death Katana
    Fixed arrows visually hitting player despite successfully dodging them
    Fixed Fire Bomb explosion radius not matching visual effects
    Fixed Kill Challenges that require a specific weapon type counting non-weapon kills (such as explosions, falls, parries, blocks, etc)
    Fixed Character Rim Light using incorrect color and intensity indoors
    Fixed dropped items bag black artifacts
    Fixed Rattigan appearing in Nameless Pass when he shouldn’t
    Fixed Finley getting targeted by enemies
    Fixed part of Heavy Bruiser Bandit armor set pants being invisible
    Fixed chest trying to hide in the ground in Nameless Pass
    Fixed chest trying to hide in another chest in Orban Glades
    Fixed marker sub labels on the map showing on markers that don't have a sub label
    Fixed being able to see out of world at Filmore’s Level 3 area
    Fixed missing character lighting in Gordon interior
    Fixed interior candles not applying light
    Fixed burning sails clipping in Risen Attack cinematic in the Prologue
    Fixed sky cutting out in Ship Crash cinematic in Prologue
    Fixed Fallen Ones overlapping their own VO
    Fixed Return rune audio loop not ending
    Fixed dancing flowers outside Caroline’s Inn
    Fixed rain audio appearing in Cerim Crucible and War Room
    Fixed Wretched and Crestfallen Archer Tunic clipping into character
    Fixed broken rigging on Noble Leather Cloak
    Fixed Riven Twins intro cinematic using cut-to-black instead of fading
    Fixed Rusty Skewer Straight Sword using the Blood Rusted Straight Sword icon
    Fixed missing icon for Collect Mushroom Soup challenge
    Fixed typo in "equippable" for Inventory tutorial
    Reduced locations where Caroline spawns to just one for before Inquisition Arrival and one for after
    Removed duplicate lantern and torch in Sacrament
    Fixed small texture artifact on cloth in the Phalen Church cinematic

  18. #108
    J'ai fais une petite pause sur le jeu et je ne sais plus s'il y a moyen d'enlever les effets négatifs (avec la main rouge) sur les équipements ?
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  19. #109
    Il évolue bien le jeu, j'avais pas vu les changements depuis une dizaines de jours et j'ai pas encore fini le contenu actuel. Ben déjà ma carte graphique ne hurle plus, ca deja j'apprécie.
    C'est visiblement plus fluide, encore quelques accrochages à certains endroits précis mais le changement est flagrant. Ils ont aussi allégé le farm, l'usure du stuff n'est plus du tout un problème aussi.

    Pour moi il y a encore deux ou trois choses a modifier, les compos se farm plus facilement certes, mais c'est toujours un peu relou de chercher un type de compos en particulier, on sais pas si faut aller dans une zone précise ou pas. J'aimerai bien développer la ville et le craft mais c'est pas simple a cause de ca.

    Niveau gameplay j'était parti sur du 100% rogue, double dague full dex etc... alors ca fait mal mais en fait je trouve que le jeu ne se joue que d'une seule maniere, le hit and run. Parer ca passe au début sur les mob les plus simples mais ca devient vite trop compliqué et le risk / reward n'en vaut pas la chandelle. Donc quitte à jouer comme ca, pour un prochain perso si il n'y a pas de changement, ca sera avec la grosse claymore qui tache, arme la plus adaptée au gameplay presque imposé.

    J'en suis au boss à deux têtes, après avoir parlé à l'inquisitrice (qui finira par nous trahir, c'est écris sur son front) derrière la carrière. J'imagine que je ne suis plus très loin de la fin.

    Edit : Ah oui et qu'ils suppriment cette impossibilité de voyager entre tout les point de tp directement, c'est débile, frustrant, ca sert à rien en l'état.
    Citation Envoyé par poneyroux Voir le message
    c'est bien le seul aspect négatif du crack : ça coûte cher.

  20. #110
    Citation Envoyé par Sorkar Voir le message
    Il évolue bien le jeu, j'avais pas vu les changements depuis une dizaines de jours et j'ai pas encore fini le contenu actuel. Ben déjà ma carte graphique ne hurle plus, ca deja j'apprécie.
    C'est visiblement plus fluide, encore quelques accrochages à certains endroits précis mais le changement est flagrant. Ils ont aussi allégé le farm, l'usure du stuff n'est plus du tout un problème aussi.

    Pour moi il y a encore deux ou trois choses a modifier, les compos se farm plus facilement certes, mais c'est toujours un peu relou de chercher un type de compos en particulier, on sais pas si faut aller dans une zone précise ou pas. J'aimerai bien développer la ville et le craft mais c'est pas simple a cause de ca.

    Niveau gameplay j'était parti sur du 100% rogue, double dague full dex etc... alors ca fait mal mais en fait je trouve que le jeu ne se joue que d'une seule maniere, le hit and run. Parer ca passe au début sur les mob les plus simples mais ca devient vite trop compliqué et le risk / reward n'en vaut pas la chandelle. Donc quitte à jouer comme ca, pour un prochain perso si il n'y a pas de changement, ca sera avec la grosse claymore qui tache, arme la plus adaptée au gameplay presque imposé.

    J'en suis au boss à deux têtes, après avoir parlé à l'inquisitrice (qui finira par nous trahir, c'est écris sur son front) derrière la carrière. J'imagine que je ne suis plus très loin de la fin.

    Edit : Ah oui et qu'ils suppriment cette impossibilité de voyager entre tout les point de tp directement, c'est débile, frustrant, ca sert à rien en l'état.
    Alors le jeu ne te force pas du tout à jouer à poil avec une grosse arme à deux mains.

    Pas mal de mecs terminent la campagne à poil lvl 5 en ne faisait que des parades. Perso j'ai redonné sa chance à un build lourd et franchement avec qq craft d'armures très lourdes, du soin sur les parades et un peu d'apprentissage des paterns t'es invincible. L'amure si tu pousses vraiment fait une énorme différence. Les parades c'est punitif surtout en tissu / cuir. Tu peux face tank les boss en réussissant une parade sur 2 ou 3.

    Attention le jeu au début à poil est très différent du jeu une fois que t'as du matos magique avec des affixes / bonus qui peuvent vraiment être grobill. Au début quand tu n'as aucun moyen de te soigner et que tu apprends les timing la moindre galoche est critique. Ensuite il y a plein de moyen de se soigner le jeu devient bcp plus facile au bout de quelques heures.

  21. #111
    Ah non alors le jeu ne "force" a rien, mais on se rend assez vite compte de la stratégie qui paye. Et que deux ou trois gros pgm puissent arriver à jouer principalement à la parade je veux bien le croire, mais la plupart vont vite éviter, passé les mobs les plus simples du début qui eux en effet se gèrent assez bien à la parade.
    Les boss aussi oui curieusement se sont où la parade est assez facile à placer, surement dû au fait qu'il sont plus gros donc plus lisible dans leur moove.

    Sur la fin :
    J'en suis aux épreuves cerimes après avoir tué le boss a deux têtes, c'est un truc end game qui va tourner en boucle et c'est la fin de l'early access ou il y a encore du scenario a voir derrière ?
    Citation Envoyé par poneyroux Voir le message
    c'est bien le seul aspect négatif du crack : ça coûte cher.

  22. #112
    Citation Envoyé par Sorkar Voir le message
    Ah non alors le jeu ne "force" a rien, mais on se rend assez vite compte de la stratégie qui paye. Et que deux ou trois gros pgm puissent arriver à jouer principalement à la parade je veux bien le croire,
    J'ai fait un build parade hein c'est pas juste 2/3 pgm. Tous le contenu de cet EA est une balade une fois que t'as du bon matos. Et tu peux te balader en parant.

  23. #113
    Vidéo de présentation du nouveau patch:

    Patch note massif

    We are incredibly excited to be releasing our biggest patch yet, marking the One Month Anniversary of our Launch! Patch 2 is chock full of highly requested features such as Weapon Tryout, the ability to Respec, DLSS / FSR Upscaling and Controller Remapping. Lots of Balancing and Quality of Life improvements, Audio, Animation, and Visual Effect polish as well as a multitude of bug fixes are also included!

    Between DLSS and FSR, numerous CPU, GPU performance improvements, and memory optimization we are confident that your experience of playing No Rest For The Wicked will be significantly smoother across a wide range of hardware.

    For NVIDIA users, we are excited to mention that there’s a new Game Ready Driver for No Rest for the Wicked!

    Be sure to check out our Patch 2 Highlight Video and the full patch notes below.
    Spoiler Alert!

    ⚔️ Performance
    Performance Mode now lowers texture resolution, reducing crashes on lower-end machines
    Numerous Significant CPU optimizations
    Fixed performance degradation that might occur on some gamepads
    Fixed numerous memory leaks
    Reduced instantiation spikes for numerous objects
    Disabled detail meshes on generic humanoids faces when not needed
    Reduced latency, overhead and improved stability of GPU Culling
    Optimized texture resolution and memory budgets for Steam Deck
    Optimized Art content in Ship Prologue and its cinematics
    Removed unused weapon assets to free up memory
    Removed leftover developer tools to free up memory
    Optimized CPU spikes of a variety of common content loading operations
    Added texture streaming for character portraits during dialogue interactions to save memory
    Fixed some persistent log spam being generated by potatoes in Nameless Pass
    Cleaned up numerous NPC prefabs, reducing memory footprint and instantiation costs
    Optimized Ambient Occlusion Rendering
    Extended GPU culling usage for more cases
    Configured and optimized pooling for more prefab instantiations reducing CPU spikes

    ⚔️ Gameplay Systems
    Added new Respec System!
    Players can now Respec by examining the statue in the Cerim Crucible Atrium
    Respec allows players to take back Attribute Points that have been allocated at the cost of 1 Fallen Ember per Attribute Point returned
    Players can then allocate returned Attribute Points for no cost at the Respec screen or in the existing Stats screen

    ⚔️ Quality Of Life
    All weapons can now be equipped regardless of their Attribute Requirements to allow players to try out weapons they acquire
    Weapons that the player does not meet the requirements for will deal less damage through negative scaling on the Attributes that are below the weapon’s Attribute Requirements

    Inventory Items can now be docked to compare them
    Press F (Keyboard) or Y (Controller) to dock items and hover other items to compare

    Brought back the Misc category to the Inventory
    Housing items, Runes, Fallen Embers and other miscellaneous items will now be sorted into this category and free up space from other categories

    Vendor screens are now sorted by item type so that items are more organized for purchase
    Improved Stamina player HUD brightness for better visibility, and readability of stamina debt
    Added side notifications for when Danos Sacrament Upgrades are completed
    Added Floor Indicators under the Clock HUD to show the Cerim Crucible floors
    Improved visibility of LB/RB button icons for Equipment HUD on Steam Deck

    ⚔️ Settings
    Added support for Upscaling with DLSS 3.7 and FSR 2.2
    Added custom key rebinding options for Controller
    Added support for Mouse Buttons 4,5 and F1-F12 Keys for custom Keyboard bindings
    Default Keyboard layout set to Mouse+WASD
    Added support for worldspace Player HUD (Stamina wheel, NPC name tags, etc) brightness to UI Brightness setting

    ⚔️ Content Additions
    Added a new set of enchantments
    All Throw runes can now be added to Spears

    ⚔️ Loot
    Added Pig Sticker Blueprint to Fillmore's Level 1 Shop
    Added Assegai Blueprint to Whittacker's Level 1 Shop

    ⚔️ Balance
    Nerfed Throw runes
    Reduced Poise Damage On All Throw Runes
    Reduced Damage On Ice Throw Rune

    Nerfed Focus Regeneration enchant curve so that it no longer generates too much Focus too quickly
    Focus Regeneration enchantment no longer drops with Gloves and now only drops with Helmets
    This Includes Enchanting Items At Eleanor

    Falling Sky and Woodland Protector’s initial item levels were set too high and have been lowered to the intended levels

    ⚔️ Weapons
    Updated animation for backstabbing with Staves, Spears, Greatswords and Great Hammers
    Updated visual effects for Piercing type weapon attacks (such as Spear or Rapier)

    ⚔️ Enemies and Bosses
    Polished Darak boss fight
    Improved behavior to prevent him standing idle after attacking
    Improved behavior when fighting ranged builds

    Added Bite Attack to Plague Rat
    Added Back Attack to Risen Axe Bruiser
    Added escape logic to Risen Fire Bomber
    Added Elemental Affix visual effects to Nith Brute, Nith Screamer and Shackled Brute
    Adding cloth simulation to Boarskin Bruiser
    Polished rigging on Plagued Boomer
    Reduced camera shake intensity on Risen Hammer Bruiser, Boarskin Bruiser and Riven Twins
    Smaller enemies can now smash breakable objects (barrels, crates, etc.)

    ⚔️ NPCs
    Changed the name of the worried woman in the Sacrament Town Square to Nell
    Polishing dialog for Druo, Lucian and Everwyn
    Updated the dialog for NPCs at the Cerim Gate in Nameless Pass
    Added eavesdrop to Sleeping Guard Gerard in Sacrament

    ⚔️ Areas
    Improved collision, faders and set dressing in Prologue Ship, Orban Glades, Mariner’s Keep, Nameless Pass, Sacrament, Multiple Sacrament Interiors, Cerim Crucible, Cerim Cave, Riven Twins Boss Arena and Potion Seller Cave
    Polished lighting for the ship in Prologue, Sacrament and Cerim Crucible
    Updated foliage in various locations
    Added physics and wind simulation to Spruce trees

    ⚔️ Cinematics
    Polished animations for characters in the Inquisition Arrival cinematic
    Improved lighting, character rim lighting and volumetrics for the Prologue Ship Crash Outro and Inquisition Arrival cinematics
    Removed a background character who was blocking part of the view in the Inquisition Arrival cinematic
    Fixed cloth and camera pops in the Inquisition Arrival cinematic

    ⚔️ Audio
    Environment update for Sacrament:
    Added Ambience Emitters for certain Residential and Vendor buildings like the Cook, Tavern, Woodcrafter and Enchantress
    Updated zone beds and oneshots for unique parts of town (Cemetery, Poor Area,Training Grounds, Dasha Sanctuary)
    The church near the cemetery now has bells ringing to service playing at certain times of day, followed by churchgoers praying and chanting from behind the doors.
    Updated ambience for Sacrament Town Square to feel busier during the day
    Updated environment audio for the Cerim Gate zone in Mountain Pass

    Increased audio buffer to help alleviate audio crackle artifacts
    Increased available audio resources to help prevent sounds from dropping out during long play sessions
    Updated audio for Cerim Vision cinematic
    Updated audio mix for Barrel and Crate destruction
    Saluting Guards in Sacrament now have sound
    Added Weapon-specific Impacts on parrying and blocking actions
    Added ladder sliding sound effects for Kickdown Ladders
    Added sound effects for going down Ladders
    Added new sound effects for Plague-Enchanted weapons
    Polished audio for Bounties enemies
    Fixed missing sounds for Plagued Mutant Soldier
    Fixed rain sounds appearing in Sacrament Interiors
    Fixed enchantment-specific weapon whooshes cutting a bit too early
    Fixed NPCs not making footstep sounds when walking around
    Fixed environment states sometimes not resetting when returning to the main menu

    ⚔️ VFX
    Blood effects are now juicier and used more often!
    Improved blood visual effects attachment to characters bodies from attacking and getting hit
    Increased intensity of shiny item drop VFX

    ⚔️ Bounties and Challenges
    Updated Crustacean Conundrum bounty to spawn 14 Crabs while still only requiring 8 Crabs be killed to complete

    ⚔️ Localization
    Added and updated localized text in many places across multiple languages
    Added localization support for new Controller Remapping screen and for various missing localized elements
    Fixed incorrect font on the Activities screen

    ⚔️ Bug Fixes
    Fixed various enchantments on unique weapons and rings that weren’t working properly
    Fixed Rested Bonuses for sleeping in beds
    Fixed Key Items respawning after pick up
    Fixed navigation in Nameless Pass which was preventing certain enemies and the Riven Twins boss from patrolling and moving to the player
    Fixed Echo Knight falling off the arena and blocking progress
    Fixed Cerim Armor missing upgrades at Filmore
    Fixed Risen Pavise, Eye of the Beholder and Wooden Howler Shields not showing their proper models
    Fixed SHIFT key not being recognized in the Main Menu
    Fixed certain environment textures overriding certain armor textures
    Fixed certain armor having missing or incorrect cloth simulation
    Fixed rigging on certain armor
    Fixed The Wallow boss attacks not having sound effects
    Fixed Falling Sky Blueprint not giving the Unique version of the weapon when crafting
    Fixed an issue where completed but not yet turned in bounty/challenge rewards were being automatically given to the player at reset
    Fixed wall cannons not firing in Cerim Crucible
    Fixed XP UI not showing “Max Level” after reaching the level cap
    Fixed Level and XP UI being present without a Character selected in the Main Menu
    Fixed “Long Area Name” appearing on the map where map is unavailable (such as Cerim Crucible)
    Fixed being able to skip through locked doors in The Shallows
    Fixed players getting stuck at the end of the entrance corridor in the Echo Knight Arena
    Fixed Enchant Item Challenge counting enchanted items that are picked up
    Fixed mortuary guard popping in on screen during Spoken and Unspoken quest
    Fixed extra Elsa map marker during the Spoken and Unspoken quest
    Fixed Giles and Petra standing instead of sitting on the chairs in Caroline’s Inn
    Fixed Arrows not hitting Plagued Wolf
    Fixed Wolf and Plagued Wolf target point
    Fixed Tanth Knight getting stuck during patrolling in Mariner’s Keep at Endgame state
    Fixed Darak leaving his shield in Orban Glades when he escapes
    Fixed chest opening VFX in Performance and Balanced quality presets
    Fixed Wolf having a dance party after death
    Fixed Chest floating in the air in Mariner’s Keep
    Fixed incorrect texture on the Crafting Table
    Fixed 4096x2160 resolution appearing as 256x135 aspect ratio, instead displays as 1.9:1
    Fixed overblown bonfire lighting at The Shallows
    Removed rogue rim light at The Shallows
    Removed lighting debug shortcut
    C'est pas faux !

  24. #114
    Super J'en retiens surtout l'ajout du dlss, la comparaison d'items, la respécialisassions et la possibilité d'essayer des armes alors qu'on à pas les stats pour. Bref ils suivent bien le truc et ont les bonne priorités, c'est rassurant.

    De mon côté lvl 21, bientôt fini toutes les constructions de la ville et... ben je sais pas si j'ai fini le contenu de l'EA en fait. J'était arrivé aux épreuves cerim au lvl 17, le truc ou faut mettre une boule dans la machine (oui bon, je vais laisser la phrase comme ca tant pis ) et prendre l'ascenseur.
    Mais je me faisait salement tartiner par les mob la bas c'était autre chose. Peu être que maintenant ca passera mieux faut que je retourne voir.
    Apres, est ce qu'il y a du vrai contenu ici ou c'est juste un truc répétable ?
    Citation Envoyé par poneyroux Voir le message
    c'est bien le seul aspect négatif du crack : ça coûte cher.

  25. #115

  26. #116
    Prepare for The Crucible, le 25 juillet :

  27. #117
    Punaise je me fais tartiner par Darak au fond des égouts...
    Je suis lvl 12 mais une partie de mon matos est encore lvl et je n'ai pas trouvé de matos exceptionnel pour le remplacer.
    Je vais donc devoir grinder à fond pour améliorer tout ça
    Bon de toute façon il faut que je sorte de l'égout pour récupérer de quoi faire à manger...
    Je commence à installer ma maison, c'est cool mais je ne trouve pas de quoi améliorer les armures...
    Ou c'est par ce que je n'ai pas le bon plan...
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  28. #118
    Bon c'est aujourd'hui la maj

    C'est celle qui apporte le multi ?
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

  29. #119
    Aucune idée mais ça sera l'occasion de le relancer.

  30. #120
    Mais oui !! J'espère que il ne faudra pas recommencer un perso !! Chui en train de regarder toute les cinq minutes si la maj est dispo
    Citation Envoyé par Sapro Voir le message
    Gourou Raoul ça sonne impec

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